it. mm I. M rU! hntniil j 111! t - - . k , - ! I ! : . v': . . !. Tranri iiiilliliiiiiiii i ftp-. ; i l'A f?ofcVr& t 177. --Htifi,7TnT uiii itmu i itimtminmttt innunT! mimi ni r iiiiHiilHii (mrtttfttt pi n hull ten mm mmm fin M IM W ' MMIUn.iillliimiiinTTTri.lNMMhlliln.TilltmiiltTTHilETTiiTniiiltnT!!! llilhillllllnl,milllfhilli!ll!ll!llll liiii Kill J' dllV - . -, ' '' - JMafcWj H II II WJ,!..H.lPgl.PMll WP v j- 2tf e Satfiotottat) 3?rf . . BY? GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Is -published weekly at Two Dollars pet jre;v ("paid in advance-or, Twouoiwm . . . r:EvTs At the etniration of the subscription year. Advertisemetiunot exceeding a square will be nserted at Ost DottAR the first insertioR, and 25 Hents for every succeeding1 one. Longer ones a1 -that rate per quare Court Orders and Judicial adTertiseraenislSSiei cent. higher, ;U i P ROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our busiuess, we have been under the necessity of taking the whole up-story over L. Pender's Store, at the sin of. Pender & Brother, where may be found an Immense Stock of Furniture, Consisting of the same articles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand, Per sons that have not had an opportunity of seeing a magnificent stock of jurniturt. pre respectfully solicited to call, as prices and quality shall surely suit Furniture repaired at either place at the shortest no tice. . L. BOND. , i, ; V V t fcA ,. ,r. . , 4f. fn himself justice, let lum see articlesot l4ur-lthe niture before purchasing. No body likes to buy a cat in a bag. .rarboro Sept 29, 18431 Oaly fSS ccnlx prr box, FOR Ihecure of Headache, aiddiness',;-- Unj, sjR. c. Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles Heart-! barnVorDypsinCholer. Morbus,, Pains in the Back and Limbs,.Liver nl.iinf. Risinor in the Throat. Fevers of all plaint, Rising in the Throat, Fevers of all kinds, colds. Gout, Gravel, Female Com- 1. II I i plaints. Nervous complaints, and all other . Jt. ; ; r . . , diseases arising from . lninuritics of the . ?. , . r . . blood, and morbid secretions ot the liver! and Stomach. Every disease to which the human frame i issubject, originates from impurities of the! x. i , , . ' f .. blood or derangement of digestive organs. 0 . . f V'i l-" . i , Y.,r , . Corporate Authorities of Washington and Dr. Gordon s 1 amily Pills, being com- r ' - , - . . . - ', . .. Georgetown, brought up this division ol pounded exclusively oF such ingredients j.? . - a nature inteoded should operate on the ' - impurities of the riuman System. Strike 1 wclve Assistant Marshals, designated at the root of thediscasei removrngall irn.,,. ,ith white scarfs, white rosettes purities from the bodyVopening.lhe, pores! , ' ' and lyje batoons. eternally and internally, separating all ! Foren Ministers ,n carnages. ' foreignaod-bbnoxipu particles X from the : Members of Congress Klect and Ex. chyle,so that the blood, of which it is the ! plumbers. ... origin; must be thoroughly " pure and ne- Governors and ExT.overnors of the States cessarily 'souring a Tree and vigorous and Terntones, and some members of actionto the Heart, Lungs, Liver and! the Legislatures of the same. Stomach, thereby restoring health. :hv opening the pores, cleansing the veins and arteries, unimpeding all the natural veins and purifying the'ftdood; :they render the system not only, thoroughly: sound, butal- i so impervious tV disease, even when all! , . ' other means have failed. ' -j j Within the last Twelve months, more than one hundred cases of I the 'i mott ug gra vat ed forms of Dyspepsia-' have beeh eured by the medicine, where rigid diet ing, the BluePill,and Almost pvery- other means had been resorted 'To-av'i thou t any benefit, and iwheriUeath stared its! misera ble victim fully in the face, tflf Dr. Gor don's Pills were not adapted to the cure of any but this horrid malady, their uni form; success in this disease alone nvoutd be sufficientjtp waft prrtp fame' the'name of their; inventory as a benefactor of his .spe cies. This,medieine