J', nun m fit LRU imiiiiti 1 ti inr I Tarborous Edgecombe Count!; JV. V. Saturday, May 20, 1848. ? f ii fit i POT nil i toiiim itohh r , 6t SCavfiovoufllj tTt . BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance or, Two Doilaus and Fiftv Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will bo inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at chat rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. '"' Fare Reduced : fp HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount. to . Washington is reduced to $5 or, . from Rocky Mount to TarboroV v' -' . .il.50 ' Sparta - V 00 ''"" Falkland , . " . " Greenville; " ' : - Pactolus ; Washington Tarboro1 to Sparta ' . ' i Falkland ' fJrppnvillfi .1 ;f 00 .is. do - . 0 50 1 00 2 00 For seats, &c. apply to II. Wiswall, Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro . February 1, 1S4S. Just Received, FRESH SUPPLY of Whittcmore's concentrated vegetable syrup, a sure remedy for diarrhea and bowel complaint also, Hemsley's worm-destroying syrup, 44 anti-mineral pills, Whittemore's American plasters dot on paper, Durkee's Green Mountain vegetable Ointment, . For sale by Geo. Howard. Tarboro, March G. Di Jayne's , Family Jflcclicincs. t - .... Proof! Proof! Proof! Rev. J. L. Turner, Protestant Methodist Minister, says in a letter to Dr. Jaync, dated Albi on, Erie county; Pennsylvania, Oct. 9th, 1S46. Mrs. Turner Has beenaSliclcd with Dyspepsia and Sick Headache for about five years, which continued to grow more severe. It is my opinion that one more turn of it would have closed her mortal career. She took four bottles of your Vermifuge, and one box'of Sanative Pills, and by the blessing of God accom panying the means, she is cured "of her af fliction. We had tried all the physicians, far and near, to noV effect,' until We used your medicine. We gave the Vermifuge: to our children for worms, and it had a good effect. I have taken pains to ssnd to Erie for your medicines for sometime, and they have effected so many cures, that we want you to appoint an agent here, lours. J- L. TURNER. Methodist Protestant' Minister. Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings. Scrofula. in all its multiplied forms, wheth er in that of King's Evil, Enlargement of the Glands or Bones, Goitre, White Swel lings, Chronic Rheumatism, Cancer, Dis eases of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmona ry Consumption, emanate from one and the same cause, which is a poisonous principle inherent in the human system. Therefore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radical cure can be effected; but if the prin ciple upon which the disease depends is re moved, a cure must of necessity follow, no matter under what form the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore, is the reason why Jayne's Alterative js so uni versally successful in removing so many malignant diseases. Aft destroys the virus or principle from which those diseases have their origin, by entering Into the cir culation, and with the Wood is conveyed to the minutest fibre removing every par- v .. . "m the system, tide of disease w- p. Prepared only by Dr. D. If1 adelphia, and sold onn GEO. Tarboro', Nov. 9. Reduced to 75 cents. Dr, Cliainpion's Vegetable Ajzue, Medicine, A safe and certain'. cure for Fevers of every de- V ecripUon also, - Vr. Champion & nmulnlioxis puis . .. a . . -.- 4 - '" PCftELY VEGETABCE. " For sale by GEO. HOWARD Tarboro', Nov. 9. ; :--" - Jill,; a;J: : ' Electoral District Coiivcnlioii. . The democratic Convention for the 2nd Electoral district, composed of the coun ties of . Washington, Tyrrell, Deaufort, Hyde, Pitt, Martin, Edgecombe and Nash, will bcjield at Greenville, Pitt county, on Thursday,- the 8th of June next, for the "purpose of selecting some suitable person to be placed on the democratic Electoral ticket for President and Vice President, in tlits district. The following arethe delegates appointed for this county. David B. Dell, Lawrence Home, Dr. Arm. strong, Jas. D. Barnes, John Gardner, Bassett Sykes. Levi Harrell, Hobert Belcher, Henry John son, Jesse C. Knight, Kenneth Thigpen, James Whitehurst, Win. A. Mabry, Wm JS. Baker, J. F. Speight, Dr. Rives Amos VV, Coboi From the Raleigh Standard. OUR CANDIDATE IN THE FIELD! It affords us much pleasure to be able lo announce to our reader, that Col. Reid has accepted the nomination as the Demo cratic Candidate for Governor, and is al ready in the field. He will meet Mr. Manly in Newborn to-day, ond will ac, company .mm io ninSMu.. una .nu. ... expects to speak at v aMiington, a wan Quarter, Plymouth, md sor, llalirix, and , with as much energy and vigor as hisphy- sicat strengm win permit. ;vi u,e can ui his friends, disregarding all personal siderations, and animated solely by the wish to see our noble principles triumph in North Carolina, he has stepped forward to bear our flag: and it is the duty, as we have no doubt it Will be the pleasure, of every uemuc.ai iu ucuuu and to ai" mm in tnc laoorsot me canvass. Now is the time, above all ethers, to re deem North Carolina. Her people are at heart Democratic, and all that is needed is, such facts and arguments as our friends have it in their power to present, and such efforts as are due to a cause which has eve- ry thing to recommend it to popular favor, and regard. We present below the Correspondence between the Committee and Col. Kckl: ; Haleigh, April 11. 