New and Bcautiliil- SPUING AND STJMMElt HAS just received, her Spring supply of Goods, which as usual comprises fl general assortment of the most neat, use ful and ornamental articles, in the jTIillincry Hue. All of which will be sold on her usual liberal and accommodating terms. April 30, 1849. Stale of .Yorlli t'urolina. Edgecombe Count. Court of Equity March Term, 1849 Arthur Arrinirton. Elizabeth Irwin, and - o ' . -;v. .. v.. A J ". . Leah Irwin, two last are infants who: TTIrjQjyf the IjViM appear by their next friend, tyb't. D. I have made fo A Glorious Victory, Achieved triumphantly over all oppo sition to HOME INDUSTRY. ENSE SALES that r the last season, I am Blake Piltmani . Petersburg, Virginia. ; 3 GIVES his special attehtioo-Jtci the sale of all kinds of Country Product the .pur chase of Goods, and ' the receiving and forwarding of Goods. , - "7 . REFER TO t . : B. F. Moore, Esq., Raleigh, fl. C. ! Thos. K. ,Thomis,i.Esq Loujsburg,. C. ; W. T.Dortcb, Esq.? Rocfcy Mount, N.C. M. Weston, ; '"V , , , ' ' i . ' Jesse H. Powell, ? , - ; , xv Battleboro', N. C. Dr. J. J. Philips, j : , N. iM. Longr Esq., . . L. M. Long, Esq: pVi .las. Simmons, Patterson, Cpopcr& Co. Willis & Lea. eld on, N. C. 'Petersburg, Va Hart. vs. B. F. llalsey, F. S. Marshall Halifax, N. C. Feb. 1st, 1S4D; Dry Goods, &c. 5'0 Pieces Bleached Shirtings and sheet- compelled to believe that my patrons are Henry L- Irwin. 'satisfied that they can buy Petition for partition and sale ofrcal CABINET FURNITURE ., estate cheap and as fashionable from a Home TTanneaririff to the satisfaction of the TLfnnurnrfnr9I ns pnn hn hnnrrht nt anv of Court, that the defendant Henry L. Irwin the Northcrn markctt;. and lhat my cus-! Yd's Ngro Kersey 's, rcsitles beyond the limits ot ls at:,ie lomers may have an opportunity of buy It is ordered, that publication be made in jnft the best for the least money, I have theTarboro; Press for six weeks suceesn- jaid n fl0m lhe mari;ct!j 0f Philadelphia, ively, notifying the said Henry to be and New York, and Boston the very best stock appear at the next term of the Tourt of 0r mn'tcrjais am secore(i the best style of Equity to be held for said County, at the anl;qMe antj m0(iern furniture. Court House in Tarboro' on the second Through this medium I return my sin Monday in September next, then and ccr0 ydn lQ my p3lrons 3n( I do-issurc .i . 1 .1 r rtontur f C 4:1 1 f 1 .1 1 .1 . " 1 1 tnere to pieau, answi me nuunc tmi Uie articles below named ur! FLOUR, of an excellent quality, by the barrel or retail,T For sal34byv?i; Geo- fioioard Dec.l3,a848. m (fit : ' ' r Thomas Lr Liddon; : vBRICKLAYER PLASTERER, WNFORMS the Publicv that he is now fully prepared to execute all jobs in his line of business, that may be entrusted , to him: He has competent workmen in his employ, and can give satisfactory assuran ces, that all work entrusted to him will be executed expeditiously and in a workman like m a n ner. Refer en ces. Wm. Norfleet, Tarboro,' Baker Stalon, Edgecombe Co., ' Goold Hoyt, Greenville." Tarboro, Oct. 12, 1847. ' 42. MSridsrt Building. AT PRICES- i ciated with him in, business, hjs brother, Matthew IVeddelU and will coiitinue bu siness at His old stand under the fitm of ? J. & JI; Weddell. T He avails himself of this v opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal ;pat? ronaerfc he has hitherto received, and pledg- pERSON desirous of having bridgesshimself to merit a continuance of the built, either on the plan of driving. samft to the new firm. Suitable for the Country Trade, the posts or by mud sills, are informed, hose indebted to the subscriber by ac- ; . . . I ... , - jr. 'M.