o imuiii "V4! W.- rra "IflS"" . ' T- 9 V il Tmrn r- ' " 1 ' iTarbttrougitSJM&cfonite onnttf$iW t 1 Saturday; ' VHr a$ I St ffl umiiuj ninrn Hffflfif til ilili " rn JO Dp 3 U mil leilltffiffll -5 ?.! lit , iv fi. v v.r.;.- ;vf- " BY " G EO R G r fi 0 WA R D . j R. " . Js poblished-weekfy tTw EFollars per year if paid in advahcetprTVp'Pwtiiis and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square, vrill be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding, one. Longer ones at that rate per square.4 . Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. C IPROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our business, we have been under the necessity of taking the whole up-story over Ll Pender's Store, at the sign of Pender & Brother, where may be found AN IMMENSE Stock of .Furniture, Consisting of the same articles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand. Per sons that have riot had an opportunity of seeing a magnificent stock of Jurniturc tfullv solicited to call, as prices! are res pec and quality shall surely suit Furniture repaired at either place at the shortest no tice. F. L. BOND. N. B. In order that a man may do bimself justice, let him see articles of Fur- niture before purchasing. No body likes; to buy a cat in a bag. , jHirboro', Sept.; 29, 1848. IP L .VS, Only 2.1 cents per box, FOR the cure of .-Headache, jSiddiness Salt Rheum, -Rheumatism, Piles, Heart burn, Worms, Dyspepsh, Cholera Morbus, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Liver com plaint, Rising in the throat. Fevers of ail Kinds, COklS, UOUt, lirave.l, remaie oom- plaints. Nervous complaints, and all other j diseases arising -from impurities of the: blood, and. morbid secretions of the liver and Stomach i Every disease to which the human frame) is subject, originates from impurities of the T" purities from the body, opening the pores cxternall)' and interna foreign and obnoxious pa chyle, so that the blood origin, must be Ihoroug ccssarily securins a free nntinn in. tlin llnnrt I n n rro 1 irOf Qnfl Stamh. fhprphv mMr ACflM.. bv opening the pores, cleansing the vems.and . . . , . . . . ' . ar erip.s. unimnedinff all the natural veins and purifying the Vobd; they .render.the --7 . J C system not only' thoroughly sound, but al- sn imnprvious to .disease, even when all. other means have failed. Within the last twelve months, more than, one hundred cases of the 'mo; ag- ......... ' ... . . ' ,1 . a r rr ravated forms of Dyspepsia , have been ured by the-medicine, yhere rigid diet - cure( ins the 15 uer'ill. and almost everv , other means had been resorted to without any benefit, arid vhen death stared its misera ble victim fully, in lhe.fa.ce. If , pr. Gor don's Pitis were hot adapted to the cure of any but this "horrid malady, their uni form successin this', disease j' alone vvbuld be sufficient tdAvaft oh to Tame' 'the name of their inventor, asa benefactor of His spe cies. This medicine never fails to cure, the worst cases ofilefiuo ojielweek! ...... For sale in TlirbcrrqVby, H. Macrtair & GEO. HOWARD. February 8, lg49: 7 Y-i yil ....... Jroiice. : For cough and Jung-coin plaints user Dr.-Bart tholoraew8 Pink Expectorant syrup. , Sick head ache, though constitutional or incident tal, is cured by Dri Spohn's head ache remedy. Lin? balm 6f ChiridytorXhe cureof all-U.ase-that require external .applicatiop. ' , : Ttegrfjy haired will find'the Indian Hair -Dy perfect and effectuki; 0 ? " - For sale by Geo, Howard. ..... j.-. v.',' - ' .--''. .. 1 1 ' .s uiorif nr finrnnfreineni oi umesiive ui nana. . i ...t ..!... :i . ' . . ...t.:u " i ,.v.:-u .0 : An J nence ine general pn-ju- it.e ich jirev.uis 11 fSlar'S JJalsam. A leW da'S ago, wmcn is ciuruai, unu uuujcuiui c, inu. u ? ' j Qf eyt TV desCriDtion Dr. Gordon s Family 1. ills, being com- dost them, ow th,re is a great diiferenetMn m vv;,i. Gri ; lite n transient vision: we must be cuided .tt 'V. - , . ... , . iii. jjii an TTiiiiiini, ui .'aiiiuiu, 111 uut 1 o pr In pnn PWDrntticinri A.nln:,rJ of cnMi inrrrflifnf ' . i n i... . 1 ' , 4 er 111 etlUlCSS UlUlUMOtJ, jiuuuucu uiwu.wa..y v. -;v mis repeci, vim irrtiu iV mr-., ...