never fails to cure the worst cases of plies jh ldkc week! F or sale, ui-TarberoYh .MPO HOWARD?1 FebniarV 8, J849. JYotice. For coughs aridlungcbmptaints use Dr. Bar th&lomfe?s Pink Expectorant syrup. ? e Sick head acA, though pootitaliopal or inciden tal, U cir6d by Dr. Spohn's 'liead achererncdy,"J Layy of China - for1 th car e of all diselse thaterjVireTxternal application. Tfo Urdy haired will 'flail the Indian Hair' Dye Perfect and eflaciualO tTt.T'VA 1 lr sale by Geo. Howard. t 4 9 .Inauguration op f ;. :PRBIDEN,T TAYLOn., , '., i Corre5poUjn of theflJaltimflrB up Tj yj ;(:ashtnglQn, March 5. 1849.- This isCanbther memdrablti ilty in'ihc history of our country TheInsnrgnrs tion of Zachary Taylor, amidst the accla mations of one humlrrxl thousand pcbpl-e,is just completed, and lire event is announced to the world by the 'thunder of artillery. and reiteraled cheers of assembled rnli tudesl By the dauof day, our avenues and streets were thronged with .citizens Rosily engaged in the' ''preparations, as well as with visitors, who weret taking a survey I of the met; opolis. The national flag was displayed, from the tall staff in front of the City Ildllnil iVuui lfoiels, whilst our en ftine house w ore .most gaily decorated with flags and pictures. T f Toward! S o'clock, the various bodies commenced meeting at the respective pla ces assigned them, and about o'clock the large and strong corps of Marshals pro- ceeded in a body to pay their respects' to . ... , r, - , mihtarv part of the nroccfMoti took ths line of match. , The officers and soldiers of the war of i n l 1 ioi- . - " " . r r it- r.t A number of officers and soldiers of the . . - r loi uia auu iuexiiiiii uia. , . Twelve assistant marshals, with white scarfs, wliite rosettes and white batoons.. Then, in a splendid barouclie drawn, by four white horses, were seated General 5XavV-lor President .elect; J.ames ...K v.ppJk Xvhlthrop, laie ipeakcr of the House of cit6i,s. repohcr, am Uep.jj Mr.. Seaton, ixx?A. '"" Ral cr' c r vashinton ; by Indies, unaitended by genliemeti. . ' n . " I 'Officers of the army. navv. and i ... , i The Laurel.troop of Horse, under com-i ! mand ot Uaptain apron, aruj accompaiweu iiiuiiu ui vuiiiuiii viyiu , uu uv-viuniv. , - - f . . r . . . , by Major O wings, performed the Honor l- . .... oi tne escort, i ne appearance 01 mis yveii of the escort. J he appearance ol th .r , ,. . , ?' '1". -a, ; n'6,' ,. - , ., . .. ! ' ...... ... 1 nbes now on a. visit to this city, and the ulllPer ol lue A-my ann ?avy . f iCilizens of several of t,ie S'lalbs' wi,h uju"t;a -Then appeared a longline of temperance - - t- . t -associations, irom venerate.u -.pairiarcns down to rosy faced, youths, with, beautiful banners and rich regalia accompanied' by hne music. : : , ,M The.Rouglv and, Ready, aHillery,a. com-' panyo'f ffne youths of Capitol Hill brought up the rearj : ' . rir?:.iv; i tThe procession, passed along Pennsylva - nia avenue with a slow and firm step,-nn- derasut-veyrof thousands' Ofladics who'; tliroriged every Avindovv, and Ceveryeleva- j ted position from which la sight couUK be I obtained, and who;. withswaving handker chiefs and other-demonstrations of joy welcomed To his exalted station UieVener atedTayJ6tv j; 1KI ..m.: ?! Entering Ithe sotitli gate of the? Capitol, the liriewasTdrmed immediately in front of the rostrum , and: the en tire space' dense ly .crowded withspectatorsi ; .n:eii n From this hasty description j the reader must imagine the brilliancy of the pageant Tbe floating ; banners a waving plumes, brightly .. burnished i. arms,rj ispiKtstimftg ndic-arfd .withal the general "enthnsFasm indi good feeling displayed on. every ilia nd. wa3indescribably2t?grandJ "Never before has such a number of persons locctrpied thatyird, nTaBydeSsidn.