7 1 Hi iti! M II A! j.v ?f o "1 f 11 M W mm SRP I'frps v . Al lit MS 1 W llinlini! Hnmiiri KljlliiiMlllnffiril ilflilil llliMi italfeniffnt II 11 Mi 3111 IV hole JYo. A7$, Tarbobotigh; Edgecombe Coimty9M:C. Saturday t Mtictnbcr ir v BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Is published weekly i Two Dollars per year If paid in advance-or, Two Hoi la us .and Ftvrr Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at Oxe Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at ih.t rfit rr sonnre. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements -25 per cent, higher. "R7IROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our business, jvq. have been utulcr the necessity of taking the whole Op-story " over L. Pender's Store,, at the-sign of Pender & Brother, where may be founds AN IMMBNSS Stock of FunsiMre, Consisting of the same articlwMch will be seen advertised at the Old Stand.': Per sons that have not had an opportunity of seeing a magnificent slock of Jurnilurc, are respectfully solicited to call, as prices and quality shall surely suit, Funiturci repaired at citlier place at the shortest-notice. F. L, BOND. ? N. B. In order that a man may do himself justice, let him sec articles of Fur niture before purchasing. No body likes to buy. a cat in a bag TarboroSept. 29, m S Jay tie's Medicines. Triumphant success 6 Jaynes family MEDICINES. J W. Goodson.vIJellevue, Ohior snvs-. .. .. . . " ; "Your medicines sold have given vei v ecu- . . . - -. . " . raisausMayuuu,auuiuvuC.d.Mi ...uuid- (,e jnjl5 ciro:.ia ihe liver, ren, ing The Carminative Ba! Sam is seliii-g iufT-a or other intt rnal organs, i:i rhi', in all well. othrr cases where wanning or strenwil'.ening p! i- D. Beaver, Winchester, Preble Co.,'tcrs are Lenefif.ial,-these will -be fu:u' to U- h-.!,.-.. Ohio savs Your Exnectorant is actlinff ! for 10 :iny now hl u'e- For sa,,; hy very popular, and in fact taking the placet J . r of ail other medicines of the kind. Your Vermifuge is deservedly popular, as also vour Carminative B.ilsam arid. .-Pills, and wnniw no rortinenfP tn rPCnmmPnd I hnrri. I 1 . i , , T1i , r aud l ever, and in all rases if ihey seouM i si ir D. A . B.irrows, G iletia, 111 .lunc4 IS 15, , , , , , curcj the money will o ft returned. L..L mh-v ucv;t sav- 1 a:n out of your Vermilue, and . ,;,,,, - r . .. : " , J .-. lirtve miiRu yet, nor will the' l.ul a u: a wish you would send me somd as soon as thuasaud eases. - possible, as 1 have calls for it every day, j Messrs. 'A. K. l'lulleo & Co. s-sV-C,' ' also send more Sanative Pills. I am also Milk, .'. e hro Hlueh p'eaf. d wi:!i.y!.: neirly out of Expectorant and llair Tonic. ; Medieinc, and know th r they nro both e, n i . I I have sold considerably hy the do2Cn. ! rPdar. We regr-ei ymj did not sen ! lis r.Kjre'of Jesse M. Allen, Columbiana, O!iio, ' t) 4,asihe.re i5 a grt demand for .hem, - , , 0 . Xr .i, . aisd they have always btMil succe3fu! in ciirig April I, 131a, says ou will perceive - i ! ti , I, it Fever and Aguni that I have sold all vour vermifuge, audi , r f. , T. r , n , r " " ' H. J- Cohtick. I so. Pr !y'on. Cc-rg!a. fay-: - ,UiV i?v iiti v w au uui rur a InrifT tllTlA IV 1 1 II rt ffrfnf muni n-i 1 I ti I f . . . . :r .fe,.jMk v UI, Your vermifuge particularly stands do- servedly high as a Worm medicine, and has uniformly been attended with good effect. Please forward as,soon as possible. Villians& Haywood, Raleigh, N. C. I t tV , r "i i dune, 1845, say Send us a fresh Supplv L . . 