I SS Diiffl m m i or raiHifliEEi E upi iipi l mmiijii iimjii WE M D. n.v nimtniiiri fRMll iTmilm -- "inuiiiuiiuimniiiiiu - - - ' .... -- I Z IVholc Jo. 1 163. Tarboroughj Edgecombe CountfcJ V. Saturday, JTuluo, 1848. : BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. -Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance or, Two Dollars and Firrr Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents Tor every succeeding one. Longer ones at that rate per square. Co"urt Orders and Judicial advertisements 25. per cent, higher. Vol. XXIMF. JIU & l v ' ' Ma J aJSliM '- " 1 i . i - - ' - i ii ma State of North Carolina. Ichabod Moore, .. - vs. Benjamin C D. Eason, Original Attachment In Edgecombe County Court. State of & or tlx Carolina. Patsy Holland; " '' vs. 1 : ' - ' ' Jno. Holland Epenetus Holland, & James Stalling and Martha Ann his wife, heirs at law, and devisees of the late Da vid Holland the two first being nonresidents. Petition for Dower In Edgecombe Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term, 184& Joshua Speight, vs. Benjamin C. D. Eason, Original Attachment In Edgecombe County Court. Both cases returned to May Term,lS4S, of said Court, with the following return of Sheriff: "Executed by summoning Wyatt Moye and It. S. Adams as Garnishees Mav 1st, ISIS." TP ME defendant, Benjamin C. D. Ea son, is hereby notified, that both the above cases were returned at May Term, A. D. of Edgecombe Court of Pleas and HPHE defendants, John and Epcnetus Holland, are hereby notified respec-j Quarter Sessions, and that unless he ap tively that unless they appear at the nest j pear at the next term of said Court, to be term of said Court, to be held at the Court i held at the Court House in Tarboro', on FOR THE TARBORO PltliSS. To the Voters of Edgecombe Co. It is with feelings of! reg'ret, and delico-;. cy, that I find myseff compelled at 'this! . 1 1 .1 I ! time to unng my name ueiore me public in matters connected with politics. With an honest and sincere 'determination to de- House in Tarboro', on the fourth Monday of August next, and then and there plead, answer, or demur to the petition of plain tiff, judgment pro confesso will be enter ed against them, and the cause heard ex parte so far as they arc concerned. By Order of said, Court May Term, A. D. 184S. . JNO. NOR FLEET, Cleric. Fare Reduced. HE St3ge Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to 35 or, From Rocky Mount to Tarboro 4 t 4 4 U tt tl (( i it it $1 50 2 00 2 50 the fourth Monday of August next, and vte myself to my private, and profession- then and there replevy and plead to isvie, judgment by default final will be entered against him, and the debts due from the Garnishees as confessed by them, con demned to satisfy the plaintiff's recovery. By Order of said Court at May Term, A. D. ISIS. JNO. NOR FLEET, Clerk. Sparta Falkland Greenville Pact ol us Washington ' 5 00 ' Tarboro to Sparta 0 50 l Falkland 1 00 j t Orapnvilla 2 00 For seats. &c. apply to H. Wiswall,' Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro February 1, 184 3. Stale of Jfortli Carolina. R. & II. Bclaher, vs. Benjamin C. D. Eason. Original Attachment In Edgecombe County Court 1 - T nr leio U 3 Q0 IUUJrilUU IU i.iiiy iciiu, ioio, "im uic 4 00 ', al business, I withdrew from the canvass of 1S46, under circumstances which ore familiar to you, and for reasons that were then published, to repeat which are, need less. I lud no idea thjen, nor have I yet, of entering the arena for political promo tion; indeed whether I shall ever return to politics, is a problem which must be L-ft to the future for solution. I am no longer a public man; I am a private citi zen, asking no privilege save that which is guaranteed to "every freeman of the repub lic to repel aspersions on either my pi i - which, swerved me from my original de- was the subject of the. vote that hwbecfl sign of keeping out of politics and cjevo- so mqchjn is represented. This road ivas tin2 mvself to - - iiw.j, viUi0tcu ng loo wim capital nor. p when I had done the-best I knew, throw exceed One million of dollars; to run from around my faults and errors