"ffi hJ illlllj fitfil UlilUJjJtljPlllli lilti fiiki Jiinji . Dy Hiiliiii m fjlllll 11 llllltllll mil iin i iir i iiiisiii MM rrrnmin ham ,1' V-v ; " TttrbordugtL Edg&on&e Chunky v.. 'Is! O j rtmull fill . -' I' ... ,f . in Jul It fnl Mm Iml BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. U published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance-or, Two Dollaiis and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not 'exceeding a square will be nserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one. ' Longer ones at that rate per square. . Court Orders. and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. ( B - -- jr - 1 ' " J1 TpROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our business, we have 'rjeen under business, we have-been under f r, i tn !orv ' rof taking the whole tip-siory Ihc necessitv'ot taking over L. Pender's5 Store, at the1 sign of Pender & Brother, where may be found , Stock of Furniiurc, Consisting of the same articles which "will be seen advertised at the Old Standi Per- sons that hnVe not had an opportunity of seeing a magnificent slpck of JurhUtfeS First,- all cases stops" the bair lalliug out or are respectfullv solicited to rail, as prices , restores u in most if fallen; aYJ In' all caes if lost and quality shall surely suit; Furniture rcnairedat either place at the shortest tice. F. L: BOND. N B. In order tTiat a man may do himself justice, let him sec articles of Fur- nlture before purchasing. No body likes ; to buy a cat in a bag. 7!irboroSept. 29, 1848 firs. .3. C. KStmXBMtiP IOTAS just received her Fiill supply J"- . r r ' . - i: 1 . 01 uoous, vviucu as usual cuuiprisca a general assortment of the most neat, use ful and ornamental articles, in the . Mslli'iicry, line. All of which wiW he sold on her usual liberal and accommodating terms. " vNov.2,1848. MSridffl Building: PERSONS' desirous of havmg bV id Res' built, Cither Of the plan of driving Y.n nnnia nv hir trturl ill nif i n fiirniofl 111 Jiujwt) w ,..., mw that they, can be accommodated, on mod-; crate terms, by applying to the subscri ber, who has under his 'direction negro ELI, who has had considerable experi ence in that business, and is fully prepared to undertake such jobs.' , CO F FIELD KING. Tarboro', N. C.l Dec. I, 1S4S. Highly Important News from the South. The following extract of a letter is'' frnm n verv rRsnee.taliltt mereantilo hotisf. 3teJ ' Washington, Rappahannock.Co. Va., ? May iSIG ) Dr. D. Jayne Dear Sir, -Our Mr. Jones has been in a very bad stale of health for more than a year; he has had ( the hpefit of thp hrst mfrlic:il nHvicr nnr. rr J - v i ' I '. country affords, and also visited vour ci'v rlarin-' last summer, but found no relief. On the 1 5th of April last, we purchased. half dozen bottles, of your Tonic Vermi- ?4. and half dozen bones of nt,. Pills Thrnnorh rMocnPsa in nae.liinff .u 'j.:: 1 A i.ir u. aruc.es m a ury gyouB uux, uue ..... inr v ofiniiMifo tva I rn 1 o n - rvi r mnpd I xr i' m . r commenced with the Pills, and after t a k.