linn irriwiffffr n "3" Whole JYo. 1 1 GG. Tarbor.o.ugliy Edgecombe' CbuMjfxW. t Saturday, August 19, I'SJtS. Vol. XXUf, Ar. rS4. lie atiiotouflft 3i)v BY GEORGE HOWARD. JR. Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance or, Two Dollars and r i ft v Cents at the expiration ot me siwscnpuon y. . Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at Onb Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at that rate per.sqnare. Court Orders and Judicia advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Fare Reduced. HTVHE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to go or, $1 50 41 '.I ( ( it 2 00; From Kdeky Mount to Tarboro bparta w Falkland it Greenville tt t Pactolus t tt Washington Tasboro' to Sparta Falkland ' - Greenville For scats, &c. apply to H. Wiswall Washington (Joold- Hoyt, Greenville or to G ED, HOWARD, Tarboro1. February 1, IS4S. ' GEl. BUTLER. The following is the letter of acceptance of Gen. Butler of his nomination for the 2 -0lVice Presidency, by the Baltimore Con- 3 00 4 00 5 00 0 50 vention. As the Union veix just'y re marks: Genelal Butler's reply is cvery- !thinr that it should be- It recosnises the sofithKrri 'trnte tvrit-for ' it alone with Mr. BJriisaili of Neiv York, and: Messrs. B rod head, Charles'Brbwn, and Charles J. Inccrsoll, :o"f Pennsylvania. Air the oth or re p re sen t a t i v es fr o "m t h e n 6 h - si a v ehb 1 d -ihg States, whether democrats 'or; vHvigSj roiea against tne ' amenumeiu. i iiu, m both houses, while 14 northern democrats voted or the"tnll, not a, whig j,n the non- slavehold ink States voted for it. : The rejection of this hill is a Vnclaochbr ly slgnrofthc time! " We are afraid that nothing imthcf uay of compromise can be effected at (he present session, and that the whole struggle wili be transferred; to-thc" A II. debate jiitthq .House was . yesterday: cut off by th'e previous question. , , Aln Trht's Letter. We observe that Air. N. P, Tl isl has ju emerged from the obscurity into which jicTcutcrcd.on his re turn from Mexico, and laid a very farcical and crazy letter "with.accompanying pa pcrs," upon the Speaker's "table in the llousiu pf Heprecntatives. .. As the House Whig nomination and all, and sent them 'Easily PhastdlsXx. Badgeij vote' back to Washington: City! "A bad omen against the omromise bill onthe'slaviy an unlucky omen!" as Napoleon's sl- question, and the Xvhig papers of North diers exclaimed -when he tumbled from Carolina think it all right. ' Mr. Man gum his horse and rolled in the sand on the voted for, the compromise, and they have banks of the Niemen, "we think a Roman ' no fault to find with him VeitherlH Really, would recoil!' r Let old Zack alone He this b a curious time in politics: pMessr.. is aright down;rott old-Virginia farmerj Mangum and Badger are true representa-who-loves his money too well .to be pay- tlvesof Taylorism. One voted for th- ing postage on such trifles s a Whig nom-T treaty and the other against it one voted malion for the -Presidency.. We would for the Clay ton compromise and the other suggest to our Whig friends in. order to against it. f So that North Carolina "ivT gct their nomination tntq his presence, ei- ism can be quoted oh l.'eitheFriide.. lher-topay ther Postage, or raise a fond toi convenient! Put those two ,$euators be- xnablo him to pay-for all his, letters. Fiveij fore the people'of N6rthfCar,diiria, ortho iiuumt-u u.ijjs mj tuuuu a ear,rwun iWQi icino ui muse iwo vcies,ana iur. ivinn hundred slaves, besides afcmy pay andjgum would take threeifourths i of the suf raiit)nsj is c.i.i luiiiy ioo smaira lunq to: ruy. uaroitnian 1 (l0 right of the people to understand the opin-j ve f believe, has. not seen fit' Jo ,to 2 00. ions ol those who ask their conhdence. i ho nrlnVmL u o dn nnt ihat vvn bnTI Swift ( reek Land , ' FOR SALE. OFFER for sale the tract, of: Land I formerly lived cm, lying on the soulh side of Swift Creek, within three miles of It takes a comprchensit e view of his own publish' it entire in " bur 'columns, but we political principles, expressed with all the j P'Omtsc our readers ajatrirlvover .some cx- frankness of the soldier. We are satisfied UdCls ai au eany (In l0' it will prove perfectly acceptable to his countrymen. nroshingfon, August 8, IS IS. Sir: I liavcthc honor to ?cknowlcdge the receipt of yonr communicationasihe oroan ol tie--iSantmore - i.onvenlion New Ptirchft-A correspondrat of the New YfGhrn of Co nmercc, un- i dcr date Washington, AugS writes: Mr. Wohstor apjK'Jwett in the .Senate. to lay. He has arrived just in, time, to aid which' reached mc onlv yesterday in-J MrCalhoun nrd others w i live adoption of in three miles j nounciiisr mv nominal ion bv that