1S43. Dear Sir: We have the honor to inform candidate for Governor of Norlh Carolina i at the ensuing election. On the part of that Convention we have to say, that you are earnestly requested to accept the nom ination; and to this authorized solicitation we beg leave to add an expression of the Ivope that you will consent to be the candi date of our party. ' - With sentiments of high regard, we are, Sir,' Your obedient servants, WILLIAM S. ASHE, JNO. W. CUNNINGHAM, SAMUEL, J. PERSON, - ? .: Committee. Hon. DaviiS. Reid. ' Reidsville, Rockingham, May 3, 184S. Gentlemen: Your letter of the 14th ulti mo, informing me of my nomination, by the '.State Cbnvenlion,as the Democratic Candidate for Governor aj, the ensuing elec tion was duly received. The honor thus conferred was unsought and unexpected. iHavinspent much oi my time in political ' I v- .... a! hjfe, it wasmy setueaaeierminauon io ae vote myself entirely, for a while; at least, to private pursuits; and -doubling whethei my health would permit me to undergo the Louisburff.- Other annotntments will be i: -z: 7 ll"x iri "i nmuu u, uuvr. . i u rumors mat poscd jn , lIm hc yoted lhjU J T"" .r I V: :Zu, n.,jhehaddeclu1ed;vcrepremalure,andonly;sllouia bc entrusted with the i " . , 1W rr, , had their foundation in the length of lime Norlh Carolina in tho Srnaln in whose no m nation has been hailed with T . 4 . . 4. i lMonn uaronna, in Hie Senate, in rnthuaSm hv the mrtv in all narts of the "Trr'' . "J ence to even Jus mend ana rciativ , .1. ' 1 a a inena ai naicigu we arc in-jhosite politics. And is thete a re aiaic, ai-u wuu tauui in bu.u jovmQl hat Col jeid will chdoavor to! you ttiat tnc uemocrauc state convention every Democrat to be up and doing. Prin- j of Himself in the. contest with Mr. .Manly. which assembled on the 12th instant, unan-j cplC3 are at stake, the success of which in ' We presume the Standard Of Wednesday, imously nominated yoy 5s the Democratic , tjic Old. North State should command our' will give Mr. Reid's appointments; if so, lafber and Jatigueofhe canrass,-Ihad con cftiJed ' to decline the nomination. Subse quent reflection, however, as to the effect of -such st Course, in disappointing the wish es and expectatipnsff my political friends at this impoftzuik&isis, has caused nie to reverse that, determination, and to say to you tlfat I accept the nomination, and ten der to you my warmest exertions in behalf ot the great principles of the Democratic party.;; ; : '. ' It will be impossible for me to visit ev ery County in the StKte UetweenHhi's and the day of the clectipnj but relying upon the active co-operation of the Democratic party, I shall leave home to-nidrrow to en ter nwpon the 'canvass, and shall devote whatever energies I may possess to. its faithful prosecution. 1 Be pleased, gentlemen, to accept my ac knowledgements for the courteous manner in which you have discharged the duties assigned you by the'. Convention. Very respectfully, your1 obedient servant, DAVID S. RElbY . To Messrs. A she, Cunhi n chain, 'and Per- son, Committee. . COL. REID'S APPOINTJNIENTS. Col. Reid, the Democratic Candidate for Governor, will address his fellow-citizens at the following times and places: . Newbern, Craven, Beaufort, Carteret, ,. Kinston, Lenoir, , Washington, Beaufort, Swan Quarter, Hyde, 10th May 12th 15th 20th 23id 25th 29th Plymouth, Washington, Jlnt.,sor' Hcr,ie JIa,,.,atx ... jouisourg, i ranklin, 1st June. ib. j From the Neivbern Republican. Ilei(, ccrpff;W V c arc happy to that the Hon. David ; be ah,c lQ announcc c rc. 4 1 : . r js in fccwjerh on :Hc t0ll) jns( -. We hasacccptcd thc nomination by;his relation anil mor e recent Democratic Convention, of i, lhercful.c announce that Col. Reid may be con-;e3c)Jc(ed l0 n(,(rcs, hc CitIzens ofCraVen 1m ;pjly tQ Mr Manv on Wednesday, We hope to see a full turnout both of Whigs ,)emDCrals. lhc Imtcr particularly, to n.mn(,rnf:, nanfi:rialn h ilonrlv grccting at this, his first speech during the Canvass, and his first contest with his Com pct.itor Let it he a hearty greeting that he may he encouraged to go on, and by in creased efforts, bear the