ii If New and Beautiful spring, And summer v , wr. c; tic uiizn, trjTAS just received her Spring supply of Goods, which as usual comprises a general assortment ofthe most neat, use ful and ornamental articles, in the , , , Millinery line. u, All of which will be sold on .her usual liberal ad accommodating terms-..,-April 30, 1849. ?. lr . blale of Xorlh Carolina. Edgecombe County. ' ' Court of Equity March Term, 1849. Arthur Arrington, Elizabeth :: Irwin, and '.jean irwin,uvo lasi are imams wnu,. , . .tMt?.MQW A T F.S fhnt . i . I . a . L appear by their next friendy Rob5 't. D.-iT Hart. ' vs. 1 ' ' Henry L Irwin. v. petition for partition and sale yf real j estate IT appearing to the satisiacuon ui im. Court, that the defendant Henry u. irwui resides beyond (the limits oi ipis piaic, tomers may havc an opportunity of buy It is ordered, that publication be: made in thc bosl for the least moncv, I have theTarbor.o, Press for six weeks success- lajd jn f.om the markct8 of pui'lailclphia, ively, notifying the said Henry to be an(l : New York, and Boston the very best stock appear at the next term of the Court, of of matCriaW,and secwred the best style of Equity to beheld for said County, at the anliquc and modern furnitre. Court House in Tarboro' on the second Throu?h thismelium I Tetuni my sin Monday "in Septemhcr next, then and cere hank9 (o my patrorlS) arui i Ho issure thereto plead, answer r demur to said the public that the articles below named petition, otherwise me same win ws m.u , - All Unequalled Kemedy .... ST, for colds and feverish feelings and pr enting Fevers. 2nd. For asthma, liver com- plaint and bilious affections. 3d. For diarrhcea. indigestion and toss of appetite. 4th. For costivf- ness in females and males. - 5th. For stomach af- fections, dyspepsia and piles. The great point are, it is hot bad to take, never gives pain, and nevtr leaves one costive' For alt these things it is warranted unequalled, and all who do not find , it so may return the bottle and get their money back, rhis medicine is LON CI LEY'S - Western Indian JPanacea. : ITC ajoci uitin to iiv lauii ij muuii 111c ut unit 1 1 r Tirtues, and none that will so delight the users of it? and to convince all that tht&e are facts, we offer as alove. . Fry it without price, if you are in t charmed by its effects. Fuller descriptions and T . . - ., . f. . . an Almanac for 1848 gratis, with the agents for the county. (See below.) '' t lu i. aitiaii Jlaiv Is admitted by civilized as well as barbarous nations to be when fu.t, floxying and perfect, the greatest ornament, and when imperfect or wanting the greatest disadvantage to the personal appear ance f male or female, That it is a duly to pre serve and beautify it, all will admit. This article has been for more than 20 years used extensively. It lias the testimony of many of the most respect able citizens in this country, who certify to the frf fhat tfiu .' " v First, in all cases stops the hair tailing out or? ,., onrt hf nraver ol the nelilioners 1 i 4i. r . c t- r irf,in,Bi. i j i vjii nunu,nuu uiu ai owesi prices ior i ousjiuihilts i ercussiun vaps (,c citizens of I v , T rlfirk ml! The Utle of Furniture: ------ , "u)-i 'cui-;ccntcounti lha! Wiinocc Kpriplm H. lewis. vicrK anu r i t -a: -- t i t 1 - - " -- " - wpon.,..-Mart.land mahogany lop Sidehoartls, r Ul inuigo ijiat'King- Xarboro' for the Master of said Court, at otnee, the seconu m .