ninmmi! n -3 Vffl I'M ;n Hi! lllllllllli 0 Tavboroughj Edgecombe CountyY.iV: Saturday utlay,&9 1 8 4?K vi . Vol. AJTI.; JTo. 'a i d ?Hf Pfif nisi ifil ifiif fii f Imii ipn H lllllliill innrndlll Iffinili Iffinnil Dimfl J Rmnfll Jiminluininnf I II iirril JiidH nin U . - .. .... ... . . . . . a V 3 . . ' - : x. js publ.slie weekly at Two PoLLAKS per year ir piid in a var,cc"or 'Two 1)ollars and Fi'rrr rrKTsat the cpifation of the subetrt ption year inserted at One DoLLXirthe first insertion, and 25 cr vrv suceeedinor on. IfAftovr anea nt Advcrusemeu cAwuujng.a square win db at rate per sqnare. Court Orders and Judicial ' advertisements 23 per cent ' cent, higher. " " LOVE NEVER SLEEPS. Love never sleeps! The mother's eye Ueiuls o'er her dying infant s bed; nd as she marks the moments fly, When death creeps on with noiseless tread, Faint and distressed she sits and weeps, With beating heart. Love never sleeps. Yet e'en that sad and fragile form, Forgets the tumults of her breast; Despite the horrors of the storm, O'erburdened nature sinks to rest; But o'er them both another keeps His midnight watch. Love never sleeps. Around above the angel bands Stoop o'er the careworn sons of men; With pitying eyes and eager hands They raise the soul to hope again. Free as the air their pity sweeps The storm of Time! Love never sleeps. Around beneath and over all, t O'er men and angels, earth and heaven, A higher, bends! the slightest call Is answered, and relief is given In hours of woe, when . sorrow steeps . The heart in pain. He never sleeps. From the N. Y. Jour, oj Commerce Hayti. We find in the Moniteur Hay tien, published at Port au Prince, an offi cial account of the commencement of the expedition undertaken by President Soul ouque against the Dominicans. The President left the capital on the 6tli of March, and repaired first to iMirebalais, and men to Lescaliobcs, where he arrived ; uii iiie ym, auu put nuneii ui uiu ueau oi the army there concentrated. He was re-j ceived with much enthusiasm by all class-! ea,and remained in ilhe town until the 14lh, ! on me yin. ana nurnimseu ai me neau oi M'hen preparations for marching having been matured, he ordered an advance to Lamatte. Kespect for persons and proper ty on the route was enjoined and main tained. "The campaign is undertaken," cays the order of the day ' "to the end of maintaining the principle of the indivisi bility of the country, by restoring to the bosom of the republic those, of our feJlow c i ti zc n s r n o vv u n h vi pp ly es t ra n ged fro m it. A major portion of the inhabitants of the East ,.s.i m ic-uuiicmi u3 uui ucpnv- 1. . L cd of support, they await our presence to manifest that, disposition. On the 18th ...o najfucu auiijr vuuuiwitu di wdjui, i'iv; uuvuuceupuaia ui ciifiny wnicil i covered L.amatte. i tie main body of the Dominicans did not, wait trfe advance of the Haytien army, but retired upon St. t f ,i i .u" Jean. In this movement they were at- covered Lamatte. The main bod v of the J tacked by the columns under the command , purgative effecvvvould have to be used to the ex of Generals Bobo, Vincent,, and L. AJir tent of eighty-one grains; by combining them, chel, beaten and put to flight, abandoning to j only eighteei? graias have to be used. 'Again,' a their pursuers five pieces of artillery . with nother ingredient is found, to multiply this, power a large quantity of munitions of war. I again, which in a proportion of two grains, would Their loss in killed and wounded, . said to bavenoelTect upon the animal economy, but ho pa;,imi,i ' 1 me which, added to eighteen grains of a compound of uc considerable, was not ascertained. Of - - . ? . : - . 