- v count v beine in our office renuested us to by the light ot experience, i o what t u "- . , '; , .... ... w " . . ... . .. 01 wneat on one nana, on u3 uaiu,u..uuu.u 1,. w.o.. -i" nublish for the benefit of the Dtibl'c his does experience directr to the free use cf . l - . ... 4 r imr.uritiesofthe Human Svstem. Strike claims upon the nut.lie Each of the articles Pm,,,Ml l0 Dcncni 01 ine PUDl c ms ; , 1 ... .... ; most mexhaustable stores of . 4 rj, ... ' - . ... ; romnnunir thp testi mony i ii ta vor ot Lir. liranureth s fills. nhee vessels' brim ihiiri v rwl it tliA rnn nf lhp t isp.tsp. rpmovin? nil im- composing ine i . , . unee vcseia uiiiiiiiunz wi Please to read thig A Good Chance to clear frorri ' '' : " ' 1000 a year. ' $5000 AGENTS wanted in every "Town and County throughout the Union, to procure Subscribers to "Se'artf Pictorial and Il lustrated Family Magazine," and to sell Sears9-New and - Popular Pictorial Works universally acknowledged i6-be the best and cheapest ever published, a they certainly are the most saleable. Any active agent may clear 500 or $1000 a year. A cash capital of at least $25 or $50 will be necessary. Full particulars of the principles and profits of the Agency will be given on application, either per sonally or by letter. The postage must in all cases be paid. Please to address, ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, No. 128 Nassau stieet, New York. Bowel -complaint" Jit-.s, t?c POSITIVELY CURED RY Jaync's yarmuinlivckBnI$niti. Chicago, III., March 27, 1845. Dr. D. Jayne Dear sir, Yot- ask me what proofs I n.eet with of the efficacy of your Carmi ative. I can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for Bowel complaints that, has given me so much satisfaction, and my patients s speedy and perfect relief as this. Whenever introduced into a lamiiy, u uecoiues a sianumg rerneuy ior those ailments, and is called for aaiti and airain, which I think a pretty good proof f its efficacy and usefulness! In the summer eomp'aint of chil dren, it has frequently appeared to snatch the lit- tie victims, as it were, from the rrnve. Hi -averi the life of my child, and of such and such a child," 1 have repeatedly heard said. i(5 dysen teric affections of adults. I have time and again seen it act like a charm, and jjive permanent re lief in a few hfiurs, I may say in a lew minutes. In fine it is a valuable medicine, and no family should be without it. Respectfully, M. L Kna1p, M. I). Professor of Materia Medi-a in the Laporte University, Indiana. Prepared only by Dr. D. Javke, Philadelphia, ind sold on agency by GEO. IlOn AlW. Tarboro', Feb, 14, 1840. A scientific illctik'isic. GREAT experience and jndgnsent ore required to make a valua,i0. an,l a1 the ari.e time, iiino ceht purgative. This is possessed rmly hy few. The great majority of the remedies advertised of thi3 class are manufactured by persons who have no idea of thp relative or individual powers of the drug3 they use. It 13 this cause, m re than other, which occasions the inenness and often us effects, produced hy advertised remedies. I Btandreth Pills ...l.il. nfm.ntor1i nruironlo t li r. o i r frnni onlinn in. juriously upon the medicine. :Affain, the i.ronor- . . : l . l . . . r i. . 1 .i i i..i.:i uonoie-Bi...K.u..iuHeua npmr muu,,,,- 1 r 0 1 of different, vegetable purgatives upon eacl ,l ;h other; is governed by similar laws that govern the power y tgure3 by multiplication. Nine added to nioe make eighteen: but nine times nine are eighiy- I - - it la T.k r.r - -nA.AU. . . 1 .... lly separating all Are prepared m mai way wiucn win secure ineir lnthelalloi IS 16, Mr. W. was attacked . auvieeis louoweu, so.wi-i- xjs ujhaisu. . snawis ana gorgeous silks; chest alter .. . i.i -11 .1 . . . . . . . 