bodv; ns A ' $ Pro.F th'c; purchase of the Battle's Depot, acljoinincr the lands o: lhe tlcn.oeralic candid ite fJr the office of " terriional rights of the Hudsia's. Bay and "a mm k - t rt- .1 - i - ramuel Marskbourn, L.i i Cutcnin x others yjce prcsijent Coiilninitsg' 409 Acres, well adapted to the culture5 of corn, cot ton and wheat there is J3 small I&icetfmg hound For this distinguished mark of confi ;i W III! li-a T'. f 44. " ; " Lin i w be drawn upon, for the postage .bill of a candidate for the Presidency, of the, Uni-J ted States. - . V. . i . . Tte JVilmot Proviso. Our readers in general are not, aware that a direct ques tion om the principles of the Wilmot pro viso was taken in secret sessiort of the Sen ate, .on, the ratification of the Mexican treaty the proceedings of wnich are now published. '! Mr. lialdwin, of CohBecticut, moyed to insert at the entl of the 5th Article of the Treaty, the follqvvixig wonls,,viz: Provided, That there shall be neither slavery ;nor involuntary servitude in the territories hereby ceded, otherwise than in punishment of crimes, w hereof the par ty shall have beenduly convicted. , The ivamc of 'Cass is amongst the nays. A gainst this motion of Mr. Baldwin,, there were eleven voles, from non-slaveholding .... J- ''A . ... .L p States all democrats, General Cass among the number. Among the fifteen yeas, on ly three.wcrc democrats ' i Sioordto . Major, So$e$.-r-T)i npn? commissioned offieei's and privates jof- th.f N. C. Regiment presented a sword to Ma jor Stokes at Smith ville a few days since. i t - TVim ingioh Chrori. f Stoord' to C apt. Ki Sin gelt dry. -r-A sword, was y esterd ayj . presented l to; Cap fSingeltary by the members of New, Han.; over Company N. C, Volunteers .ib. t Va get's Suikn'd Companions.;: I :Tho (own in which tht? matter is prcs- j- . . I . I O . 1 " dencc and trust, I am most; deeply gnrte-', ,n uu: .enaic, is an aavisory .reso- Tic forcoingamendment embraces the ful to mv friends; and cannot but tl)e more 9"-. he Exrculivr w.ll prDmptly act,f rjncj . of Wilir of-proviso, and we appcciate.the honor done me, wln 1 re-,0'1 A. vice-ol the Senate, .nVegard to couched in ils ord. ' fleet that this nomination was v.ade. with- l,,e P'hase. It will onr remain, to oh put my knowledge, while abseufin a ' dis- ' ,in he "wary appropriation of a mil taut cotintry. and bv the unanimous voice oi' dullais fiom .Congress, in order to of the convention. M v acceptance is a ?-?rr' lKC ProJtcl ,.nloic'xScuUon- A 1 4 I w t 1- 11 '- - . - WJ-.'I - . 1 . - - And goou-oui noiiiwrwnu a goxa wen oi mailer oi course. w?ter and is a healthy situation.' Pcr-j It is at all limes proper in a free coun sons wishing to buy, can view the premises try, and at a crisis like this I deem it in and judge for themselves. ' dispcnsible in our own, that ah aspirant to ALSO, one other tract, lying on the office should be distinctly understood on all AT. O. . Courier. The Dead Sea Expedition -Wc are Phased In learn from private letters v that Flic tne cn ea Explpring party haver suc- nrrtbswlnnf Tar rivftr. ontfiinin.r fiO A. ' imnrt.irtl midlion of nntionnl nolicv. Ki "" lw w" uu "'V IebMons. - ...,-7 -r i i;w - j' j - ores, adjoining the lands of Richard Har-'and my nomination for thc ofiice o( Vice lison. Col. David Williams nd others. F. If. KNIGHT. August 12th, 18-tS. 33 ztr, Jayne's Fasnily ITIcdiciiics. President has, no doubt, been riiadc with, a full knowledge of mine. My positron while a member of Con gress compelled me to take a decisive, j though not a conspicuous part, in all the leading questions of the da)'. 1 might therefore appeal to the past as the best and Important from Jrasiinsrdn - Hudson Bav Comnanv. it is stated in di?-! cossfully and satisfactorily completed Uieir patches from Washington to the eastern -:lask,,and returned to Jerusalem, where naners, have made proposals to our nov-llhcy where the l!)ihof May. They have tt nut oil 'sounded the sea in all its parts, to the The pioposition was discussed on Fi idav ! (U'I),,V of 600 fcct and fo,,nd the boJtom in secret session of the Senate. 