.... imuiiii mi mmmM liiiiJI i HiiiigNH . .h 1 MM wmm IT" Tarborougti; mgcro:nbe Cpit C. Saturday Miember & 1848 I tliim : - . : n UIllIlllJ ifil 1 pi Riiifiii III uurni wm mmm ' tl ' teiiilB Hp is JT! toitii 110 WiillMfl - BY GEORGE' HOVARD, JR. Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year IPn9M in ancfl-or. TWO DOLLARS AND FlFTV nPSTS at the expirationV the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 rania fnr fiverv succeeding one. Longer ones at ht rate ner square. Court Orders and Judicial w t . advertisements 25 per cent, higher.' FIOiRNttTIJRE; "TO ROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our business,-we have been under the necessity of taking the whole tip-story over L. Pender's Store, at the sign 0f Pender & Brother, where may be found AN IMMENSE Stock of 'Furniture, Consisting 01 tne same articles which v m . . -- . ...:u be seen advertised he seen advertised at tne uiu atnnu. i er-1 sons that have not had an opportunity of seeing a magnificent stock of Jurniturc. -jrft rpsnectfullv solicited to call, as nrices; 1 ... , it i - -n ! .1 ..!:.. rlnll enrfi tr cult It 11 rill t II r , auuuauty -u.m repaired at either place at the shortest no - tice. F. L. BOND. N. B. In order that a man mav do himself justice, let him see articles of Fur niture before purchasing. No body likes to buy a cat in a bag. . Tarboro Sept. 29, 18-48. Jay ne's Medicines. -se- Scrofula Jayrie's Alterative has been i I i . . r or near the oran diseased, these plasters will ho prescribed in almost every variety of-OT nBdr UIB , ,. , , , ... it i . found highly valuahle. In fact, ail Hip hen'-fo disease and with unparalleled success, r . ' . , ; .. . r . 7 that can accrue from a continuous connier-mitm', especially in Cutaneous affections, Cancero- wil, bR pr0(luced in u,e most cOicient manner hy "us, Cancerous, Scrofulous "and Scorbutic' lhcin s in rhcuTTj-s'i-m, .At, .'enVdrjcine:.'. of Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and tue joints, chronic disease d the liver, svU on, diseases orininalinff from obstruction or lingers, or other internal organs, in short, in all enlargement of the Glands, or impurity of 4Kn uu4 O I the Blood. Mr. J. H. Anderson, Lambertville, N. J., says, I have used three bottles of your Alterative with most decided good effect. Jlr. J. F. Frazer. Sitlnev. Ohio. savs. I ....I c At. " hnlro emlri ( nn lief hAMIn r I nt. A I r r 1 1 -- and the indications arc, mat u win m n . I. a . mi ii very rapidly. It is highly spoken of by all who have used it. i Gowdy, Hazzlewood, & Davis, Camp-f bell ville, Ky., say, We wish you to send us two doz. of your Alterative, as we have run short ofthft artirln W nrp x.r!,.r . e are curing a tatlCCr. flnn WP. wnnt vnn tn rnolr T -.w I ( V A till the Medicine imm.li.ii,.lv. ,.! fn. ...ll , " a our meuicines are taittng well in this' secll0n- i Messrs. Thralls &. Pottingcr, " - Warsaw, Ia.,say, April 3d, .1846 We are ncai ly out of vour Alterative. It is a onod medicine Please send us. more of it. m t Fever and Ague A Cure Warranted, -From every part where Jayne's Aeue! Tillshave been used, we hear of their . . ... universal anu enure success in SUD'JUing... ... .. . . . . . , , p . . & our Alterative is just heginnmjr to he known eJfra U here, and appreciated If I h?d hzd eronsh of ivjr. ueorge Stephens, a -merchant at Marengo, Illinois, says, Your Ague Pills are making great cures here, and your Tonic Vermifuge and Carminative give good satisfaction. Messrs. Emmert & Strohn, Freeport, Illinois, say We have sold all your Ague Pills, and most of the Vermifuge. Please send immediately. us on more Thomas Cully, Esq., Hebron,Oho. savs, Your Medicines give universal satisfaction. Your Ague Pills have never failed to succeed. , Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Phil adelphia, and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. THE Gracfenberg Company THEREBY give notice thnt