ram; tDffliipiniiiPii! IT in iRmnn Illfi -fcrf at '.-ML ' tlilt. " Tarboroiiglu JEdgecpmbe Country. ''&8&urfa9&&U '7. 1849 7 ' V. 1 O S .4, I -Is IF. T ? ?" -i iiihhhiih!!IHII I iimniittiinmminnHinnni m in ::n lu, r n an i: 1&,;r.rn mm r 1 raj" pu- ;rv av :. ., . .. iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii iiiiiiifliiiiiiy Mi Mini IKi a1 : ... r ..... r . . - . r J . 7 , . : ... i A Jk W t - - r "J ' ( . BY GEORGE HOWARD.JR. . . i! Js puhlishea weekly fet To DollXrs per, year jfpaid iP.adyance-70t,-(vo HoLtARs and Fiftv Cents at tHe expjratioD of the subscription year, Advertisements not exceeding square' will be nserted at. On 'Dollar the fit inseVtioR, and 25 CentVfor every succeeding one.' Longer ones at that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial gdvertiseraents 25 per nt. higher. FiiiEaNriniuiE. FROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our business, we have been under the necessity of taking the whole tip-story over L. Pender's Store, at the sign of Pender & Brother, Where may be found AN IMMENSE Stock of Furniture, Consisting of the same articles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand. Per sons that have not had an opportunity of seeing a magnificent stock of Jurmturc, ore respectfully solicited to call, as prices and quality shall surely suit Furniture repaired at either place at the shortest no tice. F- BOND. R. In order that a man may do himself justice, let him sec articles of Fur niture before purchasing. No body likes to buy a cat in a bag. . 71irboro Sept. 29, 1848. Only ceiitn per box, TORlhecure"6f . Headache, Giddiness Sat Rheum, RlieumaUVm, Piles, Heart burn, Worms, Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Liver com-! plaint. Rising in the Throat. Fevers of all kinds, colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Com plaints, Nervous complaints, and all other ' diseases arising from impurities of the blood, and morbid secretions of the liver and Stomach ; Every disease to which the human frame issubjec, originates from 'impurities of the blood or derangement of digestive organs. Dr. Gordon's Family Pills, heing com- pounded exclusively of such ingredients js naturejntended shouldopcrateon the lmpuritiesof the Human System. Strike atthe root of thediscase, removing all im purities from the body, opening the pores externalh and internally, senaratinc all foreign and obnoxious particles from the chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the origin, must be thoroughly pure and ne- cessarily securing a free and vigorous iction to the Heart Lunffs ' Liver and Sto nach, thereby restoring health by opening the pores, clc'ansi'n'e the veins and arteries, unimpeding all the natural veins and ,t,0 - "1 . - - . other means have failed. than gravelled forms of Dvsnenj cured by the medicine, where rigid diet- ing. tne lilue Pill, and almost every other means had been resorted to without anv benefit, and when death stared its miscra-: u.c viuum iupy in ine lace. 11 JJr. Uor- ' don's Pills were not adapted to the cure ot any but this horrid malady; their iih.i j form success, in this diseasp. .ilnnr. ,.,..i.i be sufficient to 'waft on to fame' the name of their in ventor, asa benefactor of his spe cies. This medicine never fails to cure the Worst cases of piles in one week!- For sale in Tarhoro' bv A. II. Macnair & " v GEO. IfOfVARD. JHruary 8,1849. , "y, " ' ly JYotice. for cough ani lung, com pi aints 'use DrBar tholomew8 Pink Expectorant syrup. Side head achi, though constitutional or Inciden tal, is cured by Dr. Spotin's head ache renidyV"2 ,,l' Mm of China, for ihe cu re of all diseases thal rqiire external aDDlicaUon.,: 1 ; i ? Thf ZrW haired ' Ul'find the Indian Hair Dye rcrct'artd effectual; ' or sale by Geo. Howard. Byslern not only thoroughly sound, but al- virgin siaie, anu several pounus roy,; ixoiwim?iami!iig us uimmuuve size, me j uy one licnjamiu viouu, wnicn nas,, caus 