jiminiiu i i . nil ii iii nifiitii - - huh tniiii ti ilia.. fiii f -viiii ... rLi i i 11 -.- i mi mi ri ig iniiiini i i jli iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Whole JYo I 11J. Tarborough, Edgecombe County , 3VfV? atrday JTUne 30, 1 840. "IB, ;BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. - ' Ts published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance or, Two Dollars and Fiftv Cents at the expiration of the 9ubscrfption year, Advertisements run exceeding a square,, win ne: inserted at One Qollar the, first insertion,and 25 enis lor every succeeding one. monger ane3 a at mat rate per square. vuuri uraers auu juuiuia' advertisements 25 per cent, higher. ' To IlicXatlies of the U. States. . ' it being now conceded that JtOuCV 'S LaU V S rSOOK STAN DS at the head ; of American Magazines, it becomes the duty 01 mcpuo- , - t 1 T r La I T 'what amount L)''ar Newspaper, S3, two copies lisher to s low e ery ac y la amoun Qne year witfi the paper to each, $5, three of reading, and how manv useful emboli- ,J 1 . 1 ' ... . -r . , copies and a copy without the paper, $6; ishments she will receive for three dollars. 1 . 1 J , ' ' , " , . . , , , hve copies -and a copy to the club $0. : ' Be not deceived by new beginners, who, - . i. , r .1- I o insure the Lady s Dollar paper witli promise every thing and perform nothing. . , 1 , .the-Lidv s nook, the money muAlbescnt Novv is about the season when the coun- ii l i i ii i i to the publisher s own office. trv will be deluged by prospectuses ma- rrJ . .... . 7 ' ti r i ' iTPAny paper copyin; the above ad- king all kinds of promises. The Lady's! r ... , ?, t ii u ..li-ii ! : vertisemcnt will be entitled to an ex- Book has been published by the present, . r u. ,i u iehange with both publications. well known to the public, and publishers throughout the United State?. His prom ises arc always kept, which is not the case v. ith all other Magazines: for instance every " Number 4ie publishes a colored Fashion plate, gives sixty pages of reading matter, and sometimes more. There is rot another Magazine put lisbed that docs this. Sometimes with them the plates aie colored, and again thty arc not some months GO pages and others 43. The re sult is obvious; the coloring of our Fashion plates alone, we say nothing of the Flow ers and Cottages, cost us over $2000 in one year. . To omit this is certainly a saving, but is it just to subscribers Is it honorable? We cannot practice such a deception. We were the fast to give Fashion plates; we have hosts of imitators who boast wonderfully; we have no need to bolster up the Lady's Own Book by such means. Pmis Fashions as pubJislied in Paris the ladies- of this country dare not wear. Therefore they arc altered by one of our most fashionable dress makers to suit the more refined taMc of American Ladies. Compare our reading matter with any other Magazine; see which contains the most solid as well as pleasant reading. Our object is to elevate the female mind, ' to give tone, and to enable women to take 1 that place in the community to vvhicli t their worth entitles them. ' Steel engravings in Godey's Lady?S: I, , ' - i Uooli. rr, , . . ' , Two steel engravings ,n each number jo one year, 24 one colored Fashion plate, 12 two pages of originally music printed teparately, 24 Patterns for window cur- tains, and occasionally. A Colored Plate for Model Cottage ISIodci Cottages -exterior and interior two enjiravins iii each Number in one 3' ear. i31 extra r ashion plate on tinted paper one r r I r in each Number in one year, 12 Dqnnct, Chemisette, Caps and Cuff patterns, say Engravings of churches about four in one year 2'JS Here we have in one year the lame - n ( number of two hundred and twenty eighty engravings, besides extras that we give nccas.onally of any matter that strikes us.' Heading matter in, CodeyV Lady's Book. In each Number are sixty pages; in one year, seven hundred and twenty, equal to. n 