J :1 mm lupi llllifnll! in -.il . Y : rail H I inrmfimfmri H (nit iRfmit lira Si Imnm iiMlill U Bin rin liimiM linlll Imnnn ISfeSfa 55" i mm rrifin ammtmmmi I! innlllliiittiiiliiiiii IFV., r Tarborouffh, Edgecombe tniyy e. rdi, g Ugmt 5; 1 84& tie StiiotdMflij tyvtm BY GEOSGE HOWARD, JR. Is published weekly at Dollars per yea if paid in advance or, TVo Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at Owe Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succe'edinir one. Lotijter ones at that rate per square. 5 Court Orders and Judicia advertisements 25 per cent, higher. State of rlli C arolina. Patsy Holland, .' State of North Carolina. . Ichabod Moorcy . V. .: ; :, 1 " v fienjamiri C. D. SasonV Oh ginal AltadhitJeht In Edgecombe i - County Court Joshua Speight . . vs. Benjamin C. D. Easortj Original Attachment-In Edgecombe County Court. Doth cases returned to May Term, 1848, of said Court, vith the following return of Sheriff r r . i "Executed by summoning Wyatt Moyc and R. Si Adams as GarnisheesMay IsM&iS." HE defendant, benjamin C, D. Ea son, is hereby notified, that both the above cases were" returned at May Term, nriHE defendants, John and Epcnetus A. D. of Edgecombe Court of Pleas and Holland, are hereby notified respec- Quarter Sessions, and that Unless he jap tivcly that unless they appear at the nest pear at the hext term of said Court, to be term of said Court, to be held at the Lourti held at thG Court House in larboro', on House in Tarboroon the fourth Monday vs. A IL VIE Jno. FIoHand, Epenetus Holland, & James Stailmcs and Martha Ann his1 iife. heirs Bt law, and devisees of the late Da vid Holland the two first being ndn residents. Petitionfor Dower In Edgecombe Court of PieaJ and Quarter Sessions May Term, 84S. 11 " : To the I'iibtici rrpHfc concurrent testimony, bit then of infecrrity rand worth is the best evidence wc eati have of any fact of vhich tfe liaVe ho coniance our selves ' 'thti jreat advantages posSesSeel fy this article over every other, are in cert aintiv safe . . . -. ii . i TV, CONVENIENCE and . ECONOMY. All pnjsicians admit that great danger Is to be apprehended from drugging" the eye when in an inflamed and unheal thy statei In the iise of this salve this objection is entirely ferric) Ved i as ho harm can possibly re sult from its use: it bein? in all cases applied to the external portions of the eye, thereby avoid ng all the inconvenienefvpain and danger, which necessarily attend the introduction of any pungent article iNTo the eye Its activity in subduing in flimmation is so great that but few cases require the use of more ihari ohfe bottle to efiect A perfec curc. One physician remarked to us, after havt lnjf witnessed itseflocts in several instances, that It was a "PKRtECT FIRS KILLER." We Bliirh- multiply reasons why this salve should be prefeft. red above every thing else in the treatment of d!s- eases of the eye, but we prefer it should stand on rr-int -mi. r- ..t' - . .... . ., ' of August next, and then and there plead, answer, or demur to the petition of plain tiff, judgment pro COnfesso will be enter ed against them, and ihe cause heard ex parte so far as they are concerned. J5y Order of said Courts-May Term, A. D. 1843. JNO. NOR FLEET, CterL i . . . i" ' 1 Fare Reduced npHE St3ge Fare from Rocky Mount td Washington is reduced to $5 or, 41 j It It it . it tt tt From Rocky Mount to Tarboro $1 50 " Sparta 2 00 Falkland 2 50 " Greenville 3 00 " Pactolus 4 00 " Washington 5 00 Tarboro' to Sparta 0 50 Fkland 1 00 tt fjrppnvllln 2 00 For seats, &c. apply to H. Wiswail, Washington Groold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro February 1, 184S. the fourth Monday of August next, andjUs-?n merits. All we ask is that its virtues be then and there replevy ata! plead to is?nc, i thofoughly tested, and that the directions be strict. ?fault final will be entered ir1',-,. rL V , L , nwry ouuib i ine genuine saive nas ine name MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE. jblowri in the t-ides of the hot'le, ahd the wriUeii signature of the proprietor, D. Mitchkll, nn the outside wrapper. D. MlTCHKLL. Perry, Wyoming county, N. Y. ALSO, Dr. Gdrdori'g vegetable ami bilious fairily pillsf and Dr. Tyler4s ague A: fever plils. For sale by GEO. UO tVARD. February 29, 1848 judgment by de against him, and the debts due from the Garnishees as confessed by them, con demned to satisfy the plaintiff's recovery. By Order of said Court at May Term, A. D IS 18. JNO. NOR GET, Clerk Slate of JSTovlli CuvoliihL R. & H. Belcher, VSi lienjamin C D. Ensom Original Attachment In Edgecombe County Court Returned to May Term, 184S, with the following return of Sheriff: "Ihe t 9 y wilhln attachment was this day execu ted by levying on a certain tract of plaint arid bilious affect ions.'-3d. Vat diarrhoea land, formerly John Thigpeh's, adjoin- indigestion and fas hf itppctitc. 4th. ForCosiivei Ing the lands of William Y. Mobre, ' ncs in females and males, 5l). Tat tdrtt'Ch af Durrell or Allen Gay, and Levi Har-: Actions dyspepsia indoles. ' ishe great joints '.llQ.in nnrn, ho iho mn mnrnnr!ff il is not bad to take, never givns pnln dnd An unequalled Remedy dml an Jlmnmtc for 18 L 7l C0S antI v,'T'!,b 'eelinrfs sind prt- vt n fing Fevers. 2nd For anhma, liver com- From the Newberfi RepublicaiU LETTER OF ACCEPTANCES, HON. ASA UiGGs, Washington, 10 June 1S4S jleafif: At a 'eddvention Composed of delegates ffom the Cdunties comprised Vithirt this electoral district held at Green ville, ycU were selected as an Elector on the democratic ticket for President and Vice President of the V. Slates, and the duty Was imposed dn the Undersigned to inform you of the nomination and to request your acceptance of It We trust you will not withhold It; the occasion calls On all who love their country, and believe, as we do, that the success of thedemtiCrat ic party is essential to the prosperity and happiness of the Country, tb give their tal ents and energies in its behalf. We remain Very respectfully, VoUrii. ' KENNETH THtGPEN; MACON MOVE. McG. M. ST A TEN, A. VV. EUNUL. ftdri. Asa Higgfi WitlJamstdn, Juric i84c3. Gentlemen: t have received ydurs of the 10th instant, notifying the that at a Democratic Electoral Convention of this District 1 was hdmi Hated an Eletitof; merer leaves one co&ucc'f rorau these things lt Asa resnonse to vour lc'tter itiav he tx- JeSS lAiay 1st, IS 18. j, .varra,.,ej uneoualld. and all who do not find ' nncteiL 1 remark that I accent the nomina- np HE defendant, Benjamin C. D. Easori, it so may return the bottle and et their money 'tidtl thtis made, and shall endeavor to JUL Asthma cured by Jayne's Expectorant i LambSrtvilie, N.J. April 27, i844. Dr. Jayne Dear SirBy the blessing ' 0 ? e t i . i t cr . j Quarter Sessions of God, j'our Expectorant has enected a , , r cure in me of a most distressing Cdmplaint. In December last, I was seized with great severity by a paroxysm of Asthma; a dis ease with which I had been afflicted for is hereby notified, that the above At- back. This medicine is LOXGLtiY'S tachment was duly returned at Ma"y tcrriij 184S, of Edgecombe CoUrt of Pleas and and that unless he be The Unman Jluir H admitted by civilized as well as barha'rb'us ; natib'ns to be when full, flowing and perfect; the manv years past. It was attended with a t , . ,l .,j , J b, ' : j r i , i merit by default final will be entered thrort,ness and soreness of the luri&s and ... . . , and appear before the Justices of said greatest ornament and wheit imperfect or wahiing Court at the next term thereof, to l)C liefd the jfferftsi disadvantage to tiio p'efsorial appear- at the Court House in Tarbofoutb on the an(e f ordinal. That it is a Juf to pre- serve and beautify it, all will aduiif. I m? article has been for irto're tlian 420 ye,f4 t-ed extensively. It has tHe sifinoiiy of many tff lh most fespee't; fourth INiouday of August nejet, arid then ire by ceoau.es together