mmmmmmmmmmmmm linilLULUaWla JL- '-lljU....r J. -ni7 " - WholcVo l9. Ta thorough, Edgeroiitbe Cpunty9 . V. tr. Saturday, Jftuv 0, 1 849 ,4. ' ' -- - - - BY, GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Ja published weekly at Two Dollars per year f paid in advancer-or, Two Dollars aSD Firrf Advertisements not exceeding a square will be ioserted at On Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at tt rate per square. Uourt Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. From the Petersburg Republican. ADVICE TO WIVES. Love is fickle, sages say, Because they cannot hold him; Love will steal himself away, Maidens, if you scold him. Love, he will not live with strife, Even turns from beauty, If the. lady plagues his life, With her household duty. You can have him in your power, Ladies if you try it; Use him as you won him first, Love, he can't deny it. Do not fret and scold and pout, Aggravating trouble; Beauty kicking up a rout, Makes misfortune double. From the N.Y Jour, of Commerce. Receipts of Benevolent Societies. The receipts of the various benevolent in stitutions whose anniversaries have just been celebrated in the city of New York are shown by their annual report to be as follows: Receipts , Am. Tract Society, do Bible do 258.440 251.870 do &. Foreign do do Home Mission do Baptist do Pres. B. For. Missions JMeth. Epis. Mission Soc. Am. Seamen's Friend Soc. do Anti-Slavery Soc. do &. Foreign do (not reported) do Colonization Soc. N. Y. State do Am. & Foreign Evang. Soc. do Prot. Soc. do Temp. Union, Soc. for Ameliorating the condi tion of the Jews, 145.925 29,105 110,081 84,045 ' 18 582 1 6000 ' : ' 1 o,t&i 1,350 m , n.n i,04U,ie i sum consiaeraoiy surpassing, we oe-; lieve the aggregate contributions to the eame Societies in any previous year. A World on Fire. L:eut. Maury, Su- perintcndentofthexNational Observatory,, says, in a late address: -It may be that there is now, in the firmament above, a' world on fire. Argus, a well-known Star in the Southern hemisphere, has suddenly blazed forth, and from a star of the second or third magnitude now glares with the iuuncyoiwenrM." Sensible to the Last. 'The Wisconsin tent of 'ghly-ne grains; by combining ihem, Tribune says that Mrs. Booth, aged sev-;on,y eiShteen gfains haVc 10 be usedt' Again, a cnty two years, recently gave birth to a pother ingredient is found to multiply this power uniu., t tu 11 i t i ' again; which in a proportion of two grains, would ne healthy son! The husband, John . . tU i u . i . , ' have no effect upon the animul economy, but Uooth, is only eighty years old. u- u jj a . u. r ' j , o j jv-mauiu. which, added to eighteen grains of a corripotind, of " " two parts of nine grains, each of two ingredients, Lockjaw. The Baltimore Sun says, "I wUi aSain multiply the power which they have have noticed lately several deaths by lock- gained f eiShtyone' 10 one hundred and sty- : j r it r r , ... two. So again, the mixtnre of twenty grains can jaw, and for the information of all, I vv . ... 1S JW jr. e 'T;' '. . t be again multiplied by an addition of two grains, gtvc a certain remedy. When one runs a to lhe power- ot tHree hundfed and lwenIy.four mil or sharp peice of iron in any part of grainsof the original power of the two first ingre- tho body, take a common smoke pipe, fill dients Here we have twentytwo grains, which it with tobacco, light it well, take a thin : as a purgati ve, contain the power equal to", three cloth or silk handkerchief, place it over buudred and twenty-four grains of either of the the bowl of the pipe,and blovv the smokel arlic'es alone; nevertKeless, also bo, powerful after through the f tern into the wound; two or 1 b? ing th"8 corabied; f e;f J n u. , mil ! always having a beneficial effect, and in no case be sufficient to start able 0f doing injury, of which thoasknaabeV the wound discharging. I have tried It on amp0 witness v - - . myself and five others, and found !t to j Let those in any way out of health use thm Pitts. give immediate relief If the wound has1. They will find it much to their advantage, been some days standing it will open it a-'; Beware of Counterfeits! the safest gain if the tobacco is good. Try it any Oro who may chance to get stfch a wound, Please to read this. A Good Chance to clear from $500 o 1000 a year. AGENTS wanted m every Town and County throughout the Union, to procure Subscribers o "Stars' Pictorial and II- lustrated Family magazine," ann to sell Sears9 New and Popular Pictorial , Works universally acknowledged io be .the best and cheapest ever published, as, ithev certainly are the most saleable. Any! active