- C ' ... mil Kill Illilll idU 1 vlUV iff '.'"jfC? 34)! i iiiiii isiffissfwii A IV hole Jo. 1 1 88. ' (Hz Ifr liniiiiii ; " .' ! LI Omiil Rmni lint! filii Hiiiiiih iiiillliiii 3D JTiil in 1 1 . t - -r. w 1 ' '"j ' - ' BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Js pablisfied Weekly at Two Dollars ?er year if paid in adrance-or, Two WM.Dr Cents! the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be ..inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one., ; Longer ones at that rate per square., Court Orders ,and Judicia advertisements S5per cent, higher.,' , . TO ROM the I 1JV1ENSE INCREASE of our busineKs, we have been uncjer the necessity of taking the whole up-story over L Pender's Store, at me sign ot Pender & Brother, where may be found AN IMMENSE " '. ' Stock of Furniture, Consisting of the same articles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand., fce'r 8ohs that have not had an oppbrtunify of seeing a magnificent slock of nr hi litre, are respectfully solicited to call, as prices and quality shaJP surely .suit. Furniture repaired at either place at the shortest no tice. ' f: t. bond: N. B. In order that a man may do himself justice, let him see articles of Fujr- niture betore purchasing. JNo body likes i to buy a cat in a bag. ' iarboro7,Sept. 29, 1845. ,7 I Mi Jst received Mfall supply or uoods, wnicn as usual comprises a general assortment of the most neat, use- the discipline and lead of their gallant and; payment. The residue therefore of Si 66, ful-and ornamental articles, in the ' ;ab,e commander, they would have won; 500, is the only portion of the liability, ' , j ' lV'ry '. ln.e. , .,., laurels for themselves and "brought homr having a fixed and early day for i its Jiqui- AH of vvhich will be sold 'onher usual honors for their Country. Under the lie ; tation. To meet thcinterest on the .three liberal and accommodating terms. ' solutions of the last Session making pjrd-criliooVoldebt, and principal as it Nov. 2, 1848. ipriations to that end. I drew I rom the may become due, of that last referred to, I - RWto Wit 7r (Treasury, at sundry times, from January, recommend, that when the means in the , . ASriagZ MSUUmng. Uill May 1847, the sum of eleven thousand Treasury are insufficient for these ends, jpERSONS- desirous 'of having bridges j lwo hundred and thirty dollars, 1 1,230) the Treasurer be authorized to issue State bui,t' either on the Pan driving j for the Use of the Regiment, for the dis- bonds redeema-ble in ten years, to an a the posts or by mud sills, are informed jbursement of which, vouchers have bc?en mount equal to the deficiency. It is also that 'they can be accommodated, on mod- deno5iteti irt the office of the ComDtroller Worthy of four attentive inquiry, wheth- erate terms by applying to the subscri- mw. , vi,iy u.i uMwc tils uucwiiuii; wftiu ELI, who has had considerable ex peri- ence in that ousiness, and is fully prepared to undertake such jobs. COFFIELp KtNGl j Tarboro, Decl, lb4S. "TT TTat i'' ri Hierhhj Irnnnrtant News frnm th( Smith. J J ine louowing.exiract oi a- leuerpis : .aJcry r-espcctable . mercantile house, . Washington, Rappahannock '" May 26,. Dr. D. Jayne Dear Si Jones has . been in a very i - - , , , . Vi ; T , v . ihe benefit of the best medical advice our -. , ... . - .v.--!rr?i - v wunng last summer, -out lounu no reiiet. n i , ... t.v Ufl the lith of Annl-lfit! wp ; nnrha6w t lr., . . ' nan cozen bottles ot your lomc Vermi-. fuge, and half- dozen boxes of Sanitive' tu u -1 . , it . - iuugii v-aigicoailMa in pclnill me arucies in a dry goods box, one " halt, the Vermifuge was broken. Mr; Jones commertCf i with the Pills, and'after mg a tew doses, felt a decT eU IrnPrV went The three bottles of VermSfg wmCj came Kb S hand, brought frori Vim,Ki Vi!nlr. not lftss than nnft thousand. worms, and perhapstaany ; more. lie isj ....... ..v .....- '"T " T. . ...... . ' now in peuer neaun man ne. .nas oeen for years, and we hope a, fevyjmpre, bottlps Ki ;i,t.