r , - In -saw ? iimiiiil 8 1 ? . . ffff ! Iftff Jif Milt I "API u;0 . 1 P f - t .. . v . fcLl -J pOTP !-' i pajia$pa&" 7 liiiuiiiiiiiti,!,-;;; 111. 1.11 IHHffliinJfllHB iiiiiiiniiiiiii IHIIIHIllHi Oil 51 J. T fmiVttni'iti 4 itttttft mm m) m iiiiiiplMupppii toi ?1 i ,0J '.dj. ' H!;ti!i. -..v---- lifer Ml Ifiiiln 1 imiiiiHi Ifn iiinmiii . i Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltll II . . -Jrftt-tk. ... - - ----- ' ' . " : : - Ja pubtisd wiektjyu Wo Dollars per year if paid in adranwQr.rTwo t)otURSND Firrv CNts uteVipiratian bt the sobictipUon year. ; AdrerliaemeiiUflOt jBSceedingaquare will btl nserted at'Oir DcUsii th first inssertion, and 25 enta-foiieTerjPacdinonej gerwes a that rate per. sqnare. Cijuf t .Ordf p and Juiicia tdveKtisenents 25 peTVent. higher J LillMMHIIB ; es thai from tne fauetievifle Carolman. AttS'pF N, C'HEGISLATUUE. S90?ooo,to inetjape rear Bans, and J5iJ5,-J 000 i o the State Bank, besides the sum of 166,500 lor endorsements for the Ral-J eigh and Gaston railroad, directs the Treasurer of the State to issue certificate!! of debt in the name of the State," payable in ten years from the date of th'etr issue. The act also prohibits the Governor and jFiiJEMaTmis. WROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our bbsiness, we have fceen under the necessity of taking the whole up-story oVer 'L. Pender Store, at the sign of Pender & Brother where may be found " AN IMMENSE"' Sfoclc of Furaiture, Consisting of the same articles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand. Per no variance or difiereribetweei an v writ xf execution, and the . igments whereto the same-wa issuedeJeiL in the sum lue, or time when dueUhallafifect the ti lie nCany purchaser unt" aicljecution Another,Act iCive alliersona.who have made entries of landnt paid the pur chase money, since; 1st luaryt 1840, till 1st January 1851 to paect jtheir title; and those who have untied since 1843, and not paid the : urfhaf oney,, inayj nave in inp am mno ioiiiiv . - THE MlLtTt An act respecting the Vl that hereafter,-all' perils t 'ibw liable to militia chity according folawjshall be kept on the militia rclls and rKurlcd as here tofore; but no person brer thirty-five years of age, shall be calhd'uj&on to attend musters, drills, or any military exercise, except incase of war. fl'hft all persons me wiu .thereno danger lest the morar' courage oi,ia,v, ttQ$warp no. sponwm. the'Presicieol sihouTd vteH.ana iWetbrrenJ . oweawt . Tho.confusionand delight I of proscription should break - down everjr wmcn tnvianpr arrival nao occasionea, Itiirrienansweeriawav mil iiis Ustpledg setoff tagrear advantage than usual, ther WZA aT?r1 Uo,y' (eelis? You captivatingharms of the w ido vv M i Beautiful'tintsrthe -it L-ouneji oorrowing any, more money, or paying any from the treasury of the State, thirty five years of ajrcwhV desire the ior ine repairs oi ine uaieign and liastojj railroad So liiat it the income of the road shall not pay its expenses, it must . siod oneiations. ! An act to amend and consolidate the .'severs' acts in" favor of poor debtors, pro- that have not had an onnortunitv of ;i,ut ' y "except in case ot war. UCi-attcr a sex 0r furniture. v A . m, ,ui ,,,urr vice benefit of the provisions 'at tis aci, shall appear before the churt martVl of the Re- CHiient to which they helMifi and -make vVUf HS said dVmocrai Her1 ehedre!lht held ol battlt before you. antsff enthusiasti it.ii' t 1. 