U. F. Hibbard & Co.'s i llild Chen y Bitters, TPHIS preparation is a certain sedative alliVink a nervous excitability and Calming nervous irritation- palpitation of (he heart dizztnessof the head faintiness and all diseases arising from a sympathetic affection of the stomach, are entirely relie ved, by a few doses of these bitters. CircasHtitn flalm. For the cure of all diseases of the skin, burns and scalds, canker of the mouth, cleansing the teeth, cuts, bruises & sprains also an excellent article for shaving. II. F. HIBBARD'S Ve table Vami'ly I' ills These pills have been long krrown to the proprietors, and ah experience of mare' than twenty years enables them to speak with the utmost assurance of their medical virtues. Carminative Salve, Originally prepared by the Rev. B. Hibbard. Thissalve is one of the valuable remedies known - for felons,' biles, gainful ulcers, &c. ; For sale in Tarboro' by Geo. Howard. September 7, 1847. " j APPROVED Patent Medici ives, fye. JjRAY's Ointment, for the cureof white swellings, scrofula, sore legs, &c. Harrell's febrifuges or vegetable tonic, cough m'rxtiire of carrageen mo & squills, extract Of s.trsaparilia and blood root, ' anti-biliouc tomato pills, tSappingtrrn's anti-fever pills do. book on fevers, Goelicke's matchless sanative, far the cure of consumption, coughs, eoldsv'&c Phelps's tomato pillsPetersV vegetable do, Thomson's eye water, chemical opodeldoc, Lqnjrlej-greAt westerned i an panacea, Oil spike,' ttrittsh oil, Bateman's drops, laudanum Paregoric, eseTTCc ot peppermint, lemon, &c. Harlem oil, castor oil,' liquid ointment. French plaster tncre corns, East India hairdye. "Compound chlorine tooth wash, fincy soaps. Conner's remedy for diseases of urin-ary organs, Sherman's worm and' head-aehe lozenges, HulMs trough lozenges, Hull's anti-fever pills, Root 's founder ointment, for horses, Clements's vegetable tonic mixtcrre, Armstro igs do -do Evans's family aperient pills, Evans's tonrcdo TurnerVague and fever and chill and'fever pills, 'VYistar's balsam of wild cherry, &c. &c. lFor sale by Geo. Howard. Tarboro', Mardh 8. . 'Cotton Yariu THHE subscriber has iust received a jfi quantity of Cotton 'Yarn, different numbers, which he Avill selbvery low For cash or bar lev Persons desirous of purchasing cheap, will do well to call and sec. Feb. 4. -Geo. Howard. V ROSPECTUS FOR. PUBLISHING AT WASHINGTON, D. Ci During the approaching Presidential canvass, A 'WEEKLY PAPER, ENTITLED To be exclusively devoted to the advocacy and .. ... - , . ... J, . National Democratic Convention, which w II f ' J' . convene at Baltimore ra May next The sobsoTibers, propose to 'commence, on the 16th .1 May, a campaign paper under the title K..r j . . . i nvvvc, auu 10 coiuiuue me same, weekly, lor ibfttorm nf dvmnmho o:.k election, which is totakerplaeein November next. The D3Perwiil be devoted exMns'tvplutr iVio itierno. fiion & advocacy of democratic principles & rnea UVe nclions. nenee .:.r oponuvn n.twuu fiuies, and pledged to the support bf the candiJ d by no taction, or subsequent co?riveness. dates who may be presented for the suffnures of ! Dr' Le no1 tUe mo1 act,ve and the American people for the two highest offices in! 8earchin ,,;edieine in xistenc,e' rhey al once their gift, by the ational Democratic Convention which will assemble in Baltimore in May next. TERMS. TheCAiV,PAlGN? win-be -printed on a mam- moth sheet, nearly twice the siz of the "Daily Union," and folded ift a50Dve,nient t.rmfor Kitwl. ing,at ONK DOLLAR PER COPY, fMiiko ...ill L e . . m. uC luruisned with 6 copies for $5; . Tii;S ior iu; 20 copies for $15. Tht- last. mimKav . i- . . . . . uvT , ; e ''AmrAlGN will Tin niihltchsrl nri .... .. t ollcr ine election, and will contain