! ...... M jl rT; if r is Head Quarters 21st Reg't' N. C. M. ? . Tarboro' Sept 26th, 1848. 5 HP HE Officers, musicians and privates -of this, the lower Edgecombe Regi ment, will parade in Tarboro' on the 4thj Saturday 28th day of October next, at 11 t'clock A. M., equipped for Regimental and Battalion muster as the law requires. , .The Officers and non-commissioned of ficers will assemble in Tarboro,' on Fri day the day before for officers-drill and Jtegiroental Court-martial. By Order of Colonel HENRY T. CLARK. RobU R. Bridgers, Adj't. Rocky Mount, Sept. 8th, 1 848. Cotton Factory Mills: FTUHE undersigned, successors to Battle 6 Brother, in the above property, j Manufactory, as can be bought at any of v., associated themselves togetner unueri unuuru markets; 11U WW the title of RATTLE A CO. They have been at great expense in en- , largingthe operations of this establishment , ew York, and B and in the purchase of new machinery, and feel warranted in saying, that they can now make as good an article of Cotton Yarn as can be manufactured any where in the V. Stales, and are determined to sell at as iLoto prices All they desire, in order to secure r morphantfi and dealers in this 7, , i Marble ai d plain top Bureau, part olF the country, is, that they examine the quality of their Yarns, and their liber- Mahogany Bed6teaJs.gotl.ic style, al terms, before purchasing elsewhere. j Mahogany and marble top Centre Tables, We do only a quarterly business; but and cane seat CHAIRS, will mate the liberal discount of 2 per ( High and low post Bedsteads, ct. for Cash. B. D. BA TTLE, JAS. M. BATTLE, IV M. S. BATTLE, J. L. HORNE. . -EYE AIL VIE. : To the Fiiblic; " fTpHE concurrent testimony jof men of integrity 'and worth is the best evidence we can have of any fact of which we have no cognizance, our selves The great advantages possessed by this article over every other, are its certainty, safe ty,' "convenience and economy. f All physicians admit that great danger is to be apprehended from drugging the eye when in an inflamed and unheal thy state. In the use of this salve this objection is entirely removed, as no harm can possibly re suit from its use: it being in all cases applied to the external portions of the eye, thereby avoid ing all the inconvenience, pain and danger, which necessarily attend the introduction of any pungent article into the eyei Its activity in subduing in flammation is so great that but few cases require the use of more than one bottle to effect a perfect cure. One physician remarked to us, after hav- Switnessed its effects in several instances, that it was a periect fire killer." VVe migh multiply reasons why this salve should be prefert red above every thing else in the treatment' of dis- l - r. : . I A U .1 " r L- ii r" rr eases 01 uie eye, uui we preier n suuuiu bianu on As cheap and as fashionable from a Home . . ..... ... . I 118 UW II IlieilkS. All V O ttSU IS Uldl 119 VlllUCrt uc thoroughly tested, and that the directions be strict ly followed. Every bottle of the genuine salve has the name MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE, blown in the sides of the boUle, and the written signature of the proprietor, D. Mitchell, on the! outside wrapper. I). MITCHELL. Perry, Wyoming county, N. Y. ALSO, Dr. Gordon's vegetable anti bilious fan i ly pills, and Dr. Tyler's ague & fever pills, For sale by GEO. HOWARD. February 29, 1848. - Corn Fans, . ' Straw Cutters ana Farming A Glorious Victory, Achieved triumphantly over all oppo sition to HOME INDUSTRY. JPROM the IMMENSE SALES that I Jiave made for the last season, I am compelled to believe that my patrons are satisfied that they can buy . CABINET'. FURNITURE anu mat my cus tomers may have an opportunity of buy ing the best for the least money, I have laidin from the markets of Philadelphia, oston the very best stock secured the best style, of antique and modern furniture. Through this medium I return my sin cere thanks to my patrons, and I do assure the public that the articles below named will be manufactured and kept constantly on hand, and sold at the lowest price for The style or Furniture : Marble and mahogany top Sideboards, Mahogany and stained wood Wardrobes, WE WOULD invite the attention of the public, to the low prices at . . ii r r i , Which we are now selling our spring anu ; Walnut dinin2 and breakfast Tables, Summestock of Dry Goods, consisting French Bedsteads, Ladies dressing Hureaus, all patterns. Portable writing Desks, Mahogany and parlor Chairs, Mahogany dining and tea