1 tr jd k mM ol PB OH JJ 3 fO 11 iPB 1 Fi " M IH ISilliiiilliiil II Mil liilliiil feimiiil iiiiiiiiI Bill feiiim Kill llMlll llilni iniiilii M llliiiiii ItiiiillfeiillHiiil U W - jggEBaBHBMWWaBajaiaiaaa IV hole JYo 1 1 6. Tarborough, Edgerombc Count y, Saturday, 1M ay 1 9 ' I SID. BY GEORGE HOWARD. JR. Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year jf paid in advance or. Two Dollars and Fiftf Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar th first insertion, and 25 j inruugnuui ine union, 10 piucuic Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at Subscribers to "Sears' Pictorial and II that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial lustrated Family Magazine" and to advertisements 25 per cent, higher. isell Sears9 Nsw and 'Popular Pictorial g; " " 111 1 i Works universally acknowledged to be 1 CAROL FOR MAY DAY. Queen of fresh flowers Whom vernal stars obey, Bring thy warm showers, Bring thy genial ray. In nature's greenest livery dressed, Descend on earth's expectant breast, To earth and heaven a welcome guest, Thou merry month of May. Mark how we meet thee At dawn of dewy day! Hark how we greet thee With our roundelay! While all the goodly things that be, In earth and air and ample sea, Are waking up to welcome thee, Thou merry month of May. Flocks on the mountains, And birds on their spray, Tree, turf, and mountains, All hold holiday. And love, the life, of living thingf, Love waves his torch and claps his wings, And loud and wide thy praisessings, Thou mcrty'mgntirof .May. ' , Bishop Heber. Breach of Promise of Marriage. Jo seph Curd complained, on Saturday, be fore Alderman Morrow of Jane Ebbets, who has made several promises to marry him at different times during the last two years, but to the present day has obstin ately refused to fill ' them. He had, he declared, "presented to her several pairs of stockings, combs, rings, and other trin kets innumerable, and in addition to all, had nursed her when sick, and paid her doctor's bill when she got well; and yet the ungrateful creature's marble heart ne ver relented." The Alderman told him that he could not com pell Miss Jane to marry him, whereupon he sued her for ten dollars, the amount of the doctor's bill which he had paid, but his proceed ings coming to the ears of his fair inamor ata, she came round to give him an over hauling, and he ran off and has not been heard of since. Pit tsfie Id Gazette. rrom the Cincinnati Uazette. Cat- iirn.tfdretf.-Ycrte So,e of the young men who left this city i , . . , ... JuhCol. Webbs expedition, returned. r, - I 'ney had proceeded as tar as the Kio city a day or two past, by cholera, after a low hours illness. From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce. t (kJA New Orleans letter of a late date jn the Charleston Courier, states the rium r of deaths irt the former city during the Pceding week tc have bcen;one hundred m nincty-scven, of which seventy-eight j Werft ttmt0 'r ! i ne ravages of the Cholera in the pa Jish of Ascension, Louisiana 'are increas- The latest accounts sint ihit tK Grande country, when the cholera broke of (igiues by multiplication. Nine added to nine benefit, and when death stared its misera- 'recommends those who use it to persevere, geneay brought ahotit;-the'diseas6Vbeing otamong them and carried off several of make eighteen: but nine times nine are.ejghiy- ble victim fully in the face. Jf Dr; Gor- even if ihey do not at once perceive anr changed tbacute,a few large doscsof Pills company, which, with the dissatisfied one So- it is with some vegetable purgatives, doo's. Pills were not .adapted to Uie cure of beneficial result. ' We are not in the habit an(J a few j i POnfinement to the house feeling which had grown up in the asso- adding nine paru. one ingredient, and nine any but this horrid malady, their tini- 0f writing puffs for medicines, and only w:il hantre the