A' :l -.1 IfAotetto 1188;; wit xxv. jy. - -'-," ' ilif lllllillilitlliltitiililllilllll v .. - - ' s: fi E7 T R hT O! 77 m 7! HR O Wi M mBMBM i fiiiiiiia itiui r in iiiiiiiiiiiii if hi; ii i iiir '-fi u iii i in i i i r l i ' i n i'i ii n iiiitiini iu ii : ii mm i ..jit -u-jii& in 1 1 i 1 1 r s ms m--m m m mm m m -m. z m m m n u mt m m h v. ' . an b &amm. m m - sBBBaasBBH.. w r- jr w a t v. & aa , . . , I. 1 i i i . i .i.i . m if paid m advanceor, Two Dollars and FirTri Cen-Ts at the ex pi ration of the subscription year. A-' ; -i'Ji',:. en. win k! AHwArlisftmfits not fixrftpnintr a Rauare will oe inserted at One' Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for everVuccWdinr one. Loneer ones at that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. . I IRQ WHAT I LOTES. I lores the talk of laughing girls; T loves the smiles of widows: riovesthe croaking of green frogs Among the marshy meadows. But, Oh! Moves' tfiem critters best Divided in the middle -When their hind parts are nicely cooked In butter on a griddle. . ' Well I does . 1 loves the lily and the rose, The laurel and the myrtle; But Oh! I loves by far A whopping big mud-turtle. I loves 'em when I notions take To live on fancy wittles; 0 how I'd love one big enough To fill a dozen kettles.' 'Well I would. From the N.V. Jbiir. of Commerce, Strange Carriage. A new carriage has leeently appeared on the State Road, in Ohiosbetveen Canal Drovers and New Philadelphia, which is a novelty undoubt edly The vehicle consists of a large wooden wheel, 14 feet in diameter and six feet wide. The horses are placed in side, and propel it along in the same man ner that a caged squirrel makes its wheel tdrevo!ve. Slats are nailed on the inside floor of the wheel, by which the horses obtain foot hold. In the centre there is a small iron shaft, from which depend han gers which' support four comfortable sofas for passengers; the wheel thus levolves freely, the seats remaining in equilibrium' From the Petersburg Republican. ?r Infernal Machine19 Attempt to Destroy a Family. During the absence of Air, Warner, a lawyer of New York, on Thursday, a negro man left at his house r . - ' . w - , . . . . . I ior mm apacsage auaressed conhdential;' which wasfortunately laid aside until his return the next dav. when his son. tvhilo!. " - v,o. r.:.. . i !i I fit SJorcittM .BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. .ic laiuiiy tvcic di uiuuer urougui u 10 exhausted in the utensil, end remains so until a j his father, who discovered it to be a small comhination is effected with other ingredients,! mahogany box with a slide lid. : The Tri-f which afterwards prevents the air from acting in-: bune savs .juriously upon the medicine. Again, the rronor- uuut. says. j j i b . i i lidwhh lit! witn great caution and verv slnwlv.t r. L 1 - . 1 . rl rl- ,t f i i of ditterent vegetable purgatives upon each other , and discovered a laint blue light, and im- s gOVerned by similar laws that govern the power mediately warned his family to fly i'orj0f figures by multiplication. Nine added to nine1 their lives. All instantly left the room make eighteen: but nine times nine are eighty-: ...uujanu u, uau umjusi r me irm yard, when a tremendous explosion took jj.uuc, unci vyit, uicypqssea around the house and discovered t ho fmt k,.-- ...v Hum uuogiiicut to be on fire, and the windows shattered to piecesand blown out of place. MrWar- ner, with some persons who had stopped at me nouse, men entered the room and ex- tinguished the names; and as soon as the smoke had subsided, it was discovered that the basement door was completely 6hatterP.rl.th ftrtitinn w,ll K..t ...I 7 j ...... w unM uuu . , - . . . . , .. .. 1 i 1 . ... .1 gained of eighty-one, to one hundred and" sixty- Very much displaced, ; the din ng-table at- f ; tU . ft . ,r r r & at two ho again, the mixture of twenty grains can Which they were a few minutesbefore sit- 1 be 'again multiplied by an addition of twograins, ting very much broken, and a picture of to,the power of three hundred and twenty-four General Washington and the door perfor- grains of the original power of the two first ingre ated with slug shots.