UlilMl! in - - ; J iiiinil pnijj jjjjjij Gj ra miii Jul imnnr li IS 0 lim Lra. I hninnt Hiiiiniif iiiiuliir. ir ic a. liar. TarhorougUj Edgecombe County, WC. Saturday, June 17, i-g4S LRil f3 ini llllln imnnii 111 .If-' C ' ' II UN m n . . . r . . ...... 7 ..- 1 , i 1 f "'. ' t ( k BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR.' Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance or, Two Dollars and Fiftv Cents at the expiration of. the subscription year. ; Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at Owe Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one. ,Loncrer ones at that rate per square. Court Orders' and Judicial advertisements 25 per, cent, higher. Fare Reduced. Hp HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Ji. Washington is reduced to $5 or, From ttocky Mount to Tarboro' $150 u . Sparta 2 00 4 " Falkland 2 50 4 Greenville 3 00 u Pactolus 4 00 Washington 5 00 Tarboro to Sparta " 0 50 Falkland 1 00 " " Greenville 2 00 Just Received, .- .. -i i .... FRESH SUPPLY of Wh litem ore's concentrated vegetaoie syrup, a sure remedy for diarrhea and bowel complaint also, HemsleyV worm-destroying syrup, ami-mineral pills, VVhittemore's American plasters doi on paper, Duikees Green Mountain vegetable Ointment, For sate by ' Geo. Howard. Tarboro', March 6. For seats, &c. apply to H. Wiswall, Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro February 1, 184S. i Br. Jaync's Family Itlediciitcs. Hooping Cough and Croup To Parents. Jayne's Expectorant, is without exception the most valuable pre paration in use, for the above diseases. It converts hooping cough into a mild and tractable disease, and shortens its duration more than one-half, and produces a certain and speedy recovery. From half to one tea spoonful, will certainly cure croup in infants and young children, in half an hour's time. The lives of hundreds of ; C. Pugh, Gaston-, children will be saved annually, by al ways keeping it on hand ready for every emergency. " . 0 . Bowel and summer cd?nplaint. . Dr. Jayne, No. 8 South Third street, is willing to guarantee that his Carminative Balsam will cure diarrhoea, colics, cramps, griping pains, cholera morbus, summer complaint, and other derangements of the stomach and bowels, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, and in less than half the time that can be effected by any oihrr means. : It is extremely pleasant, and children are fond of it. Dr. KUflfS Ihitssinian Mixture. For ' Gonorrhoea, Gleet, 'Fluor 'Al jrus, Gravel, &c. ! Letter from Dr. James Ri Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. Dr. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: - Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, Is highly approved of, it has never fail ed to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. 1 have never had enough to supply the demand. You will please send me a large supply of it as soon as you arrive at hornet Yours, respectfully, J. P. CALLUVI, r Milton Drug Store. From the Milton Chronicle. Laurel Grove, (near Milton) Jan. 13,1818. Dr. Kuhl Dear Sir: We have now been about seven years. Agents for the sale of youf Restorer of tilood, and oth er Medicines, and are happy to state they have given in all cases general satisfaction, particular ly the Abyssinian Mixture has giveu universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it, has received that, relief that you guaranteed in your directions, Mr James Mi Vernon, to whom you recommended your Aromatic Extn.ct for Rheumatism, bought a bottle of it at 50 Cents, and two embrocations cured him entirely, and" the disease has never returned, Yours, respectfully, KIKDY & ANDERSON Agents-G0. HOWARD, Tarboro'; V. S. Marshall, Halifax; James Simmons, Wt-ldon; C. E. Cook, Warrenlon; (leu " .-JISiJL. Democratic National Convention. measures upon whiclr issues have been made between the two political parties of tne country, have demonstrated to candid and practical men of all parties, ; their soundness, safety and utility in al! busi: ness pursuits. . 7. That Congress has no power tinder the constitution to interfere with or con trol the domestic institutions of the several piaies, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertai ning to their own affairs, not prohibited by the constitution; that all efforts of the abolitionists or i others made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in rela tion thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequen ces; and that all such efforts have an inev- The following are the Resolutions, itable tendency to diminish the happiness adopted by the Baltimore Convention, as prepared by a Committee consisting of one Delegate from each. State, (the lion. J. R. J. Daniel being on the Committee from North Carolina,) and reported to the Con vention by Mr. Hallett, of Massachusetts: Resolved, That the American Democ racy place their trust in the