11 I . - n I t 2 . i . " . . i rticles from the B,,U'I 5".rw w m.v o... ...... Witn a very bad cold, which continued to uriub jiuux . ihc,.iuvi cnesi craumieu wun scaao aras, oiazmg of which it is the " t grow worse till .March, when he was con- "--u m3 mcv iuu.m u"! wuu guiu anu jewels; tiers o copper can- have tobe rnnared iathe vacuo: that 18. the air is ". .. ... .... , - '. r 4:J' -itr f-. -11 ;.cir . :-iJ.n..i . - :.";i i 1 hlv nure and ne- , . i Y .1 lined to the house, with lttle hope ot re-', ".'M,IJi,UU6 .lc lcl'. .4U,a" (M"-a., i5lcrs IIlieu lo uie arim wim KOH mouur. niy pure anu nt. exha,isted m the utensil,, end remains so until a Tw . 1 . , .,-,-4U- o:n -,i :i,i . ; and vigorous coinbinatlOM u effected with other tnffredients.Very. Wearing Ot j V"3 , rf "-y a currunueni ; BvdinFnine narts of one Ingredient, and ninVr rn i:-r -.4 n w wmi ouuic ccmuib puiiiduvca. ; a 1 O - . . c .1 : j- ..... .1 . . parts of another ingredient together, the power is f mcreasea, not to eignteen, out to eigniv-one. r or ; example, either of the articles to produce any r ; .-'f."-;,; . a tent' of eighty-one grains; only eighteen. grains have to bo usedi Again, a nother ingredient isfound to multiply this power again, which in a proportion of two. grains., would have no effect .upon the animal economy but which, a'dded to eighteen grains of a compnund of two parts of nine grains, each of two' Ingredients, will again multiply the power" which they have gained of eighty-one, to one- hundred and sixty t wp.xo again, the .mixture of twenty rain.pftn be again multiplied by, an addition. f two grains, to the power of three hundred aqd twenty-four grains of the original power of the two first ingre dients Hefe ve have twenty-two grains, which as a purgative, contain the power equal to three h und reand iwftBty-fouri grains ' oik either of the nr uncles alone? nevertheless, also.so, powerful after eing thus cprobjned, are 4afe ,in any quantity--- ; ways having heneficial effect, Tid in no case pa1)Ief 0 i doinginjury, orwhlch thousands beaj :;:pTeitnessp;r r - " (',""',' 11 ,et tMseWantf way out 'hfhtaUtouiS I A se Pith I . ?V Wiitjtnd it much to their advantage, m ; . .BewateofrJDounttrftktXli safest wise is to buy pi the regular a'gentediily for sale by Geo. Howard, oytiincikPh arsaparilla. i From the TVilmirtgtbh JourhalS : The following statistics which has- been handed". to us. "by Mr. Crandall, Messrs. Clapp & -Tbwnsend's travelling agents will furnish the reading public some idea of the magnitude of their Sarsaparillai business at their manufactory which is erected at Al bany, 'at an expense of sevfinty thousand dollars. T ( ; ; They, prepare and put up 5,000 bottles every day; to perform this labor it requires from 70 to 100-hands. Ill order to sup ply tho large quantity of bottles used, two of the largest glass establishments in the United States are kept' in "constant opera lion. This sing'e item alone amounts to $100,000 per annum. Three Napipr steam printing presses, with a double set of hands each, are constantly running on Circulars and Almanacs.. They published last year 4,000,000 for gratuitous circula tion, containing a great variety of useful information, besides their own advertise ments. It took 50 females six months to fold and stitch them. Their Almanacs cost 330,000. Independent of ail this, they publish a full column of their medi cine matter in over 400 papers in the Uni ted States, British Colonies, West In'dia Islands, and South America; where they have extensive sales: this costs them over SS0,000 per annum. They have a large number of men and boys engaged in col lecting root and other ingredients. Indeed all the hands they employ directly and otherwise, in making glass, paper, corks,! sealing wax, packing boxes, together with j Brandreth Pills are harmless. They their agents in selling the medicine, can-! increase the powers of life they do not not be less than 2,000 persons. The a-! depress them. Females will find them to mount of capital employed to keep all the -secure that stale of health which every Agents supplied, and their whole business mother wishes to enjoy. In the costive in successful operation, is not less than ncss so often prevalent at this interesting 500,100 dollars. (pIt would seem that a medicine ... , . . , a ... rpnntlion and such unprecedented sales! swelling to r-7 n I I ' . . the enormous sum of S800.000 a year, ! must