the mantle of Wilmington to Raleigh. . Iq 1835 ; thp charity, and would extend to my conduct .charter was amended so as to allowLa api a scrutiny less severe and rigid than s is tal stock of one and. a hUfmillipnrof dot usual . to more experienced years. But lars, and the .road to run to Raleigh or unfortunately, the errors and honest mis-:some point on :the Roanoke,' CQ.npecng takes of youth frequenly chase us thro' life, with the Petersburg and ;Norfoik rquds, at while the designsand corruptions of ageare the election of the stockholder r. . : - considered a good joke, a handsome - ruse, I The stockholders elected to run. to .thts or a nice piece of ingenuity; and like the Roanoke, and the Legislature qf ; ?35 aflcl manners compass, the longer the voyage j '30 passed an act instructing the Bo'arp! of the longer, the, life the greater the de- Internal Improvements. to-subscribe twoj' yiation from the point of destination. ! fifths of the ; requisite atocj; w.he.nevQt I entered on the duties of a campaign af- three-fifths thereof had been takfcfl pyjnt ter May Court, and was eonstahtlj enga-; dividual i Under, .this art six hundred ged in the discharge thereof, until the day j thousand dollars , was take)i py ; "tjb Sjate.; of the election. The lamented . Ilokc was The. capital stpck-;subscr.ibedwainpt then before you a candidate for the office , enough to pay. for the "road and boats, aic of Governor, with belter prospects than ; such, other property as ,was necessary off any of his democratic predecessors. I felt the successful operation of the; enterpriser it a duty npt only; to become acquainted j The road, greatlyjembarrassed, applied-Sfi with you personally, although I had no the Legislature of '40; and '41 or relj.e'f; opposition and my election was certain, but to do all in my power to aid in the Gu bernatorial canvass. The campaign was to me arduous; and disastrous; it came near costing me life to say nothing of the loss of time from my, profession, and the ex? pences incidental to a ; canvass in this county. ' . . , ; Just before I went to Raleigh to com mence the discharge of my official duties, my physician advised meld resign, telling me that it might endanger ,my life. I told him that under the circumstances of my election, the generous confidence in me vale Or political action, and at all tunes to! . n . , , , . . . J , . . . . , i . the inttenng and large vote bv which I wa? advocate those principles, and doctrines,! , , f, , 1 , . ... ..elected; the importance ol the democracy iuvii "in iiiupi uu mmv. iiic iiui;ii y unit i . . r , . . , , . . . , - r . . , - r" r i being fully represented at the hemnin rights of man, to exercise the right of suf-1 , . r . r . . o . . . . . fl ft i , rm i 1 lollowing return 01 nnenii i ne fl. e j lhc r nriviloircs as everv within attachment was this day execu- f,ccman Df renublie onsht to avail on ted by levying on a certain tract of himself nr T rrrw. ? h . hfinn l- 1 of the session, made me feel it my duty to and when I could go no longer, I was taken sick Asthma cured by Jay nes ExpeclordnL Lambortvillc, N.J. April 21, iS44. tlllll.7LII W L. A It:iJ(iJI. ti .1 I I I I V t! IIIICII l I i 7 ... j. . . land, formerly John ThicpctiV, admin-';., ,u r ' r,; i ,hc Section, away irom.home, about the w ' llltltlti.l.wt lll lilllillV II lUlltli IIIUI- 1 . t f. A . . . ntr thp land of William Y Moore t i e t iSl" or 9ln August, and was carried . tne lanns oi uiiam i . ii.o; h.iV.no. ambition for fM)l it ical preferment; iAt ' i 3 1 . . i i Burrell or Allen Gay, an.l UvMIar- t lis ,,w": Noilili.gJbul. duly.io my-!1,?f ",e.-1lh y of Ocobcr.pn ;myf rcll-240 .ere, be the same morco- g;;f, a ensc of wr0g Ini injordsac me,'"."U ? ". ?al ftot i. i- iqiq . 7 . t . itimc have I enjoyed health, limcuifter ie.s ma) isi, ioio, cross misrepresentations about some of the : . , . , , c . . rsnnV i i i r n r , i . r 4i i ?,mc during the session I arose from a sick ' 1 r t i run r flirt tfjomn rv I f hn 1 - JJL . . ..I," . i - j i bed to attend to your business. lll U JV IIUIIUCIM UiiH 111V. UDUib .11", U';ZI'IIUI L UI lO'li Ullll i Self-defence is one of tfic first instincts of ollf hatiire. 