with a laborious cough, and complete prostration of strength, and worn out with suffocation, when a bottle of your Expectorant was sent to my house. At first I. "ihought it was nothing but quackery, mit seeing it was so highly re commended by Dr. Going, with whom was well acquainted, I was induced to try it, and in a few days it completely cured cdndemtied td b'e sold to satisfy the plain tiff's recovery iJv Order of sxlid Court, at May term, A. I; 1818. JNO. NORfLbETi Clerk. iii-.rciJisis ussinian Mixture. mc, nor have 1 ever had any return of thn Lor GoNORRiiffii, Gleet, Fj.uor Al disease since. I have now formed so hinh i nus. Gravel. &c'j promote the success of the principles, dis tinctly, boldly dnd frankly- at owed by the DcmfcfCratic convention" rCCentl held at i)altimbfe, by the tritimjih ot CasS & Uni te? the able dnd distinguished nominees df that Convention and representatives df thdSe principles. I entertain an abiding Confidence that ifte enlightened judgment of the Amcridart people will rebuke that party whose Only hope of success" SetrtiS td bo" an abandonment of all ddmeStic ques tions discussed, and sottfe of tvhich were pressed in 1841 as indispensable td the restores it in tfiost if" fallen, arid in all cases if lost ! prosperity of the Country-whd avow dp by sickness; arfd keeps otTdrfndfnrt and scurf oh po'silidn to the Mexican Witt aS the great infants arid adrrlts. iS'ecomJ, perfumes ih$ hair issturj In' the present CaHvaSS and who by .and preserves it to old ?'ge fmui t'iffning gray. (jie rejection of a favorite Statesman here Should always be used at toi ette. Third, tfives ' toforc cdnsidered the embodiment df iheir treat vfjrof ra;Vid nrowUh to the hatr, and can- . . , .iJi:i. AnK.riniiii XnA Hrt h . , , 1 ...( , , . . . pnncrnlcs, claim public cnntulence and sup- sps it to curl beautifully. Lallv. prevents all 1 .. . t , c i : .. 3 , V .. port Under the' lead of one, who will not filth or its co sequence u children's heads, and 1 . , . , . ... i 1 able citizens in lhi country, who certify to the fart that the liAtM OF tOL.UMBl.i- First.- hi rill e.ise stori the lfair fallinf out or an opinion of your medicine, that if I had but a few bottles of it. and could obtain t no more, I, would not part with them for ten dollars each. Yotirs, post respectfully, ; , John Seger. Pator"df the Baptist church at Lam- beftville, N. J. Na ' excuse for a Bald head. From the Somerville, N. J. Whig. Sometime sfnee I called upon Mr. P. - M;isony of Somerville, for Dr. .Jayne's cel ebrated Hair Tonic, to restore my hair, which was then falling out daily. 1 pro cured one bottle, and applied its contents according to the directions. When the bottle was exhausted, I discovered to mv great surprise and satisfaction, that the yonng hair was starting handsomely; I therefore purchased another, and so on till I had used three bottles, and now, as a compensation, my hair is as thick as ever. And what is more surprising, my bald ness was not occasioned by sicTcness, irt which case there is a greater hope of res toration but was hereditary. Jas. 0. Rodgers, Methodist Minister, Mount TforeB; Somerset Co. N". J: Prepared only by Dr. D. Jiavne, Phil adelphia, and sol'd: on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. i.. -it .i r . .u.. t'-.: .. cuiniiiiiiiiizaic iu " ' r w" T.xctJC'is mi umci ii iiuics i m i lie iidii in iiii iiiijr, . j i-i -q. quantity and cheapness. Kiarty artfcles have been iuwf ..