'IBi. P gill 'Wl W giM, teiillmnniiii I lllfllll gy IW U- : 1 BY GEORGE HOWARDv JR-. ,., :. - ,; Js published weekly, at Two. Dollars per year if paid in advance or, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription yeai. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 ynu-.ror eyerjr eutjceeoing one. monger ones a- that, rata por square. Court Orders and Ju advertisements 25 per cent, higher. 1 - m. FroiU Raleigh to Rocky Mount. Jrtjrc Reduced. Rocky Mount, ana will place on the tfine comfortable stages, good horses and care ful drivers, and will run it to corirtec't with the cars on the Wilmington Rail Road, and with his stage 4ine 'from Rocky Mount to Washingtonhe will x Reduce the Fare a$ follows: From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, " " -;. Wakefield, ' " " Stanhope, " " Na&ville, " Rocky Mount, SI 00 t 50 2 50 3 50 4 50 Trunks, -of ordinary size and weight, $1 50 part of the way in proportion small packages, 25 cents boxes and bundles agreeably to size and weight. Trunks, packages, &c. must 'be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid, or the subscriber will not be responsible; for their safety. For seats, &c. apply to E. Yarbraugh Raleigh T. R. Debnam, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield U. S. Crenshaw, Stanhope B. H. Freeman, NasTaviFIe W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount , GEO HOWARD. TarboroVApril 11, 1649. Valuable Land FOR SALE, VEN HUNDRE6 ACRES Fish frig Creek Land for sale, lying on the cast side of the public road leading from En field to Tarboro' 6 miles from Enfield 1 7 miles to Tarboro A bargain can be got in said Land--terms to suit the purchaser,and possession given immediately. : J. J. B. PENDER. 14. May, 1S49. 20-9 JVorth Carolina Institution For the Deaf & Dumb. THE next session. oif this Institution will commence on Monday; IGth day of July. Having moved into the new Build ing, a few more pupils can be received. As pupils will be admitted in their order of application, it is important that applica tion should be made without delay. Any information on the subject will be given by WM. D. COOKE, Principal. Raleigh, May 30, 1849. DivKUHIS Abyssinian Mixture. For Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Fr.mn Ar ' J iWV4 ld bus, Gravel, &c. Letter rom Dr. Barnes R. Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. 1 Kubl-Dear Sir:! 7 Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail i cd to cure in every case. It sells like hot' cakes. and perfect relief as this. - Whenever introduced 1 have never had enough to supply the demand. I into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for You will please send'me a large supply of it as ' those ailments, and is called for again and ainj aon as you arrive at home. Yours, respectful wnich 1 think a pretty good proof ot its effcacy, P CALLUM, --and usefulness.. In (he" Summer complaint o fchil- Wilton Drug Store. ren, it has frequently appeared to' snatch tne lit- Aoents GEO.. HO WARD, Tarboro'; F. Si tie victims, as it were, from the giavet It saved Marshall, Halifax; James Simmons, Weldon; C. ! the. life of my child, and of such and such a C. Pugh, GastoL, F Et Cook, VVarrenton; Ben. - child," 1 have -repeatedly heard said. . Jn.dysen Goodloe, Warrenton; Pi C. Brown, Lonisburg; ; teric affections of adults, I have time tand v again John H. Drodie. Franklin: Louis H. Kittle, Hen tenon; Ri Hi Mitchell, Oxford. May 16 Notice. A GOOD 60 saw Cotton Gin, but lit tle worn, can be had on reasonable terms, on application to Geo. Howard, Tarboro'. Tarboro' May 28th7 1849. ' Please to read this. A Good Chance to clear Jrom $500 to 7 v - $$00 a year. v i v AGENTS wanted in every Town and County throughout ihe CJnio, to procure. ouoscriners to " Sears Jfictorial ana Il lustrated Family Magazine? -.and to sell Sears9 Nzwt and , Popular , Pictorial Wbrks