inntfftfI1!l!tttttttmitft1fttnftiiffiii f. VfV , ' rrTrr.; , jmi Mam HiMH H mm MliM Whole Vo 1 90. TarborOUgh) Edgecombe County, ,V. C Saturday, Jurist &. Hf9j- &t)t SnCllOrOUCjO rttftft BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. , Ts published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance or, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year, Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 eiua iui -.v..j ""- '""b """B1" Cnr ovorir very succeeding one. Longer ones a that rate per square. ourt Orders and Judicial . . V" ent. higher. , advertisements 25 per ce To the JLadies ot the U Stitcs IT BEING NOW CONCEDED THAT Godey's lady's Book STANDS at the head of American 14 ! A li ItAAnmna 4lin slilttr ff llio mill 11Jo ' , J , r lisher to show every Lady what amount of reading, and how many useful embell- ishinents she wi receive for three dollars. iauiI C ; . . . Be not deceived by new beginners, wnq . .. . c ,. promise every thing and perform nothing. , J , 0 1 , Now is about the season when the coun- try will be deluged by prospectuses ma- , I..' . r rp, . , , tng all kinds of promises. The Lady's . . . , ,. . . . .1 . . IJooK nas oeen puunsnea oy me pre&eni .. iu well known to the public, and publishers throughout the United States. Hisprom- iscs are always kept, which is not the case with all other Magazines: for instance every Number he publishes a colored Fashion plate, gives sixty pages of reading matter, and sometimes more There is not another Magazine published that does this. Sometimes with then) the plates aie colored, and again they are not some months GO pages and others 48. There suit is obvious; the coloring of our Fashion plates alone, we say nothing of the Flow ers and Cottages, cost us over $2000 in one year. To omit this is certainly a saving, but is it just to subscribers Is it honorable? We cannot practice such a deception. We were the first to give Fashion platesj we have hosts5 of imitators who boast wonderfully; we have no need to bolster up the Lady's Own Book by such, means. Paris Fashions as published in Paris the ladies of this country dare not wear. Therefore they arc altered by one of our most fashionable dress makers to suit the! more refined taste of American Ladies, junously upon the, mdicine. Again, the roj.o nikld exciusi vcj v Gf such ingredients Compare our reading matter with anyUon of each, ngredienl depends upon its multiply. H .alc on thc , i i , ln? power upon other ingredients For the pnwfr: ,,ulU1 ' other Magazine; see which contains thc i f ,i(r ro , ' ,, , , imi -n ities cf thc Human System. Strike 7 n 1 ot dirierent vegetable juirgatives upon eneh other , luli'UI llR l 11 u 3 most solid as well as pleasant reading. is &ovcrncJ by similar bws that g ,veni the power at the root of the diseaso, removing nil im Our object is to elevate the female mind, ' 0f figures by multiplication. Nine added to ninr' nnri?ie from the body, openinjr thc pores iu give ione, anu iu cuuuie women io iaKe that place in the community to which their worth entitles them. Steel engravings in Godey's Lady's . ! m. 1.. LI - n k. , rr a i i 1 wo steel engravings in each number . in one year, 24 one colored Fashion plate,1 12 two pages of originally music printed separately, 24 Patterns for window cur- tains, and occasionally. i A colored relate lor Model Cottager, navenoenect upon me animal economy, hut syMcm IH)l on v ti,oroubl y sound, but al- with a very nau com, wnicn coniinueu to ; the Vegetable Pills, and the Green Model Cottages exterior and interior two hich,added to eighteen grains of a compound ot sq jm crvious to discasL? cvcn u hen all grow worse till March, when he was con-1 MounlaUl Vegetable Ointment. in Number in one -7C . Ancd ,o ,he house, wi.h liule hope of re- GE0. HQJRD. 21 extra Fashion plate on tinted paper one i nf ' n- i. .n.i ' Within the last twelve months, more.covery. Hearing of in each Number in one year, 12 Bonnet, two So again, the mixture of twenty grains can tban one hundred cases of the moit ag Chemisette, Caps and Cuff patterns, say be again multiplied by an addition cf two grains, gravated forms of Dyspepsia have been 50 three and four cuts of horsemanship tothe power of three hundred and twenty-four cured by the medicine, where rigid diet- iief and after taking four bottles, was able for ladies in each Number in one year, 42 grains of the original power of the two first ingre-;in lhe Blue Pill, and almost every other t0 R0 0tit and attend to business. He as Crochet work, Knittinff, Netting. &c. dients. Here we have tweniy-two grains, which mo!,n, iin,i i, resorted to without any .r;u ua ...m i-ntlrplv tn tho Ralsam. and say three in each JN umber in one year, 36 jP,copMmine power j,-. , i bcncflt and when death stared its misera- rec0mmends those who use it to persevere, HAVING detenni t- f 1 . - hntiHrfdnnd tivpntv-fonr orains m fiithpr of the . ..... - - A. 1 r li'u.uuiumi O ' ' Here we have in one year the large . . . .