3 mm Pffil m m m M mm- rfff I IIIt.'M 7 ii.fl' l A; Tarboroagh Edgecombe County yJV. Saturday, 3fr 25, 1 849 Voh XXV. JVo 4; miii uiiiij m unrm ml Ilk L . ..w..s'. ...... VW V,1--- . - - ' ' J1 Illli 1 . r Mil imiiiiii Fiillliiiii fiiimi llfil liifin film urffn tf I ufrfTi i , , : t-(3 ;, r BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. ; i Js published weekly at Two Dollars per year If paid in advance or, Two Dollars and Firrjr Cants at the expiration of the subscription year.j Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones a that rate per square, i Court Orders and Judicia advertisements 25 per cent, higher From Raleigh to Rocky SJotint. WarcHednccih THE subscriber, .has takert the contratct for carrying1 the niair frorn Raleigh to Rocky Mount, and will place on the line comfortable stages, good horses and care ful drivers, and will run it to, connect with the cars, on the Wilmington Rail Road, and with his stage line from Rocky Mount to Washingtonhe 'will Seduce the Fare as follows: From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, .$1 00 tf Y t It tf tt tf tt Wakefield, Stanhope, Nashville, Rocky Mount, 1..50; 2 50 3 50 4 50 Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, $1 50 part of thtway in proportion small packages, 25 cents boxes and bundles agreeably to size and weight, v Trunks, packages, &c. must be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid, or the subscriber will not be responsible for their safety. V For seats, &c. apply to E. Yarbrough, Raleigh T. R. Debnam, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw, Stanhope B. H., Freeman, Nashville W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', April 11, 1849. Valuable Land FOR SALE. SEVEN HUNDRED ACRES FishJ ing Creek Land for sale, lying on the easK Side of the. public road leading from En field to Tarboro' 6 miles from Enfield, 17 miles to Tarboro'. . - - - A bargain can be got in said Xand terms to suit the purchaser, and possession given immediately S. X B. PENDER:1 14 May, 1S49. ' 20-9 TB " mi. M I i Worth Carolina Institution For the Deaf & Dumb- THE next session of this Institution will commence on Monday, IQth day of July. Having moved into the new Build ing, a few more pupils can be received. As pupils will be admitted in their order of application, it is important that applica tion should be made without delay. Any information on the subject will be given by IVM.D. COOKE, Principal. Raleigh, May 30, 1849. 4 Dr.KUIIL'S Abyssinian Mixture. For Gonorrhoja, Gleet, Fluor Al bus, Gravel, &c. Letter from Dr. James R. Callu m, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. Dr. J. Kuhl-Dear Sir: Vftnr mfifllninaa Z . . . gt . ..u.vi.i nave given enure satisfaction w iuuiuij(,iiit; voyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail ed to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. 1 nave never had enpugh to supply the demand. ou will please send me a large supply of it as feon as you arrive at homei Yours, respectfully, J. P.; CALLUM, Milton Drug Store. Agents-G0. HOWA-S-'Dt Tarboro'; F? S Marshall, Halifax; James Simnns, W'eldon; C. C Pugh, Gaston)' F E . tlookV Wa'renton; Hen Ooodloe, Warrenton; P. C'.'Browni Lo.'Usburgr. John U. Brodie, Franklin; ' Louis H . Kittle, tlw person; R, Hi Mitchell, Oxford. .'May 16 l iii " m - ii i i i . ' ' ' , X ' ' JYoticc. a'-' ; A GOOD 6Q tow'CallQn Qin, but lit tle typrn, cap be had,onreasonable terms, On application to - Lj , Geo. .Howard, Tgrboro'. Tarborq' May 28th, 11349. se to read Ibis. i 'ObdJf CKtince to clear from $500 to v i. j - $1000 ayearJ' 1 AGENTS Wanted in Wvery 7Wn and 5 1 County throughout the Union; to procure t11 Subscribers to "Sears' Pictorial and Il lustrated Farhxty Mdgdkfnei," and to $$ $earf New aMd Popular Pictorial Works universally acknowledged "to be the best ;arid cheapest ever published,' as they certainly are the most saleable. Any active agent may clear? g500 or, $100 a year A cash capUal of Sit least 'M5xor $50 will be necessary. Full, $ particulars of the principles and profits of the Agency will be given on application, either per sonally or fcy letter. The postage must in all cases be paid. Please to address, ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, , , No. 128 Nassau street, New York. A scientific ITIcdicine. GREAT experience and judgment are required to make a valuable and at thLRame lime, inno cent purgative. This is pbssessed only by few. The great majority of uhe J remedies advertised of f this :;cias8"Inre jhn ahufaetaredy Srons who have no idea of the relative or individual powers of the drugs they uset It is this cause, m re than any other, which occasions the inertness and often injurious effects, produced by advertised remedies. And hence the general prejudice which prevails against them. Now there is a great difference in this respect, with regard to the p. lis made by Dr. Bi Hrandreth, and consequently, their superior claims upon the puhlic. Each of the articles composing the ! ' Btandreth Pills Are prepared in that way which will secure "their beneficial effects to the system in the safest ancfjtban one'hundrecl cases of th easiest manner. or instance, some ingredients ! have tobe prepared in the vacuo; that i9, U,e air is, rAiidusicu in me mtiiMi, cnu remains so until ai combination is effected with other dnfrrdients. which anerwarus prevents the