intelligence, the patriotism and the discriminating jus tice of the American people! Resolved, That we regard this as a dis tinctive feature of our political creed, which wo are proud to maintain before the world, as the great moral element in a form of government, springing from and upheld by the popular will; and we con trast it with the creed and practice of fed eralism, under whatever name or form, which seeks to palsy the will of the con stituent, and which conceives no impos ture too monstrous for the popular credu lity. Resolved therefore, That, entertaining these views the Democratic party of this Union, through their delegates assembled i ry Goodloe, Warrenton P. C. Brown, t,ouiliurg: m a general convention of the States, com- John H. Brodie, Franklin; Louis 11 . Kittle, Hen. I ing together in a-free representative gov- derson; U, H, Mitchell, Oxford. May 1C. JYoticc. ernmcnt, and appealing to their fellow citizens for the rejctiiKide of their inten tions, renew and fp-asscrt, before the A mcrican nconlc. the declarations of nrinci- AfcSAPARlLLA, Comstock's compound 'Hnks avowed b v them when, on a former tract; there is no other preparation of sarsa-j . , , nM.n. M ,u. ..nvlll't oh a-noir n oniit line; II v,l iirpl . sure to get Comstock's, you will find it superior to all otheis. It does net require pufllng. Magical I'ain Eeclrai I n-, The most extraordinary calve e'er invented for the cure of new or old burns and scalds, and sores scnted their candidates for the popular suffrages: 1. 1 hat the federal government ts one of limited powers, derived solely from the constitution, and the grants of power of the people, and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions. 8. That the separation of the moneys of the government from banking institutions is indispensable for the safety of the funds of the government and the rights of the people. 9. That the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson, in the Declaration of Inde pendence, and sanctioned in the Constitu tion, which makes ours the land of liber ty, and the asylum of the oppressed of every nation, have ever been cardinal prin ciples in the Democratic faith; and every attempt to abridge the present privilege of becoming citizens and owners of soil among us, ought to be resisted with the same spirit which swept the alien and se dition laws from our statute books. Resolved That the proceeds of the public lands ought to be sacredly applied to the national objects specified in the lions of Republicans, to establish govern ment on those eternal principles of. equal rights for which M Lafayette and our Washington: fought side bv side, in l,!e ?ggle for our own National Inde pendence; and we would especially con veyj. ?hem and to the whole people.of Fraour earneswish.es (or the .consol idation .of their liberties. thrrmVh the Wisdom thattShall 9-uirle ihpir nnnnnilc nn te basis of a Democratic c Constitution, not derived from the grants or conces sions of kings of dynastiea but originating frbni the. only true -source - of political power, recognized ia the Slates of this ff nion; the inherent and inalienable right of the people, in their sovereign capacity; t make and amend their forms of govern ment in .such manner as the welfare of the community my require. ? Resolved, . That, in the . recent develop ment of this grand political truths oft thi sovereignty of the people and their capac-. ity and power fo self-government, whicfa is prostrating thrones and erecting repub lics on the ruins ofdespptism in the olul world, we feel that a high and sacred duty is devolved, with increased responsibility upon the Democratic party of this coun try, as the party of the people, to ( sustaia and advance among us Constitutional lib erty , equality and fraternity, by continu ing to resist all monopolies and exclusive legislation for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, and by a vigilant and constant adherence to those principles and compromises of the Constitution which are broad enough and strong enough to embrace and uphold the Unioa as it was, the Union as it is, and the Uni on as it shall be in the full expansion of the energies and capacity of this great and progressive people. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu- Constitution'; and that we are opposed to tions be forwarded through the American any law for the distribution of such pro-; Minister at Paris to the National Conven- ceeds among the States, as alike inexpedi ent in policy, and repugnant to the Con stitution. Resolved, That we are decidedly oppo- tion of the Republic of France. Resolved, That the fruits of the great political triumph of 1844, which-elected James K. Polk and George M i .1 1.. L '-.I.. - and sore eyes. It has delighted thousands. h . snown meiem oug.u iu uu M.