--The box in ques- dients Here we have twenty-two grains; which tion was about the size of a. STiall cigar as a purgative, contain the' powir equal to three box, and- contained 'a canister filled with hundred and twenty-four grains of either of the powder andlugs, and several ' bundles of articleSalonneveneless,also so powerful after rr- , fu .u- l 1 , being thus combined, are safe in any quantity- lnction matches, which were so nlappd 1 , . . . , . . - 4, . ... . , au K1?-1?. always having a beneficial effect, and in no case that on withdrawing the lid-on the in- bapabe of doing injury, of which thousands bear sideof which a piece of sand paper wasl ample witness. ' gluedthey would instantly take fire, and ! Let those in any way out of health use thtsePills cause an immediate explosion. Mr. War- They vnll find it much to their advantage,' ners caution in withdrawing the lid is the j Bewarpf pdunieitfeifsf the sifest cause of the wonderful escape' he arid his jcoufse'is'td buv of the regular agents only. family experienced. Please to read thisi "itf Good C fiance to clear from 1 500 to r; x i-inKio' - ! . j AGENTS wanted in everyw7iVn and J County throughout the Union,' to procure Subscribers to "Stats' Pictorial and II- lastrat 'ed Fdmity Magazine',19 and to sell Sears9 New and Popular Pictorial Works universally acknowledged to be the best and cheapest ever -published, as j they certainly arenhemost saleable. Any I acti ve agent may clear 500 or $1000 a year.! A cash' capital of at ' least' or $60 will be necessary. 'Full' particulars of the principles and profits of the Agency will be given on application, either per- isonally or ty letter. The postage must in all cases be paid. Please to address, ROBERT SEjZRS. Publisher, No. 128 Nassau street, New York.' Bowel ro iploint . r c?r POilTIVPLY CURED BY Jaync's Carminative Balsam. Chicago, 17.,' March 27. 1 83. Dr. D. Jayne Dear sir, Yon wk.'me what proofs I n.eet'with of the efficacy of your Carmi ativp. I can safely say that I never prescrihe4 a medicine foT Bowel complaints that has given i.ve so mtwh satisfaction, atrd my patients so speedy and perfect relief as this. Whenever introdced into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, which I think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and usefulness. In the summer tarrtpkihit of chil dren, it has frequently appeared to snatch the lit tie victims, as it were, from the gravei 4It saved the life of my child, and of sch and such a child," 1 hate repeatedly heard said. In dysen teric affections of adults, I have time and again seen it act like a charm, and give permanent re lief in a few hours, I may say in a few mi nates. In fine it is a valuable medicine, and no family should be without it. Respectfully, Mi L Knapp, M. D. ProfessoT of Materia Medica in the Laporte University, Indiana A lruaiv-u viiij "-'I . M-r , - md so Id on agency by TarhoroYFeht 14I49. GEO. MQWAM). ; A scientific Medicine. 'GftE At eiperiente and judgment are reni red Dr. Gordon's Family Pills, being com to mako a valuable, and at the same time, ina pounded exclusively of such ingredients cent purprative. This is possessed only hy few. I 1S nature intended should operate on the ;The great majority of the remedies advertised , of this class are 'manufactured by persons wh hare no idea of the relative or individual powers. anyother which octasions the inertness and often injurious effects, produced hy adverted remedies. An I hencv hf ,he general prejudice which prevails j m Now there is a great difference in; iti. .j.o.uilul, . ag.tnVt them inis resspoi, wiui regaruioinepMs maoe oy ur., u, liranarein, ana consequently, tncir superior claims upon the punlic Each of the articles composing the Biandreth Puis Are