jj iaii i ' ' "'rnr rt9rrr H iv H-l-lT t - ' "J . " ! 11 !! 1 I i , ( t --J v "" cd incviUbly fatal to him ilwnms weapon noon; WqgTOre ? JXPC?X ft.'H. nf rcVs'sar ' C ivi Fib."" .tr e 5 i" israx . l ATVtlMAY. MAY 10, V849. Sterol &nd Fjr&htt WMRW&W.M'jWra. 8 to 12' of Btadfcth'9 standing: it is to be hoped thai .ne wiii,iearn irom nir. 6 - -....- ---- - , ..? i .... ii .l..,. cnrnin lha. of wool, will -bcl rtlU w-one monin. v.ipe.i)isjciiBp,Au. UTwWT iupDly D,Bradrelh, dated 8th February. 1847. .ir-. 1 ' .iQ,1 fnn camp lime. oe careiui you uu uui ci a i-uuu er i 1 iiiiir 1171 1 r 1 I'M ill 1 m. 1 ii . 1 1 11 A j 1 itsy 1 1 1 iiuiu J ' . . ...... ! i Tt. WAthct ariwg the present week AfcikU MaT. t ra and a havS fVt nrsvAitaU tendering hi tin uk faes; &c Vs... - Mint Chatham cmuity 10 the wet,probA. vrm My ImlinnV The wife, however, 'won Wk, a crossiti&M" r,vMeanic Wck: bul the husbut rcmaineit; and '" t xvs compelled lo jt xvs$ (or.iiht have been) supposed that tCtbeth eof iW vvlo the something wnplensalit Jiau happened, or - . ftvn itis.iwrfrmcnt taken Dlacc. vnicn It ' . s. V. 1 J II IXLV 1 1 I 1 " . - PKn . t n rv-i nrn 1 n (T MUIBU4Y ...w....-. 7 i from htm si nee. Watson had made his eseapo. From the Fayetlcvillc Carolinian. t Rttrc Occurrence, and Unpleasant result -A friend living in Chatham coun ty, has informed us of a very unfortunate affair which' has occurred within a few vvpeks bak: Some t wel vc years ago. mdrc or less, a man and his wife moved tW fkwir arikJe tn the last W$!iing- v 71? 7Vr.W Af.JV Great , praise is td Mr, UowirU the contractor, for his crrcrance to pet the mail through from dVrro hero in all sorts of . weather. Heretofore, when Tranter's Creek has leen so swollen with rains as to prevent the stage from crossing, the mail has been lelared sometimes several days. r6ut Mr. IL, when Tranter's Creek is not passable, heads the mail down from Greenville on the south side of the river as he did on Monday, getting it here in pood time. The thanks of our citizens arc due to Mr. H. for his praise-worthy efforts to have the mail here regularly. Riots in, Sew Y?rk. Two disgraceful riots occurred in the city of New York on the nights of the 10th and 11th iusti commencing at the opera house and occasioned by a personal quar rel between two', play,, actors, Messrs. For rest and Macready. , On the last night, 300 or 400 of the military were called but, the mob numbering about 15 000 per sons--72 of the military and, police were in a . w ..fc j m own ci.izens, might have applied the thor.zert agent . rW omn.int had ihev turn- 1'orsaieoy ILUICI Udlt.yt' J cd their attention, as has pttcn been urgeo upon them,. to the raising of sheep. We are glad to s the spirit of cnterpr sc a- broad in our oWn land and we hope our aricillturalists will see the importance of not confining themselves entirely to one or two articles for .sale The raising of sheep, with proper attention, is within the means of every farmer and some portions of our From Italcigh to Bocky Uounf THE . subscriber has taken th great mea5i.f i, oh iheNdrth while our v'1 V Ptrcha J geo. 'nowJuin. led to her summary departure for Nortl Carolina She has ever since been living in Chatham. county; and although no rcg ular correspondence was carried on be tween shVand hrr husband, she had occa sionally heard of him, and it "was general ly supposed, and probably by herself too, that he would come for her, to carry her back to her new home. Until very re cently, she had not heard of him for four years; and thinking, probably, that he was either dead or had entirely forsaken her,! hc, a few weeks ago, married "a man of 0f hecp. C7ur 'our. the neighborhood