ie utucta, rem, ofthe canvass in every State. RITCHIE HEISS Jay ne's Medicines. ., .; .. . ... ' . xicpdicuumy uy ur. u. Jatne, Phil aaeipnia, and sola on agency by GEO. HOIV4RD. Tarboro', Nov. 9 147, Reduced to 75 cents. Dr. Champion's Vegetable Jlgne Medicine, A safe and certain cure for Fevers of every de scription also, Dr. Champion's anti-bilious pills PURELY VEGETABLE, For sale by GEO. IIO WAflD Tarboro', Nov. 9. JYotice. ARSAFAlHLLA, Cometoc.18 compound ex- tract; there is no other n reparation of sfrsa- parilla that can exceed or equal this If you are sure to get Comstock"'s, you will find it superior to all others. It does not require puffing. Magical 'uin Ecclrmt r, The most extraordinary salve ever invented for the. care oTnew nrold burns and scalds, and sores and sore eves. It has delighted thousands It will take'Otrt all paiin rn ten minutes and no fail ure It will eure the piles, &c. " . . , t 0 , . . Indian Vegetable Elixir, a sufe and safe remedy for iheumatism, acute and chronic, gout, and all the chronic pains of bor?es, joins and muscles, arising from a too free use of mercury, &c. I)r, Spohn's Elixir of Health., for the -certain prevention fevers or any general sickness, keep ing the stomach in most perfect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. Cokfs, coughs, pains in the bones, hoarseness, and drop- sy, are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying, Dr. Spohn's Jlguc Fills, warranted to cure if ta- ken ac-ording to directions; thousands 4iave in ; one year been cured cf ajytte and fever by them. FU. I .Jo .4., Atiti nf ffiirtrt a nrvCftlVO fMITP for the piles and all external ailinjjB- irritations brought to the surface by friction with this balm; so in cou2hs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, th4s balm applied on a flan- ' case of chills and fever. A pomplet ac nel will relieve and cure at-onre Fresh wounds companies each box giving full directions or old sores are rapidly cred by K. j Lin's temperance bitlcrs.D the.principle of sub-1 SlllUiliig me unuc-insieaa oi me Biimaiaiu jmuw pie, which has reformed so many drunkards The eclebruted compound Chlurin Tooth wash, renowned for its efficacy in purifying ths breath, and preventing the decay of teeth, and keeping the gums "healthy oud sound. For sale by GEO HOWARD. Will. .H-Hri S AflAHAHl! I A WILU tnLrtnl MiMU OMnOnrnlllLln FULLS. fTflHE startling drawback on nearl) all medi- M. .in,c h.crw ,,,,, ln ti,:r ,,rrt. ces of rurgatirn and purification they have also! ivy nave aiso itgaiivcmc-i t a necessary DEBILITATED THE !rSTSM. ;Hence puqjjv dirines were regarded as at 'best tu evil, patients resorting to them for the relief nfoNE disease at the expense of rtVirriiEtii To obviate this, physicians have long sorght tfor an agrent that would at the same time purge, purify and strengthen; -but theirefforts were neafly fruitless and thev had almost despaired of success when fb lalmr of Rcipnr.e. and rpsearrb were rewarded " by q discovery which 'fully realize?! the fondest desires of the medical'faeuby. and which is justly regarded as one of the roost important triumphs that pharmacy has ever achieved. Tiiis'import ant desideratum is named ' Vegetable Universal Pills, which purify the blood and remove all corrupt and vitiated humors, and 'unhealthy accumulations from the body in a manner 'never before rivalled, and which yet produce no weakness or lassitude whatever; but on the coritrary. tjne the stomach and 4rrigorate the consiitution during the pro-! wrpfts if thpir rvnpratinns' Mr T.n Rnu'c tille in .r , rl, .1 J 1 . e 1 i u . tact nnite those heretofore irreconcilable but most desirable qualities, evacuation ar d invigora- tlnn inr IhPV aro At tka!)ma lima