the GEN ERAL AGENT for ahe State of North Carolina is Capt. William Jones of Louisburg, Franklin county. The Gracfenberg Vegetable Pills For sale by ' ; Geo. Howard. ''byssinian'JMlixtiirei For Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Fluor Al bus, Gravel, &e. Letter from Dr. James R. Galium, dated ' Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. Dr. J Kuh1-4)ear Sir: . , , i5 Your medicines have given entire satisfaction n this section of country ,;the Abyssinian Mixture specially, is. highly approved of. ithas never fail ed to cure jn every pase." It sells like hot cakes. I have never had enough to supply the demand. You will please send ,me a large supply of it 4? soon as youjarrive at home 1 Yours, respectfully, - Milton pru Store. From I he Milton Chronicle. Laurel Grove, (near Milton) Jan. 15, IS4S. Dr. Kuhl Dear Sir: We have now been about seven ypar. Agents for the sale of your Restorer of ih. Blood ...d oth- er Medicines, and are happy to state they li3ve ,, , . , fftven in all cases general satisfaetMn, pariiular-! ly the Abyssinian Mixture has criveu universal i satibfaclion, so that every one, who has used it,jre Joul com.iy conmiuees aiscnarnio; h.s received that relief that you guaranteed in ! ihCir duties? Have they distributed your your directions. Mr James M Vernon, to whosu ; eecloral 'tickets.'' have they appointed two you recommended your Jlmmutic llxtrt.ct, for or a.orc of their body, or of sub-cammit-liheumatism, bought a houle of it at 50 Crnis lc.,s for ...,cu Y ' . u pv ' iml ,wo einorocauons curea mm ennreiy. ami mo; . , . . . ...... : I dis( disease has never n-tumedi Yours, re?i U. ! Marshall, Halifax; James" Simmons, VYUW; C Ci Push, Castor, E. Cook, Warrontn,,; iImiv'151" n-',v thein-lvesr' Have you not I rv Goodloe, Warrenton; P. C. Brown. L uihhT; i Franklin; Louis n, K.,iU-. lh-o. l,iftrson; , MitrheM, Oxford. M..y nv TUli P.1TE vr MEDICATED INDIA RUDD Porous Plaster FOR RHEUMATISM, tUY:3.G0. GOUT, JTN aH cases where it is thought advisable tn ' keep up permanent stimulant im;rp.sions on O ' . rr . other cases where warmm-jr or strengthening ,,u- - iprs are ImnpfictHl. these will be found to be sum'- ters are benehctal, these will oe lounu to oe sunc rior to any now in use. For sate by . February lf. ftv. Howard. Jn if lie s An lie I'J'U Are sn'd undeta Guarantee that one htr'p of t!iam will cure one person of Fever and Arno cr ChilN 1 auA IVvpr. and in nil rnsps if tlmv Khfnilil ('-.it In ' j t, mnriPV i1P rMnmp.d. iViiiimv vr h.wv failed yet. nor will they foil one iua1 thousand cases. Messrs. . K. Philleo & Co. sav-t fomrUU MHh 111, We an much pica e ! with y-nr Mbies, and know tha they nr.- h.-th so -d nd popular, we rerety.-u dta not sen-i n more or tt, .asU.ereis a reat demnnd for them, ,?r M . . - m . i- ' . " "" l"w "" "-. j.evpr ;,,! Aruc. J. liostirk. Ten. Prtyion. Cwrh. sayc: Nov. IStlu 18IG Dr. D. Jayne , Dear Sir. My sales of your, preparations hav exed-d my expectations. Your Kxpectorant, " Venifuirs, Carminative Balsana and Prver and Amid '', mm s?n wen, some ci wnicn i rn now fui m. i i . t ii . m : 1 m m m want an immediate supply of all the above named Medicines, more particularly a larcre supply of tne Expectorant and Ague I'ilh. We have yet a mmi a d a7,onff landin? capfiSof CM Fever,in which vour sue Pills haver foiled to these Fever and Ague Pills. I could have sold n ore than a hundred dollars worth of them. Yours, fcc - . .. - ; . - , H. J. BOSTICK , Messrs,- Ji & H. Moore, Lisbon, Illit.ois, say. (Octi 31st, 184G.) your Ague ' are ahout gone, and have given universal satisfaction. Win. Bell, Esq., Walnut Grove, Alabama, says, (Nov. 9th, 1846.) I have sold all your. Ague P'UU and Tonic Vermifuge. They are doin wonders here, lam sorry you did not send me more of themi ' .A. ' :. Gi C. Carmichael, Esq,, t.anler, Georgia, says: JNoy.'XSUtn, ib4br. 1 am happy to say that your preparations; are exciting