iill 1110 n' M,1M,,jMjMMMiMMiaM igp, bb,! p'uBa " i JBMwlwwwMaMMggp ' ' """ IVholc Yo. 1 169. Tarborough, Edgecombe County W V. Saturday, September 0 188. ; ,., ...... i s Vol. XXIII. Tbl '37. BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advanceor, Two Dollars and Fiftv Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at Ons Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Ponta fnr fiverv succeeding one. Longer ones at that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Fare Reduced. Hp HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to $5 or, rrAm rUv Mount to Tarboro Si 50 A I VtM w J t Sparta 2 00 u it Falkland 2 50 n it Greenville 3 00 it tt Pactolus 4 00 ' it Washington 5 00 Tarboro' to Sparta 0 50 tt t Falkland 1 00 if tt Greenville 2 00 For seats, &c. apply to H. Wiswall Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro1. February 1, 1848. Piano Timing; and Kcpairins- Charles Eijle, Tj7R0M the Piano Factory of Messrs. Knabe & Gaehle, Baltimore, (whose testimonials of ability he bears,) offers his services to the citizens of Tarboro' and vi cinity, in Repairing and Tuning I'fmt' Of every description Having been reffu-! Wt? I. "... h feels confident ol giving entire satisfaction to nt. Mr. Eyle Will remain sometime in rt i rr ..?t.i : I 1 . ...til arnnrn lr Kinraniu nninui rrn. will return again next spring. n-Tr r 1 ' I C I.! K Printing Office in Tarboro. August 25, 1848 Dr. Javtic's Family Medicines, Tavnr's ExPV.rTORAKT alwavS Cures ...... i i ...:n Aswma two or mree large noses v crnthP fJroun nr Hivns of children in - ------ from 15 minutes to one hour's fme It immediately subdues the violenceofivhoo- ping cough, and effects a speedy cure. Hundreds who have been given up by their physician, as incurable, with Con- sumption, Spitting of Blood, and other 1 ir t. . . Pulmonary Affections, have been restored to perfect health by it. It never fails in giving relief. (From the Spirit of the Times.) A Fact worth knowing. eruption of the skin. Indeed, his whole system bore the marks of being saturated with disease. One hand and wrist were so much affected that he had lost the use of the hand, every part being covered wiJi hfn niinfnl. and nffrmsi nlpr anrl trom as hollow and porous as a honey.comb. It xvas at this stage of his complaint, when death appeared inevitable from a loathsome 'Lr' 'raers may oe leu iur iiim 4ue.'vw...Kw. . - j----.-- ... r J ' -i. i , ii . .TV' .1 . ... ... - .i ' u:.u n u..ki f 'i r- return to your friends, families, and coun- A gentleman ot ocrotuious Habits, trom approuauoo , ianv months have inter- vor of the capacity of indiscretion in his younger days, became services ot men wno rusn to tne sian- vecd in which vor DCrils and f-itieues ' menl- affected with Ulcerations of the throat and dard of their country to defend ; our rights 1 t j Were it ncccssarv, I mi . r . r have been meat, and vour enerirv and na-t nea iiiilu.wij,iiiii Nose, and a disagreeable and troublesome avenge our wrongs vve mereiore ; 4.u ' ! anxious enquiries made fl'"" vu ,"v " 'uaiiisuun; - Mmiiii) ivhiuii) . nt of distin uished offices and disease, that he commenced the use of land to receive contributions, &c: District e enJymen 9 f 18 inSu . ! Javne's Alterativfl. n linvino nUniNo.' I. Wm. Grav. Ksn. No. 2. Mn?',tne prospect.. ot promotion and te. Jayne s Alterative, and havine taken sixteen bottles, is now perfectly cured. This Alterative operates through the circulation, and purifies the Blood and eradicates diseases from the system, wher ever located, anb the numerous cures it has performed in diseases of the Skin, Cancer, Scrofula, Goitre, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and other Chronic diseases, is truly astonishing. Fever and Ague. Cure Warrranted.