-: -v. ''-1'!t of your Vermifuge and, Pills, vil,enec a permanent cure. All our physicians J)jT6 entirely mistaken his case, Prof. Samuel iickson, of your city-, at the head.tt. Mr. Jones is most'anxious to get more of.yonr Pills and Vermifug.e as 80on,,a3'; possible. Uespectftilly, . J; BjOjfiS; &Co. Prepared only by Dr. pJAirifEj i Phil adelphia, and sold on a g?ncy..byu .'-. niu. : , , GEO. HOWAtltot Where may lso be hald Jay nes rfgue PHte, warranted lo'ciire Feverland' Ague Intermittent FjcvefV Sc.! Also 'the1 A'nier ican Hair Dye, also warranted to change tho hair to a beautiful auburn or jet black color, without staining the skin. i. From the Raleigh Standard. GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE.- v 4. i v To the Honorable, the General Assembly oj North Carolina: The recurrence of the regular Session of tKo I.PfriIntnrp. aftfer the laoso of tvvo more years, demands of ? us renewed ex pression s of gra t i tu d e and praise to an ' a II - bounteous ProVidence, for:the . numefou? manifestations of ; his : beneficence with which we have been favored. With rare exceptions, health has been enjoyed among our population in an unusual degree, the fruits of the earth have been yielded Mn i bundance, not merely for the supply of all our Wants, but to relieve the distresses of eur famishing-brethren, in other lands, and ! our Common Country has been restored ,t0 ,He blessing of peace. The Regiment of Volunteers, "required for the War vyith Mexico,' which was be ing levied at the list adjournment of the! Legislature, ivas mustered into the service' of the United Stales, and embarked for the j seat of War, as early as practicable,- after : their arrival at Smithville. Being assigned Unless a nd until something may be reali to the. column of the army commanded by ; red. from a re sale of the Railroad or a re Major General Taylor and reaching their, covery against jts stockholders and bond destination after the memorable defeat of i men,; our, only reliance is ippn some meas the enemy at Buena Vista, which over- ure for. an increase of the Revenue, .which threw and dispersed his forces in that ; shall furnish the means of gradually cur quarter, they did not have the good for-; tailing the principal, while it keeps down tune to participate in those--victories, which have so- signally illustrated our orrns. They bore however their full share of the privations and hardships mci- dent to camp life, and contributed more thaniliplr rlnpnrnnnrilnn nf virtims io a climate more ureadiui man me ioc. riaa 0pportunitv beenaffofdfd them.to test their' nrnwps in hattU.-I dnuht notr that under j0r pUnic accounts, . ! An skti haVirifr bceh'nassed at the recent seflsioa 0f Congress, to refund totheState 3ny monies advanced for the comfort and irainnnrtaiion of iheir Volunteers nnor to being mustered into serviceVwiUi interest ' on the same,! transmitted to' the Secretary' ofWaran account of the advances just , - J " stated as well as of the transportation ol a nf h 0VPKthH llaleifrh and -Gielton Raiirdad, on thir waHd Uieren- before its accounting otneers, it was deem- ,'. ; . , . r , ed best to postpone the .further prosecu- lion of the claim until tbev shalf have un- ? j; ir L,;i;;( dergone the examination ol your. Commit-, " ' 5 " ' tee ot finance. . j,e Vt (inure U tlOfl Oi CldLlUU Ul IIC at '', ' I t" oberions of the Trteuryisinee the , IFst iftpMnh. wil oe touna in me neporw-uf ' ' . . ) r pun;., n''X been sufficient satisfy all ' just' MemsihdS and Wuphbld thV public credi't,f it will be perceived mat oui.uuie uocn made in extinguishing the State tlebt, and in makihg-payments, -ny means fiaiHep, " . U4: j 6n' loan, -wef:hav.e!OnlyUs exehapedone, Editor nanolher.jwlrjt WsVmsage to ;the Jast denerali Assembly fMA VI tpnso. the yariouJisihiHties of XheiTrca,- 4urv, and traced.thebj?t9ty ftWWeiWH? H r.nm endorsements itfiheWjgJlnd (Gaston Hailroad Com pany v ,p; clear comprehension of the subject pff't maV be necessary to repeat that on account of her first suretyship lor mis omp-uy - ' ' ' ueZVOU8, and CieSired It earjy auJUSimni. 