1 of your medicines. Your Carminative B dsam is highly spoken of by all. who hiveused it. C. 0. Wilson &. Co., Portland, Me., Aug. 20. 18-15, say We wish you to send us so ne more of your Carminative Bilsam. Your medicines sell rapidly this summer. The Bdsam and Vermifuge give good satisfaction. A. N. VVilliams, Parkershurg, Va., says Your Carminative Balsam, I tried in ! tne case ot an intant of my own, afflicted with Diarrhoea and.Hepatic derangement,' with marked success.., Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Phil adelphia, and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Not. 9, 1S47. TSSE ..... -Graefenbcrg Company fnjEnEBY give notice thnt the GEN-" EUAL AGENT for the State of "North Carolina is Capt. William Jones; if Louisburg, Franklin county. The. Graefeiiberg fag 6 table Pills : For sale by Geo. Howard. TarhQrp'rAnril 24, IS 18. yssinian Mixture. For Gonojrrticea, Gleet, Fluor Ai Dts; Gravel, &.e. LTetter from Dr. iaities R. CallTim, tlaled Milton, N.- C. August 1 1S!7V Dr. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: Y6ut lweditHnes have given entire satisfaction n this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture specially, is highly apptoved -of. itttas never fail ed to ciire tn 'every ase. . It sells like hot takes. I have never had enough to supply the demand You will please send me - a large s'apply of it as soon"as yba arrive a"l nomei .Votirs respecifullyj J. P. CALLUM, V ' . Milton DrtTg Store. From the Mill oh Vhrdnich. Laurel Grove, (tvea Milton) Jan. 15,IS4S- Dr. KuhlDear Sir: We haVe now been about po'ven v'enrs, Agents for the sale of your Restorer of lh Blood, and oth- er - MedicicTes, and are happy to s'ae ihey hav given in al4cTses general satisfaction, particular-' l.. .tLf.. tt-.i i! iy uib wysitujiun hkjci-ure lias ,,gi vgit " vt?rs:ii j satisfaction, so .that every one Who has used it,! n;is recei.veu inai rciiei max voti jruarann -o in your direeiionsi Mr. James M Vvriton, tu whom you neominer.ded your dramatic llxlroit fcf Uheuiiraiim, bought a Lottie of it at 50 tVnts, and two einhrpcations cured him disease bus-iicver n-trnedi Yours, re:-j. rtfully. A g exts Cr Et. JiOlVJinn, Tarbr.ro'; S Marshall, Halifax; Jnroes Stmmotis UKlm; 0; C. Pugh, Gastof, E. Cftolt, Warrant..,,; vh ry God!o, VVarriitnii; P. C. Brown, h'ii.i.,hj.:.,; John H. tirodi, FraiiUliiJt I.ouis Ih Kittle. Ihn. lersnn; 1J, lit Mitehrll. Oxford. ;.V If.. THE V. i VU i R1EDICATE0 INDIA RUSD H : Porous Plaster f 0 R fl H U M A T I SM , -1 U m 3 P G 0, C3JT, C. , y gum X all Casc3 'where it is thought alvi v!e !v l nnr i r nntm-jripnl cl!mil-.lnt irnnfi'4 1? nti? nt nr nftar orran aisoeaahp nia.t-r, iil m fnind , highly valnahle. In Uv) all tho !n :i,-ilt , i. .t i..iiA f tn i nnliniimo nouiil.irir. !l Mi ' w V"' ' 1 1 , , nrutm-pi in viw iricsi r rni iin iiiir iiv : . ; ". , , t rt them. As iu !l. Mfu.;t, C'.ii.rjJV.iiC.it 01 . .- P-ebritary 1 6. C('0. I l:ft'(tr:f. JuijUr'n 7 iz ue I'i'h Are snhl Under a fJiinr-mtee that one h.;? V iht-;: 'ue ong rer,op of F,'Ver a!'1 A--! " 0i' i it i ! i s vftV. m,l. ifiir. Dr. h. Javn Dear Mr. . ' ..' J". . 