- lYm&'&EIilt ESPECTFULLlTinHtt.the yabU to call and examine: their, sirf j immtnt ptotlt at ! Smi9pHnsUid Purchased exclusively for cash at unj3re-': cedehted Low Prices arid will' be? sold at,s a:small advance for CASHor on a liberal s credit. ,u iAprilvl5th,H84S. Noticed t ui r hi HE, subscriber having abandoned all( IQCa 01 rnoving iu uie yvcfi, uas mgs, 200 100 100 80 do do 4( Brown Drills, low priced Prints, Bales Battle & Co., Cotton Yarn, 100 Snuff Boxes. ALSO, Needles Hooks and eves petition, otherwise the same will be heard jJ0 manufueUlrcti and kept .constantly Buttons of all kinds Ivory, Tuck and side that thev can be acconifriodated, on mod erate terms, by applying to the subscri ber, who has under his direction negro ELI, who has had considerable experi ence in that business, and is fully prepared to undertake such jobs. C 0 F FIELD KING. rarboro', N. C Dec. 1, 1S4S. Jolicc. count, will please call and, close the samQ ; by cash or note, JJtS , W&DQEffL. m Tarboro,' March 6th, 1848. T r. , r;;- ' ' ' MoI;issesfj;l';- "l (g Hhd's and Bbl'suf Jluscovado, fojT salcby WM, Hi mlLLAKDv; VYabhlngton; N. C 5lh March, 1849. THE subscriber respectfully informs TO? ESPECTFULLY informs the citi- c 7are, and the prayer of the petitioners Qn jiant aut sojtj at (ie lowest prices for ; combs Susjvendcrs Percussion Caps citizens of Edcecombc and the adia- zens of Edgecombe ' and adjoining counties that he carries on me be granted. Witness, Kcnelm H. Lewis, Clerk and Master of said Court, at office, the second Monday of March, A D. 1S49. KEN ELM U LEWIS, C M. E The Htffle of Furniture : Marble an! mahogany lop Sitlehoards, Mahogany and.etuined wood Wardrobes, -Marblo ai d plain to j f'ureau-J. Sofas. Divans, and Conches, - " l Mhf2any Bedsteads, goiU'x style. All UlieqUallcd RCUiedy Malm-rany and marbletepOemre Tables, Rush and cane et--ai (?UAlUS, Tf ST, for colds and feverish feelinjja and pre lijrh and low post Hedsieads. Ji- ctni'tng Pevers. 2nd. For asthma, liver com- Ladies' dressing IJureans, al! patterns, plaint and bilious affections. 3d. For diarrhcea. Portable writing Desks, indigestion and loss of appetite. 4th For costive . Mahoorany and parlor Chairs, ness in&niales and males. . 5th. For stomach af- Mahogany Jining and tea Tables, fections, dyspepsia and piles. The great joints Ladies work Tables and Coxes, are, it is not bad to take, never gives pain, and Portable writing Desks, never arres one costive.' ! For all these things it Ladies sewing Chairs, is warranted unequalled, and all who do not find .Secretaries, Hook cases, and writing Desks, it so may return the bottle and get their money Walnut dining and breakfast Tables, back, fhis medicine is LONGLEY'S French Bedsteads, Western Indian Panacea. ! Crib' Crad,es' ald children's Chairs, Marble top wah stands and pier lables, Hardware and Crockerv Patent Medi- cines Camphor Indigo Blacking Li nen Thread Cotton Hdkfs &c. &.c &e. for sale by - W.M. H. VVILLAUD Washington, N. C. 5th March, IS 19. CoftccT Bags of strictly prime quality, for Bale by WM. H. WILLARD. Washington, N. C 5th March, 1849. cent counties, that he has opened a shop in i Tarboro' for the purpose of carrying on , ! The Gunsmith business, t In all its various branches. Work en trusted to him will be attended to imme diately, and done in a workman like man- ner. nuiJ. u. zv i rs. Jan. 12, IS40. 