'wtiui men tu ue wnnuui iuw uuniucs j ws. vi-nuo id tuajr'uc maouuauijr van,u- , vBu, u bHiuwiy hmh , . , r Co.. Va., ? A sirict construction having placed Which Would be furnished hythe loan of . lated, that ill 2,000 per yearmay be deriv- exactidh of a like amount'noWjwithout ni- I8,4,6', ) t;,lpn this act bythe "vVardtaHment, and this amotint among them ' ed,- from collections v on Cherokee, bonds inV I subrtift these obserVM ions (beeom- rrftr. Ir" proof being demanded :wiich requires the j The ad vantage of allowing: 5the. new transferred.. to the Treasury, .fromtKe fuijd iW8? Jf" 4?J"-?f M J . 5 ,m Par a Sa eo Vniphpr nliikhhr4pinrnt : tri hp pvhihifif I loan a considerable time to ruri fsav ".ten of Internal Improvement, under an Act oflty of a Chief Magistrate) with the less re-' above sum is exclusive of an cxpen- terest, but for the gradual redemption of of93,0underaeparate Reso- the principal. , li the toregotngsuggestions, cured by mortage, on IS K- IT V 1 a I . A . a K. aa a- M M A- T ih (iPtipril Asqpmhlv Iq s nur- oe aaopieu,. iney win consonuaie me . wriute iu vue ouara oi ii U,8fJ irui, fnVihHmwhich have Bank the smaller 'ment, which -is not yet collected, toTcommitteeot your oociy, man in any other SrAn ftffinfjh AS.innt debton accou . ..' '-:."' ..t I fak" Genera!, amjlire, subject to ydbpori. ! se.SOp.redeernable inten yea. , And j peculiar province; of the t.abture; to , e-(4. v f '-- . lithe Drescnt j-iegisiaiure snau proviue revise me ways ana oneans 10 iuiiu an uur ..J,t.'a5, i t T V W.V1.-.'.''4.'M- aM a W aft : A- T . m. ' Z ' . . Jt a 1 M M m. a aW I r V mr-m I WA aT W III I 1 IH ll VT Can aa IIT ft n..rt claim' the first olaee it. the conaid-1 e public obligations mpm, Uf.piod,, UiUi; And ia suggesting tnosejuai nam; v,..v., .a..Cnl;o. , t tinue tO Claim me Ursi pwi-o " w5 i . . . r . ...4 i -.l u J ...i. nUt TrAatnkr: nnh ithpH in irio nbtlkninora 4. ... rvu r .Jlut,Wo" r Thi dptairediand the punctual payroeni i ..in.ere JDtt . ea wnicn are simpic, usuai . aim tciru a..-. i!-f rr9 cration of the Legislature. I he detaiieo , , n , V . - ' v.: . i t L .-iri'tW'ai k:J UnaloW to ifi RJnort hr th. fJornnirnllRii 500,000.4of . which,;. he interest js to ber-was revieiwed witK taI -Mi - paid semi-annually, ana vuc "pai -ai manas on the Tresurv and an nipn. such iiijic iiiici mo ,r.IuaJr I5fe0, as the Uegislatureshall hereafter ap- point.Mhat rshe undertook a second res ponstbiljty fortheCpmpany. tQ the amount of286,500? .with interest payable, in (like niier,and tne principal f-i m- stalments of 300,000 each from 1835 till Treasu.ry, in paying these, instalments of principal, while sustaining'the ordinary expenses of government, and heavy drafts for interest on the aggregate of both these classes of debt there has been borrowe'd, from the Bank of Cape Fear, within the, last four years, the sum of ,$P.p,0Q0, be- sides the loan from the -Literary Fund, hereinafter mentioned. - Such are our res- ponsibilities. The scrupulous; regard for the public honor, which is justly the pride is. . . . ol the tate, requires themto-be promptly - met. To provide forj this in ;the . mode least burdensome to the people, is the ap propriate duty of their, j Representatives. the interest. The. principal of the debt of .2500,000 does hot press with any immc- diate force as we have already seen, and requires nothing atpresent but a provis- ,0'J tor its interest. 1 he J4anR ot Lape Fear is also bound bv its Charter to lend w m, ,n any ,um wucu wmu iui, amount not exceeding 150,000, and no stipulation is made as to the time of er like bonds should not be at once issued i" hcu 01 me ueni 01 iwu,uuu, uuu me Bank of Cape Fear. To the State it is a matter ot indifference, whether she shall have the loan from the Bank, or Irom other capitalists.-But in a community wher'e-.'Banking ' capital !is limited, and whh the freest use of their means, the , ;- - , "JUKs can auord no greater accommoua-, tion, than is required for. the demands of businbss. it is a serious privation !o : 'com-l years.) is that it, would ensure Its' beinij taken immediately at par if not at a pre-j' mium. It is however contrary m - i n'p ml p of Finan pnncipjes oi r man ... '1..J cc, to co without also providing not o .' - . ... a at ! ' ' . - !