lyhoikft'b lit?. Tarborotighj Edgecombe County, M.Caturdau &uusi 4 ISiO BY GEORGE HQVtXRDt Jfr. . Js published weekly at Two Do'Lta'ftser year if paid in advance of, Two Dollars ant Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription Year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 County throughout the Union, to procure Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ojiesfc1 Subscribers to "Sears' Pictorial and II tbat rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial -Instratcd Family Magazine" and to advertisements 25 per cent, higher. T v rS&& rf- ftjaaiu Fr&lll Ralfcigh to Kcky Mount. JFaVC Mc&UCClh I 4 ! f 't i ,i nrfM THE subscriber has taken the contract for carrying the mail from Raleigh to, Rocky Mount, and will place on the line, comfortable stages, good horses and care- j ful drivers, and will run it to connect j with the cars on the Wilmington Rail j Road, and with his stage line from Rocky ! Jllouutto Washington he will Reduce the Fare asfolloics: From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, $1 00 t 1 Wakefield, 1 50 Stanhope, 2 50 Nashville, 3 50 Rocky Mount, 4 50 Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, $1 50 part of the way in proportion small packages, 25 cents boxes and bundles agreeably to 6ize and weight. Trunks, packages, &c. must be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid, or the subscriber will not be responsible for their safety. For scats, &c. apply to E. Yarbrough, Raleigh T. R. Debnam, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw, Stanhope B. H. Freeman, Nashville Xi. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', April 11, 1S49. Valuable Land FOlt SALE SEVEN HUNDRED ACRES Fish ing Creek Land for sale, 1 vine on the cast side of the public road leading from En field to Tarboro' 6 miles from Enfield, 17 miles to Tarboro'. A bargain can be got in said Land terms to suit the purchaser, and possession given immediately. J. J. D. PENDER. 14 May, 1S49. 20-9 i , im wVortfc Carolina Institution For the Deaf & Dumb. THE next session of this Institution vuu,u.CMW u inunuuy, mm aay aj j duty. Having moved into the new liuild ing, a few more pupils can be received. As pupils will be admitted in their order i ofapplication, it is important that applica tion should be made without delay. Any mtormation on the subject will be given by W. D. COOKE, Principal. Raleigh, May 30, 1849. Dr. KUIIL'S Jlbyssiniaii Mixture. For Gonohrhosa, Gleet, Fluor Al btjs, Gravel, &c. .V Letter from Dr. James It. Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. Dr. J. Ku hi Dear Sir: Your medicines have given entire satisfacti on s III lnl5 COOl inn lf niti U' II m . n.;.li.7 V ui " ""Aymnan 3i,xl"'e to n I'i 8 y aPP'VT f; U h m h ve nev r r.ra6e; , ""V h0' You wiluTe ,e s 7S rPP'y 'he dflma"d-!int0 Htm as you atrtve at home. Your,, respectfully, 'l Milton Drunr Store." uia uz.t,. aufVMKUy larboro'; F. S. He victims, as it were, from the grave. "Itsaved larshall, Halifax; James Simmons, Weldon; C. i the life of my child; and of such and such a Pugh, Gaston-, F E. Cook, Warrenton; Hen. i child," 1 have repeatedly heard -said.' In dysen y uoodloe, Warrenton; P, C. Brown, Louisbum. ' teric affections of adults, I have time and arrain .i. uroaie,rrankiin; Louis Hi Kittle, Hen flergon; R, H Mitchell, Oxford. May 16 JYoticc. A GOOD 60 saw Cotton Gin, but lit tie worn, can be had on reasonable terms application to W , Geo. Howard, Tarboro' Tarboro' Massth, 1849, " Please to read this. Good Chance to clear from ,$500 o 1000 ayeat. wi998'"" AGENTS wanted in every Town and e Sears9 New and Popular Pictorial : Works universally acknowledged to be the best and cheapest ever published, as ;lhey certainly are the most saleable. Any Lipfirp atfn.nt rn.iv nlfvir , SZC)() nr SlOOO a J 7 vnar. A rash rnnitnl nf nt or 50 will be necessary. Full particulars of the principles and profits of the Agency will be given on application, either per sonally or by letter. TIjc postage must . J , . 