Ullllli( lliiq pi H T:-.i iFhole JVo. 116?. Tarboroitgh Edgecombe County, JV. t Saturtlay, lugust 2G, 1 848V 1? - . i . . ? " . EY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. . Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance or, Two Dollars and Fifty Cnts at the expiration of the subscription year; Advertisements not exceeding a 6quare will ho inserted at One Dollar tho first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding' one. ljonerones at that rate per square. Court, Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. FarcRediieed. HP HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to 5 or, riM' V1; (i From Hocl;y Mount to Tarboro $150 kk 4t e? Sparta 2 00 4 it Falkland 2 50 ti 44 i Greenville . 3 00 tt 4t 4t Pactolus 4 00 44 44 44 v Washington . 5 00 Tarhoro' to Sparta . 0 50 Falkland 1 00 44 4t Greenville 2 00 For seals, &c. apply to H. Wiswall. Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. 110 IV J 121), Tarboro February 1, 1843. FOB THE TARUOIIO PSESS. Correspondence. Tarbbro', "Aug. ISth, 1818. 3 00 1 Col. Henry T. Clark ? r Sir; Allow me, in behalf of the commit tee of arrangements, to request a onv of 1 Br. Jaync's Family Medicines. have asked for a copy of my address to the Volunteers, to be published. If its publication is desired by the Vol unteers or the community, I must comply own. JAYNE'S AGUE PILLS. A speedy and permanent Cure for Fe ver 5 Qsm, Intermittent Fever, $c. In recommending these Pills to the public, the. proprietor docs not wish to make any, unnecessary or tedious peram bulation, but with full directions and a few important remarks, he will leave the medicine to speak for itself, feeling confi dent that its merits are such as will not fail to bring it into general use; indeed, he is so sanguine of the efficacy of these Pill, he does not hesitate to guarantee a cure in the most aggravated cases. By following the directions closely while taking this preparation, its superior ity over the ordinary tonic Mixtures. Pills, &c. &.C.J will he readily discovered. Being purely vegetabe, free from all foreign deleterious or mineral prepara tions, these . Pills .may be taken with the utmost safety under almost any circum stances. They strengthen the stoma- h, invigorate the system, and entirely nie- 4i.t .. r' vou, that highest and most acceptable vent that languor ana prostration ol . - n ' strength which always attends this disease. They also possess a decided superiority over Quinine, Prussiat of Iron, Arsenic, Boneset, and the numerous other prepara tions usually employed in the cure of Jc- wheri the appeal was inadcrto. Nor th.Garo Jiria. ,You neye stopped to akthe.trai- f'brous enquiry into they ustjce,aanxl ; con stitutionality of.lhe war. whether Mexico jr -your o wnr country wfi in, the; wrjg itg; out like true patriots you rushed, to the side of.your country, lo fight her battles fright or wrong." , I . h Vhqre, is the citizen of Edgecombeivho did not then feel proud of his rouutyr :whose Idosoiti did not swell with prideand dxultauoti, at the glorious sjDectacle oCySee ing her 55ns foremost inUhe ranks 'of. Jpat notisni. Your noblp conduct on. that oc casion e;ilvvined around her fame'an unfa ding wreath, silenced. and shamed'the pet ty slanders of political envy, and extorted even from her bitterest revilcrs the tribute of admiraiion; and the event justifies me in saying that the influence of your bright example, spread throughout the State, and insured the formation of the Regiment. ) We can never forget the thrilling scene) of your departure. Leaving behind the. al- Jurements of pleasure and the claims of the fluih;of youth