I - SATURDAY? -JANUARY ' 20,1S49. Gov. Manly'siauguraL On our first page the reader will find the Inaugural ddrcss of Gov. Manly. It is swell written document, and theopim ons expressed are generally unexreptiqna . ble. We shall be better enabled to de cide a year or two hence; how his profes ;ftn'and his1 nraetice aerec We Hate ----- i , ,,-.('? been so often disappointed in this respect by federal oracles, that we now can place but little confidence .in their, jio-party professions. bill,abpyp referr J itsfacIliaiih twf Forester, a nnmni. I.. iLit.oAtmttt At HiPnmhnH' 4 K:f. :vt From the Raleigh Standard, i1; ; Iu accordance with the. usual custom on . ... v ....-...... J - such occasions, and in order that om readers may see for , themselves whatsthe liew GovernorJias , to say for 4 himself, in making his bow to the seven or eight hundred thousand people over whom he has been called, to preside, we publish to day the Inaugural Address of,Mt. Manly, We are glad to learn, as we dp from this. Address, that the late contest on the part of the Whigs for the Presidency, was; ,a Contest for principles, and not for j the paltry reward, and trappings of officeV -and that the Democrats are "not to be re , girded as a conquered enemy ;to be crush ed beneath the heel of power." . We con fers, after this, vvc breathe freer and feel better. , , ... ? . The Register, in publishing this Ad dress, takes occasion to express particular pleasure at the declaration of uow iWanly fcably b- considering the same Imeasure at! me .saino.ii mcv i? o, " n a i n acup n nas y et been taken by'the House ftjponnhe"'appli cation for a Charter, for theDaa yille and Charlotte Road. The bill to lay off and Establish a neW Iccmnty. byohe name-,oLWataugahas pass ed both Houses and become a law. ,rThe friends of this measure are much indebted, ior us success, iu me excnions made in its behalf by 3essrsJ Bovver, Dobbin, ana" Courts. . ; The. bill to provide for the construction of a Turnpike Road from Salisbury west to the Georgia line, is still before the Commons. It will probably pass into a law in the course of a few days. On Saturday last the Senate decided, by a arge majority,kin favor of locating the Lunatic Asyfnnvat Lexington, in 'David son County.' The House of Commons, it i k Ihoughtby many, will disagree to this proposition; and, after all, this Institution will probably be located at the seat of Go vernment. " " . , ' We are compelled to omit AondayV proceedings Nothing, however, of gen eral! mportance was perfected in eith House. In the Senate, the bill to amend the Common School Law was taken , up,: "... : ". .. ' if and after having ben torn pretty much alf to pieces, by amendments and so on, it was Laid upon the tatile. In the Com mons, on the same day, the bill to estab lish a Jedical Board in this Stale passed and to create a' tiev county by the name of Forsyth. An act to lay off a Road from Newton to Morganton: An act to condemn part of Hayhe Street, i n the t o w of M on roe, for the pu rpose of erecting atp!iblic,jailv thereop. . A n act to I ncorporate the S u mm erfield Guards. I An act to incorporate the Bertie Guards. An ajct to incorporate;, the Blount's) Creek Manufacturing Company, in the town of Fayetteviile.-, y vl An set to incorporate the Trustees of Forestville Female Institute, in the county ofAVake. . , i: in :i':Vt 11'- . ' f , .An act to t authorize., the County .Court of Mecklenburg to pay over certain funds totheCountv Court of union. 