1 - ... i 4mnrni o lino noani -m. in a', state ol siege. ' ""ns itjjw "vwmj' "?'"" r. y. -W begging forime. : We frankly say, that it, Wr wran,ou SVV,4& , ' ' Jamidst this tremendous pressure! tne fceMadaiV- saidthtoatteiftimff " ' - una, 'proviuw . , , . . . - - . ; -'rt ' iKp l ' nay& an, attachment toe fyou',u A deeper moril'forci whicliliis tMiiiboi' and ''proscribe proper ipt ion. ' as he prom- .Mr.tow-&frmwx st eyes :g;bo ised 'to do, he will prove himself wdrtS jr i 5e 'ceitlered upon licr beaut.ul , . of the hiRb office to which, he ' haY bWn I fee'' half contaledr' fay :tli?'floWihK drap(5i promoted. But can he? Will i$Uriion.)y Png tneoorneixn rT s candor replied; t-;, .r-.J C 1o. From the ftaleigh Register , TAetIIomeI)?parJment.A;good deal of curiosity is nianifestedto .know, the character of thb Home Department recen; oHih "that:ihey are thirtylfivyenrs of y, crated by congress, . The- following ae, and theloloneI shalrgtvt them a cer- ificaic excmjiting them frunqVililia duty seeing a magnificent slock of Jumiti often years in a Vojuntter Co'mpany are respectfully solicited to, call, as prices' 1,110 11' auu wuu ""S"' exempts from further duty. ommissou; ",1V4 ,uv ... ..... wv,., en omeei-s mav r evemnt tinreiffui vears .. -' i ; .51 service. All the rank and fie throughout the State shall hereafter bct'jtitled to vole . t i . 4 er book, and .ill netassary scr.ool books, i! r nnrn the properly of the delendant, shall be ex N. B In order that a man may do e;,,pt froul scizurc Ami iri aUitijn tofor the field officers from tic hi-hest to i 4-i f'p' the above-mentioned .articles, the follow-! iKP lowpst -i himself mstice, let him see articles of Fur- . ; ; i ujc muesi ulr .,uQ;. v in.Sy11 oe.cxempi irom x rzure nnuer ex- The eiehth secl.on of thict savs that fohuvicai in'a bair' . ecutiou. on debts contracttd since the 1st j hereafter there shall be two (lornpany mm ZIirboro Sept. 29, 1848. ; 1 - -: . ki am r m a am. a "i details are therefore interesting; It is to have a' Secretary .md ,a Chief Clerk, the former at . salary of, 6,090, and the latter at a salary of 2,000; and ait iU other officers are to be taken from. ;the other Departments along -with the-Iiureaus which are to be - transferred from them to the Home 5 Department .The new 'De partment takes from the Stale Department the superintendence " and control of the Patent Office and CensusA-from the Treas4 ury Department, the control of the Laml Office, the Coast Survey, and, I believe the Light Hous Bureau from the War Department, Indian and the -Pension-ofli -?. 'Sir ihe attachment is reciprpcaJJ f For. &ome time, the .sheriff maintained an astonished silence; at last " mj ' .uid Madant will y 6111-06 tdtblftri?.:,J s i 'Proceed to court!' replied thlodyj with a merry lausrT! UfefT" lnUi' her head,1 she added:' No, 1r! lhojgh. thi' is leap year, I will -nor takeadltag-- the license therein raitC-d tpffvjx,r.nd thereforfe greatly p? elerithat hfuld proceed to cou r t. ' B u t m jd k m , tb e j u $t i ce isJwaitiugr vr U m tlfx!.f viJU Xict iuni.vvait; IiamrfiQkt. tfwpo&ed.ttl; hurry. matters in ;yochi,ia-tMioeeondug 1 i a I. "' j f . manner; anu oesia.esi sir,, ncir tn(iert many is performf Ui l ypw tt ;under-j island that 1 prefer a niiuister 1q a justice ; of July 1S15: one cow and calf, ten bush-; irrs jn Mch veal.i a Dreaek there are jels of corn or wheat, fif?y pounds of ba- thret according to law; so the third one is con, beef or pork, or one barrel oi fish, all? abolished. Wardens of the Poor 'and su- necessary farming tools for one laborer,: perintendanls of common Schobfs to be ces-from the Navy . Department, , the oneoeu, "euMeau anu covering .or every exmVipt Irom duly. ' Naval Pension Bureau-and from the Ex- two men;berS of the iamih,nnd an other? Au nt in regard to international ex- oXv9 the control' of the Penitentiary j article which three In eholdcrs my (ies.g- change provides that an agency shall be: and thc Commissioner of Public Buiidiriesl ,tfilIfL3 cents per lldX, ! nate- Any one desirous oi obtaining the ..established in the city of Parisfor which Thnt i iW htit iAVral Bu?eatlk; FOk.thecure,of Headache, Giddiness . henefit of thisctvmustjpply tq J usi Isana