1 R. F. Hibbard & o.'s M ild Cherry Hitters, TP' ,1, fipHIS preparation is a certairt) sedative allaying all nervous excitablliiyVand calming nervous rritatipn-papitation of the hearlr-zz n?ss 01 lPe ncaa iainuness and all diseases arising from a sympathetic affection of the stomach, are entirely relie ved by a few doses of these bitters. Circassian ialm, For the cure of all diseases of the skin, burns and scalds, canker of the mouth, cleansing the teeth, cuts, bruises & sprains also an excellent article for shaving. R. F. HIBBARD'S Vegetable Family Pills, These pills have been long known to the proprietors, and an experience of more than twenty years enables, r!iem to speak with the utmost assurance of their medical virtues. Carminative Salve, Originally prepared ; by the Rev. B. Hibbard. This salve is one of the valuable remedies "knotVn for felons, biles, painful ulcers, &c. ' v For sale in Tarboro' by Geo. Howard. September 7, 1847; APPROVED 3 Patent M&dicincs, &c. v - sBeE5S3Gi - JJjRAY's Ointment, for the cure of white ... swellings, scrofula, sore legs, &c. HarrelPs i febrifuge, or vegetable tonic, i , coujyh mixture of carrageen moss & squills , extract of sarsaparilla and blood root, ? anti-biliou tomato pills, T . t Sappington's anti-fever pills rdo book on fevers, ijf oelickes matchless sanative, for , the cure of consumption, cooghs, colds, &c. Phelps's tomato pills Peters'f; vegetable do, Thomson's eye water, chemical opodeldoc, TiOngley's great western Indian. panacea, Oil spike, British oil, Bateman's drops, laudanum Paregoric, essence of peppermint, lemon, &c. 1 Harlem oil, castor oil liquid ointment, ' Trench plaster to ctre corns, East India hair dye, Compound chlorine tooth wash, fancy soaps, Cpnners remedy for diseases of urinary organs, Sherman's worm and headache lozenges, Hull's cough lozenges, Hull's anti-fever pills Roof's founder ointment, for horses, Clements's vegetable tonic mixture, Armstrong's do do j Evans's family aperient pills, Evans's tonic do Turner's ague and fever and chill and fever pills, Tyler's vegetable ver. and ague pills, Wistar's balsam of wild cherry, &c. &ci For sale by ',, Geo. Howard. I . Volt on Yarn. ffPHE subscriber has just received a -r quantity of Cotton Yarn, different . toumbers, wliich he will sell very low for cash or barter Persons desirous of purchasing cheap, will do well to call and see. Feb. 4. Geo. Howard. hoxoel and Siiinwer complaint, NO CURE NO PAY. Dr. Jayne will guarantee that his Carminative Balsam will cure Diarrhoea, Colics, Cramps, Griping Pain, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, and other derangements of the Stomach ! and Dowels, in ninety-nine cases out of a hun-; dred, and in less than half the time U can be! effected by any other means. ' ' . A fit ii !a onnctiTir q AiTnntnni ' j. 1 It is extiemciv p easant, and chil dren ht fnnil dren are tond for adults as ! re followed, &; children, and when the directions a a cure is not effected, the money will be cheerfully , returned. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle 'at -1 From the Rev. Charles C: P. Crosby. Messrs. A. B. & D. Sands I am glad to nform you that the medicine sold by Y ft,r ! bowel and summer complaints has proved; , , ; ' .. :r. ! " lias for years been extremely liable to a most Btstressing dysentery in hot " weather; but by the nse of Jayne's Carminative .Balsam for two seasons, the attack has been obviated in the course "at two or three hours. I have known children, "when attacked by; a violent Diarrhoea, cured im mediately by this medicine.,1 copsideiDrJayne's medicine prepared with great Jskillcahd; highly beneficial to bur infirm i human nature. , Yours respectfully, C. C P. Crosbv. " New York,' Sept., 1837. Dr. D. Jayne Dear Sir Having used in my family, for eight years, yoiir Carminative Balsaml 1 deem it due to yourself and the public to state that I have uniformly found it efficient in relieving and removing the complaints for which t is intendedi I am strongly opposed to all quackeTy, but touching the above medicine, "1 have testified that which I do know," add that "which I'ha'n. experienc-''', i . Respectfully yours. John C, Harrison. Castor ot Uaptist Uhurcn, Bordentown, N.J, v June 1, 1839. 