uiiiiui ---riff mm v.. tart nnifnil im! ii -- i 17. Tarborough, Edgecombe County V. C. Saturday, JSpril 1 8418. J lul Trimnr ft finnnn IHiil IiiiI imnn imitrrnt TfrnniT Rmnri lUrf llhl CY GEORGE HOWARD,' JR. Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance or. Two Dollars and Vivty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one.' Longer ones at that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Fare Reduced. Hp HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to $5 or, From Rocky .Mount to Tarboro' $1 50 2 00 2 50 hparta " Falkland " Greenville " Pactolus " Washington. Tarboro to Sparta . Falkland nrppnvillfi For seats. &c. aDolv to B. M. Selhv,! Washington Goold Hovt. Greenville Secretary. After a brief explanation of the or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarbor6J jobjVct of the meeting by the Chairman, the February 1, 184S. I following resolutions were introduced by - ' , J. N. Daniel. Esq., and after being read, JSt fieCeiVPd ! were unanimously adopted by the Meeting: A i?dpcm' viTTPPI V nf VhuLrJ Resolved, That we approve most cordi- iiL , ... concentrated vegetable syrup, a sure remedy fir diarrhea and bowel cniiiplaint also, Heinsley's worm-destroying syrup, " anti-mineral pill, Whittemore's Vnerican plasters dot on paper, Durkpes Oreen Mountain vegetable Ointment, For sale by Geo. Howard. Tarboro', March 6. Di. Jay uc's Family medicines. fVormsare swept away from the Sto- mach and Bowels by Jayne s Tonic - f!i?,as by the besom of destruction, j Titey perish under its searching influence instantly, and are expelled with the mucus in which they are imbedded. The cure is j iu almost all cases permanent, and if a re- cunence of the disorder shoul I take place,) a few doses of the preparation will never fail to produce the desired object for the; effect does not weaken with repetition. Those who suffer fro n Piles or remittent fever or any complaint where a mild tonic or alterative may be desired, will find in Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge a most valuable remedy. Still more proof. Darlington, Beaver Co., Pj.. Feb. 18, 1839. Dr. D. Jayne. Dear Sir. -My little son, when about two months old, was seiz ed with a bftwel complaint. It continued for two weeks without intermission, and ! notwithstading the remedies prescribed fcy rPnPMnhTp Phvsiman. ivp rnve un thn child a victim, as we supposed, to a fatal " - ' t - r i i disease. But I providentially heard of "Jnyne's Carminative," as an effectual ! cure for bowel complaint, and immediately j despatched a messenger to a town seven-! teen miles off for a bottle. Bv the use of this medicine, in less than thirty-six hours j the disease vvas checked, and by its constant use tor a lew uays, me cniiu was restored to perfect health. Shortly after this, there ui'curreu a similar ease in ne oi ine iami Jies of my congregations.. I prescribed- A.-m , n ,, . J At I 'Jaynes Carminative, and the result was a speedy cure. rT'L -LM J i ic ume cnuo, owing io exposure, vlpn rprrntli7 pntninir 1 1 n ika l-!r ivnc .....v w.. . If, p v,,..w, attacked by that horrible malady the Croup. We landed tn the night at Ueav er roint, anu wnen our lears were alarmea T . ii e lesi me noarse sepuicnrai cough was ine lorerunncr oi ueatti, we gave mm a tea- A. f . . t a. I pooniui oi your jiuruni, anu appu- ed some liniment tothe throat and breast; anu peiore many minutes me noarseness was gone, the child breathed freely and i . . i i slept sweetly, uwing to incse circum stances it cannot be wondered at why 1 have so high an opinion of your medicines, and why I advise every family to keep them on hand, ready for any emergency Respectfully yours, ARTHUR U BRADFORD, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Darlington Pa. Prepared only by Dr. D. .Ivne, Ph edelphia, and sold on Ogency by GEO, IWtKIRP. Tarboro', Nov. 9. , From the Raleigh Standard. ; HALIFAX COUNTY. , , In pursuance of notice given in the . Weld on Herald and Roanoke Republican, 3 00 y oo a portion of the Democratic party of the j 00!