i rra9 iTrc'iorho9ri tOltbefeiyhcHolfre" Salt 4lhRfi tfHJ lawho sh.ll appoi at tlirec frce: receiving ami forwarding such-works as Department, (instead 6f renting; as here bam, Wormr, Dj)sl f Cholera Morbus, holders,, who shall apportion the a,d sr-;may he subjects of international exchange toforc, to the above ilamed heads of depart Pains in.the Back and Limbs, Liver com- tides and return a Ixi cf then, to the clci U between North Carolina and France; said nicnt respectively,) and to the Executive, plaint. Rising in the Throat. Fevers of all ol the county .court. agen't lo" report .innually to- the ' Governor. ' itnds,eoTdS. Gout, Gravel. Female Com-! An act in relation to thc duty ofSiar- his proceedings. ' !j ''Panama' Cotton. This Mobile Tri- plaints. Nervous complaints, and ail other iffs, enjoins those officers or their do'pu- Another act fines a witness who may be bunc notices the receipt of a sample oi diseases arising from: . impurities of the ties, to give a deed to . the purchaser for summotjed befoe a commissioner to take wild cotton from Panama. It was procure blood, and morbid 'secretions of the liver i lands or slaves sold by them undyr pro- depositions. $20 for nonattendancfe, unless ed from a tree jgfbwing Upon the' 'moun and Stomach; j cess of law. : ? . " 'a legal excuse be rendered. v Itaiii about four : leagues from Panama Every disease to which the human frame1 . An art for the protection of married Another act empowers the Governor to The c;otton is of a very fine and silky tex is subject, originatesfrbm impurities of the women, provides that -whenever a mar obtain a set of Standard weights and meas--;iure.,: 'f he tree was one -year bid, about blood or derangement of 'digestive organs, riae shall take pi ce in this State, all the ures for such counties' in the State as1 have twenty five feet high i and thirty Tect 'across 'Dr. -Gordon's -Family Pills, :being com- lands or real estate owned . by the lemale. not rmnved them. ' near the top. The body four feet from pounded exclusively - of such ingredients at thc tine ot marriage, or .which she may Aiiotiiei net requires the Register, en- theVgrouiul, measured four idchesia.'diain as nature intended should operate on the afterwards becoine possessed of, shall not, try taker and clerk and master, to keep etck ! 1 "m -n impurities of the 'Hiiimaii System. Strike become subject 10 sale or lease by the hus- their offices at; the "Court House or within ; " ; ' " " 1 -V at the root of the disease, removing all im- ld,ul during his natural life, without the ohh inile thrrcof undrr pe'mly of $100. ' Arj w Specie's of toton: A View species purities from the body, opening the pores eunscnl ol his wife, which consent hhall he An acl c.ihf-rrnii Patrol. pmviie thai uf CoUo:, called the prolific Pbmcgranite; externallj and internailyV 'separating all given to a third person or persons out;of an hvo of thVP;tro sh dl 'bin - 1 1 the ue- ji ig any of the' gossypium' family v foreign and obnoxious particles from the the presence of the husband. The provi- ccsnry power to dU;r ha rite fhe duty of h'-w-tieefi -grown -in'" Mississippi, Fy Gem chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the sions of this act to apply to all cases Patrol, as though more were present. M net. ell,- of Warren1 'county. The tops origin, must be thoroughly pure and-nei where marned women have acquired pro- Another act provides that each copy or and side branches ure all thicklyi studded cessarily securing a free and' vigorous perty since the first of March lasU ,' the Journals of the Legislature1 furnished with bolls. The stallr- does not attain a action to the Heart,- Lungs, Liver and An act .to locate the Judges of the Supe- to members, be bound lb leather. That height usually of more than Tour or five Stomach, thereby restoring healthy - by rior Courts, provides that the next elec- is right.. A copy of the acts hereafter tb feet, but every portion of the plant is liter- for a Judge shall be made for a Circuit be distributed to each Register in the ally tOVered with bolls, Which are sustain Madam,' said he riingrom; his chir, with solemn dignilihea&Js a gi eat mis take, here; my language ,:as r.hecnmbun- denrtood; the attachment ot which I speak was isstied from the oitice of-Lsq.