-'.. 1 J ' r I li fWRMW C Cimnli shterf a a vcv-',. -t.. - :r ' T ncr In their ftnece-esnrs, the adontion ot IIIU -w - - - y I - Jahuary, i890 as originally; stipulated. I 1854, and that four of these instalments um was Jost in theJPointax from a:rike have been already discharged bo that Ih re main:DC;thi!jof bonds, :outstar jiic.uMi'; i Diyujuuu. , iu iu mc iuc ai oession directed a new i Thfaf arrangement Will require a ainkuig: KtmV iflr jund Vofabout 5,O0rj,ahhbaUyfbr the ; relief to the proper const itonaPdepart I , : r tu rritif.mnl hpsirfps nhnnt rmcnt of the Gbvernment '"'It lS bf'mb- reuempnuii w i" - ? a. . tu- ia.4. felnaafcovyhW binary xpehses of tor eacn year flinv,ww- . 5 In the Message to the last Legislature I vs su ii mi iiea to demonstrate that the State innualif lost serfctf oVeMtknnnA dollars, Trom failures to enlist lands for 'taxation, whereby they contingent entirely 'or- from under vatua uon, oy no means of which, it liacf been avoided in part: and that Wobablv an eaual assessment. find a more vigilant supervTsfbh0 of theTen- . listment of lands. Theresult! has Heen, j that thejland iJ Revenue'5 W 1 847 j collected - under the new Haw, has exceecled tliat of 1 84 (founder i ihe: old,- by ' ; the "'sum of S5r 91 1 02. A table attached tb the ""Report of the public Treasurer will showthacthe total number of acres taxed in 184G was 22,368,555, ndlhaL4tri5?7it rose to 24,359,079, and that the Aggregate valuaf tion of land "and town property in 1846 was 3555,254,194, and that in 1847 it grew to G6,4B6;82l! With't&se'lriaterial ad ditions in quantity and valuation, the a mount of taxes received from real estate, is yet lower by two or three thousand dol Iars, than ought to be obtained at the nres eni rate. 1 nere has been, also, an increase in the year of $1561 78 in' the poll tax. It'appears how to be collected -ori 'i 73ll 6 persons, against 165,310 in the.: previous year, I am yet satisfied : however,, from the statistics embodied in my former mes sage, this number falls short, by, at least 20,000, of the whole taxable population of the state. It therefore will call for- your investigation, why a valuation on land of 566,430.821, at.eix cents, on theone hun dred dollars value, yields only 37,921,21, and why, out of at least 195,000 taxable polls in the State, more than 20,000 yet escape taxation" "altogether. The impor-j taint addition td the revenue'on real prop1 prty and polls of; near $7,500 by: reason of the measures adopted at the last session, those formerly existing. By a still closer' scrutiny, of the subject, especially id the department of the Poll tat,l apprehend that a plan may be . devised to obtain a tl further increment of five or six thousand - dollars, from. the same ources. at existing, ics. But with all the measures, the Treasui iias own inq proauct oifio ncw imposiiion , contnouiors, ana the property in the Road on bur constituents,!, but the mere .conse which itVenrtp constttlct has" 'been pur quence of a fair and equal cbhtribution- to chase'a fn by the Sfatef andafiords accorn aid derivable frorhUChi Road, it will be ,a douuirievarice which rV' will need addition many (I apprehend) wiii unable 16 ,al means to reduce our liabilities as propo-:hean j aed above. The Revenue collected, the ; 'present year, from all sources, amounts to $96,604 69. . . By. correctihg .the deficieit-' . . ....... i ' . ces jusi st now exposed it, may be raised to mechanics; planters witH. large families and 1 $ 100,000? leaving a 'deficit ofabout'moerate estates1, have heretofore, felt the exceed S54'0,OdO; YotieVupprieJTrom oher resour-' the last General Assembly." If two cents serVe, from an absence df all i be' added.'on the hundred dollars Value bany time in' this work, and of c to all true real estate," as was tne law prior to 1SB1, - vvun any ot me persons concerned wmca. r . . . . . . . .'