1 no nnvoh nf nrr mnrv e!n NT , ...... ...v,.w ai. .ww uhju; pages arethe choice productions .of the health, bv Mr. Hale. The aliove itpnis if purchased separately,, would, cost the AO three and four cuts of horsemanship to ihe power of three hundred and . twenty. four cured -by the medicine, where rigid diet- ( .:lud after taking four bottles, was able for ladies in each Number in one year, 42 grains of the original power ol the two first ingre- the Blue Pill, and almost every other l0 0 out and attend, to,' business THe as Crochet work, Knitting, ' Netting, &c.,' lipnls 11 Wft havc twenty-two grains hich mcans j'j ,ccn rcSorted to without' any ibVs his cure entirely "to the Balsa mi. and say three in each Number in one year, 3G purgative, contain the power equal .0 !'' hcncfit; ,ml when death stored its ; nVisera-! rcc6mmends those ,u ho use it to persevere, best male and femaje writers of the coun-' AGENTS wanted in every Town, " and try, including a novel, by Miss Leslie as County, throughout the Union, to procure nell as the Treasury, and articles Qn Subscribers to "Sears' Pictorial and Ih rchascr twenty dollars., Besides jdl VVor&s universally " acdn6wledgcVj"d ;be s, she will receive for the, same fihreeHhe best anti cheapest ' etoer pu&lUhedfas Hire IthpV ffrtainlr nWllmmntt cqlaKto Itll""! I uounrs -I It The Lady's Dollar Newspaper Edited activeagent may clear $500 or ldd0la ty Grace Greenwood. . . ' yrar.uc'A' cash capital of atMeast SSoor A Paper of the ordinary size, Published $50 will be necessaryrFuir'paicdlars at one dollar per year: ( of the principles and profits'ofHhe Agency Making ihree pubHcMibtisIri one month, will begiTehn application-Vither perj The Lady's Dollar ' Newspdper contains son'ally or by letter. The" postage Tnusi the PI and Paris, and a great variety ofj ther: interesting matter.--T - n, ' u No other Magazine in the world gives so much that is good for so small a sum of money; One hundred and forty four more pages in a vear than the New York ,ip .ir,rhmnr nA.I nfl nrnnmnn. tal engraving each month than all the other Magazines together. - Terms of Godcv's Lad v's Book. - Post- aSe l be PaW on "" e"' l, C0P "e monthany number that may be selected, 25 cts. t copy four months, one dollar. -.These terms are onercd tliat any:, person may try the Avork before subscribing or a vear. 1 coriv one vear which includes, the LOUIS A. -G OBEYS 113 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. March, SO, T A scientific ini'dii'iiic. GREAT rxprierco and ji','gmenl arc required ' to niake a valuable, and t the same lim, inno I cent purgative. Tltis is possessed on!v ly l'v. j The great mrj-ri?y of the rewieditvs ;Wvi-rised I of this ; class arc mnrufaeUHrd by persons who , have ho idea fil the relative nr iniivitml pwer of I he drugs llu-y use. His thn i-ause, mirJl an;, ny other, wiiirh fjeca'-ifMis the inrrturs Ami o&a'h injurious cfli cts, produced by advefticd reairdi s. ! An 1 hence th1 genet! 1 preju. icn ,v!iieh prrv.ii! ariiusi thrrn. .Now ! ipt i n (rrt.t I'llIiTi'nf v in tbts rcsprH, with regard to the p lis mad" U I)r Hi I j rand nth, and consefjuently, their supriior claims upon the ptlic. Ivach ( the artn-lo.-coinposirig the Hiandreth Pilh Are prepared in that way which will seenro their beneficial edicts to the system in the safest and easiest manner. For instance, souw i::redw'ni.5 have to he r pare-.i in the vacuo; that is, the air is exhausted ia the ir.eriMl, cud re:naiii fto until combination is clleclcd with other ir.gn dients, which afterwards prevents the air from acting in juriously upon the .nrdiciuc un, the j ropnr tion of each injredienldppends upon its imiliiply- power upon other ingredients For tbi powi-r I of diff'TPnt vegctall purgatives upon ea li oiher is r.iverned by siutilaf laws that jrotfern ibe nowvr 0f figures by multiplication. Nine added to nine, make eighteen: but nine times nine . arc eighty- 80 it is with s ome vegetable purg.itm.s. I13 adding nine parts of oik, ingredient, and nine. Iva,s another ingredieu together, the power is increased, not to eighteen, but to eighty-one. For v . . , -7. . , . , ;cxamr !e, either of the articles to produce any pUraljve e(fec() wculd have 10 be used to the ex- lenl cf eigh1y.0Re pr:,jris. I)y C(mibh,ing them, an)y eighteen grains have to be used... Acam, a- notber ingredient is found to multip'y thi? power ! again, whitrh in a proportion of two grains, wculd have no effect upon the animal economv but which,adled m eighteen grains of a compound of ' VVrfaa(t VI II ( !! 