-n y cun- will take out all pain in ten minutes and no fail-'. "trueti oy hii uie jucpai uncma auu ugcius It is equally as effectual ' ure. It will eure the piles, &c. 1 of the government; and that it is mexpe for adults as children, and when thedircc- Indian FtgelaUt EHxir a sure and safe remedy dicnt and dangerous to exercise doubtful- tions are followed, and a cure is not effect- ; foT iheumatism, acute and chronic, gout, ami all constitutional powers. ed, the moacy will be cheerfully returned. the chronic pains of bones, joints and muscles. Price 25 and 50 cts. a bottle. Another Physicians opinion The following additional testimony in : regular, and a determination to the surface. Colds, I arising from a too free use of mercury, &c. SpoJins Elixir nf Ikullli fur the certain prevention of fevers or any geheral sickness, kerp 2. That the constitution docs not con fer upon the general government the pow er to commence and Carry on .1 general ii nf inlornnl ImninvrmPhl inr ihfi Ktnmnrh in most rprfert nrnr. Inn linwels J ' , , favor of of Dr. Jayne's Medicines has re cently been received from a physician o high standing in Lauderdale Co. Miss., 3. That the constitution does not con- fcr authority upon the federal govern- VWlLll' I'UIIIO ill Vllf UVM .Ti IIVIII. I'llU'il 1V a sed to taking from the President the qual- i Dallas President and Vice President of itied veto power by which he is enabled, , the United States, have fulfilled the hopes under restrictions and responsibilities, am- of the democracy of the Union; in defeat ply sufficient to guard the public interest, ng the declared purposes of their oppo to suspend the passage of a bill whose ; nents to create a National Bank, in pre-r merits cannot secure the approval of two- venting the corrupt and unconstitutional thirds of the Senate and House of Repre-j distribution of the land proceeds from lhej sentatives until the judgment of the pco-: common treasury of the.Union, forllocal pic can be obtained thereon, and which purposes, in protecting the currency and has saved the American people from the the labor of the country from ruinous corrupt and tyrannical domination of the fluctuations, and guarding the money : of Bank of the United States, and from a con the people for the use of the people, by rupting system of general internal im- the establishment of the Constitutional provementn. Treasury, in the noble imptilse given." to Resolved, That the war with Mexico the cause of Free Trade, by the repeal of provoked on her part, by vears of insult the Tariff of 1842, and the creation of the and injury, was commenced by her army j more equal, honest and productive Tariff crossing the ftio Grande, attacking the of 1840, and that, in our opinion, it.would American troops, and invading our sister he a fatal error to weaken the bands of Stale of Texas, and that upon all the political organization by whfch these great ccntlybccn received from .-. physician of "B'u7'f . . . 3 .'V, .1 ' . 7.. . c... ' '.-1..::." .i nrincir.lesof nalriolism and the laws of na-! reforms have been achieve,i,and risk iuu tut , , i Dr. Spnhri's Ague Pills, warranted to cure if ta-' debts of the several States, contrac ken acrording to directions; thousands have in 0C31 internal improvements, or ohe year been cured of ague and fever by them, j Sute poSes; nor would such aSsump Dr. Lin8 cdcxtiul balm of China a positive cure ' . , matcly acquainted vvith some of your pre- for the piles and all external ailings---;ill internal j , ' 1 i r i i his country, and neither morally or phys-; vigilance, which is the only sifeguard of i .11.. 1 I .1 1 L.w : ll'A i linnrt i under date of August. 9, 184G "Dr. D. Jayne Dear Sir 1 am inti them in the hands of their known adver- other; V J. . . . . ...-.l ...i.. i.i i part, in which every American citizen ; sanes, wun wxiaiever aeiusive appeals should have shown himself on the sideof;they may solicit our surrender of-that 4. That justice and soui nirilinnc nrl fin cifol7 rncnmivionfl tlio m irriiiiinnc hrrmrrht. in thr anrf;f liu frlrlinn iviih lr ' . J, - . .. ,'!.,,.. - i .iij ' ., the federal government to foster one XOUr iVXpCClOrant and carminative lal-.tni oaim, bo in cougiis, swtsiieu or ure mruai,, , P. , , . a ti i . i mhtnp nfthp rhpt thi? balm annlied on a flan-i branch of industry to the detriment ol an sam I have used extensivelv in my own fgniness oi tne cnest,tnis Daun appnea on a nan j j .u. i nel will relieve and cure at once, Fresh wounds, other, or to cherish the interests of one PI ilUUCCl dllU A iJl.lV UllltUaiUlllll'' I V llldl X ' . i i : j l hhm.i I... :. have used no article, or combination of .... . ... . . , . Lins temperance bitters, on the pi incuicmes, mat ucucr a&wCruu 6titutins lhe lonic instead of the stimulant princi purpose lor which they were prepared p!ef whicn lias reforrned so many drunkards. portion to the injury of another portion of Lin's temperance bitters, on the principle of sub- our common country; that every citizen, and