in which she lived. , n Wavne corinty, on the 27th ult., Dr. County aflfbAl as fine locaVioh? for tle puj;- Jethro Murphy of Snotv Hill, to Miss Eli- nose at could be desired- Ttiev shouM zaoetn luusgrave. . , never let 20,000 be sent out of the Co nn- tv when by a little attention to the im proving their flocks 'would enable them to supply the demand and keep that a iuount at home. There is nothing on a farm that can be raised with less "expense than sheep, yet so great has been the ma ma for the raising of cotton that nearly every thing else has been neglected. Uulj e C0n... Rocky. Mount, and will place on ,i,f " 16 comfortable; stages, good horses an(I r , i '.'- w ... u"m farr iui urivcrs, ana will run it i0 with the cars on the WilmJn.. l Road, and with his stage line from RocU Mount to Washington he will Reduce the Fare as follows: l torn Ualeigrh to Eagle Rock, 1 "Wakefield, Stan tape, " Rocky Mnnf. ..7f...y.uiH.,rjr size ana we Ijt.8i 5n - boxes and bundles agreeably to size Z 51 00 1 50 2 50 3 50 4 50 cent? weight. DIED. Of cholera morbus, at his residence at the low price of this' article will compel; Rocky Mount. Nash county, after a brief our -agriculturalists to turn their attention illness, on the 13th inst., Mr. liennett to raising something e lse that will be j liunn, aged 62 yeurs, more profitable and wc would suggest in, Death is at all times-a-melancholy re- somcdegree more attention to the raising1 flection, Jjut in the present instance it has i visited us with more than its accustomed solemnity. Dut a few days ago and the Ji Murderess Sentenced. Letitia SJ subject of this notice was among us in the Hliiisdcll, was sentenced on Tuesday at full vigor of health, with the prospect of Amherst, N 11. to be executed the 13th. many days of usefulness to himself and They had not been married more than three weeks before the former husband appeared. He heard of the inairiage, but took it very coolly, and went to the house of next August, lor the murder of an adopt-j the society 'of which he was an ornament: VtmiinilArl Ol nf fttn rintoi a ' n? lr1t t ' . . " f liwf thn nnin aiiacI liwilr Ina tl'ith trilii'c , mv, . ci of the new couple to sve them, (possibly to wish them much joy). His appearance, as may well be supposed, had no very happy effect upon either the feelings ui the features of the unfortunate pair A departed spirit suddenly appealing among them could hardly have wrought more ter ribly on their feelings. But as the vishu was so calm and inoffensive, exhibiting i o rufllc of temper, the first shock passed off. and as he seemed only disposed to joke ol theha.-ty second love of his better half, the mo'at last settled down to a conversation. cd and 27 wounded. " Various contradic tory, statements arc, given by the friends of the actors as to the origin of this shame ful affjir, and at 'usual, each endeavoring to throw the blame on the other party. From the Fayetlcvillc Carolinian. (JJA swoj-d, which was voted to Gen eral Taylor by the Virginia Legislature, Was presented to President Taylor on the .3 4tlv ult. , aV the White House. It was husband: nut he departed again, nor claimed any lot or part in her. The matter has been a general theme of conversation in that section; and the ques tion is discussed as to which has the bet ter right, and which ought to give up, &c &c; and lastly, whether the first husband will claim his wife, or quietly abandon the cd daughter of E DlaisdelJ. The steamer iiibcrnia has arrived at Halifax. Nova Scotia, with Liverpool ad vice to the i-'Sih ult. There had been no material changes in i but alas! at an hour when least expected, the grim monster made his appearance and