possess, in and of itself, intrinsic medicinal virtues tor the cure oi many uis- easeg Q which the human flesh is heir to. Por sale by Geo. Howard. Tarboro'. March 31, 1S49. Br. JVistars Balsam of f Vila Cherry. -,:-- , m. . ,x r rom the Maine Democrat, (Saco,) June ' v v 22, 1847. ' tVis tar's Balsam of ivi Id Cherry 'W-t vl SI9 Q Hnl fi l F li11 I ft fYVt n u n ,.,,,1. rierand aftertaking four boUles, xvas able to go out and attend to business. He as- t c"es ms cure entirely tome naisam, anu recommends those who use it to persevere, even if they do not at once perceive a I .??! I 1 tXT 1 i 1 L 1 ; ocneiiciai result. wv are not in me nauu LI 1 Willing IJUllO IUI UltU t 1 1JC3, UIJU UillV 0 1 - . give this at the request of Mr.'W. ED. DEMOCRAT. For sale by Geo Howard, Tarboro'. Jlbyssinian Mixture. For Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Fjltjor Al- , r; Bbs, Gravel, &c. . -a V Letter from - Dr. James R.-allumV dated n Milton, jN. C.tAugust? 14 184 T Dr.' J: ' Kah fDear Slr:' ; t Yotlr Tneklici nes ; have f iven ' entire' satisfaction . .tin satisfaction ibyssiniandilixtaTfel of, ithas neyer fail j in this .section of epuntrjitberAby: especially, isr highly epproted ed iq cute in every case. If sells like hot .cakes. I have qever had-enough to supply the demand. ! You will please send, me a large supply oflt aa soon as you arrive avnompi lours, respectiuiiy. -. i , if . nt . . , r. . . CA t-lltrrvlV5 ' :Milton'Drnff Store Marshall. Halirax: James-Simmons; Weldonr C f . i-ngrr, irasioir, r ua, t hitch ion,' ni' y Goodloe, Warrenton; P. C. Brown, Louishorg; AjhnHrXHlie,ratjclwr onis H Kittle, JJen lerson; Ri lit Mitchcjj, Oxford. May 16 The Press, rff!yies - and .-Fixtures v OFPICE FOR SALE. HAVING determined on quitting the Printing Business, we now propose sell ing our-Pnnting Press, Types' and Fix tures,' at a very low price for cash, or on a ( shor t eredit for a part of the" purchase i motl ey, with bond and approved security. ": The Press and V part "of the Type are considerably worn, but will do pretty fair ; work for two or three years to come. The Job and Advertising Type are? in hetter conditions and will last many years. The Cases, Stands and other fixtures are very good. There is a sufficiency of type of all' kinds for a village establishment. War-! renton is a desirable place to reside in; be-J ing remarkably healthy, and has as good ; society as any village in tho State.1 Wei have been engaged in the publication of) the Reporter for 21 years and have been tolerably well sustained. We will sell at a price so low, that any one wishing to en gage inthe business would do well to call and see us, or address the Editor, post paid, Warrenton,' N. 0. R. N. VERELLy Editor $ Prop. ' April 21,1849. J BRJlNDRETfPS PILLS. THE' BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Ladies should use the Brandreth Pills frequently. They will ensure them from severe sickness of the stomach, and, gen- erally speaking, entirely prevent it. The period, the Brandreth Pills are a safe and effectual remedy. There is no medicine so safe as thisit is more easy than castor oil, and is now! ., . , - I 1 . I - generally Ufea By numerous lacues inroi.gn . which i .h-ra " .'ThVlreisures their confinement. Dr. Brandreth can re-:dwcovi)red ia the stll.,eranVan Lambert of i tu ...a... v rr--"f " , 1 commend his PiJls to their patients to the; anenis to tnei exc usion of all other purgatives, end the; I " ! Pills being composed entirely of Herbs or T nI..UIn a v.tmt. tlt. litTvsx.l 1 n4 I r - .carry off the corrupt humors ot the bodvV . V s n a manner so simple as to give every aay , . i ease and pleasure. ' 1 . . ! . - I In order to discriminate between I ruth,; J in all cases of bodily suffering., As this, ;USCil,and t lie p3t ' to good heaIthv In chronic complaints lei the Pills be tised as often as convenient, thp VltnlitV of the blood ; . . 