SI Ml fin ::.X 'is 1 1 IV hole .Yq. 1 1 7. Tarborougiu Edghcombe County, V.4 tV Saturday, February i o; I 849. iuli ffflfPI mm 'ol MB miiTnil iul Dill nJ "1 MM ii I I f II .1 ill Jrtl till mnnnt u ' ' BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Is published weekly at Two PoLWRs per year i paid in adrance-or. Two Dollars and tifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square- will be nserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and, 25 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. FUEIITUM. TrlnA, ... tmT?VOP 1 XT PO 17" A CI? JT v . i , , the necessity of taking the vvnoie up-story over L. Pender's Store, at the sijrn of Pender & Brother, where may be found AN IMMENSE Stock of Furniture, Consisting of the same articles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand. Per sons that have not had an opportunity of m r r . ii gP ii t b ,. . , ,, . are respectfully solicited to call, as prices1 r,. , ,, . U . AnI minlitir Blisll Olltlr Cfllt l itPmlilrn repaired at either place at the shortest no . ... , ; , , ; tice. F. L. BOND. N. 13. In order that a man may do himself justice, let him see articles of Fur- niture before purchasing. No body likes . . , J : to buv a cat in a bag. 7arboroSept. 29, 1848. Jay ue's Medicines. bronchitis, Cough, Consumption, sore Throat &c. 1 Mr. John Beckford, a respectable mer-j chant of Eistpor1 Me., says Please send; me a large supply of your valuable medi-. cines, particularly of the Expectorant, asj I have a great demand for them in the Ui itish Provinces. A gentlemin from Wintlsor, (Province of New Brunswick,) was passing through here on his way to ' Boston, to get cured of Bronchitis when I recommended him to take your Expectorant, which gave him immediate relief, and he returned home completely cured. The Expectorant has also brought one man to life here, after his physicians ha given him up, and had taken nothing for; three days His Complaint was Consumption. I happened to call in and saw him in a very distressed situation I recommend- cd his wife to try the Expectorant, think- ingthatitmtght give him ome case, and he would expire with less aony, but he recovered right away. Yours. &.c, .1 RFJlKFOIiH i Rev. Jonathan Going, D. D., President Blues, in the county of Wake, of Granville College, Ohio, eays: "He was; 19 For the better regulation of the mil: labouring undera severe cold, cough, and itia in the county of Cleaveland hoarseness, and that his difficulty of brea- j 20 For the better regulation of the pub thing was so grea that he lelt himself in ; lie highways in the county of Rutherford, iminent danger of immediate suffocation, 21 to incorporate Covenant Lodge No. but was perfectly cured by using this Ex-, 17, of the Independent Order of Ocd Fel-. pectorant." Ar n-.tlr fS,lOM M T 1. was cured i a .u. fnft ' . ''',-,.! . m i- . of Asthma of 20 years standing, by using 17, in the county of Dupiin. : ; : k4ii r.u- V, xx ln . . t r r,mn two bottles of this medicine. Mrs. Ward, ; 23 to incorporate , Pamlico L.ncamp- also of Salem, was cured of the same com-; plaint by fiveboltles. ,a vv -cviij, i-iou , tiivi ii l si i n 2U isneu advocate of lea,perance stated at a meet - Lewis C. Levin, Esq ,tho distinguished ing of upwards of three thousand persons, that he should not have been able to ad dress them, but for the use of "Jayne's Expectorant." He said that he had been labouring under a hoarseness and severe oppression of the chest, that he had pur chased some of the Expectorant the day before, which had relieved hirn in a few hours, and he found himself, contrary to his own expectation, able to address the multitude. . Prepared only by Dr. D. Jatne, Phila delphia, and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Nov. 2, 1817. Printing ne'tihj executed1 AT TSIS orricc. CAPTIONS. Private' Acts. Passed by tht r Legislature of North . 'Carolina, at the session of 1848-M9 "1. kAu act to incorporate the TYusfecsof Snow Creek Academy, in the County of Iredell. 2. to incorporate Dallas .Male Academy, in the County of Gaston. ...wpv.a.g u.c Vu.C8lC Mil IIUC- dependent company, in the county of 4. For dividing the county of Stokes. (Divides said county into two ' equal .parts by a line beginning at the .outh. west cor- ner of Rockingham county, and running thence west to the Surry county line, and that part south of said line to be erected in Ito a new county by the name of Forsyth.) 5. to lay otf a Road from New ion to Morg;anton. 