1f'! An act to incorporate a Female College in the county of Anson ? v'' An act to establish a Lunatic Asylum in North Carolina. !. : ArRe.soiution relative to Captain O., A. Buck. Grants him muskets for a Miiita ry School. ' ' ; ' , ' , f A Rc -solution in favor of John R.kDyche, late Sheriff of Cherokeecounty: 1 ' Ui" A Resolution relating to lighting the lamps of the Capitol Square A Resolution for the relief of the Clerk of the ountv f'ourt of Cumberland. . . . t A Resolution iu favor of Abram Har- its third reading by the casting vote of the shaw. Speaker Air. Cad. Jones, Jr in the Chair The same body also rejected, on its second reading, by a vote of 54 to 49, the hill ma king an appropriation for the improvement or the' Cape Fear and Deep Rivers. The Resolutions reported by Jr. Dob bin, on the subject of Slavery, are still be iur uou ? i.csutuiiuiia uiviiieo, insiiuui- t" -Jj " ' v. -V ' ; ' ' ! ' ink the Committee i on f the Districtd re' p6rta pi)l slor thei emancipation" of its slavesthe pjjwsitnb; I'etrdcedeTtKe re mainderof the pistricric Maryland is vorably entertained by,5Congr&s,.ad4tis. thought will pass. This will deprive the anothibnists of one bone of contention T.hfiu4ini8.sjoD::QtCaltforoia:aDd-X!eiv31ex iqo is states, whhouj passing through Jhe InteVilienatecdnuiiie'-of terriforiesV1 vill i deprive them of the other. We hope both Bills will pass, and that this. exciting sub ject will' .be '-'forgotten. If alterthat, the aboiitionsis continue me stave excuemen we shall know that, they aim . directly, a slavery in .the States, a right , that they do not now claim for themselves, s - lU.t.n v Ncwbcrn Rep. ym can tbe effected; but if the nrfn . Mtion which the'disease depends is m to, f ;cufe niustbffiecessity follow, t undfer what fdrni the disease should i ? in :TS " U .1 f ",CI C1UI c "the i9. why'JayneVAHerative is so wniv:? e?celjnr 1'iui uiocasta. 11 uesiroyS the v ' nrinrin p Irnm. wh inh U;. 1 jr . w' ....w., tuusc uiseascs ha. aieir.origin,byJ entering .fibre, .remou every particle of disease from the &g No Apology Jor. Wearing a IVi -Hldonfield,N,J.,Feb. 2d, in informing you that the bottle 0f H ToilIc,w!!c 1 Gained of you last Och ber, has proved most satisfactory and cessful. Aly hai had for a lonl jj been exceedingly thin. h..t r. mS three years past, it had so fallen ' Internal Kxckanes.Xr. Vattemare A tent of t he r re rich'' Chamber of Depu ties arrived In this Cityon Thursday last The object of this distinguished French ceritlemanl in visiting the several States and soliciting Legislative opinon, is to in troduce and perfect a system of literiry and hi it one a I exchanges between, France and other nations. His receution in the my head jBad become almost entirely balj I was under tli'o nm;n. nr 1" .. ' the baldneWby combing the ' bhir? on lu stdespvent. -But now, after usint a bot. growth of hair as 1 ever had. K r - CC. PARK, Late Pastor of the Baptist Church nt HaddpPaeid,N,j; - r ' various placeshicJie. has visited, has prcparcd only by Dr. D. Jatse Pki been most favorable and fl ittering and elphia; and sold on aeencv bv ' T we nope mai our Legislature win coraiany receive him, not only in view of the great good which, he designs, but also of his reputation as a man and a scholar. . Ral.Reg. gency by ': GEO. IIOIVJIUL. ' Tarboro', Nov. 9. 