Tables, Ladies work Tables and Boxes, Portable writing Desks, Ladies' sewing Chairs, Secretaries, Book cases, anJ writing Desks, of every Fancy and Staple Article usually kept on handj but particularly to our assortment of Corn shelters, Straw cutters, Spades, Shovels, Salt, Iron, large 50 to( Cribs Cradles, and children's Chair?, Marble top wah stands and pier Tables, Cottage Bedsteads, all patterns. Mahogany rocking chairs, spring spats Looking Glasses, picture. Frames, &c &c Any article of Furniture manufactured at thn shortest noltce. Furniture will be An unequalled Remedy And an Abiimiac foi 18 k& OStVTIS. IMPLEMENTS, GENERALLY, For sale by T Matthewson & Norjleet. Tarboro', June 1. 22 CONSTANT supply of Bacon and Lard for Sale, at the store of HYMAN $ PIPPEN. Tarboro, January, 1 848. . Thomas L. Liddon, :l, BRICKLAYER & PLASTERERr TfNFORMS the .Habile that he is now fully prepared to execute all jobs in his line of business that may be entrusted to him. He has competent workmen in his employ,vand can give satisfactory assuran ces, that all work entrusted to him will be executed expeditiously and in a workman like manner. References. Wm. Nnrjleet Tarboro,' Baker Staton, Edgecombe Go., Goold Hoyt, Greenville. Tarboro,' Oct. 12, 1847. 4t. AT LOWiPRIOESi QgESPECTFlJLLV JnyUe Uc ubl to call and examine their - - " Smmcne i?tocU $Z : ; JYew spring andsumtsicr &cd0i Purchased; exclusively for cash, at unpre- ccdented Low Prices and will be sold af a small advance for CASH, or on a liberal credit. April 15 th, 184& Dr. Townscnd's ; SARSAPARIL.LA ITS used successfully in Acute and Chron- Notice ; jp HE subscriber having abandoned all idea of moving to the west, has asso ciated with him in business his brother, Matthew Weddell, and will continue bu siness at his old stand under the firm of X & I. Wcildcll. ; He avails himself of this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal pat ronage he has hitherto received, arid pledg es himself to merit a continuance of the same to the new firm. ' T ' : Those indebted to the subscriber by ac count, will please call and close the same by cash or note. JAS. JVEDDELL. ' Tarboro, VIarch;6thf i84S. ; s JJESPECTFUL zens of Edgecombe and adjoining counties that Jje carries on the , , , TJMILORIJV4 nVSMJyF8&i at the old Stand next door to the Posl Office, where will he found a choice assort ment of " (and all articles in his line of business,) ic Rheumatism. Affections of the Bind- der and Kidneys, and Bilious Fevers and!which he is Ppared to make up, at the snortesi nonce, ana on. reasonaoie terms. "fl ST for colds and feverish feelings and prt- ventfax Fevers. 2nd. For asthma, liver com- nlaint nnl hilinns afTprlions. 3d. For diarrlireaJ . . . ,'m- i . ! the Sninal comnlaint. It is a noriWt nrp. in.ngesuon anu oj appcuic 4m. i-or cosuve-, - Vr 1 T r Thankful for the favors alreadv received ness in females and males. 5th. F r stomach af- ventative of Bilious and Western Fevers,! nankiui. lor me iaors already receivea, Actions, dy.ia and piles. The great oinuand the best remedy ever used in restoringlhe solicttsa continuance of the same, assur are, it is not bad to take, never gives pain, and ' the pal ient, after being prostrated by Fe-;in6 a11 who may favor him with a call, vivtr kuvts ont coilivr.'f For all thee thuig3 it Ygp &.c. . 1 . 11 - - 1 ..11 ... 1. - 1 . C.J is warrai)ieu unequaitou, aim m wuu uu uui imu it so may return the bottle and get their money ! back. Phis medicine is LONGLKY'S 100 gallon Kettles, Sucar, Coffee, &c.,&c.,Packed safe,y for transportation. .The which we will sell very cheap and on the',abovc artirles ma be fo,,ml at lhe me uio tana. r. jl,. joulu. Tarboro', Sept. 29, 1S48. EILILBMG OFF. most accommodating terms. PENDER $ BRIDGERS. Tarboro', N. C, July 13, 1848. FOItS&LF, T MM WARM Or the late Dempsey Bryan. HUGH B. BRYAN. May 18, 1848. 