a elronrrl lOiiinir purgative and a purifying tonic. The two princi pal ingredieuts in Dr. Le Hoy's piUs are WILD CHERRY AND SARSAf ARILLA. so nrenared thet-ettch oromotes the'teneficial effect of the other, the former strenrrthemn!f. while the - .g - - ' . . latter, tliroush its union with various vegeiame ingredients, evacuates and purifies; thus 'they ! superinduce no '-torpidity or lassitude of the diges- ' lick the root diSeaseSj ana Tne,r ifClian is sopTowipt. that in an hour or' two after they aTe taken, the patreni is aware of their good effects. They nt' only operate on the blood, out also on lhe chye of -which the blood is formed, and this secures good blood from the fountain head$ more over they produce neither nausea, griping or debi lity, and sis a family medicine they have no rival. Putnp for the public with full directions by J. HUBBARD & CO American Agents, New York. Fot sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro'; Hale & Willard, Sparta. March 23. ..ViiiHi S ami prievs of J)r. Jayne's Faniily Wcdicincssy viz: Jayne's Expectorant, per bottle, $1 00; Hair onic, 1 00 tonic vermifuge, 25 cts. carminative balsam, 25 ets. sanative nills. Der Kot. 25 r.ts. , i , .ttwricaii hair dye. 50 cts. alterative, I 00; ague lills, 1 00. F r sale bv GEO. HOWJIIin. Tarboro', Nov. ?. : -: FRESH SUPPLY of Whittemore's concentrated vegetable syrup, a sure remedy for. diarrhea and bowel complaint also, Hemsley's worm-destroying syrup, 'zntt-mineral pjlls, Whittemore's American plasters doi on paper, Durkee's Green Mountain vegetable Ointment, Far sale by " v Geo. Howard. Dr. Champion's AGUE MKOiCIVE, A safe and CERTAIN CUBE for CHILL AMD FEVER. In all its complicated forms. Also, an ef fectual remedy for Ftvtrs of rvevy de atrip lion rn1HIS medicine has been before the public for a number of years, and the beneficial effect so fully developed, that the demand for the pills has increased to a very great extent. For although the proprietor has manufactured near Half Million boxes during the past year, he has not been able to supply -many parts of the country. , This medicine may be relied on in all cases to cure the chills and fever ike first day. Bilious fever, ty pints fever, winter fever and scarlet fevers, all yield to the use of (j)js nictlicine, and are cured by Vhm sys- f ' ,r , . .,.,. mnA much more certainty then by any -oilier cn uox comau tueniy-iour puis, i t i - - r mi -.twelve oi wmcn win cure any ordinary " .... an( numerous certificates of thecflicacy of -jj p j reduced to & ner box. ALSO, Br. CiXAHSFiOIV'S Vegetable Inti- liiioas, duti-l)yfwiilic innjyiu and uiliai tic Possessing' fmr important combined 0 ,he most exlcrvsive and philosophic re nronerties for the cure of dismxo. rr,J search, aided by all the lights .of modern cor vcy ca., i7ce . M, -J. n m 10 assise ine cjecr qj another, jor jie benefit ofthe health of mankind. The propriotor aeserth, and without fear uf lUul,Jiu.ul ti.u vic.i,,,a for il.can uilin s not equalled by any medicine in the ' United States. He has in his possession " fww.v.. great numbers of certificates of the most as- I tonihii; cures that ha-ve been effected by bv J the ue ot these pills. rfM 1 ... I hey are recommended o the attontion fof those aliliotcd with Iwcr -comnlaint. . . . ... . dyspepsia, buuous hahit.costrveness.chol era -morbus, rheumatism, scrofula, foul are subicct NcirralSi, Rheumatism, Head stomach, depraved appetite, worm, jnun-: M miom Complaints, . dice, headache and stffk stomach, palpita-: Thcir wonderful clTicacy arises fron their tionf the -heart, diarrhoea, xNervous affec-: power to open the pores; to cleanse and Hons, obstrttced mcnsluration, dysentery , atren.ilcn the stomach and 'bowels: to