Universally acknowledged , xo be the'I&w nm cheapest r ever published, as t:hey certainly are the most saJeable. Any active agerrt may clear S$00 or, jSlQOO a 3'ear. A cash capital of at least $25. of S50 will be necessary. , Full . particulars of the prirttfiple and profits of the Agency will be given on application, either per- III ail CaSP do JaiuH'lC)C IU UUi C99. nOB&R T SEARS, Publisher, . . i i t . - - - No. 128 Nassau slieet, New York. A cSciitilic medicine GREAT experience and judgment are required 'to make a valuable, and at the same time, inno cent nurCTrttrVA. rPbi ia nnscp0H nn 1 v hu fvo The great majority cf the remedies .dvertised I forein aml obnoxious particles from the of this -class are m anufactured by persons Mn i'h vie, so thsft t lie Wood, of which it is the have no idea of the relative or individual powers! origin, must be thoroughly pure and ne bf the drugs they use. It is this cause, more than j cessarily socttrirrg a free and vigorous any tithes which occasions flje'iftertness'anddnen I action to the Heart, Lungs, Liver and injurious effVcts, produced hyadvertised remedies. ; Stomach, thereby restoring 'health, by And We the general jreju;'ice which prevails! cni l1ie cleansing t veins and against them. Now uVre is a gresit dtflerence I ' . ,. . ., , . . tbistespecrt, with regard to the pills made by Dr. !rtcr,cs """"PO, aU the natural vein. B. Jlrandreth, ad consequently, their superior j and Ph"K the Mood; they Teirder-fbe" claims 'tjpon the public Each of the articles syslcnv.not only thoroughly sound, but al composing the j so impervious to disease, even when all, Bi andreth Pills 'other means have failed. Are prepared in that way wtnch will secure fcheir Walhi-n t4ie last -tweUe ro-ehTlrs, nroro beneficial effects to 'the System in the safest and than one hundred cases of the movt. ag easiest manner. For instance, some ingredients ravated forms of Dyspepsia haw been have to be prepared in the vacuo; that is, ti.o air is ' u m(Mlirino, where rifikl diet-. rxuairsteu nil imt hifiinii, cno remains SO niin a ... . ,. comb4Daiioii is effected with other tnjrrfdieiits, j . A . ? : inrionslv unnn h m.lWi,. ArJ., U. , . tioit of eaohiiitrfeflienld j -1 - 1 mg povier upon other ingredii'ii'ui or thtMMWtr r i- 11 : of difioreot vegetable .i-urg.uives p,-,, other ' 1 J ts governed bysimtlar laws that govern trie .power ; - of figures by multiplication. N ine adde. tc c make eighteen: but nine ti.ncs tune areei-htv-i orfei So it is wiiu some vovtt:Vp .pfgailvt. - i By adding nine parts of one inurilien't, aft'! 'tfihk parts of another ingredient tugetiior-thc powrr is increased, not to eighteen, hut to eighty-one. F.,r!"' example, either of the arrr prvhTce any purgative effect, would lurte t. be used to the ex tent of .eighty-one jTai.i? ly conihiniitfr iliem, only 'eighteen graitt tiave to be nsodi A'gaiu, a notlrer ingredient isfoundto roultip'y this pnwvr w, proparnon w w,mra . have no eltt ct ujon the anirmtl economy, but? which, added to eiiihteen praitis of a componnd of twoatts ofnine grainy each of two ingredient,. will again multiply die pofc'r w tilcl tWyiaVc gained of eighty-one, to one hundred and 'sixty- two. So again, the mixture of 1 witily grains .j&n be apaln muHiplied by an addition" 'of two 'g'rius to lire power of three hindra! and twenty-four , grains of the original power of the two first ingrfe- dients 'Here wis have twenty-two grains," whirh has received that relief iri it yon 'ua'rant'e'tl -in i has Ineltestimotty ot many V5f the most fespect asa purgativp.containlhe power equal to three ' your directions. lr. James M, Vernon, to whom . able citiiens in this coinry, NVho cMlfy to Ihfe hundred and twenty-four grains of either of the articles alone? neverthfelessTalso so powerful after' being thus combined, are safe in any rtuatttity .i always having a beneficial effect, and in ho case capable of doing Injury, of which thousands bfeari ample witness Let thote in any way out of health use tkxe Pills Tnty witt Jittd if much to their advantage for sale by Geo. Howard. " Boivel complaints. Colicsy &c. POSITIVELY CURED BY; ' Jaync's Carminative Balsam. Chicago, lit., Mdrth Dr. D. JAYKt Dear elr, You ask me wiat proofs I n.eet with of the efficacy of your Carmi ative. 