1 in all cases be paid. Please to address, ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, No. 12S Nassau street. New York. A scientific Medicine. URF.AT experience and judgment are required ; make a valuable, and at the same limp, in n ! In , , , rnnt minrnti vv I lns is nulv iir duv i t-w luam i v i i ti u u It cillll ill HUT SMilltt lillir. Illtl" n,wl t,,,;,,;,.. .i i: i , i forei'ii and obnoxious particles from the 1 1 1 grral majorily ot Uie remrdies advertised . 1 of this chs are i snufaciurf d I.y persons who irnyIe, so that llic hlood, of which it is the havenoidra nT the r laiive ux individual pou ers in ii"' must l)C thoroughly pure and tie of the drugs they use. It is thi-s . atibe, m -re ian ', ccsarily securing n free and vigorotis any other, which wrad. ns the u-n:v and oftn .' action to the Heart, Lungs, Liver and injurious effects, priced hy advertised readies. Slo. lch thereby restoring health, by An I hence the general nreiu ire wtiteh Prevails ; .i " ,u j n . 1 1 1 , opemn tiie f))rf:s, cleanstng the veiijs and agitnst therrii Now there is a frreat diiferfa.-t in : . . .. ,. . . .. . ... i . " ,. , , i arteries, ntittnpe hnji all the natural veins this respect, with ieyard i-Uhe n ils n:ade hv Dr. ! ' Hi !randret!i, ami r. "Tx-queutly, ilieir superior elaiiiH upon the pu lie CacSi of the arut iea composing the Btandrelh Pills Are prepnrrd in lhat way which wiil secure their beneficial effects to the system in th. and easiest manner. For instance, some irnrt'dieru have fohe prepared in the vacuo; that is, th dr is exhausted in the utensil, end remains o w a combination is effected with othr ii.irriiMi!, which afterwards prevents the air from aetii.e in juriously upon the nedicine. Ajf.dr., ihe re;)- r tion of each ingredient depends i : j 1 1 ii-. un'!ii;'i ino power upon other inoredeuis- Fur p .. r ot" different veer tide ur.iiives up .:i vwvU .BU,i.m.u UJ ,,....,. i .i v .t mi .-I i. : i ii I'n: jv "' 1 ol hjnires ,y inuilijilifnuoM. . ifie acded to eti i make eighteen: hut nine times nim are etii v onei Ho it is with some veel.!de purirati vs. lly addtnt; nine parts of cue inrt-dient, wed nine purls el another ingredient Mjjether, tiie pi 'er is increased, not. tn t ihtcen, lnt t. itih!y-,-r.e. Fur examj 1c, either of the to produce any pur?tive fleet, would h;ive t'i lr n-ni w "he ex tent of tiyf'tv-one grains; hy rfuddnii. them, only eiiThteen r.rrs have t he es it Af;ain, a nother injredient isf un.dto mtiliijvy t !, : power arain, which in a propt,.riin ef two uraius, would have no efft-ct , upon the atiil e?cnoiny, hut which, added to eighteen p rains of a compound i I two parts of nine grain?, e.;ch of two ingrrqiv't ti, will ajain multiply (he power whioli they have jraineu oi etginy-one, to one uu:id-e.d and six'y- two . So again, the rnixtere of twenty grains can ' igain multiplied hy hh ad.liiim fJf two rriiib, . , , . . r be apain i in oie rower 01 inree uuiuireu anu iwenv-iour grains of thr nriginal powerof the two f.rst ingr. dierfts Here we have twenty-two "rains-, wliich as a purgative, contain the povvef eqn.d to iJirep . hundred and twenty-four grains r?f eitlier of the articles alone; nevertheless, also so powerful after heing thus combined, are safe in any quantity always havine a beneficial i fTect, and in no east capable of doing injury, of Which thousands beari ample witnessi Let, thme in any way out of health use $e Pilh, They will find it much lo their advantage, for sale by Geo. Howard. 