B. m rHibbard & $9 K trild Cherry Mier, Hp HIS preparation is a certain sedative allaying all nervous excitability and calming nervous irritation palpitation of the heart dizziness of the head faintiness and all diseases arising from a sympathetic affection of the i stomach, are entirely relie ved by a few doses of these bitters. Circassian Baling For the cure of all diseases of the slrin, burns arid scalds, canker of the mouth, cleansing the teeth, cuts, bruises & sprains also an excellent article for shaving. R! F. HIBBARD'S Vegetable Family Pills. These pills have been long known to the proprietors, and an experience of more than twenty years enables tlicm to speak with the utmost assurance of their medical virtues. Carminative-Salve 'Originally prepared by the Rev. B. Hibbard. This salve is one of the valuable remedies known for felons, biles, painful ulcers, &c. For sale in Tarboro' by Geo. Howard. September 7, 1847. APPROVED 'Patent Medicines , $c. - O Vllllilllulli) IUI Ulb bUI v v tllv .swellings, scrofula, sore legs,&c. Harrelis febrifuge, or vegetable tonic, V 8 4 St cough mixture of carrageen moss& squills, extract of sarsapartlla and blood root, anti-biltou tomato pills, Sappington's anti-fever pills doiboofe cm fevers, Goelicke's matchless sanative, for the cure of consumption, coughs, colds, &c. Phelps's tomato pills Peters'a vagetable do, Thomson's eye water, chemical opodeldoc, Longley's great western Indian panacea, Oil spike, British oil, Bateman's drops, laudanum Paregoric, essence ot peppermint, lemon, &c. Harlem oil," castor oil, liquid ointment, French plaster to enre corns, East india hairdye, Compound chlorine tooth wash, fancy soaps, Connel's remedy for diseases of tuinrry organs, . Sherman's worm and fceadacfre lorenges, Hull's cough lozenges, Hull's anti-fever pills Roof's founder ointment, for horses, Cletnents's vegetable tonic mixture, Armstro ig's do do Evans's family aperient pills, Evans's tonic do Turner's ague and fever and chill and fever pills, Tyler's vegetable fever and ague pills, Wistar's balsam of wild cherry, &c. &ci For sale by Geo. Howard. Cotton Yarn. o rpHE subscriber has just received a quantity of Cotton Yarn, different numbers, which he will sell very low For cash or barter .Persons desirous of purchasing cheap will do well to call and 'see. Feb. 4. Geo.. Howard. Xowel an I Summer complaint, NO CURE NO PAY. . Pr. Jaync will guarantee that his Carminative Balsam will cure Diarrhoea, Colics, Cramps, Griping Pain, Ch'dera Morbus. Summer Complaint, and other derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, in ninety-nine cases out of a hun dred, and in less than half the time it can be effected by any other means. It is extremely pleasant, and children are fond of it. It is equally as effectual for adults as chiltlren, and wl when the directions are followed, & a cure is not effected, the money will be cheerfully returned. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottlei From the Rev. Charles C. P. Crosby. Messrs. A. D. & D. . Sands I am glad to inform you that the medicine sold by yon for bowel and summer complaints has proved singularly ' efficacious in my family. My wife has-for years been extreme y liable to a most distressing dysentery in hot weather; bat by the e tf JayneV Carminative Balsam, for two seasons, the attack has been obviated nthe course I e tarA rr throe hnnrs. l kava Lnun niillrAn . i j i -i . ' i " when attacked by a violent Diarrhoea, cured ira- j- i . - .V'Vry," i mediately by this medicine. 