1 1 Prepared nuiby DnDi ayne, Philadelphia mna sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro, Nov. 9. Reduced to 75 cents. Diy Cflajmiupn Ygeldlbltdgm Medicine , A! safe&nd certain aire for iFevers, of ,everys de j s sen ption Also, " Dr. Champion's anti-lrilioiis 1 vrr n vi c RUY' vegetable; ?. I ) f ' jr rPorsaieby GEO .i 110 WARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9. -'' JYoticc. ARSAPARILLA, Comstock's compound ex-- tract; there is no other preparation of sarsa parilla that can- exceed or equal this. If you are sure to get Comstock's, you will fiud it superior to all others. It does not require puffing. Magical ti,Vtri( t:j The most extraordinary salve ever invented for the cure of new -or old burns and scalds, and sores and sore eyes. It has delighted thousands! It will take out all pain in ten minutes and n.0 fail ure! It will eure the piles, &c. , Indiun Vegetable Elixir, a sure and safe remedy for rheumatism, acute and chronic, gout, and all the chronic pains of bones, joints and muscles, arising from a too free use of mercury, &c. Dr. Spoltn's Elixir of Health, for the certain prevention of fevers or any general sickness, keep ing the stomach in most perfect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. Colds, coughs; pains in the boics, hoarseness, and drop- sy, are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying, j Dr. Spoka's Jgur Pills, warranted to cure if ta-j ken ac-ording to directions; thousands have in ; tfjm 0f)ractice, ,'n a shorter time, and with one .year been cured I of "ague and fever by them, j much more ccrlainly lhan by any olher Dr. Lin's celestial balm of China a positive cure J- J J r r j ii . i r ' ,n ia,nai ; system that has been recommended, for the piles and all external ailtngs all internal . irritations brought to the surface by friction with Each box contains twenty-four p.lls, this balm; so in coughs, swelled or sore throat, twelve of which will cure any ordinary tightness of the chest, this balm applied on a flan-; case of chills and fever. A pamplet ac ne' will relieve and cure at once Fresh wounds companies each box giving full directions or old sores arc rapidly cured by it. j an(l numerous certificates of the efiicacy of Lairs temperance onicrs, on me principle o. buo- , stituting the tonic instead of the stimulant princi ple, which has reformed so many drunkards. The celebrated compound Chlorins Twtk wash, renowned for its efficacy in purifying ths breath, and preventing the decay of teeth, and keeping the gums healthy and sound. : For sal- bv GEO HQlVJftn. WILD GHifHHY A?iU :5AHiAi"VJtiLi A Wintrr TT ll ll 0 A 0 j -rf-v I 3W- I cef DEBILIT uicine were regarueu as ai Desi nm a receary , evil, patients resorting to them for the relief of one disease at the expense of another. To obviate : this, physicians have long sought for an agent , it . . . mai. wou.u ai me snme, ume purge, pun.y ana strengthen; but their efforts were nearly fruitless and they had almost despaired of success when the labors of science, and research were rewarded by a discovery which fully realized the fondest desires of the medical faculty, and which is justly regarded as one of the most important triumphs that pharmacy has ever achieved. This import ant desideratum is named . , Vegetable Universal Pills, which purify the blood and remove air corrupt and vitiated humors, and unhealthy' accumulations from the bodv in a manner never before rivalled, and which vet produce no weakness or lassitude tr whatever; but on the contrary, one the stomach and invigorate the constitution .during the pro- . gress of Their operations!, Dr. Le Roy's pills in Lt unite