2 Mis;ar. We assert there is no family medicine of half its virtues, and none that will so delight the users of Cottage Bedsteads, all patterns, Mahogany rocking chairs, spring seats Z . r,J t iiDiinii nil llinl 1 hk nr f ml 0 tun n(T..v 0 .lt . . . Looking Glasses, picture Frames, &c. &.c. as aove. Fry it without price, if you are not charmed by its effects. Fuller descriptions and Any article of Furniture manufactured an Almanac for 1848 gratis, with the agents for at the shortest notice. Furniture will be the county. (See helow.) Hit liumau llaiv la admitted by civilized as well as barbarous nations to be when fu.l, flowing and perfect, the greatest ornament, and when imperfect or wanting the greatest disadvantage to the personal appear ance "f male or female. That it is a duly to pre-1 serve and beautify it, all will admit. This article ; has been for more than 20 years used extensively. ! lt has the testimony of many of the most respect- j able citizens in this country, who certify to the j fact that the BALM OF COLUMBIA First, in all cases stops the hair falling out or restores it in most if fallen, and in all cases if lost by sickness; and keeps otTdandruflf and scurf on infants and adults. Second, perfumes the hair and preserves it to old age from turning gray, j Should always be used at toilette. Third, gives j great vigor and rapid growth to the hair, and cau ses it to curl beautifully. Lastly, prevents all filth or its cot. sequence on children's heads, and exceeds all other articles for the hair in quality, quantity and cheapness. Many articles have been started on the reputation of this, and are without; packed safelv for transportation. The above articles may be found at the same Old Stand. K L. BOND Tarboro, Sept. 29, 1S1S. BbVs of Porto Rico, for sale by WM. H. WILLAKD. Washington, N. C 5th March, 1849. THE Partnership heretofore existing between Bowditch & Howell is this day dissolved by niitual consent. The Subscribers respectfully request all persons indebted. to the late firm, to call and settle immciliatcl v. Also, all persons who have claims a ! gainst them to present the same for pay ment. JOSEPH, II. BOIVDITCII. JAMES D. HOW ELL TarborA Jan'y. 1st, 1S49. at the old Stand next door to the Post Office, Where will be found a! choice assort ment of, - .r j(and all . articles in his line of business,) Mi rand retlS Pills, which he is prepared to make up, at the NO CHANGES in the weather will shortest notice and on reasonable terms, materially, affect the bo Jy, jflieJjjpod is Thankful for the favors already received, pure. .Every individual, the most diseas- he solicits a continuance of the same, assur ed, has within him a germ or root of; jthat ing all who may favor him with a call, original pure blood of oureommon mother that none shall go away dissatisfied. Cut Eve; which germ of pure blood is the sup- ting done at the shortest notice, porter of his life, and is in constant strug- - N. B. Always on hand a fevv select gle to throw off the heterogeneous, cor- articles of ready-made clothing of his own runt humors, which arc the causes of dis- 'manufacture. ' J2S. MEIIEGJIN, case in the individual. By . purging the ! Tarborough January 1, 1848. 1 body of this diseased individual of its bqd ; humors, you allow the germ ol pure. blood j to gain ground and to make blood of a bet Fare Reduced. 'p HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to $5 -or, From Rocky Mount to Tarboro .v-. .llMTt HUMS S ..- . fTI HE concurrent, testimony of men of integrity -U- o nA wnrth ia tho Koct Avirlnro tvo ran huvA tcr quality, and so on progressively till the whole mass is regenerated; for the good principle or good pure blood, is always striving to be predominant over the bad or siseascd humors. Let all who wish to be of any fact of which we have no cognizance our of a fine healthy habit; who Wish to have a selves The great advantages "possessed by this tound mind in a sound body; who desire article over every other,'are-its certainty, sAre to be able to stand without injury the con- TY' ccnvtejcience and fEcojvoaiF. All phypicjana linual changes of this climate; who desire ;admil lhat 8real danger is to be