1 can1 safely say that I never prescribed a j medicine for Bowel complaints that has given: me 6o mnch satifaction, and my patients so speedy seen it act like a charm, and give permanent re hefinafew hours, I may say irt a few minutesi In fine it is a valuable niedicine, and no family', should be without it. I - Respectfully, Mi L. Knapp, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica in tht Laporte University, Indiana Prepared only by Dr. D. JaYne, Philadelphia and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Febi H, i saw Only. 23 cents per box the mre 'of Headache Giddiness Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Heart burn, Worms, Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Liver com plaint, Rising in the throat, Fevers of all kinds, cold's, t3 out, Gravel, Female Com plaints, Nervous complaints,1 and all other diseases arising from impurities of the blood, and morbid secretions of the liver and Stomach. Tvor'y -fhre Wrc-h-tiie tiu man frame is su bj cct, t) rlgi nat es fro m i mpy r i t i es yh e blood or derangement of "digestive organs. Dr. Gordon'-s Family Pills, bemgcom-. poun3ed eRclnsiveTy of sueh inredients as nature intended should topcralc on the im,puritics of the Uuman Slyslcm. Strike at the root of live disease, removing all im parities from the body, opening the pores externail) and internafiy, separating all .1 mi y-i- 1 1 ' I ni" the nh:ePih-,T.-nfl almost cvcYV "otlier ... . . . means had been resorted to vvithcr.it anv IJClK-flU -TIKl W K, f W 'Clf'S I M "St a retl 1 1 3 miSOra- f):e;i:';:.mfuIK' iu ThcTafe. If Di. or-! ' .-Ion s rills were no't adapted to the cure of ,, , ,ran.- nA ... v . ; lections, dyspepsia and plies. .Tne great points ;ir,y but this horrid maladv, their UOltUw i. - uA 11 ' J form caress this disSft ,-ilorte W'tifittl i 1 rr 1 -i r. i 'r .... ;. ... - fl'lt.lW.I V- " IIWWK .ilVIUI UI IJW J I - f .11 1 iki.i nrni mr n no n r- hi p in r n 1 r 1 u np.; This medicine never fails toctire tiro ci cs. worst cases of pile's in one vveckl or-'salo in ai boro hy A. li. lMacnair & ! GE'O. rtOlVAilfi. iVbruarv S, IS 19. !y Ol. tC'tifti'Ts Afysiti1aii JttiWiuC 1 Milton Chmhictt. " , . Laurel Grove, (near M11tOtl)!an. 15, IS IS- Dr. Knhl--T)va'r Sir: We have i,.)VV oeeb about seven vipare, AfrcntS for the sale of your RenlorfcY oTth liWo, anc er Medicines, and are h-ppy gVon in all cases general jrsiti jy thq , Mys fawn Mixture 1 satibfartion, so that every one. yon recomniendcd y'diir . Jrdmalic-. Extratt for fthBWMlfsm,1 botiglvt a bottle of vit at;50 Cfent?f,: atiitl two embfdcationVcuted hirn e.n.lirely. ahd th'e disease, has. never returned i Yours, respectfu respecttuny, . For sale by V"; T I "' ' tted.- tfowtzrd. 1 i-,.-'r " 1 ' - -- 1 - THIS excellent compound, ivnifcrt-haS gained Such notoriety in trie dUrfe df Sever dtid Agile, ddd'dtlier bilojis affection!, ttiay be found at the Store df - : v ' gVo: Moivdrd, fdrkorcty - This rneclicinie was prepared by a fegu larphyiiahjf fiirid jhe resu lt s of an exteri sive pracTic f of several i years in a - bilious climafe! 