-- , tng you.iiistantly before hun,' tb answer' c6nfempl6fi e6u'rt; v. - t Jim. Lady Odd Fellows, SenatpricCihe has given notice that he would soon intro duced bill into the Legislature " of'Michi gan for the incorjorauon of' the" LadieE Odd Fellows? Grand. Lodge in that Slate.i ;i ' v- Kissing. A lady friend has transmit-, ted us the following: 4,onir ions of tho press," upon this interesting Mlbjecl: ''' Ktsttmtr -.Iacoh kisser1' Kissing Jacob 1 kisse(i: Rac"hel,ft ahtf lifted up his voice and :fcii&cripture If Rachel wus a pretty girland ket her? face clean; we can't see vvhatacob ' had lo?- cry abbutM 0' GfoBef 1 r' How''do'y;ouflcnow but that she slappedf iis fiicelcir him? Of DlhaF' opening the poresv cleansing the veins and tion arteries, unimpeding all the natural veins in which no Judge resides, and soon until Slate. - . ..... 1 1 . 1 ... . ! ed in an upright position by the strength his Weejiin isnot uSfrVqufchtf ; produced by extreme pltfasure jiy j ness-ie might' hav e bee n so 1 n 'J -i co b 'scaei ' 0 Gentlenieri hold your tongues ' Tho cause of Jacob's Weeding; w'aVtlie r; refusal of Rachel to allovV hlfn to; l?i.s her agafih.!t-u- ' TqSfor Fla&'H ' It is bur opinion' that jAol m:pV be Cause he had not" kissed Rachel before: atid and Durifvne'the"hiood;, thiy render' the , each district shall have a 'resident Judge; An act in reffard to revenue, provides and vigor of the stem arid branches. The system not onlv thoroughly sound, but al-land makes it incumbent on ihe person that allpersons who shall ' either buy or chief peculiarity of this plant is 'that the j he wept for :the time he had losr;-iVFe: so impervious to disease, even ' when all elected, to reside in one of the counties of sell bills of exchange, or bills of any bank stem and branches have no joints,' as in ureen, veruant,aii of; ye. Hie lelIoy other means have failed. ' : theUistrict for which he may be elected incorporated by State 4of North" Carolina, other kinds; and although the bolls are so wept" because thegaldtd'tif kiss'hnnT; -& Within the last ' twelve monthsmore But he may beelected from any part of the or whoshall as agents of any person' out ofnumerous, : there can be -'no-' inconvenience ' 1 ' ! "Manchester Mmerichrii'yi than one hundred cases of the mott ag State. ! the State to receive North Carolina Bank in picking. The staple is beautifulj iarid Nonsense, Jaco'iveploecause Rachel. gravatad forms of 'Dyspepsia have been An act id .relation to Justices oi-the bills for the purpose of demanding pay- far more silky7llianthTbest Petit Gulf, told him to "do it fwice more,' andhe cured by the medicine, where -rigid diet Peace, exempts Uiern 4romK workirig on ment.yhall be considered in lawias brokers rom One-third or an acre " (measured) he! was auaio 10. uem. anu rreeman. Kiaicuious! there is not a'truef " Yahfeee fng, the Blue Pill, and almost every ot her the public road. - attd shall pay a tax of 5100 to' be colldcted means had been resorted I to without any "Another act empowers Justices ot the by the Sheriff' ' f : ) benefit and when 'death stared its misera-i Peace, one or morei to order the prosecU- j Another act provides that hereafter hone b!e vfetrftt fully in the face If Dr. Gor- tor to pay the costs' of any State's war- but 'a citizen, either naturalised; of native don's-"fiills were not adapted to the cute of' rant, should