every section of the country, has a ically, by word or deedj had g.vcn "aid and comfort to the enemy." liberty. Resolved, That the confidence of the than the above, &.c. W. V. Johnson, M. D. Lauderdale Co. Miss." Prepared only by Dr D. J.yne, Phila delphia, and sold on agency by GEO, HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9, 1847. Where may be had the Ameriean Httir Dye, warranted to change the hair to a beautiful auburn or perfectly jet black, without staining or irritating the skin. - ,1,1,-, , , -- Cotton Yarn. The celebrated compound Chlurins Tooth wash, renowned for its efficacy in purifying ths breath, and preventing the decay of teeth, and keeping tlte'gnnis healthy and sound. For sale by GEO. HO WARD. Reduced to 25 cents. Dr. Champion's Vegetable Ague Medicine, A safe and certain cure Jm Fevers of every de scription also, Dr. Champion antibilious pills PURELY VEGETABLE. For sale by . ,G0 tI0lVARDt Tarboro', Nov. 9. right.to demand and insist upon an equal- ty of rights and privileges, and to com- l . Ri i Jlh,niin tMHhB 0,i ' it is the duty of the country to sustain the plete and ample protection ot persons and ; . . J property from domestic violence or for-1 1 u,c 9- rJpHE subscriber has just received a quantity of Cotton Yarn, different numbers, which he will; sell very low , For cash or barter Persons desirous of purchasing cheap. will do well to call and see. Feb. 4. Geo, Howard. Yames and prices of ,Lr. Jay ne's Family Blcdiclnesr via. . Jayne's Expectorant,' per bottle4 $1 00; Hair onic, 1 00 tonic vermifuge, 25 cts. carminative balsams 25 els. sanative pills, per bor, 2h cts. Uvmerican hair dye, 60Ws. alUratite, 1 00; ague I pills, I 00. For sale by, GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9. Resolved, That we would be rejoiced at : Democracy of the Union, in the princiT the assurances of peace with Mexico, pies, capacity, firmness and integrity of founded on the just principles of indemni- j James K. Polk, manifested by his nomi ty for the past and security for the future; i nation and election in 1844, has been sig but that while the ratification of the liberal ; nally justified by the strictness of his ad- treaty offered to Mexico remains in doubt, eijsn aggression. Znk ieptv nfPvPrW .nnpll ' the war, should that treaty be rejected. Ua I liai 1. IJ ' 7 "" , . ff. Ill . . . . r i . . xlcauiVCCl. I IIUL lilt; uuitcio anu suiuiuid of the government to enforce.and practice? Udt aL . A - . i.t rtH,..;n nnn,K,n,;U.,:who have carried the arms of their, coun- ... a-- vkvT ' try into Mexico, have crowned it; with public affairs, and that no more revenue . " , J , ' fp, . ,, r . . , t, -.. . : lmnerishable clorv. I heir unconquerable ought to be raised than is required to je.l"Pc,,w"l,;b . t . , ' i courace. their daring enterprise, their n- fi ay the necessary expenses of the govern-. ,,7c-" , 1 . ' , ment, and for the gradual but certain ex-; " r tinction of the debt created by the prose-! on " " culionof a just and necessary, war, after!3"'1 lhat ore orm.dabl enen,y-the peaceful relations shall have been restored. ! u,f ' r""" 7 . ... " "?,u" 6. That Congress has no power to char:!16'1 Pa,r,ot'im -the- h.ghesti herotsm, ter a national bank; that we believe ich,;uu.,7 IT" w V . V'" ". , institution one of deadly hostility to g"'a ;i " "J aum,ra' the best interests of.tlie country, danger- -- --------.--.- M-,m r. niiF rpr.ii h I te.an lnstiiutinns and tnf. ! ' liberties of the people, and calculated to X . . T," ' 7 T TrV place, the business ot the ;country, within f . ' . . M 4. 10 iu fo heentrated?mnnPv now. ternal congratulations to the National Con ! oj.u L t T L.. V . V ivention of thenReoublic :of France, now er, and above tne taws ana.me wm oi tne k . , , m ' teofrerana thiVthe results of Democratic iTf- asnexi. enrage i represent Lih lnn. in this and all other financial lUves of the sovereignty of thirty-five mil herence to sound democratic doctrines, by the purity of -purpose. the energy and ability which have characterised his ad ministration in all our affairs at home andx abroad; that we tender to him our cordial congratulations upon the brilliant success which has hitherto-xrowncd" his patriotic efforts, and assure him. in advance, thai at r the expiration of his Presidential term he will carry with him to his retirement the esteem, respect and admiration of a grate nil country. ! Resolved,' -That this Convention hereby present - to - the 1 people of the United States, Lewis Cass, of Michigan, as the candidate of the Democratic party for the office of President, and William O. BrnxEit,' of Kentucky, as the candidate of the Democratic party for the office of iV ice President of the United States. 5 - S ' gJNearly fifteen thousand immigrants, arrived in New York in five days, ending both May, says the correspondent of K Union.

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