-, . J r ? . n Th,no(irrtnn n,n.Pc . . r. ,D,n ' Manosrany and stained whod aid robes, ' " .,u,w ATnnrlnv nf March. A. U. 1S41J. .... ... r. U., VM M WII T OT vr?xn?7 AT U T.RlVISi. C M. E. n: ..... i vi,; TV n c.u iu.Mi'ion 1,1 an "S vanot iliiil i.tm - - 7 .7i ins. irHlU UlrUIlt;, I m nuiMLiuiu i. y. oni Uliiiui, ks'iU. restores it in most if fallen, and in all cases if lost! asmngion is reduced to $5 by sickness; and keeps off dandruff and scurf on i From Rocky Mount to Tarboro' infants and adults. Second, perfames the hair and preserves it to old-age; from turning gray. Should always be used at toi;ette. Third, gives great vigor and rapid growth to the hair, and cau ses it to curl beautifully. Lastly, prevents all filth or its cor'sequence on 'children's heads, and exceeds all other articles for the hair in quality, quantity and cheapness. Many articles have been started on the reputation of this, and are without merit though they have been and are sold at dou ble the prices of this balm. , . Tfic piles, all sores, rheumatism, &c. flays' Ian intent Is an article more justly celebrated as a cure for the above, than any or all . others. r,.The cases of cure are almost innumerable, and it is only neces sary to jet those' who know the article and have used it with such great success, know that it is to bo had true and genuine, (for there are counter liters) ' of Br. Lucius Corastock, 2t Corllandt st. New York, and so of. the rest ofthe articles here named. ' To the hall and lamc-?-l)T U ewes' nerve and bone liniment is the most effectual cure for iheu inatisrn and contracted cords and muscles. 4 Fur worms Kolmstock's Vermifuge not Fah wwtoc&V will eradicate and ure a ; children arid 1 nits who have worras. Caution. Beware of all unless the name is spelled Kolmstock's, the old Dutch name of the inventor. ! w A old wholesale by'Comstocfc'&'CbV 21 Cort landt st. New York-by Gto. Ildward, rTarboro'- VVessoni Gaston Ft S Marshall, Halifax Bfinnett & Hyman Hamilton F. VV,' Moore, illiamatnn -and hv nn nPTRrm i utlie United States and Canadasr , r- 'ns' Not. 9;' Jayne's Medicines. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. A V -J-". N jX ... AO m : r,S ; : ; lr A. Glorious Victory, Achieved triumpKdhily over all oppo -v;- I .' siliolVtQ - niVilf T , r : L t'i i nave mane ior me lasi season, t um compelled to believe that .my,patrons arc satisfied that they can buy .. . . . ., CABINET FURNITURE i As chean and as fashionable from a Itomc Manufactory . as can be bought at any of the Northern marliets: arid that my cus will be" manufactured and kept constantly Mahogany Uedsteads, gotbi stylo, Maiioffany and mart.l top Centre Tables, Rush and cano seat OIlAlKS, High and low post Hedsteads, Ladies dressing- Bureaus, all patterns. Portable writing Desks, Mahogany and parlor Chairs, Mahogany dining and tea Tables, Ijadies work Tables and Boxes, Portable writing Desks, Ladies sewing ('hairs, Seeretaries, Hook cases, and writing Desks, Wnlnut dining and breakfast Tab?ts, French Bedsteads, Crihs Crati,os' am1 hiWrpn Chairs, trvr IVOill 2t a n ( c n T, A nlor 'Pil1ro ............ , m i . . . n. i - i t I I 'lUH., Cottage Bedsteads, all patterns. Mahogany rocking chairs, spring seats Looking Glasses, pi-tun Frames, &c-&e. .Any article of Furniture manufactured at thr shortest notice. .Furniture will be packed safely for transportation. The above articles may be found at -the; same Old Stand. F. L. BONO. Tarboro Sept. 2D, ISIS. Fare Reduced. ff'HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to or, $t 50 2 00 4 it (i : " it ,14 it i tt Sparta Falkland Greonvillo Pactolus Washington tt tt tt ii t tt tt 3 00, 4 00 5 00 0 50 1 00 tt Tarboro' to Sparta tt Falkland tt Greenville 2 00 V or scats, Re apply to H. Wiswall,; Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarhoro February 1, 1S4S. 25vRtwardi- RANAVVAY from my farm,! one' mile soutlv of Raleigh,!; about the 1st June- my. man SIMON, about 23 years of age, black com plected, weighing about .180 pounds, thick lips, and.. very knock-kneed, one leg more. than the other, as well as recollected. He is a man of great .rnuscu Jar power he is believed to be in Edge combe? county, where he was brought from '-when iquiteyoung by