'Those who have used V ihem sel ves, or Wen Jits salutary iefiects upon others, need no farther r.evidence ot its greatvaVue. A small Treatise on the "causes, treatment and cure of fever and ague and other diseases of bilious climates,'' may be had gratis of the above agent. May 2, 1849. Constables Blanks for sale, AT THIS OFFICE. OR A.iXl DISCOVERY fP Gold indccbmBalPo.' , Worth Carolina THE subscriber hs rjeen intliiced by many , solicitations from his friends arid patrons, to decline the long and- ledi&us liberal patronage of tlve citizens of Edjie- comoe ana adjacent counties. ..The.q.oldJDiq which has beefi secaredao Mnlyj lib: erail patrons of homo industry, Has fndu- ceu mm to continue tne manulactory ot CABINET FUBNITURE. At the same old stand, where may fee found fount! on haBd , a splendid assortment of f ,-. , r.urniture of his own manufacture alsb, a vt ' . . . . splendid assortment ttray fre seen at. his "may fee seen at. h;s I b urntture ware room down town, in the second -story of L. C.. Pender's store, at I he sign of Ponder & llrolber see adver tisement in another c5lani. " ? ' The subscribe does not 'hesitate.ib say, that 'he lias as. good workmen and can fin ish his work in s good style as elieajp ami as dura'hletrs can be made in any Cabinet establishment for the satire pT-iee Fu r . if ure rcpa ire A at the shortest no tices Call and examine before buying tlscwhere, P L. tiONZ), Tarboro', 4th Wv, 1849. An unequalled RemeS -fr o'n V i 1 , e 1 r . O ST, for colds and feverish feetags-iftrd pre 1L v 1 w w i- ttntmS Fevers, dnd. For ayAma, hverconr plnt a'nd ious aTecttonsr 3d. Per diarrrreea, mdigcStten a-nd lossy appetite. 4th. For Costive"- noca 111 fjmn PJ ani hnla Rih. ctn monh af ,w.v., p-i !. 1 ,. . , , , a U. A . back. medicine is LONGLEYS 11 u mar 'ttiiu 11 c uuiiie nun tei u-immv IVcstcrn IndiaA Manatta tieTt ttrcrs is tfo X a mt 1 y m'ed ici ne o f h alf i ts Virtues, and none that will so delight the users of i't. and to convince all that tht&e are facis1, we tiffet a.o.ve. Try it iintltort prire, if you arV not 1 x...- a i-J as "crtaiwed in AI.;.9nMrnr.lR4R aratis. with tbe arenU for . f ' the county. (See foelow.) ... ' v Ttrt ihimtin llniv Is admitted by '''civilized as well as barWdus - ty ' o ' - -nations to be wbw fu.t, flowing and perfect, thfe oh-'iTiieatest ornament, and whenim$rfe'ct pt-wahdn j faci that the I " 4 ' BALM OF COIiUMBTA First, in z cases s'to ps. the hair falling oiit or restores It in most if fallfen, and hv all cases ?iftast bY sicknessV an'i keeps o dandruff and sciirf oh infants and adttlls. Second, pertames the hair and reseres4t to old agte from turning gray"4. Should always be dsed at tolleU'e. ThiFd, gives great vigor and rapid growth to the hair, and cau - ses It to ctirl beAutimlly. Lastly, prevents all aitri or its &r,seqtence children's heads, and exceeds all blher arilcles. jfbr the hair la quality quantity and fcheahess. Mahy urticles have been staited on the 'reputation bt this, and jare .without rrietU thbifgh the hafe bben arid are sold at dou ble the pHce oHhis balm, ; ffi'c jfft, all sores, rhtumaiim, t v; , ; Hays' Iiiniment v ( Is ilit af tide more justly celebrated as a ctire fdr tlife above, than any or 11 others. The cases of cure are. almost innumerable and it is only neces sary to let those ho k how the article" and have used it with such gfeat success, know that ifts-to be had true arirf genuine, (for thereare counter feiters) of Dr. Lucius CJomstock 21 Cortland t at; New YOfkf 'and so of the rest of the articles here named. .v, uAr ; Tu the hall and lame-Dr.' Hewes. nerve and hone linimen is the most elf ectuat cure for ihea natism. and contracted cords and muscles. r . . j V r u?i--Kolmstosks Yermlfag'eao Fak MestocksmW eradicate and cure a children and idults who have worms Caution. Beware of all unless the name is spelled Kalmstock's, the old !utch name of the Inventor. Sold wholesale by Comstock & Coi 21 Cort Undt st. New Yorkby Geo. Howard, Tarboro' I. Wesson, Gaston Fi Si Marshall Halifax Bennett & Hyman, Hamilton FV VV. Moor. vVilliamston and by one person in every village in the United States and Cansdasi Nov. 9. journey ; to California and remain in th ? and, Licentiate of the Royal this medium he begs leave to sayV that he ' i r-tm- has