1 considerDr. Jayne's medicine prepared with great skill, , and highly beneficial to our infirm human nature. Yours respectfully1, - cYcjift' i5iosSLT New York Sept.,; 1837. Dr fJ. Jayne Dear ir Having used in my family, for eight years, y00r Carminative Balsam, I deem It doe to yourself arid the public' to state that I have uniformly found iu efficient irt relieving and removing the complaints for which t is intendedi I ara stronfflr opposed 'to all quackery, but touching the above medicine, l T, i ZZ an1 im which J haoe txnervenc o. , neSnectfullvvours. ' ' JoiwO n. ........ Pastor of Baptist Church, Borden town, N J. 1 j j .nmuni Junel, 1839. Prepared only by Dn Di avne, Philadelphia, nu sold on agency by ' GEO. HOWARD j Reduced to 75 cents. 'g3 " ; , Bi Clmmpioitfs , , , , Vegetable Jlgue Medicine, . A safe and certain cure - for FeV era of very de scription also, Dr.. Champion' 8 aniUtrilious pills PURELY VEGETABLE. Forsaleby GEO HOWARD ' Tarboro', Nov. 9. JYbtice. Q ARSAPARILLA, Comstock's compound ex- tract; there is no other preparation of sarsa- parilla that can exceed or equal this. If you are sure to get Comstock's, you will riud it superior to all others. It does not require puffing. Magical f'ain E&lrnttor, t The most extraordinary salve over invented for the cure of new or old burns and scalds, and sores and Rnr eves. It has delicrhted thousands It j o will take out all pain in ten minutes and no fail urei It will eure the piles, &c. Indian Pegtiablt Elixir, a sure and safe remedy for rheumatism, acute and chronic, gout, and all th chronic nains of bones, loints and muscles, t . arising from a too free use of mercury, &c. J. Spohn's Elixir of Health, for the certain prevention of ferns or any general sickness, keep inr the stomach in most perfect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. Colds, coughs, pairrs in the hoses, hoarseness, and drop sy, are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. Dr. Spohn's Jgur Pills, warranted to cure if ta ken ecrording tc directions; thousands have in one year Veen cured of ague and fever by them. Dr. Lin's celestial I aim of Ckina a positive cure for the piles and all external ailtngs all internal irritations brought to the surface by friction with this balm: so in couehs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this halm applied on a flan ne1. will relieve and eure at oncei Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it. Lin's temperance hitters, on the principle of stib- stitntingthe tonic instead of the stimulant prtnei pie, which has reformed so many drunkards Titc celebrated compound Chhrins Tvotk teas A, renowned far its efficacy in purifying ths breath and preventing the decay of teeth, an4 keeping the gums ivealthy and sound. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. VILD CHERRY ANO SARoAPARILlA" rrecijf combined, OHeartieIe FELLS. FTnilE startling drawback on nearly all medi , cal agents has ever been lhat in their pro- p;c nl nurtmllnn and unrlfirIlnn thpv haw mln debilitated the sTstem. Hence purgative me dicines were regarded as at best but a necessary evil, patients resorting to them for the relief of one disease at the expense of anotheki To obviate this, physicians have long sought for an agent that would at the same time purge, purify and strengthen; but their efforts were nearly fruitless, and they had almost despaired of success when the labors of science, and research were rewarded by a discovery which -fully realized the fondest desires of the medical faculty, and which is justly regarded as one of the most important triumphs that pharmacy has ever achieved. This import ant desideratum is named Vegetable Universal Fills which purify ihe blood and remove all corrupt and vitiated x humors, and unhealthy accumulations from the body in a manner never, before rivalled, and which 'yet produce no weakness or lassitude whatever; but on the contrary, tone ihe stomach and invigorate the constitution during the pro gress of their operations! Dr. Le Roy's pills in fact unite those heretofore irreconcilable but mnc rUcirahlft Aiialities. evacuation and invijrora- Uion: lorthev are at the same time a strengthening purgative and a purifying tonic. The two princi- pal ingredients in Dr. Le Hoy's pills are WILO CHERRY AND SARSAPARILIA. so prepared that each promotes the beneficial effect of the other; the former strengthening, while the latter, through its union with various vegetable ingredients, evacuates and purifies; thus they I superinduce no torpidity r lassitude of the diges- ( . e m ' f, L.nia tliAivniKirafiinc aro idonil. 