Mr. Jones, whoniarried in the Ricks family , near the Falls of Tar liver. II e" i s believed to have a pass , with him. :( forged.) I will give the.above reward for lis delivery Jo nie, or Fifteen Dollars if confined in jail' so that l get himagain. . .. v -.y? f - W M. F, ' COLLINS. Raldigh, Sept. 5,J 847- - lt i r'llf I" ' 1 ' III ' "ll II I " JIM. Printing neatly- emecutedf - . : l - ' Ante of Miatifax, Jc. , COllIlllIIOSiKCIIANT,! Petersburg, Virginia. s ? GIVES his .special attention to thessale df all kinds of Country Produce, the pur chase of Goods, and the 'receiving and forwarding 6fGoodrt 1 REFER TO 0 'H.:'r -B. F. Moore,. Esq.RaleihnN.C. lTIios. KfTlvomVs,4 ieiq:touisburgN. C. W. 1 . iJortelv- j 2cky Mount, N.C. MvWestorfi S y J r f feSS-ef ?:i3attlebbro?, N,C. Dr. J. J. Philips,v 3, Sf' N. M. LongEsq. J-H H;, L. M. Long, Esq. r WeldonN. Ci Jas Simmons,i ' -J i T Patterson, Cooper & Co. Willis & Lea. ; . Petersburg, Va. B. F. Ha.lsey, . F. S. JNIarshall, Halifax, N. C5 M Feb. 1st, 1S49. i'.i Dry; 'Qorids9 &c. Suitable for he Country Txacie Jgf Yd'a Negro Kersey's, 50 Pieces Bleached Shirtings and sheet ings, ; ' 200 ' Brown do do 100 " Drills, , , 100 " low priced Prints, 20 Bales Battle & Co., Cotton Yarn, 300 Boz. Spool Cotton, 100 Snuff Boxes. ALSO, 'NeedlcsII'ooks and eyes Buttons of all kinds Ivorv.Tuck and side Coflec. t . r . i r. r ' Bags of strictly prime quality, for, sale by WM. II. WILLAHD Washington, N. C 5th March, l S 49. ii gar. .Bbrs of Porto Rico, for sale by WM. II. WILLARI). Washington, N. C 5th March, 1 34. Q. JoticCm THE Partnership heretofore existing between Rowditcfi & IIoiccll is this day dissrdved by mutual consent. The Subscriber.-? respectfully request all persons indebted to the late firm, to call and settle immediately. Also, all persons who have claims a- gninst them to present the same for pay- m'c n JXJSr I'll II IjtJnJJlJUll ' a ii concurrent lesuujuiiy ui meii ui iiiregiuy ' law n nnirrrr ' slrivi"J5 lo be predominant over the bador R t and worth is thebesVevidence vve can hayo, rr . , , , 1Cfft si seised humors. "Let all who wish to be a0f any fact' of which weliave noxogni!ace ' T arbor j7. Jan'v. 1st, 1SJ9. c a , , . . .--.-' , J. . . ,. i . . . . . . ,oi a line healthy habit; who wish to have a selves. Thegreat ad vantages possessed by this C OllO It l (I Clory tj JfJt (IS. x inual changes of this climate; who desire admU- ft al?re,at danSer Kxhe aPPieh,nded - to have healthy children, use the Bran- d THE undersigned, successors lo Dalllih Pils, which will eflectually, cleanse y In the s5df this "safve thi8 objctiAi P r, .j .i I ' . . , . . is entirely Removed,' as no harm can possiblyre- j: fy Rrother in the above proper y, the blood of aU badr corrupt humors, and 8ultfromyits use: ing in all cases applied have associated themselves together under restoithhuman body. f to the state of. thetWtBNpoftiofis ef theteyeV Iherebyvoid- the title of , , , - - . .4 health enjoyed bejTorc t tie inlrddtid'idn of ing all the inconvenience, pain anV danger, which. Bl T Tj& CO. . mineral medicines Remember Brandrctlinecessarily attend the introduction of any pungent They have been at gr eat expense in en- Inrginglhe operations of this 'establishment and feel warranted in saying, that they ean now as good an arliclcof CoUosi i Ynm as can be manufactured any where irT the 77 Sttnfn jind arP dp etermihed to sell afas 31lfriW ' 37 flftl 13t?ftf All thev desire, in .. order to secure .1 . i r t a I .1 ! : At.:.. part of the country, is, that they examine me quality ui i.ia.a.m men al terms, before purchasing elsewhere. We do only a quarterly business; but will make the liberal discount of 2 per ct. for Cash. B: D. BATTLE, ' JASi. M. BA TTLE, WM. S. BATTLE, c., Ly MUHNU.t . -,r fSouiu! 