summoned him forever from among us. In his death our community have been called upon to mourn the loss of one of its oldest and most estimable members. Of a generous heart and liberal views, it was - ikVi Aid f i I l n l r f (X em a. 1 ' but to know him to appreciate his worth. " ' As a friend he was sincere and be herb France conl.nuc.l lranq.nl, a.,d had sent ,cn,. flS a )usbjnd a)d fatier he lvas a exped.l.on .o Uome with . view i, is flding and afll-clionate, as a master hmnane .saul.ofcncicavorms to reinstate the Pope. and inJulsent. Endoivcd wilI) a,hcwl. ..Gcrn.any.and. llaJco...t1,)uc. ina d- obling ,);,; of .i.c heart. WeS3carSl iraclcu mate. v'- - . SI ,, , ., . . , . . CT- . 1 1 l. HAl I f ,1 nil I.nn... 1. iW , l-l Jail I Ii I he K.ngof Naples 1S preparing for an js jeep,relt ail(J Memory ivilf lonRfined ..Mediate ,liaek on Sicily, ami has only. cherishcd .... esiieeialir hvland Ai i. :.i i ... i i j. j cd uprising ot the Catalopians. Trunks, packnges,' must be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid" or the subscriber will not be respo lor their safety. For 'seats, &c. apply to E. YarbrouM Raleigh T. R. Debnam, EsRleRockA' J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw' Stanhope B.' H. Freeman, NashvilleJ W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. GEO HOIVMD. Tarboro, April 11, 1849. Notice. THE subscriber has several horses of middling size which he. will sell cicap',or exchange on liberal terms for arre horses. May 11, 1S49. Geo. Howard. ' l T f' r .MTT L 1 THIS excellent compound, which has sucn noiorieiv in me cure 01 rever Ague, and other. bilous affections, may I 1 A I I been b.tnerto restrained by an apprehend- - . haVft It lhft iriflnpnnn of hls be fountl at the Storb.of ".generous heart, and can bear testimony to his many virtues. I Geo. Howard, farbdro This medicine was prepared by a .rept- TT-..nt. r j . rr.s.ju.i ti " . . . . . j mvm Mtcunn; .u was the good fortune ofthc writer ofilar nhvsicun. and the result of an exten- : above all. gold anil .treasures; 'tis thou this humble tribu!e of friendship, to'know sive practice of se practice of several years in'a bilious i . premises, and seek his tortune anew. .s v..u c.-.i n.u ouui uuu . c.,.. a., Mr jjunn long and intimately; and he can climate. Those who have used it them, yet, so far as our information goes, he has its powers to receive instruction, and to truly say, he never knew a better man. (selves, or seen its salutary effects upon expressed no intimation of his intention, relish virtue. He that has thee, has little Upright in all his transactions with his j others, need no farther '.evidence of its which ve have no doubt worries the curi- more to wish for; and he that isso wretch- feovv men, courteous in his deportment, j great value. A small Treatise on the Acii . . r, i un . , I , . ...... .n lu.i n-.iiK.. on i in nvn irii'f no!, waiusi lvui v Liiiiiii u..i r I. . . . . i rno,u nnnpo Mo' nn(l Vntm4nd - tiuinwu. - - - , . - " icjluhh iuiuc iuuuug ui uiuers, no may ; "causes, treatment and cure ol tever anu i u 1 7 V ' u i ; hood very much. We suspect he is. one beside. Let us be tbanktul, The hilt and scabbard are of gold, wrought :i:r.fc .... . . t,, ui yuur luuiuereni, caicuiannc iimiviuuuis, ; jinuuiicinvziiix tvit l-i'(lMivpr'nnil tnprint fllttS 1 . .. I 111 l n 1 ....1 I. I . . I . . ..... . B ... . I 1 1 . f . sword, made a very handsome speech, to lmi 1 e.wtha holcin.it. i PHis. which a century's use has fully; es- Jn this county, on Tuesday last, Mrs. abiisned to ne tne oest medicine ever oe- Armstrong, wne oi iir. uray Armstrong. which Gen. Taylor briefly replied. What can he dos with all the swords that ha ve been presented I to him? This is about the dxth. ? All. the presents of Words medals, and other valuable articles he has received, would-oinount to near 810,000. . 