('our.ty of Halifax, met at Weldon, on 0 5oi Wednesday, the 29th ultimo. The meet- 1 oo! inR was called to order by J. N. Daniel, 2 00 ' and on his motion L. M. Long was ap- pointed Chairman, and E N. Pitn,an ally of the proposed District Convention to be held at N?.shvil e, on the 7th of j April, to appoint Delegates to the National Convention, to be held at Baltimore in Mav next, to nominate Candidates to be run on the Democratic ticket for President and Vice President, as it will tend to secure inai ii.uuiuiiv ami ici itrui ui"diwinm which is alone, as we conceive, necessarv I to success. Resolved, That we recommend to our Democralic brethren of the several Coun- lies comprisinK lhis Electoral District; the proprielv ofa District Convention to nom- inale Elector for this District, and ad- opt snch olher means as will tend to the a(lvanccmcnt and SUCcess of the party in lh? CQmin a Presidential contest: and tothis , npnnn n rnnvnntinn m Wirmn. iKQ7iU f M.v n.wl tlnW.r,n . hereby authorized to appoint ten dele- gates to said Convention. .leuwmi me piciure oeiore us. am oi The Chairman appointed the following these officers,-we have no doubt, deserve named gentlemen delegates to the District mc dree of censure; b"t Worth' map Convention, viz: Spier Whitaker, J. N. nanimity 'seems only to have thrown Scott Daniel, M. A. Wilcox, L. H. B. VVhiia- int0 a more desperate passion tA. ker, Burwell Dunn, Isiac Milliard, Levin1 Savage, V. W. Daniel, J. J. B. Bachelor Casualty. Mr.- Aaron Headen, a high and J. L. Pearson. ' spectable citizen of Chatham County, The following gentlemen were appoint- - was found deaci in th roa, ,vin bv his ed deletes to lhn FJprtnral Pnnvpnflinn horse, with a bag of Com Oil his breast. viz: Thos. W. Harris, Francis Mallory, n 7 J. H. Walker. Edward Connogle, W. A. Daniel, Dr. hitt Bachelor, Jacob Higgs, Br. Dnvis. .l-imps Snow, and .Tnhn . If 7 . - - 7 - - - - Whitaker. ; lor a nicKory wune, u is supposed inai ihe On motion, the nrnrPPrlinorSnf!hpMppt.stri,,fi hrpke, and that he got down from ing were ordered to be signed by thp Chairman and Secretary, and forwarded to the Standard and Weldon Herald forpubli- cation. On motion the Meetincr adionrnpil. I , j L. M. LONG, Ch'n. g JJ. Pittman, Sec'y. News from, Mexico. -Uy the arrival of the steamshio New Orleans at New Or. ,fi.na fewdavs since., vve have dates from , J , ; -------- V a Cruss up lo the .85th, and from the r.itr nf MmIph mthn 21m ultima. Santa Anna, it xvas said. was exoected to " " . . . . . cmnark immediately at. Vera uruz. trie W:1S flhft,lt tn ,MV lhe Pmintrv. ;. . Gen. Scott was expected to come down I . from Mexico as soon as the Couit ol Inoui rv aaiourned, and leave for the U. States. The Court of Inquiry had Been in sess ion ,n the City of Mexico. " Gen Scott had delivered a Speech before the Court, characterized bv much warmth and feelinir. in which he complained that he had been struck down,! and brought -) forward, as chief criminal," &(., On the 17th of vl arch. -Gen.. AVorth, "for the welfare ai.d hnrmonv vof the service," withdrew the aocusations made in his appeal against Gen Scott; whereupon "General Scott, 1 alter ome remarks, withdrew his charges agsinst Gen. Pillow and Col. Duncan. This left, ot 'ourse, no duties for the Court of Inquiry o perform; and we hope the matter will be allowed to rest ' at this point. Military TuFicers may have their piiyaie griefs, ami i they may demand trials before Court Mar- tials; but the public judgment, after all, is what they arc looking to, and that judg ment, they ought to have the good sense to know, will ultimately settle down ac cording to right, truth,and justice. There is enough glory for all;.of them. The peo ple thank them for . their services, and will hold , those services jn grateful remem brance; and they, can add nothing to their