orflux,heart.burn, vvhite vvelling,and all those disease ax iHiig.irom impure blood. Price twenty-live cents per box. A pamphlet accompanies each box with full directions and ample testimonials ofthe good effects these .piUs. This is to certify that we have used Br. . . v- ,. . iii.iiiijiuii n;cSfwu.BSug .u.uiiU, -rr : . i : : i i also, his vegetable anti-bilKdtrs, anti-dys ' nnnt r- 'rvtri fv n tr am inthnrtif nills. innur 1 I. -i- r u t 1 u ..farmhes for a imim'ber of years, and have i ajs0 lcarned mtich of their celebrity from 1 creat numbers of persons av ho have used them in their families. We do 'fhink them very efficient and valuable medicines for the cure of diseases for which they arc 'recommended: Maj Jantcs Pearson, Twigg 'coanfy, Ga. Ira Durfee. M.D do do do J Matleck, mercharit, 'Blakeley, 'do Col John Dill, Fort Gaines-, do W H Rawson, merchant, Lumpkin, do Robert Ware, M D Columbus, do V S Middlebtctok, planter, Jones, Alex Lowrey, M D Jefferson, A C Holbert, J P.Doreville, Mississippi, Maj J MrGuffee Cayuga, do J I Lewis, AubYam, - d Col W Fillon, OaWey, do SB Simmons, planter, HoselaiYre, ttd C Stancil, merchant, Carroll ton, , do Judge Carbry, Coffeeville, do HJ1 Artrold, planter, Graball, do B Meek, merchant, Louisville, 'do James Lo wry, merchant, Raleigh, do L DF .N Turner, P M Monticello, do ' Samuel Jayrre, P M Brookhaven, do G H Sheldon, merchant, Gaston, ' Ala. W M Gilraore, planter, Pickens co do R Long planter, do ' do do For sale by Hea; Howard, Tarboro", Dr. Wm. A. Shaw and Wm. O'Cain, Washington.! Bateman & Nichols, Ply mouth. Alfred H. Hise, Greenville. F. VV. Moore & Bro., Williamston, 'and'M. Weston, Rocky Mount. June 18; 1847, Till GraeJfenberg Lonipai jnTEREBYr give notice Ihntl Oie GEN- ERAL AGENT for the State of North Carolina is Capt.JVii.LiAM Jones, of Louisburgi Franklin county. v Mulletin Jo. I. THE GRAEFENBERG COMPANY having been welcomed in every soction of the United States with the unparalelled enthusiasm; and Jheir medicines having rendered an cnormotis circulation, vill henceforward issue MONTHLY BULLETINS ; I That they may the more perfectly inform t he public oi the principles of the Jimcrico-Graefenberg system, And of the vast superiority of their Medi cines OTcr any .others ever presented to the world. Each Ballelin will -contain something of the greatest importance to tfoe lealth oJ thecommunity; and all classes f .Li- i .:4 tcmnn oi reauere, uiu ierj;y, jui ioa. and private individuals, SllOUlCi not lail OI reading them, to say the least. One trial alone of the medicines will convince the most sceptical x)S lhcir extraordinary efficacy. In the present Bulletin we will only say that 1 The G racfenljer Medicines are pure ly Vegetable. 2. They have "been tested in tens -of tliousands ofases with perfect strecess. 2. Of the Tegetabks Pills .aUme, 30,000 jfaoxes arc sold each and every week! 4. The demand is certainly increasing. 6. Every article -purchased of the com pany or any of its A gents is warranted, and if it dors not in satisfaction the mon - r ey will be refunded. The Grarfenhcrg Vegetable Pills Possess almost magical power in prevent ing and curing the ordinary diseases which affect humanity, (vspeoially bilious.) There arc some facts connected with their preparation and use, which the limits of tike present notice forbid us to name. Suffice it to say, -t-ht they &re the product sclcc- All ofheratent lills are made 'fPOm tho rocincM of 1ms enlightened acres: 0 -.- I thcsc from t,,c 'ribi"cd wisdom of an- cicnt and modcrn wience. In fact they are a PBFfcCT Pill! -worthy of the age ! i r i a. anu 01 l,lccouniIT j THE GRAEFENBERG COMPANY I III. UllflL.I L.tc js nrcmred to she ow to the -public the . . . mnst "iinfiiTvcttnnn , . , . r-n t n celebrated rills are eve: "y day ctrnncul a- 1 r.u i- . 