1 Baltimore, Svn. crusted with cristallizcd salt. I he pesti lential effects attributed' to the water turn out to be fabulous. Ducks were seen Interesting from Cuba. The follow- dimming over the surface, and partridges ing is the cony of a letter to a member of abound along the shore. i ne party were Congress from Florida, written -hv a iLen-!,,P lh(? sca in thcir hoats or encamp- tlcman of high character at Pensacola, and Cl1 on i,s herders for some two months, and their researches and estimates nave been of the most through and interesting ! character u Pensacola, Jul v 27, 1S43. "At this moment, just before he depar- IISEASES OF THE SKIN CURED. From Mrs. Sisome. formerly Mrs. James,' safest guaranty for my future political can no doubl'bc relied upon: ofPhila. .course. Some of those questions ate, how- Bristol. Pa.. Jan. Ifi. lS4fi. (ever, daily growiim in importance, and as Messrs. Editors: I write to inform " 1 cannot consent to win the good opinion ; !l,re of the mail, I snatch the little time I vmi and the public, that my son was un- of others by disguising my own, and as I have sr that' by t,,c ar,iv:l1 of lhe iler the treatment of our family doctor for design this communication 'to be final, it.choouei General Bennett from Key W est, irore than a year, for a very troublesome." may be proper that 1 should be more ex- we received accounts ol an .insurrection at disease of the skin, without obtaining any P11- 1 feel the more impelled to this , Havana, Island of Cuba. Five hundred relief. I then applied to several other course from the consideration that my ac-, of the insurrcct.onists weie killed. It physicians, who gave him so much mcdi- as a member of Congress may not be"seem ll,tir plot was discovered before it cine, and dieted him so low, that I thought accessible to the public at lai ge. " haJ full matured.. Finding that their he would die from its effects. Onephysi I VVith this object in view I have exam-j conspiracy was detected-, they forcibly cian told me that it was a disease 'to which :ncd carefully the proceedings of the Con-1 possessed themselves of amunition from some families weresubject. and could not vention by which I was nominated. I . the stores, after an engagement with the j trooos. and retired to the moun, " A Cj s U Tl. uuiiiv v.nnbu II Pl UlUllli cillll - ... "-' n w iu JOVU OT llltlli O I ' Sword to Major Stbkes.ThQ non commissioned officers and privates - oFth? North Carolina Regiment, presented dN sword to Major M. S. Stokes on , Sunday afternoon lasti at Smithville - Col. Fagg,- we suppose, ,wcnt homh withottt a sword, and Col. PaThc i in- d ebted . ta the citizens of fVitrHihgtoh for one; ' - " : c' 7 It must have been mortifying to the! Colonelto see a junior officer honored and 'himself neglected, in so .marked a manner. . ..... The friends of Col. Paine, in WilmTng ton, seeing this move on the part of tn Reeiment to mortify the GdIorieVirebt'i''a' subscription up among themselves and.dc-i tei mined that Cdt.P5tne should have a sword, in case liel should-vvani To use it in the 'Lie gi sa turc the , next timer iTeJirm pa iip on the dpsks and banters the 'UocoXocoV: to a fight. Fay ettevi lie Car. All were in excellent health and spirits, no sickness or accident having occurred. By the Arabs they had been received and uniformily : treated with the utmost kindness and attenti n. The Syrians con sider "the -men of the Jordan' as they call them, the greatest heroes of tfie day. Lieutenants Lynch andl)ale will visit ma ny of the places made memorable in Scrip lure history; and'.' we may expect from icir ad- others tetter, salt rheum, eczema, leprosy, j body, the great line of separation between &c. After trying every means forrfearly j tne Democratic and Whig parties lines five years without effect, I W3s advised tOjtuat should ever be kept before the pco give him Dr. Jayne's Alterative. At pie, and which are so plainly laid down in tains. "This is the beginning of what must follow, and forc-shadenving what it will be necessary for our government to do in re ventures in the Holy. Land. ; . Boston Transcript. X r- : (JjFIt will be seen . that both Houses I J I . . i rY Cyr.-r.nm Unirn oirrnnrl r o t iniirn mint it,;. .:, un t:. n r i hlw ronl, rpfDrra,i n .u ....... Lint on to this crreat eate-wav to our soutn- u "b" v ,u ,rJwu"v,"v fcno,! tn m ro . i ,i mnn rsnftni nr.'iUroin tu.. ern and western commercial interests." e on the 14lh Aug. ana mat mr. uanr . u . . v w iiivv.i. .'uiui,iiiiir.t it iv un id v .. .. w v iiivi v,iii, i i cac ir . I . ...... We publish tne letter as we-mia vii, "..u ,.uv. ...... tip and scurf off, and then break out again as bad as ever, and itch and burn so intole rably as to drive him almost to distraction. He had not taken the Alterative, howev er, two weeks before there was a change for the better. He went to school all the time while taking the medicine, and par took of the same kind of food as the rest of the family, and ran about through thick and thin,thesame as the other boys of the school, until he was perfectly cured, and became fat and hearty, and though now over five years ago, yet not a symptom of xne disease has ever made its apDearance. He took a!!oether twenty six bottles of the Alterative, and no other medicine while using it. Yours respectfully," Mary Ann Sisome. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Phil adelphia, and sold on agency by GEO: HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9,1847, solutions have been widely circulated, and are within the reach of all. I deem itsuf- icient to say, that they nicet my entire and unqualified approbation. Permit me, in conclusion, -sir, to tender o you, and through you to the entire de mocracy represented by the body over which you so ably presided, my grateful hanks lor the distinguished honor they lave done me. With high regard, I remain truly your riend. W. O. BUTLER. Hon. Andrew Stevenson, President of the Democratic Convention. From the Union. 1 .- - - The Second Compromise Killed: We regret to state that the House of Rep resentatives yesterday voted down the Missouri compromise (proposed intheSeni ate as an amendment-to the Oregon bill by a vote of 52 ayes, 121 nays. Every From the Raleigh Standard, ' ! Castor 0.-Mr. Wm. II. Mead, of this City, has handed us a bottle of Cas tor Oil, manufactured at his Mills in thia county. We have no disposition at pres ent to try it, as our health is not only tol erable,' but quite good; but judging from its appearance we should say its quality was as fine as that manufactured in othet quarters. It seems to be clear and purcj and looks like good medicine. Mr. Mead deserves much credit for his enterprising spirit. Heis raising tho Pahna Christa, or Castor Bean, In larg t quantities; and we hope his profits may continue to increase. '.'; . - ; he import of the last paragraph, or pas sing any opinion at all upon the subject; Washington Union. without piofessing to understand precisely 'compromise -of the territorial question will ne aaopicu aunng me present bcssiuh.j Thus, the eight Southern Whig Taylor members of Congress, have for wretched party purporses, defeated a measure which was in every way agreeable to the South, and which would have put the disunion ists under the ban. They have wilfully broken the olive-branch of peace and the Constitution, and by furnishing new ali ment to the fireband of discord, sacrificed the rights of-the' South apd. perilled the Union.- The Union says that on Satur day, Mr. Bowden of Alabama delivered "one of the roost powerful, and eloquent speeches of the present session. He scourged the Sourlhern Whigs '. who shrunk from their duty to the country, and patd the most beautiful cpmp jment to The lost letter Genera t Taylor don't pay postage on TRASH. The papers will have their own fun, out of this strange affair, and among them, the Athens (Ga.) Banner, draws the following j 44 Rough and Ready" picture: "It seems that Old "ROUGH" is not exactly up to the etiquette of his destiny not very READY" to pay his money for any such: trash as a Whig nomination! Ordinary men, under such circumstances, would at least hate been on I the look ! out for so distiniruished a friend as Govi More head's Whig missive; but extraordinay ihe: iron-nerved rDemocracy-of the orth, man as ; the old' General : certamly ris; he lumped the whole affair together, the who had .stood for the CQniJi tntin; and Rieti Etrfi Remarkable Presentiment of Death. A 3ourig lady of this city, highly es teemed and respected, who had been sir!; for some" length of time but was supposed to be convalescent, had "a dream a ; frw nights since, in which, it appeared to her that she would die at 8 o'clock the san o evening. On awakening, she informed the family of her dream, and remained firmly impressed with the idea that she should die at the . hourdesignated, and un der that belief called her. brothers and sis ters around her, giving them good advice with reference to the future.. Strange to say, arid remarkable as it may, -seem, on the approach of S o'clock-she manifested a calm resignation. Almost as e c).c struck the'hour, her spirit took its fligf! Thus she foretold, by a ingular presenti ment, the day and hour of her death. : Rochester -N. Y.J)cm. r : ' - ... ... .S. " . .i . ' , From Martinique.- je French ship Industrie arrived yesterday with a, large number of planters as passengers, from M afftinique, who left their plantations with the crops growings on account of the in surrection.; They state, that they had ap plied to government in order to ascertain whether they would be recompensed for their property, and received no satisfac tion. The blacks. would have the control . . . - . i of the whole island in a few uays, ana vyere massacreing the Vfhite inhabitants. Tle,Governmenrhad taken .no means put them dons. A. Y. 7 rue Sun. ' b V 1 : i, HI l . , t r,. X f i, J .3' j f i ' r j. ( :i! i'v t i .' if A i 5. ' I f t t if I t ft

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