M I U him En Kill liiltal raiiiiiil liiiinll lliinil Ifanin! Killlllfiil Bui nut 111 tail liiii Knil imi iirf k -: ' Whole Tarborough) Edgeco , 1 848. BY GEORGE HOWARD, Jft. Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance-or, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will -be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 for orfifv succeeding 'one. , Longer ones at hat rato ner square. Court' Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. T , - IPTOMCTHJIEIES., ' If? ROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our business, we have been under the' necessity of taking the whole up-story over L. Pender's Store, at the sign of Pender & Brother, where may be found AX IMMENSE Stock of Furniture, Consisting of the same articles which will Jje seen advertised at the Old Stand. Per sons that have not had an opportunity of j seeing a magnificent stock of jurniture ' are respectfully solicited to' call, as prices and quality shall surely suit? Furniture repaired at cither place at the shortest no tice. : F. L. BOND. N. B. In order that a man may do himself justice, let him see articles of Fur niture before purchasing. No body likes to buy a cat in a bag. Tarboro Sept. 29, 184S. Jayne's Medicines. 'NEVER DESPAIR. Philadelphia, July 29, 1846. ,7b the Public. I certify that before my remembrance I became afflicted with what, the Physicians called Scrofula. It made its first appearance by pain and swel ling of the joints more especially of my ankles, knees, wrists and elbows, after which the glands of my throat and neek became inflamed & swelled, attended with most excruciating pains. I was often confined entirely to my bed, and for weeks together could not move my neck or turn my head. . Several physicians attended me at different, times but they did not appear to do me any good.- About a vear ago I -was- attacked with. ( vomiting, which continued every few- minutes all one night. The next day an eruption appeared on the sides of mv neck, ' . , , , 1 V A . . ... 11 . .. : ;A very extensive development of the doc- vhich soon spread all over mv neck, head . f . 1 . . j- . a j . - i trine, so far as its operation upon the an- and tace, with inflammation of my eyeS1 .. , . ; Ui i i'j . , . i J i.-'.' proaching. election is . concerned. It will and eyelids, which destroyed my eye-lash-, ! . a c . i i . - ., - - be chiefly confined to. particular neighbor- es, and caused the hair to fall from off my . , J, 4 .. . . . t. ... , , , . . . J hoods, and to a peculiar circle; but it wil! head, and soon the disease spread all over. A r : . - ... 1 . - . interfere to what extent we are unable to me; my limbs were one entire scab. . I : .4. . . . 4 rln . . isay with the old party vote. 1 hey are eould not bend mv hands or arms. J 4, . - .. ': , 4l . , . ... . . . ", . A . not themselves so wild in their fancies, as without causing the skin to crack open,, , . r c xr , A. ... ? ,, ' to dream of the success of a Van Isuren when the blood would run out. Some of .... v r, , , , . - -i " ' r i i ticket in iNortn Carolina! Indeed, we my finger nails came off. In short, I was lt - . . r, , . . . .. . . . unable to get mv. own living, and in this .... t ii j t . condition I called upon Dr. Javne, in . , . , . , ' order that he might undertake my case.; ight Ihree times a day; and! his Sanative Pills t i 1 1 c i " t oiicu us i miuuiu iiuu ii ijtcessary. l have now taken his Alterative 4 months, and am most happy to say that it has entirely cured me. Caroline Newberry, No. 118 NorthTcnth St., Philadelphia. If any person doubts my statement, they w.U please call upon Mrs. D. .Stewart and , Mrs. E. Doughty, Spring Garden street; or on Mrs. Tabour, where I reside, who are acauainted with ;itiot;r before , , ' ' J "'"""." ; and -while I was lakinz Dr Jaime's medicine. iewQerry.' JIT 1 Prepared only by Dr. D. Jatne, Phil adclphia, and sold qn agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 1847. Graefenberg Company TOTEREBY give notice thnt the GEN ERAL AGENT for the 'State Of North Carolina, is Capt. Willjam Jose,, of Louisburg, Franklin county. The Graefcnberg Vegetable Pills ' Fpr sale by Geo. Howard. 