-.v Gen. Taylor, in a calci;i nhMtnct voice, read his Inaugural address, which j j was listened to withy proibuhaV 'attention throughottf, and it its close; the airvas rent with reiterated cheers: The time honored chieftain appeared in 'front, ;and waving his hat and : bowing i toJ the mighty mass acknowledged1 the compli ments which were bestowed upSn h i m. - The procession was re-formed and the Chief Magistrate escorted to Execu tive MaWsion, where humctous frisnds I- H i .1 " ? . ......In A U.m '' tlme! tbberiotdsSch ?f seene-' ! Last night, the fine corps of : Washington Guards, at tended -by their band, vrnarchc(l in .front of AViUard's Ilotcl, aticl serenaded the President elect. The old General ap peared at the window snd acknowledged the a1tetion. , They' then piocecaed to lhn frnf House, and serenaded theex President James K. Polk and his lady. That gentleman also appeared, and evinced gratification at the mark:pf their respect. I write thin aViwlst ' the 4 excitement, and iviti jilludc to it tgain. To-night,' we jiave all the balls and oilier -festivities , Correspondence jf t he Baltimore Stin. " : ':"Vahi nn1,' ;Klare'h ' 1 849. Washington is 'Ufa, a bee lijv', in evcitemetil and activily." ' The Woad side 'walks of Pennsylvania avenue 'were as thronged this m-orning as is Ioad way of a ounuay aiiernmn,or v nainain Mi eei o i xirek-ilay evening. Ittieerris o be gen erally conceded, that the luimher of stnin- tiers present at the inauguration 01 Uener , . 1 , ' , - . - . .. ed lhalof Gen. H.-irrison. The pioceedini's in the Senate Chamljor ; vere 'near I v as I a iS down in't he ; 'pragi a m - . , . . . - . ' me oi inc i.omnmw oi.Arranpenicin?. The doors of the Senate Chamber were canea ana paici ineir respcuis iw uiui. I The?ddy has passed off gloriously: 'it !sro'nlv 'reserved for rhan 1 once itr ? a ;"' life- opened at 10 o'clock, Tor the; admission of a cavalry officer, an artillery company, five Senatorsand oilier.-; u ho. by the arrange- companies, of inlanlry, three companies of mentof the Comuiinte, we're entitled to "Aes; then a body of citizens and strang oclmission. ' . fers; next the President elect, James K. i: The cnlUi n gallery was bceimicd by ToWthe Mayor, and the Speaker of the male citizens, cditoi s, reporters, and letter entirely 1uilv.i n till, ill iii . iui y. niiu ui I iiiv. . . J ' . l'.f. twi iiiiu ijiuti m i i jcici'ua, .i.u- I 4 1 1. 1 IIU. NIUIUI V til tllC OtllillC VjllfllllUUI. The iWjtc" nominally assembled at 1 1 ... nuloh ear,;(,,- ' The dl'i'domaiic co: ps. with the judges J I tULA, IliUtlZII IltliiiliCI U ti C i tCtlll of ,i,c Supreme Court, eniered the Senate rM ; , 4-A. v nainoer ai nuuuies nnsi i i o eiocK. The Vice; President elect and 'the' ck- Vice President entered af half-past 11 Congress and the Representatives of for o'clock.wifh the Committee of Arrange- cign governments, with the justices of the -.i i... 5 " : . i , , l lie 1 i esi ieiit elect and ex l'resiuent " iu jwi iui m uio tut.uu.ij pitiumua did notairive until half-past lQb'clock, ry to the administration of thedath of office and were met by the Committee 'of Ar- ! rar'gements at the entrance, and conducted .to-the seats prepared for them in front of the table of the Secretary,' in the Senate.' At 12 oclock and forty minutes, those assembled on the floor pf the Senate pro - ccbde.l to the eastern portico of the CJpU i tol in the following Order: " ; fphe marahil of the District of CohtmbtaV . , , ' i. . --.....-, the Supreme Court of, the United States: (he Sergeant-it-Arms of the Senate; the. Com m i 1 1 ee'of A rra i . gemen t s t he President elect and ex-President; the Vice Pressman bemgsGen.tTayloYread.hisshortTn.iappiieune lerm rrcuei or V!et, cx-Vice President, and' Secretary of augural addressed Took thei oath of bfcj McNabb oThe Jatte'saidTt was.a false the Senate; the members of the Senate; the "ce, administered by. the Chief Justice of; hood,,-Mr! Blake refused to retract , At tliplomatic corps; the Mayors of Washing.the Suprerde Court tThis, 4he most im-! moment theretwas a great uproar m ; totfand' Georgetown, and : the other per btis admitted on the floor1 of the Senate'.' On reachingthe Iroht of ,jhe portico the President elect'and chief justice r took The seats provided for5 them'. The cx-Presi- pro 1 en t . ' t h e Co mmi ttce ngemerits, and the associate justices of the Supreme Court obcbpled'a' position 'several feet id the rear df the resideri t elect; and 3 chief justice. The VI ce President: u exVicc " President, Secretary anS members of the Senate," bc- CUDieu -parallel uues ucai iu. icai. 1 iiu diplomatic corps occupied the next pbsi tron; and Space immediately in, their rear ly3s Isstped y'tne1aysj)aletc1efand members of the House, of Representatives afefeelnfsectrtn hS1auies; in yuchrsohslw by Ue roieVoftife &&Wwitid Vrfangemehti or m ofihlittee vveelumeratedHr the pVogramrnef ftupied' Ue 1 steps iticl the I residue bfthd'porticp. . J The entire space before The eaiterh por tico, and front of the Capitol, was filled by v the dense multitu the - bfthe publicground Within the enelosurfSthreqciriaugural balls, hcrewe ustt eKe. beybhd ;All -horses and- camawejehrxthingill passjoffas.hapil attj excluded from ' the square.' Gatihon and Capitol and elsewhere in tbe city sinco iheshouts of the rnUllitudeannouhcedth sunrise of this eventful day; ' -'k appearance of the President elect of thfe t Ot' t.lC united States. ' ' nThe President elect commenced the ie livery of his inaugural address precisely at IS 3-4 o'clock. , and concluded about I b ? clock protracted cheers and-cannon again. announcing its conclusion. 1 " 1 1 From; the Union. t;f . Inauguration Day: By suhme'fM s1rGois h, iA'hi! Vhrnil. in, J hour there were thousands Tupon" the aveni gvernmeot-)f thestrict3cqriStrucio(, flf ue, many looking as thoimh thev had hunJ the constitution. On .the ..Contrary., ,wp - ted the night through foV '. lodging pl.cJ"f PWe" C,,lmHJ,.!H?nB .' :. " mil :"'. ' "; does not recognise, for our internal nohev bodies formed according td the previously!: aPPears too, frOni the 1ant)age of the publiShetl prograpimW ani myrched to thd: PreS,dent aslf he' were disposed to shift point of rendezvous; .These, including-ht own rtstttutipnallresponsibiHty uprin the tnilitary cocps,wVrenuraWods;' P sVlvaniavenueZ ihVough'its whole iSngtlj, Pe?r!ly :Bgras W?.: e,BP in vu . . i ne various societies ann otnpr1 , r.. --.r": l , ----------- r .. j - vVfi i packed, with a dense mass .of specta tors, Jeaving barely room, for the proces sion to pass, , n the 'crowd, t people might, oe seen oi many.aiuerem nations jn ineirn national costume. from the North "Amerir cai Indian to the Turk ' and Persian. There were trains oflour-horse 'post coach- . -. ' ' ' ,.'.'' tj " ' r ' ni l .i . . it- r tincti witn our nergnoors nom Louaon and Fairfax, Va. Every window ana ! portico on the avenue Was filled, will) eag er ladies and children; while thousands Mich' perambulated Vthe ' street with the I.I ' . V 1 . l . - t t ii ,rong. AilU a. m., the thousands began 1 move in a solid body for the Capitol and at neon precisely, the head of the pro ! cession came opposite Coleman's Hotel. Ft the 'chief marshal and! his aids, House of Representatives, in a coach and Iour 8ra s loUowed by a jlme corps ot cavalry; next, clubs and others from a . r , iVftnile fommtiv of. artillery.' With two distance ' tcmnerance associations, and a .) r, : j , -------- j ; miniai,ire! field-nieces. These composed the procession, in. which, in all, there we're 7 , : . I I . 7 I f : , W more thnn a thousand nersons; The 1 . t1u-onS on and ahOuUhe avenue numbered perhaps fifty times as many persons. I nere couiu naraiy. nave neen tiess inan fi,MI1jor,fi noMnn. in tWo f!VtAt Wnri v.'v rwr .. ..v. on the grounds surrounding the building Siinreme Court, assembled in the Senatft chamber at an earl v hour ' and remained1' -;f..',. u to the' new President. Then the Oath Was administered to'the Vice Presidentelect, who delivered Thev usual address In a , few minutes alter the arrival of the pro. cession at the east front of tjic, Capitol, the . vast concourse in the Senate chamber, the rolundb, and bthef parts of the building ; came uf upon the east portico, which bad oeen prepared with, a platform and railing i- - i . i.i . i- ior uieoccasipn; anu inere, wi inline