1 - ' - sale? ol your preparations nave ex '..! uiy , expectations. Your K.tpectoraht, Y( r,... ' Carminative Balsam and -Fever and A'jrtj: Pil!.-' a,l sel' weh some f which I am now 'i;t .f: f; va,,t an 'mmpt,aie supply ofall the above ua-ni icine nrtofe particularly a lare supply of (he Kxpectorant and Ague Vil! e haveyei. aiuoinr . .. , .. . , -i us a good many h ng. standing cases of Chills and Fever, in wldch your Ague;, haver failed to cure. Voftf Alterative is just . beginning to" he known ! here, and appreciated If I had had er.ih of " ... these Feverand Ague -Pills, I Could have sold irore than a hundred dollars worth ofthera. Yours, fee" ; ; . H, J. BOSTICiv Messrs, Ji At. Hi Moofej , Lisbon; Jtlit. ohl say. (Octi 31st, 184G.) your Ague Pills -.are about gone and have given universal satisfaction, v t VVm Bell, Efcq , Walnut Grove, Alabama, says, (Nov. 9th, 1846) 1 hare sold all you Aue Pith and Tonic Vermifuge. ' ' They aVe 'doinwo nde'ri rs here, lam sorry'you did not send me more of ihem : "' " " ' ' ';- i 'Gt C. Carmicb?h' Ksrt.f fvanierr: G'e6rla says.' Nov. 20th, 181G-. I am happy to say that your preparaiioug are exriiing general fvor. I have sold all your Agut Pilhj under ..lV,arrant,e. and have not heard of their failure in a single case. ITttldirinan k. Mti Currallj A; say, Oct. SOUS, l84G-. D. jyne Dear fSi r: ? Your me. dieides, so far as they have been tried in this section ofcounlry, give tery general' satisfaction, jiarticularly your Ague Pillsi ; We cofild have sold three times the amount we did, if wei had had them. Che SanattYe Pills- are very 'much, liked by all who ;;ave used them, and are fast, tailing the place ofall iler Pils as a purgative. r . ; . jWM; HALDBRMAN' & CO; . Prepared only by Dr, D, Jayney Philadelphia, and sold bnligeDcy by :'t.?fi0. UOiVdRD. 6 "y ''''''' ' " 1 A COURTING SONG, 'The parlors both are, defupicdj And every other pot, ly couples vho a coiirling seem A nd yet perharahey 're not.' Vc eonrlirig.slHaboui ,t1ic tOivrt, ottr Across I he street-,am1 tp- atidilo wn, UieyVe tmittirtg every where; - With gentlemen of: high ;degree, ami gdn - I lemon of lov It is the all-prevailing mode, a courting how to go. Some Court upon the pSrlor stairs, Within i!a A i- liic cu 11 uuui , , ; And sonie Oil prettv tdborets, in couples. s t two or mme; - I 1 nL uiiuetiny between Mr. ,Sa tinders, our Aiul soine t?y mdonliglit at the gate, their I M'4er at Spain, and the Spanish gov tft1y liuthinns talk. lernment arising out of the arrest of his entirdv, aud iilc'4 promeiitrde from street to street a ! blocking lij) the walk. it . .-, ; oiiic cent tir.g ro on pie ntc sailsi ntid siOi , ,. , -,i i Of btnv!in ha!!?, . A'ht't.i t!:inilic5slr-iin Iboir simiilc linrir a' ., . . . 11 rl " t, . i. , parlnr court, . ' ' Ami l.tcp the Ivmik a tun.ing leaves' aj fjtlon. Dixon 11. Lewis, U.' S., Sena liuf pj.ir.o tor iiom Alabama, died at New York citV "mile com t ;.t soirtcs qiiltc ' Sclert, witli f i)!T n-phims and cteam, And b.i!ifvd Kli-ipiiiigs' dumber grow, a piayitiNT p'tn ton line And , . .. i - Vaic ihe bcuis !.. i . 4, i hut lis a shame, lue more they .fi;rt, tue v ? ome couit on fans pnper t;ne, with scent- . . ... . -. .- cuii.nei uouji, " ' ! .