general favon 1 have eold all your Ague Pills, under a Warranty and have not heard of their failure in a single case. Haldtrman tz. Co., Ml Carroll, lilt, saj, Oct. 20th, 1846: Dr D. Jay ne Dear Sir: Your me dicides, so far as they have been tried in this section "of country tr give very general satisfaction, particularly- your Jgue Pills, We could have sold three time3the amount we did, if we had had them. The .Sanative Pills are very much liked by all who have used them, andare fast taking the place of al; ther Fills as a purgative. , WM. HALDERMAN & CO! Prepared only by Dr, D, Jayne, Philadelphia. n'nd sold on agency by ' GEO. HOWARD; Tarboro', Nov. 9, 1 -t I From the Union. To iha Republicans of the Union. We are on the eve of an ejection whirh ;s in ,I,.ci,!e Ihp character of the next ml. miniatralion. ntl lnflert. in an important ( . . ; . . . . ut - ticc, ui?iiiiitui country. re i . y. , j -v w.8....4u. ,nj)!ieiin voler llr(r i,;m to nons , .r if necessary, provide facilities for his transportation? The whigs will no ail i ..i ,ilt iU,(i wh should you U .ess provident a ; eat an interest in the prosperity of our I) loved coui.ti i Are not your principles: bcu-r, niore honest, more dear to 5:011? H ive you ot a great a reg:inl for vour candidjti-s :is they haver Is nol.yotiri , , . . , : nominee an accomplished statesman, with' enlyrg'jd -cspr? ifnee, .with all the nuali- ficjtions necessary to tins high office? ! anil is he not as worthy of your support as! ; the whi nominee, who is a soldier only, and no politician, .is he liimself confesses with r.o principles avowed and who is prepared to sact itlce hisown opinions, and even his own constitutional powers, to 'the dictation of Con-n-os'i. - Imii, trust not tuo much to the justice of your cause to the stiperioritv of vour candidates. Trust not too much to vour oailslrcl () Too mnch eonfnlencen nv . . ' u bet i ay you. Let the example cfPennsylva tiia warn you, and rouse you to action. Von have the voters to carry the election. Hut why have them, if they tarry in their iitids and do not go to the polls? Work, Ihoo. and ljiinr out your whole strength, ami ihere'isv no doubt of vour lu-Iiiiont muv mJ Ml illlUIIL'i ' From the Raleigh Standard. Gfji. T.ujlnr andour Volunteers. We are iudehteJ to the politeness of tle Hon. J. ) Wescolt, of Florida, for Execuli veT,,al?S Pleasant- The-peoplc have to find . n 1 .... 1 1 . .. T .1 Oocumcnt, No. 78. b,Ra full .ocount'of tlioC'ruirlnf Tiinnlrf 1-tr.l irl n I . vln.-i - I .-. 1 J 'elation to the alleged mutiny in lhc North Carolina Regiment. On the 237th pare' 0(' ti.y document we find the follow- . n. . aiiui a m m & m m i am m ai . w m : 1 n r. i n ... ii' . i. o , j Camp near Monterey, August 19. IS47; My . dear General: Your letter p of moment reached yestejUay nas mis moment reached me; i nnit ; althnttirh I rerrrottpd tn mikn Jn 1 anu aunougn 1 regi eueu to maKe any change in my order in relation to the nurri- ber and descrintion of troons ordered to t I , 1 Join the column under the command nf General Scott, yet I am induced, on your representation of the state of the feeling which exists among the Mississippi and North Carolina regiments which, I am deeply mortified to hear, is so highly tin- soldier like' and insubordinate to' countermand, for the' present, so much of the said order as relates to Captain Deas's j comrpany; as you ' very correctly say, in this state bf things, the only troops ou could rely on, in the'event of meeting the enemy, would be the Virginia, your artil lery, &c, including your J dragoons-and mounted men. The unwarrantable attack made on Colonel Paine, for no other cause but4hat of doing his duty with zeal, and in a soldierly manner arid compelling fhose under him to do so; is the mosr disgraceful and cowardly occurrence which has taken place since the commencement of the present war. The prompt measures you Have taken to pot down thevsame, which