1'rom Intellectual man tachmcnt was duly returned tit May term, nf "PwlrtortiTlUR f!niu t nf Plpn nrifl ur. jayncucar 5irDy tnc oiessing Q(lartcr Sessions, and that Unless he be down to the veriest worm that crawls in of (jod, your Expectorant ' has euected a , , r . i j . -n . .Jr , i fand appear before the Justices of saul . the dust, will you sjc an instinctive disno- cure in me of a most distressing complaint. . . .. .. P . , . , . . ! .. . ; : . , . T ' , , . . Court at the next term thereof, to hd held sition to repel anv invasion of the rights In December last, I was seized with. great . .1 ut ti : 'i n ' i . i r i r t , , . , , ,. at the CouH Hotise in I aniorough on the, of person or dominion- di things, co-cVal severity by a paroxysm of Asthma; a dis- r tl .T . r . . . , .' . . , " i i u t i u m- i r furth Monday of August next, and then with crpation itself it pervades nil nnima- ease with which I had been afflicted for mariy years past. It was attended with a fhrort,ncss and soreness of the lungs and and t here replevy and plead to issue$ judg-, tdd nature. mcnt by default final will be entered No One possessed of feelings of respect against him, and the properly levied on to himself and friends, of instincts common ; A mom- ' ber of the Judiciary Committee, the most important committee of the Legislature, which met five nights of the week, I was Up night after .night in discharge of the la bors of this committee, until 10 to 1 1 o' clock, and never absent from it but twice and then from sickness. Notwithstanding my health I was absent from no voting of iwe do not ask you to bind any further, but who passed an act authorising three hun dred thousand dollars of the bon,ds of the; road to be endorsed by the State. : -That, is, the State became surety for the road ii the sum of three hundred thousand dollars,' to be paid in. instalments of fifty thousand dollars, the first on the first of -January, 1842, and one on each succeeding January until the whole debt should be paid, with semi-annual payments ef interest; taking a mortgage ;on, the road lo secure the pay ment thereof. The first instalment waS; met; by-the. road; the second and third, were taken up by the Literary Board, and; the road asked the Legislature of ; 1844 tc grant them indulgence not to let thenr have more money, nor increase the State's liahility, but, simply not to sacrifice thev road; or their property invested in, it. , ; The circumstances represented , were; s ibstantially these. That the road hadrxj. alized the following net profits: IS41; - 5552,283 OS' 1S43, 78,008 8 i IS 14, : f 85,900 .61' n AlakinglnamU'totalpVoiits, 334787721; l They further represented that they liarj sustained by fire and sea a loss of riipre, than one hundred thousand dollars (S100,--000 00,) in cdhSequeiide of which i theys would be unable to meet the instalments of January and '46. fit ivas said to the StatCj you are already bound for us,-. any important question during the session. Soon after the adjournment of the Legis- ecoatics together with a laborious cough, , , . . . . A ' tt , .. i. ,. ilaturc I returned home, and hearing no , 1 t, 4 , , condemned to be sold to satisfy the plain- to OLir nature, can sit still with indifitr-j . t , , . 4 r, nnrl Minn p p rxrcnirxtinn nt ctfflnrfth .iHrl - I ' . rntit nln 1 tit nl An vnff I nnil fti Vpii iinnrl- and complete prostration of strength, and worn out with suffocation, when a bottle of your Expectorant tilT's fecdvery. ence and he;r his motives questioned, 1C- At first I thought quackery, but seeing commended by Dr. ti n-as wen acquainted, 1 was induced to try it, and in a few days it completely cured mc, nor have I ever had any return of the disease since. I have now formed so high an opinion of your medicine, that if I had but a few bottles of it, and could obtain no more, I would not part with them for ten dollars each. Yours, most respectfull', John Seg'eit. Pastor of the Baptist church at Lam bcrtville, N. J, - No excuse for a Bald head. From the Somcrville, N. J. Whig. Sometime since I called upon