lal iiopes and htghiWnbi- tion,: vyeni lorth jrx yourvranksjata hare your aangars and'4oTvin with?vou tin ajjxj.uusc anu graittuue ot your country. T have (alien victims to pslHence anH diseaseymoreterri6Te thaitneinVmyV:ar rny- They had not theisw6et ndrtfldri ous jsatblactiou of dying in thecarms of victory, yet wc will honor their, remains as if they filled a warriors grave. jfhey rcpo5c on the. distant, plains of iexico be yond, the reach oT the; tribullry lcaf,vpV J , . rb -.t s . , vynght-Dtfrden, Saf rancisco Aprils .. f t - 4 mcir numoie., graves, , Vet .we will? re- member them, in honor ; and gratitude, as broth ej-s, patriots, and soldiers. - the address ''delivered by you on the 'i7th' ln,Siiness to embark for the fearful dlruggle; inst., to the Edgecombe companies of tliel forsaking the comforts and endearments of North Carolina Regiment. It, was received with groat .admiration and applause by your entire auditory. The volunteers and citizens are desirous that your address should be published. For the committee let me as-k of vou a copy of the address for publication. Your obedient servant, ROB'T R. BRIDGERS. Chairman of Committee, Tarhoro, Aug. 21st, ISIS. Uoh't R. Bridgrr.-i, Esq , Chairman, home, for the hardships and perils of the tented field, you went forth amid the cheers and shouts of your admiring: coun trymcn; and wafled on to your distant and glorious enterprize by the s'ghs and pray ers of many a heart, that beat high for your honor and safety. Bearing with you too, like a talisman, that sacred message so eloquently expressed on tlut beautiful flag, presented to you by the fair daugh ters of f Edgecombe, "Go, our .hearts are with you," ever hovering over you -like the presence of a, guardian angel to ani- Dear Sir: I must thank you for the vc-!mate tnc bold, and lo cheer the despond- ry complimentary, terms, in which youjinS You could not hut have been gratified REPLY OF' H ' - ( Col. Clark,' " r:i y" "r: v.ii:' ' Sir: The honor to reply, to the kind welcome, tendered to the returned Volun- teers of this county, devolving on my . Se nior, Officers, I expecte d t hey would . come prepared for. the occasion. Not having sufficient notification, they are unprepared -and though unprepared myself for any thing like a speech, I cannot refrain from expressing in behalf of these brave and gallant patriots their sincere acknowledg ments that this reception is but. what i e expected of her, the patriotic old Edge combe, whose industry and love for cor rect principles have secured to her plenty and prosperity. ; , yT ! I need scarcely add, i that we are thrice happy in having been permitted to return, to mingle with her dear citizens; and though fortune favored us not with an op portunity to storm the breast-works of the V m. Staton, , Matamoras, Jnno; A7 IirilradleTBuen J. WtTayToK ' ' Au H- ShawK -Saltjllo; ' Dec. 3 Jesse Slallings Btiena : Vista, 4 July" 1 LewisTloTa; l'l y - 'tis fm W.MVanWriU.tt:s fC kg riilrA30 N. Lindsay Saltillo,. March 27" , Died in Company E. GidotBjKTihHl Slatamorasj March 2 1 9 Epralrn Flora, T 'ahilnTgtx i-April? 2 Patrick? Hardy, i " a i-. April 17 HJx L .Calhoun, v Uy 11., Jas L Barnes, ? Matamoras j May , , 8, Uama rgo, JVl ay ,4 ;s " :'"'"' 'May Matamoras; May Ceralvo, June Monterey, June n July - July Sam'l Wren, Wm" Griffin, Joseph Proctor, G u i fo r d J o i n er, George :Lowe, Redd in Flora, John Cornish, John Taylor, 19 5 4 5 Griffin Wright, Beuna Vista ;, July W A Joiner, ' . " T ' July J no M Barnes, Saltlllo, Aug. Elijah Pippin, Warren Williams, Recapitulation A - Company? - B Oct. Feb'. 