.. f v' ' - ..... t ... i ntract a loan and six eents on the bolL thev wdUld vield .cOuld occasion any improper bias. .Vvhat nly for the in-i enough with theIaim on the War depart-1 may be fitting terms of accommodatibii . . ; . . ment, before mentioned, $wx 'the debt se- the .WeldonToIl ttrnal ImnroVef. i. . A. Pii qq . niiiiif.. iir.aur: w uc.unvioiww " i - - - - r - ieav-jtertaihing no preference tor them, above anv OtneWWnicn me wwuuiu wi wcu- ' , " . lu .w:- riwi-,, , . tng with frankness the. cessi tics 01,1116 , .. . : if j, k - . - hh.-.' mni however that measdi-es should be ta- liquidato by degrees and the process herer. )t noi-e sneedy than a $5brces shalf be ed from a safeofthe u . . 1 i A . reduction now proposed, but the expecta- tions of them does hot juittfy' iff' poslpSnc ment at the pre You will doubtlesi smA, PU:?. ComfptroUer,5 thi tlre iino M?nt Wwir tareivediheguc. cession to.estates, real anersonaiiofMe ceased persons, by others1 than3 lin'eafkle. stendahts, which .was imposed' by; aW'act of last Session; - Whether trie unfruitful- ness of th,s source;of revenue" tntilhas , , mc iaiiure to prescribe anv' specmc time for its paymeht d the'elerksi anCfpr its being accounted vfor" by them' Other causes, is a auestion for vatir rnvestigatibh:'1, "fA vf'k w v ' Agreeably to 1 tU ihstrucUons" of Vlio Act of ihIast Session,! caused an Inlor mation in thiatiiW : sf tlill Af.UYIll hie instituted in the roCoiirf W Walca CoOnt alnstlheocVh and oth er oBligoroT the" Ha!eizirnandn Gaston ailroad Company, to 'recdvenndeninTly stipuliite'd ift -tKeDt' V':iny loss' tVtle btate, by reason o( her suretyships ior; that Cbmpanyi ; The great ; number 'of 'parties defendant; arid the" .changes ' of parties bV tradsters of interest, and tby : deaths, ha ve cfelayed the' progress of ihe'eadseo nal 'decision. lNAhd as it embraces' I he 'mafa subject ot controversy between the Stata arid any of Uie' tielendants, the counsei for the state have not pressed for trial the ac tions at law against some of them, which had '-been prevSou'sty pending. ". p, ' My opinion of the lecal resDbnsibilitieii of these parties3, was pi esented at soriio length lri the message ! of liE46,' and re mains urtclianged! ' jn consideration how ever of the circumstances of their case, I am led to the conclusion that it is 'a proper suuicuiiur uujusiineru oy compromise, and that liberal terms should be allowed by the State. The transaction which oc casioned jt has1 been1 truly1 unfortunate for both parties. While on the' one "hand it inijioseo; a burthen on the Treasury, whicli fs heavily felt;' on th other, the whole capital stbet of OOiOOOy suhscribedand paid n has been lost to the 1 individual rtiodation tothe public which was the chief Inducement'- With'th 'Legisjatiir authorising' its consirutjiiuri. u If in addi- tton tb'th loss of the v stock already suis lrd4th6y Vhall be subjected to a u equal' recoYe.r the'1 responsibilities , subset t"v'," . .. ,"w"f""ea on account 01 tne A portion ot them have ho -doubt sufficient itteansto' meet 111601' mtteri,. al injury 'Biji ffie targer tihmber, among whoniare , AvidoWs, orphans," clergy meti, -i'i-uu 'rl if 'ii -.uii tl. r'i.r.:-:''' deprivation, of the means invested in the nlerest at con next on. ; can only be ? determined tyyr tne juegisia- ! .1 ...... !.. . t . . . . ' I i ! tureana can De more reauny negotiated oy a conierence oi mose imercsie.u wiin a oh ihe public iFinances, forthe year etld i ng the 1st of' November i?847j bhovved its earnings to, have be'e'a $08,902 57' ari' qisoursemenis 00,40- vv. ror the tol- owing year, ending NbVe'mbecUst, 184S the earningk.wcre about 657,000, and dis uuracnicuis, te&ciuive ui exiraorauiarr i j '1 .-.. Oi, ..uli'-iv .t?? ;- -u tj;.-. j- - repairs, rendered necessary bv a enftjg.rat tion, which destroyed the pnncipai buildh machine shoD and eogl kntiiia with aU their contents of si 11 . u bv firevindluefow Iseal locomolivea of xr to .ii.iinMAhittrriiii uhj Knon na 4 Ad om iv. n n m Pinnnr mnor o r ins oi-ine ivoaa at xvaieian,! js-as?,4 ' . Addto this the amount 'of these repairs, i