rhronicallv diseased'.indU ci,b, determined them to return. They i viddt,. to a sound W Thb is no figuro onfirm the report of the death , of Mr.jJX dule ; bufficient to w,ft on to fame' .he. name ED. DEMOCRAT. :of , he imagination; it ean be ' proved by.a W,. Harrison, grandson of the late Pres-1 purgalivef ffeet, would havc'io be ased to .he . ; Pfl.h.e'.p inventor, ui benefactor of h,s spe, pQr M,c by Qeo.Howard, Tarboro'. ; thousand matler-of-fact men who have ex Went Harrison, which was current in the tenl of eiihtvone Drains: bv combining ihem. cie. This medicine never fails to cure the '? . 1 nPripn-PH itS Rmm.. Tin alt rases of Pinters have lost a large number of slaves ... , , - ':t. ( uL-i duel 'was fought at Old Poinr bctWpPni.D r , n , .... ,! octeen J. p. Jones (a Passed .Midsh.p. n in the Navy) and Pr. Jas. Hope, (a new of Commodore Harron.) w BotH ere severely, if not mdrtally, wounded, j ftoralk Argus, Please to read this- A Good Chance to clear from $500 to giooo a year. , - . t AG ENTS wanted in every 7ovn and r i-.. i i 1 1 rt i , the best and cheapest ever published they certainly are tlie most saleable Any active agent may clear $500 or $1000 a year. A cash capital of at least $25 or $50 will be necessary. Pull particulars of the principles and profits of the Agency will be git en on application, either per sonally or ty letter. The postage must in all cases be paid. Please to address, ROBERT $E4ft'&, Publisher, No. 12S Nassau street, New York. POSITIVELY" CURED BT Jayuc's Carminative Blnlsaiii. Chicago, ., March 27, 1813. Dr. D. Javnil Pear sir. You ask me what proofs 1 n.eet with of lhf efficacy of your CaVmt ative. I can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for Uowel complaints that has given me so much satisfaction, and my patients so speedy and perfect rrlicf as this. Whenever introduced into a family, it bficumes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and ajjain, which I think a pretty good proof .f its efficacy and usefulness. In the summer enmp'aint of chil dren, it has frrquently appeared to snatch the Ut ile victims, as it were, from the grave It saved the life of my child, and of such and such a . hild," 1 have repeatedly heard said. In dysen- teric affections of adults. 1 have lime and aaain seen it act like a charm, and f permanent re-i lief in a few hours, I may say in a few minutes, j . . . ...... . In line it is a valuable medicine, and t.o iamny should be without it. Respectfully, M. L Ksavp M. T). ' Professor of Materia Med Hi in the : Laporte -University, Indiana Prepared only by. Dr. D. Jatnc, Philadelphia, nd sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro Feb. 11, 181D. A scientific Jledicitic. GREAT experience and judgment are required to make a valuable, and at the same time, inno cent purgative. This is possessed only by few. j The great majority of the remedies advertised j of this class are ... ar ufaciured by persons who ! have no idea of the relative or individual powers! e . , , . . ... tl of the drugs they use. It is this rause, in re than any other, which occasions the inertness and often injurious effects, produced hy advertised remedies. : An! hence the general preju ice which prevails against them. Sow there is a great difference in j th.s respect, with iegard to the p-lls made by Dr. B. Urandreth, and consequently, their superior chims unon the nmdic Each of the a iu les CZoZ L ' ' Biandrcth Pills ! Are prepared in that way which will 9ecnre their beneficial eflcts to the system in the safest and easiest manner. For instanc.?, some ingredients have to be pr.ps.red . the vacuo, that iba .. exhaust in the ,eH. c,,d rem,i&o un.il . combination is effected with other Ingredients, ... ...... w,,,u" ""fw-n. r.trf.uS a.r uu... ui;unS Again the vpo, "" f eaC" "P""""' ! "'"'-')- t power upon other inijredienisFor the power ofdifferent vegetable purgatives upon each other ' r. j r. is rroverned by similar laws that ffotem the power nnivpirriiioon rraini koain t.Q a : J v.