3 vS 2(1 9 19 13 Died in lo know l!.n deep interest that pervaded',"" """" no uot, '- thceommuniiy in j our behalf during vour i."'0 lSrc?,er s"cSS wilh Edgecombe', .. . r fair riatii'hlprs. .'1 1SPI1PH. llflW Wf I hrnnirni .i,iin,,l tl-,-., O - - - - vy IIIIV rtv v U VUllli I I I with their wishes, though contrary to my., 1 ost-oilicc, when a Idler, was received Yours ver' respectfully, HENRY T. CLARK. ADDRESS To the Hdgecombc Volunteers. Aug 17th, ISIS. C D E F G H I K yy J) yy yy 99 9 99 S3V j 15 20 23 15 i 16 17 175 To which add 5 officers tha have died while on duty with the Regiment, and you will see the Regiment has sustained a loss of ..ISO hv death since r entering the servicc in Jan. 1847. -K""-t; "S'T" Fdzccombc toluntcers: At the rc quest and in the behalf of the citizens of be sundered. E.lgecombc County, t appear before you! But your from the camp cf the Volunteers, and ca- " Volunteers. Y U U .l- gtrty lisieneu lor every ito!i;8oo. f niUilion uimmprwai . rnniaiw -in. nmnai your movements. Wc rejoiced at your Register of all the deaths that have occur- jfc arrival beyond the dangers of the sea, ieu in the No. Co. Regiment of Volun and there was many a w-lchfu! eye that ccrS) from the timeof their fust muster tracked every step of your weary mavcli Q uir luiuugu i ne uaiiis ui hicmiu i iiuuu.ii . . . .. . , , ,. . iu ' .a. ou n ' ' lutant J. 13. v lutaKcr, anu may nc rciieu : lragg, at. vy arrenion, un uie oiu itr- obscnt you were not forgotten, Vou Were J J, - c . . . . A, a j , . 7 . , nn nsmiTprt PeHnns this imv the sons from all the adjoining counties, ana absent on a dutv that chainei vou to our 011 33 collect, l ei naps mis may tne . o hearts and memories by lies too sliong Honors to Col. Bragg. The War ronton Reporter of the 12th August gives It was furnished by Ad'a: Jong description of the honors to Col. j , ,. 4l ii i r ,i ' from Virginia, assembled to about 4000 in. to only medium through which many ot thej , relatives and friends of the deceased can! number. mi cs .. ' ' .1 f 1 1- duty has been successfully know where sleep their remains and we hv nr. Pritchard. in a sneech of considera-- .i. f . r ....i ..... ; : 7 , . to congraunaie you on your sale reiurn F'''' puges iuuu. counu y i nro lnMph ol)nPfi 1 0 . Ad utant Whitaker. 1 h! lnh. which was rcolied to bv Col. I ii. .. t-.il- i: i l. i n I .. i ' . a- i. I ...!!.. IT 1 . . , . , J, o 7 - . . . . . irornine oaiiiu-iu'ius oi iiexico. n cue- "uiun.iuiy juuu .nui. n j uu n.tvu nui. , , , . ! ' - . I I IUI 4 111.1 1 11 It 1 li jLi UIUUj.1 sirfl in pvii'in in e.'trh and pvitv nno nf ( isttnirtiishCil vourse ves on tlie ciimsoni n i . i f )..ii,. i. .1,1 x " ... ..i . w i .-I i cord. We copy the names of "a oil a iieariv weieunm ami hi uesiuw uu n-m, wi lhh v ui mv; t.m-i - . . T. ro- hod's mouth, it was no fault of yours., Ccrs Who died in the Regiment, and ol the for this interesting, though "mournful re- Bragg, in another, ot equal lengm. mi ill the Offi- amer antl slsiQT brother were present. A Sizeable P.. On Saturday last we ward a patriot can receive, the com mend a-- Vou bore the eagles of your country with privates in companies A and E, the, two , had Uie pleasure of attending a public din i . ....4.1 ' ' tion and gratitude of his countrymen, li safety ami honor into the heart ot .Mexico, Ed '-ccombe companies, together with the ' ner at GohL-boro'. i ...i i. i ...:.! :. r .. r... r.. in your long campaign in a distant land, ami gucimeu wuh un iiuenur loiee iu. number of deaths. you have suffered hardships, and endured inore than 12 months, a long line of posts privations and exposures, y Oil have the in an enemy's country so successfully that t . n t i f,-i rr c? :.u MiTkltr! nnncn U tnn In L imn it t'?i m l liltrh TIO IlOSIllC lOOl (larfitl -10 000101011. 