-.. j - . T . J started 6i the reputation of this, and are without1 no experience in citil life and whdSe Con cr Irom Dr. James K. Callnm, dated! ....... u ...... i.. i ......fi w. ,Q,Ui!nn ; iKa mJlitnfv Uieri l HlOll" 11 inny imvre iicdii auu aic suiu at uuu- LIUXIIIIlz iciuuiiwbiiuaiiuu j O J I o . . j ladies, who were in the cabin when jhe squall struck, and wet e rescued "almost miraculously as the Vessel Was going over. The survivors returned in the' Gazelle, with the remains of the children, who were burled on Sunday, ;c 1 8efofM.Ttiu Salisbury ; Watchman, accounting for the cause of the large in debtedness df Rowan county, says: If wn were asked the cause of embarfassmenLOo this ceunty and several ethers in this jscc- tion, and which - will eventuaUy creath heavy burthens on all the" counties in thn Stale, ve tvould say it was to be.fourjcj, h the act ef the Legislature giving .to ill criminals the fight df appeal td the Sh pre me Coifibith6ut':givinghe0iij fo? the costs; It is not to beexfjecttJ, i aL u n d er t h is ac t, a ny c r i m i h al ii U he sentenced Without dne'or morefiippsdsib the Supreme Court, and-from dncj J'&jjiree' years' imprisatimentj and as JJis qlassof persdns arer almost universally, inidlyotitj the Whole expense attending thefrpresecu, tiotl falls dtt the ddunty in ;which:the df fence was committed.; Thay this "'evil should be lessened there 5annotjbt a doubt find We leave it td the wisdom of the Lr gislature to say how and; itj yWhat way ijt shall be done.' ' , -i w Jorter Springs, Warren tOlinty, At C. As this is the season df the yeaf wher all whd dan dd so leave town for some war tering place dr country, retreat, we call the attentidtt'of JUr ; friends, and particularly td those having families'toi6hes, Springs. These Springs are situated in Warren cduntyj N. C.j itt a beautiful and. healthy cduhtiy, and by rail road tyithin a tiifiip.p distance of Petersburg. Leaving here ill the afiemodti train df Cars, the Spring? may With ease, be reached by 7 d'cldck the next mdrning. VThen there, 0U Wilf find a beautiful place excellent fare a nl good sdcietyj ztid all for the cheap price of Si 6 d month for a grown person, and half that suftl for children Slid Servants. We had occasion to try Jones last season for the health1 of our children- ahd realised from their SdjoUfri there all the advantages We anticipated.e'err5i Int i. Milton, N. C. August 14, iS47. t)T. .1 Kuhl Dear Sir: Your medicines have given entire satisfarHon in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, i9 highly approved of. it has; rrfever fail ed to" ctrfe in every case. It sella like hot cakes. I have never had enough to: supply the demand. You will please send me a large supply of it as soon as yoo arrive at boaiei Yours respectfully, , J A CALLiJM, Milton Dniy: Sl6fe. From the Milton Chron(cte Laurel Grove, (near M itt dn) Jan. 15,1848. Dr. Kuhl Dear Sir: W e have now been about seen years. Agents for the sale of your Restorer of tho Blood, and oth e Medicines, and are happy to state they have given in aft Casrs general satsfaction, particular ly the Abyssinian Mixture has gfveu universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it. las received that relref that you guaranteed in your directions Mr. James M Vefncm,-to whom you recommended your Aromatic Extract for Rheumatism, bought a bottle of it at 0 Cents, and two embrocations cured hirn entirely,-and the disease has never returned. Years, respectfully, Kill BY & AftDEltSON Agents GBO. hC7tVARD, Tarboror; F S. Marshall, Halifax; James Simmonsy YVeldon; C C. Pugh, Gastoii, Ev Cook, Warren ton; Hen ry Gbotfloe, Warrenton; Pi C. firown, Louibborg; LJohn H. Bpodie;-Frerikl4rii; HoiiiH; Kilt!,-Hen; aewon; Br Hi Mitchell, CfefordV May lb. ble the prices of this balrrt; The pilci all sores rheumatism, zJc. - SSays' Liniiiicnf eclat he has gained in a War, dehd'tine'ed hv his party, and without vvhich'he n&ver Would haVe been thought of as a Candidate Is an article more justly celebrated jrs a cure for fdr the PrcSidCnci?. . . . the above, than an or all others. The cases of j I ha've the honor to tie feSpecifully your cure are almot inftomerable, and ft iSnnly neCes- ob't Strvanf,- ASA BIGG& sary to let those who know tlVe article and have Ile'j?sr5. Kenfieth Thigpeh, Macdn Moye, used it with sicb great success, knortr that it is to '; jyj q M Staten, A. W; Ernul, tdrhthU- be had true anu genuine, r mere are cninifr- eiters) of Dr. Ltuius Comstoek, 21 porilandt st. New York, and so1 of the rest of the articles here narfred. To the halt dnd lamtJt. Hewe g nerve and1 bone liniment is the most effectual cue" for irreor- malism and contracted cotdsand mirseles. tee,- &c. From.the Washington' Wjrig. 