-...vv i 41 U. UK UOLU I nLOIII) " ! nother ingredient is found to multiply this power again, which in a proportion of two grains, would have no effect upon the animal economy, but which, added to eighteen o rains of a compound of two parts of nine grains, each of two ingredients, will again multiply the power which they have gained of eighty-one to one hundred and sixty two. So again, the mixture of twenty grains can be again multiplied by an addition of two grains. to die power of three hundred 'and twenty. Ibu .L -r.. L i L-'l .r.i ' ir grains of the original power of the two'firsiingre dients Here we have twenty-two grains, which 38 a PurSalie, contain the power equal to three! hundred and twenty-four grains of either ofthi lic,elone;never being thus combined, are sate in any quantity ! always having a beneficial effect, and in no case f din? amplewunesa. -V,; wt oheallk thzstPUU They will find it ptuch to their advantage, . vv j Detour of Counterfeits! the t safes course is to buf of the regblaii agents obly forsale by Qe&Hovmifc - - .j "... .- IFIJIEMttTFIEFlEIS, jpROM the IMMENSE, INCREASE of our. business, we have been under the necessity of taking the whole up-story over L. Pender's Store, at the sign ofi Pender & Brother, where may be found AX IMMENSE Stock 'of Furniture, Consisting of the same articles which will be seen advertised t the Old Stand. Per sons that have not had an opportunity of seeing a magnificent? stock of Jurniture. are respectfully solicited to call, as prices and quality shall surely suit. Furniture repaired at either place at the shortest no tice. V F. L. BOND. N. B. In order that a man may do himself justiccf let him sec articles of Fur niture before" purchasing. No body likes to buy a cat in a bag. 7arboro',Sept. 29, IS1S. Only cent per !mx, FOR the cure of Headache, Giddiness .,t, im Jue..tnH.ni p:w Ho.r. , ,v nc rhnl. Mn,l,.:i,he!ri,Sents,n .w""R.ln medicine, can- rn, Worms, Dyspciwn, Cholera Morbus,; n . . , . , , . rains in the Back and Limbs. Liver com I plaint, Rising in the throat. Fevers, of all kinds, colds. Gout. Gravel, Female Coin-'. plaints, Nervous Complaints, and all other diseases arising; trom impurities' ot the blood, and rnot hideciello io1 Uic. I'ver and Stomacli Every disease to which the human frame is subject, -originates from impurities of the blood or derangement of digestive organs. Dr. Gordon's Family Pills, being com pounded exclusively of such ingredients as nature intended should operate on the impa tes 0f thc -uman System. Strike at ie roo( of hc (Usc removingall im- . r . , . , purities from the body, opening the pores 1 - 1 n eternally and internally, separating all foreign and obnoscious particles from the chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the origin, must he thoroughly pure and ne- ces8arily securing a irec and vigorous ,,1Mnfn ,i1R i unir, hirer and . , . Su,,n.ach' lhereby t0r"1 inUh nnonin r tli nnrr plf-atini IHf I P VtillS Jilld i: it iiw. ,d ,h i.i i- r,l,1..hr. system not only thoroughly sound, but ,1- r i: l "'"!"" ' " other means have faded. Within the last twelve , months, more . ... . . Ulan one hundred cases ol the mot ag- v(e( fonns of Dyspepsia have been cure(1 by lhe raedicinP) whcro riftid diet- . , Jti. , , A mg. the lilue Pill, and almost every other means had been resorted to without any worst cases ot niles in one weeK: 1 f or sale in arboro' ny A. n. wiacnuir ot ,V GEO. JIO WARD. Februarv 8,1849. t ly D r. Kuhrs A byssitiian HI iilure , i. : ' " From the Milton Chronicle. Laurel Grove, (near M ilton) Jan1 5, 1848f Dr.Kuhl--peaSif; '. T f VVe have novf been about seven years, Agents for the sale of your Restorer of the. Blood, and oth er Medicines, and are happy i.9 stateHfeay have given in all