1 Ml lirJ .U II J I t VJ IIIIT UHlil- . , r . . , , . . . . - . (Minfi nt i(Tlv-nnp tn nun liftrwl'eil iwl . kivi v- . two soag"a in, the mixture of twenty grains can be again multiplied by an ad.lition of two grains, i ?irf i1oc q1 Arto ni vort t .oca - n I Crt nnwprfitl fiftrr uiiivsi'Uaa'yii V'ii-ii'i'vitrwiwvv -vi I beinrr thus combined, are safe in any nuantiiv- .always having a beneficial effect, and in no case run nC dnino- inhirv. nfwhuh thousands t,na j ...... v.. . . . Q - - j - j ample witness. Lrt those in any way mit of health use fhise fills They witl find it much to their advantage, for sale by , Geo.' Howard.. : " Please to read this. a' Good Chance to clear from $500 to - ' aycur. 'lust rated Fartiihi Hfin'smsihii?' rnm!i sell Sears9 New' and' 'Poputar'Pictbril , i . , , . JT M . they certainly are5 the' most saleable.9 :Aeny HUiiureutie.il iviuy-imii ginuis ui euntrr ;i ib; ' ".'"esaiaaaEaj,-,. 1 1 . - jp Up M the 1 M M E N S E 1 1 N, CUE A S E of our business, we'have been under the necessity, of taking llic'whole up-story rver L. PcnderV'Storc, at the Vin ' of Pender & Brother, where may be found ! AN , ' Slock of Furniiurc, Consisting of tlie same articles which will be seen advertised at the Old Stand. Peri sons that have not had an opportunity of seeing a aringrii ficcrif stack of Jurnilurc, arc respectfully solicited to call, as prices and quality shall surely suit. Furniture repaired at cither placo nt'thc shortest no ti:c. F. L. fiOXf). ..N. B. In order that a man may do himself justice, let liim see articles of Fi:r- j niture before purchasing. No body likes to fbay,a cat jiwa bag. , ,. , ; 7ariioroScpt, 20. 18 IS. u3y tJVI cents per FOll the cure of Headache, Giddiness S iH Rheum, irn-unialism. Piles, Heart, l..i.- v...... ; ... ... . f m i.r 1 . lii? i ;nns in uv i :uui iimos, iiver com u uvtlnMl.roat, Fevers ff all kintls. ( i. aycl. Female Com plain. Ni-'vun- rt.iilaiits. aiuFall other (!if,;iv s :n t."j. iio:n impurities of the hi. !. tiu ili.! secretions "of the liver :hhI Sro 1 1 vJ !t!Kl ntos from'tmpritiesof tha h!o id o'- dM -ansfement of digestive orgins. Dr. fI )i(lon's Family Pills, being com pounded exclusively 'of such ingredients as nature intended should operate on 'the imp.ui hies r?f the Human System. Strike at the root of the disease, removing all im 1 purities from the body, opening the5 pores rtrr!i dl ami internally, separating all f.,rcign and obnoxious particles from the ff? so Uat the blood, of whicfrit is the .. nusl !)C tij0rmiiy pure and nc- n ., . v ? . ccssanly securing a Irec and vigorous " " , . 0 c t i o 11 to the Heart, Lungs, Liver and Stomaeh, thereby .restoring heaflh, by opening the pores,- cleansing the veins and arteries, miimneding all, the -natural veins an( I mu ifvi.vii the brood; tiiev render the system not only thorougiiiy sotnui, uuiai- 5 . 1 soiinpVi Viutisio disease, even when all other means have failed. ... -Within the last twelve months, more than one hundred cases of the mol ag- irravuted forms of Dyspepsia have been ble victim fully in the face. If Dr. Gor . (- i t,on'8 Pi,ls VVC,'G n0t flIaPtcJ to lhc Cl1,e any DUt.llns norrui maiacty, men um - fnrm 5iiceess in this disease alone would be sulTicient. to 'waft on to fame, the name of their inventor, as a benefactor of his spe cies. This medicine hever fails to cure the worst cases of piles in one week! ' For sale in-7iirboroVby A, IL Macnair &. : - . ( GJ20. HOWARD. February S, 1349. - : ly. 5i Kiihl's Abysliiiian 'lixture. ! : From tfie Mil I drir Chronicle v , Laurei'Grbve, (near MHtonJ.iam'li, 1843- Dr. Kuhl Dear Sir; ". 