--l.- 1..1-' . 1 t .1 engravings 01 cnurcnes-aDout lour in... . neve;helesbs.also so powerful after ; ble victim fully in the lace. 11 Dr. Uor- even if they do not at once perceive any prinli ng,Bu8jneMf we nC e3r , being thus combined, are sate in any quantity- Jon's PUs were not adapted to the cure ot beneficial result. Wc are not in the habit j our Printing Press, number of two hundred and twenty-eight! ample witnessi engravings, besides extras that we give Let those in any way out of health use thiseF 'ills occas onally of any matter that strikes us. ' They will find it much to their advantage, Reading matter in Godey's Lady's for sale by Geo. Howard. Book. j : In each Number are sixty pages; in one' Please tO TGad this, year, seven hundred and twenty, equal to A Good Chance to clear Jrom 500 to nine novels of ordinary size. Now these $1000 a year. pages are the choice productions of the -i best male and female writers of the coun- AGENTS wanted in every Town and try, including a novel by Miss Leslie as County throughout the Union, to procure well as the Treasury, and articles on Subscribers to "Sears' Pictorial and IU health, by xMr. Hale. The above items, lustrated Family Magazine," and to if purchased separately, would cost the. sell Sears' New and Popular Pictorial purchaser twenty dollars. Besides all Works universally acknowledged co be this, she will receive for the same three the best and cheapest ever published, as dollars ; they certainly are the most saleable. Any The Lady's Dollar Ne wspaper Edited active agent may clear $500 or $1000 a by Grace Greenwood. year. A cash capital of at least $25 or A Paper of the ordinary size, Published $0 will be necessary.' Full particulars at one dollar per year: ' of the principles and profits of the Agency Making thtee publications inone month, will be git en on application, either per The Lady's Dollar Newspaper contains sonally or by letter. The postage must the best poetry and the best stories, by in all cases be paid. Please to address, me best authors. Receipts and Amuse ments the latest Fashionablt news from At. London and Paris, and a great variety of other interesting matter . No other Magazine in the world gives so much that is good for so small a sum ol money; One 'hundred and forty four more pages in a year than the New York Magazines, and more useful and ornamen tai engrav u, enravi ngs each month than a the , - u other Magazines together, Tcpm9 Qf Godey,8 Ladys Book. post- age to be paid on all orders, 1 copy one ; month any number that may be selected, 25 cts. 1 copy four months, one dollar. 'These terms are offered that any person 'may try the work before subscribing for 3. year, 1 copy one year which includes the Lady s Dollar Newspaper, $3. two conies wUhhe to m g5 les and hoilt the g6. 1 . lJ hve copies and a copy to the club 10. 1 J To insure the Lady's Dollar paper with . the Lidy's Hook, the money muht be sent .... , f r ho mill hshpr'a nivn r f li rr . . . O A ny paper copying the ah . 1 . vertisement will be entitled to ove ad- an ex- ... . , , .. change with both publications. LOUIS A. GODEY, 113 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. March, SO, 1S49. A scientific illcfliciiicv. - GREAT experience and judgment are required to make a valuable, and at the same time, in;vi cent purgative. This is possessed only by tew. The great majority of the remedies ad wrti.-tfd of this' class are wcntifaclured by persons w bo have no idea of the relative or individual powrr of the drugs they use. It is ibis rnusr, tn tp than any other, which occasions the inertness and often injurious effects, produced by advertised remedies. And hence the general preju- ice which prevails against them. Sow there is a t;ro;u difTennce in this respect, with regard to the pills made by l)r. ; B. BrJfrth. .d consequently, .heir superior' eli1U3 upon the paMic Each of the arucles ( composing the Biandrcth Pills Are prepared in that way which will sprnr tl:i ir beneficial effects to the system in the safest and easiest manner. For inumce, some ingredients have lobe rrpnareJ in the vacuo: that is. the ? exhausted in the utensil, end remains so until a combination is effected with oilier ingredient-!, which afterwards prevents the air from acting in- make eighteen: but nine tunes nine are pghy- onei o it is with some vegetable purgative, : a"W nine parts of one ingredient, and nine togcther the power ,5 .. . . . .. increasea, notto eigtneen, but to eighty-one. for exami le, either of the articles to produce any a- . , , , , purgative effect, would have to be Used to i ho ex- ttnt cf eraillS. hv oonibir:nfr ..lPIII. only eighteen grains have to be used, Aain, a- nother ingredient isfund to multiply this power again, w hich in