1. . ' r , two parts of nine grains, each of two ingredients, lhcHaytiensanofficerofthe which hey-have as killed, and; there were aen persons gained of eighty-one, to one hundred and sixty wounded. : two. So again, the mixture of twenty grains can In the afternoon of the 18th ' the Presi- be again multiplied by an addition oftwo grains, dent of Hayti entered Lamatte. On the l9Jhe power of three hundred and ftwenty-four 19th he passed in review all , the troops, 'Vains of the original power of the two first, ingre and addressed to them anordcr of the day,!19 Here we hav? W;W0 ?.Wch cnnwntnlailno. u, .1 ' 4 as a purgative, contain the power equal to three congratulating them on their victorious , , , r 4 . - . -iv; , . . hundred and twenty-four grains of either .of the progress, and reiteratiog his immutable de- arliciesalonp. nevertheless, also" so powerful aftSr icrmination to tolerate no government np-;being tnu8 combined, are?8afft -in anyqnantity on the Island other than that of the Re- always having a beneficial effecVand in no case public of Hayti. On the evening of the. capable of doing injury, of which thoasands bear 20th the army of the Republic entered St;amP'e witness vr?i . ,f j Jean, having encountered no resistance. ! u ifl0iie fJf'014 0.w.f7 KJThc only ohiectiont we ever heard Beware of Counterfeits the v sMsi i.u a luruey, was mat it was too. much v wy mitn aua notenouen lor two. :( Please to read this Good Chdhce t6clhre Jr6m r $50Xi ' AGENTS wanted in every Town and County iliroughout the Union,-to procure Subscribers to "Seats Pictorial arid II- lus tr a t ed ' Family magazine." and to sell Sears1 New a nd Popular Pictorial Pop Works universally acknowledged io be the best and cheapest, t ever published i they certainly are" tfemostaable.Any active agent ny;ceafe50& or 100 a 3'ear. A casliyiialJf or $50 will be necessary , ..Full particulars of the principles and profits of the" Agency will be gh en on application, either per sonally or by letter. : The postage must in all cases be paid: Please to address,' ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, No, 3 2S Nassau street, New York. lUnvel co nt plaint' Co tic a. tfc POSITIVELY CURED By e . ' Jaync's Carminative Halsani. ' Chicago" IlC Marth 27, 1R45. - I Dr. D. Javns; Dear sir. You ask ne what procifs ! with cf the efficacy of your Carrai atrvp. 1 can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine' for" Bowel complaints that has given, me so much satisfaction, and my patients so speedy and perfect r.'lief as this. Whenpvr introduced iito a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, which I think a pretty good proof of. its euVacy acid asefulnessi In the summer comp'aint of chil dren, it ttas frequently appeared to snatch the lit tle victims, as at were, from the gravei lt saved the life of my child, and of such and such a hild, i have repeatedly heard said. In dysen- icric afiectious of adults, I have time and again; seen it act like a charm, and give permanent re- lief io a few hours, I may say in a tew minutes. In fine it is a valuable, medicine, aud no family should be without it. Resnectfullv. M. L Kxapp. M. T). Professor of Materia Medica in the i plaints, JNervous complaints, ana an oilier Laporte Utiivcrsity, ludianai diseases arising from impurities ofthej Prenared onlv'bv Dr. D. Javne, Philadelphia,; hlood. and morbid secretions of the liver' ind sold on agency by GEO. HOWJinU. . . - .... ' Tarboro', bb, 11, tR J9, A scientific Medicine. G&G AT experience ami judgment are required to make a valuable, and at the same time, inno cent purgative. This is possessed only by few. 1 he great majority oi ..e remedies advemscu of this class are manufactured by persons who have no idea nf the relative or individual powers' of the drugs thev use. It is this cause. m-re than olllr wl(ich occasions the inertness and often ' injurious eth cts. produced by advertised remedies, hence the general preju ice which prevails i against them. Now there is a great diiTere.nce in . bis respect, with regard to the p;lls made by Dr. ;;.1r;,..,a fr..nta . nmHuM.i hvaiKruH r.r. U, Hrandreth, and consequently, their superior claims upon the public Each of the articles . . 