-n.i come c:i iong c-quesinan. rules to co their, courting choose; Ami lljough I've (Tien bean! it said, I can't beiieve ri irm i lie reiKiin;; tojm has bat. . its share ol courtiuS eoi.ples too. I The common ncont;. rather Sh- Vnti sch ' dtim ever met f, ..i-v i. i - . . i j - - ; lac ii!tv dn'v walkabutit n cimrting iii tl:e sire u!; " j And the .'Oi.rtisig of'the oldvir folks is ueH S n t;!'i'!li;!i H i" B-.lttho e.i iriin';if she iiftle Ones h id h-l-ler never be; f$y day !jg-5t and hy gas hght, beneath the nm'.rn ;itn! .:in, I U i ore t lie face and eves of all, is all this co'is lii!; do;ie; And I rejoice .when country friend: .invite mo out to tea, J..M ... . mi it i. 1111 i i i iiiT'ii -T:ii.t r. ri cointing nic; From the Netvbcrn Rcpublicam Paintings -At our request Mr. V. II. Scheuck of -Swift Creek has given us a desenptidri of .1 Series of Battle Pieces he is now painting. "We, have n5t had-an opportunity of seeing them, but we are in - Ci f 111 t t lltrtl (linjf ntn nifAAiifiil'ti!llt K ,'. V " , c Ull,u v,.ui muci, skill and taste. Mr. S.; w'fe Understand.! intends to exhibit them , as soon as they arc entirely completed. They will be presented to the "public firs! in Newbern, his couniyi town. . ,We -are glad to, see na tive talent thus exerting itself in our m i i d s t j ; a n d vv e bo? pea k fo r I h ese p r o d u c -t ionjthc apprec (at t on of a discern ing pu b- lic.: ;f; - . ... .., The seffes . consists , of , four paintings, each 7 feet by 10, the whole covering. near ly 300 feet 6 canvass. . The first; is re oresentation of ihe Battle of Resaei de la Palma and the bold .and da ring .charge of Co pt M ay, whic h tq$u ted i n the capt u re of Gen. La Vega and all the cannon Under his command.;. On the; left ; .(nay be seen G en. La Vega in theact of touching off one of the cannon, while the two, armies are closely cngagetl..,ifThe second repre sents tire atlleorBuena Vista; irftiie' fore ground s seen Cok Hardin ;x faHng from - . . . , his horse covered with woundsj nearly in iront lies the gjllant LieUt. Clay,, whose bloody sword, held fast even An death, shovhovv bravely hd dirJd; a little to the left lies one of the Guerrilla Chiefs arid some of his lancers; in the, back ground is Col. Yell in combat with a mounted Lan- cer; Veil receives the thrust of the lance in his mouth, which he breaks oDT, des- patches ihe lancer with his sword and then falls from his horse and expires; at the ex- tremeleft the Mexicans are pouring a hea- vy fire uporr the Americans, while Capt. Bragg returns the compliment with a "lit- tie more grape.' The third is a scene at me Beginning of the siege of Monterey; uen. worth is , renresented in the forft ground on his civ rtiriri the act of giving prdrr$ to a field oflicer td v advance. Areport of a case of tjdnsitlerable Impdrtahcoi niora jjartidular. description of the $benesjfji itself, and afe 5 'preeeehrt':lc.en11y deci df which the painRngsaredriptiv"ew be given at the Exhibition, bf: which due Ut was the suit pfthe tlm ..w..ww ..t.x m.niu. , . From the llaleisri Fhsr. The Spanish Difficulty JlOhtsled. I Tl I f 1.1. i . VvAt has been stilled. Atl immediate apology Was made by the Minister and the irequiieri exemptions granted; in addition jij incM i-Aum limns granted; in auuttior , , - i (l n- ,. . . , to winch the offending ofhcials were dis ; missed; The Island of Cuba., which the ilMiropein 1 nnes supposes to be in danger ii,om tlus t,1flmg occtinence, is therefore 0,1 Wrjdm-sday Ibst. By his death, the : !i'ii?!:iturc of .Alabama at its next session. wi!' have to choose hvo U. S. Senators. 