spacep in front," and every standing or clinging! the Legislature, : place in the rear, closely packed--tvitfr hu- posing parti Of the ceremonies Of the day, look nlace in sinht of near thirty thousand Per5onsr4-menrivornen, and ichlldrena- j Many wbers insisted that the gallenea mong whom, as far as we can Heara,-nod be cleared; so ihathej House should not' the slightest aecieent-occurred, nor did? be controlled h l mob. A , fightfl waji anything transpire tb mar thd pleasure 0fcommencd between two r individuals! any portion of the tremendous throng the gallern which others lseemedlft Having been thuJ inaugurateThVnew' Psed to participate. : The -Speaker, fhouf Prcsident, Vice President; and the escofl cd order Ingrain, and Wason the point of returned in procession to The Executive leaving ,the Chairwhen' the rSergeant-a Mansion, Icaviitg the exPresidehT at 'hr,f Arinsiid:iewlf.lheimdiiDted lolgings,the Irving HousewhrVnd was! & thelgallenes and cleared them. !rT Waited oh hy hi persohal ' andT6litfcal'next-day IMcDonald the. uses) ber friends in i(reatihumDes.a ihVExecmtivd an wasy- greater thah'dh an fdrmir similar d ocbai 6rount' that'he dispatcl f a hosltl i;iw ,yn2uit?..i iru) . -tn v.r.-i.j jjmessageCo MrBrake.TcJ- tcdi -.-.-i nThisassertblagfelhfbrei ists were most conspicuous. Mihy thobs- nnds pressed1! respects to tne new- iuiei Aiagisiraie, whose teaiBepra!tdygratity ali snWwe-aoitT lb' -pressy eif izensj land strangers arc crowding bv thoufandaionly draw six percent, . ; -,.5.r .,, '-J ... c ..... t ; . The faau&urafc . ihauguial addresses 'the shortest document which' Has probabty'ever ' been 1 delivefetl : by any inebmine - President: ''? We rJay it before dur!readers.i It .consists in general of common-place, non-committal, general ities. (But .it is impossible not to perceie the strong federal spirit which rreathes 4ivjui ii.. t r say liuuesiiy, it -suuuus w rr ea " """'"S1 "e-near noimirg in it of tfieliY1Wd prtweTSTof ithe .federal our ears as whig! Weheaf nothiig to-day, and no disposition to indulge in - - - f are assumed iii tlushief document. But it is sufficiently obvioiis, from alT the signs of the; times, that we are tto 'hayet ,a party and a strong f party, if admin jstptiorj, an(jL that the" republican party must stand to their armshot to wage any factious oppo sition, but to rally around' their' ancient; pridciplet,- (the principles of Jefferson 'and ol Jackson;)-and to defend the. true theo ry of the constitution,, and resist all th measures which violate its spirit. The democrats must again unite shoulder to shoulder in defence of 1 their' Taith: Let them take this courseiwith the'Onion and energy which beebme thefnand. we have not the most . distant : doubt that the most brilliant success will attend their irresisti ble efforts. id Estimates of ther Crops of the Uni, States. We have " received from ouf Washington corrtFpondent, 'an estimate from the report of the, Patenttdffice, rela live to the, crops of the U. S. forthe past year The tables pre too long for inser tion thismorning, but w.e have condensed them into the following space: , Populati bn i h: 1 84 " 2 1,686 OOfi Bushels of wheaV raised -16,364,600 barley 6,222.059 ,Y)ats v V..v.. vl?5,500,OO( 32,95100 Buckwheat " . . Indian corn " 12,533,000 ; 5s5,r50;ood ' ' f 5,735,6o'f potatoes 4 f rounds oi tooacco - cotton 119499 500 Jo 200,000.000 Tons ol hemp -Baitm: 1 .t . ft Row in the Cariadd ' Legislature Arrest of a Member. They'd 1 to : indent nify sufferers by the late rebellion, jto .the amount of nearly-a million- ol dollars, has 1 oitcorl rrroat . n v caused great excitement in Canada. In when the bill was under j discussion; 'Mr.:Blake,nSo!icitor; General, me ganenes, ami several -lauica wmu Uhere,"vaulted into the body ofntbe Housa ? .''V'l11 g-TATatv has passed dorihff th of tbe5 gi$lature:'of Illinois "wtvw& v rw, vw" W MV v4-: 6tefbr deblsiEenhaaMaa ' ! rnnm nnivpupr inpn prinrn inpep maiTore . " A ff i I j ... v r . . J , j t f 1

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