8ad Casualty. -tSh Sat7irtay:(ast the Schr. Charleston, rVefonging '6 Mr; iames The gray haired will rlud the fndhm Hair fiye ; E. Hoy t, of this to Wrt,' and bound ttt NeW York, was capsized in a squall, abiotit si- Uniigranis and Spectc.trtc New? Vdrk True SUn dfthe stfthuit. hasthe foU lowing: At least 35.000 emigrants arrive Weekly in the tjnited States,' many of them helonging td the middle cksses df Europej whd croSS the Atlantic td enjoy their Wealth in sectirity. tfhe weSlth they bring is jlrinCipally irt geld afld .Sil ver and being brought aS baggage, hut a very Small part is enleied at the Custom house. The total amtiUnt ; range frdhl $g,3ti6y00t1 td . 5,000,6001 etety WCefc. This is what haS enabled US td bear, With Out SerldiiS inCdnVcnienceid drain o&half 4 millidn df dollars a week; - V: . Froni the Fayittevilli CttMiriidn. Tlie preSehi ivhi (3oierndr of Ohio has refused td ive Up td the authorities of Kentucky, fifteen' erSon'akh'6'Jj (d have Stdlert five" slaves frdnV their masters in Kentucky Of what beneit to the South ern people is the Cdnsthut ion df fthe uni ted States? Cn a"ny ma n point td' tach an afcl as that b'V a democratic Govetndr?, perfect and effectual . Tor warms Kolm stock s vermtfnB not Fa Hi neslotk Will erauicaio auu ic an tuuuiru ana adulta who have wotms.' Cffirtion. Beware of aiH unless tire name is spelled. Kolmstotk's, the old Dutch name of the inventor. - Tor cough tfnd' lung com plaints, ose pi. Ifar- tholomewV tink Expectorant syrtrp. Sick head ache, thoug-h consTTfutiohal oi inridefr- tal, is curei by Dr. Spohn's heatf ache remedy. Lin's balm of China, ftr the cure of all diseases of man or bfeasffi that require external application. . Sold wHoiesale by Comstoek & Cor 21 Cortr landt st. New York-rby Geo. Ihw'(ird Tafboro'-r Si Nfarshall. -1 Halifax 'Bennett Hymari, HamHtorr F. Moore intlic t'nife States and' Camacfasi Kov. 0 teen miles down the river, and two of Mr. Hovt's chiWren were drowned. His fa' mlly were in the Charfesfdrn", cm then way &a6cfcirig state of society. ft la esti mated by ihe police 6f , PhHridel jhialhjt iwo squares of the jpbpUlaiiffn 6f St. Mary V Street; bit the' southern line of the city, Which thdrughfare fS two squares in cx (feht,: With hmerotf Galleys, are thieves males and females, blacks & Whites alike. ' ' ' H ' ' ' ' CTThe BiltimdW Sun of the"22nd u!t. announces the death "of 'Gov.' SHurik of Pennsylvania' on fie 26th. 1 the Republic op Sitrfa Mdidr.-tL prefect td establish1 a' hew Rebublic, to be 1 formed out df tW6 States of Mexico, lying to Portsmouth to pass the summer. Mr. nortn oi tnc Dierrar lviaare range ot moun il. Was'fn eoWpany ?n his'ligfifer, the Ga- tains,and running along the Gulf ofMexi- Co, wnicn nas been am 9-pII which was st mf e'aird a halFfrom the co oown to lampi Charleston wherf the squall Struck. tib tied tcr herefofore, begins to be freely can- u it Soon got to her, and: sircceeued m saving, vassea, anu is saiu to oe va-puuy gaining all on boarof, except the two children who' strength in the' Northern Mexican States, were rn the cabin, drowned. One of htj According to an article inr the NewjOr children that had cVawled'up on the sterisj IqarS-1 Delta, an drganized pn is on foot to of thcabtr above the water, wasiaVed diasdlve theTf connection witj the Nation- blf diasdlVt cutting into the caoirf. Great praise, we" al government, and lo establish a separate tfnOstancT doe :to thg crew-of the-ornijSition jitoprtbh to the formation Charleston for their exertions in saving the of a new Ipuhc., I I I t h r ! V t i t. i it i r-f V I: I ? t V, 'A ..Ik , ! ft! n 4" i i" i 4 V t . k : I h ft t, s .. I ? I, Mi iV

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