1 o 1 1 ivsjicpsia, jaundice, ii.rysrpcias, ureen cf 1 1 n r , 1. 1 ;m ake the urinc and mGnthlv discharges : flowt,Calt'hy; and to give -tone and vigor to the .systcrTU Price 5 cents a oo. por sale hy jjowardm ' j&Ot lCC. 1 hi lf lXTV,v " n iflhlL OF 1ANN IN, Or lerfther restorer, a new ; MT, hemical disoverv, which penetralea the st ittest and 1iartle9t re;ther, it has been twenty years in use; and if it tears easily with the ringers. it imparts 'at once a strength -that4s utterly incre-1 dible until seeni Horses that have ringbone, Spavin, wind "galls, &c. are cured by RoofSs Specific; and foundered horses entirely cured by Roof's founder ointment. Coras the French "plaster is a sure cure. Dr. Connefs gonorrhea mixture, an invaluable tjure for all diseases of the trrinary organs. Tin Whre. rjjJHE subscriber -has just received a fresh supply of TTN Ware, manu factured at Washington, in this. State Viz: Lard stands of tafrrjs sizes, buckets do d'o, Coffee pots do do, measures do do, wash tasirs Lanterns, scoops, milk strainers, culendere, Oil -cans, pepper Vocs, cups, dish pans, &c. which will be sold on reasonable and ac commodating terms. J30rders for glitters, conductors, and tin Ware of every description, will be at tended to forthwith-. Geo. Howard. Jnsi I Received) ' eR. M LTftPH Y 'S sugar-coated vegeta- Die anti-iever puis, Dr Murphy's sugar-coated anti-bilious pills, Dr. Hull's vegetable fever & ague & anti-fever do ' medicated cough loxenges, -Dr Spencer's vegetable cathartic pills, - -vegetable tonic and restorative bitters. For sale byi i r -j - Gcov Howard. Tarboro', March 13. Ai GILBERT'S .T Anli.bUiou8Family PiUSt Composed of Medicinal Proper . sessed by various vegetable !- substances. CTING -specifically on the Liver , other secretingorgans.promotinrr.r3 tion, purifying the. blood, cleanstf glands, in short, reviving tj,e 5 lhe system, and diffusing, health or The following'afc presented outof many CERTIFICATES. Cokswall, Orange cour ,rity, N, v. May 19 !-. Dr. A. Gilbert. Dear Rin Safferinwf time with severe bilious affection andT mc plaint, I was recommended totry VOnr 'VeL.C0,T, family pills; and 1 am plea Jd i n- !iM say, .hat after using a few doSes I lound permanent relief. To all those afflicled lar way, I cannot refrain fnm thu3 commend, them, as 1 consider, a J1Z. h mediwne to possess, especiallir Jn ,u. I where nersos are remnvd r. j - uu country . . ,ul" uw poriunhv i ... ' ours, truly. Sinned. GE011GE BROWN. We, the nndersigrned, dealers Medicines, having for two vears n:iRt cnlt a. rsiu . j i juueri s ami bilious family ilts, take great flaasure in slaUJ that so far as we know, the medicine has a, Ven universal satisfaction; and we -believe it, froJ, lhe eeveTal -expressions made to s, to be the best anti-bilious medicin now in iisei Signed. Aaron A. VVino, M. D. Peter Hanlo A. A-. iuARTIN, JXS, ollker, M,b. Norfolk, Va. May 2944. Mr. A.-Cdbert, Dear sir, please send mou gross of your pills by the very fiht packed ad am nearly .out f tlem. The demand for ih'pm i, VCTV much increased, which can only be attTibu- - - " so - i lGU uieir oein commenaed by those 1 l 1 r . . if ... 10 nave oeen Beneuuea Dy the use ot them. Y-oa can draw on roe at sight for the amount a3 u&ual. -Signed, G J. New Orleans, March .7, '45. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9, 1647. 