1847. ' Where may be had the American Hair Dye, Warranted to change the hair to i beautiful auburn or jet black color, with, out staiuinglhe skin. p J Also, Jayne's Ague Pills, which never if... .i . . j . if i i . . . "that he felt himself to be the Governor of; Iore ine ommons; ana on iiionuay im a.State, and not of a party." If our mem- Vrf Shepard introduced the same Resolu ory serves us correctly, we believe Gov- tions inl6 the sa!c He sPoke of t,K crnors Moiehead and Graham made simi- importance of passing them t the earlieM lar declarations; and we leave it to the moment, and said the was prepared to vote people generally to answer as 10 how they uPon them x onw-, 0n Uls mo,ion lhc carried them out But perhaps in this crP! made lhc ordcr of lhe da for es eraofgood feeling'. Uov. Manlv tmay i rday; at eleven o'clock, turn over a new leaf; We had rather seel ' T,,erc is a rumor in Pw-for the cor it,however,ihauheartelofit. jrectness of which, hou ever, we do no; The following is the Inaugural. It is. Vouchthat Mr. Senator Hadger has giv handsomely written, and contains several en hts friends to understand that if the-t expressions to which we give our heart v Re.olulions are pawed he will resign u assent. That portion of which relatcfvto AVhether this rumor be true or the importance of a general system of In fa,se-thc Resolutions will puss; and then ternai 1 mprovements, cannot be too strong- we snaU see wnat we 8naii sec. . . . . , , I 1 he Steamer America arrived at New j lail ;to cure b ever and Ague, Intermittent .. r. M..urMi:.'!ork' br ngs;L vcrpool dales to the ? 30th I; ever, &c. r , .ult., lrom winch we regret to learn Cotton Volunteers. I, . . . , to ' . r , . .. . (had declined. . ., . A Kesolution authonzmgthe Doorkeep-j ... . . . . r I ' tie ceiemonv of prochuminc the Pres ets to purchase chairs for the committee!., , . , r . . . 1 ident elect before the National Assembly. has takeii place. Armaml Marrast, Vice A scic niific.TIctlacine. rooijis. A Resolution in favor of M. 0 Dicker GRK AT experipnee and judgment 8Te reqmret" ( ichke a Aaludble, and: at the same time, inno cent. Mirrrativp. This is nivjpQr.l nnti r.,n so,,. frn,r Sl.cr.ff of Ruthrrford county. ! ,," -15'n"7 - l"en .nt: grea, ,,jo,i., of tho rPm,djMder,sd A Kcsolution for the .clicf of Fehdalllf0' b( a""""c"'K Charlc, LoUl. Nnpo-; f . .Im.,Um are ...xftcu.d by persons r:n j Icon JJoriaparte, President ot b ranee, until ; nave no idea of the relative or individual power ' u' , . . . . May, 1S52, and the Republic one and in-:'of the drugs tbe use."- It is this cause, ra:.rethaa' A Hesolution relative to Thanksgiving divisibc j any Mher. winch occasion the inerrneM and often-' way. CongressK 2y impressed upon the public mind. General Jissembly. No final action has Vet been taken in the contested elections from Orange and Surry. The Committee in the former :ients i) California and New Mexico 1 he House.-on subjects connected with the slavery question. From the Union. J injurious effects, produced by adreriised remedies. Neu lxjfii, Jan. 17th. 1819. j AnlTienahehe'ral preju ice winch prevail; Turnentine. has cimtiniiP.d In nrriuP tn ' aSainst lhcm' .t ovv there is a great difference, io. Fhe Senate is principally enjoyed in the a fair t g , , , . tin-respect,-with 'regard to the Pm8hiidey DC. .scu.si.n ofsubjects connected with the fmm Sl s0 l0 o 00 for di aa x 20 fo. ' . "drth. and consequeatly ihcir superior lurmation of territorial orShte mcrn-f.,,. - - r' ;clamw upon the puohc. bach of the arudw " t sviiiui.1 - : .i . - ,Tar. Without change price 1 25. j Biandrith Pills - Corn No sale of importance to report : Are prepared in that wajr which will, secure .vWt price I SO a I dO per bbl. beneficial effects to the system in the safest and Pork. The weather beinc favorable for easiest manner. For instance, some' ingredients I putting up. should it continue so, good . have !o be rrrparea lame vacuo; mat ra, ue .uris i a c c :i - i 'i I i c i , exnausiea iti ine mensn, cna remains ho unu