apprehended frorn to have healthy children, use the Bran-jX10? e eye whenin an inflamed and unheal- , . . rr ii thy state. In the use of this salve this objection drch Pills, which will cilectually cleanse . ... . t Ui' ee;ki-'-- ' J ia nntirn n Am r ma nA harm oon nnCfilhlV: r tkmm n Tt . T . I I ........... . . CIUIICIJ 1 1 I"" CU, J II" IIUHU MUOOIUIl " cr . muuiuuu uiauuau ur cn upi iiumurs, anu guU from ils USJ; t beinr in all cases applied to have associated themselves together under restore the;humahbo(ly to the state of the external portions of the eye, thereby avoid the title of health enjoyed before the introduction of inir alf :iha inconvenience, pain and danser; which. ISocky JSoiml. .cpt. 8th. Cotton Factory ifiUls. -&8&SZ ffPllE undersigned, successors to Battle JUL i$slrVTjE V CO. mineral medicines Remember Brandreth necessarily attend the introduction of any pungent it 14 it tl ii it it ii Sparta Falkland Greenville Pactolus VVashinston Tarboro' to Sparta Falkland tt t tt t tt t tt tt tt Greenville $1 50 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 0 50 1 00 as 2 00 They have been at great expense in en- Pills place within the reach of all health ,article into the eye. -Its activity in subduing in lrmnhe oncrations of this establishment and long life. Trust to ' ! fixation is so fgreat tha"t but few cases require ""p . . .mil in lhe nurchase of new machinery Brandreth's Pills - j t . s ' the use of more than orie botile to effect a perfec and feel warranted in saying, that they take them so as to produce a brisk effect, wi'a iti effecu in serallnstances,--thtt jit was a 4ptRf ect fire tiLLER."- We might can now ??iaA:easgood an article of Cotton Yarn j and your sickness will be the affair of a day or two, while those who are too wise ; muilipi reasous why this salve should be prefert For seats, &c. apply to H. Wiswall, is can be manufactured any where in the to follow this common sense ad vice, will red above every thing else in the treatment of dis. I Vc? and are determined to sell atas e s'c for months. . Let .the sick enquire easesof the eye, but; we prefer it should stand oa f ikn n rrL.w t m fna HwAn.l Mlk'a DI I 1 a inUv U' lite nm nn.rilc '.' All WA 9ilr ! 6 I tnt ItQ VlrtllOG Ka merit though they have been and are sold atdou-l WashintonGoold Hovt Greenville' TT ! er these things are so or not. Let them : thoroughly tested, ana tnaitneaireciionsoe strict. - I 4 11 IfiPV 1 1 1?3 1 1 C. Ill urULT IU SCLUI tj l 1 . i . I tr InlUiWPrl. - ; r . i j - - - enoui or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro. i.t ble the prices of this balm. The piles, all sores, rheumatism, &c. ESays' Liniment Is an article more justly celebrated as a cure for the above, than any or all others. The cases of cure are almost innumerable and it is only neces-' saryv td let those who know the article and have used it with such great success, know that it is to be 'had true and genuine, (for there are counter feiters) of Dr. Lucius Comstock, 21 Cortlandt St. New York, and so of the rest of the articles here named. February 1, 184S. ireamong their friends and ask the!1 y , same Question. veriiv . 11 UiViuence is part of the country, is, that they examine i-wanted it sha1 be procured. To the sick, $25 R ; ward. the quality of their Yarns, and their liber al terms, before purchasing elsewhere. We do only a quarterly business; but RANAWAY from my farm, will make the liberal discount, of 2 per rrITo mith nf Rnlnlrrh ahnnf Ct. JOT 1OSn. S. . UJSJ. L M.lslXy the 1st June my man SIMON about 23 years of age, black com plected, weighing about 180 To the hall and lame Dr. Ilewes' nerve and , pounds, thick lips, and very knock-kneed, one leg more than the other, as well as