1 lion et complaints Colics &c rosinvELV ctntti bV , .T;iy lie's ari2iinuiivcBafniii Chicago, III., March 27 1843. Dr. D. Jaynb; Dear sir, Yqi. ask mft what ! proofs I meet with of the efficacy of your Carmi- oti i An n.Mi..n.,ii.. t o ' medicine for Bowel co.nnlalnts that has given me i s -thftcllon. and my patients speedy -perfect -his. WhLm Inlmd. " il bec.oe., standin. remedy fpr I which t lhink , d J, ,f its ee, J J l iRnil licpfiitnaaa. In ta summer rtt7ijnJninf nf nliil- 1 - - " v " it'J'if i m mm VII ; KJ .w iwtsi w r ' w wr we' a villi dren, it has frequently appeared to snatch the lit- seen it act like a charm, and give permanent rev lief in a few hours,- I may say in a few minutes, In fine it is a valuable medicine, : and. no familv should be without jt. Respectfully M, h. Knapp, Mi D. Professor of Materia Medica in tb Luporte University Indiana. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jatne, Philadelphh V and sold on agency by "GEO. UOWARDi $ Tarboio Febi 14, I849i Only 21 cents per box, FOR the cure of Headache, Giddiness Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Heart burn, Worms, Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Liver com plaint, Rising in the throat. Fevers of all kinds, colds. Gout, Gravel, Female- Com plaints, Nervous complaints, and all other diseases arising from impurities of the blood, and morbid secretions of the liver and Stomach. Every disease to which the human frame is Subject, originates from impurities of the blood or derangement of digestive organs. Dr. Gordon's Family Pillsr being com pounded exclusively of such ingredients as nature. intended should ojierale on the impurities of the Human System. . Str ike at the root of the disease, removing all irn- pllriti frrJni li;0 i )(Sv. opening the pore , iT . - n it fixit-rnam ;jjhI internally, separating all anu Kin; mg tue niuou; uiey; renutr ine sy.ntCMi only thoroughly soutil, but al so impt;i vjdus to disvaSo, even when a!l other ;;ie u) Jku c failed. ... 'Within the last Ixvelve months, more thai h.ii.titvil eaes of the most dir- grnvat-'l !or:!is of . Dyspepsia . have been! cuivt! !.y the tnct!iei:u', wb.cro riftid diet- i'ui ?ie v ami almost 'rvcrv other oiey'is n.j.; tx-d rosoniru to without any U.,4i!. .nvi u!..Mir:iil. stared its miera- , , .if ' i r ir n 1 :f.v but this horrid malady, their uni- iorm ueecss :n llns disease clone woulU !' suHcient to vafi on to fjtne the 'name if their inventor, as a benefactor of his spe- civs. This medicine never fails to cure the worst c im's of piles in one week! Kui s.sle in Varboro' hv A. II. Macmir &. GEO. UOtVARl). Februan' S. tS 1.0 1 v Sir. KilEir AbYKiuiail ElxUirC 1 f ,t -m t ! liom the Alii ton Chronicle. j Laurel Grove, (near Milton). Ian. 15, 13-18-; J):. Kuhi--!)t ar t it: j W o have n:nv !.-c-cn Filout $evon years, Adonis ir the ?ab (d' y. ct Restorer of the tllood, and oth- Medicine-, a ud are happy to. Mate they have given in ;di cms gi-neral Ratlsfaeileh, pariieiilaf ... .i. ,i . yr ....... i..., :v o-e jirisuiinn. uus jiivtMi muvn.u iViioe, so tbm eVerv oiu , who has used it- h received t!mt reis, J th.t vMi plj.Uahii t-d In your dlrect;nu5. M: idim'S.Mi v efnou, to wiiom you ret-miiiei.led yjur J it Exln,tt, for UheuanTism, heujdit a hotile F it at 30 t'ents wid iwo embrocations eilre.l hhu entirely, and the Urease hiia never returned. Vdurs, resj.ecifully, KlltBV & AKlliilSON. For ?n!t3 hv Geo. Howard. , ;V ids THIS excellent compound, which has gained such notoriety in the cure offrever and'Ague, and other bilous alTections, may be found .at the Store of-. Qeo. Howard, Tarboro This medicine was prepared by a regu lar physician, and the result of an exten sive practice of several years in d bilious climate. , Those who have used it them selves, or seen its salutary effects upon others, need no farther- evidence ' of its great value. ; A small Treatise on the 'causes, treatmeiit and cure of fever and agueandotherdiseaSesofbiIiousclimates, may be had gratis of the aboye agentJ ! .May .21849. 