u n .... i lots for family use would probably find a i . .? - The Convent ion of Southern Members . marifff af a xa - Combiyattotr: lsSectediWith-otlierUngredients, i - .i- o.. i i I reauy market ai 1 a dj. whmli afterwarHa rtftTftnta thft air from artina in. 7 , junously upon, the- inedicrnei . Again, the f rop9r- (JpThe following article we copy with u-n of each ingredieni depends upon ite' multiply. pleasure, from the Boston' Mercantile i,, power' upon other ingredientsFor the power I tie doors oi the senate chamber, in case will doubtless renort in lhe course of: which he convention Was held on tMon Oh the 6th inst. the bill to establish a a rew fi,v- The nrevailinir imnression is dav n,Rht wcrc sb! so l3t we cannot . ...... . .. v - r-,- . - , .. . .i. ' : ....... "s r-"- Dank in Jayetteriue Deing unuer consiU- lhat r?ant Herrv will reta n his seat. u,e l,s,mcu,ar proceedings oi e;Journal March. 1S46. and we hone if anv of different vegetable curgatives u Don each' other 9 J . x - r a " a. crauun; , There is much talk among the members , ,r !MU,,U ; of our numerous readers are .suUertng lrom gorernea oy similar laws tnai govern me power Mr. Thicpen moved to amend the bill in rPtf,r,i to a called session, for the nur- SOine 1,eDate e address reported by the anvor the COjnnlainlJl which it is said to oi figures 6y inaiuplication: Wine added to r.in& by adding the following proviso to the pose Qf perfecting some general scheme of! selcct committee recommitted to the-cure they win apceijjy aVail themselves .lAn..iK tw.tiAn.' 73, .;,, Tki UnC . .V 1 : . ' . ' . . i 1 Same Select commiilpp fnt fhr niirnose ot r gicwum jiuiuu. it(ucu, noi vat- internal improvemcnis. i ne indications i . ' oi ii. make eighteen: bat nine times nine are eighty. ay lee are said places Chair. passage oi me mil; u was rejected on its .tions introduced' by Mr Shepard on Mon second reading, yeas 21, n:iys 77. (The aayj 0n the subject of Slavery, came up objections to the bill were understood to for consideration, ami were advocated by be jhat it was novel in principle in this that gentleman in an able and powerful State that there was no liability clause j Speech On the fourth Resolution, deny binding the stockholders, Jnd that the a-j ingto Congress the constitutional power mount of capital was not limited, and the to legislate on the question of Slavery, the dealing in stocks denned by the provisions.. vote "was,: forty-four in the affirmative, Of the bill.) From the Raleigh Standard. Stale Legislature. It will be seen, by and two in the negative Messrs Al- brizht and Daniel; and Messrs Gilmer and Thompson of Bertie declining to vote The other Resolutions passed unanimous y. On motion of Mr. Bethel, the rules - , ,. j 4 , jWre suspended, and the Resolutions were for the relief and assistance of the. Wil-i 1 , . . . ; . - ' I n'i - r n iinrt n ' read a third time and passed, mington and .Raleigh Rail Road Company,' r ; r r u ! . , , -t. , ! In the Commons, on yesterday, the vote has passed the Senate and gone to the , l- L.ii " 1 " .r '. . , - ;f .. . . oy wnicn ine qui io esiaoiisn a ivieoicai Commons. It had its first reading in 4hat: ; .il- a. - : j . , . . . , ; ft Board tn this Stale was passed, was re- body on Monday last. -i i ! . ' ui . u The bilPmtroduced by Mr. Shepard, providing for thc repair of ' the Raleigh and Gaston Road (oia Road to, Charlotte, ior ?0?