- Jayne's Ague Pills, which may be had at ($o. 3 South Third street, Philadelphia, are warranted to cure the worst forms of Fever and Ague. The money will be refunded in all cases if they fail io curQb ut theysnev,er do fail. s Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Phil adelphia, and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Nor. 9,1 S47, IWWHHHIOAlfcB From the Raleigh Standard. MARTIN COUNTY VOLUNTERS. Pursuant to public notice a large and respectable portion of the citizens of Martin County, met at the Court House in adopt measures for a sutioie reception of the brave Voliinieers who responded to the call of their country by volunteering in her service to defend her rights and avenge her wrongs On motion of Col. Asi Biggs, the! meeting was organized by calling Dau'I Wnnl. Ksn to Hip Chair On mntinn f John Walls Esn Win L Mizelt wis nnnointpfl Sopntirv i Col. Asn Ris addressrd the meotimr : on the importance of making some de- our" Revolutionary history that period monstration of public sentiment, bywhich!,h;U "lned men's u" elt all the those brave nu n ivho arc soon to return ! Wandiahmenla and luxury that wealth and among us may know,that whilst they have' undergone the hardship, and privntionsot a soldier, they have the good wishes of their friends and" fellow-cozens m ncrally a, home; that they still retain their best i iespeeis. anu nave accomplished in a ; ' few months that which ititiv toil :-iH ; their lives for, viz: ihp pntifiilpnpf. nnl nstnim rl thoir p nvv.rnnntrmrn nn - " - v . . utiv urged the necessity that this expression of .'r - i.inrr i r irnnnrnl ini! I rrr.tf 1 nf mr. tins ;niT rn enro v itii snn :iuii(i n ,,laUormuponWmcl..iicou.a,tnd. , I tnc! locnllfnrl I 1,1 ll tlHl IMf I I 111 m. m ji uv.ou.., i,,uu; instant, be selected as a suitable day i ine dinner and reception, anu mai ine rhnirmnn nnnoinl iivn. uprsnns ns n r.nm . , . millee ol arrangements, ana nine persons fnn. frnmPi,h lUtrlM in thr pnimlv -"'linirms dipil -is :r.hlirr m.irht m Ho as . co.ittcc of invitation, reception,! Tbv cti ne .1 anf to receive such conlributions as the 'he,r cbclcr tinsullitU by cinne, tlmr cilizens of the County may b, willing ,0 maUe. On motion of John Walls. Esq., coun.ry. Let a remembrance of our Resolved, That the list for contributions d,elr,e1 f.en., be cherwhed. Let to the dinner, reception, &c, be a copy w.fe, the child, the brother, the sister ' xxcepuuii, vxl., ui a cuIv f , h , t h , of the following: ol the Alarli,, voluntcet w ho.c bones now -Whereas. w t in n short time' 1,c fore.gn land, ever receive a sympa- 4. fl, " . v ' ; .nirt. , mat tne iviariin volunteers wiii dc in our , midst, the undersigned feel it due to those nrovo ntPii tint n cmlnh ( nun ( flpmnns- Uration should he given by our County, of . . v. ...v... v..t , promise to pay our proportion to prov p . r ridav a dinner and piopcr reception iviariin v oiunteers, to oe given on v nday the 1 Ith instant " "ii tu pi, . i r ine Chair appointed as a committee of arrailffements. Wm. J. TniliKnn. I. Jonnson, Wm. H.Clement, John Walls, -r- ad A. S. Mooring. .. .... Aortrt .4 i No. I, Wm. Grav. Esn . No. 2. Mai: Wm B. Perry. No. 3, Col. Noah Peal, No. 4, Col. J. G Carraway. No. 5, D B. Harrison, Esq., No. 6, Simon Gurganus, No. 7, W. W. Andrews. No. 8, Joseph Waldo, Esq., No. 9, Nathan - F. Hooker. On motion, the meeting adjourned sine die. DANIEL WARD, ChW 1. 1 THE RECEPTION8 AND THE DINNER. According to previous arrangement, on the 11th of August, the people of this County, . and many from , the adjoining Counties,, assembled in large numbers to ;reet the volunteers and join in the festi vities of the occasion. We regret that from v the short' notice, ' but two of the Edgecombe volunteers atterrded, as ourin vited "-uests It was an interesting scene to sec the young, the old, and all classes manifest the most anxious interest to see and converse with these men just snatched as from the grave. The cordial shake of the hand, the groups of anxious listeners around a volunteer here and, there in the streets attested the, deep feeling that per vaded the large crowd. , At 12 o'clock the procession vvas4 formed at the Court House, by Simon J. Latham, Esq., Marshal of the day assisted by Col. J. G. Car ravyay and Jno. Latham, Esqrs. At