22 (tJRaleigh Standard and Washington Whig will insert three times and forward acc'ts to this office for collection. Western Indian Panacea. We assert there is no family medicine of half its virtues, and none that will so delight the users of it$ and to convince all that Ihtte art facts, we offer as aHove. Try it without price, if yon are not charmed by its effects. Fuller descriptions and an Almanac for 1818 gratis, with the agents for the county. (See below.) v The Human lluir Is admitted by civilized as welt as barbarous that none shall go away dissatisfied. Cut ting done t the shortest notice. . N. B. Always on hand "a few select articles of ready-made clothing of his own manufacture. JAS.' ME HE G AN. Tarborough January 1, 1848.. Bilious Colic and serious looseness, Costiveness, Golds and Coughs, Colic, In- sipicnt Consumption used with the great est success in this disease, in its first stages Corrupt Humors, and the Dropsy. Dyspepsia: No person, with this distressing disease, should delay using this medicine immedi ately; it positively cures all cases of Dys- r Richard Gay vs. pepsia, however severe; Eruptions of the The Heirsat Law of the said Richard Gay. .. .. -. t s ! . -. skin, blale of North Carolina. ' Edgecombe County. . Washington M.. Stanton, Administrator of Fever and Aue,- Flatulency, Foulness of Complexion, and Petition for sale of Land to pay debts of plaintiff 's intestate, i Edwin Gay, one of the heirs of the natrons to be when full, flowing and perfect, the General Debility.' For general Physical jrreatest ornament, and when Imperfect or wanting pros1 ration, caused by disease, medicine,' . -t n n , , . the greats disadvantage to tne personal appear-! Qr ilulIscrctlon committed in youth, aber. resid -Richard Gay, is hereby notified ance of male or female. That it is a duty to pre- of. miod conflislon of ideas, loss of; ?UU'0 Stale cf North Carolina. Gideon Ward and Clarissa Askew vs. Keedham Ward, Whitmell Beman and wife Susan, Willie Ward and Turner Ward. ' Petition for partition and sale of Slaves filed in the Clerk's office of the County Court of Edgecombe, on the 13th day of October, 1848. HE defendants in the above stated case, are hereby respectively notified that said petition was duly filed in my of fice as above stated, the plaintiff's attor ney having made oath that they are not in habitants of this State; and that unless they severally appear before "the Justices -of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions of said County, at the Court to be held at the Court House in Tarboro' on h.e 4th Monday of November , next, and ihen and there plead, answer or demur to eaid petition, judgment pro confesso will be taken against them, and the cause heard ex parte. - JNO. NOR FLEET, Clerks Tarboro', Oct 13th, 1848. 4i-a Printing neatly executed, AT THIS OFFICE. fJpHE Subscribers being about to dis solve their Copartnership in business, will commence offering their - Very Extensive Stock of Goods, AT AN ADVANCE OF 1 0 per cent, on Prime Cost. Their assortment of Goods is very com plete, embracing a very great variety of Splendid Staple and Fancy DMT GOOIDS, Hardware, Cnllrry, China, Uluss Crockery icnre, crc &c All of which will be now offered to the Public at such Exceedingly Low Prices, As we hope may enable us to close our business speedily. :'BQWDITC 'l'arboro7,' JuIy 24th, 1848. 31 25t Reward. RANAWAY from niy farm, one mile south of Raleigh; about the 1st June my man SIMON, about 23 years of age, . black com plected, vveiffhine about 180 pounds, thick lips, and very knock-kneed, one teg more man uie inner, as wen as recollected. He is a man of great muscu lar power? lie is believed ib be in Edge combe county, where he was " brought from when quite young by Mr. Jones, who married in the Ricks family, near the Falls of Tar iiver.- He is believed to have a pass with him, (forged.) 1 will give the above reward for his delivery to me; or Fifteen Dollars if confined in jail so that 1 get him again.V X . WM. F; COLLINS. Raleigbj Sept. 5,1848... r ; j u w a i mm i ' m . i bv m-m k mm -mr wb' m- I Ilia Ul UVIW t , , ft f , ,UIIIIV VU IIIV VlklbllUI UI W UhVliJ for m ore than '20 years used extensively. . x, 1848. the Dlaintiff havincr made the neces-. the testimony ot many of the mo.rre.peet- pression ol countenance; and tor this class ; , - . , . unnV citizen, in mi. country, who certify to the of diseases generally, this medicine has , e aDebefoe the justjces serve and hoautify it, all will admit. has been It has able fact that the BALM OP COLUMBIA- First, in all case stops the hair falling out or never nail us equal, moui, tviauiness, r- , . - ... , . j. i j t , of .live Court of pleas and nuart Gravel, Headaches of every kind, Inward y 1 A, n . .n n. t at the Court to be held for the rever, innammaiory nneumaiism, impure restores it in most if fallen, an.l in all cases if lost lilood, Jauntlice, L.oss oi Appetite, JL-iver by sickness; and keeps off tlandruff and scurf on Complaints, "'Leprocy, Looseness,. -. infants and adults. Second, perfumes the hair . Mercurial Diseases: and preserves it to old ace from turning gray.! .