those heretofore irreconcilable . but j . . in.n,....i. mnst drsiranie quaime?, uanun ai u most desiraoie iju. 1 "1 """"" v 0n: lor they are at the same time a strengthening Pergative and a PrlnC1" 1 in itiv arp at the same time a strengthening pal ingredients in Dr. Le Roy's piHs are WILD CHERRY AND SARSAPARILLA; , .. . . ' .. . . ' so prepatxa tuaieacn; promotes me oeuencrai eiieei of the other, the former strengthening, while the; in(yredienl9f ev,cyates and purines; thus they ' supuriuuuuc uu ivruiuiiv i lassuuim oi m faijjes live functions, & hence their operations are attend ed by no reaction, or subsequent costiveness. Dr. Le Roy's pills are the most active and searching medicine In existence. They at once attack the very root ot diseases, -and their action is so prompt, that in an hour or two after they are aken, the patient is aware4pf their good; effects. They not only operate, on the blood, but also on the chyle of which the blood is formed, and this seenresgood blood from the fountain head; more- .1 I ". . - 1 r over me.y prouuue neiuier nausea, griping or aeot- ityV and as a family medicine they have no rival. Put up for the public with full directions by J; HUBBARD & 0: - . . i American Agents, New' York. S For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro'; Hale & VY illard , Sparta. : f ; s L. : , ; , J t : March 23. ams and prices of DrJ Jaunt's Family Ifledicihcs. Yvjtz Jayne's Expectorant, -per bottle. $1 00; Hair tonjc, 1 00 tonic vermifuge, 25 ct8i carminative balsam; 25 cts sanative iils per boxf 25 cts. xmericau hair dye, 50 cts. alterative, i;00;'ague diUs, 1 Ob:, FoPsale by GEOl HOWARD. I Tarboro', Nov. 9. I TT, . , , of contradiction, the demand for these pills ; 8et an' pince ",ls tendency to turn gray was arres rlE starllinar drawback on nearly all medt- . . . ... 1 . i i i iariro -mon , n,rlifiMi. remm. i , 'ulB...u :.i.:. is not equnllcd by any medicine i the ted. I have never before given a certificate recom- .u.aua.u ,u,., .nt..r. -ic, i- 11 li o I t mend njr patent med cincs, which mdiscrimi uatel y . . . v l.mtnif NI-ilr I In Ilia lit hie nnccnccmn ""e I J sot purgation and purification they nave also i uspd s lh ften arCfd3aiuch injury, but in a ated THE srsTKM. Menc purgative me- Bi cai uuiuuuiSu.iui.Uumu.inumuMas. ... . , k h article ln j i ust tceceivea, FRESH;UPPLY of Whittemofe's concentrtfted vegetabl' syrupy a sure repaedy for diarrhea and bowel complaint-aIs'o) Hemsley'8 worm-destrbying syrup, ; ? u, !'?',, anti-mineraJ piHf,T " ; Whittemore'8 American plasters doi on paper, Durkee's Green Mountain vegetable Ointment, s For sale by " Geo: Howard. Dr. Ghampions n A G HE ?M I CI N E , A safe and CERTAIN CURE for CHILL AND FEVER. In all its complicated forms. Also, an ef fectual, rcmecjy for v Fevers of every description fJpiIIS medicine has been before the public for a number of years, dnd the beneficial effect so fully developed, that the demand for the pills has increased to a very great extent.. For although the proprietor has manufactured near IIalf Million boxes during the pat year, he has not been able to supply many parts of the country. This medicine may be relied on in all cases to cure the chills arid fever the first d iy. Bilious fever, typhus fever, winter fever anJ scarlet fevers, all yield to the use of medicine, and are cured by this sys- ... p rcdurC(1 fo c, nnr hnv - - - - - - - - - ALSO, Ii CiiAHPIOiVS Vegetable ilnti- liilions, iai-Dyspeptic, I'unfying and thai tic FfllLIL. Poetising four important combined m 1. m t r 1lnl ttPM in r ht ! tit car, oo V, y J ' ' c06, 0e.ve to assist the effect of another, fur the benefit of the health of mankind. The proprietor asserts and without fear . I . U .. . t . 