1 . , ' eu ? "u .'vt ? . : f . ; . ' se?, ,8 , . . A.a mA J: t. .i I- rrr1 tl rl ICaCDQ inrf that anfmn j IS SO prompt, ma in an nuut or iwu aiiet mey are . v , r . . t - A. . , J taken, the patieni is aware of their good, effects, ' r the chyle of which the blood is formed, and this secures, good blood from the fountain head; more- over iney prouuce neuner nausea, griping or ueoi- . I J . . . - . . . i lty, and as a family medicine they have no rival. rut up tor the public with tull directions by .J. HUBBARD CO. ? f AniericanAgentsVNew York. Tot sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro; Hale Willard, Sparta. : ? March S3. Xante S and prices of J)r. Jayne9S - Family, Medicines, viz: I . j ' Jayne's Expectorant, per bottle, $i Q0i4Iair tonic, I 00 tonic vermifuge, 25 cts. carminative balsam 25 cUi sanative pills, per box, ,25 cts. American nair dye, du cts. alterative, i oo; ague dills, 1 00. For sale by GEO' HO WARD, Just; Received! FRESH SUPPIiY of Whittemore's eancentrated vegetable syrup,:aure rfcmedy for diarrhea and bowel complaintalso, Hemsley's worm-destroying syrup, f v r t ;i , " 'anti-ralneral pills, ' 1 - ' Whittemore's- American plasters dcri ion papery Durkee'a Green Mountain vegetable Ointment, i For sale by Geo. Howards Br. 'Champion -si : AGUE OICINE, A sttfe and CEItTJillf. CURE for CHILL AND FEVER. ; In all its complicated forms. Also; an ef fectual remedy for Fevers of every description " ' . V HmHIS medicine has been before the public for. a number of years, and the beneficial effect so fully developed, that the demand for the pills has increased to a very great - extent. t For. although the proprietor has manufactured near Half Million boxes during the past year, he has not been able to supply many parts o the country. This medicine may be relied on in all cases to cure the chills and fever the first day. Bilious fever, typhus fever, winter fever and scarlet fevers, all yield to the use ofj this medicine, and are cured by this sys tem of pract ice, in a shorter time, and with much more certainty than by any other system that has been recommended. Each box contains twenty-four pills, twelve of which will cure any ordinary case of chills and fever. A pamplet ac companies each box giving full directions and numerous certificates of the efficacy of tlrcse pill? Price reduced to Si per box. ALSO, Dr. CHAMPION'S Vegetable lnti-13ilioiis, Jlnli-byspeplicy -Purifying, and rtiharlic FfflLILS., 4 - rosiessin? four important comlintdf""a c",P'ld ,.had the of prrma- t. - .. iture baldness. Dunng several years I used properties for the cure of diseases. carc- a a r .u u,u 1 . ' vnrirtti nrAnara inn rprnmmfnnAd Inr thfi hair. io assist laerjjcci Of anoiicr, for Ihe benefit of the Jieulth of mankind. The proprietor asserts, and Without fear of contradiction, the demand for these pills i is not equalled by any medicine in the Tl.,;,.l st.. n.. i. m hi Ccirt . r t-r r . great numbers of certificates of the most as- tonishing cures lhat have been effected by the use of these pills. They are recommended to the attention of those afllictcd with liver comDfaint.1 dyspepsia, billious habits, costiveness, chol- era morbus, rneumaiism, scroiuia, foul stomach, depraved appetite, worm, jaun dice, headache and sick stomach, palpita tion of the heart, diarrhrea, Nervous