- r .. ' ,. . , r . , , .PI. j , ' Never fai s to eradicate entirely all the ef- bhould always be used at toilette, ihird, gives t v ' a i great vigor and rapid growth to the hair, and can- fects of Mercury infinitely sooner than ses it to curl beautifully. Lastly, prevents all any other medicine; Night-Sweats, Nerv- filth or its co,.cquenct on children's heads, and ous Debility, JNerv.OUSL-Omplaints ot all exceeds all other articles for 4he hair in quality, ! kinds, Neuralgia, Organic Affections, Pal quantity and cheapness. Many articles have been nidation of the Heart, stalled on the reputation of this, and are without merit though they have been and are sold at dou ble the prices of this balm. The piles, all &orc rheumatism, fc. Hays9 Liniment Is an article more justly celebrated as a cure for the above, than any or all others. The cases of cure are almost innumerable, and it is only neces sary to let those who know the article and have used it with such great success, know that it is to be had true and gerfuine, (for there are counter feiters) of Dr. Lucius Comstock, 21 Cortlandt st. New York, and so of the rest of the articles . r , here named. Dothi halt and tdmeDt. HeweV nerve and bone liniment is the most effectual cure for rheu matism and contracted cords and muscles. The gray haired will find the Indian Hair Dye perfect and effectual. For worms iColm stock's Vermifuge not Fah ne$focA:will eradicate and cure all children and adults who have worms. Caution. Beware of all unless the name is spelled KolmVtock's, the old Dutch name ofthe inventor. For cough and lung complaints' use Dr. Bar tholomew's Pink Expectorant syrup.' Sick head ache, though constitqtionaljbr inciden tal, is cured by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy. , Lin's balm of China, for. the cure of all diseases of roan or beast that require external application. v Sold wholesale by Comstock & Coi 21 Cort landt st. New York by Geo.'Hevard, Tarboro' M.'Wesaoni Gaston F St .Marshall; Halifax Bennett & Hyman, Hamilton F AVV Moore, Williamston-rand b.y one person in every village ;nthe United States and Canadast Kov. 3. Painter's Colic--Pites: This Sarsaparilla is a certain cure for this distressing complaint; Pains in the Head, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and Organs, Rush .of jBlood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum, Swellings Sick Headache, Stiff ness of the Joints, , v Scrofula, or King?s Evil, Syphilis in its worst forms, Ulcers of ev ery description, and the Erysipelas, Ex posure and Imprudence in Life. - Female Complaints. Ladies of ja1c4oriiplexion and consump tive habits, and such as' are debilitated by those obstructions which females are liable to, are restored', by the use of a bottle or two, to bloom and vigor. It is by far the best remedy ever discovered for weakly children, and such as have bad humors; be ing pleasant, theyXreadlly take it r It im mediately restores tjie appetite, strength, and color." ; v - For sdey A. ff. Macnair, Tarboro9: ; : March 1, 1848. 10-ly ! - Life Fills 'a ndVpbeitix- Bilterr ppear. er sessions, County of Edgecombe, at the Court House in. Tarbo ro,' on the-fourth Monday of November next, and then and there-plead, answer or demur to the petition of plaintiff," judg ment pro Confesso will be taken against him, and the cause heard ex parte so far as he is concerned v 1 v ; "yy JNO. NOR FLEET, Clerk of said Cour(. September ,19th 1848. 39 v Beware of Counterfeits! X The safest Course is to buy of the regular agents only; For ale by Geo. Howard, dilst of Letters M Remaining in the Post Offiee at Tarboro', the 1st of Oct. 1848, which if not taken out before tho 1st of Jan. next, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead lettersi ' V V Armstrong Wm V ; Herring Henry F Armstrong S D u Jones A,H Bryant H B Lewis Wm.F.2 Bradley, Susanna r : McNair E D Bryant Henry , , McAlister D JM Bell EHz'h G Mrs Mitchell Rebecca Burress M G Mrs - Neal C E 3 . Burress Wiley! " -T'PendeV-Mary E Miss Caraway Pjriey Miss Price J J 1 Cole Mary Miss v Pearce Nancy Mrs Dupree Mary P! JVf iss Roberts Vm J Edmondson Pollard Romaine Albert 3 Eason J T . Stallings Amanda Exum Mary A M iss Speight John F ' Gatlin Georgrana" Smith F G Harrell Jesse.. Savace Pherebe Mrs Hopliinslary Scott Isaac : 'i-- Hyait 4 B ; - i SpiccrlW E I HaysT : : ' Teate.Noah .' Howell Bythel . Taylor Mary L Miss HarperStepIien - Worrelljiinclien HymaaMaryEMiss ' V .-.47;rTf JAS. M RqvMviw, - 4, v ns la bless Blanks for sale, I- !JIT" TUX- OWICS. ' rM I ' i i

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