the sound of martial music, the. volunteers in Tront; measuring their steps with all the order and precision of veteran spldiers, the procession moved "Ifirough our streets, recei v i n g the appro vi ng sm i les oft he Lad ids uby their white, kerchiefs waving," arid halted at the Academy Grove, where ample accommodations were provided. Here the dense throng were hushed into silence, and the throne of grace addressed in a most eloquent and fervent manner by the Rev. Robert J: Carson. The volunteers seated in front were then addressed as follows by Col. Asa Biggs: . MR. BIGGS' REMARKS. Martin Volunteers: On this spot fourteen years and four days ago the people of this County assembled to pay their last ,rib.u.te of respect to the departed patriot I .. c i " r i r i i ,i f . I expressed our grief at the loss the world j had sustained in the death of that disfin- R"ls.hei1 :man who in the dark period of s,a,ion cou,t, afrvd aml Pe,i,,e(J his 1"'u ttLe' 11,(5 1, ,enu ol oeny, in inencl : '"u.u iu. iu me ui uis names of V crica, the friend of man. Here welthe militia gnie way, and we suffered lorlune an(1 Wtttion to assist this thenY upon her citizens, could not compete h'1 "ntlT in achieving the liberty wejw "Rular soldier., and ,n a difficulty " ' our brave comrades who oreign power. must necessarily be t,ms to disease in Mex.co, occupying more humble but not less hon ' I '. " l 1 .i u u'c puMuuns, merii ai our nanus ine u iuuiw ui Liuieiui uesris. r ar irom nome, .. ; I,. T r. . I l. d ty V I C , r. f ' l I r n ! wumi ( , huui hhmu.-,sxiiuiii umiiiirs, J,u "Vcuiip:a sacrmce lor iIw.Ih K...... ..V.. l f r ineir CtJUtiirv. it is a mp .ir.rhn w l.nl ry. It js a melancholy but ctiuu, that while thy ortuUj real in the little corns that iH-riii. ijic-iijiiia itncciiu - " iIlJIJ,llOULLl,Ul. lilt. illUU V- f 1 M M J J how lu.nn cr niv'il lit thA I 1 1 1 I nrnc m...:.. ....i i.4r u...k luaruii, vet uv inu cuuuuci oi none na mu fair fame of our beloved County been ... . . to vou as it is to their friendshere assem !mPfn,l ,nm,,,lM i "led to icflect, that your departed comiadesj thetic welcomed our hands.. My friends . . . ... " I turn from. tins mciancholv picture to a band 1 J who survive. I welcome vou on vour yet (he preparation of your departure in January, 1847, no doubt will recur to you J 1 . r. , . : t. . . . ' in an ns uesnnesa unu uiiaiciv xuu I I J L Akte.Aa were aooui leaving nuiuc anu an mu v o. i . I I J 11 endearments of home. You were about V " i HonnMtnnr Irnm n . i, f . . f our country anu an ine I ' II VI. .-II II ..I IIMI illl n 111 111 XI I l.ULllll W. , I.,, r ii :4:.. : Many might fore&oall these associations in. Yours was tllO liumblt. po.ition or lb. volunteer soldier in the ranks. All that you could promise yourselves was to do your duty faithfully as. soldiers, defending the rights & avenging the wrongs of your country. There is about j the volunteer soldier an exaltation of self-sacrifice, an intensity of ardent patriotism, which is unexpialled if not unsurpassed by any other position that , can be j assumed. If there are strong inducements held out to him by the love, of adventure which no doubt operates on many yet the adventure-is of the most perilous kind, in which his fame, his health, his life, his all is .risked.. You were the representatives of Martin County , and Jt is impossible for me tp.leir you.th d eep a niiet y that was fe It by. y our, Cdu n t y ?Aen for yourl success, your health, and Vour prosperity. While you " were stationed on the insalubrious banks of the Rio Grande, when death was thinning your i . j r r- i i r - w-w I ranks daily, the anxious enquiry was often mitted a sacred charge. The boys the heard in the Post Office, upon:' the arrival young men, the fathers and the: matrons, ot the mail, "Has any received a letter from and lasn but by no means the least the the volunteers?" If one came, iiibre in- young ladies of our county will listen to tensity of feeling was manifested to hear your detail of the perils, sufferings and its contents than; to receive the latest dangers of the camp or the calamities and intelligence about an excited political j glories of war, with the most intense inte electibn. 