2 ' , - lIJill Villi III" li t: "MSI Ull I UlUdt . , J, 'evening lost, Mr. Peter L. I hompson, bar- . , TT . tf , ; ' ' . i keeper Pt the Union Hotel in Leonards- town. Was striiek hv lihl ninrr and instant- v killed. He was standi: in the door - , of the stable at the tTmeynoldfiig a lantern so as to cnab!e a negro boy to put away . ini:i;i-e which his inkier bird been 'ujng. II is clothes were lorn, into frag- ments and a !;irgc portian of his hairbtirnt from his hc..l.. The tiegro hoy, who was will, in a few feet bf him at the time, Was iirtinjiirc'd The horse, though. Which was iM.-mdspg msidc the stable with the geari . - , --, - , . . ' ' i c..trlr..l r:-lit Mint clnroo ttcronmnr inlli If-rMr 5,1,1 "POM 3?t ill iinon turn, was intantiv killed. Tilouipsim was ahctit 2 I years of -gc. ltlr?J beacon. F$6'!pc' of S!a vcs. The- Ea.Mnri, Md.", sl-ir i('i1i tint fill Sri f Hi-rln r riio-lit twp!-r Mires al,rn.!cl Iron. Ih.l nlnoe. -d:it.iii ?iijno!ed have maclf iheir way through Delaware into Pennsvlvania." " Fivfc of . . i th.eth were the property of Mr. Thos. i 1 ' i I ainkner, two of Mis. Margaret Goldsho-i rough; one of Mr. James Price; one of MjS Ktjgers; and one of Henry Tilghman. : fejThe Montgomery (Ala.) Journdl slates that John' flurry j arrested -. the other day for mail robbery, was a stage owrtct - and mail contractor between PickcnsviUe, in this state, and Columbus, Mississippi. He has robbed the mails of, it is supposed, many thousand dollars, and among them the missing packages;of"St. John,. Power & Co. This as effected very easily, a 'he and his confederates iad keys of the j patent brass locks, and could open them at t . I ..I I I 1 alnntimv nrwl t"Tct men p.eaau.;.. AJIO ...... were effected hv ereat skill he was a! - i ' ' - most token m the very ac, am. ru .ore-, e! to gore u.e p3cKaf,c3 vvn.en ..c purloineu tne nigtu Deiore. pThe following is an extract of a let ter to the editors -.61 the Milledgeville Re corder, dated Gwinnett County, Oct. II, ''Oh testefday, Colonel James Austin,: . ;-Vj i - , . -y , ' .. . , fi annexation to, the. United States! and it is of this countv, was horribly murdered by - . - . . , t . -. - , ulls, ' V fc ,r ,t, , believed Matamoras has done the same, one of his own negroes. A (lilneuliy , ..? v, 2-I12-l-ll :'; ''. " : '--' took place bettveett thefii yesterday bc- ., -,. , 9 c-? , ' tween -midnight and day. ' The Cojonelr mmpii.of went into'the boy 7s room perhaps to cOr-i and watchmaking, orie of the principal ,ect him, The negro stabbed him iri ten branches of Jndostrf the canton of places, very Severely; letting out his en-' Neufchatel, 1 n ; Switzerland, is entire y !rails;he died 'immediately: The ; rjegro, paralysed; and we learn from our Ertn thiniave himself uphe civil authori-: papers, that upwards fll 50? r".. ies,4d no doubt will be executed soon; , watch and clock maker, hav Ued.from the tcJWn of -Neufchatel to he 'MmWe Frstratede learn thatj United States, and a stjll greaternumber about forty negrSes had- made crrange-jo re making preparatfons to follow them, r ments to leave their masters, in iWoodtorri- ? 