6. to condemn a part of Ilavne Street, . . f tt in the town ot Menroe in Union county, for the purpose of erecting a Public Jail thereon. 7 to incorporate tha Summerfield Guaids. in the county of Guilford. , . , . . mal Academy, in Wake county. 9 to incorprate the J3ertic Guardsin the county of Bertie. 10 to incorjorate Blounts Creek Man- ! ufacturing Company in the town of Fay- etteville 11 to authorize the county Court of Mecklenburg to pay over certain funds to the county court of Union Ccunty. 12 to incorporate a Female ColKge in the cotmty of Anson. 13 to incorporate the Stalcsvillc Male Academy in the county of Iredell. 14 to revive and amend the 7lh scciion of an act supplemental to an act passed by the General Assembly in the year lS42r ?o ... i . n v i,i,i;.u. new county by the name of Catuwha. i ;,nce Company in North Carolina. 15 to repeal the 2nd section of an net! 49 lo endanacl of last sess.on rcgu entitled, "an act to incorporate the town '"'H c inspection of Turpentine. A of Windsor, in the county of Bertie and Carrol cf hard Turpentine to weigh 240 to amend the same." i P0,ln(,s' a,,U a b;,rrel of Tar 260 Pounds l 16 to incornorate Union Matiufaclurinr . Comnanv. io the town of Favettevilie 17.lA.imom on sunn Pmontii In an act passed at the session of t ft -to o etni: lied an act to lay off and establish a new county by the name of McDowell. (Pro vides that hereafter that portion of Mc Dowell which hcietoforc constituted a Iorlkm of RlItherfon counlv. sha!l vote v , f jvicnOWL.ii which heretofore constituted a portion of Burke. , county) io"(: tm.k r,rnlin, lows, in the town ot ureenvilie.f 00 .A :rtrtrM TLtinn rChanlPr No. 1 i ment No. 6,,of the. Independent ,0rdVr of Odd Fellows,,!., the town of Washington. i " r ur me 1111 uuianuu ui uic . vjti x iu ' Lodfte orNortlvOuroliua.of the Independ 24 For the incorporation of the , Grand ent Order of Odd Fellows. 4 25 to incorporate Ncuse, Lodge No, 6,! of the Independent Order of Qdd Fellovys, in the town of Goldsborot Wayne county. ; 26 .to Incorporate the Duplin Guards, an Independent corps of Cavalry, in the county ;of Duplin. . . .s , : v 27 to alter the time of holding the non Jury terms, of j, the ; Court , of r Pleas and Quarter Sessions, for the counties of.Ma con and Catawlja. . - .,.. , 8;to amend an act passed in 1844-'5, entitled an act to incorporate ...the town of Monroe, in the county of Union. 9 to alter thenime of holding -ithe Su perior Courts otLaW and'Equity, and the Courts ofPleas and Quarter Session ofthe county of-Lenoir. 30 to repeal an act passed at the session of 181 6-r7, entitled "an act to lay ott and establish a county oy tnenamu 01 roiE.-- 31 to incorporate A ntiocir Academy in the county of Robeson. ' ; : 32 to amend and consolidate the several acts heretofbre passed for the better regu- lation of the town of Concord in Cabarrus county. u ' 1 33 to incorporate Newbern ' Manufac- turing company. ; l' f 5 34 to amend an act entitled an act au-, thorizing the county court of Lincoln to! exercise exclusive1 iurisdiction over the . i public Road, which is the dividing linej between Lincoln and Cleveland. 35 to layoff and establish a new county ; by the name of Watauga, out of portions:, of Ashe, Wilkes, Caldwell and Yancy. ; 36 For the relief of Jaifles Stewart of Cherokee county. " 37 to alter and amend the 1st, 3rd and 4th sections of the 94th ehapterof Revised Statutes of lS46-'7, entitled an act to ap point commissioners to view and lay off a road from Asheville in Buncombe county, to Burnsville in Yancy. ; Perfects a for mer act. and directs immediate execution of the work enjoined 38 to establish a Toll Bridge on French Broad River. 39 to revive and amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Oropeakc Canal and Turnpike company, passed by the General Assembly at its session of 1846- 40 to empower the Justices of the Peace of New Ifanoyer county to sell the Poor House in said county. 41 to extend the liinits of the town of Lincolnton, and for other purposes. 42 to incorporate the town of Salisbury 43 to alter an act concerning a Road in rei' count y, 4 to incorporate-the Martin and Bertie Tpike Company. 45 to incorporate the Williamston Li brary Aociation in Martin county. 46 to lay off and establish a new county by the name of Alamance out of a portion of Orange" tuuiuy. l1,uv,ucs county shall not be established, if a major ity of the Co rmr.on voters of Orhij;e snail declare at tlu? ballot box agiinst it 47 to incorporate Concordia Lodge. 