'n. Constables; Htanks fox sate,. . AT THIS OFFICE. GRANS) DISCOVERY OF Gold in Edgecombe Co- Voylh Carolina' THE subscriber his been induced by many solicitations from his friends and patrons, to decline the long and tedious journey to California, and remain in the old "Slate of Edgecombe;" and through this medium he begs leave to say, that he has declined going to California and re turns his sincere thanks for the kind and liberal patronage of the citizens of Edge combe and adjacent" counties. ' , The Gold Mine which has been secured to him by the jib cral patrons of home industry, has indu ced him to continue the manufactory of CABINET FURNITURE. Af the . same old stand, where may bel found on hand a splendid assortment of Furniture of his own manufacture-r-also, a splendid assortment may be seen at his Furniture ware room down town, in the second story of L. C. Pender's store, at the sign of Pender & Brother see adver tise ment in another column. The subscriber doc not hesitate to sav, that he his as good workmen and can fin ish his work in as good stylo as cheap and as durable as can be made in any Cabinet establishment for the same price. Fur ixit itrc repaired at the shortest no tice Call ami examine before buying r Isewhcre, F. L. BOND. Tarboro, 4th July, 1849. An unequalled Remedy ri If or ro'ds and feverish feelings and pre t' venting Fevers. 2nd. For asthma, Oliver com- ! . i n..'! oj r i; l. . P,a,ni anu U,,,MUS r8ru,rtw indigestion and toss of appetite. 4thi For costive ness in females and malos. 5th. For stomach af- lections, ilyspepsia and piles. I he great joints nrti u u nnI tn takft nvnr -. nnir,. nnH " " ' o I ' llcVAr u-uve. one costive!! For all these things it '"is warranted unequalled, and all who do not find it so may return the bottle and get their money hack. This medicine is LONGLtiY'S tlCStCM Indian JPanaCca We assert there is no family medicinrt of half its I virtues, and none that will so delight the users of ; it? and to convince ull ihut tin ft art facts, we offer as aove. Try it willivut prise, if you are not by 111. Fuller descriptions and an Almanac for 1818 gratis, with the agents for the county. (See below.) 3 v lll Unmail Htitr Is admitted hy civillied as well as barbarous nation? to he when fu.t, flowing and perfect, the greatest ornament and when imperfect or wanting ! ic greatest disadvantage to the personal appear-;- f m.lle or female. That it Is a duty to pre- .... i. .i...;. ru: :l' serve aim oeauuiy 11, ao win wmm. i ins u uuic has been for more than 20 years used extensively. It has the testimony of many of the most respect- able cititens in this country, who cei'tllj to the faL,t that the 12ALM OP COLUMBIA tirsti in all eass stops the hair falling out or ! restores it in most if fallen, attd in all cases if lost by sickness; and keeps olt dandruff and sCurf on Infants and adults. Second, perfumes the hair and preserves it to old age from turning gray. Should always bd used at toilette. Third, gives tli in ihp IvAir. and cntia i icai 'Js o - " - " Cn it tn rMt hHautifullv.- Laitlv. prevents all ! filth or its ' consequence on CbilJren heads, and . ing'our Printing Press, Types and Fix I exceeds all othet articles for the hair in quality, tures, at a very low price for cash, or on a quantity and cheapness. Many articles nave oeen . snort credit ior a pan oi me purcnase men started on the reputation of this, and are without eyVwith bond and approved security, merit though they have been and are sold atdou; The anj fl part Qr lhe Type arc bio the prices ot this balm. ' The piicsiytU sores rheUtnatistn, Ut BSays' fiiiiimeiit Is art article mote justly celebrated as a cure for the above, than any or all othes. Ihe cases of. cure afe almost innumerable, and It is only neces sary to let those who know the article and have used it with such great success, know that it is to be had true and genuine, (for there are counter feiters) of Dr. Lucius Comstock, 21 Cortlandt st. New York, and so of the rest of the articles here named; To the hall and lame Dr. Hewes nerve and