nre.nare.1 in that wav wh.nl. will emrA tl.ir 1 ' t ' : .... L,inWMv.iftm not nnlp thormmhlv sound, butal-.ith ueiiruciai eu w uie Bvsteiii in iiih fcaifHi ana . . j ! nave w oe preparen in me vacuo? mai is, me air is . . : . : onci oo u is wiui some vegewDie purgdu ves. j j i "& - - Parts ot' n,ther ngdient together, the power is : , - ---- - , , .j example, eitner ot me articles to produce any ; purgative effect, would have to be used to the ex-; torn nfomhtv-nnA orint hr rAmhininfr thirt. ! ony eighteen grains have to be , used, Again, a nother ingredient isfound to multiply this power j again, which in a proportion tf two grains, would have no effect upon the animal economy, but whichadded to eighteen grains of a compound of twoParts ofnin gra,n3 each of two ingredients w,n aKa,n PV "e power wnich they have course is to buy j for sale by Geo. Howard. PROM trie IMMENSE INCREASE f of our l)usiness, vve hav'beeii under the necessity of taking the whole up-story over 'LI Pender's Store," at the sien of er & Brother, where may be found AN IMMENSE Stock of Furniture, Consisting of the same articles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand. Per sons that have not had an opportunity of! seeing a magnificent slock of furniture, are respectfully solicited to call, as prices and quality shall surely suit Furniture repaired at either place at the shortest no tice, f. l. bond: N. 13. In order that a . man may do himself justice, let him see articlesof Fur niture before purchasing. No body likes to buy a cat in a bag. TarboScpt. 29, 1848. .:i-r,..-.:r"5Jt.i i w Only 2d ccntM per box, FOR the cure of Headache, Giddiness Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Heart burn, Worms, Dyspepsh, Cholera Morbus,! , . .. . i v . f r ii nlatnt, Risinc in the throat, revers of all 'tine in tKn I r rt Ir ami I m Ko I . i Tfni rs r ' ' " w' ! kinds, colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Com-i. , . r . . i ii .i i plaints, Aervous complaints, and all other; thscases arising Irom impurities ot the IflUUU. UtiVl UIUI UIU VIIVU IUV and Stomach. jis subject, originates from impurities of the i blood or derangement of digestive organs. , , ,J . . . . v r . jm pUritreS df lhe Ullniatl SyStCm. Strike ill t rnnt n I nf rUPiW. tP m nVlniT nil I III- f . i , -ii f ' exicrnaiiy ana internally, separdung uu it . . . , . .ir. : -til foreign and obnoxious particles from the. chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the orisi in , mu st be thoroughly pure and ne - . n . cessa . iv SPCurinff a free ahtl VlffOroUS action to the Heart, Lungs, Y. . iTnv onfl .. . ; Stomach, thereby restoring health, by opening the pores, cleansing the veins and, natural veins JI lcf lca' : uiiiii..uii u.. iand nuHfvitm the blood: thev rei j t-u.tlk . .1: ...k.-. n so iiiiuvrviuus iu uiocaoc, even i-h i r - ' other means have failed. , Within the last twelve months, more lhjm one hundred cases of the moil ag ' . . p r i ' xravated forms of Dyspepsia have . been tun ni..oP;n n.i n UnoimtArv nthfp l,IC ",u -....w.j w. means had been resorted to without any ': benefit, and when death Stared its misera- ble victim fufly, in the face. If Dr. on-'s ril Is were not, adapted to uie cuTe oi any out mis noma maiau, men uui- f()rm success aUeasealone; Would be sufficient to 'waft on to tame' the namei 01 uieir. jiivciuui , a3 a ubUai,iu. .-. cies., I his medicine never tans to cure ine worst cases of piles in one weekl For sale in 7arboro by A. H. Macnair & GEO. HOWARD. February 8, 1849. Dr. Kuhi's Abyssinian mixture . :- .-Hp , ( From the Milton, Chronicle! Laurel Grove, (near Milton) Jan. 15, 1848. Dr. Kuhl--Dear Sir; 5 v . ; We have now been about seven vears, Agents for the sale of your Restorer of the Blood, and oth er Medicines, and, are happy to state they have (riven iri afl cases general satisfaction, particular, ly the Abyssinian Mixture has 'gi ven universal satisfactioa, so that evrjr oneV who has use'd f has received that relief that.'yba guaranteed in Vour directiotis Mr. James Mi Vemorij to.wHom you recommended . your .