1 , composing the ! Biandreth Pills ! . . j . i . . mi .i Are prepared in that way which will secure their beneficial eff-cts to the system in the safest and .. . easiest manner. For instance, some ingredients have lobe reared in the vacuo; that is. the air is i . - exhausted m the utensil, end remains so until a ... n ..... .. combination is effected with other ingredients, , which alterwards rre vents the aUfro.n acting in- ijunousiy upon me meaicmei Again, tne propor- inrl iniu,,...., MWH VI UVII ptllJO II h,-, HIUIll II' . . rpf,- ntaT.r P of different vegetable purgatives upon each other! ;is governed by similar laws that govern the power j oi ngurcs oy iiiuiupi icauon. iue acueu iodine, cigiueeu. uui uiuu uui?s iiiue ire tymjr- ;onei So it is. with, some vegetable purgatives. i0"6' co it is wun .some vegetable purgatives. idotv's Pills were not adapted to the cure ol i D? adding nine parts of one ingredient, and nine ; any but this horrid malady, their uni- parls of anotherngrdient together, he . fbrm ccs it; this disease atone would increased, not to eighteen, but to eighty-one. r,ox. m . . . c , ; -.u : i v 4 " " ! be sufficient to 'waft on to fame' the name ; ... - - . . . . PTumrlp pithpr nf th nrtir.Ipa In nrnHnne nnv course is to ouy v0i tne regular aeniq qnij. 1 iorsaie nv ueo. tiowara. JpRdM the IMMENSE INCREASE I of our business, we have been uuder the necessity of taking the whole tip-story over"LV Pender's Stor6,at' tlief sign of Pender &, Brother, where may be found ' 5 - AN IMMENSE . Stock of Furniture, Consisting of the saime articles Tvhich will be seen advertised at the Old Stand. Per sons that have hot had on opportunity of seeing a magnificent slock of Jurjiiture. are respectfully solicited to , call, as prices and quality shall surely suit, Furniture repaired at either place at the shortest no tice. " F. L. BOND. N. H. In, order that a man may do himself justice, let him sec articles of Fur nitMre; before .purchasing. y No body likes to jjuy a cat in a bag. , , 7arboro',Sept. 29, 1S4S. Only 2.1 cehlN iKT box, FOR the cure of . Headache, Giddiness gajt !fieum? Rheumatism, ' Piles, Heart- Vormsl I) vsnepsi i, Cholera Morbus, Pains in the Back.and Li mls, Liver com- j plaint, Rising in the throat. Fevers of all i kinds, colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Com- ' ...... ! andbtomach., ;. j .iw mu muuai. .a..,. . subject, originates from impurities of the blood or dcrangemenlof digestive organs. Dr. Gordon s Family P.IU. being com-: ountieil exclusively ot sucn ingieuientSj :mr,lr:l:Pjl nf ,iin umAn Svstem. Strike at the root of the disease, removing all im 1UU3 11 u,u .lu wl'""6 ,l-w-i i lir rvr ma ' cternallj and internally, separating all lorcign ana ounoxious parucies iiuiu uic chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the; origin, must be thoroughly pure and ne ccss.irjiy securing , a free and vigorous lorcmn ana ounoxious narticies irom me acljon lQ xy Lungs, Liver and o. . . . . . ,.. k Stomach, thereby restoring health, by . J , . , . . opening the pores, cleansing the veins and arteries, tinimncdine all the natural veins "' . ... I'"' . " n ", "-j .k'... i,i i sywm uui um luuiuuny .u..u, wut ..- - , r7 . , . f so impervious to disease, even when all Kw worse till March, when he was con-, , . r - ,(jnmi rfl tri linn.n wlili tittle hnnp nf re. other means have failed. ; lined tp the house, Willi little nope 01 rej i !' ii r Within the last twelve months, more , covery. . Hearing ot oneluindred cases of the mo'iogA' Witta? Balsam of wild Cherry . , r e r i ' ' 1 gravaled forms of Dyspepsia have been - 14 cureu uy .m mcmnue, nuic t- the Blue Pill, and almost every other means had been resorted to without any ' oeueiu, auu niicuucjui aiuicu nni a- uie VlClim iuuy 111 me lace. 11 "wi'even 11 thev OO not at once perceive any" iJotv's Pills were not adapted to the cure of - of their inventor, as a benefactor of his spe cies. This medicine never fails to cure the worst cases of piles in one week! For sale in 7'arboro by A. H. Macnair & , GEO. 110 IV ARB.' February 8, 1849. ly Di Kuhl's A byssinian Mixture. t a From the Milton Chronicle. Laurel Ordv'e,; (near Milton) Jan.' 15, 1848. Orl'KoKl-Dea'rSir: n " ' ' 11 f -.We have now oeen ; about 'seven yearsi Agents for the sale of your Restorer of th Blood, and oth er Medicines, - and i are happyj to state they, have given, mall cases general satisfaction, particular, ly