80 impervious to disease, even when all subsequently from the same ' mine; and it engine turned the light paddle-wheels of j cd considerable noise and confusion there Within the last twelve months more -three pounds yet1 in the ore surrounding as long as the water, lasted. The rudder jet, in stock, and at this time, has, a droye . was hot done through fright, but fcr want one hundred cases of the mot at-! tne pocket from which the first was taken, was .set to fly; the balloon in a. circle. : It; off 100 cattle on the Way East, and another of more lightr- These Were 'the ihscrip- , ALL'S FOR THE BEST. . All's for the .bestj be sanui and cheer ful; . Trouble and sorrow are friends in dis Nothingvbiit oily goes faithless and fear " fyj.-" " Courage forever is happy and wise;' All for the t best if a man would but ; ,know it5: c;1 . '!: ; , .;, Providence wishes us all to be blest; This is no dream of the pundit or poet; Heaven i&gracious, and All's for the 1 . best! . ' " ' All for the best! set this on -your standard, Soldier of sadness, or Pilgrtnof love, Who to the shores of Despair may have wandered, . , , , ,A w ay . wea r i e d s ya 1 1 o o r hca rt st r i c- ken dove; ; . . . ' . All for the best be a man, but confiding, Providence tenderly governs the rest. And the frail barque of His creature is guiding. Wisely and warily, all's for the bebt. All;for the best! then fling away terrors, .. Meet all yor fears and your foes In the van, ' . ' '? And in the midst of your dangers or cr-j evolutions he ascended about .a mile, and rors ' on reaching the current of air he was con- . Trust like a child, while you strive like veyc(1 n 3 Northern direction. On arriv a man. ? ing over the Ponchartrain Railroad, third , , ,. , . ' Municipality, 'horrible to relate Ihe bal- All s for the best unbiassed, unbounded, , , . . . . t . . . . loon exploded and precipitated nim to Providence reigns lrom the L.ast to the r ,. ; e-nnn r .i i the earth troin a distance of iOOO ieel! and AVcst -' . . ; . ; - ' . ' , ' what is more astonishing he was not the And by both wisdom and mercy surroun- , . . . , . . . J j J least injured. He owes his miraculous es- , Mt . , - . cape of death from a rose bush in the gar- Hope aml .be happy tl.MAll' for the dcn of p r Leri.ion E V, Md.cau Knot f CHARACTERISTIC. Noisy goese destroy all peace. When cackling loud and often; And so girls do, when more than two, About their beaux are talking. From the N Y. Journal of Coimncrce. Gold Mines of Narth Carolina.- A wri,er in the Washington Union, who (Iatc8 from Char,otteville N. C, where . inert; iu mijiicii ji mi, say a. Yourself and the editors of the National Intelligencer, in cop ing an article about g(J,d l,om a PaPe purporting. Horn the credit, to be published at Charlotte. ( Quere Charlottesville?) Albemarle, Virginia, have laboied under a mistake. The art! c,e was originally put lished in the Lhar- lotte Journal, of this place; and old Meek- lenburg, North Carolina, is the county in which the gold was found nearly ten nounds one afternoon most of it in the . - . ' - i . is supposed that there are some two or separating, commonly called "washing," ,)elore the amount can be ascertained oi :lhe remainder. r 1 -.-.-' , There is no doubt, sir, that there is a cai u 1 Ult 6 - yei? in inis- region muc ! ofi' a superipr quality. , Last year( lr9m a tolerably careful calculation, there ! was some.inuig ukc. nan a .minion ot dot- al: i : i i ip f , Jars worth of gold raised in the surround ing counties; about 370,000 was coined in the mint at this place,. and , about $ 30, 00Q found itsway north and elsewherein bullion. , , . Lirge amounts of gold have at various ' iime-oeen lound in the mine now in questipnjarid JL :w0Uld; lay yMt.liable to the charge of gross exageration, if I were to tell the whole truth in regard!to it. The gold invthis mine; is found) generally iri pockets,?i in silicious or Ain't vCi)f ;oef and'6nderlard with a blue slate forrnatiorl. The o id does not, as in many instance, pervade the. vein in minute tparticles, , bit 'occulraioiichureposifes, above, )design4red "pockets." This mine belongs to Messrs. lii hive hpen It has to undergo burning, vgrinqing, and was started irpm tne easiern aoor oi mej drove on the way fcouin,; ne nas laiciy lions wun wnicn lvir. itusuishob tfeco Wmi Elens arid John Irvingi 6f this place, and probably some one or two others.' riot? known to the writer. 