7 county, oft Saturday night last, buUthQ plot was discovered just in time to lefcat:. ""- its execution. The negroes all had fr.eO passes. According to the plan of opera- V tionsi each was to: steal a horse a'iid crdss the Ohio river before day. They -were betrayed by a negro to whom the plot vva4 - discldsed and whown5 redtiestedito join ' in it. 'The negroes state'd that two or tlvfee;, white men Who had been in the neighbor-. . ' hood some da;s, i furnished- them Cwith " passes. These men got an 'intimation of . the discovery bf the plot, and made their escape. Lexington Ky.) Star: ' (JThe Detroit Free Press gives 'I ho numonrev ann a.- n.t uav es. ana . was; brought by the" government dgalhst thd defendants, owners and proprietors of the Stage Company in the Westfei'h States, for the recovery of $4,673, stolen from one of the defendants in the month of Marchj 1846; Tbe money was in gold, put up id the usual packages, together with two pth cr boxes of, silver,, and in charge of the ; agent. At Carlisletlill, a small place "be4 tween Michigan rity and South rBend while the stages were changing horses, the money was taken, and ' this. suit Was brought to recover. the amount of the' rob bery. The case was stibmitted to the jurjV- who, ' after retiring about ten minutes, brought a verdict in favor of the defend ants.' - " ' -:' '-.v - - The Slave Case i?i Philadelphia.-- The case of Lewis Pierie, alleged", to bd the slave of Robert Tilghman, of New Orleans, but Who claimed, Under the laws of Pennsylvania, to be relieved from the, restraint imposed.Upon his libertyj came up on Monday last, in Philadelphia, be fiire the Court of Common Pleas, ami a-decision in his favor Was rendered by judge King. The petitioner had been brought voluntarily into the State by Mr. Tilgh- man, oii the supposition that the Act of 17i50 recognising the right ofsojourners tG retain their slaves for six months, was still r in force, when it had been expressly re' pealed by another Act, in 1647. Thd; Judge held that this latter , Act did not- . J . .' -; ; . ' . - :u i States shbuld be given up; but if a slave Was brouglit into me state oi rennsviva nia, she, like any other indeperideht ibv1 ere'iiiutv, had the clear right to declare that he therefore became ipsofacio a freeman The Pris0per vfthen .OlteHy JpEx-Gov. Slade'of Vermont, arrived In ili!cnitir cw TVlnnrfritr H'pninh .hrmitiiK?' Monoa ; , ; r - t j- : r toil It lilrt-t M'bnl ilrni rnimir liiiipa rC . 1 v , 1 : , v : tined for the westYps teachers. , Boston Vourier'i EmaHcipatio7i.-Ai the meeting ori' Monday evening, in the Broadway Tabcr- naclci the necessary funds Were raised to ' j urchasd the freedom of Mary and Emily Edmondson, now or iately in possessioti,, of BrUln & Hilli slave-dealers in Alexan dria. tJnless redeemed tvithin a few dayisj1 iheV .would have been sent to'Ncw" Or- rleanS; iv. r . Journal or Com. Breach of Promise K suit for breach of marriage promise was tried at BufTald i0n Tuesday" last between Ma !. - -, J , ' , v Li, Mary Ann h result ; . iin nni i norino mnci w ri i f" .- .. fo-f ,aintiffof sfl00. fhfelefejeilt Was lhen (f;ed for scduCing the fair Mary Ann, and was mulcted in an other verdict of $S0u Important from Mexico!-A. ri arrival at New Orleans brings'a report that lYm- K ' i ' ,.jf ; -t V" 4

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