1 Though far away : from us, my rest. You have greatly aided in so eleva friends, let me assure you. if assurance is ting the power, glory, and renowa of our necessary, you were not forgotten by the country, that we may reasonably calculate people 6f the "County of Martini It is for many years : much ftgretted by us & no doiibt l more so Oar braised arms will be hang apiWmonumehts, a u mste3d of losing your com-j Oar stern alarams changed id mwry meeVmss; rades by the hand of disease ybu could not i Our dreadfa marches to delightful rneasujes; '. haveHay aTi '6pportunit7tfl,sKowTrig;yo,ur Grim xisaged war hath smoothed his wriDkled prowess in battle, and thereby -sharing front," -;; ''-:, .?'.-' f- part of the fame which attends the volunteer soiuiers oi some more lavored Regiments. Yet you are entitled to the same meed of praise. And what has been achieved? Without forgetting the proprieties of the present occasion, I may be permitted to say that our country unable to settle amica bly with Mexico the difficulties between us, has, by the energy, bravery and skill of our arms, the most of which were borne by the Volunteers, compelled an honorable treaty of peace. An interesting and important problem has thereby been solved. We have had but one foreign war before this ice the Revolution. Then drafts were f I no. 1 .1 fii (,efeat- The people of monarchical Europe aruetl themselves -into an opinion confir- m?d? as hey said, by experience, that soldiers could not be relied on unless pro perly trained for a series of years: that the United States having but a small standing army, and being compelled to -leateu tiow tnumphant.y .ave these arguments been refuted by the Mexican Will'" I ,ltl7nn t'nlnnlao enliliuKa KnvrA 4V. 'uu. auiu.wa na ui mPn n n arm tr oc , I K,t ,v nm n 1 lintt A.n v -"j InllDfl I h 1 llda nf i lino t r Un nrn . fry Pniintrt' 5n llm clinrlnif nncciKla tinm . J - ; i,UM,H,w- , t-iaincu iu viw m muuuis wiui l!lc-v are trained to do in months mxianrQhisls'siinDQsed ould requixx they meet the foe with all Vn -s u ire years ,efiuUr veteranS) alld their, courage and .,-. , , . -1 indomitable enerev.. ana untirine enaur ance knows n0 defeat the enemy quadru- . . .,i;nr timii mj or 1 i;i. o tio piing ineir nunmers are uesiroyeq nue ine stubble in the devouring fire. Another of those unanswerable arguments in favor of . b Kepuoitcati institutions, to me enure nis- "mfi-ure of monarchists and despots! To J' J' g P" '. f ff" "VTd no Lepubhoan voluntee s. If jou d.d not pariicij a'e in any of the battles, you have consolation to know that as l Foud consola to n to vvthat as volunteers in me uicxicau war you imve :n, m,i vwi,l,rt,v institutions, and furnishing the friends of y "irougnoui tne worni wan a prac- -r i . . i , a .1 l .i . tical argument against tyranny, and in fa- man for self govern - ght allude to the of me for the last fc,v wcck as ,0 the tln wo probably reach home. On Frjday last i i i Krt vn;Ari i; the time vou would we ho.l int nnsrrl thrn' an excited nolitical . . . 1 V V - - I eiecilUU, III vmtii mutii - . Your countvmen in large numbers I111V.I VOl Hill IClli . . . , , a.Mfmh led here to earn tne result, a re- . m . . . ... port rapidly circulated that the Martin . a . .... ... volunteers wouiu uc at uui lauuinii in iwu VWiU . .1 I r.rwsc IKMI 1 1 htnnt fill l I O n fl 1 II IT 1 11 1 tTk ru.ecuuu was luiuntn, mc tun- iratulation of friendrim the result, the , fe . f v r: .0r0,, luuium... v. u,rHv.... . ? lhf universal anxioiy anM enqui- nes aD0Ul ine volunteers. i ne greetings ) ou have received since you reached your homes.' the ? nublic demonstration now witnessed, the heartfelt approbation of your gallant' and self-sacrificing pa triotism; is pervaded this large concourse. Dinner conveyed to you -in every form, on every I Qver, the crowd were gathered in groups