(VV Go1borougn and for other lateral branches, having been twice reject ed by the Senate, on Saturday last Mr Ashe presented another bill to that body. providingTor a RailRbad from Goldsbort ough by vvay of Raleigh to Charlotte. This bilKwas madefthe order of ithe" .day v for yesterday. A few; days .sin ne Afr. Jfe? bane introduced into the Commons the a bove.project offered by .1f. .Shepard,: and tcjecied by the Senate; and -oa ilonday considered; and then said till was pbtpo ne iiiueijiiiieiy. i ne uane rear ana Deep IViver bill ' yas also re-constdered, anu laiuon ine tame. , ft 2?i7 and Resolutions 'Enrolled. The follbwingiist Vmbraccsf,all ihe "Bills and Resolutions which have" been finally acted on by1 the two ' Houses; since' the ed m men cement'of thesessi on, and wh i ch have been enrolled; ' Thiy" only await the signature of the Speakers to become laws An act io--incorporate tne lrusteeso Snow Iredell. to ,onei So it is ;with some vegetable purgatives tiy adding nineparia of ; one 'ingredient, aqd nine- power is I ....... 1. n ... . 1 1 m inrujluLrl nnl In olirhtoan Kilt lnaiirliln.nna Pn .vi'ihflr...vn. tvhne u w Miuwu many yc;usaau nidi iiiu. v.tt...Vv, w . ..v""" v. will. 0fm,. be Sl,nl!ed bv the! i' cherry tree of this climale- possessed, ?Vfer, ?r'e3 ,' J" ? ' ,i valuable medicinal properties. .Indeed. P''ene, woam nave to oe usea ,o w,c . r , .i i tent of eighty-one crams; by eoiiibininff ihem, this fact was known to the Aborigines, - . . , . Bt .... ; - f . "''' I " nn !v Plan tpu nritinfi hntp tn ho nwl. Apftlll.2- The Southern Platform. The Wash-.jand a decoction of the leaves or bark of Illgreaiellt &found b miiitipltVis power ton Correspondence of the Philadelphia . this tree has ever been regarded by 'their a,aillf wjllch in a prporUon of two grains, would - la . T -f 1 I . n O Vrl if. v ft ter, when taxes shall be raised by lav on of pubiic sentiment, in the course of. ve- rev.,.on to be reported baek tothemee.,nB . . ""r Z lhe real estate and taxable noils, the Gen-:..,. . ,u. ,r, ..,:n I on Monday ni2ht. Two of the commit- . . ,!,.. irT,rrrr.-fr-r-jr-'.r'-r- - . . . tT , ' . , , ., ,J' V lliuilllld B( 1-V. I V UVIJUUI IMIIVIIl) .Till cril Assemil "slall have t the right to n0 doubt be of such a character as to ena raise"the'tax on the stock, in like propor ble Gov. ilanly to judge correctly as to tion:" The amendment' was disagreed to, the propriety of such a step; and indeed, and the bill passed its 'thir. reading, i)d jf nothingshould.be done with the Raleigh was orderedto be engrossed. " ' " , ' ,ailj Gaston Road, and if no efficient nVeas tThe bill to incorporate the Milton Sa- ure9 are a(Jopted to increase, the State's yings Bank in the town of Milton, was ta-' incbme; an extra session will 1 be the next ken upland alter some debate, in which thing to a necessary result. Mr. McMullen advocated, and Messrs. pt s. We have only room to add, lhat Satterthwaite and Mebane opposed the ;n thp Senate on vesterdav. the Resolu- passage of the bill; it was rejected on its .;ons Introduced' by Mr Shepard t mgt Hulletin wives the following as the resolu- physicians as one of the most effectual have no effect upon . the . animal 'economy, tut tions presented -by Mr. Daily at the recent i remedies in many diseases. This fact, which, added to eighteen grains of compound of meeting of the Southern members of Con- j several years -since, arrested the attention two parts (c-fniiie;gra;n?, each of ? ty-o. ingredients, . i .1 . . I II AX7r...-.