aeent mav clear $500 or SlO0 a o J year. A cash capital of at least $25 or $50 will be necessary. .Full particulars of the principles and profits of the Agency j will be given on application, either per sonally or by letter. The postage must j in all cases be paid. Please to address, ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, No. 12S Nassau street. New York. . ft- :ntt t l)v FOSmVELV CURED BY Jay ne's Carmi native Rnlsntn. Chicago, III., March 27, 1845. Dr. D. Javnr Dear sir, Yoi. ask me what proofs I n.eet with of the efficacy of your Carmi ative. I can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for Bowel complaints that has given me so much satisfaction, and my patients so speedy and perfect relief as this. Whenever introduced into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, which 1 think a pretty good proof ifils efficacy and useful nesst In the summer complaint of chil dren, it has frequently appeared to snatch the lit tle victims, as it were, from the grave It saved the life of my child, and of Mich and such a child;" I have repeatedly heard said. In dye- teric affections of adults, 1 have time and again . Sajt hcun Rheumatism, Piles. Heart seen it act like a charm, and give permanent re-: burn) WormSt Dyspopsi 1, Cholera Morbus, liel in a tew nours, 1 may say in a lew mimnes. . s 1 V T a In fine it is a valuahle medic ne, aud no family . . J should be without it. u a-,r n.. t 1 Tv-V, m n 1 Respecifully, M. L Knapp, m it- Professor ol Materia Meuica in w Laporte University, Indiana! Prepared only hy Dr. D. J avne, Plnladnlphir!,' , ,, , r rn nnivani) i d sold on agency by Ghu. JlOHJiUiJ. . i u v u h iQ4o .bo,o.teb,!4,i(4!. A scillllinc Mcilirine. GREAT experience and judgment are required to make a valuable, and at the same time. inn cent purgative. This ia possessed only by lew. i The great majority of the remedies advertised 01 mis ciass are n anuiaciurea Dy prisons w no C- Ji . have no idea of the relative or individual powers f l',e rug lny S'P ll Is this cau&e in ire than any other, which occasions the inertness and often IIIJUIIUUO triinio Ji u uini m j uurci noiu irun uivo ' An i hence e the general preju ice which prevails em. Sow there is a great df (Terence in ct, with ,egardtothep!lsmadeby Dr. arrdiiist th this irspect, with lecrard to the pMls mane oy ur. J4,ytR, lirandreth, and consequently, their superior t o a 1 1 . .L 1: i, ,1 e .1 . . .claims upnn me uiir nacn 01 me arucies . 1 'composing the n, )szzzz rii::':1 1 'easiest manner. For instance, some igrlienu : exhausted in the utensil, end remain so until a jcomhination is effected with other ingredients, which afterwards prevents the air from acting in- I juriously upon the medicine. Asain, the rronor-' tion of each ingredient depends upon its multiply-'0 :sn.. A.k;Mj;M..i? ot ( ,lffprpnt vrffetahlft r,irffatiTM BBon Mfih ftthftr ia srtVeTnea by similar laws that govern the power 0f fimires bv multiplication. Nine added to nine make eighteen: but nine times nine are eighty- one( So it is with some vegetable purgatives. O 1 : y adding nine parts of one ingredient, and nine Parts of nolher ingredienttogether, the power is iZZir.' caoiiii IC ciiiici ui ftiio aiuvico v w i w uvu any i 1 1 1 '1 purgative effect, would have to be used to the ex- course is t6 biiofthe jeguiaragerits ority. j- for sale by Geo. Howard, fpROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our, business, we have been under the necessity of taking the whole up-story over L. Pender's Store, at , the sign of AX IMMENSE Stock of Furniture, Consisting of the same articles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand. Per sons that have not had an'opportunity of seeing a magnificent stock of furniture. are respectfully solicited. to call, as prices and quality shall surely suit, Furniture repaired at either place at the shortest no tice. F. L. BOND. N. B. In order that a man may do himself justice, let him see. articles of Fur niture before purchasing. No body likes to buy a cat in a bag. ' 7arboroSept. 2.9, 184$. Only 25 cent per box, FOR the cure of Headache." Giddiness n ..-. , 1 1 :,jn t :.t f. . . . , , ' ' e ..: n hunt. Uis nsr in t ie throat. Fevers of all 1 1 T , " . . kinds, co ds, Gout, Gravel, Female Com- - v . , pianns. iri uuj , uieasos arising irom lnipuruics ui me J 00i an( nio,bul sccretrens of the liver, ,0 ; anc Stomach. T, . . . i t w . Every ec (o w ,c!v thchuman firamft jeet, originates from impunUcs or tho flt 1. 1 .Af.ltt.