1 IT . ti loniMiiiift cuius uiai nau- oecn euecteu Dy the use of these pills. ! They are recommended to the attention of those afflicted with liver complaint,! . . era morbus, rheumatism, scrofula, fouls stomach, depraved appetite, vvortn, jaun-1 flip, lif.idne.hn anil sinb ' ctiimnnh no !rIm ' tibn of the heart, diarrhoea, Nefvous affec tions, obstructed menstiiratiou, dysentery or flux, heart-burn, white swelling, and all those diseases arising irom impure blood. Price twenty-five cents per box. A pamphlet accompanies each box with full directions and ample testimonials of the good effects of these pills. This is to certify that we have used Dr: Champion's vegetable ague medicine, and a,u, ins vegeiauie anu-uimous, anti - uys - peptic, purifying and cathartic pills, inour famiies for a number Of vea-S, and haye . . , . . . . . -I l-I- I .! . l n sn. p-irnprf m in h n hpir pp h h n-rtm . ,. , . . J also, learned mucn oi inetr cell bnty Irom great numbcrs of persons who. bave used them in their lamiJies. jVe do think them very efficient and valuable m sdicincs forhe cure of diseases far whirl. t v urn . . recommended. Maj James PearsoniTjvigg county, Ga. ( . Ira Durfe.e, M.D do do dD J Matleck, merchant, Blakeley, do . Col John Dill, Fort, Gaines, do W H Rawson, n.erchant, Lumpkin do Robert Ware, M D Columbus, do W S Middlebrooks, planter, Jones, do Alex Lowrey,M D Jefferson, do A C 'Holberti J P Doreville, Mississippi, Maj J McGuffee, Cayuga, v da 5J?I' JWis'rAubram 5 hit&nl&o Col W F Dillon, Oakley,? tf s do S B mmbns,lanter, Roselaarie, C Stancil, merchant, C'arrollton, . do Jud"ge Carbry, CoSeevillb,! 2 adf JiiB Arnold, plantQr, Graballil .. do a. B Meek, merchant, Louisville, ..do. s Cr H Sheldon mercbant,'Gastohi Ala.-J i VV M Gilniore, planter, Pickens co ? do t - n R Long,: planteH , V ; do.-f s dr dd? Al a For sale; By Geo. Howard, :Tarboro Dr. Win.- A". Shaw i- and Ym.i .OCaid, Washington;-. Batejnan Nichols, PJyv radulh) Z Alfred. H. HiseGreenville. 4 W. Moore &tBns, Wnitasipnanjel JVi. Weston. Roelcv Mnunt ' .Turn 1 15?AT , - wM.v. wwuv .utli SamiieV Jayne? P M Brookfiaven, ;do Tin 'Ware: 1 ,o '' r , A t f flKv .subscriber" J has, jiist ; received a ; fresh supply of TIN. IFdrc, manu factured at Washington, in this State, viz: Lard stands of various sizes, buckets do do, i Coffee pots do do,caeasures do do, wash t asirs Lanterns, scoops milk strainers, culenders, ,&c. I' , Oil cansr' pepper boxes, cups; dish pans, M ,l v. yi , commodating terms. tin warQ of every description, will be at tended to forthwith. Geo. Howard. Tarboro', March ; f H : f I Jst Veeeived) "r , f J)R. M URPH Y'S sugar-coated vegeta ble anti-fever pills, ' Dr. Murphy's sugar-coated anti-bilious pills, : Dr. Hall's vegetable fever & ague & anti-fever do medicated cough lozenges, Dr. Spencer's vegetable cathartic pills, , . vegetable tonic and restorative bitters. For sale by Geo. Howard. Taibnro'. March 13. : ; Notice. TKIL OF TANNIN, or leather restorer, a new JVhemical discovery, which penetrates the stiflest and hardest leather, i has been twenty years in use; and if tears easily with the ringers, it,imspartat once a strength that is utterly incre dible until seen. Horses that have ring bone, spavin, wind galls, &c. are cured by Roof's Specific; and foundered horses entirely cured by Roof's founder ointment. Corns-' -the French plaster is a sure cure. Dr ConneC s gonorrhea mixture, an invaluab'? cure for all diseases of the urinary organs. F. r R!e by GEO. HOWARD . Or. Jayne's Family Medicines. Loss of Hair and litt Illness ITS REMEDY. Hear what Dr. Quiglcy says : Shepherd's Town, Va, Oct, 10, 1813. Dear Sir You inquire of me whether I have used your Hair Tonic, and the effects. Several years ago try hair began to fall rapidly 'am ,s' all'- '"'d I l,ad the P'fPtof prema- IUIC LiUlUUlOJ. UUIIII" tibial ituia M. uovu " J turn ho 1 11100 i itirl nr. f ntmrn I uooro l nsnn various preparations recommended for the hair, from which , deriv n0 benefit. At length a friend recommended your Hair Tonic. I used three i or four bottles accoiding to the printed directions and at the end of six months my hair was thick be heneficiaU ant that itcan do no harm; 1 have no scruples in stating facts within my own knowledge. Yours.