recoirected. " He is a man of great muscu- JAS. M. BATTLE, WM. S. BATTLE, J. L HORNE. hone liniment is the most effectual cure for rheu matism and contracted cords and muscles.': For worms Kolmstock's Vermifuge not Fuh nt&tocfi'a will eradicate and cure a children and adjilts who have worms. Cautionl Beware of all unless the name is spelled Kdmstoeks, the old Dutch name of the inventor.' ' ' - Sold wholesale by Comstoek & Co. 21 Cort Jandt st. New York by Geo. Ilvimird. Tarboro M.AVesson, Gaston Fi Si Marshall, Halifax Bfiflnett & Hyman, Hamilton F. W. Moore, Wjlilamston--and by one person in every village in the United States and Canadasi Nov. 9. Jayne's Medicines. For sale 1 GEO. HOWARD. - March 6, 1S40,- ' v Bound tor tlic California CrOIiD;::iR:E'GIOW. lar powerhe is believed to be in Edge combe county, 'wKerc'" he was '' brought.' THE subscriber wishing. to embark for from when, quite 3Toimg by Mr. Jones, the Gold Region -in California; will con vvho. liliirTieid' in thRicka.famiiyy near thf i ttnue to offer' ' .v " Fall of Tamiver. He is believed to have 5 Cabinet a pass with him. (forged.) 1 tvilgive nf his manufacture at the very Low Pri- the above reward for his delivery to, me, j ces which have already. induced many per- or rijietn uouars u coniinea in jail so that'I get him again. " ' ' ! t I WM. R COLLINS. !. cJlaleigh,Sept.'5,1848 FriiilTri uejfltt f -veciited, , AT r THIS OFFICE. , sons to htiy exclusively of him. Persons indebted to htm will. please come forward and settle, their accounts, as the subscriber vvishes to leave as soon as lie can sell out. &c Call at the same Old Stand i : vj, i, ' a - F. L; BOND. t Tarboro, Dec. 20, 1648. c I' . : let me say, use the ' r Brandreth s Pills. Man will be born to days of bliss, com pared to what has hitherto been his lot, neighed down as he ha been by dis ease, infirmities and suffering, earthly -power knew how to alleviate,, un til this discovery was presented !to the world.' ' The weak, the feeble, the infirm. the nervous, the delicate, are in a few: days strengthened by their oj5eratidn, ahd the worst complaints are removed by perse- verance yiuioume expense oi a pnysician. Adapted to all circumstances and . situa- tionsvtheytare.the! best medicines ever in vented fr families or lo.take to sea, pre venting scurvy and costiveness, requiring nbehange of diet, particular regimen, 'or care against: taking cold. . . s ,.. N. B. There is no surety, that you cet the genuine f unless you purchase i of the duly authori sed ;A gent. - , f ,;. '.:.: t , , ! iFor gate by;v : Geo. Howard. I Every bottle of the genuine salve has the name MITCHELL'S. EYE SALVE, blown in the sides of the boUle, and the written signature of the proprietor, D. Mitchell, on the outside wrapper. - MITCHELL,, Perry, Wyoming county, Ni Y.. , , , ,, " ALSO, Dr. Gordons vegetable , anti bilious family pills, and Dr. Tyler's ague & fever pills, For sale by GEO. HOWARD. ' February 29, 1848. - THE PA VEXT - ;X: MiDICATED INDIA RUBBSR L :: Porous Plaster ; - Vofl RHEUMATISM, LUMBaGQ, G0UT,: C. rrjN j all cases .where it is thonght advisable to keep op permanent stitnolatit, impressions on "or near the organ diseased, these "plasters will bo found highly valuable! In fact, ' all the benefit that can accrue from a continuous counter-irritant, will be produced in the most efiicient manner by them, , As in rheumatism, gout, enlargement of the. joints, chronic disease of the liver, spleen, lungs, or other internal, organs jn short, in "all Qtber cases where warming or strengthening plas ters are beaeficial, these ; will beiband to be supo rior to any now in use. For sale by i L February IC n : ? j Cco, Hoionrd. A

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