reputation, either as officers or men, ;by disputes and contentipnst among them selves. i Every thing was quiet in.Mexico. i Gen. ButJer was i universally- beloved ; : by. the troops. No intellignce from the Treaty of Peace. - The' New.Orleans papers teem with the Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry. Not withstanding the withdrawal by Gen. Worth of his charges against Gen. Scott, it seems the. latter officer still entertains the bitterest feelings. - He told the Court that the President had treated hioi with gross injustice; that Gen. Worth might go forth rejoicing in the plenitude of Execu tive favor"; that he (Scott) was 'done" with Worth ."forever"; and that his "atti tude" towards his "accusers" meaning the President and Secretary of War, was that of -"defiance'? High language in deed for a military officer to use towards the civil povver! Beyond all question the President did right in the matter between Worth and Scott; and the latter, instead of fretting and raging in this way, oucht to thank the Administration for having put him in a position to win so many splendid victories. President Polk-owes it to the dignity of the office he holds, ns well as to the American people, to teach refracto ry Generals though the laurels of a hun- idced battles should adorn their brows that he-is lheir perioi? and' that they are expected, at all-times,-not only to defer to the civil power, but to do it with respect aml decency. Justthink.of the "attitude" ed by Gen. Scott! ' He comes home, breathing "defiance "' Jis partizans and "Pel familiars" throng about himThe bids for ,,1C Presidency; he receives the nomi nation; and then, burning with desire for vengeance, suppose he enters the Presiden- Chair. What next? Who could nn- dei take to set bounds to his wrath? But xve droP ,he subiect for ,he present, disgus- i l .1 I ail C He had started with the Corn over to a ne,Sn" ' anu I,om ine Ii,PI ,n ine slr,nR- which tied the mouth of the bag, when he left home, having been exchanged . i i r .i -t . . horse to lie the bag anew, and in the enort lo rtse . n ms Horse, burst a Dloou vtsst, anu imm.epiateiy.; : dtaiein-itegtsier. 77fc Snbtreasury.--Since the Indepen dent Treasury laiv went into operation, 'savs the New York Evening Post, there as not, as we are authentically informed, u ' r .i. 1 u..:.. .i.,r..,ii u o f i r.,i , , jui , auuvu y vi j.vu wifc wi iuici iftr. irrP.lar nnnJ. notwithstandinir that Lu- m r-tu.i IIIIK IS LI1C Ucl V IIIll UllJUC IUI IliC ItfJLCSI UUI tion of. the United States,, .i'f Cotton Statistics. It is generally esti mated in this, quarter that the whole Cot ton crop oftfieiUnited States, for 1847-48, will vary but little from 2,200000 bales; of which, nearly or quite one-half , will be. re ceived at this port. It is, a fact worthy of remark, in this connection, that the receipts here , from 1st Sept. Jo - the present time yust one, halftsof the commercial year) already reach , 733,932 bales, against 525, 990 bales to the same time last year and are only; 6,737 bales short of the total receipts of last season.- If for the coming six months the arrivals bear ; a, similar propor tion to last year's, New Orleans will have received at the close of the year at least 1,100,000 x bales, againstr740,69 bales for i846-47.r iV V . fW: i i tjThe extensive iSew York importers, Messis. Vyse &. Co. No 129," William street, were thrown into considerable ex- citement last Thursday, by discovering that their confidential clerk, Marvine Mq- Nulty, had absconded, after, having embez- zIpU , $30,000 although he had ;a very large salary of 4,000 per annum, It is supposed he has gone to Matanzas, in the Island of Cuba A fast sailing vessel, with police officers on board, had been despatch- ed in pursuit Louisburg Times. ;t . (JjP'VVe learn from the-Lvnchbure irginian that Capt. John Warwick, ; of Amherst. countv. Va., who died a few dav since, rrianumitted by his will all Yth er-l ants, mimbering between,70and .80. 