&c. JOHN QUIGLEY, M. D Tn Da. D. Javkk, Philadelphia. , CHILDREN DIE OP WORMS Aye, and crrown up peonle too DR. JYNE'S VERMI- FUGE has never been known to fail to cure in the worst stages. Symptoms of Warms These are headache, vertigo, paleness of the lips, with flushed cheeks, grinding the teeth during sleep, disturbed dreams sleep broken off by fright and screaming, Convul" sions, feverishness, thirst, bad taste in the mOuth, offensive breath, difficult breathing, itching of the j nostrils, pain in the stomach, nausea, squeamish- i ncss, voracious appetite, leanuess, tenesmus, ' slight chills or shiverings, drowsiness, fatigue, swelled stomach or limbs, rising and choking in . iko 4 kmn 11 nki.l nrina rro iidii f rlr-e! ra ill OV9iil!)lo ) .. ; bowels, d.scharge of shme and mucus &s. ; For nervousness, sick headache, palptta tion of the heart, &c it grives immediate relief. It also - . ..... neutralises acidity o stomach, creates an appetite, strengthens the whole system, and cures the piles. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, j and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD,'- Tarboro?, Nov. 9. ; fffqrsckj fyesfor litre; fTJl HE subscriber continues to keep horses and - vehicles for hire on the following : , v TERMS PER DAY: - For carriage, two horses, andidriver, , .. : carriage and harness, -t barouche, two horses, and driver, barnpche.and harness, ' - ' carryall, two horses, and driver, $5 00 . 2 00 4 00 1 50 3 50- V, carry alt and" harness, -;ic bug'gyand'hrjrge1 j" f -',f-bgf0 and harness, t '. .; horse, saddle arid bridle, . ! horse, n, "t--..,'' , horse and cart, - . - ( - r fv Cart and gear, , - ,V Horse and 'plough f 1 do- 2 00! ,0 75 1 23 4 00 '4425,; ?0 25 1 00 1 0 25 I plough and gear, Wagon anildraysby contracts y. , 'The above charges are for an ordinary day'b itavel lonwer or Ehortpr distanced, bv contract. I I a--:i in nvn. imitrann I i April iV . MVFt 44Vff Composed if $rcdi&nU Properties r i Mssed $ paribus vegetable specifically on the Lirei othersecretingorgans.prornotinr, ln' Purng the: blood, cleansL glands, in short, reviving the nro ; system, and difiusin2 health h 4, , . 4, , - . ? . 1111 ana vi ted W The foltowingate presented out of m any CERTIFICATES. , . Cornwall, Orange county, -, y Dr. A. Gilbert. "Dear Kir: SuOeHn.f,, ' time with severe bilious affection ,rdil plain t, I was recommended to try your anli.u family pills; and I am pleased in beiab , say, that after using a few 'doses t lound Treat, j permanen.rel.ef. T. all thoseaflliced i'. J lar way ! ca, refrain ffom thus commendrng lhem. as , ' ' medicine tn nn3 . . .. aiuiuie 7,.- '"vPWially in the countrv where persons are removed from tfe0 I n . . . opportunity i oi receiving meUical advice. 'r ours, truly. Signed. GEORGE BROWN. We, the undersigned, dealers medicines, bavins for two vears uast rca a r:iL. bilious family pills, take great plaasure io stating that so far as we know, the medicine has rvel universal satisfaction; and we believe it, from the several expressions made to us, to be the best anti-bilious medicine now in use. Signed. Aakox A. Wing, M. D. PeterHanlock, A, A. Martin, JASi Nollner, M,n Norfolk, Va. May 20, '44. Mr. A. Gilbert. Dear sir, please send me four gross of your pills by the very first packet, as I am nearly out of them. The denrand for them is very much increased, which can only be attribu ted to their being recommended by those who have been benefitted by the use of them. You can draw on me at sight for the amount as usual. Signed. g.3. New Orleans, March 7, '45- For sale by GEO. HOW ARB. Tarboro', Nov. 9, 1S47. 