1 nimmrn From the Fayetteville Carolinian. r Free.SoiP' in North Carolina. , There have Keen . symptoms for some ;tinie in the'western part of N. Carolina, (the region where the strength of the yhig party lies of a demonstrationjn regard to "free soil," or no extension of .slavery, or as the democracy term it in ridicnle, the "free dirl" qneslion. r' " At last we have it. The Greensrioro' Pa triot of the 301b, has the following article which, coming frorma whig paper, mikes, the prospect of the whig party look . rather blue. The " Free Soil" Meeting in Orange. A Free Soil meeting Was held at Cane Creek Cotton Factory, in Orange county, the 16th inst., at which the leading princi ples set forth in the Platform of the Bufb laFree Soil Convention were avowed and adopted- a State Convention of the friends of said Platform and of the election of Martin Van Buren and Charles F. Adams called at Jamestown, on the 10th October next, to forman Electoral Tii uei &c. arid fifty delegates appointed by the chairman to said Convention. The proceedings' of this meeting were forwarded to our paper, with a request to publish, which was declined, as noticed in last number. We chose not to a imit an original publication of thismnvement, when ; there were two newspapers, Ucmocrntie and Whig, printed in'the more immediate neighborhood of the meeting and in the county where it was held, and also a pub lic journal in Chatham, which county fur nished a portion of the members of the mee- The fact of an attempt at organi2il!on, in a respectable quarter,-shovs a 5tate of Barnburner ' opinion and feeling in our neighborhood which was not anticipated, !and which, we conceive, entitles the movc- l- rv fn )i n tn r rtr iiiui m ni.nut iwi aunt LailllUl ivj r . . . , , formed in the State. Hence the seeming c . .. L P wantonness of putting to hazard in ISorth .. , p .... , , ;; Carolina the- great principles, for rather ' !'6 8a POtciple, for we regard the que. tion of JhiXecutive power and ambition ai as swallowing up in importance all others.,) involved in the contest, between Tavlor and Cass. In case-'o7-aionlest as'close as that of August last,, and a very few hun dreds of Vafti Buren deserters, made up of a fair proportion of, Whigj and Democrats in the neighborhoods where they are likel toarise.-weHall be 'bouriha'na an foot & delivered over to the DutchlT We . . ,;.. . . trust io real vv nig euori, an over the State, , , . ' From the Raleigh Standard; gallon. Truman Smith, Chairman of Whig nationals committee, and Circular General writer, : has.,, .written ' a "secret circular" to the whigs of 'Pennsylvania, one of which by mTstake was directed to a democrat. . The,, circular exhorts: the whi its1' to action, and V sa vs the v "need the 4.. 'r ' Pannivfvania iriirinlf snYricc! ! cerUin for-.(hem. "PennsylvVnii We can and i- must have." It looks as if the leaders.of the Taylor party are giving jtip the contest when appeals are so urgent to the Whi gs of d State, which they, have no real chance to carry. ' frv 4 ' v 83The democrats oWvTirinia held a State Convention 'recently :&l Lynchburg, attended by about 400 delegates. v A com mittee appointed to take into consideration the prospects of the party in Virginia, repor ted, that the Democrats 'were 'justified in claiming that State'by 700.0 majority. . Baltimore Surit To Applicants. Wc . .