46-ly PURIFY THE B L Q B P. MOfFA T'S V8TABLE LIFE PILLS PHCENIX'BITTERS. The hih arat aQM-iid ccltfUxity which these pTcemiiwut MedieiHCs tare cfu-4td4ir Uteir invariable efficacy in an lh dicwe vJikh they profesj to cure, lias rendered th usual practice of puJing uot only unnecesary, but unwor tliy of tiiem. Xhej are koowu by their fruits ; tlitir pood vorks testify Jfjr and tltej thrive Uot by the f the credulous. Of HSXHUA, ACUTr.nd CIIROMC RHEUMATISM AFFKCTIO.MS of. the BLADDER and KWXEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS. Id fiie fouth and west, where these diseases prevail, they will te lM'lr-vJualj!e PlaiiUjrs, fanners, and others, who onca -use tJii'.st) Medwinea, AsHliicvcr afterwards be without ih' rn. BILWUS CJIOLIC, and SEROUS Lootencts, BILES, COSl'lVESESS, COED'S &, COUGHS, CU0L1C, CONaUMl' I'lON. Used with great success in this disease. CORK VPT II UMORS, .DROPSIES, DYSPEPSIA. No person with this ilistrewiiw dis ease, thouhl delay using these medicines immediately. ERUP4ZQX3 f iht Skin, -ERYSIPELAS, FLdTU LE.WT, FEVER and AGUE. Tor litis scourge of the wo tern country these medieinea will be found a safe, speedy, aad certaifi rsnrtJy. iQiker medicines leave ibe system subjft to a rt'iurti of ifje disease a cureHy tiiese medicines 5s permanent. -TRY THEM, UE SATISFIED, fkVD B CUItED. F O UL ti-E S S nf-COM L E X I V ff CENERAL DCDlLITr, OV UT. GIDDINESS, OR A VEL. HEAD A CUES, ofttm kind, IS WARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE BLOOD, JAUMDIUE, LOSS of AtFE TITE, LI VSR ClKIPsAINTS, LEPROSY, L00SESESS, M V. R C U 11 I A I. DISE AS F,S . Neer fails to eradicate -tirely ail the efllets of Mercery infi nitely ooner-thnn the most powerful preparation of Sarsnpariiia. TV'IGTrT S tVEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. NERVOUS COMPLA IXTS Of all kinds, 'OR QAXIC A FFEUT10SS, PALPITATION of the HEART, PAINTER'S CH0I.I0, FZLiSi The original iiroprR'tor of tne.se medicines w.is cured of Piles of 55 fears standing by the use of Uiese IJfe Medicines-elone. PXINS inthe head, side, hacfe. limbs, joints and organs. 11 II i: U .11 A T ISM. tIkso afflicttsl with thif terrible disease, iT.lje wiTetrfef by the Life Medicine;. KXJSII of HbOOD to the HEAD, SCURVY, SALT&HEVM, SWELLINGS, SCROFULA, r KINO'S SVZli9 init worst forms, 'U'L C ERS, qf evtry description W O R TIL S , of all kinds, a-B effectually nrM sy these- Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them when erer their eMettrvce is snpecfl. Relief will be ct.-iiain THE tt-FE TILLS AND VMm BITTERS PURIFY THE B100-D, And thus remove all disease from the system. A -single trial will place the L I F C PUIS artd f H CE N I X BITTERS beyond the reA ofcomfe tition in the estimation of WeYy patient. The genuine of these medicines are now put up t" 'hit wrappers rud labels, together with a pamphlet. calc4 44 Mt.iTat's Good Samaritan," containing the directions. &e, on which is a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to onr Office, by which Grangers visiting the city can very eanly d us. The wrsfp-jfers -and SarrraritafBs are ojyrigliA therefore those who procure them wRh "White wrajers cai be assured that they are geuuine. Hereful, and do iiot buy those with yellow wrappers; but if you do, be satirifrea Uat they tiare direct from -us, or fldnt tooth thesa. fXT Prepared and sold by Dll. WILLIAM B. BlOrrAT, 335 Broodway, corser of Anluouy street New Yrfc. for Sate by Geo. Howard,' Agent, Tarboro. jpHE subscriber has just' received, di rect from New Vork,f , A GENERAL ASSOimtEKr OF Thoiiisoiiian Illcdiciiies Lobelia, green and brown2nd and 3rd Prepara tion of do -myrrh, cayetirte pepper, ppnd Iiiyt "Composition, bay berry, barberry, spice bitters. Golden seal; poplar bark',' slippery elm, hemIoclf Nerve powder, nerve ointment, bitter root, Coogh powdeTS, cotigb Byrup, woman's frtendi, Syringes of various sizes, No 6, &c. &c. vhichhe is enabled to sell at greatly re duced prices, i GEO. HOW&R& Tarboro' June 23.

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