dedined going to Cali(brnUiwJ-re Tllli wr gvesa clear and conctavx turns hl cinoin (Unnl.n r I r!.i ",. i:1 1- : .1' . . v..Ui.o mi uio iuu auu 1 lueu ui iuu uaiure ui tne uisunciivc svmo - to stare mey nave; the greatest utsan vantage 10 me personal appear-, aUa, , Compound the f celebrated station; particular .ancfef male or females That ifU'a dfy to pre . ; -he Lolioti-th ,as vfeu ,,ivVrsal srVe attd .W6auUfy.it, a.11 .will admits ThiS l ... w.,,. "nri Al'liU I ....v n IUI IUU.ll UIUII V JVMk uwv. v.vuw. . " 1 . Oatcs, 8tecltnau & Cutapanv ,lib" Nassau Street, New York9 . ARE, KOW. PUBLISHING v- . OFr MODERN DOMESTIC MEDICINE, BY-KEITH IM RAY, M.J). Felfote tif the Rityal College of rPhysi- toms, of the' premonitory signs ofili senses, of ;their :predisrsin'gufcsr;Viid' the jnethod,of;tbeir treatment recommended Tlie best modes- of .employing 'the medk icihes in general use are faithfully describ ed; as are also the diet and regimen neccs' "sary under various diseases, and dOring convalescence. f ' f .;. .Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature, Bath . J. . . , V. ing, Climate, Crohina' and JiiXerctses ; ar 6 ; A , ii-- spocially treated upon. i. - f - 4 . ' " . arei The puolishers of the American EdUioa prefix to Dr. Tm ray's work, short' illustra ted, and very valuable' treaties upon A natomy, Physiology arid Surgery; als Directions for the . Treatment of the Sick, Man a ge m e n t f tb e $ ic k Roo m , Pre pa ra lion of Food for ,thc Skk, &c. &c. Many valuable' articles have been fur tiished by the courtesy of medical gentle men of theUnitedStatcs. ' Tire entire volume,' with its full Index, Tables of Doses. &c., wiU'pnve,it is con fidently believed, a most Valuable book fotr Family use. , , : v Trie work will be complete in twelve weekly n u m bei'sV form i n g 6 ne large 8 vo, volume of about " i 000 paiesT Oenllemen'of,- respectability and good address wanted as eanvassers for the above XvWk in every ?loWn and . j village in the United States. Address (post paid,) ' x A T&S,f S TE DMA N CO. -' ' ' 116, Nassau st. ',: ; Notice. ; ForcoYighs and lungcomplatnls tisp Dr. Bar- dioVomews Pink Expectorant syrup. Sick liiad dcke though' constitutional or incident ial,- is enred by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy. Liny balm of Chinay forttb Ctite of all diseases i'Tir Thcra hatred wilt find the Indi ian Hair Dya . 1 tV ...1 51 .n. ' au - For, sale by -..April, li;. Mr ::ueo.' tiotcaru. teiacfenbcpg Uledieihts. ... ... v- JUST-ItECEIVED, vthe Graefenberg the Vegetable v puis, and the Green Mountain egetable OmtmenU Hi& 26. GB 6. HQ fVARD. , . . . . , v- 1s- 's 4 -'m 1' " '"' ' 1 '" fc 1 " iTIic Press, Types and Fittures .. .. j-n -r?t!V !-- r,;,, ,s rflZTCjUoii fJV Reporter -. ; ' " "f V"' i v v io urm.ucu u,, ." .Printing Business, we' now proposeselN ing oUr Printing Press,4 pesandFix tures, at a very low price for '-cash, or on a J short credit fdr a"parr6T the purchase mon ey Vyith bond and approved Security. The Press and a part of the !fype am considerably 'wornj but will do pretty faU; wdrk for tvvoor three years to come. JTho Job and Advertising !Type are in better condition; and will last' many years. The Cases, Stands and other fixtures areyery good. Th'erd is a sufficiency of type of all kinds for a village esfabltshment lar renton is a desirable place to. reside jn,' be ing remarkably healthy j and haa as good society as any village in trie State, Wo havo been -engaged ' in the publication of tne ueporier -tor i ' years, ana nave ou tolerably well sustained? "We- will sell at a price so Imv,- lhat ::anot5' wis'hfng to en gagti : in the business would do well to call and see us, or address the Editor, post paid, VVarrenton, N. CV R. N. VERELL, Editor 4 Prop April 21, 1349. Life Pills and Mienix Bitters. Fdr sale hy tloivard i

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