1 1 .u :.: .:ii u wi 11 be improved, and the crisis will be np j, broUffht about: the disease beine lent will soon be restored the Delhi Gazette, "cannot describe the) ' changed to acute, a few large doses of Pills . to be concealed beyohd the amount al "? and a few days confinement to the house, ready discovered one : crore of rupees oe n j o .. . ' will change the cnronicauy aiea.uu ;uu. ... . .. . nj- ir 1 : 1: ..1 1 miliin tn a snund man. This is no figure of the imagihation; it can be proved by a thousand matter-of-fact men who have ex- perienced it. .Remember, in all cases of . disease, no matter whether it be a cold or u. w vi w ------- a cougn; wneineruoe dsuimaui luuouhij- tion; whether it be rheumatism or pleurisy; whether it be typus or fever-and-agtie, or bilious fever; cramp or whooping cough qr measles; whether, it be , scarlet fever or small pox: thaUhePills' known as. Bran- J iUV P. lie txrill cilr'AIV fin mnro fhnn nil ii 0 youlib harm. ,l 1 " " j"' ' jmVnrora'thse stories onesr bT(Broh AJf persons should7 ''caVelully pur- ci,Vriagiarlotion tothe i.iilibtitianrfo?, , v-'-inirfv a: ''y;,n"i,'1?, -ri" 'rTfcU . ' . - - L J il iU -...:- U 'r 1 1 ? Hf itT-irvr aoijici wise ihcy iay ,; :."..evi i.f:. 3Countrfe1tVticel Be careful. 'v A Xorale, : , eo, powam T7T - 'I UViTJ uife l?ils aid Plicnix Hitters. For sale by G March 6, 1349. T Tfx T Si TT Bums' Poems ON SENSIBILITY Sensibility, hov charming, 3 if . Thouvmy friend, can truly tellj - But distress with horrors arming, ' s l hou nasi also known too wen. Fairest flower, behold the lily, : Blooming in the sunny ray; Let the blast svyeep o'er the valley 1 See it prostrate on , the' clay; 'Hear the woodlark charm the forest '- Telling o'er his little joys; Hapless bird! a prey the surest, To each pirate of the skies. ' ' M Dearly bought the hidden treasure, Finer feelings can bestow; C 1 vj Chords that vvibrate sweetest pleasure . -Thrill the deepest notes of woe. s From the Petersburg 'Republican, Q31 The immense wealth said to havo beeii seized hy the British army after the late battle between the5 British and Sikhs (the particlars ot which were brought. by the steamer-before the last) is hardly cred ible - This wealth was found in what was called the garrison of Mooltan, th,e surrender which took place on the 24tli January last. The account. as 'published says; " ' ' - i . w. .. A On the 23d, Major Wheeler commenced his researches for the reputed .wealth cqnr tamed within these walls. He was accom panied on the occasion by an old bed-ridden Mistressot Sawun Mull's time? Thus) was a clue obtained to the whereabouts l HI urn- of ihosp vast iibterrknean storp-Vioiisp bE the?citadel appe.rto be altogether oC onl , . t- s , r . v . : in .u ! ' ' u -;-' Sinn anil all ' trtpf ' trnnsnrps Kopp hpon sion- a wardetf as prize tb the'eaotors bv the vi nt his Ppp PnflV ' hA trnrurnnr irpnpral t 4 vV r,i . -. f, . :c Descending into tbe cavities in which tho i . , . .. . .tj r . . i treasures ot the lortress nad been accumu !, .: - : u 'I .lated. the insDectinit oflicer is said to hara f .; CJ.,. i ,vv 4 mm ri riniil ti nil r coif- akI' .K.vm 'tV heaped togeth enormous hoards? the other al- rice; stacks of th their uric tuous contents; bales upon bales of costly variety of wealth displayed to the mquisi- , tive cVe. ' iTumbrils, Under strong guards) liovoLon'mnvi'nVr qnrl Wwhti noiri all 11 . i - the day. And, in iddition to this, three or four erores bfsnecie wero'' still Icnowri ,r . - ,ng one million 01 pounds sterling: mo . .... . . r. quantity of loose7 gunpowder" ih revery hole nd corner is surprising;' tHc:Targest collections are those in the vicinity of the heaps of arms thrown arway by thegarrisori before making their exit. Camp followers anu otners appear utterly regaraiess oi danger, for bla2ing fires ot logs "'are mest with at every turn. Some small explosjor.3 have occurredf but no one has b'elnilled though many riave ? been Veriotisly burnt, He soU appears made of lead. ' "Bullela .A... ko rfnttriVI hn noHhlo- ha 5 eiirvnl .r. lenains; zuinoooruKS ana -nma n . . ' : t ' , ..t-kfilo i n nii- I'merable with uiles of matcbclf8 tQ.fev wm s.'e-., "fr ? l and heaps of:woQdenaidieainer wcuuuf ments lor ail trie auyi rrM" v Canada, Is of thrilling mleHSt.

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