-''learn" ' tha; number of the patriotic young -rneh iho ha V e served 1 u t he late war; rand others emulous of fame, are eager ' applicants for commissions in the army. Since the dis charges which the law required to be made on the termination of the war with Mexi co, there is no probability of any such ap pointments beings made4 for some' timeJ We learn, on inquiry, that there are now attached to the army fifty-eight brevet second lieutenants wailing promotion. OF these, forty-one are graduates of the Mili tary Academy, and. seventeen are non-commissioned officers appointed brevct'lieuten ants for meritorious services, under the act of March 3d, 1847. ' "As" vacancies, occur, these brevet officers Nuf ill be com missioned, and it must be some Considera ble time before any other can be appointed. We trust, therefore, that it will he seen that the wishes of those now in civil life. woo uesire 10 auopi ine nuuiay pniiesNion,! cannot be gratified. Washington Union. yf Costly Speech. The speech dcliv- ered by Col. Benton in secret session of the. Senate noanst the nomination of Gen. i Kpirnnv. has nroved for the countrv a ' .1 1 n.. ",i I pfKl v nuw nl rhetoric liv a late rpfrula-1 lion ofConcrress, matter of this kind is paid for, when published in the National ' Intelligencer and Washington Union, at' therateofS7 50 per column.- Col. Ben-. ton's speech, it is computed, occupied about fifty columns in each paper, whicj, brought the aggregate charge to seven' 1 hundred and fifty dollar. for one speech. " --Fi"V-- peo j price. .UV 1 . :ut a. . nil 9 m . t f A I r rv c i I ' : t , . 11 , ....o r ft ii - . yT - 7 - 7 - even for the pleasure of listening to the r , , , n ! music of Mr. Benton's eloquence. 1 he - speech hrs been truly denominated "a wishy, washy affair," and the editors of.the above named journals f :lt no doubt happy when relieved of the leaden weight -by which such an harangue encumbered their columns, however ample the equivalent. Charleston News. money c .1 . 1 i f:hfntnfntrti Snmp ivi nts airft lhrn tffn , " " . Uenoral Memlez's command. It is said circulation, having that for its object. : . - he f '' v- I- that the Indians, - mimberlne 1800, roade . ? ; ' .- ncnt Denfst, we vyer, favored wh a" ! tle aitacl! on the vvhites who, vvitirbnly a! The CAoem. ihe .Asiastic .cholera,: opportumly to see Chloroform .dminwlr-,lmiU forcCt maintainea position !isteadily marching westward, and item's . ed to f.c.htate . painful Denial 'op?ral.on. . of ,he ,AKi t tliree woondedv noyf tobtorifjp.he: I he patient suffered no pa,n whatever. f the Indiatis, - thcMmber killed is modern plague shall make its appeara'nee V' conclusively showing the great value qf this nnt ' tl;,e(. hut is said to hV lnrafi Thf, til .i." a r iiJa -i ,. subtle agent when managed', -by science and skill. Lhicolnton Republican. .- v - . . - 1 era j fl Ktntt Accmr t learn that on Sunday the 24th ult., an rti e n aohn ( affrs whi nP. ffray took place in Rockfish -village ch a sli anger, who called hihiself ....... -r . ' , 1 r "'"l" . aktt ,, , v inaiuenerai r-areaes was marcning on mai ly on Monday nwning, a p,ace aj thefhea 0T sii hdndred:' men, and issued by B. P. Mallet, and : was determined to make an attack on; the oeaien. rariy tvarrnnt WAS ,l .OMn u.., v,z- 'acKma" ""'" Alfred Moore' ana "oug ass i oweu, m whom tne two nrst. nameuwere arresiea. The others aosconaeu. 1 ne examination of witnesses, we jearn. disclosed a most barbarous and inhuman transaction, and the Magistrates refused to admit the prisoners to bail, on the ground that Jenkins wan no where to: lier founrj. Dilrgent search has heen made for him or his body, without success. A report tvas current that he ava seen on Little. River, on his: way to Cane .Creek, whence he I reported himself but there is no co0rma- tioivpr ihis report. - ; ; This notice is inserted, partly fort the purpose of eliciting information'-as to Jenkins- if herbeTalive. f , ,.t cr: HFoyeltevillt Observer. - From ihe Petersburg Republican: . Mysterious Disappearance of a Pes .Thechdoner ; Ostrich John 7Days? masterJwhichVrrivett YbrkironV North Carolina on Saturday, with a cargo pf corn Was engagldpn ihat day tp-Un load on Monday, but during Sunday" night ine vessel, captain, anci cargo mysteriously disappered, and 'nothing has 'been heard oi mem, since. .. A Turkish Brig " called ' f he Ararat, said to be: the" j first vessel that ever visited that port, arrived at! Boston, uu mc 6in iuai., iruin.ivonsiantinopie. l neivpJiltachment Cor the Piano, has recently been invited by Bord maa.