breeze and every tongue Reaching home HiMening to the conversation of Ihe volun lasf night I was apprised that it was my 'teers. Before tiight-fall the: large crowd nleasine duty to welcome the volunteers. -dispersed without the least circumstance I have had no time for a set speech and occurring to mar the enjoyment and festiv studied phrase. None are necessary; w hen 'ties of the occasion. Much praise is due the heart is fully alive to the subject, j to committed of arrangements and all who i From the depth of my heart I cordially participated in the preparations. It was a welcome you home. In ' behalf 'of your proud day for the ( 'ounty-pf Martin, assembled countymen, in behalf of the j r ' j punty of Martin, I greetyou thrice ivrl- (jDrayton, a white man, concerned come home! You now doff the -habili-; in the recent:wiToresale:k1driapping: flar.; ments of war and assume the garments of : in the District of Columbia,-has; been oeace. From your position, your exr e- sentenced to 20 years in the Penitentiary. . -r-m mm f 1 - mTl rience and vour sacrifices to you is com- land most solemnly pray that peace may be perpetual. Yet much will depend upon your precept and example in infusing into the, minds of the young a proper appreciation of the rights of the country and the necessity of defending them, "that in time of peace we should prepareor war," so as most certainly to preserve tho peace, and thereby hand down to posteri y the free institutions transmitted to us oy our ancestors untarnished, witnout stain, without blemish and without disho nor. You may expect now and then to hear the idle gibe, the envious growl, the penurious complaint, the unpatriotic taunt. But rarely in the county of Martin will such mutlerings be heard. It is an ex ception which proves the heartfelt enthu siasm of the large mass of all classes and all parties which is felt at your safe return, your health and prosperity. , To the volunteers from other connties, who are our invited guests on this occasion, permit me to say that every thing 1 have addressed to the Martin volunteers will apply in all its force to you. It is an ad ditional zest thrown into our cup ol enjoy ment to have you with us on this occasion. Here citizen soldiers who have endured the privations, the perils and sufferings' of the camp, surrounded by their fellow citizens, and received: with the greetings of hearty welcome, cair mingle their co r. p,Tatul ati o ; s w ith their com rad es i n arm $ , at their safe return in home and jnnends to themselves and their country in a forefgrt land. Again, in ben ilf of the people of the county of Martin, I bid you all thrice welcome home! Sergeant John C. Gatsinger, jn behalf: of the volunteers responded in the fol- lowing neat and patriotic remarks: MR. GATSINGER'S REMARKS. The volunteers are highly gratified at the cordial reception they have met fiom their feltow citizens of the County of Mar-' tin. They return their acknowledgments for the welcomes greeting they have this day received. They regret that such a large proportion of the little band 1 that went from this County have fallen by the hand of disease. Over their graves wc drop the sympathetic tear. Our perils ; aid suflerings have been great, but we vol- un'arily assumed them at the call ol our country, and we feel amply compensated in theapproving voice of bur countrymen We will endeavor to set the examples worthy of imitation, and transmit to pos- '. terity the blessings of Republican liberty. Upon the' conclusion of Mr. G's re- , marks, three cheers for the; volunteers were proposed by the Marshal, and the welkin rang with enthusiastic shouts The volunteers with the large crowd were then arranged around tables measuring up wardsof 400 feet, loaded with barbacue of all kindsand descriptions, with every con diment necessary, neatly prepared and f served up by "mine host" Major William Watts, l it Was an animated and lanima tine scene. The. cannon , boomed which j feebly, expressed the thrill of jdy whicl fayeiieviue iar.