- ' ' V - " in a few doses, felt a -decided Vimprove ment. Tho three bottles of Vermifuge, whichcame- safe to - hand, brotrjht frortf Jii.n, he thinks, not less than one thousand worms, and perhaps many v morer He is' now in better health than' he ' has been ru' for years, and we hope a few ctre bottles I of your Vermifuge "and Pills, will effect a permanent cure. -Ail our pnysicians nave entirely mTstakerii; his case, Prof. Samuel Jackson, of your city, at the head; Mr. lones is most anxtous'to get more of y out4 Pills. and Vermifuge: as soon as - possible. Respectfully, J. 13. JONES &o: Prepared onlyby:i)rV prlKNE; Philadelphia,- and sold oti'ajjency -Iff --! GEO. llOlVJItiD. Where may also be hadJay'ne?s Jlgiti Pills) warranted' to' cure Fever and'Aae, Thternfiittent Peer&c. -Also thtj'Amer ican Hair -Dye, aTso kv'afranted 'to ' change1 tho hair to.a beautiftf aufrurh orjH'black aolor, without sta:ng1hefskln. Airunequalled Remedy 7j ST, forcold8 and feverish feelings and pre ' venting Fevers. 2nd. For asthma, liver oom plaint and bilious affections, 1 3d. For diarrhaa. indigestion and toss of appetite. 4lh.. For co$tive ness in females and males. 5th. For stomach af fections, dyspepsia and piles. The great. points are, it is not bad to take, never gives pain, and never leaves one costive f For all these things it is warranted Unequalled; and all who do notified it so may return the bottle and get their monev back. This medicine is LONGLEY'S ' . j tlTcstcrn Indian Manucca; v We assert therd isnoiamll rnvdicine of half its virtuesrand non that will o delrght the'osej-s 'tit it and io convince all that these are facts ;, we-offer as aHove.Try it without price, if yoare not charmed by its effects. -Fuller descriptions an3 an Almanac for 1818 "ratis with the agents for the county. (See below.) The Unman Httiv i , m.ueu y cm en .o , nations to be wiwn full, flowing and perfect, the . ..r . . Is admitted by civilized as well as barbarous S' -.AUiLrf nr ,,,inl,V.S,vS-Yni. will ohsnrvfi thai I am n.,t jj j cave a iiiuaiurni aiiutnur.uiiu I , - o i the greatest disadvantage to int. persori appear- ance f m'e or female. That it U a duly to prc-i mif,,j,c. Your Sanative Pi!;s-are gettin" serve and beautify iti aH will admit. This article a very ROOd : . circulation. ' We have very has been femora than . 20 years ed extensively, j (ases of CO1?unipUori .;.in. lIjis di. It has the testimony of many of the most respect- f . able citizens in this country, who certify to thi fact that the i . DAL3I OF COlllJMBIA y sickness; keepi off da'mlrutT and scurf ortp 1 1 no-Unbms and adults. Second, pejfuu.es- the. Mr-have,been and preserves it to old age from turning gray. ! sever .1 weeks. I .could - hiv,c sold, pcr Should always be used at toi etle. Third, gives haps, five or six dozen in that?,tjme. I preat vigor and rapid growth to the hair, and cau- can sc lir;e quantities of your Pil!s3rer ses it to cur! beautifully. Lastly, prevents all m;f,,.rp nfi Kvupelnrnnt. I.i finh or its co,seqne,ice on children's heads; and j exceeds a I other articles for the hair inequality,-' - . , . u qnantity and cheapness. Many articles have been . .L- . .1.:, v BUilitu on iriH rrifuiauuii ui. 11119, ami 010 hhumi merit though they have been and are sold at dou ble the prices of this balia. nn . The pitcx, all sores rheumatism, 12 c.. ESays' liitiimciit la on arliTa tnnro inctlu (Jiihrnlil n5 n Pl'.W f."r cj mi ....... cure area!mst innumerable, and it isohly u sary to let those who knoW the article and have ; , , -".. 