& G fay of "Alba nyv Jwhich is , said ?in 7 cxqqi.si te sbftiiess to excel the X JEolian :A Itach ment i n vented by Colem an. I tils sty 1 ed t h e Dolce CompanaVanti produces,, when attached to tjie Piano, a sound not unlike, the rich music of the 4bellsjj of the Swiss i respecting Gen, Lopez's plot to deliyerjCu singers, lately among us. 'These, in ven- ba into the hands of the Yankees.' Jhe tions show that . Brother Jonathan has American A ihbassador's explanations are some taste and genius beyond jack, kni ves j considered quite satislactory by the Span and saw-mills. - From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce. Congregational Methodists. The de cision of Judge Edmonds, adverse to the Methodist Centenary Church in Brooklyn and requiring them to receive the preacher appointed by the General1 Conference, induced a large portion of its" members to relinquish the property arid form another 'and an independent societylwith the pastor ru: i : c . i 4 1 I . . , episcopal unurcnes nave aiso recenny established or declared their independence;; we believe two more in?Brooklyn, one in lu,i in,ec IU 1 ''P'"a, ami some in. ther Parts f the con1ry. A Convention of pastors and delegates from those in these three cities &. their neighbor- - " . I , ... , t TM.IH j.l 1 ' "y4 "flo,Ifc " i rr-the Newj - that Capt Geo. W. VV Kite, A i-1 n n n!l MP r t 'of tliatcitv, isauthorized.by the Mexican . Government to raise a regiment " ot one Governme;)t to raise a regiment " of one thousand men, to go to the city of Mexico - t . " . . . . . to act as a guard in sustaining the present 4 - . . . o . I I White has opened his rendezvous. 'N. Y. Journal of Com. From JTwcaan.-r There was news in j town yesterday which we have reason to believe correct, that a severe battle was recently 'touglit in Yucatan between the ' Indians ami' thf? trrinn iihdp.r j--- " " . . . . - . ' . . battle was fought on of abW the 13th of last month, at a place three "leagues from Valadolid. N. O. Chronicle. . : " ' ' : . nooa' mci 3 ,ori lime d r '"ae'Pi oauoonirom me open space laieiy ocuupicu an,i forme(l what JJt11 ihe "Brooklyn, as Niblo's Garden. The ascent vvas very Association of the pastors and delegatesof successful. At a quarter . before, five thc Congregational Methodist ChurcV, o'clock, all things being, in readiness, the Tir first regular meeting will be held on Doctor severed the cords that, confined .9 first Wednesday in December next, in him to terra firma, and as. the aenal-fabriC ; B rooklyn. . . jgently rose, waved with each;,band an : c ;.. . ,- "-. - Umerican flag, till all TaniAefrpmD Late From 'Mexico. Wei learn from aiway been the avant courier is more Captain Wakeman, .of the scli6bnerrprey4jentin theou Reimpago, fromTabascoi the; gOth- oitimo', .: 1, - ' - - - 0;i--.,:i -i ..vT v- thattieneral Paredes Was marching on that CK It was-reported. .that he was i, not 1 more than six , leagues distant. ..general B atl . hcad;pf four hunded men, Was making preparations to march out to mee,t him. It-was ihe. generaf impression that Jiruno would be deieated;-to. , : ' , " .V'1 .... ,- . ; . . j ? Ronge, the Reformer. The Vienna correspondent of the London Daily, News says: Ronge is preaching his new, doc trines here with unabated, seal and with no slight success, his auditors in he deon being, every - tfme. he lectures, eight-or nijie thousand strong.. He Renounces-the doctrine, of the Trinity,. Confession,, the Calender of Saints, Comyents and Monaste ries, celibacy of the clergy, and praying.in foreign tongues;' . t?