hedeem the prosecution-frir-. born, shall be licensed to peddle goods in any but this horrid malady, their uni-Lolous or malicious. ... :; this Stated form success in this disease alone would! An aqt in relation to the ,re-asstssment f - r V a M m m ft . a ' 1 w s. t oe sumcient 10 nyatt on to tame; the name of their inventor, as a benefactor of his spe cies. This medicine never fails to cure the gathered and weighed Ihe past season 2, ,142 lbs, of sucr'reofton, One hundred j amorfgotf. We guesS Jacob criedbei nou'rids oif the "seed cotton vlelded 34 lbs i cause Rachel threatened to tell her marrn.4 worst cases of piles in bneHveek! " - for sale in Tarbdfo'by A. H. Macnair & Februarys; 1849. "' 1 JY()tice. Xu i . For coughs ari4 lung complaints use DnBar-; tholomew8 Pink Expectorant syrup. ; , . ' Sick head ache, though constitutional orinciden-; lal, is cured by Dr. Spohn's hea ache remedy. Zin' halm of China, Tor the cure of all diseases taat require Vernal application s Thtftratf haired MVLfal the JridlaR-HairDyl terfect and effectual For sale by Geo Howard, of lands, provides- that the County .,C6ur at any terni, may reduce tbe valuation of any mineral lands which may be known to have decreased in valuV; and op the con-j trary, to increase th''yaluatibnx;6Tiich as may have increased iir valuer A f Another act provides i ihat be? County CouftsofiKew Hanover; BriickBIa den, Johnston, Sampson, Nash, Waynej Onslow, .Carteret, Columbus, dgecombej Ro$esbn, :fcumberiand. l)uplin, Jonesj (Jreene,lenoif, Bertie, Beaufort ,and Crai ven, to. cause a re-assessment to be made of all the lands in. those counties, during the, year -1849; except, such as lie within an! incorporated town, or have not depreciaj ted on account of the dying or dead pines. ' Thb tax dh all gates across any public Rdids crossing1 large "water courses, through plantations, &c, shall be $3 e - t i Th&Sckne qroiind Ust The swarm of office-thunters continues to haunt the mem bers ol the cabinet. uThe President hay ing thrown them off from himself, has on ly cast them withtfiager impatience djpon his Secretaries.L JT)iese?" functionaries are begging for time to; look their, claims, and tare pleadrngthe fealliC? isitersi and the necessary business of their oGice as an excuse for delays Some few of the office-. seekers have gone homei-ilissatisfied and comnlaitiiffa. ln The1' mlny 'wEb remain 1 . - hlvb become only tKeri mVre-Wafedf arid j the more impatient for their prey. Is inUaiid'bv an accurate lest he round lH-t sixty-five boils made ouc pound of iiht;-!. .. ti i W. , It t:V mV' H ! the ;hVbodeadx ' '(La." Minerva i' i-??Vp?. 1 Seneca Union. ? There'you are vvfo'rigf2U5ain; heli ept be cause ' there was oh ly '6 h e Rac he Ptd'k ?ss;J - (' Rutland Heralds t.i; YU. i1 1 TI' won Trr imt 'nniUK says tnai tne cnoiera sun continued to; u juu focu w vr.vjvjr rageon the plantation jroM.faW t-n 0 10514 816111 the diseased 1 1 We reckon Jacob cried 'caused Rachel snecids oF religious lanaticism prevailed a- mong ine negroes, wno reiuseu ail numan ? had beeh eating virions v 1 '. II .-...O.I. 1 , .a . Ye are all out bf the secietv The truth .yYpri rof neipith- and succor. - .so ravisneu ine 'eyes 01 some eager Bee, aa heflitted about Iriearch of' Floral sweets. as obd'ptbrfbjk rijttjf 'Widbio tor heltghlW the following story iUold'of an" Alaba'rmV Jecl upoH them toWoon 'iip6n - thcirds- iKeriif.iSi' 1 J ; j lightsf bu finding J4cob therea shareroC" ' dddrtlas iness:ien7and tmtd emfiiJ! his sweets, he forthwith Inflicted a jeaibu tiplicily of DUsfness tvhich" hisrrvied rival. Such. a sud- him. atlthe time,' hi stopped aV the Sor of detttransltioiOfrom hlis Ho AJaain-ha a beatitill have blubbered? a Reg. - mtyivAiS! bftneajTfilft She hadrbeeap. ed melting glances upon the fiheriff afore-piw.--?oa;itfA Hublkan