-; Aromatic .,. Extract y for Rheumatism, bought a ; bottle of it at 60 Cents, and 'two embrocations cured him entirely, and the jlisease has neve? reitirnedi YburespectfuliyV . . J ' K1BBY & AN DEUSO N For sale bv Gea. HStoard. m Townsend's arnparilla. ? 1 Prom the Wilmington Journal. - The following statistics which has been handed to us by Mr. Crandall, Messrs. CIapp & 7b wnsend's travelling agents will furnish the reading public some idea of the magnitude ofihejr Sarsapanlla business at their manufactory which is erected at Al bany, at an expense of ' seventy thousand dollars, ' ; They prepare and put up 5,000 : bottles every- lay ; to perform this labor it requires from 70 to 100 hands; ; In order to sup ply the large quantity of bottles used, two of the largest glass establishments in the United States are kept in constant opera tion. This sing'e item alone amounts to 6100,000 per annumi Three Napier steam printing pressds, with a double set of hands each, are constantly running on Circulars and Almanacs. They published last year 4,000;000for gratuitous circula tion, containing a great - variety of useful information, besides their own advertise ments. It took 50 females six months to fold and stitch them. Their Almanacs cost $30,000. Independent of all this, they publish a full column of their medi cine' matter in over 400 papers in the Uni ted States, British Colonies, West India Islands, arid South America, ' where they j have extensive sales: tbis costs them over! $SO,b00 per annum. They have a large number of men and boys engaged in col-i lecling root and other ingredients. Indeed all the hands they employ directly and otherwise, in making glass, paper, corks, sealing wax, packing boxes, together with their agents in selling the medicine, can- not be less than 2,000 persons The a- amount of capital employed to keep all the i . V. , . , , V ' a l .i j .i : i i : ft J.1, ' v . m successiui operation, is noi less man nn , n jv-ctat. u . j I'll l I ( . vin..it lias aiiicunjutu a uigu i jjuloiiiuu, and such unprefcfedenledialcs,1 swelling to j the enormous' Sum" of 800,000 a year, must possess, in and ' of ilself,wintrinsic medicinal virtues for the cure of many dis eases to which the human flesh is heir to. For sale by Mens Howard. Tarboro March 31, 1849. : , v k . Dr. IVlstarS'&mttmtoj'Wtla Cherry. . :' ' . V i : prom the Maine Democrat, (SatoJ June 22, 1847. j tVistar9s Balsam.- h: days, ago, , , .Vi(, m rtf Qnf , "r 'Mr. h-h ah VV ttnam, ot. baniortl, in our tUUIIlVi UCII11L 111 Villi Ml UCi3lU Ui3 IU - -v, tA(r ip.iW ' aA iiAclbrl im trk nublish. for the benefit of the nubile. ( his eslin;0 n favor of .4 nxi. uu uj mm fy ider ihe'Inl"'eWl of 1846, Mr. W. vVas attacked a Very bad cold, which continued to crroW Worse till March, when he Was CoU" .n "7 : 7, " j buj ii. - t. .L.iu itui. i. ri uneu 10 tue nouse, wmi uuic up i covery. Hearing of Wis tar's Balsam of wild Cherry . ; . rr ' V Jj ' ne resolved to try it. He soon found re- liend .aerW Wi. .bl. i .i i k.iB:Do n lo gu uui auu aitcuu iu uuau. cribes his cure entirelyto the Balsam, and recommends those who use it to persevere Gor-ieven if they do not at once perceive . any beneficial resUlt. t Wo are not in tne naoii 0j writing puns ior meaicmes, ana omv ive' this atlhe request of Mr. W. ' " nRMOfiRAT. For sale by UeQ Mwara, J. arooro Dr.KIJIIli'S r Jlbyssiiiiun Mixture. For GoNORRitacA,: Gleet, s Fluqr Ai,: ,btjs,,Gravel, &c. ., - i x Letter from Dr. James R. Callum, dated .Milton, N. C. August 14,-1847? ; Dr;J Kohl Dear Sit: ; -a :, t ( Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail ed to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. I have never had enough to supply the demand. You will pieasesend me a large 'supply of it as ooa as'y ou arrive at hbmei Yours, respectfully," - - V! J. I; CALLUM, ? -- : '.