- - - . ,- - . For California -Lieut." Col. Fremont' and thirty-five young and athletic, men." left thi$ .cityriyesterday, .on .board, .the steamer Martha, en :::rott.;Xpr,palifornia. These disembarVatcWestport,w fargest portipn of : their aggage, 5 lipules. horses, &c, are in readiness, and from thence proceed across the plains by wha is known as the Southern or CimaronO route, taking in their course the. most Hehsely populated " and fertile regions of New Mexico; The object of this ex- peditionV? ye 'believe; Jis l not . generally' known) but that -most'. currently h reportedv is, the completion of the Colonel's- recent;. surveys 'and .researches rin tnat wild ana,., far-off regionJi His ladyj-accom'panics birri. as far as;Westportvat wMch place ;he' isip bejoinedby'the celeuratedSantaFe and VVcstern traveler, Jlit Larson. (Qf A. correspondeTice has taken place between the Spanish Government and Mr.v- Saunders, -the United States Minister, ish Ca Bi net, and , all the comin uhica tions that have passed between his Excellency and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, were sent home by him viaLondon a few days . ago, by a special ' messenger. Spaniards regard Cuba as' the. gem of the Spanish Crown. It is said. that the United States i A mbassador a t M ad ri '& has bee n sou nd ed ' by , Farvael, with a,view of finding put, in an indirect manner whether he will act as a mediator between itself and Great , Britain for the purpose of bringing about a reconciliatidnv Lord : Palmerstonbas expressed his firm determination not to have any thing more to . do 'with the ex isting Spanish Cabinet- AT. Y. Express. " Balloon 2scension.rf)r C. Morrill who has recently made several excursions, ascended yesterday .... afternoon with a , 11 .1 s jgn y 1 rt ct)C;azu re dcpitl 9 Of, Ch ky balloon took an easterly direction, ! towards Long Island, and it was supposed it would . descend in the vicinity of Rocka way. The ! wid was, light and the day very favorable - , 0 .J . , to such an expedition. We- observed, , r . f ; , UUiUilt' UlllCIS.UICSCllli U1C .Utf)lllibULiiivv aeronauts, Prof. Lauriate, of Boston, Chas.,Durant, Esq., and Alderman Edge, of Jersey City, ; ; ,: ' T'Thcre is a fair prospect of the speedy' abolishment of the institution of slavery in the State . of. Delaware. A mam moth ' r.;;Cn tr -iUa Ctnto T am.lotiiro Si in - UCIIIIUI1 l v tiiu ., utb . -jv&igiaiui u iu - ' " ... . Spring of 1849. Its head quarters in tKeu- !ast and north part of Europe are now ; in j St:; Petersburg, Moscow Constantinople. !A! the Dresent time, the i diaffhccavvhlch The Last of S3,000. A five dollar bill of the Fulton - Ban k passed ' through our liands yesterdayj on the ; back of which : was written as follo ws: ; - ? '"ThisHs r'tfie last of ; threc thousand dollars left to rhe by vmy mother aV her. death, on'the 57lh day of " August," 1840. Woul4 tot God she had never left It to me, and, that I had been V learned ; toy work, to have earned my Hying; I would not now be wha't-i" ani.,,: ;: - 'r , ' ;:' - ; "'": : ; Journal of y Com. , W-t.r r . . ' " .W ..- .-V. . - iii"' ; : -j t - ' Tr - " " Jf Maiden. 'LaToC advanced !ge named Lois P; m1jli: com mitted suicide the? other day in Saratoga, by hanging nerseir In ' her room was found a dead is kitten; wjth thebllovving letter:' ; 'Odear! bury rhy, poor little kitten vviin me,. as ii is 10 me. as .an ansei.-irom above. V 0, grant4 me rny , wishes. Bury me inTmy bstjr' ard "untillihe time expires that f have. paid little angel by "my right 'M-S: arm. '. Don'tdeny my wishes. A . The death pHier kitten, jt is tWight, produced temporary jnsanity,Urv VChich. state she committed suicide. V j T 4 - I: .4.- 4 " '

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