11 .1 mm f,i.,s vs. iliac a iiiousaou uunars utumi the above, than any or all othe-s. Ihecasi sclr .' i,v" , used, i t ,wUsLsoc.ft f rat sncrs' JilJ1;! ji' fe.i.OTj Ujt.t ivefia Ijsam a nd Jip fijndsthe be 'had 'true -and genuine.' (for there are couVr;f: -'Expectorant' so uniformly' successful-in -jleiters) of Ur. Lucius Oomstuck, 2 t.orllamit JeV ' " i ' n, Z hall and, tame-Drl Uewrs' nerve and l i:..: . : .1. . ..n.. f... , . : IjOlIC IllllUlnill IS Ulc I II (J SI t ilrl;lllal I UIK IIM matism and contracted cords and muscles. I he zfau lutirfd will find the Indian Hair Dve perfect l.id otT-ctual. ' For worms K dm to cVs Vernfiif'iTe'-m Fuh- nntoclSs will eradicate -and cure all children ; ld adulis who have worms. Caution, llew.ire of all unless the name is snelled Klnistock's. the old Dutch name of the inventor. . . , ' . Sold wh -iesa'e by Oomstock & Co. 1 Corf. landt st. New York by (Ito. llnvur , Parl to' M Wes3 .n (ian np, s, Marshall, lla if.K - ' IJnnett & i 1 y m a r , I lanilt n F. VV. Moore, Willi -miston an 1 bv ne person in every village ii the United Stales and Oanadasi Nov.!). ' .fShyssinian Mixture. :0R Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Fluor Al . , x nus, Gravel, &c. r I. r n t r r n i 4 ' , Letter from Dr. James H. Callum, tlatcil Milton, N. C. August 14, 1S47. Dr. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: r Yonr medicines have given entire satisfaction this section rf co.r,, Jh. Aklap. Mix.u.e e3peefally,is'highly approved of. it has never fail ed to cure in ererytcase. It sells-like hot cakes. . . . . . lo guDl-"the Sdemand . i i - ..... . . 0- - 1 t j s you arrive at home. Yours, respectfully, You win please senci me a large suppty or ir as . CAELUM, Milton Drug Store. From the Milton Chronicle. hrnrti rft . Laurel Grove,-(near Miltbh) Jan. 15,1S4S. Dr. Kuhl Dear Sir: IS- ' VVe have now b?pn 4 ahouV seven yearo, Agent! for the sale of youf ReBtoret of lh? Blood, and oth er Medicines, and are happy to state they-have-given in all cases general aiifactii.ni particular ly the Alwssinian Mixture has given universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it, has received that relief that' you'guararitedfti y'our directions;' ' !tf Jame 'M Vernori, to Whom you recorniiierided ybut 'Jlroniattc 'Extracts for Rheumatism,1 bAuohiKfr: bottle of iri at 50 rhts. -ind two embrocatlona cured him entirely andjhe disease has never retufoedi;i.X0.FgsP.tu1'yy KIR BY & ANDfiRSON. : Agests GEO. Jipjf4Rpt ..Tarb? to'j. F.S, Max shall, .Hali&x;lJamea Simmons," JiVe136n;..C p. PugbQatrtoriv ...(j6ok, Warrentojn. Hen yy Goodloe, Warrantor.; R, Bfown, Louibburg: lohn M.Brodie,' Franklin; Louis Hi Kittle, Hen. lerson; R. Hi Mitchell, Oxford. May 16 .v' .. v ;! srarNtf1 sfeio wirigin iVionuay in January, rnccs as nereioiore Music! on 'Guitar by d superior Instruc- tress. The best Assistants employed in the Je vera!' Departmenls. Weekly re-i views and quarterly examinations rigidly i adhered to, and sucli a system of drilling! . adopted, as, it is believed, can scarcely fail j of securing sound scholarship. Parents and Guardtans are a'gaiti urged to see that their "children1 and wards are 'at 'school frptn the Jtrst io this last dav-of the ses sion: RWIVM FtlYliBftOUGHt Sect'y. Uoaftt - trustees. uDec'r. 15th, J84& If . i 52-3 Jay ne's Medicine. 7To0.,.Yes! more Ev idence of ihp in- creasing.popuUrity of Dr jay nB'S Family vi' j p rn.lin Hainv tvj Medicines, . J. t . ; L,onklin, liatavia, N. v v ,.;n ueB,.. i ' w uwii oi me riair wye, tue riair, ionic anu-ver- ' . e very crieuraicu. . .. ; . - . . , ilcnderson & , Punderson, .Cleveland, Ohio,'say Your,. Vermifuge;, Sells well, as. also your. Hair Totiic an3 I'-xpectorant Mr, N. Uolden, Marietta, Ohio, says 1 out 0f-y0ujr.4Saoa.tnrc Pills for Vv.- j .linh wriiPWVilkMhnr. n ni . 