are entirely approved, I hope will-restore a proper state of discipline in that corps, (the North - CaroHna regiment,) and that it will, for the tims to come; by its good conduct, make amends for the errors it has fallen into. : ' ' With respect and esteem, your friend and servant, Z. TAYLOR. General J. E. Wool, United States Arsny, Commanding at Saltillo, Mexico. Official: IRVIN McDOWEEL, Assistant Adjutant General." What will the people of Noith Carolina say to.th it? Arc the Whigs- prepared to put up yjth this slander, uttered against our brave Volunteers by Gen. Taylor, and by voting for him, endorse it and approve it? Rear it in mind; fellow-citizens, and let it be rungthronghout the State, that! General Taylor has declared, in an officii . letter, that the North Carolina Regiment V r could not be. "relied on" in the hour of battle, and that their conduct had been not only "highly unsoldierlike and in subordinate" but' (''disgraceful and cowardly. "aPQ We submit the above letter to the people of the State without comment. Tho appeal is to them to : their regard for I hsir oivn rhnrntttr r- - and for our gallant Volunteers, who are thus slandered, and branded with epithets calculated to disgrace them and their poS- tcnty forever. Will the people of the Sute set the seal of their approbation on this conduct, of General Taylor, by voting for htm? Will any Whig Elector dare to stand up before the people and attempt to excuse it? Wc shall see. ' ; 7 IIa Refuses to Resign. We find in an exchange paper the following: An old gentleman thinks Taylor can't be much ,ike Washington, for Washington resigned bis office at the close of the war, whereas Taylor hangs on to his commission, and is electioneering for promotion." Gen, Taylor is evidently determined to have something to fall, back upon, if he is worth aft ft 1 already some two or three hundred . .... . . . thousand dollars. lie believes in the proverb that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"; and he would no doubt regard it as the height of folly to "surren- ! ls thirty rations per day, with the ver llm cbances "which he has of getting in posscsiou of twenty-five thousand dol- lars per annum, as President.-'- " The Detroit Free Press thus touches off the manner in which Gen. Taylor holds on to his rations and his $600 per month: ' Gen. Taylor is allowed four servants and eight horses by the government! Gen. Taylor, horses and servants. In ad dition to this, he is allnivfvt -5iO rat inns tier ... day, while a common soldier is only al lowed one. That's pleasant again. The General receives about' 600 per month ' the government! That's pleasanter. u .u:..!,., ; nt ,1, Ltvvor luiuno tiiu u uul uuun uvjmui vn and he is a candidate for thatt$25,000 per ; year. J hat would be pleasanter still, ne ' refuses to resign his office until he is elect ed. That's shrewd." ni! . II .Wilmington Jour. From the Raleigh Standard. We have received the first number of the Racine (Wisconsin) Democrat, by Col. Philo White. The . Colonel prints a neat & able paper, and goes his full length ! for Cass and Butler. John Barfield. This individual, char ged with the murder of a man by the name Of Flovver in the County ot bamp snn. snme three years since alleged to have been committed by stabbing with u knife,' was. publicly executed in this vi cinitv on yesterday, (agreeably to an order of the last Superior Court for this County,) in the presence of : -about . three thousand people.', -.'v.fc- :... r-: . W. Since his conviction he made a profes sion of religion & was baptised by.the Kev. M . Buxton, an Episcopal minister, who has kindlv visited him durins his con- finement. A few moments before leavincr! the prison the Sacrament of the Lord's! Supper 1 wafj administered; by that gen- tlemanwhoi also attended him to the place of execution. On arriving at the spot, the Burial Service of the Episcopal Church was read, and after