'Major G. 'WGald- well andCaptain'J.-Harrison, lately 6l the armyy arerpriucipal holders of a lease up- road and ballpon is warranted ; to" convey on itJ"i Several mines in the;ji icinily oalllne passengers - .offering' jthrotjgh anil this one are yielding verytfair returns for from two to five days when lhftiti j)5 the labor and capital invested;, 1. - fair. No bagga g,calljUyed The most productive mine . in this sec- tion is the Dunn M ine,- in--; this county, owned and worked by Messrs. Wm. Elens ana Jotin lrvmg. Jo jar ipey uaic iounu no. end lb the ore, which continues! to be worth from g5 to $0 a bushel. ?Thc ore 19 principally decomposea . sueijoi a ricnf orownJoamy ;ppearance.-rIn' fine,. , sir, iur ui A-jirunna prooacwy noius, ouu inurej. prupuriiuu ui uiaius in me lerriiury is uyc inducements to emigrants and seekers ofi to one of the females, and the labor offe gold than, California,; for we have good! males is as much needed in cooking, &c. wholesome, laws, a peaceable population,! .i ii l ! , r :.. p...: I ami an .uie necessaries ui -uiu 111 prolusion; so that $1 wilt, purchase; as much here as 5 or $0 will in the vicinity of Feather river or the Sacramento, and the result of the purchase be fur more pleasurably en jt)yed under the protection of our good government. SPECTATOR, Jr. Charlotte, N. C-. March 13, 18-19. Great, seen si on and Extraordinary Dc&censionttf Monsieur Victor Vvrdalle. The citizens of New Orleans, yesterday witnessed one of the most "wonderful acri? ul foils" ever performed in the world. Monsieur V. according to announcement, made a beautiful ascension from the cor ner of Poydrus and St. Charles streets. After going through numerous slack, ropo" sireei, wnerc ne lanueo. ine winu ueing very strong the balloon was in a, measure kept up in such a manner as to bicak the fall. . , Mr. V., was very composed and ex- i claimed on rising from the bush and pick ing up a rose that he knocked off in the ! fall: "Ay, ay , Saner, this is a very sweet spot. "Monsieur V. was conveyed home by General Dixon in a carriage, amidst the deafening shouts of the populace, who congratulated him on his fortunate escape from death. Ar O. Ihe, 2thinst. The Acria I Locomotive Started. The New York 7Vibune gives the following he following with tins ma j '! lccount of the experiments chine, on Yocs.lay: AnexhiO Hon ot the model oi roricr and Robinson's aerial locomotive .-waj madeyesterday afternoon in the luxchange, and was perfectly successful. The float, or spindle-shaped lialloon, made oi gojd- beater's skin, was about ten feet long, to which .was suspended a steam-engine in miniature, weighing fire, water and all j complete about three or four pounds, v.i...:.i... i : : 4 : . t. the machine with ease, and keptJn.motion rotunda and went up steadily, propelled j ny tne .engine, in a: regular gyraupn lOjiiie ; u l u nillj lliv lull bv.iv . i ,ut. t tmj j Heie a weight having been attached, it de-j ccnutu iu jjuui, luiiuwiiig nf . ci u ic rudder, and landed ;safely. This exper-jParis mcnt;vyas lepeated a second . time, .vith a . i i i ..