1 We nave nov oeen auuui &oven yeurs, iu. for'tne!sae of yorjr Restorer of th BloM; and otli erleilrcirifesV and aTehappy -to etatfe they havV o-iven ir?all cases gerieraL stisfaetionjparticulaf, ly the Ahysnniun Mixture has giveu universal atisfaction,cpitha every pnet Who has used it voii' recommended" your1 1 tfrd) Weumatism, bought bottle of it arso denti tf twJ embrocationeawJ hint eoti rely viid thl eas($ haa-neypretiirni Ygujs?rescffally ! 't1 For salerby 4eri Tr? vea Amwqrtf ui .-jo- 5 Toivnscncl'sarsapavilla; : 4- FrohiYhe'tYiiming'toh VourHat: : ' The following statistics which has; been handed - to : us f by Mr. Crandall; Messrs. Clapp&iTbwnsend's travelling agent, will furnish the reading public some idea of the magnitude of their Sarsaparilla business at their manufactory which is ereeteds at Al bany; at an expense of seventy thousand dollars". J ''"y- '.,---.'i . y.l ; They prepare and put up: 5,000 bottles f every -tl &y ; 1 6 er for m th is labor it rcq ui res from 70 to 100 hands. In order to sup ply the large quantity of boitles used, two of the largest glass restablishments in the United States are kept in constant opera lion. - I his sing e item alone amounts to $100,000 per 1 1 annum. Three Napier steam printing presses, with a double set of hands each, are constantly running on Circulars and Almanacs. They published last year 4,000,000 for gratuitous eircula- ! tion, containing a' great variety of useful information, besides their own- advertise ments. It took 50 females six months to fold and stitch them.- Their Almanacs cost $30,000. Independent- of all this, flhfy pnhlish a full column of their .medi cine matter in over 400 papers in the Uni ted States, British -Colonics, West India Islands, and South America, where they have extensive sales: this costs them over &S0,000 per annum. They have a large number of men and boys engaged in col- lecting root and other ingredients. Indecd nllllic hands they employ directly and' ,-: J J . i otherwise, in making glass, paper, corks,; ! tii 1 i in it ' t i v r i r 1 1 1 i rr itrv vnc icrcrA tinr v . . n . i i j- ' persons. I nea- mo,.nt orcpn.1 employed to keep all the, . i . , in sueoessiui operation, 500,(00 dollars. Qjlt would seem is not less than that agined i cine reputation, which has gained such a high and such unprecedented sales, swelling to the enormous " sum cf SSOO,000 a year, miss! possess, iri and of itself, intrinsic medicinal virtues for the cure of many dis eases to which the human flesh is heir to. For sale by Get). Howard 1 TarboroV March 31, 1S49. ' ; Dr. lYishirs Balsam of IVild Cierry. From the Maine. Democrat. (Saco,) June t ' ,.; - T ! ; 22,1847.., , 7 -TYisfar's Balsam. A few days .ago, Mr. Elijah Witharn, of- Safifcvd, inour county, being in. our office, request ed u$ to publish; for the benefit of the -publ'C, his testimony in favor of ; ... frisfar's fiatsnnVvf ivild Cherry 1 i the fall of lS-i'oY Mr. V. Avas attacked ...til-, n ..n. K'wl nll ,,-litrt Mil!nt1oft tr i y Ui,um "...v,.. .w....mv.m W grow worse till March, when he was cion - ; fined to the house, with little hope of re coVcjy: Hearing of ' : ' 1 JFivtas Balsam of wild Cherry jic rcsolved to try it. . He soon found re r-;cvei if they do not.at once perceive any prjnting Business, we now; proposaell o. beneficial result. We are not in the habit our printing Press, Types, and . Fix- .pl writing pulls lor mcuicincs, anu oniy give this at the request of Mr. W. , . ED. DEMOCRAT. For sale by Geo Howard Tarboro Abyssinian Mixture For G oxoRRiifEA, .Gleet, Fluor ' Al" , . bus, Gravel, &c. . , . Letter from Dr. James Galium, .