tlie Abyssinian Mixture has gi veu. universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it has received that relief that you, guaranteed in your directions! Mr. James Mi Vernon, to whom yioa recom me rided your 'Iflrlrmalie Extract,' for Rheumatism, bought a bottle of 'it at504Cents, .ind two embrocatrcs"uted hieutirely7nd the disease has Jieve returned .Yours, respectfully, , t ; KlRBY &? ANDEllSON.; Fpr sale by Geo. Howard. t Townsend's Sarsaparilla. From the Wilmington Journal ,, The following statistics which has been! handed to us by Mr. Crandall, Messrs. Clapp & Tbwnsend's travelling agent, vvill furnish the reading public some idea of the magnitude of their Sarsaparilla business at their manufactory which is erected at Al bany, at an expense of seventy thousand dollars. They prepare and put up 5,000 bottles every day; to perform this labor it requires frdrn 70 to 100 hands. In ordejr to sup ply the large quantity of bottles 'used, two of the largest glass establishments in the UnitedStates arc kept in constant opera tion. This sing'e item alone amounts to $100,000 per annum. Three Napier steam printing presses, with a double set of hands each, are constantly running on Circulars and Almanacs. They published last year 4,000,000 for gratuitous circula tion, containing a great variety of useful information, besides their own advertise ments. It took 50 females six months to fold and stitch them. Their Alnanacs cost S30,000. Independent of, all this, t hey publish a full column of their medi cine matter in over 400 papers in the Uni ted States, British Colonies, West India Islands, and-South America, r where they have extensive sales: this costs them over $80,000 per annum. They have a large nu mber of men and boys engaged in col lecting'root and other ingredients. Indeed all 'the ; hands they employ directly and otherwise, in making glass, paper, corks, sealing wax, packing boxes, together with their agents in selling the medicine, can not be less than 2,000 persons. The a mount of capital employed to keep all the Agents supplied, and their whole business in successful operation, is not less than 500X00 dollars. (jyit wxuld seem that' a medicine! which h.iQ oninorl snrh n hicrh TPnutafion. and 5Uch unprecedented sales, dwelling to I . AilrtrmAnl cm nf eRnn nnn ft w.r. . , f . ,f enr. .u n,,nfminr whieh ,ho human flesh isheirlo. Geo. Howard. i aruuru . iiarcn oi, iou. Dr. IVislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. prom lhe Maine Democrat, (Saco,) June 22, 1847. fpi5 tar's Balsam Afe jjr mj Wilham of San P ' m oo w davs airo. i Sanford in our! . c '( count v; beimrin our office, requested us to!IKe a iransieni vision, we muaiu,ucu. nublish. for the benefit of the public, his testimony in favor of IVislars Balsam of wild Cherry In the fall of 1346, Mr. W. was, attacked .- ' , . y wit vn vnrv hail cold, which continued to . . , . r- i i hc resolved to try it. He- soon found re- . . - - - ,claiul aIler laKtng iour douics, was auie . t0 go out and attend to business. He as-V cribes his cure entirely to the Balsam, and recom mcildS I nose no use u io persevurc, beneficial rcsu Qf "writing pu cive this at th fc Knpnoinl rosnlt. VVc are not in the habit ffs for medicines, and only e request ot xvir. w . ED. DEMOCRAT. For sale by Geo. Howard,-Tarboro'. Dr.KUHL'S wlbtissinian Mixture. h For Gonorrhosa, Glbet, Fluor Al vj ... bus, Gravel, &c. Letter frorn Dr. James R. Galium; dated jMiltohrNi C. August 14, 1847.' ?V pr. iKuHl-DearSir: ' . r - Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has neverfail ed to cure in every , case.. It sells like hot cakes. I haye never had enough Ja. supply the demand. You'wiH please send me ?a large supply of it as soon as you arrive at hornet Yours, respectfully, , ! 