-i-1: f i : . Milton Drag Store. . Aomms-T-GEO. HOWARD, Tarbof o F. S. Marshall, Halifax; James Simmons, ;Weldon; C. C . Pugb, GastdrA F E Cook, Warrenton; Hen. ryJoodloeWarrentpn; PjC5rown liQuisburg John H. Brodie, Franklin; Louis'Hi Kittle, Hen derson; B H Mitchell, Oxford. Uay 16 . , 116 Nassau Street, New YorJcfj AJ?E N0,w PUBLISHING .;4'rr Ufa ttfe. fitlcicjDtf - , .j OF. MODERN DOMESTIC MEDICINE," - ?: BY KEITH IMRjiY. M Dl " Fellow of the Royal College of PhysU dans and Licentiate of the Royal k College of Surgeons. Edinburgh THIS work gives aclear aijd concto idea of the nature of the distinctive symp toms, of the premonitory signs of diseases of their predisposing causes, and.ih ,. methods of their treatment recommended, by the most distinguished physicians. r : The best modes of employing the med icines in general use are faithfully describ ed; as are also the diet and regimen neces sary under various diseases; and during conValescence.' i"t- ; :, -; , ; .. ; Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature, Batlr ing, Climate, Clohiiigi and Exercises aro specially treated upon. : ? h The publishers of the American Edition prefix to Dr. Imray?s work, short illustra- ted, and very valuable Treaties upon A natbmy, Physiology . and : Surgery;, also Directions for the Treatment of the Sick. Management of the Sick Room, Prepara? tton of Food for the Sick, &c. &c. ' Many valuable articles have been furf nished by the courtesy of medical ;gentle5 men of the Untied States. 11 The entire volume; . with its full Indexj Tables of Doses, &c, will.prpve, it is con fidently believed, a most valuable book foe Family use. - The work will be completed in twelve, weekly numbers, forming, one large 8vo volume of about 1000 pages. " Gentlemen of respectability and good v.fc.v..ww.. w. address wanted as canvassers for the abova work in every" to wn and village in the United States. Address (post paid,) GATES, STEDMANSr CO. ' no, XNassau si. - '- JYotice. ' -'yi.- ' . ' For coagh and lung complaints use Dr. Bar thol ornew's Pink E X pectorant sy m p. , . , ; i Sick head ache, though constitutional or ineiden tal, is cured by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy. . Lin8 balm of China for the pure of all disease, that require external application. , , i The gray haired will find the Indian Hair Dyo perfect and effectual For sale by, Geo. How ar April 17. raefenbers medicines. v. ; ' - . cSe " ' JUST RECEIVED, ttie G raefenberg Sarsaparilla Compound the celebrated Childreivs Panaceathe Eye Lotion the? Health Bittersthe Fever arid Ague PiUfr ;V VM,blp;n nml ' ih Greert a uik-rtVZiZkZv.V ' vff y mountain tcecwuic uimmwu - - .. ' March 26. GEO. HOWARD: The Press, Types and Fixtures OF THE Warrenton (e)KepoTler OFFICE FOR SALE. -3e- " HAVING determined on quitting the printI'ne Business we now propose sell- in -OUr-Priiitin o Press , Types and Fix tures, at a very low price for cash, or on Jt-4 short credit for a part of the purchasemonr' ey,vith bond and approved security. ? 7f1 : The Press and a part of the Type arpi considerably worn, but will do pretty fair work for two or three years to come. -Th Job and Advertising 7ype are in. bdtter condition, and will last many yejirs. Th Cases, Stands and other fixtures are very good. There is a sufficiency of type of all kinds for a village establishment.: War? renton is a desirable place to reside in, be ing Temarkably healthy, and has as good society as any village "in .the State. We have beenlengaged in the -publication of the Reporter for 21 years, .and , have been tolerably well sustained.; AVe will sell gt a price so lowhat-any-one wishing to" en gage in'T the business would do well tocall ahd'see us,r or address the Editor, pdst paid, Warrentonv NO. ' 1 t ''-;t R. N VBRELL, Editor $ Trbpz April 2l, 1849. J '-yt tAtc Fills aria Flieiiir Bittcrp 0 For sale by mo. Howard. "A t i 1 I M. 1 i t

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