5 He has' made ample provision for their remov- al, outfit and settlement in one of the; Wes- tern States. , - - 7, Ji Swindler ai Tallahassee. A fellow of genteel appearance, tall, well made, yvilh auburn whiskers and goatee, calling him- selfWT. S. Carpenter, introduced himself walked out and remained until his hosi be to the merchants of Tallahassee, and said came uneasy and instituted search, when he had come to buy cotton. For funds, h:? had a certfficate of deposit on the Bank of New York for $6,000, which he inclos- ed to Brown, Brothers & Co. taking care to have a lad as witness that the letter was deposited in the Post Office. In a few days he began to draw on B. B. & Co , selling his drafts freely, Until he had drawn for the whole $6,000, when he absolutely refused to draw another dollar, as he had exhausted his deposit. Alas! there was no certificate of deposit in the letter which Brown, Brothers & Co. received, no money in the Bank ot N. York, and when the drafts got back to Tallahassee, there was no W. S. Carpenter there. The buyers of the exchange thereupon concluded that Mr. W. S. Carpenter, though "tall, well made, with nuhurn whiskers and goatee," was after all nothing but a swindler. Journal of Com. Deliberate Murder. We leain that a most malicious and deliberate murder was committed in Cabarrus county on Tuesday of last week, on the bodv ofa man named Linker. The person who it is believed committed the murder, a fellow by the name of Dove, has been committed to jail to await his trial. Linker was waylaid and shot, the ball entering one temple and ! coming out 01 u.e other . He xvas k.lled instantly. When found he was -a lvin u, - .ug, un 1 u- j-rr cultT was known to exist between Linker i ween igniter i and Dove, and we understand that Dove r,e nror;uA-i l iw ,. 4. . . , . . c Prescnbeu by Jaw, or this notice will be had, on one or two former occasions, shot r e . . . .. ,. oi i i . i u -.u 4 r . n-u ,favorf a commercial establishment in Eu at the deceased, but without effect. Ihel fc . , m ., r . . rope, was put into the Mail cart in New evidence, as we hear it, is strong against , - . . , . l , , . . . - .ft Orleans to be forwarded to Mobile, and the accused, but it is not proper that we . ., . . , r. , ' - .,nnl , i . -4 ,(U. 4. " c , whilst the cart was before the door of the should relate it at this time. Salisbury 4 m 4, , , A . IVatchman. " ' post office the bag and contents were stolj - en and had not been recovered at the last Evils in New Fork. We find in the counts. -j - New York True Sun a presentment of the e.-On the 3d instant, in New Grand Jury of New York Cty, m which a Orleans, Mr . James Ervin, grandson o fthe number of evils and nuisances are enumer:: Hon. Henry Clay, shot himself through ated, as existing in that city. Among lhe head in hia cnamber at the St. Charles them we notice that usury laws are set I Ti II n n0ln fvi wl.r.tn ma lit I f t c w. at lllHlAlikl to public business. It appears too, that "exhibitions of a very indecent and licen tious character," known as the model art istes, (outlandish imitations of Dr. Coll- Iyer's exhibition) are nightly attracting crowoe auaiences. come m or vei 01 ithem are known to exist. A vast number! I of children are also to he found in the .1-1 i streets, with no visible means of living,! ! and are sent out bv worthless r5arents with " ' orders to brrnghome a certain supply of money, or provisions, and if they failthey ; rously prosecuted until the Mexicans iitfe arc chastisedV ":o t I jhrought to; terms that the :Rio Grande, .