1 0 ' 7 t means carrj'ing through the medium of the bowels after they have spent their medicinal powers in the stomach, thus preventing the accumu lation of those unpleasant symptoms that almost universally follow the application of the aforesaid medicines, which con- Flringe the bowe the Jiver, and remain in Ihe syst . i . t uiu iioriousi Officers Died in the Regiment. Lt. Peter Scales, o vilteyih FebJ 1847. voy tintl rtrrj!P In Npinnr iTOnlKr Anrrlnnt i . ' J oirl Imrniln flnnw. itil iT-hioh T-n!l llfaiMOW tllO flOWPTV flay by this means carrying themse ves off; , P . . rM M...m qkj,. r m n.noVUfo will ever be remembered in honor and Mar-spangieii u.inner on me hiood-stameu ( i r f V sent you forth with their best wishes months Under its ample folds as securely ( blest," and now they arc assembled with as under your own roof at home. Vou , the same overflowing feelings of the heart proved yourselves good soldiers under . a to greet your tettirn. Every countenance long monotonous camp duty, so trying to i ' 'around vou is heaminy with its hriyhr ami the daring and eritefnrisintr spirit. i ou veis, prouuee congestion oi ; J . . " ' 1 remain in Ihe system to cncermK welcome, and every hand eager had tiie reputation of being ready and pr , J ' a - ; . . . . i. x i i i i i . I I r .1 I K n 4 I ..U ,nl,, brood diseases more dangerous than those i 10 IVC ou Uiai iai grasp, wnicn ueto- paitu iu. ..y u.-t -- they arc employed lo subvert. j Iicns t,)e rcturn of a brother. You have 'and that reputation, the pride and glory of 1 Hence it is th .t tlmso mmrA', in u'honorcd us, and We arc now met to honor! the foldicr, was your shield and protcc- majority of instances only serve' to sup press the disease for a short period, while you; and let me assure you, that the feel ings which now animate our bosoms, and the disease still in the system is brooding : wn,cl1 (lraws around you this admiring now evils, and soon devclopcs itself in a 'crmvu will not cease aid pass away with more dangerous form than at- Hi-si; thus , . 1 &rceiinRs an ceremonies 01 mis day. the necessity of a medicine possessing the ! You have won for 3'0"selves a repu qualities of Dr. Jayne's Auc Pills; that talion autl acquired a, hold on our aflec can be applied without the fear of cxneri- ,ionS that wil1 hti whh lhe IIlCmo,T of encing those evil effects before alluded to it,lcseactsv Edgecombe will ever point nd whh a full confidence of receiving a 'ou oul aS h?r Jewe,s and cord the gal, speed v and radical cure of the diseased " ; "try and patriotism of your conduct on thise Pills arc put up in vials' contain-! thc briht Ig of her history, ,, , ing from 23 to 30 Piils, and being thus! We weU remembcr some.Chteep excluded from the air, never deteriorate ! mon,lls n-' wheu,0U SlePP0t,1 forlh at or undergo any chang,, and if used accord0 first tnp 01 the drum, as Volunteers in ding to the directions, are an Infallibleyour country cause vScarccly was time Remedy for Fever and Ague, Intermittent aIlotl "Pt.ce to spread through, the and Remittent Fevers, &c. ' j county, that a call had been made upon Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne Phil- jNwth 1 arolina Ior 3 "eS,mciu 01 vomP- teers. ere you u.iu i cpuuucu iu -aii ami tion from a wily and perfidious foe. But you constituted a portion of that 2d Lt.J. B. Beatty, Co. I, at Saltiilo, Sep ternber 13th, 1847. . ; : Capt. Exum L. Whitakcr, A. C. S.j U. S. A., on duty with Regiment, at Ca- margo, June 3, 1817. Capt. ol. Pender, A. Q. M., U. S. A. on duty with Regiment, at Saltiilo, Sept. 21st, 1847. Died in Company Am Jcthro D. Battle, CorpM, Ft. John ston, ' 1 ' Feb. 7,1847, It was a right tallrafiair in several res spects, and particularly in reference to, the number of people fed (say 1,500) and a certain pie which was served up. Barbacued beeves, shoal and Iambs are common affairs; and they were there; a pf" however, composed of one hundred and ttvniit trrViintifn and ttVrt fihnnfs. 