- I.' I.I i.LI- i W ill Sorn! n rnnllirilv lha nntpor vfiiirt t it hnva grcss. It IS unuersiOOU mai ine resoiU- i .ui. iar, a .uiguiy respecraoie pracr -r-j r" rr".rct """ "ir tions were not acted on at that time, the! titioner of Virginia. , He investigated with Saor e.gniy.one, one nunarea ana sixiy be again multiplied by an addition of two grains, w ..I . u . r : - ,. , . . . i,i;., . r . i . iwu. ou j"diu, nit; iiiixvurts 01 iwemy grains can mattei betntz referred to the adjourned care the healing properties of the wild , . . . ... , i . . meeuiig uu iiiciuu. iiiau m hc..uuuiw - ; .. .wM M1.....to (he rrtwer of three hundred and twenty foar are as follows: . ed alone, and when .in combination with frrai.-1B-of lhft nril.:nsii nnwr ftf ,hfn fit inr. Resolved That the South, having; an other remedial agents. He found that' its. dients i,- Here: we havo twenty-two rrains, which equal interest in the Territories of New , natural virtues might be greatly improved! as a purgative, contain the power , equal to. thre Mexico and California, is .'; willing, as. ajand oy comnining it with ingredients, huitdred and twenty-fcur grains of, either of the- principle of equity, to accept the terms of; whbse properties were well proved and j arlic,esHlonej neyertheless.also so powerful after uemg inus comoineu, afe saief in any ijudimi always having a beneficial effecf and in ' no case capable ot doing injuryof "which thousands bczl ample witness tt jL'i-n-'E.:-i k 'w i Let. those in any tcayoui of health uMikiseFufrt They iyi lljind it much iottieir Advantage, I tor. sale by i r ? .t QeoJ Howard. the Compromise Act of 36 30. .(generally recognized, a medicine was pro- Resolved That tho South is willing thejduced which constitutes a remedy of great said Territories shall be admitted into the1 value in pulmonarv.affections and. diseases Union as States, upon the presentation of Constitutions, in which the subject of Sla very is referred, upon appeal, to the dects of the chest and throat diseases which are proverbially prevalent in our cities and large towns, and often prove fatal, Ion of the Supreme Court of the United jewelling the bills Tdf mbrUlity tb'a much States, such question to be omitted in said 3 Constitution, until the decision, as afbre- aaid, is awarded. ; --. Resolved, That the; South will accept of a billy for Territorial Governments, upon the principles of the act of last Session, in troduced by. Senator John M. Clayton. t t l' Resoleed.i That theSouth; will accept of the act introduced the present! Session by Senator Douglass with certain modifi cations relative to appeals, as in the second resolution; lie "hi rly?rA . ht-. : i Resolved, That the South prefers .a sep aration of the .Union, to that of -accepting the Wilmot Proviso, and the faith of ach State is pledged to i protect her interests, in said Territories at the. point of the bay greater ex te n t th a n i s thei , case, w i t h rmost other, we had almost said all othen classes of diseases.' ? vi u-t h . - ; For sale by Dr. il. II. Macnair, Agent fprTarboro, and by dealers In" medicine generally 'SUfWe'are1 authorised 7 to' ! announce CoI. ThoV P.fALfoNl:of; Halifax county as a candfdite Tor'thj Office of Brig JGcn. 5th Bricade Ni CMititia; l Scrofula and Scrofulous Swefltnsrs ;aerofula in all Mts multiplied , forms, whether injhat of. Kings,. ?eyil, ...enlarge ments of t the ,glandsc. pr4 hones, ,tGoitre. White S vell t ngs, C hroid c R heu mat is m . Cancer, di?eases'of' the Skin or?Spine. m 0fPul'mbharyCdns5mpUqn emanate fror one and the same cause) which1. is arpoi.-: orious'prinefple more or less .-inherent ; the ,f human' 's v It em . There fore; ' u n I es I this principle' can be destroyed, no radica." t V'ti-.n lcr:i d'Jlr.rl U r$ i Mr .married; this coqnty, on Tuesday eVeawr&Sih Jar.Wrn. Cherry,. Esq. Mr Rurtnn ne,oJ to Mis Isabel- Legstit . 'daughter of Mr .JUxui Leg: . ? i . . A L I .til '.:" "-: i ");: -i 4. i