'v,7;' J. p. CALLtri; ?' f"'.'j s ;- i- ;' ! Milton Drug Store! AOEirTsyfllka ItoTrjRD TarboroV F. S. Marshal I, Halifax; Barnes Simrhori's, VVeldoh; C. C. PiighvGastonV F E. Cook, Warrenton; Hen. ry Godloei Warrenton; Pi Brown, Lonisburg. JohnH. Brodie, Franklirf; Louis Hi Kittle, Hen. derson; Ri Hi Mitchell, Oxford". "May 16 The Press, Types aaci FiiAme. .... . i ww . r - ' OFFICE FOA 5AL -nlilty ; -4 g our runting rress, 7ypes HAVING detenmned on quitting, the Printing Busmessy we now propose" sell- " ing our Printing Press, TvDeal'and 'Fix- 1 tures, at a very low price for cash or on n iztii shor t credit for a part of the. purchase mon eyiwith bond and approved :fl& -The Press and a part of the Ty)Q Tarp j considerably worn, but will 3o pretty ifajf j jj work tor two or three ears toeorrtTh; to Job and Advertising 7ype areiWtfer,.. ... condition, and will last many yearsvlThe- n Cases, Stands and other fixtures are ery "; H good. There is a sufficiency ; of 4ype v of all kinds for a village establishment.. Vyar-,Iif renton is a desirable place to reside in be- ing remarkably healthy, and has ias good' - society as. any village in the? Slate We have leen engaged! in the! publication; of j : the Reporter for 21 years, and have been 3-3 tolerably well sustained? We will. sell atk a price so low, that any. one! wishing to en-, rf 1 gage in the business would do vyellto call, and see us, or address, the Editor,., .post c; paid, VVarrentbn,.N. Cit v ? :Y .vszl ; R. N: VERELL, Editor 8; Prop. ApriL21,lS49. : U .7 BRrfADRETH'S PILLS. THE BEST TAiilLY MEDICINE. Ladies should use. the, .Brandreth Pills frequently. They will ensure them from severe sickness of the' stomach, andgen- ' ; erally speaking, entirely prevent it. ' The Brandreth Pills - are harmless. They increase the powers of life they, do - not 5 depress them. Females will find them to :i securelhat state of .health which every : j mother wishes to enjoy. 4 In the cost! ve- ness so oftpn prevalent at this interesting Period, the Brandreth Pills are a safe ami t enectuai remedy.., There is no medicinesafe is more easy than-castor. on, .T anu , is , now generally used by.numerous ladies through their confinement. ' Dr. Brandreth can re- fcr to many of our first physicians who re- t commend his Pills to their patients to tho , exclusion of all other purgatives, and tho Pills being composed entirely of IJcrbs or s Vegetable matter, purify the blood, ,and , carry olTthe, corrupt humors, of the body in a manner so snnpie as to give every day ease and pleasure. - , . In order to discriminate between Truth, , . i i . ...u u w,ucn " eternal, anu conjecture, wmcius. in : . ' t light5 of experience. 7b what does experience direct? to the free use cPj tJpr.-Mrandreti's Pills... 'in all cases of bodilv suOcrinir. As thia advice is followed. SO WILL THE aulte ,s iUJIUWC" BU vAi'1' 111 HEALTH : , The writer has long 0 F , i ' ' k n.l ihom Ail used them and has never loundj.ncm lail , of imnartinc relier. ;in all acute diseases, , i , p ... w.w.. ... hhh. .tmehronie eomnlainls let ""r Hv ' " " ' ' ... p;. ,o . . . nffpn rnnvPn;Pnt. whjch meang the.vitaHty-of-4he blood wiJJ b(J improved, and the ciisisr will bei eneraJv bl'OUcht about' the disease beinff rfVnirpl in acute a few larire does of Pills , , r .u.i chanffe lhe chronically diseased indi-, f t? nnn n if vv. f ia v rnnn npmfni i f i ii h iuniii" i vidual to a sound nian This is no figure jtm- vof theiimaginationitcan be, r proved, by. a if Uhousaud matterrof-fact men who have ex- $ 4 perienced it. Remember,3 in all case? of disease, no matter-whether it bea cold or a cpugh; whether it be asthma or consump tion; whether i bp rheumatism or pleurisy;, j whether i( be typus or feyer:and-ague, or bilious fever; cranip or whooping cough or ? f measles; whether it be ,scarlet fever or A smallpox: that the Pils known as Bra n .... dreth's Pills will surely do more . than all . the medicines of the Drugstores for your . , restoration to health, and t what, is, .more ;t (will surely,dp you no harm. .. r. -n i & ii it, i , i iMT.Aii persons, snouju carciuiiy pur-v . chase Bandbeth's Pills, .only ..of.tho.-., regularly appointed A gents. They would rUt thus insure themselves the genuine article;. ; , s otherwise they may often light upou t,:tt CountprfeK article. Be careful. For sale by Geo. Howard. t. ft Life' Piils.ana benj$iS&E,t r if- i 1. Ml r.C r I . . rt