15 !? It is Jaid that the new husband took ad vice of a lawyer before he married the la dy. He must have been "a learned judge" who advised such a match! A' second Daniel!" Another singular part of the business is, that it seems to be very questionable a mong the people of the neighborhood, I l l l "I 1 ' 1 . nTh SfMialfl of AViseoiisin. on the vl,,:n nusDan mo way loves ucm. evrn MVilr.nd a ReQlntion bv a vote of novv And 80me have sgsled that if in tn fl instrnrtin Senator Walker to re-! lhere shou,d be any question as to who is .w w, a i i i ir. i cuiuieu io ner, mai u snoutu do leu iu ucr to decide..4: : . . . P. S. Since the above was written, we learn that the former husband has , taken possession of his wifej and they are now sign ':t From the fVitmington Journal. t , Slabbing. yVe learn from the Wades boroV Argus, of the 34th ult., that a rcn r.contre took place in Rockingham, Rich jmdnd'county, on . Tuesday the ) 7th, be--tween James, Watson, of that county, and 7 Angus MeSvcen, who had been for some -atime residing in-Wadesboro', in which. the -latter rGsictved four or five stabs, ..inflicted ; '.with the. most murderous and sayagelpqk xinsrinstrumenlthat we (the Argus) ,ever s beheld. .5 J I was! a sort of dirk, madeout .of s an old sword-bladef, and grpuqd to an.edge -ron both sides. ' Exclusive of the, hand Je fit was about nihe : inches, long.j AYatson, s it was said, had exhibited, this formidable -j-weajKin Ao' some.of his ; neighbors v before hand, and informed? thenv; that ( he had - made it for the: purpose,, of killings Mc. ' Sweent-vith whom he had previously ; had ;i difficulty. The transaction occur- i red in the .Court yard, in the presence of a crowd of i bystanders, .who , permitted Watson to walk quietjy off after Jthe Unife had been taker) from him!. -For a while McSween's life -was despaired of; but on examinationby'ieyeral physicians who vvtre fortunate v.on.ilie; ground, it was cenaiacd,lhat his wounds were not inor- living together. From, the Petersburg Republican. jew jfianing isiacnine. iir. ti.L.aw, of Wilmington, Ny Cj has, just obtained a patent for a nevv Planing Machine, -which is highly recommerided. Th'e, .board is carried fprward under a succession; of sta tionary cutters j hya rapid succession ol blows from a crank and fly wheel giving to the board a sudden ffonyard ; motion use ine pusn 01 tne nana piane, ; wmicn is quite favorable to smooth planing, and the Y a ; ; . 1 "' 1 " m . eueci is saia lo.pe: cooa, 4 a. macnine is novviin operation jnlVew Hayen, and one is now in progress fof construction, and will be'put iii operation in New iVork; a? sbori as bbilt.--Mr. Law is now at 216 PearFstreet, New" York." v i stowed on man. For the prevailinjr colds . and coughs, they will be found every thing hat medicine is'fvtpahle of imparting In rolie,'ar.d in Inflamation of the Bow ds, these Fills will at once relieve, and perseverance in their use, according: to he directions, will surely do all that med icine cm do to restore the health of the nalient. In diseases arising from the use of mer cury, or from any cause or vitiation, from bad blood or otherwise, their use will produce the most happy results. In all attacks bf Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Salt RhetimVaml in cases of chronic or recent Costivehcss, the use of the r- ' ; Rrandreth Pills' will be productive of infinite service- sometimes occasioning so great a change for the better as to cause great thankful- In all cases