Mr. P. Mason, of Somerville, for Dr. Jaync's cel ebrated HairTonicito restore my ; hair, which was then falling out daily. I pro cured one bottle, and applied its contents according to the directions. When the bottle was exhausted, I discovered to mv great surprise and satisfaction, that the .young hair was starting handsomely; I therefore purchased another, and so on till I had used three bottles, and now, as a compensation, my hair is as thick as ever. And what is more surprising, my bald ness was not occasioned by sickness, in which case there is a greater hope of res toration but was hereditary. Jas. O..Rodgers, Methodist Minister, Mount Horeb, Somerset Co. N. J. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Phil adelphia, and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarborp'i Nov. 9. Fori GoNonniicsA, Gleet, VlvOii Al bus, Gravel, &c. Milton, N. C August 14, 1847. Dr. .1. Kuhl Dear ir: Your medicines have given enfiro s?atisraction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixiure especially, is highly npproved of, it has never fail ed to cure in every case. It Sells like hot cakes. 1 have l hfcvef had enongh to supply the demand. You will please send me a large supply 6f it as soon as you arrive at home. Yours, respeeifully, ! J. P. CAhLUM, Milton Drug Stofe. From the Millon Chranitte Laurel Grove, (PearMilton) Jan. 15,1848. Dr. Kuhl Dear 8ir: We have now been about seven years. Agents for the sale of your Restorer of th Blood, and oth er Medicines, and are happy to, state they have given in all cases general satisfaction, particular ly the Abyssinian Mixture ha"s given universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it, has received that relief "that yoii guaranteed in your directions. Mr. James Mi Vernon, to whom you. recommended your Aromatic Extract for Rheumatism, bought a bottle of it at 60 Cents, and two embrocations cured him'entirely, and the disease has never returned. Yours, respectfully, K1RBY & ANDERSON Agkhts GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro'; F S. vlarshall, Halifax; James Simmons, Weldon; C. O. Pugh, Gas tori, , E. Cook, Warrenton; fjen- y Goodloe, Warrenton; Pi C. Brown, Louisburg; iohn H. Brodie, Franklin; Louis Hi Kittle, Ken; derson; Ri Hi Mitehell, Oxford. May 16. if.vou ?!U continue to stand for us:two-' years longer and not sacrifice ollr property, tve, irr addition to the surety you already Icortiplaittt of dnV votes Iliad given, suppo- have, will give you mortgage on seventy- iscd the people fully satisfied and content Hninc thousand dollars Worth of property-; heard You arc bound for thedeot,and if you will , February ' not sdll us out, we will mortgage enough, election propeitj lacking tvventy one 'thousand . to my jdollarsj to pay the entire amount of. the. I rvi 1 in ei itK llincn hptnrtiniAe itilnrfh nHilhK j I j ' ' ' " " , 7 ' , ' """'..- wns industriously circulatrd in eVery part pay the interest semi-annually; the first. to hatig it the mast head of every mind;-lo , , ; Jt , , . . ., ,f , r :i 4 0 . .4 ' oi the county th;it I had given a rail road j time we (ail, you can take the road and, its veruauw . L,ry nuii miu :"'vo!c and divers other votes on proposi- Jtroperty. Thus we got property - to the , hie man in all his act ions and conduct, and ti0ns lhat cfe hever before the Legisla- amount of seventy-nine, thousand dollars,, illume the path df dVery soveroin Cit.n should havc answere(, (he,e rc- j for indulging, two years longer on one of the republic, no man can b silent-if , pQrtg bt - my jVo run hundred thousand; Beside the motives, he is a man he will speak will be heard rhJj , . bts,tcMO Uait and exninin1 addressed to us bv the road the time .of and by an enlightened public will receive m - yQU in my erhcs Aftcr the'paymenl only wanted two or three days! , . campaign opened i witnurew, lor reasons oi oeing ai nana In the Legislature of 1S44 and 45 I , r - a J't. , . .. 'i J ' h -Tlu i it.. r. : .1 , at ' ii..1..,i.-..i 1 i t.,.i 1 1,:. 