1 . u re. June 12, ISIj -Please send mc, by ' ... . ; the hrst opporl unity six dozen Javne's , Expcct(rant aud sx dozen ofihe -Altera- tive. These preparations find ready sale, and are daily becoming more popular 'with the community. . , Theiwev. John Peck of Czenovia, N r ,1 11 l equivalent lor the great benefit his wile nas Ucrtvett Irom the tise oUalC'S llilmonary aQcctions, (he being subject-to a Co1 "onb.ge from the lungs) h"!l; !lC nCVe.r leaVCS home without Carry lUtT it With him. Messrs. Slosson & Williams, Oswego, iV ,say ve want some more ol your medicines, particularly the Expectorant, which gives universal satisfaction. Mr. Heni. Greca, Binghampton i, N. Y.,: ' s; l,.sy0,.'r Exnectorant is in great de - . . ' . . " . .main anu sens wen, anu is very popuiai ; y pop ' xi ! V'.,i..n i fir.fft i i. mlldll 1 1 Co also your Sanative Pills. )r- s- Wilkerson, Somcrville Tenn., says I have found your medicines- the Sanative Pills and Carminative Balsam excellent at tielcs. Prepared only by Dr. D. J ayne, Phil- ulclpiua, an-' sold on agency by Geo. Howard, Tarboro' frTD fJ aii ni'n.n in it.i( nl Ihn nnitn oc i vi y t.. ; frame is made trom the blood, and I he food we eat is con vi.Tted into blood to sup .... . .. ply ihe waste. our bodies are continually suM.inms. . So in Ihe ordinary course of ,nallewe manufacture our entire bodies, m topl nj..c years from the food aken.falrs of mankllld wh.ch vwf.ye; 'into our stomachs. Suppose the blood Mmade -this stomach of ours is unsound, im pure, occasioned by some cause or other; t m:iv rorr to the DreCC( inff feneration; no matter, we make impure blood, and ii so cannot beheallhy. v i ;; d .'V i ? Or suppose the air we have lived in for 4 , some time has been loaded -with matters detrimental to health, or our fooci for a longpcriod has been of an unwholesome kind, or that the mind has been much troubled for'gricf," anxiety' or great at- tention to any particular point U sure to odcasion bad effects on the:, hi pod. : Jny of these causes existing good blood cannot beinjppaed .tolhe::body.f, ;J3utUet j L;? urxUrv Brdndhthi.s-;Pilyu r r !;. :,. be' tisid daily midcrtliese' circumstances indpses b from! two to six pillsTor as thci ease shalf klet Ermine. '.Wbai is their effect? Wi6 6zrvy bffthe fmpure matters Irorri 'the hlbodieavl rig only he gbbd to refnew every pail Ol trio UUUjr. ," Hai wqa ui." sound now becomes souuu, diiu me siom- 4ch:soort jls into so healthy, a condition. Kit oiran WA ?nr ; or fUnwholesomr Toad. - .. u iniiti ior a time arc unauic io uuu.c ucunnric uwu Diwmti ua iuua m iwuvcn;" J - - - - a ti "''"r iiwouu taujc i.iciicApuio.u, paving what 1gdod tOsupply life ancl ;slrengthTto ihebody.-J ! ' ' r For sale by (70. IIOTVjMD. ... .. r . T: . . .. , GOLD Thv&ood "Gold! gold! gold!.. gold! . . -Briglt and yellovvyhard arid cold, Molten graven, hammered anil rolled, f X"l p' aml ,iht t0 hoUI Hoarded, bartered, bought and sold, c . . . . 6, , . , Stolen, borrowed, squandered, doled iuwcu, Muanuereut aoieu, C 1 U : .1 i l i i purned by the youngi but hugged by the old, i. To the very verge of the churchyard ' ' mould; r .... . Price of many a crime untold. - Gold! gold!" gold! oW.Vi . 1 f ! V V Good or bad, a thousand fold, " How widely its rises Vary; .Jr. i'--f To save, to ruin, to! curse, to bless; -1 ' Now stamped with the image of good Queen Bess, '. ; And now of bloody IVla'ry." -v- From tjie RalejghJRegister. u 7 he Panama Bail Road. Our read- ers have been.informed that a Company f . , ... , ; : . i r " of American citizens, has obtained from .in . r vT i the Government -of. 