affec tions, obstructed mcnsturation, dysentery or flux, heart-burn, white swelling, and all those diseases arising from impure blood. Price twenty-five cents per box. A pamphlet accompanies each box with full directions and ample testimonials of the good effects of the5c pills. This is to certify that tve have used Dr. Champion's vegetable ague medicine, and also, his vegetable anti-billious, anti-dyd- peptic, purifying and cathartic pills, in our families for a number of y eats, and have also, learned much of their celebrity from great numbers of persons who have used them mi their families. We do think them very efficient and valuable m;dicines for the eure of diseases for which tVey are recommended: Maj James Pearson, Twigg county, Ga. Ira Durfee, M.D do do dD J Matleck, merchant, Blakeley, do Col John Dill, Fort Gaines, do W H Rawsonmerchant, Lumpkin do ' Robert Ware, M D Columbus, do S Middlebrooks, planter, Jones, do Alex Low.rey, M D Jefferson, do A C Holbert, JP Doreville,' Mississippi, C ' Maj J McGuffee, Cayuga, do J I Lewis, Aubram, v. ' do Col W F Dillon, Oakley, do , S D Simmons, planter, Roselaune, do .,, C Stancil, merchant, C'arrollton, , do Judge Carbry,'Coffeeyille, . do ; M B Arnold, planter, Graball,' . t do' ! ' B Meek, merchant, Louisville, f ' do James Lo wry1, merchant; Raleigfii loV; D F N Turner; P Mlilbntlcello,4"1 Ha !V V Samuel . J ay ne, ;P M Brookhaven, 46 rn t Q H Sheiog, merchant, 5aston,f Alat t5? W MGHmore, planter, Sickens, cQ,-dpj ,v. onplante;,. dp da rt doti For sale , b.y, Geo, Hotvarfl, .Tarboro', Dr. Wm. A. Shaw and Wml L0pain, YFM ,E;Bajtgmip MphoU,. Ply ipou th. Alfred H JH ise, Greeny ille. . V. Moore &t .'t fWjlUainston, antlM. Weston Rocky Mount. x June 46.1547. Tin Jfare. " i " ' Q - fTF HE subscriber has just : received a fresh supply of TW . Ware, manu factured at Washington, in this State, viz: Lard stands of various sizesf buckets do do, Coffee pots do do, measures do do, wash basins Laaierns, scoops, milk 6 trainers, culenders, , Oil cans, pepper boxes, cwps; dish pansi &ct which will be sold on reasonable anil ac commodating terms.; , . ' (J3f Orders for gutters, conductors, and tin ware of every description, will betat tended to forthwith. . Geo. Howard. Tarboro, March . J ( Hi Received , JJJlR. MURPHY'S sugar-coated vegeta ble anti-fever pills, Dr. Murphy's sugar-coated snti-hilious pills. Dr. Hull's vegetable fever & ague & anti-fever do , medicated cough lorenges, , , 0r Spencer's vegetable cathartic pills, ..,,v vegetable tonic and restorative bitters. For sale by Geo. Howard. Tarhbro March 1 3 ' Notice. TKtL OF TANNIN, or leather restorer, a new -'chemical discovery, which penetrates Uie stiflest and hardest leather, i has been twenty years in use; and if tears easily with the ringers, it4imspan at onre a strength that is utterly incre dible until seen . Horses that have ring bone, spavin, wind galls, &Ci are cured by Roof's Specific; and foundered horses entirely cured by Roof's founder oiutraeut. CVn -the French plaster is a sure cure. Dr ConnePs gonorrhea mixture, an invaluable cure for all diseases of the urinary organs. For sale by GEOt HOWARD. Dr. Jaync's Family Medicines. Loss of Hair and Jiahlncss. ITS RE3IEDY. . . Hear what Dr. Quiglcy says : Shepherd's luwih, Fa Oct. 10. 