Praysr the c'oni 'demned 'indiviilu'al accompamed " byitbo Sheriff, as calm as a man going to Church, ascended the scaffold, where t We fbpewa secured, and at 37 minutes after d'cIocIc, the unfortunate 13 a i field was launched into eternity! " ' ' : While the bod' was hangings the 'Re verend gentleman remarked: that he was authorized to say, that Mr. Barfield never had any recollection whatever-of having perpetrated the dced jand that it was done Avithout malice. He wished it understood that he had no ill will against any bod y f : Smitlifield Telegraph, . Lamentable Accident' On last Wed nesday, ,Mr. , Roderick .-McRae, the superintendent of the Harrison Steam Mill, aujusunp; some pan oi tne macnine- 1 I . 1 . i- ' 2 I . t " " ' ' ' t ry, was tnrown lorwaru oy nis tooc slipping, and his left arm being caught by a wheel,. it was so dreadfully, crushed that it was requisite to take it off near the shoulder. Dr. James H. Dickson performed ths operation, after placing Mr. McR. under the influence of chloroform, which acted on him like a charm. lie is doing as well as could be expected. f - . Wilmington Corn, ' From J he Fayetteville Carolinian. 4. From Oregon j a t c a ceo u n t s say I be war with the Indians has abated, bvmot of the tribes haying expressed a desire for peace, Jmt the safety of the country yet required that a large force should be kept in the field, and the war carried into ..the. country of the yet hostile tribes. From the Union. 5" Late from Mexico. New Orleans, Oct 20. . '." ' Dates from Vera Cruz to the 13th inst. have been received by an arrival here. At the latest dates from the city of Mexico the public affairs were rapidly approaching a crisis, and another revolution seemed to be impending to overthrow Herrera. An express had reached Vera Cruz, stating that the people of Tampicohad proclaimed the independence of the State of Tamauli- pas, and avowed their desire of annexing it to the Unitet! States. We also learn from Yucatan that ten, thousand Indians had attacked the garrison at Sexcul.i, and t wo hundred were killed. The loss of the Indians is unknown. ' Gin House Burnt. A new gin house, belonging to Mr. Harper, of this county, was burnt last week,, under singular. circumstances, which show ..the necessity' of caution while about such combustible matter. Some locofoco matches fell from the pocket of the- overseer, in .the gini room, and were accidentally trodden on; and ignited. The fire instantly commu nicated to the cotton, which at this, seasoa is as dry and combustible as tinder, and the whole building was in a moment in a blaze. The progressof the fire vvas so rapid and instantaneous, that nothing was saved. The building .contained new gins and about 40 -bales of cotton.- Montgomery (Ala.) Journal, Oct. 11. . ' - .... t. The (t Strange case in Surgery." -W a gave some account a few weeks ago, of the wonderful case of Mr. Gage, foreman on the railroad in Cavendish,vyho in preparing a charge for blasting a rock had an iron bar driven through his hed",- entering thought his cheek, and passing out at thetopfof hte head,-with a force ; iHat carried the bar some rods, after' performing its' wonderful journey through skull and brains; The iron was in diameter an inch and a quarter, and in length three feet and seven inches? the upper end of the iron, however, tapering to the diameter of one fourth' of an inch We repeat the dimensions of the rod,' as we observe some of the papers that copied the article, substituted the wofdeir1 cumfefence fpridiameter, thinking, perhaps,': . the story told-in that way would be,' quite, as largc'as coulj welt1 be believed. But we refer to this wonderul case ain to sa r 4K yrf Anlv WVlVes, DUIKV 1 mat iiiv aiiv' hu. j mn ihn wound in his head has healed, the scuttle in his Tool is cloj sing up, and he.U liKelrto be oat-aga.n ' ?.u ' ::ki ini'nrv hut theloss ot an wiin nu via'" J--.7 eye! Woodstock (Vt) Mercury. X V t