1 or IhcJ Caliloru ia THE subscriber wishing to embark for the Gold Region in California, will con tinue tO ofjfer :- fi , ; ' , I -'t I - Cabinet Furtiiture. -c fJ Of hiscmanufacture at ;the tieri Lvw'Pri C5 which have alreadx induced many per sons to buy! exclusively ofhjru. Persons indebted Vhiin "will please comejorwafd and settle thei acconts as.thubscriberj wishes to leave as soon as, ne can sell out &ct CaUatjheamepidjStaanV me iraueoi muc.anuuuu uuaiui .hi u,wtMmo ouestion. ,VeriIv if. Evidnrn is ..Jbloarl Float !! ; FLOUR, oan excellent quality, by the barrel or retaijt..fr:t ' !! Forsals by ? iGeo.l Howard. : , Dec. '13; 1S48. r : ? i Thomas fc; t tiddon, i BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER. 4 If N FARMS, the;vti?ubiic that he , is now S I fully prepared to execute all jobs in his 1 line - of 4)usinessr that may be entrusted o liim. He has competenllwprkmen in his employ, and can give satisfactory assuran ces, that all work entrusted loihim ,will be executed expeditiously and in a workman like manner.' References. ; t; i P lVbi. Norflcet, Tarbbro, - ; '- I Baktf Siatdiu 'Edgecombe 'Col', '" " Goo Id Iloyt, O fee h v i 1 1 e. A 3 Tarboro, Oct; 12, 1847. - 42. 5 MEridse Builtfinsr. ERS0NS desirous of having bridgesi built, cither on the plan 'ofMriving; the posts or by mud sills, are informed ? that they can be accommodated on mod- eratc terms, by apply ing lb; the subscriy cashor note. js. WED DELL f I ber, who has under his direction negro ELI, who has had, considerable . experi ence in that business, and is fully prepared to undertake such jobs. COFFf ELD KING. 7arboro N. C, Dec. 1, 1S4S. ,:-'" . ' JYoticc. uyy; - THE subscriber resnectfullv informsT Edgecombe, and Uie adja- t he has opened a shop in purpose of carrying-on 7 . Gunsmith business is uranches. WorK en- trustcd to him will be attended to imme- diatuly, and done in a workman like man ner.- 1V1J. U. MYI TIS. , lrt ,oin - BrtindretWs Pitts. NO CHANGES in the weather will ' match illy affect the bo Jy if the blood is pure.: E vcryi bdfjvjd ual,4tHe mpst'lliseias- cd, has ''within liim a.gefm okrooCxjfthat original pure nioou oi ourcommon momer Eve; which germ of pure blood is the sun - germ ot pure uiood lstne sup- I porter of his life, 'andis inconstant strug- gle to throw off the heterogeneous, cor - runt humors, vvliicli are the causes of dis- case in the individual. By purging the body of this diseased individual of its'bad humors, you allow the germ of pure blocd to gain ground and to maje blood of a bet ter quality, and soon progressively till the whole mass is regenerated; for the good bl tound mind in a sound body; who desire in Ik. aMo stand'tvitlinnt tnl.it; iWn nnn. Pills place within the reach 'of alf health and long lile. 1 rust to ; take them so as to produce a brisk eflect. and your sickness will be the - affair of a any or iwo, wnne mose wno are too wise, 1 A I I . A I . . I ' 'foWow this common Sense ad vice,' ' ivlll'f ;r be sick for months. Let the slck"'enq u i of the agents for BrandrethV cr these things are so or not. Let them VnJ.r rVt.i. lil .k. eiiijuii u uiiuuii iiicir niciiud aim .. usiw. inei i wanled u . n be Drocuret, :; To the sick; Jct mc sav, use the - Brandreth's Pills, ' Man will be born to days of bliss, com pared to what has hitherto been his lot, j weigneu uQwn as ne nas Deen oy uis ease, infirmities, and suflering. which no earthly po w er , k q e w .ho w t o a l ie ; j a t e5, u n -til this discovery was presented . to the world. The weak, the feeble, the infirm, the nervousthe-delicate arerin a few days strengthened bj their bperation; anil the worst complaints are removed "' by perse vcrance withoutvlhe expense of a physician. Adapted to all circumstances and vsitua tionst they are. the lest medicines ever in vented fort families orlq lake ;toi sea, pre venting scurvy and costiveness, requiring hoTchange of Fe plirOculaF regimen, or Care against taking cold. 1 3 N. BerIIWuylthatou get the J genuine --i ; BrdndreifrPtlls-1 unless you purchase of the duly aulhori rttri la ?l,'or - 'tih JJESPECTFULLY-invib thevjte to call and examine theiro? 