1843. Dear Sir Yoa inquire of rae wliether 1 have used your Hair Tonic, and the effects. Several years ago rr.y hair began to fall rapidly - .rrom which I derived no beaeu At length a friend recommended yonr Hair Tonic. I used three 1 or four bottles according to the printed direcuons and at the end of six months my hair was thick , and since its tendency to turn gray was arres- tedt 1 ave never betore given a camncue rec m- -HuWflr patent medicines, which indiscriminately used, as they often are, do much injury, but in a ... tl , , Mu.ftnf ,u iwin mo IiLa iIip nrcuDt whprft I know the article to , bc bem,ficia!t and that itcan do no harm; I have j no scruple in stating facts within my own knowledge. Yours, &e. JOHN QTJIGLEY, M. D, To Dm D. Javnk, Philadelphia. CHILDREN DIK OF WO R VIS Aye, and grownup people too DR. JAYNE'S VERMI FUGE has never been known to : fail to cure in ! the worst stajyesi Symptoms of Worms, These are headache, vertigo, paleness of the lips, with! flushed cheeks, grinding the teeth during sleep, disturbed reams sleep broken off by fright and screamlngi convul ; sions, feverishness, thirst, bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath, dihicult breathing, itching of the nostrils, pain in the stomach, nausea,' squeamish ness, voracious appetite, leanness, tenesmus, slight chills or shivering3, drowsiness-fatigue, swelled stomach or limbs, rising and choking in the throat, turbid urine, frequent desire to evacuate the bowels, discharge of slime and mucus, fcs. For nervousness, sick headache," palpitation of the heart, &c., it gives immediate relief. It also neutralises'acidity o 1 stomach, creates an appetite, strengthens the whole system, and cures the piless Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by Tarboro', Nov. 9. XiEOsflQ WARD. Horses, fyc.for hire fTllHE subscriber continues to keep horsesann venicies ior nire on me ionowing o ' 1 TERMS DAY: 1 For carriage, twri horses, and driver, $5 b0 ' cnlrfiigandnarness,1'' -!fl 200 y,? barouche, jtwo horses and driver,? 4 00 barouche andbaxness, m.i $q: i ,;carryall, two bqrsea a.ntLdrivpr t 3 60 hninep. .U oo ugandorse, oK -J ;!12?00 , owgsyna narnest , g 75 t norse, saaaie ana Driaie, 1 or si 1 CO -1 ihcrfSearidcarti 4 rH$ btv? 4 'fsm i ana gear, - 7 .., ' 0 25 M Horse and plough, .iiid U- 6oA 5 Wagon and dray, bytract. rd,h I Tlrrbve-charges are-for an ordinary day's travel bngeror fiiort distances, by contract. tAPril -i. QEQ4$WARD, j Jlntuhilions Family PjUs: pomposed of Medicinal Properties POs sessed by various vegetable substances. ' . CTING specifically on the Liver in otbersecretingorgans,promotinE(i; tion, purifying the blood, cleansi glands, .n short, reviving th. prosit , system; and diffusing health and Vi O uuuiau tl atllc. The following are presented out of m '' CERTIFICATES. Cornwall, Orange eounty, N, y t:' ' " ' ' May 19, 47 Dr. A. Gilbert. Dear Sin Suffering forJom Urne yrith severe bilious affecUon andliver plaint, I was recommended to try your ami bT (amify pills; and I am pleased inWau'T say, that after using a few doses I lound ! ! permanent relief. To all those afflicted in a 2 lar way J cannot refrainjroo, thus publicly! commendm? them. n I J l jLiL ' . ' ' t nem a valuable .-.... e,3 especiailjr in ihe count where persons are removed froci ,he opn.i I of receding Ualiee. You,8)lZ. ' bigned. r.P.ftnr.D xr..,.. We.-the undersigned, dealers medicines, having for two Years iast ani.i a. r.:iL . bilious family pills, take great pleasure in statins that so far as we know, the medicine has given universal satisfaction; and we believe it, from the several expressions made to us, to be the best anti-bilious medicine now in usei Signed. Aaron A. Wing, M. I), Peter HANLocir a. a. jvixnnv. i o. t. ... , AOI i.1 Norfolk, Va. May 20, '44. Mr. A. Gilbert. Dear sir, please send mefow gross of your pills by the very first packet, as I am nearly out of them. The demand for them is very much increased, which can only be attribu ted to their being recommended by those who have been benefitted by the use of therm You can draw on rae at sight for the amount as usual. Signed. G.J. New Orleans, March 7, '45. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9, 1847. 