13 liot a' IV. v. il i j . v mm- . j r.,. liinri lii'if iKoir - lmrl llict. Sllll iL UUlll llli-rii . iiiiu, wufc I.. mj J " pie at the Goldsb6ro, dinner. Who can beat that? We "pause for a reply.''' Wilmington Review. adelphia, and sold on agency by GEO. )lOnlRD. Tarboro', Nov. 9. Constables lilenk? for sale, AT THIS OFFICE. enrolled yourselves under the banners of your country thus presentin in advance of her sister counties, making the first offering of her sons upon the altar of her country. You did not hesitate 99 99 JNlay S -he d May 6 Volunteer army which has recently cover-, Calvin Johnsohi Matamoras, March 21, ed itself and country with , imperishable , Geo. W. Barnes, 1st Sergt., on board renown, which sought the enemy wherc ever he went, and conquered him wherc ever they found him; on the plains, in the mountain fastnesses and behind impregna ble walls, without regard to superiority of force of strength1 of position. Victories aeheived'una1errsuch disadvantages as al most to seem miracles. Though fortune decreed you no lot in these brilliant victo ries, yet your duty, more onerous and lia ble W every: hazard, was bravciyantrsuc. ceWfully ' perYofmed; and youn can claim a share "iiv the triumphs and successes of that armv, which has conquered ah honorable peacefdrifie country and dictated to a fallen foe; terms creditable to a A victorious af rny and ftfa the magnammity of the glo pbus republic whose' arms yotl b6re. : li j But there is one melancholy shacle in the fbrighticture before us; "We miss from among you many a familiar face, who in steamer from San Francisco to 5 : Matamoras, April Amos Edwards; f " April 8, Wm. HJ Spencer, ; " ! April 8, LV T. Griffin'; Camargo, April 22, Wm. Parker, " s,5 April 24, It. M. G. Worsley, MatambrasA pril 24, Jackson Rodgers, Thomas Wiggins, J. D. Baswell, Camargo, May 5 Reuben Ifarrell, M'cian, Mala'sMay IS ,Wm. Edwards, Ceralvo, May 27, J. H. Shulz, " Matamoras, May " Maj 2 v.-. 99 June Monterey, June 22. Win. "Wi rriason Biiena Vista, June 27, B. GPLittlef5 Matamoras May 24, Wm!. Turner, Kuen Vista f July 1 6, .Rich'd Daniel, M onterey , July "Evans Watson, " July '' "From the Union. The Bui'FAlo Convention. The fol lowing is an extract of a letter from Bufla- j lo, addressed to Washington: ? "It ought to be knownl among the : southern men, that the, preliminary meet ing of the late convention was opened by , a negro barber from Detroit, named Bibbj and that Douglass and Ward, two other ne groes; were prominent speakers duringthe ' sittings of the body; while numbers of our colored sisters' graced with their, presence; Wm. Abrams, jDemsey Hicks,' ;tlenry Belli lerations of the convention!- best Cheering. We are informed, on the; authority, that at least two-thirds of tho second Mississippi regiment wiJI vote? agai nstGenf Tay lor. J Many of them wentr to the wars lull-blooded whfgs, but return strong democrats, t Among' the voIunteersf aenerally, Gen. T; appears. to be: anytningj "-"V. - . .. WIW but popular. Jjcaoojtf a- i er I (The largest steamer in the United States Is-the Empire State lately buili at New York. ? II 51 i v. ; 5 I;; I. H t. r "! I 1, i n ; KS, - 1 I ll V 'If !; - 'r v.- I;. If.;' i i

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