'New Grenada, the priviicgo oi cousiruciing a uau noau ari cross the Isthmus of Panama,' with a char-j -I t ... n -i r i -i tcrfor liinety-nine )'ears. A bill is now . . . . -ki Ai ' wuiri ,uai tci- nut ui nidi i'Uiil llUJUV.- ment to contract with the same tomiwny . T . . . r, . , , , r, ' f ' . . .,' . r 4. 1 murdered ;Francis- Adolphusi .'Miuru .! for carrying the Mails, and , also lor thes . . , . - fcl ' , , r m t 'MM-. murdered him.z He fefhby nrrr:haud. s I; transportation of .Trpops and JMjutary , . . . . , .. r rni V i i ', .i have regretted the act ever .siiMe. it watf Stores. There is no doubt but-that ;this - . . , . . . . . . - . . . - icommitted--It has been beiorS; irvv.eyesf project will be immediately carried out, . - -. . 7;r-r- " .-. rfTT" 1 J, , , i r i -hi ever since. 1 have the grattfieati onto and that the contemplated . Koad will he , i i r. , , ,- . 1 r . state that 1'beheve he is in heaven, and It the grand thorough-fare oi ; nations. lne.A t . . ,T , . , . n v.",.- . , trust 1 may meet him there:':.? In hisdvinp 5ea vovage to California, around Cape. , , . . , , i . Horn, from our Atlantic ports, is some . ' , , -i i ' sixteen or seventeen thousand miles; but, r, , . .. .. . ;, thousand. I he only objection to the shorter route, is the necessity of trans- sliipment; but with a Rail 4Hoad ; to trans- 1 .. , 4 ! port merchandize and passengers from one i . .i i ,: : J .u u.u uu.c. , u.c m ... v pense, and in the risk incurred, is itn- incline. lie . v-iiu jijci c ui umw jv, , , , -ri wel as that of this country with bastern . . ; , , J . -,.P ' Asia, will doubtless pass over it, Lalilor- .niaanil Urecon, an. ten or twenty yeats ma am. wuuh-u,, , 7 will have a large populaaon, with splendid Cities studding the coa.tr of. the -Pacific;. ha9 been.decfarecljy h ,rcommUsion they will looU. across. the broadexpanse of de ,unatico inquiremlo, . inCon,petertf. m waterupon the shores ol Asia, anu reneci ' I C Un All.lll rT : . t i i. .1 . . I . n n lton Wnicn nan us uirm mere a " "lm; t;on vvedded to liberty, and.sanctihcd by i,Kp Rplio-inn which is true ! inL i h,on v :s . . .... ?rilifrinn vvhirh' is trilf - The mind is bewildered in contempla til)g ,e Kreat Jesliny which. ajvaiU 6qr country, and the creat changes: in the.; af - , 1 'u u lv7?- T ' born who wi live to see this JVation. the " r M most powerful and prosperous. ot any on .V. , . , , ; ilt nftWpr Ha wiAhlprl i ia wnnr nfJiiiman Icintl mav we not for the good of human kind may we not . . . be'what Rome was. and England ViS, the Conqueror and the oppressor of other Na tions: but may we become the: Jienefac? tmVPeace-maker and common Friend of jail the families of men. r f ' The 1st hm us qf Daricri.--!AV th fs is th(, mo , rf?rpr - w Caliorniarnfr thft n c ail Steamers' Will V00rr iorm as i a i;monthy ,ine fi6& NewYbrk to'SarY IF - v ChaWrM' aridPannra: wtr have macie some inquiry in relation to the journey across he Iathrnqs. The whole distance is sixty miles; foYty of which is iup the Ch'agres river, andf i: performed in Ijcanoes the 1 balance of twenty miles Is maileoitJ3iulesthe; whole journey lakes auuui lu uap. h.iuvoi" u.c pteamooaiArus y na ,juccu purcuaieu ai iNewiYork, and will be placed permanentr avioh the,1 Ghares river in connection with ii .ml k., .:il M,ri., 1 . 