a proportion cf two grains, would m J capable of doing injury, of which thousands bear : ROBER T SEARS. Publisher, J No. 128 Nassau street, New York. 248 always having a beneficial effect, and in no case ; any but this horrut malady, tlieir uni- 0r writing pulls for medicines, and only tures at a very low JPROM the IMMENSE INCREASE of our business, we have been under the necessity -of taking the whole up-story over L. Pender's Store, at the sign of Pender & Brother, where may be found AN IMMENSE Stock of Furniture, Consisting of the same arffcles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand. Per sons that have not had an opportunity of seeing a magnificent stock of furniture, are respectfully solicited to call, as prices and quality shall surely suit. Furniture- repaired at either place at the shortest no tice. F. L. BOND. N. 13. In order that a man may do himself justice, let him see articles of Fur niture before purchasing. No body likes to buy a cat in a bag. 7arboroSept. 28, IS IS. 1 Only 23 cc::1s per box, FOR the cure of Headache, Giddiness Salt Rheum'. Rheumatism, PiJes. Henrl- i)iirii, Worms, Dyspupsi), Cholera Morbus,; iains in ,)u. Back and Limbs. Liver oom-l , ; ; ie lll!oat. Fl,vtrs ofai 'kim, co,,ls.'cout. c.avel, Female Com'-1 , . ' , , . in., plainls, Nervous complaints, ai iiu (ill until n. , . . , ,. rii.'nritc ifii nir i riirti i it i in i ri i iim lit i ill' an:l orbltl sccreliuiis 01 Hie liver and Staunch . Kvcrv disease lo which the human Ifamc is subject, originates from impurities of the f! o -cl or derangement of digestive organs. j)r (;or(jons Family Pills, heing corn- . . . . . ii external! and internally, separating an foreign and obnoxious particles from the sq lhat the bi00() Gf which it is the oriV,n, must be thoroughly pure and ne- " . r i ccssarily securing a free and vigorous action to tlie Heart, I.ungs, liver anu , .. .p, . - slornsr healthy by . , . Stomach, 1 hereby re ononin iho pores, cleansing the veins and arteries, unimpedin'g ail the natural veins an(j nnrifvin" the blood; they render the w-- r form success in this disease alone would be sufficient to Hvaft on to fame' the name of their inventor, as a benefactor of his spe cies. This medicine never fails to cure the worst cases of piles in one week! For sale in Tarboro' by A. H. Macnair & GEO. HOWARD. February 8, 1849. ly Dr.Kuhl's Abyssinian Mixture 9 From the Milton Chronicle. Laurel Grove, (nearMilton) Jan.15,1848 Dr. Kuhl Dear Sir: We have now been about seven years, Agents for the sale of your Restorer of th Blood, and oth er Medicines, and are happy to, state they hav (riven in all cases general satisfaction, particular, ly the Abyssinian Mixture has giveu universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it" h&s received that relief that you guaranteed in your directions Mr. James M Vernon, to whou ou recommended your Aromatic Extract, for Rheumatism, bought a bottle of it at 50 Cents -nd two embrocations cuTed him entirely, and th Usease has never returned Yours, respectfully . KIRBY & ANDERSON For sale by Geo. Howard. Townseiul'rt $arsaparill:i. From the Wilmington Journal. The following statistics which has been handed to us by Mr. Crandall, Messrs. Capp & Tbwnsend's travelling agent, wili furnish the reading public some idea of the magnitude of their Sarsaparilla business at their manufactory which is erected at Al bany, at an expense of seventy thousand dollars. They prepare and put up 5,000 bottles every day; to perform this laborit requires from 70 to 100 hands. In order to sup ply the large quantity of bottles used, two of the largest glass establishments in the United States are kept, in constant opera tion. This sing'e item alone .amounts to $100,000 per annum. Three Napier steam printing presses, with a double set of hands each, are constantly running on Circulars and Almanacs. They published last year 4,000,000 for gratuitous circula tion, containing a great variety of useful information, besides their own advertise ments. It took 50 females six months to fold and stitch them. Their Almanacs cost $30,000. Independent of all this, they publish a full column of their medi cine matter in over 400 papers in the Uni ted States, British Colonies, West India Islands, and South America, where they have extensive sales: this costs them over 5$S0,000 per annum. They have a large number of men and boys engaged in col lecting root and other ingredients. Indeed all the hands they employ directly and otherwise, in making glass, paper, corks,jp j scaling wax, packing boxes, together with ! . . " . B ' ' a f1 ',, "0l b , -"f . P,e,-,nS ,, of cap.tal employed to keep all the Ap!nt...pplicl. and the.r whole bustne,.; m succcsslul operation, is not less than vn ! juu,vuu uuiiiii a. ii ift f f in .1.. iiH. .. . ?PIt would seem that a medicine which reputation and Slich unprecedented sales, swelling. to r the enormous sum of S800.000 a year, must possess, in and of itself, intrinsic medicinal virtues for the cure of many dis eases to which the human flesh is heir to. For sale by Geo. Howard. Tarboro'. March 31, 1849. Br. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. :vV. - From the Maine Democrat, (Saco,) June 2o 1S47 , ' ' . 'T; iir rj,,.Jau iinum, ui oumuiu, m um county, being in our office, requested us to pubiish for lhe beneBt of the public, his . c testimony in favor ot tVistar's Balsam of wild Cherry In the fall of 1S46, Mr. W. was attacked Wislar's Balsam of wild Cherry he resolved to try it. He soon found re- . V I 4J-J llUT y V I v- ,mm v w w 7 gjve ihjs at the request of Mr. W. ED. DEMOCRAT. For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro . Dr. Kill I IAS Abyssinian Mixture. For Gonorrhoea, Glbet, Fluor Al bus, Gravel, &c. Letter from Dr. James R. Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. Or. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail ?d to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. I have never had enough to supply the demand. You will please send me a large supply of it as oon as you arrive at home Yours, respectfully, :, J. P. CALLUM, Milton Drug Store. Agents GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro'; F. S iarshall, Halifax; Jame9 Simmons, Wei don; C. (!. Pugh, Gastoi, F E. Cook, Warrenton; Hen. y Goodloe, Warrenton; Pi C. Brown, Lomsburg John H." Brodie, Franklin; Louis H Kittle, Hen derson; Rt Hi Mitchell, Oxford. May 16 ti i . Gates, ntcdmaii &"ftfcutty; 116 Nassau Street, New York, t ABE NOW PUBLISHING ' OF MODERN DOMESTIC .VIFDIC1NE, " BY KEITH IMRtiY, M D. 4 Fellow of the Roy at College of Pliy'A cians and Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg. ; THIS work gives a clear and concise idea of the nature of the distinctive syrnp toms, of the premonitory signs of diseases, of their predisposing caes, and th'o methods of their, treatment , reconm ended by the most distinguished phyvsicians. The best modes of employing the med icines in general use-are faithfuily describ ed; as are also the diet and regimen neces. sary under various diseases, and during convalescence. , Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature, Bath-, ing, Climate, Cloning and Exetcises are: specially .treated upon , , The publishers of the American Edition, prefix to Dr. Imray's work, short iliustra ted, and very valuable Treaties upon A- nalomy, Physiology and Surgery; aiso Directions for the Treatment of the Sick, Management of the Sick Room, Prepara-, tion of Food for the Sick, &c. &c.?. Many valuable articles have been fur nished by the courtesy of medical gentle-, men of the United States. The entire volume, with its full Indexr Tables of Doses, &c, will prove, it is con- r ft-1onHt7 tinliovtirl a mrvof vntiialilf hnnlf Fni .. ' ," .nV 1 j . 1 The work will be completed in twelve. weekly numbers, forming one large 8vo, volume of about 1000 paa;e3. , Gent)emcn of respectabiIj,y and good - .. - ,, as canvassers forthcabove . . . j .n - nut b ill cvbi y iv ii United States. Acldress (po,st paid,) GA TES, STEDAMTf $ C O. fib; Jassau st. JYotice. 4t- For coughs and lung complaints use Dr. Bar tholomew's Pink Expectorant syrup. Sick head ache, though constitutional or inciden tal, is cured by Dr'. Spohn's head ache remedy. Lin's balm of China for the cure of all diseases -that require external application. The gray haired will find the Indian Hair I)ye perfect and effectual For sale by Geo. Howard. April 17. , Oracle nbers Medicines. e- JUST RECEIVED, the Graefenberc Sarsaparilla Compound the celebrated Children's Panacea the Eye Lotion the ' IIeaith Bitters the Feverand Ague Pills The Press, Types and Fixtures OP THE Warrtnlon(N 0 ) Reporter OFFICE FOR SALE. ned on quitting the, now propose sell- Types and Fix- price for cash, or on a i short credit for a part of the purchase mon- ley, with bond and approved security. I The Press and a part of the Tpe aro considerably worn, but will do pretty fair work for two or three years to come. Tho Job and Advertising Type are in better condition, and will last many years. The Cases, Stands and other fixtures are very good. There is a sufficiency of type of all kinds for a village establishment. War renton is a desirable place to reside in, be ing remarkably healthy, and has as . good society as any village in the State. We have been engaged in the publication of the Reporter for 21 years, and have been tolerably well sustained. We will sell at a price so low, that any one wishing to en gage in the business would do well to call and see us, or address the Editor, post paid, Warrenton, N. C. R. N. VERELL, Editor Prop. April 21,1849. ' Life Pills and Phenix Kilters.; 1 For sale by. Geo. Howard.

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