banner, entrusted to his keeping, to victory. We are not advised as to the route to be pursued by Col. Reid, but We pcrsume we shall not err in slntintr that hh will inppl M , . annoin!inprit, flI.Mf! . made by the jatter. We shall not bes In fnrm. , r . nrn , . ;t . J amounls (0 onIy a 8Uppoailion of ours. Now that it is certain that Col. Reid accepted the nomination, it becomes every effort. Now is the lirfie to shakeoff thc shackles of Federalism, and for her to wheel into the ranks of the Democratic States, where she belongs- Her interests, as an agricultural community, are indenti fied with the success of the Republican principles. , Under such a leader as Reid, we shall struggle for the mastery with confidence. Strike now for the principles you have so long maintained, and secure the triumph you have hoped for, and have labored to achieve. From the Fayeiteville CatoVmian. 8 Hon. David S. Rei'V, the Democratic candidate for Governor of North Carolina, is, ashrs poViical opponents readily admit, a "wo: thy rnan;" ' he is a Democrat from principle; and by nature he entertains those feelings which prompt every lover of. freer dom to look upon his fellow-men as enti tjed tolenjoy equal privileges I under the laws- which govern all; to have an equal voice in making those laws; and a due in fluence in deciding as to who shall be pro moted to execute the laws.' No republi can (for we hold thathundreds of the whig party are aotirrepublicans,: wjiich no man can doubt who watches them closely,) need know! more than the fact that Mr. Reid israDeraocraVahd has always, been a Democrat; so firm, ? that no ties of kindred could swerve him: from his devotion to those principles of government, or induce him to abandon for 'filth lucre," or, the smiles of pride and ptjwer, the great end and aim of Democratic principles.: - L But if it is required the public should know more than this, ivp doubt nnt that Mr. lleid'has so lived and conducteri-him-self, in .his transactions, of private life, that he is as -..willing Jo: challenge the scrutiny of the people in this respect, as he is to in vite the discussion of the relative claims to republicanism; of whigs and democrats. If we are4correctly informed, he has not been nursed in the lap. of-wealth, nor reared by thesickly hand cfluxury. He stands forth thearchitect of his own reputation; a wor thy" example of what industry and per severance can accomplish, in a democracy or a government of the people, where, mer it, and not wealth and "blood," is the only qualification necessary to honor and trust. To that honor and that trust, Mr. ReidSreat an4 cardinal principles which we all has fairly won his way. The people of his Congressional district have twice hon orcd him with one ; of the most important; trusts of a representative government the second lime by a largely increased major ity. . '; .. - ? -; (- : ;..,! In the Assemblj7 of his native State, he has shown that he is capable of represent ing a free people, lie was there well weighed in the balance, and not found wanting. Not even the ties of friendship, relationship, nor self-interest, could make I him give one vote against the will of those he was reprefcnling. We refer to that (session of the Legislature when the Hon. Robert Stranceand.the Hon. Thomas Set- tie were candidates for the Senate Of the United Slates, and the vote of Mr. Reid lurned lhc SCalc; although Mr. Settle was; j v ... .,. - e, his best friend ist that had been ire- democrat hterests of1 prefer e 01 op publican , in Ncu ih Cirolina who rightly appreciates1 the representative character, who does not love and honor David S. Reid for that Vole? Not one, we hope. From the Wilmington Journal. Definite JiccrpiantP. It is with cx- trcme pleasure that .'we '.'announce to our readers the fact that Mr. Reid has definite ly accepted the nomination of the Conven tion as the candidate of the Democratic par- ty for Governor. A friend writes us from GoldsboroY that he. had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Reid there on Monday, Oh his way to meet the federal candidate at i t . . AnwhprrtiRn rHh.rlnf Diipni-t-pcnnn. flpnt wpiM u. lhnf . . fin . 