-.. - ' r. ' i : - : and not the Neuces, is the western bound- 1 G3f-W.ni. White, a white man, living ary; of Texas; that he was the cause of the within, 5 miles of Richmond, Va. was 'army marching. from Corpus Cbristi to the murdered at his house, on the night of Sat- Rio Grande, and by inference lhe war wa5 urday last, in the presence of his wife (who not "unnecessarily and unconstitutional!' was also nearly killed) and a small negro begun by the President of Ihe U. B'f girl. , He was murdered by a negro, as the He is also opposed to the Wilmot proviso, girl said. He had-foolishly boasted of - , : j havine amassed several hundred .dollars,! J taste for the Beautiful. ''YfcU, I and this prize the murderer took care to secure. Two negroes have been arrested, says the Richmond Republican. : ; . Another. MwMcligiQ Tuesday, Thomas B. Mann, aged 2 1 and Ephraim White, 17 were arrested in this city for steali ng abed from the house of Stephen S. Id, Braintree. They stated that Mr. A mo Arnold's wife gave them the bed to sell; that she'ancl they belonged to' a' company of twenty persons, who comprise the en- tire number of the elect that are to be saved; and that the twenty-two were disposing of their ; worldly goods as fast as' they' could, and preparing to go to glory. Mr. John Russell, one f tHe;twenty-tyo, but who is in fact under guardianship, confirmed the statement of the young men, in the city marshal's office. . He said that thetwenty tw9, nad done no work whatever forsome- tune back, and that all the powers of carl h cou hot make them work. from fne isoston Jrost., Suicide. The Vicksburg Whig, stamps that Rev. Samuel McGowan, of Octibbe- ha county, Miss., put an end to hisjexist ence by hanging at the residence of CoL Williams in Pontotoc county, on the mor- jningof the 2d inst.' He has left nothing j as a clue to this fatal act. He slept in the 'house of Col. Williams oh the night of the 1st, rose early oh the morning of the 2d, he was found hanging on a peach tree, his neck being broken. He has left a large 'and interesting family. (tPA Louisiana cotton planter, upon removing a large pile of cotton seed that had accumulated hear his gin house, found them to Be on fire near the bottom. This is a fact, says the ' N. O. Delta, which should arrest the attention of all who raise or deal in cotton. Chloroform.--What is it. To this question so often asked since the successful use of the new agent for producing insen sibility to pain, the "Boston Medical anrl Surgical Journal" Teturnsihe following clcar and explicit answer": ''Chloroform is the perchloryde of for mylae formylae being, in chemical lan guage, the hypothetical radical of formic acid." . 3 A fatal duel was fought at Mier, Mexico, on -the 16th ult., between Lieut Maddox and Lieut. McPhersdn, both of the 3d Dragoons. There were four fires, with dragoon pistols. The first was harm less. On the second, Lieut. McPhersori was shot in the neck, on the third in the shoulder, and on the fourth, through th iTCourt of Edeecombe as A,lminisli-.nr , 1 lOUri OI HiUffCCOmne 9S Aflministf'titnr nn ' I w w the estitA nf Willlr, Uin Ay.x U fin - " u,ucic- by-notifies all those having clai ing claims against y j said estate, tn nrpspnl thm tvlih.'n Hote causing immediate death! There i ' - ' . are no reasons assigned for the rash act. (jpA Washington correspondent of the Charleston- Courier, dated April' 7, says" that a letter has been received in Washing j ton city, by Gov. Brown of Mississippi oi a very imponam cnaracier, ana wnicn caused an animated conversation in the House. It appears from it that Gen.-Tav - lor is for the tariff of 1840; is opposed to ! an "obsolete idea" thinks the war lust J and honorable, and that it should be vigo- decJsrefV, said Mrs, Partington, 4,'them are . nice onions oi yours," as sne reacneu ior j ward to ghnce at some hyacinths and nr cissustnat we nad caretpiiy nourisneo mio full bloom in our sanctum, and of which by the, way i we feli proud,, f nice onions, . j coming to a head finely; don't ? smell bad jnuthen'Vsaid she,suiting the acuon ipu word, by dropping her snuff-box in the e. fort; "but does it pay weii io raw those jelly glasses? 'Taint farming on large scale, is MV Boston Post.

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