eases-'genejal. satisfaction, particular, ly the Mvssinian Mixture has giveu universal satisfaction, so that every one who has nsed . iv" has' received that reUef that you guaranteed in your directiprisV lr. james Mi Vernon,1 irt whorii yotf recommended' jturVJtromatic f Exlrqct for Rhennaatiim? bought la 'bottle of t at 50 Cents. and two embrocations cured him entirely, and the disease has iieverrettirned Y6tirs,Tespectfly, -1 KIBY -i ANDERSON., For sale by GtosHoivard. Town sencr Sarsaparilla. From the Wilmington Journal. The following statistics which has been handed to us by Mr. Crandall, Messrs. C 1 a pp & 7b wn se n d 's t ra ve 1 1 i ng a gent; toi 1 1 furnish the reading ; public sorii'e idea of the magnitude of their Sarsaparilla business at their manufactory which is erected at Al bany, at an expense of seventy, thousand dollars.' ' " ': "; ' ' ' They prepare and put up"5,000 bottles every day;. to perform this labor it requires from 70 to 100 hands.' In order to sup ply the large quantity of bottles used, tiyo of the largest glass establishments in the United States are kept in constant opera tion. This siuz'e item alone amounts to $100,000 per. annum.. Three . Napier steam printing presses, with a double set of hands each, are constantly running oh Circulars and Almanacs. They published last year 4,000,000 for gratuitous circula tion, containing a great variety of useful information, besides their own advertise ments. It took 50 females six months to fold and stitch them. Their AInanacs cost $30,000. ' Independent of all this, they publish a fulTcolumn of their medi cine matter in over 400 papers in the Uni ted States, British Colonies, 'West India Islands, and South America, where they liave extensive sales: this costs them over $S0,000 per annum. They have a large number of men and boys engaged in col lecting root "and other ingredients. Indeed all the hands they employ directly and otherwise, in making glass, paper, corks, pacn.ng u, iugeicrwiui i: I i 1 1 t. 0 nnA -n w-v- - I " ' - ' mount of capital employed to keep all Agents supplied, and their whole business secure mai state , pi s neaitns wnicn every in successful operation, is not less than mother wishes to enjoy. , In thet costive 500,000 dollars i ness so often prevalent att this interesting nytt vouid seem mat - a - itieutcrne ! prrv .??.rand1" "ins re fc'n4 which has gained such a high Teputatioh,;enrclu,a! rmeuy and such unprecedented sales, swelling to; There is rib medrcine so safe as this tl the enormous sum of S800,000 a year, is more easy lhaii castor oil, and is now must possess, in and of itself, intdnsic generally used by numerous ladies through medicinal virtues, for the cure of many dis- their confinement Dr. Brandretlvcanrer eases to which the huinan flesh is heir to. fer to many of ourfirst physicians who re- r, . , yy . , commend his. Pills to .their, patients to the tor sale by Geo. Howard. .- u ... v i ,n . 9 Am' . , ,oVn exclusion of all other purgatives, &nathe Tarboro'. March 31, 1849. . ; 1 ? . 1 , : - r - ;': Pills being composed . entirely pj Herbs or Dr. IHstar's Balsam of IVild Cherry: Triable PWeTK P,urjfy 'AHV" carry off thej corrupt humors of the. body. From the Maine Democrat, (Saco,) June in a mann.er,.s(i Ripple as totve every day 22. 18'l7. flislars Balsam.-A few days ago, j Tr. . vtl larn, of San ford, in bur J .' .. n r - count , Deing in our ouice, rcquesteu us to publish, for the benefit of the public, his testimony in favor of iVistar's Balsam of wild Cherry Inlhcfull of 1S46. Mr. W. was attacked with a very bad cold, which continued to irrnvv ivnrup till Ylnreh. when hp was eon- " uD S little hone of re- o the house, vyth.ltttle hope of re, covery. Wearing ot r. . , n , t ? Vf n mcar s isaisam oj wua ncrry he resolved to try it. He soon found re - yle!nii aftertaking four bottles, was able ... r, l0 go out and attehd to business: He as - Cribes his cure entirely to the Ualsam, and JDr. KU1IIS Jlbyssiriian Mixture. For Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Fltjor Al bus, Gravel, &c. r:r Letter from Dr. James R. Callum, dated Milton, N: C. August 14, 1847. ;"' Dr. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: ' ? Your medicines have ''given' entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highlv approved of. it has never fail ed to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes, t have never had. enough to' supply the demand. You will please send me a large supply of it as soon as you arrive at home . Yours, Tespectfully, . , . . J. PCALLIJM, I' r - ; Milton Drug Store. ( Agents 0. " HO TTJRD, .Tarboro'( fT" S Marshall,' Hafifax; James Simmons Weldon; C. C. Pugh, Gastony F iE. Cook, Warrenton; Hen; fy GoodToe', Warrentor,; P C. Crown, Louisburg John ffBrodle, FrankHm; Louis Hiluttle,, Hen, aenwn: hi Hi Mitchell. Oxford. Mav 16 : f The Press, Types and Fixtures OF THE " ":. n i i-tj I t . t - Watventonfjf i) Reporter OFFICE FOR SALE. J HAVING determined op . quitting tho Printing Business, we now propose .sell-, in our Printing Press, Types and Fix tures, at a very low price for cash, br on a short credit for a part of the purchase mon; eyi with bond and approved security J ,? The Pressrand a part of the Tpe rare considerably. wprn, but will, do pretty fair work for two or three years to come. Tho Job and Advertising Type are in:r better condition, and will last many years.4 Thb Cases, Stands and other fixtures are vcrjr good There is a sufficiency G of; type: of all kinds for a village establishment. Wat renton is a desirable place to reside in, be in remarkably healthy and has as good sotiety as any village in the State. YYe have been engaged in the publication of the Reporter for 2 1 iyears, and t have been tolerabfy well sustained;' - We will sell at a price So Idwythat anyone wishing to ,e gage in the business would do well to call and see usv or address ' the Editor, . post paid, YVarrenton, -N. 0. -.i; . . , fk U R. N VE RELL, Editor Prop J' ''April 2i,-is49.'': M BRANDRE TITS-PILLS. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. ' 5 - Ladies should use the. Brjlndreth Pillf frequently. They will ensure lhemfrora severe sickness of the stomach, and, gen erally speaking, entirely prevent it. The Brandieth Pills are ! harmless. The increase the nowers of vIife-4hev5 do not the-ltiepiress them. -Females will find them to : i : -1 - . T 1 !.. ll J il i ease, and pleasure. in order to discriminate between Truth, which is eternal, and conjecture, which i f ' rn . ! by lhe light, 0 ; KlliKCE. To nhzt , does experience direct? to the pkee use er Dr. BrandrethU Pills. ,n 3,1 of bod.ly suflenng. As this Ad vice is followed, so . wih. the ukaltu .. ........ ud them and has 'never found them :. fail ,,i acute diseases i 4 :ici uijuuiciu a i ma biiu- iiiuu uiu , . . . ! heahh ch L Pi L be L l often asTonSIt the rills be used as ' olten asconvenicp.t, ; fa hjch meang vitali f the bIooa, . . ;miiroVPfi nd -the- crisis : tvili be disease, bo matter'whether it be a cold or a cough; whetherit be'jsthma or consump tion; whether it be rheumatism or pleurisy; whether it be typus or fever-and:aguev or bilious fever; cramp or whooping cough ;br measles;' whether it be scarlet fever or small po: that the Pills' known aso Bran dreth's Pills will sorely do more thanfill the medicines of the Drug stores for yoiir restoration to health', and what' is. more will surely do you no harm, i ? ' H Q3'A II persons should Carefully pur chase Br andreth's Pills, : ; only , of lhft. regularly appointed Agents. ' They woujd thus insure themselves' the genuine article; otherwise they may - often light upon a Counterfeit article; Be carcAil. -1 For" sale1by,': "l GeoJHotcardS Life Pills aiia Pfectltx !'BitfetN

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