7"'' sifting and hutoimcrtidodkZa Pdrcnlseuex iih;prc-- edented Low Prices will-tie ioVid at a,Tiall advance for CASH,' or on a liberal credit, -v'- U April, 1.5th,aS4Sf t Notico. ffl HE, subscriber . having abandoned alii t i iuca oi moving, lo.ine wesi nas asso diated with him1 in business his brother Matthew tJreddellti& will 'cohVihue bu siness at his old stand under ithel firm-of- vVn j;.jh; Wedflell; ? He avails himself1' o"thisf bpportunity oCl returning thankV forHhe'Tery liberal -pat-? g irimsclf-fefirUHiitinttanec of the, me tQ the neWjfirm,.w . r;: D ; Tl :nifihioA to th subscriber .bv ac- . .irrfrir-j,! count, , will? please call and close, the.; same r TarborO March-Clh, 184S; Molasses. gg HhdrsVnd Bbl'suf Muscovado; for jsaleby V M . H . W I L L A RD . , i Washington, N. C: 5th March, 1849.. llg KM'KC I FULLY inlorms the Cltl- zenpt Ldgecombe and adjoining counties that he carnes on the ,:v . vt ' the old ; Stand next door to the l'ost-; uinue,, wnyic win iuuuu a unuic aoown- ent' of :,. . "... (and all articles in his line ofr business, i) whichn he is i prepared to make up, at: the'j shortest notice and on' reasonable terms? Thankful for the favors already Teceived he solicits a continuance of the same, assurij ing all who may favor him with a call that none snail go away aissaiisn ' ting done at the shortest notice. ting done at the shortest notice. v , N. 13. Always on hand a few . selectj. , articles of ready-made clothing of his ownC manufacture. . - JAS. ME H EG JIN. Tarborough January I, 1848. tlMTCMBEIj& 'S EYEl&lilLVE. To the t'ublic. r. article over every other, are-its certainty, safe ty. convenienck and economy. All ohvsieians . article into the eyfe, Its activity' in 'sttb3a!n-n- flanimation is so great that but few cases' require' the use of mere than one bottle to effect a perfect" cure " One physician remarked to us, after hav' inn .t!i nc,l itm ofTuftto in eofrof-jl Inefrnise llmi? it was a 4PKUFECT fikE kIlLer. We tnigbr multinlv reasons ,vhv dds salve should be nrefeVV red above every thing elsein the treatment of df - re"f eases Vftlie eye, but we prefer it4 shou Id stand on ' its virtues bo ! thoroughly, tested, and'that the directions be 'strictj Iv followed. " ' ''' gr" : livery uouie oi me genuine saive naa me namo - h i?, MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE, ,- blow n in the sides of, the-bot'.le, and the .written signature of the? proprietor, D. Mitchell, on. the outsider Wrapper,:, r ; :sk ; D. ( Ml.TC HE LL. ; ,t - Perry, Wyoming county, N i Y. v - . ALSOpDrGordon's vegetabla anti bilioujf. family, pills, and Dr. -Tyler'a ?gue.&feyer pills, For sale by 1 GE OS HO WARD. ' JFebruarJ29,n43 ; l MEDICAfEDd'NDIAj..R'(lBBFftri Porous Plaster"1 FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, Gfil WNaJI cases where it 13 lhoughi . . sable t keep .np permanent stimulant imj.M ,; v1 f or ;neai. the organ diseased lie$e plaster - s .vf. ; t 'v - id m u p run nn A a i t : i . c fonnd higbiyfTaluaJili n? fact,., all theyUtJJK-fit, that can accrue. froma,co4tinupus counter-irritant, wjill be produced inhe most efficient manner by,t fhefp.ir8tpe9iQati;m,,gont- enlargement pf the joints, chronic disease cf vthe liver, spleen,, lungs, p?n2$ej internal organs,, io toit,ft :ali ther,gcase&,where warming or strengtheningplas. ters are beneficial, these will be found to be suv f ior (to any pow in,use. , Foxv sale by t February; 16,3 ? " Meo Howards I- i a f March G, 1849: trip' OPPfCB.'4 r- i't zQcqj-'Howards VI .OS sea Agents I For sab by

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