4 io incornoiaif a iiuui l-iii; iuoui- 5 50 to ameird an act entitled an act to ; nuinonzc . R. S. Hunter, of Macon, to ciui.j -ji iuut .a.a u.t. ork I f i 7 nasHMt m lc5o4 also to amend an aci oi , 1838-M0 51 Supplemental to an act passed atlhei present session repealing the law estab lishing tlie county of Polk. 52 to authorize Cornelius Shields to build a bridge aross Bear creek in Moore county. 53 to amend the acts fir the belter reg ulation of the 'own of Williamston. 54 to provide for the re-assessment of lands in the counties of New Hanover, Brunswick. Bladen, Johnston, Sampson, Nash, and other counties. 55 lo appoint commissioners to lay off; a Road in Wilkes county. j , 56 to authorize the. Superintendents of: Common Schools of . Rowan and Edge- 1 - ' -.r.u! r.. . j- cornice iu HIV", a ptyi ncir uiiiua.. 57 to incorporate the Caswell Rangers. t , , i , - 4 ,v ." ; 58 t o n cor pora t e t he Roc k Spri n g Ten t r iJ, . J ? r W , .noep,nue; u. m r. , ... ?n p.. v ..m.nftton. , , , , rrl-" - . i . . . .; . m j - .- ; al anci exclusive . jurisuicuyn in an pases ! where the intervention ot a jury' may lie wl)Pr t!ie 1 cepary. i 60 Concerning .the public ; roads in Brunswick and Beautort counties. 61 to'Vay off a road in Yancy f county from Flat Rock tQjbeJJurnsvllle InA In- ,f?62, tp preyent the sale of spiritous li quors within, a certain distance of Floral - 1 1 ' 9? to aulhoftze lheerect and Female Academy in or near me lowni nfShplhv 64 onc ' "bV. ilh;,, tK U;,,;,,' j!5! i;lf( i'.s -tfl:K ,(W nSSdeMCotirt of Pleas- and QaaheSes,! Stokes. 66 to incorporate the Mounted Guards, in me county ot Haywood. 67 to prevent fishing near the mouthi)f Raymond's' Creek, in Camden county, i s 68 to amend and consolidate the acts novy in force relating to fishing with seines in Tar and Pamlico Rivers. 69 to amend an act of last session, in- corporating the town of Wilkesborbugh. . 70 to incorporate the South Creek Swamp Land Company. : 71 to incorporate. the Wilmington Tha- Han Association. - ' i ...... . T . 72 to incorporate Plymouth Academy. 73 to incorporate the town of Slades- ville. 74 to authorize Major John Clark, of Beaufort, to make a Road on his ownJand. L 75 to authorize A. ,H, Ervvin-Jo estab- lish a toll bridge on the Catawba river. ! 76 toamend an act of 1840, .incomor- ating the Hickory Nut Turnpike company 77 to amend an act of 1845, appointing commissioners for the town of Rockford. 78 to authoiize the Roanoke Naviga tion Company to become common car riers. 70 to amend an act incorporating the "Atlantic Fire Company. 60 to amend an act passed at the last session to increase the Revenue. 81 to incorporate the Mecklenburg Ag ricultural Society. 82 to incorporate the Deep River Min ing and SmeltingCompan'. 83 to amend an act of last session pro viding for a re-assessment of the lands of this Slateand a more accurate enlistment! 0f each" Stale are entitled to equal rlghtC of the taxable polls. - privileges and immunitiesunder the Con . S4 to alter the times of holding the Su-j stitulionW of the United States -perior Courts of Cleaveland county I. .Resolved, That the f proceedings of 85 to incorporate Lumherton Academy.? the Convention; by which the Federal SO to incorporate Phalanx Lodge No. Constitution was framed, clearly demon- strate that the institution of slavery wns 87 to amend an act of last session incor-1 maturely Considered; -nd that' the U'uon porating the Mutual Insurance Company 0f the States was finally secured by incor of North Carolina. - porating into that' instrument' -distinct and' 8S to incorporate the town of Ashe- ample guarantees of the rights of the Slave ' ' 'bolder." : ' : - .v tutvtfWiUVC I'll. JCUailWlI LIUUgV) T KCOUttrtW) - .. K . ' ' t No. 17- concern and alarm the constant agrcs-i 90 to amend an act of last session in sions on the rights of the slaveholder by relation to a depot of arms in Newbern. certain teckjess politicians of the North; 91 to incorporate Midway Male and -and that the recent proceedings of Con- Female Academy, in Pitt county: ' gress on the subject of slavery are -fraught 92 to incorporate Anchorcer Lodge, No. ' with mischief well calculated to disturb 14. the peace of our country, and should call 93 to extend the time for i erecting a ' forth the earnest and prompt disapproba-1 bridge across Pasquotank river.' ' ' tibn of every friend of the Union. '"' 94 to incorpoiate Tosnot Depot and Hickory Grove , in Edgecomhecounty, in- Io a town by the name of VViison. 