bone liniment is the most effectual cure for iheu matism and contracted cords and muscles.f- For worms Kolmstock's Vermifuge nil Fuh- neslock's will eradicate and cure a children and adults who have worms Caution. Beware of al! unless the name is spelled Kolmstock's, the old , . Dutch name of the inventor. Sold wholesale by Comstock & Coi 2f Cort- llandt st. New York by Geo. lioward, Tarboro'--Lm. Wesson, Gaston Fi Si Marshall, rfatifax Bennett Hyman, Hamilton 1. vvrroore. Villiamstoa-Hand by one periojilin every village la the United States and Canadasi Nov. 9. iates, Stertman &z CoKipanV 116 Nassau Street. Neto York, ' , ARS ROW PUBLISHING "OF MODERN DQMESTIC'MEDICINE, -: . B Y 'KEITH IMRA Y Al D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physi cians and Licentiate. of 'the loyal Colleger Surgeons, Edinburg. , THIS work gives a; clear and concise idea of the nature of the distinctive symp toms, of the premonitory signs of diseases, of their predisposing . caues,, and 4 the methods of their treatment recommended by the most distinguished physicians. The best modes of employing the med icines in general use-are-faithfully describ ed; as are also the dief and regimenheces sary under various diseases, and during convalescence. ; .r v ; Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature, Bath ing, Climate, Cloning and Exercises rare specially treated upon. : The publishers of the American Edition prefix lo Dr. Imray's work, short illustra ted, and very valuable Treaties ; upon; A nalomy, -Physiology and Surgery; also Directions for the Treatment of the Sick, Management of the Sick Uoom,,'; Prepara tion of Food for the Sick &c, &c. Many valuable articles have been fur nished by the courtesy of medicaL gentle men of r4ie United States. ! (7 The entire volume, with its full Index, Tables of Doses, &c., will is con fidently believed, a most valuable book for Family use: , , : ..' w; . Thc,v.ork will be complete in twelve weekly numbers, forming one large Svo, volume of about 1000 pages.;- " ' i :j ;j Gentlemen of respectability and gpQd address wanted as canvassers fortheobovQ work in every town and village -in the . United States. Address (post paid,) GA TES,STEDA1AN CO. 1 1 G, Nassau st. JSfoiice. - For cough and lung complaints use Dr: Dar iholomew's Pink Expectorant syrn p. f -Sick head athe though constitutional or inciden tal, is cured hy Dr. Spohns head acheremedyi Lin's balm of China for the cute of all diseases dint require external application ' The gray haired will find the Indian Hair Dye perfect and elTectual. ; " For sale by Geo. Howard. April 1 7. tiracfenbers ITIciIiciiics. ; JUST RECEIVED, the Graefenberg gJirsapnrfta Compound the celebrated n . . p(1nP.i.tlio Vvn T nllnn-thr tnimreu S I anjced UlU r.j uuuuu iiiw . , i n:ii- '"wm,uK. , n UlG V Cgeiaoie rins, auu uie !' ; mountain V egLtaoiL oimiiiLuii March 26. GEO. HOWARD. The Prcss Types and Fixtures OI THE 1 , WnvYcnlmt (X C ) lit porter office For sale. HAVING determined on quitting thb ' - Tl " ' II rrinung uustnw, wo uov piupusu Bcu- considerably worn, but will do pretty fair work for two or three vears to come. Tho Job and" Advertising Type are in. better condition, and will last many years. The Cases; Stands and other fixtures are very yood. There is a sufficiency of type of all kinds for a Village establishment. War renton is a desirable place to reside in, be ing rdmarkablyhealthT, and has as good society s any village in the State. We have been engaged in 'the publication of the Reporter for 21 years, and have been tolerably well sustained. We will sell at a price so lowthat any brie wishing to en gage in'the business : would do well 1o call and see us or ad d rbss the Editor, post paid, Warrenton, N. C! , r' R. N. VERELL, Editor ygrop. ApriK21, 149. r f L MtbVills'fina Plicnix Bitters. Y Vov raie by Geo' Howard. i'i Ml I; i a i: I M r; V 1 t: 1 f' , it 7