46-ly PURIFY TIE BIOOD. M O F F A T'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PHdNJX "BITTERS. The high and eimed eefebrity which thee pre-eminent If eJkinw We toqeired Tor their irible effcacy in all the 4ieates which they profem to ewe, reueercd the wsal practice f pu&ng not ouly uuiecerj', but unwor thy of tiiem. They are hnowu by Uieir fran ; their pood works testify for Ike! and they thrire not ay Uie (killi of the cfWuloa. ' Of ASTHMA, ACUTE and CHROSIC RHjUMiTISK AFFECTIOSS nf the BLADDER and K1DSEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the aouth ! wct. ffcee Jne disectei prevail, tlwf will be found InvkluMe. Piaatern, fkimers, mi others, who oik hm Uiste MMiicinet, wiH never afWwirda be without them. BILIOUS CUOLIC, und SEROUS Looitnttt, 1LE8 COSTIVENESS, COLDS A COUGHS, CUOLIC, COMdUMPTION. Vaed witlt cwtt iuccms in this diiuc t'OfilttPr HUMVRS, DROPSIES, D7DPEPSZi3U No person with thi Uttresiin( di ease, thould delar these medicinci immediately. EJtUritOXS f the Skin, ERYSIPELAS, FLAW LSSCY, FRVfiR and AGUE. For thia acourre of the we tem cvantrr Ukm mdieinea will ba (bund a aafe, apeedr. tn crrtain remedy. Other medicinea leave the ayatem aubject to a return f the 8iaae-a cure by theae medicinea is permanent. -TY 'IHfiM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CURED. FOULNESS t(f COMPLEXION, aStfSXZAXa DSDXXiXTY', GOUT. GIDDINESS. GRAVEL. HEADACHES, tf ever Und, INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE BLOOD.. JAUNDICE. LOSS of AFPB TlTE. LIVDIt COiaPLAINTB, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS. MK11CIU1AL DISEASES.- Neer (kila to eradicate entirely aS tt eff eta of Mercury in& nitely aooaer than tlie moat powerfiil preparation of Sarsaparilla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. NERVOU9 COMPLAINTS ail kind, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. PALPITATION of ihe HEART, PAINTERS CHOLIO, PXLBO. The on'cinai proprietor of these mcdieiM vaa cured of Pile of 38 years staJidin- by the we of these Li fa " M!lcines alone. Pi INS in Um head, aide, back, limbs, jokrta aad orcana. K II E U M A T I S M . Those afflicted with thb terrible divcase, will be sure of eeVef by the Life Medicine. HUSH of IILOOD to the HEAD, SCURVY. SALTRHEUM, SWELLINGS, SCROFULA, or KIN CP 0 SVXZs, mit worst furwis, ULCERS, cf every description. WOXlEZ8,ofJl kinds, are eflecUally eipelled by - these Medicinea. Parents will do well to administer them whav erer their existence m euspeeted. Rekf will be certain TUfi LIFE PILLS AND PUffiMX BITTERS PURIFY THE 8IO00 And Urns remove all disease from th'. system "A singl trial wifl plaee the II F E Pi LLS & P H CE N I X 6 I TtERS beyond UV reach of comft titlon in the estimation of every palic.u the feaaiita ef these medicioei now put up is whit wrappers and labela, together . with a pamphlet, calles) M Moffat'f Good.Samaritau," er MaiciDr: the direction. M which is a drawing of Bror jway from Wall street to oT Office, by which trangerai,itiog'1i city can very V Tth rPr' aad SamaritaBS are copy thrfor thosd who pfnre them wkh wbjft wt,-pj)7w CM be assured that they re geuino Be turU ando not J"7. hM; Wlth X&V r apperf j ht if jou do, ba salwfiad that they come iirtct fr.'u,, or dost touch them. ' ' iVrparedc4aoWt7 ' ?,Pn ?1Im -IAX D. X7XOFF AT, : 35 Broadways 4ont it AbUioov street, New Trk. For Sale by Geo,, ; Hq&ard, Agent, Tarboro'. Motanit JMedicines. JpHE subscriber has just received, : rect from New York; ' a oenebal assortment op ThornWohiau Medicines ! - . -.-..if . - Lobelia green and brown 2nd and 3rd Prepara j tfdn df do Inyrrh, cajenne fwepper, pond 'Cornnosftion, bayberr?, barberrv. snice bitters, Golden taal, poplar bark, slipperj elm, hemlock rf enre powder, nerve ointment, bitter root, 0ough povdera,couh eyrup, woman's frtend, Syringes of various sizes, No. 6, &c. &c. whiph.li i enabled to sell at greatly r dficed prices. GEO. HOWAR&