-jdatccl ; -Milton, N. C August.MjaS lT i OirXJ. tvuhl Dear Sir:, rj U. ;-' Your raediqinef.have f given . entire saUsfaction in this section of countrythe Ayfsinja(n Mixture especially f is: highly approved of, it has never fail id to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes, f have never had enough to supply the demand. You . will please serid -'xneiTarge shpply of it is" soon as you arrTve at hbiheV Yours, respectful !y J.'l UALLUai,-; hi! ? MiltorDrugsSttre. arshallHalifasfJames Sirrmpps Wldop; C Pqgllt Qastor.-! jF f :EvPook rrentoD Hefi , tderson; IltlL Mitchell. Oxford. May 16 I ,Gatcs, Stedman & Company, v UG Nassau Street,' New York, ARE NOW PUBitsniNQ r ? ' 4 .- T?itc9 WDlHiWlliE$TIC. MEDICItiE. B Y KEITH jIMffji Y, M. D. r Fellow pf I he Royal College of PhysU cihm Mnd'Ljcentiate qf 'tie'Boyal' ' ' College of Surgeons, Edinburgh s '''' - ' - la r?! 1 THIS work gives a clear arid concise ridea of the nature of Ihevdistinptiyy .njp- toms, of the premonitory; signs of diseases, of, their predisposing causes, . anof the methods of their lreatment recommended by the'most distinguished physicians. A The best modes of employing the med icines 'in general use arc faithfully describ ed; as are also the diet and regimen neces sary under various diseases and during convalescence." ' 'f -t Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature, Bath ing, Climate, Clohing aha" Exercises aro 'specially treated upon. ' 1 0 Th'e publishers of the American Edition prefix to Dr." Im ray's work, snort illustra ted, and very valuable Treaties upon A natomy, Physiology- and Surgery; also Directions for the Treatment 'of the Sick, Management of the Sick Uoom, Prepara tion of Food' foi the Sick; &e.f&c. JVIany valuable articles have beemfur nished by the courtesy-of-tncdical gentle men of the United States. -, 7 The entire volume, withits full: Index-, ToKtoa rf Dnp Rin will nrnvn. it is fnn- - , , , v , . i ui i. fidently believed, a most valuable book lor i " .t : v, : -, -; -; 5 A. uiii 1 1 y uov. The work will be completed in" twelve . " e , . ,orw GenllcmetoCrespectability arS good address wanted as canvassers for the above work in every town and village in the United States. Address (post 1 GA'TESy STEDMAN CO; 1 ! v ; 116, "Nassau St. i .,J QtlCCr r r . For coughs and lung complaints use Dr. BaS iholome w's -PFnfc Expectorant sy ru i M Sick headache though tjonstituttonal ot inciden tal, isciired by DrSpbhn's hea.d acheremedyi Linslin of China Tot .the cure of all diseases that require external application, y t The, gray haired will find the Indian Hair Dyo perfect and effectual. ' t '" T For sale bv 1 ' Geo Howard. 1 ; - racfesilicrg jJIedtcincs. 1 3 JUST RECEIVED, vthe Jflraefqnberg Sarsaparilla Comrlound-thet celebrated Chilrtrenfa Panacea .the. Eve Lotion the j Hcalth Riuers-the Fever and Ague Pills - - - - - ' . , 1 1 .1 jr, iue ..vegetable i'iiis,:anu ?me oreen ; MotintaiaVegetahlg Ointment,, yf March 26. GEO. HOtYAMD. The Press, Tvpes aiid IPixturs OP THE lYarrenlon rJV't1 J'llf porter OFFICE FOU SALE. HAVING1 determined on t quitting the 1 lures t a yery jow pr,ce for cash, or on a short credit for a part of the purchase nion- o with hnntl nnrl nr.hrnvpd Recnritv. ' 1 "r 1 j The Press and a part of the Type are considerably worn, out will do pretty fair work for tivo or three years to come. ..TJiq Job and Advertising Zype are in f, better condition, and.will ,last, many years. . r Tho Cases, .Stands and other fixtures are' very good. There is a sufficiency bf type''1 of all'kTnks Tor a village establish ment(War rentori is a desirable place to" reside in,-: be ing remarkably healthy, and.has osu,gp)d society as "ahyvillage in the State. We have been engaged in the publication of the Reporterfor; S I- -yejrSyJindVr havefceen to 1 erably vell Ustai n ed . ; f ? V.a. will sell at a jirtceisoilow that aiiy.one wishing to.en gage intthe'businesswoulddo veU tQ,z&ll and , see usor address? the EditQr r post paid WarrentonirNi Yu t. hn- '1 Cilfe Pills aiicrPIicnixSittcrs