46-ly PURIFY THE MOOD. MOFFA T'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PHCENIX "BITTERS. The high and curied celebrity which these pre-piioeat Medicines have acquired Tor their invariable effeacy in all the disease which they profcit to cure, has rendered the usual practice of jufliug not only Uimeco&ry, bnt unwot thy of them. TfTey are kuovu by their TAtitt ; their roc works testify for tucm, and they thrive not by tUeJailh ol tie credulous. Of ASTHMA, ACUTE end CHROMC RHEUMATISU AFFf:CTUKS of the BLADDER mnd KIOSK YS. . BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAEirrS.- In the outli and west, where Uwso diseases preraH, they will be fuuitd Ir.valuaWe. fleniera, farmers, ami others, who onoa M Uiuse Medictiies, will never afterwards be without thrm. BIUUUS VUQLW, end SEROUS Lootenw, B1LE CQSTlVENESSr COLDS fc CoUtillS, CJIOLW, CONsOMP'l'IOX. Used with frraf success ia this disease. CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES, DYSPEPSIA ' No person with tliLs distressinx dis ease, tikuuid delay usinc these medicines immediately. ERUPTIONS of Iht Skin, ERYSIPELAS, FLATV LEWY, . FEVER and AGUE. For this scourge of the we 1 ' tern country these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Oilier mcdicin-s leave lite system subject to return of the disease a eure by these medicines is iwrmancnt. -TRV THEM. BE SATISFIED, AND BE CUKED. FOULNESS f COMPLEXION, OENERAL DEBILITT, OVUT. GIDDINESS, GRAVEL. HEADACHES, of evert kind, INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RIIEUMA . TISM, IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS of API'S ' T1TE. ' ,.. , ... .... .... LIVEIl COMPLAINTS, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, M V. It C U K I A li D I S E A 8 E S. s Ncer fails to eradicate entirely all the effi cts of Mercury infl. niteiy sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sarsaparilla. Marrr sircars, nervous debility, nervous COMPLAINTS of all klndt, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION of the HEART, PAINTER'S CllOLW, P X Xj I? S The original propat-tor of thene medieice was r.dr.nl of Piles of 38 years standing by the use of these Life Mtxlicines alone. . 5 ; PAINS in the head, side, back, limbs, joints and organs. R II E 17 51 A TIHM. Those afflicted with thin lffilI.i ditifase, will be mtre of relief by the Life Medicines. HUSH ofHLOOD toslie HEAD, SCURVY, SALTRUEUM, SIVELLINfiS, . . scrofula, or KINO'S SVZLf tail worst forms, ULCERS, of every description " W O RItK S9 of all kinds, are eflectually expelled by these yudicinet. ParenU will do well to aduiinilcr them wbss ever thrir swtence is swjicctcd. - Relii f will be certain THE LIFE PILiS AND P1KEN1X BITiEM PURIFY THE BLOOD, AnJ thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial will plaee the ' L I F c PILLS and P H CE N I X B I T I R S beyond the reach of comj litlon in the estimation of everjiattent. i The genuine of these mediniues are now pat up in white wramcrs tna laueis, loteiiier wU a liainpuiel, canea the dirsctious. fee, " Moffafs Good Samaritan," eoi contatmnf on which is a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to our Office, by which strangers visiting the city eau very eail find us. The wrappers and Samaritans are copyrighted, ;therrfire those wfcj procure them wfch white wra prncaa be assured that they are eenuiue Be careful, aud do not buy those with vetlow wraviwrs : but if vou do, be sausae that they come direct from us, or doot touch them. Prepared and sold by dr. william: n. morrAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New YWL , For Sale by Geo. Howard Agent, Tarboro'. Botanic JMedicmes. HE subscriber has just received, . ,,rcct from New York, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP ? ThosrisbiHan Mcdieii ,'t . . i ... . t t ?Ji ii : - . . tion of do myrrh, cayenne yc? pond liljt Composition, bayberry, harber, je bUtcrr, Golden seatpopiafbarfc, srpeix eln bemlockt N"erve powder; nerve oiCAi' fitter r Cough powderei coo& . sjfopi woman's frtend, Syringei of yarioa sizes, ISTo.,i&c&c.? " " M.VHjMttf VllMUAbit ,.V Otil U( cut,y duced prices. GMQ Tarboro,? Juno 23, V ' ivii i cti . nu i cr r n r inn wn ri i. r . rwani nr tm