-n.rlvSMSVAr0' : uioou or ccranRcmcn u. u - - fe mctiicina, virtues for the cure of many dis Dr. Gordon Family Pills, being com- . ... . fman fl . u . . , pounded exclusively of such ingredients, as nature intcndcfl should operate on the: a( the lluman System. StHke ' - at the root of the discate, removing all im- star's Balsam of Wild Cherry. purities from the body, opening the poresj cxternall) and internally, separating alljrom e Anc Democrat, (Saco,) Julie foreign and obnoxious particles from the! 22 1847. chyle, so that the blood, or which it is the ; origin, must be thoroughly pure and no ccssariy murine a free and vigorous ccssaril V at:nh in action 10 the Heart, Lungs, Liver ami 0 . ... K . , ... . uimirn 11111 I'll v rr.xi in iff tr ftuuttt. uy . J , flltl'lllll lilt: IIIIIC3. llCJilllSIIIU. VHV WIUJ . nriprio mii mnpilinir nil the natural veins 1 r 1 ' o y fytem not only Iboroughly sound, but al- imnervious to disease, even when all other means have failed. Within the last twelve monlhs, more hundred cases of the mot as- . P Kr. ,, , ... ! cured by the medicine, where rigid diet- ina the Dluc Pill, and almost every other means had been resorted to without any benefit, and when death stared its misera- ble victim fully in the face. If Dr. Gor - Jons pills were not adapted to the cure of j any but this horrid malady, their Uni - ; form success irl this disease alone would .-.'be sufficient to wa on to fame- the name,: , -Til : na Iinnotontrir rl hio. rr cies. This medicine never fails to cure the worst cases of piles in one week! For sale in Tarboro' by A. H. Macnair & GEO. HOWARD. February 8, 1849. Dr.Kuhl's Abyssinian mixture ii From the Milton Chronicle. Laurel Grove, (near Milton) Jan. 15, 1848- Dr. Kuhi--Dear Sif! We have now been about seven years, Agents for the sale of your Restorer of the Blood, and oth er Medicines, and are happy to state they have given in all cases general satisfaction, particular, ly the Abyssinian Mixture has given universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it aas received that reJiefj that you guaranteed in your directions. Mr. James Ma Vernon, to whom iou recornmended your Aromatic Extract, for Rheumatism, bought a bottle of it at 5 Cents, jtnd two embrocations cured him entirely, and the disease has never returned a Yours, respectfully,; .V. 4 rT v, iKIRBY ANDERSON ' For sale bv Geo. Howard. - Totynsend's Sarsaparilla. Srom the Wilmington Journal. The following statistics which has been handed to us by Mr. Crandall, M cssrs. Clapp & 7bwnsend's travelling agent, will furnish the reading public some idea of the magnitude of their Sarsaparilla business at their manufactory which is erected at Al bany, at an expense of seventy thousand dollars. They prepare and put up 5,000 bottles every day; to perform this labor it requires from 70 to 100 hands. In order to sup ply the large quantity of bottles used, two of the largest glass' establishments in the United States are kept in constant opera tion. This si ng'e item alone amounts to 11100,000 per annum. Three Napier steam printing presses, with a double set of hands each, are constantly running on Circulars and Almanacs. They published last year 4,000,000 for gratuitous circula tion, containing a great variety of useful information, besides their own advertise ments. It took 50 females six months to fold and stitch them. Their Almanacs cost $30,000. Independent of all (his, they publish a full column of their medi cine matter in over 400 papers in the Uni ted States, British Colonies, West India Islands, and South America, where they have extensive sales: this costs them over 80,000 per annum. They have a large number of men and boys engaged in col lecting root and other ingredients. Indeed all the hands they employ directly and otherwise, in making glass, paper, corks, sealing wax, packing boxes, together with their agents in selling the medicine, can not be less than 2,000 persons. The a . w - mount of capital employed to keep all the . . . I...,.. Agents suppneu, ana tneir wnoie nusmess . 0 . 4. in successful operation, is not less than 500 iiOO dollars. fyV I f ixtrtnlrl ennm ftinf- M nnafliAinh r1. ., - , . K. . which has gained such-a high reputation, j , .1,1,.. and such unprecedented sales, swellineto pnormJa of J,,, in anJ of intrinSic I For sale by Geo. Howard 1 arboro Warcn 31, I04t. ' " jp;star$ Balsam A few days ago, & w- fa of Sanfon, in our J . . ' ,n , - u:. puuusu, lor 111c uciicui ui 111c ijuui-v;, uw . . n testimony in lavor ot Wistar'9 Balsam of wild Cherry f. of iMr. w. w mucm with a very bad cold, which continued tothe Vegetable Pills, . and the , Green firow worse till March, when lie Was eon-; Mounta;n Vesetttble Ointment. fined to the house, with little hope of re covery. Hearing of Wistar's Balsam of wild CherrV . , rT r - . . i. i i i Uef and after taking four bottles, was able 1 10 e0 out and attend to business. He as Crifoes his cure entirely to the Balsam, and I recommends those who use it to persevere.! ;even if they do not at once percei beneficial result. We are not in t ve any the habit iof writing puffs for medicines, and only give this at the request of Mr. W. ED. DEMOCRAT. For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro9. Dr. RUIIL'S Abyssinian Mixture. For Gonorrho3A, Gleet, Fluor Al bos, Gravel, &c. ' Letter from Dr. James R. Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. Dr. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fait ed to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. I have never had enough to supply the demand. You will please send me a large supply of it as soon as you arrive at home. Yours, respectfully, j ! ' J. P. CALLUM, I Milton Drug Store. : Agcrt9--G2?0. HOWARD, Tarboio'; F. S. Marshal), Halifax; James Simmons, Weldoii; C. p. Pngh, Gastonv F E. Cook, Warrenton; Hen; ry Goodloe, Warrenton; Pa C. Brown; Louisburg John H. Brodie Franklin; Louis H. Kittle, Hen. Person; Ri Hi Mitchell, Oxford. May 16 Cvates, Stedman & Company, 11 6 Nassau Street , New York, - ARE OW PUBLISHING r ) . OF. MUDERN DOMESTIC MEDICINE. : : B Y KEITH IMRtfr, M D. ?y Fellow of the Royal College of Phy$i dans and Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinbiirg. THIS work gives a clear and concise idea of the nature of the distinctive symp toms, of the premonitory signs of diseases, of their predisposing causes, and tho methods of their treatment rocomirie tided by the most distinguished physicians. , The bst modes of employing the med icines in general use are faithfully describe ed; as are also the diet and regimen neces sary under various diseases, and during convalescence. - . 1 Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature, Bath ing. Climate, Clohing and . Exercises aro specially treated upon , ' The publishers of the American Editibri, prefix to Dr. I m ray's work, short illustra ted, and very valuable Treat res upon A natomy, Physiology and Surgery; also Directions for the Treatment of the Sick, Management of the Sick Room, Prepara? lion of Food for the Sick, &c. &c - - Many valuable articles have been fur nished by the courtesy of medical gentle men of the United States. i The entire volume, with its full Index Tables of Doses, &c, will prove, it is con-, fidently, believed, a most valuable book for Family, use. . .'-x The work will be completed In twelve , weekly numbers, forming one large 8vq W oU.f 1 nnn r Gentlemen of respectabili respectability and good? . address wanted , . r the above re in tho United States. Address (post paid,) - I GATES, STEDMAN CO. 116, Nassau st. 1 JSfotice. S Far coughs and lung complaints use Dr. Bar tholomew's Pink Expectorant y rap. Sick head ache, ttaugk constitutional or incident tal, is cured by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy Lin's balm of Cfuna for the cure of all diseases ihat require external application. The gray haired will find the Indian Hair Dye ; perfect and effectual. . For sale by Geo. Howard. April 17. . CJracfeubcrg Medicines. JUST RECEIVED, the Graefenbergi Sarsaparilla Compoundthe celebrated5 Children8 Panacea the Eye Lotion th- lHealth Diuerstbe Feverand Ag0, rm,, March 26. GEO. HOWARD. The Press, Types and Fixtures 0J? THE t IVarrenlon (X ) lit porter OFFICE TOR SALE. HAVING determined on quitting the Pr;ntinff Business, we now nronoae sell- pr;nii'nn Prr TVnns nnrl Fix-f tures at a Very iow priCe for cosh, or on a i shortWedltfor a part of the purchase' men- l ey a with bond and approved security The Press and a part of the Type are considerably worn, but will do pretty fair work for two or three years to come. - Thei Job and Advertising Type are in better condition, and will last many years. The Cases, Stands and other fixtures are very good. There is a sufficiency of type of all kinds for a village establishment. War renton is a desirable place to reside in, be ing remarkably healthy, and has- as good society as any village in the State. We have been engaged in the publication of the Reporter for 21 years, and have been tolerably well sustained. We will sell at a price so low, that any one wishing to en gage in the business would do well to call and see us, or address the Editor, post paid, Warrenton, N. 0. R. N VERBLL, Editor $ Prop. April 21, 1349. - iailfeTHls Wlienix Bitters. ; Fdr gale by

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