1 the journey time across. ftd sea' to ten hours.' Pew nsylvanian. " 1 ' ' From the Petersburg IRe itblican t: ; U.x -U -r ... ' ..... '. ; . it -. . . . . , v. - ,; :-j ty . - 1 ? Railroad Jlcross the Isthmus of Pan ama.A memorial' of this important sub ject, from Wm. Hi Aspinwall,'J;Johh'L. Stephens antl Hehry"tJhuncy, was pre sented to the lower-House of Congress on Monday last These gentlemen propose to establish a railroad, across thejsthmus of Panama, and ask that they may be jn trusted with the , transportation of tho mails, and the conveyance of troops, mu nittoM of War&c. h;'-:;vTrJ--'' , J ' 'The memorialists Estate 4hat they hare obtained a charter for ninety-pinp! yeays from; the government oft JVewXJrapada. They ask.no, appro pHation,, of money. They will made the road from theTr own resources, and only ask that, When made, they, shall be aided by r the 1 transportation and freightage of the' United Stalest gov ernment. j.- : K..it -yi; The memorial was ordered to be printed. ; Execution of IViUxdm ' 'Dandrtftsp Epes!Pr6 rii tn'e Pe ters riu rg ' Rep nbti can of the 25th itist- we learn thai:' On the'.Sad December, in pnrsuance.of sentence pass ed by.thef Hon. Judge .;. Nash.;. William Epes suffered the penalty, of the law for the crime?of murdererpetrared . e; the body of Francis Adolphus Muir. Esq i'.ou the 2d daofFeb.","TO6.''The prisoner made a short speech immediately before his execution took' pi ace. He said: ;" "1 have been charged with many crimes. I have been charged With the inttrdef ! ... f-?i . , . , . , ft i wilh the murder ot mv mother-in-law l ; . f , . , .... . navebeen charged with the murder of my ,..,, ... I run cti.u nave uccu turn ten winr tiiu murder of my own'servantbut1 gentle men, all these charges are faise allf talse Would to God I could say as much' of Uia6 T , .,,, iU there. I hope I snail meet himiht re, a cL I believe 1 will meet hitn there, for i trustZ m God's promise! - . . . "GentlemenI have "seen better, day s, , v f know ir :. Rni when-the - , , . tempter is aroused we know :;iot what -wo 1 , . , . mav "' opo mar tny fate'' m:vbc 41 i.r.w.h.'.n.mi? onhh. T Icjve this world - sit peace Hvith ttt- m;n-j . , , . . . , , T . .. - kindi I leel that I am at peace.1 wilh.mv; p , n 4 t ., j God. li trust to meet v-ai ail in r.hcavt;n."; . , , , ;. . . . . v The. Ciiicinnait papers Wtothat.al QWM,uv r,c;i ,r h,t. ; . . . . . ( . . . . ' ' ' y itu u f , forx ' , Ct.r..'. .... . r, jiucuuucmtui ins ciiiiiirefi, fmr.i,' . ... pur (chased this property in 1810 fcr;Sl,100! : Em;gratioll '.-The Alexan-' ' ... ,:;. ,f .., ,. T4l t(J greM at thMimeiandjfiUontinucs as at .r 1 r. " : . ' present for.any space of, titne, ; oyr ( sisier, ;c. . . . , ... , ' . ' State WilUsoOnbe fSxVHiet iimmusely. pi; 1 r - " ' r .......... . . I , . , " election, a-constant range of uvaeofis.ha& F. 1 . " " . 1 passed here on ! the road.doTVsas. ..-'rHeyv aie mostly from Mississippi, end appear toj have started immediately after;, "the. elec tions We Mndersjand thathboth s the. up per and lower foads, as; wel as this. one are well crowded with? emigrants .bouu4 thlherward.,, V j H o !-.' . . From the Unioni .fFicor25m.-l he Exemption Law of this State goes tn t OjOpcrat ion pn the 1 st ' o jf empion . frpjr, Jejgal(liabUity wi!l,cove SjOOQ worth of person'' property. y,dd to this. 40 acres of land with aJrthe .buiId-j nigs and improvements ie 3 X lagejprwltlii ti mate can he firmed of , the, aggregate aV - .ltvill not stfach IierCUer li : L KntA.riaii ; l: f I 1 s

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