of Indigestion, Worms, Dis eases of the Heart, and in all Affections of the Stomach and Bowels; the JBrandreth PiJIswillrhe.found a never-failing renedy. To insure the full benefit of these 'cele brated Pills, they should he akept in the house, so that upon the first commence ment of sickness they may be at'once re sorted to. One dose then is better than a dozen after .the disease has become eitab-' Iishcqanjihe system (, Thei Rrandreth Pills : be said to have lived a life of peace with ague arid otherdiseases of bilious climates," ail men, and to have died without an cne-j may be had gratis "of the. above agent. May 2, 1849. JYoticc '. ,. -K ' THE copartnership,vhithcrto existing under the title oT Savage Brnswell, has been dissolved, , by mutual consent. The subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he still continues the busi ness in hi nwn nnmp Hp hns riOW and will constantly keep on hand, a tine assort ment of Confectionaries, with a superior class ofjexcellent Liquors, &c &c. R. A. SAVAGE. Tarboro', April 25, 1849. Valuable Land FOR SALE. : SEVEN HUNDRED ACRES Fish ing Creek Land for sale, lying on the east side of the public road leading from En field to .Tarboro' 6 miles from Enfield, 17 j miles to Tarboro'. A bargain can be got. in said Land- terms to suit the purchaser, and possession given immediately. J. J. D. PENDER. 14 May, 1S19. 20-9 To Flat Captains, And others having the charge of Flats, and other Boats an iving at. , and lading or unlading at or near this town. 1 You are Hereby notified, That by an act passed by the authori ties of thi? place, the hands -in your em ploy are liable to be .arrested; and impris oned, if seen" in town after night fall-and there'detairied till expenses are paid. - ' By order of the Board of Commissioners T J Joseph fl : BortZiicK &nC .Hirboro May Sth, 184.9rv7. ? . 3 . , , Souther ' atcwrcr.---We hall exhibjted to us a dayor two . ago by Johi A. Y ou n g, Esq. , a spec imei of ; the Jeans to. be manufactured at the .establishment erected on, the Catawba river, by Messrs Carson, Young andGricr.? . The piece was are purely vegetable and somnolent that the: inlant of a month old may usehenirH medicine but "with a certainty of receiving all the; benefit medicine is;capabs of iijnipairing? Females iriay tise them during allthe criti trss! period' of their) lives1? The Brand retK Pills will insurcHheir health, land . . . .... - - - ,i . 1 - . - -mm'-4 '' v' - '' 4- iJVoticc v . 'ffo'coiigfa and long-complaints nse Dr. Bar i holotnew'a Pink Expectorant eyrop. - ' Sick head ecA, though constitutional or inciden tal! is cured by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy, t Lins balm of China , for the enre of all diseases hat feqoire external application. 'v ';- ' The gray hairtd find ihejridian -Hair Dyf oeriect ana eucQiuaii i - - r-. - $20Reward. STRAYED from the Sub scriber, at. James Bridget's, in I 1 nrx TllPS day night last, a handsome bay horse call ed PEACQGKf with a blaze face, left hind leg roan colorj five, years old, and about five feet four inches high. A reward w twenty dollars-will be paid for the delive ry of said horse to me, or if secured w information given me so that I can P him again; Direct to Littleton P- ' Halifax county, N. C. : m l r - IV. TV. DANIEL April C, 1849: ' ' ! 15 "1 --i CJrafcferibcrff medicines 1.- Fop sale-by. Go?. Howard, TTTCT.. m?PI?T VT?n U Ijrflelcnoc't Sarsaparilla. Compound the celebr8te Children's Panacea-the Eye Lo,ion!f Health Bitters the Fever and AgucjP the Vegetable Pills; and tbc 6flca Mo'untafh Vegetable Ointment. March 88. . GEO. 7Om3? 6nslable8Vililav&$far sale. . Ar this ornc -& -1; u J, 1 -i....