1 1 and that his health had so far improved, . . . . in iU,1ttu 1ht ! arduous canvass Without much difficulty;! and you may safely add, says our friend, that he will be sure to give a good account we "Wil; as a matter of course, publish them in in is paper if possible".. Now?lhen, brother democrats, that we haVe commenced the campaig-u in real ear nest; Ifet us work in season arid out of season. Let us second by every honorable means, the efforts of our galhnt standard bearer. We have said before, that our chances of Carrying the. old North State are better than they have been in many years, if we will only do our whole duty. Let us re solve that we will succeedr and we can do iU -Above all things, let us, as our deadlij est enemies, fling from us apathy and luke- warmness. ub go iniu iuc ' m " a' determination to whip, and we . will-assu- a redly do so. Let every Democrat in North Carolina' think, that upon his exer tions, the election will hang, and we prom ise our friends that we will achieve a glo rious triumph. Go to work, theni like men, with a heart and a will? From the Union . .. The Coming Baltimore Convention. The assembling of this body on the 22d instant, is now looked for with impatient interest throughout the country. The de mocracy are anxious to know definitely which one of their eminent statesmen is to lead them to their exr great triumphed no voice is heard to say that the day fixed for designating him will come too soon. The heart of r our great party beats high with that confidence of strengthand suc cess which inspires to victorious effort;! It is on the oldplalform ot principlesand.for thegood old cause, that the new standard- bearer. is Lto be chosen, and ;lhe new battle to-be fought. s-.t 0lz ft..-, : For ourselves, pur part -.is chosen. In no nner4 directly or, indirectly, shall we i"1 i or seek to influence the nom inltion0 he convention By that nomi- nation, w hen it shall be made, we shall firmly abide; and no effort of ours shall be wanting to do our whole duty, t If there he oneor t wo collateral topics, of recent; origin, and not belonging to the democratic; creed,.pn .which all of us may not harm o- nize, let their discussion in the convention, be as much as possible avoided; and espe cially let themnot obstruct our cordial union.and. harmony in;support-.cof those are proud to profess,, and on the mainte nance of which depenb!bQth the perpetuity and the prosperity of our glorious Union. I n view of the approaclrof our convention, . our frjerids should be up.and doing with out more delay Let those4 sections and. districts w'hich have hot yet chosen their, delegates,, promptly, select their best and wisest" men: and let our party, even at thc opening ot its great representative asscm--bly , present a firm,' complete, and efficient organization. "We must be early prepared" to meet all the devices, of craft and strata-" gem" at the hands of bur unscrupulous bp- ponents. Let us but be united and active in season, and the victory will be. with us now as heretofore. For bur owh'nart, in entering upon this the fourth year of ourr uuruai, we icei not .wun mr. weDsier, lal we musl :, ?W : M auSury -rb"t 1 on lne contrary we areljum'pncd to 1.. -..s that, cird? ! ourselves up to new and hopeful cfibrt; by1 a the ruling auspices," augu ring as 'they 0 do, never more than at the present mo ment, the triumph of our cherished prln ciples, and implied in this "our country's good!" To such a summons we shall re-. spond (as every democrat should respond) with our whole heart and with all our' powers. From the Bahigh Standard. The Horti John Y. Mason is spoken of in several Democratic papers as a candidate ; for the Vice Presidency. Judge Mason" is' quite popular, and his nomination, we : doubt not, would be satisfactory to the: party; but we believe that more eyes are; directed to Gen. Quitman, as the probable nomihee, than any other man. Indeed, should the friends of Messrs. Buchanan Cass, Houston, Woodbury, and Dallas fail' to come to some agreement which might promise harmonious action, we would riot be surprised if Gen. Quitman were lhe: nominee for President. So far as we are concerned,- we snaii enueavur ,o uo our duty to the cause and to these kmc! friend W 00 Have ayjtviitiM ua a itnguic iu j-iai tiniore; and, above 'all,-however much we may be devoted to James Buchanan, or. how highly soever we may think of the claims of other distinguished statesmen, we' shall look out only for that - courser' which, in our humble opinion, may be best calculated to harmonize the party and to defeat the Whigsl Men die,? but princW pies are immortal. IT From Mexico; The steamer Augusta Virginia, arrived at New Orleans, brings' intelligence front the city of Mexico to the 15th ult. General Cadwallader and Mr. Trist are amc'njp; the passengers. The Court of In quiry would adjourn in three weeks, arid Gen. Scott would leave immediately after the adjournment ' The 'Mexican Govern ment could not succeed in forming a quo rum iri ? the Congress at Queretarol It thought the Treaty would not be ratified as amended; and; there is very little pros pect of peace. Paredes is still at San Luis not having been arrested. - . (HK Doctor by the name of Taylor. waSshotin Cincinnati white in 4he act of removing a-dead person row .one of the grave yardsiffv ;v:. ; a . a.

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