95 to incorporate the Union Manufac- 'r'v 96. to incorporate the Trustees of the Chowan Female Institute. property ihtb any of the territories ot the 97 to amend an act of 1834 to incorpor- United States, and -of 5 exercising owner-" ale the town of Polloksville. ' ship over the same while in said territo- 98 to revive an act of 1842, incorporat-. ries; will be an act not only of gross in jus- ing the town of Jacksonville. f it'ice and wrong, but the exercise of power- 99 to authorize E. S. Moore, of Cald- contrary to the true meaning and ' spiriiot well to collect arrears of taxes. i the Constitution, and never contemplated! 100 to incorporate Macon Academy. ! by the framers tliereof. 1 r r , , - J 101 to amend the 15th section of the; 5. Resolved, That while' we do not itiZ 102 chapter of the Revised Statutes. j tend hereby to be understood as ' conced- 102 to authorize Halifax County Court nv that Congress has5 the power under j to sell the lot on which theold Court-house stands. 103 to incorporate the Wake county Rifle Comptny. 7 ' 104 to amend an act ot last session in relation to the mode ot electing w ardens i o the 1 oor. ,Ae"v .A 4l t:.i. i 105 to incorporate the Davidson Min- i- 10 r U, - " Vi";Jk '" .tf W.t. . " i I. ;-J,v-.- ' a: fl,.MAia riw h,,,c wu,Pa,v' I 108 to amend the law' relating to th( the i collection of taxes for the town of New- : bern. 109 Incorporating the town of Salisbu- ry. 1 10 to incorporate the Camden Guards. 4 11 1 to empower single Justices of the Peace to tax prosecutors ll on Slate War rants with cost in certain cases; ; ' ? ; VK 1 1 12 In relation f to the " Clubfoot and iutu.FU.-.w r - fompany. 115 For the Detter regulation m tne Nash county. Av :.':;.; 11 6 to incorporate the Island Fpr? Manufacturing Company. - lf - 11 7 to i neorporat e X he G reensborougb and Mt. Airy TurnpiJielCompany ;j - 1 118 to provide Hot the : opening clearing out of Big Rockfish Creek 119 to amend the, JOth section of;the 102d chapter of the Revised Statutes,- con cerning Pedlars. " , 120 to confer on' the Courts certain powers over imprisoned Lunatics, ik ,- -k? V2 1 "For the better pf otectiori of Bein and nets. ; -;i,.-V M.a;n;c-V;jt ' 122 .to incorporate Johnston Academy, n 123 to further justice in the A county of New Hanover7. "te'sii ..i .inU.Sl ' 124- to amendthe act f establishing.tjie county of Alexander. - ai 125 to appoint Commissioners , for , the town of Ashboro', Randolph County ancl to incorporate the same.' i. ' r: - H 126 toepeal the second section of; in act entitled ah act to incorporate the town of Windsor, in the county, of Bertie,",an& to amend the same. ' i i a 127 to repeal an act passed in the year. 1829, entitled an act concerning the War dens of the Poor of Lincoln county. 128 Abolishing Jury trials in Burke county Court. i : ; , . 129 to repeal part of an act of lS-'S, in regard to; Haywood county Courts. : 130 to extend to corporate limits of the town of Warrenton. Resolutions on Slaverf. 1. Resolved That the States came into the Union as equals; and that the ciizens 4. -Resolved, That' the enactment of any Law by Congress, which shall ''abolish? slavery or the'slave trade in the District . of Columbia', or shalP' directly or indiiect ly deprive the citizetis ofaiiy of the States, 0I the right of emigrating with their slave1 the Constitution toenact a law prohibiting ; slavery in any portion of the terrtiones ufl the United States; yet, for the sake of pre- serving the peace and promoting the - per- petuity ol the Union, we are willing tnat the basis ol the Missouri Compromise shoufd jje adoptedin reference to the" re- cently acquiredlterri lories jof New Mexico and Ca 1 i for n i a by extending the line then agreed upon to the Pacific Ocean. - 6th. Resolved, That" ' we believe the people of North Carolina, of all, t parties; are devotedly attached id 'the Urifo'i of the United States that they regard it as a main pillar in tire edifice "of real independ ence, the support kf tranquility ad home, of peace abroad; of safety of property, and of that very liberty .they so j highly prizej that they cherish a cordial, habitual, .arid immoveable attachment to it, and that they Watcn for its preservation,1 ' with jeabiis anxiefy; that theybelieve:it is the duty of theirfpublick 'Ber'vanls' to discountenance whaterer may suggest even a : suspicion that U can in any event heabandqned antl to f repe, mdigoantly every - aUempt ty alienage any' portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the 1 sacred f ti& which : 'no tf' link . together tb.e vanouai 1

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