- . j a . j UKC resuii, ana o iar as uyuig 111 a quiei . atmosphere goes, the locomotive may be considered fully successful. It remains ,tp . be seen, whether a large, machine, si n ilar lyr constructed, .vyould .safely resist the. yi- i olent qommotionsf the open 4air, There was a large ; number. of persons? present yesterday j vy ho testified, by a A hearty, ap plause, -their ppinipn.qf.the exhibition. Ballooning, to. CalifpfniaA, private j j VJ t expedition of an f'Aenat steamer .vyaato take place :Fhe Sufi says "Ahr.1. nation has irigtonjbra patent or,;thr.AeriaJ ail-! wayror4BallopiWireay,ich4 proposed to build to California. The ex - Jin .ISJewt Jwk! Qri.jTbuMay.iasVi.; bfen P& to our f nop ,n heenjnade. at Washipectap e tamiiy, a. cuui vyip iwuv pense for building Ihe roadway -ifoil'itoail passenger balloons, fromv Neiv- Yoriotp San Franciscoj is estimated: atone ! miUiPoJ .three hundred thousand dollars. Thr . .V Woyiin at a Premium! 'Aj&&ywit ft from San Francisco to her friend in 'ilas-i oavuiiati9..: . . f . j Thedemand for marriageable womeH seeme tbe as great as for aoods. This is ineoniy-cHiniry in me . vvoriq wnere women. are , t properly appreciated. The at the gold region, .s the males. There, I i 1 li' 'i':? liLl rl JJ mavu ueen more marriages uie , ,iasi leyv j months than in tejiverspjeglpiust in this j country, j "The smvsVBefore" they" will igoToTliel gold region, nike efforts to get white husbands, which they soon obtain in the present state of affairs." Father Mana- que, the Catholic priest has .informed me that he married the last few, months 110 white men to squaws. TThe consequence is, that the poor Indians will soon be left without any class of females from which they can choose, -as certainly no white woman of wliatever'condition in' society will marry an Indian, when she can readi ly iharry a white man of some wealth and prominence. r Some of the most ugly and slovenly servants here, marry traders who have accumulated fortunes in a Week. v? Novel Suit: A resnectible German lawyer was before the Mayor yesterday, Dykes at West Baton Rouge and Donalds atthe instance ofa female client It seems vllleThe watervhas made a con.pletel. the lady called upon her counsel; to repri- breach over many, valuable sugar and coU mand him for not transacting some busi:'ton plantations, causmg-lan, immense, i ness she had entrusted to1 him' according; mount of damage to property. . The full: to her wish and being a liitle inclined to extent of the disasters has not .been;ascer4) , -scold," the lawyer ordered her from his tained -Great kars are enteitained . for office. At this "she let him have" it the tne safely of other -plantations at other harder, and ieftised "to bud'g"-' Counsel P9nts. The river ; has ' noti been so high: took hold of the client a little roughly, as ; before al 80 earlr in the seaSon withItl she thought; and she was obliged to make memory of ihe oldest inhabitants. Evch herself scarce She brought .suit, and the! .-.' -I .i Ll-t el i ! .iayor nem counsel 10 oau lor ins appear ance at Court, in the sum of 150. ! 1 Cin. Gaz. HinThc Louisville Journal ,savs thai R. II. Vecd,a shbemaker,' formerly li v-; ing in Knoxville, in Nashville ori the 27th December last, on business, and had ' placed in his care, by the .cashier .of Mhe; Union- Dank, about nine thousand dollars; in the bills of that bank,to be delivered the'eashier of the bank alKnoxville. , In-, at. i vrtV:n c 011ght. h pocketedthe money, took the - sle aiul raijroad for Chirleslon, pttrchas-jj cd nod.i with the money, and shipped fori Ca!irorllia A whole month -elapsed bCl forohis viliainvi, was discovered, , anil it VMiwn n rcpy l0 inquiries from the, Hank at Knoxville. i Extrusive Forgery a nd Swindling Vc have a letter from respectable gen- tleman of.Dourbon county, detailing some! recent swindlina operations in.that region,: 1 1 it , 1 , 1 abouts. : Cloud. has been an.extensive deal- traded off several forged -.notes,, among oth - crs one on lyiri upu a,. . rtcnT ;iafmer oi Ui IkW, ,VV V""Jllt: V4 - V'J . v "J j abouts , jOOOf-and one on Ir.'Sitn. for jUjiar ge.suni. ?? iie, paiiKs ui Auig.iuii uu are said to be sufferers, by hisjinan-t cicring. On. ursday.ightj.laaU .about i i. n . . i i . . .1 midiugnine weni to raris,anu mui igau his property -to a friend, and immediately, absquatulated to, regions "that we .know not of.' ? J lis swindlin g operation were made public the following day. ( i r jLouisvUlc Coitriety 1 Bth. , . Marvelous pmncidenees-p.nG ,of Ji ft those, remarkable cases of.preentiment, or second-sight," that have , occurred at inr jtervals to llie; confusion of all hupiari sp?c- uiation w .every, geTm yj-v 9 WP$P & $ kle!VLBwf parentMnaarpnju)) elirum on Monday evening, that her : h. . . l - i i z othpr, wril Vas onboara4he packet then withih twentyiniles ofhomeja&l had with him sunloTypresents for them, specifying, among othertntngs, five books withered5 covers c gilt. edgesrcfr.t:0,hW vessel arrived ihe flextCjesterayj.mprnr 'flgi?ndtheeurqnof(th broker ;jy the, specified presents, venfieq.the truth oT her marvellous;, i riipressibn? Wlien brother entered lier chamber, sKe5rec II1U recogrtt- zed him at once, and on the instant; inter rogated him co"ncernrtTf the presents which she said she had dreamcd'of, when he ebn- - From the National Intelligence q1 ' '"i -'- ' ' .-..ri"--'i- ...!-; Ii ittiyr.i, . A Fifteen million PotTars JLqnd Suit decided, -The New Orleans Picayune, of the 13ih. instant, says: 4i.The great, land suit of the! heirs of Dubreuil j jVillers vs. Joseph M. Kennedy and others, being fof the block of ground on which the United States BrailchMint of- this city is situated, was yesterday decidedjjtrfavor of the: de? fendants. . The United : States "j.Gpyernjf ment is the real party .defendant-in . ttijLj action; - The suit involved .the , title ,to a portion of the Fhird and. First Municipal ties property. worth perhaps ,ovei 1.5, OOOjOOO.TbiSjWasmade a test suit, ( tVi v, t . ' New, Orleans, March 9th: ; . InundationofJtheMissistippi River Great, Destruction of Property The Mississippi river has broken over its banks, having carried away the Leveesor i;ewr'wfiHW 19 l,ucaic,,cu wnu unu"-' tion. . - ' ivc-C From the New York Tribune. A j Curious Epidemic. Vox several weeksu a singular epidemic has been prevailing in rayelle countyj ra-iaoout; wn.cn physm cla d,ffer' SQ)e pronouncing it cholera! and olhers a malignant -utfueza, There have been about sixtycases-of'the disease, Iwenty.two of which proved fatal.. It wasl generally preceded by heavy nolds, and such. Was its. violence that in-rma rCasesi (ieath ensueddn a few hours. It is always' accompanied by Cramp; n , i ; " ' - n 1 ' (:' r 4r I M Sickness "tnMissisiippi.ThGUm pliis (Tenn.; Enquirer of theil7thUilt:no- jjiiio i cun. j iiiluii ui uie i in Mil-, iiu tices the ravages of an' epidettiic which natf iirp.ViiilpH for 'siirrn! " wppk in,? D Snfiri' ti( ( . county,' m ississippi. 3 Upwards of fifty persons had died within rfivemiles square. The disease is very violent and fataltfnd seems to be a compound of Erysipelas Scarlet Fever and Black Toncue. v ' j1 - . - ftpt am art apostate angel whom meNv cy never reached, and never can.' This ; rated - a board in his barn, -Where ho !hung . nimseii on ine itrr. ne was 70 years j wivj hiiu ujyi afl,k 1 1 II, UUI VICC JJU I . CVA of the life hereafter Boston Post. Ji Yankee Trick: During the exhibit tion of a menagerie in a country village irf Maine,a1Tahketr WdS on the? 1 ground, withr a terrible itching to "see ihe elephant but had not the desiderated quarter. Having madetihis-m.ndto go in "any how;' he stationed himself neartlieljen tranoednd waited Until the rush was over. Theft assuming a, patient almost exhausted tone, and with the ibrerfincer of his right hand, placed on the .right corner , of -his mouth,Jie exciaipied; forqPs .sake. Mistert;aint ye 1 goin' to give met my Miange'", keeper. "Ya-eesJ my change!' I gin e. -- 'f i i . j.- i i j a;dollar as much as a fiatian nour; tf haint got inV change, yetQTfo Jop keeiier handed' over . three, quarters. ,m thanandnidm funds."" br fShe then 1 mtiVetfi ateljf elapsed 1 fnti deUil: rrum. Newark Jldvs " rr ? r ; i- i' , w ivil 4 '-4 i M1 i i