1 fri- vii w-iim v 1 1 r 1 t i ill. i f i i i w ffiiifirtiv'ii tiiiii wi-aiiiii f was sent to my house. A , 040 J , therewith. The first time; I ever . i ia'fiiiiiiaiTiviii'ii biiii'iiiii miiiiiriiivi it was nothing but; 7. nT r,t rru i .1 ' c any cdmplairtt. tVas in Janitaryor 1 a r w m w j w m m c ww m mm m m ma w 9. - i m u m u . mil riv vvvivri i wwwww mw. t - it was so hidily rc-1 L,,,-, ; - r 1 , , , . . I31C; the year ot tnc succeeding- Going, wtth whom I ! ititsvv 1 i -.i c t i and from .and after this tunc Up n , Ifr. aUail dowed with a sense of rmht and wronir. ... . v . .. I O .T?' n il w iMiim I i-rtiH thn.fiilnlT.tlo I hn mi mm 1 nere was not a uoiiar r if il:. f 1 1 1 n mvp rpiprriMi i.u. nnti KTiore i ii:ki an on-un nit tiTiisurv.i 11 mis aw uau nuL occn had in part the honor of representing you; rUnit of giving dny public cxplana- passed hoxv would the State have managed.! an honor I shalL ever rcmcmbcr-ncvcr Aftrr niy withdrawal I heard no-; When Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana said f forget always haro and ever will proud- llm nnl;i' :llttt n ,u!tutf did "hm . h "ihA monv tbr rZtU . v: .. .J. ...ji. 1 IV appreciate. I oung. .uui uu-xpei icikcu, . f . rly nrtl ns nro.1 nnlr. thev wnrprnlled hnnlcrnntsand romu J 1,JV11, LU"""",1' U 1 -w Rented I should have answered them at dlationists. . vVhal. should t Le to d abroad .... ... 1 TJ .1 ' -. . " 1 . . . . r . T r.- unskilled . t . 1 1 : . I in Uie uevious ami uuccriain ways of life; surrounded by friends who were warm and enthusiastic for my pro motion and advancement, contrary to my determination in the outset of life and to a knowledge of n.y own interest I yielded to their wishes, and became a candidate for a seat in the lower branch of the State Le gislature. Distrustful of m)' ability, and conscious of a want of experience, and pi c ferring that the honor had fallen on Some one abler and better qualified than myself, amid the cheers, and .smiles of warm friends I entered on the duties of the cam paign. 1 Aware that I was not exempt from the imperfections, errors i and vyeajk ness "incidental to man, conscious of a full share of human frailties, I lookfeci forward with anxiety and trepidation to the effect which an election might have onmy fu ture life.' 1 trusted however trlat that gen erosity and confidence of my friends, that time. Aftcr the election was over, it .that North Carolina was so poor, that she being (generally, understood that 1 would , could, not , raise fifty- thousand dollars. notbe a candidate again soon it ever, sup-: HecoIIect this, that when j voted for this . posing that all motive for misrepresenta-; law the time" had arrived within two or :, lion had ceased, I thought time would let ! three days of payment, and not a dollar iu, t out the truth, the whole truth and nothing the treasury r ...... else but the truth; I therefore deqmcd it .This, fellow citizens, U the rail road . unnecessary to make any statement about vote of whiclf you have heard; so much. , 1 he vote. Recently the matter lias been Let me suppose this. ; Ydur neighbor owes dracccd in the present canvass, and bruited twelve thousand 'dollar, .and you. have a about thejcommunity; and from whatever mortgage on all his property but eight intention the consequences are the same to thousand; the freshets injure his corn crop , me, and therefore it is that I will give you and the fire burns down his gin house with ; a chance to hear if you wish, to hear the his cotton, you are his surety, the money . truth on my famous rail road vote. My is due; the man to whom it is owing says, A reason, fpr, jt is that my name and vote : if you will continue to stand I do not want have been brought before you , by others, j the money: ypur peighbor saysLto yop, In making this communication, I do not ; Mr. A you know Lnave more uiau w h5 desire o interfere with the present'elec-1 e.rty. cnovgbjto pay. :ihc cebt of mine., for non. 1 nave no motive oui sen aeience. i wnicn vou are r.u.v., '."' rfWr ci w Tfieiimingtrjn and Rafetgh Rriil Voarf j-nvVs'aro hanl? I sh'pU bLbkeut:pad I: -; r 'if.'' -. I h I. 'J S J if KT I I I: I s'i ff"- 4'- i a- it Yi A ,h 'r i in iff 1 !- i'J , iV ,'t. 1 .! . V i 1- , i . , i : " ill ! ' I. if; V I ! M. . : i' siS :