air lrom aelmcr m juriously upon the medicine. Aiin, the rropoi- tion of each ingredient depends upon in -multiply-, ngreu.eias-i or tnepowtr; ofdifferent vegetable purgatives upon each other l.i ' r . is governed by similar laws that govern the power ; of figures by multiplication. Nine added n nir.e make eighteen: but rune times mno are eighty-, onei oo it is with some vetretable Dumatives. i n.,,. . , e : r ,. J . Liy adding nine parts of one ingredient, and nine iidiui ui diiuiuci iiiLit:uit;iiL iuciiif r. nil' nowir is . c ,u ; . .i .i , - 0 - o i increased, not to eighteen, but to eighiyone. Tor example, either of the articles to produce any purgative effect, would hlave to be used to the ex tent of eighty-one grains; by combining them, only eighteen grains have to be usedi Again, a- nother ingredient is found to multiply this power again, which in a proportion of two grains, would have no ffVet unnn th ' animal prronnmv. hut which,added to eighteen grains of a compound of ', 1 wo parts of nine grains, each of two ingredients, will affain multinlv the power which thev havei rained of eirhtv-one. to one hundred and sixtv- two. - So again, the mixture of twenty ffrains can ' h aoain mnttinlipd hv an adMitw.n nfiwnnnins. to ihe power of three hundred and twenty-four . grains of the original power of the two first ingre-. dlents. Here we have twenty-two grains, which i as a purgative, contain the power equal to three hundred and twenty-four grains of either of the articles alone; nevertheless, also so powerful after i being thug combined, are safe in any quantity always having a beneficial effect, and in no case capable of doing injury, of which thousands bear ample witnessr Let thohe in any way out of health use thise Fills, They will Jind it much to their advantage, for sale by Geo. Howard. Bowel complaints. Colics &c. POSITIVELY CURED BV Jaync's Carminative Balsam. ' ' Chicago, III., March' 27, 8ij. Dr. D; JxYNEDear sir, You ask me what proofs I meet with of the efficacy of your Carrhi ative. 1 can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for Bowel complaints that has given me so much satisfaction, and my patients so speedy and perfect relief as this. Whenever introduced into a family, it becomes a standing remedynfor those ailments, and is called for again and again, which 1 think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and usefulnessi ' In the summer complaint of chil dren, it has frequently appeared to snatch the lit tle victims, as it were, from the gravei It saved the life of my , child, . and,, of such and such a child," 1 have repeatedly heard said. In dysen teric affections of adults, 1 have time and , again seen it act like a charm, and give permanent re lief in a few hours, I may say in a few minutes. In fine It is a valuable 'medicine, and no family should be without it. t m v .h: I Respectfully, Mt L. Knapp, Mi D. , . r - :4 f , Professor f Materia Medica in the y. Lapojte University, Indiana. Prepared only by Dr. P. Jayne, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by Q$Q. HOWARD. Tarboio',Fcbi J4, Only 95 cbnti tcV tox,; FOR the cure of - Headathe Giddiness Salt. Rheum, Rheumatism; -Piles, Heart burn, Wormsj Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Liver com plaint, Rising imthe throat,- Fevers of all kinds, colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Com plaints, Nervous complaints, and all other diseases arising from impurities of the blood, and morbid secretions of the liver and Stomach. I Vi A -i Every disease to which the human frame is subject, originates from impurities of the blood or derangement jof digestive organs. Dr. Gordon's Family Pills, being com pounded" exclusively of such ingredients as nature intended should Operate on the impurities of the Human System. Strike at the root of the disease, removing all im purities from the body, opening Jibe pores externally and internally, Separating all foreign and obnoxious particles from the chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the origin, must 1)e thoroughly-pure and ne cessarily securing a free and vigorous action to the Heart, Lungs, JUii'cr and Stomach, thereby restoring healthy by opening the pores, cleansing the veins and arteries, unimpeding all the natural veins and purifying the blood; they fretuler the System not only thoroughly sotnd, but al so impervious to disease, even when all other means have failed. f Within the last twelve months, more mot I (tg- rravated forms of Dvspepsia have been curc(, , ,he medicine, where ilgid diet , i r n i i ing, the Blue Pill, and almost every other til .. "V means had necn resorlcti to wiinout anvs " 4 "nt Ul t,nu " ueam siareu is imera victim tully in the face. ltDr Uor i v. u:ii . - iL. r! i-iu no. auapteu to iiib cum; ui j any but this horrid malady, their uni - form success in this disease alone would i ,)p sunTiCient to 'waft on to famelthe name ! f h . inventor. as a benefactor of his Vnc-1 . ..... ... ... ., ! rcics. 1 Ins medicine never lails to cure me i . i worst cases oi nnes in one ween For sale in 7arboro' by A. H. Macnair & GEO. HOTVjiRD. February 8, IS 19. ly 1.. Alitri.ii. TOiTtui-oJ From the Milton Chronicle: r v T.. i iftjo lrci urove, i neariwiuoii; uaii. ij,ioio- lr Kulii Dear .Sir: v e have now been about seven years. Agents for the sale of your Ketorer oftbe blood, ami 01 h-; er Medicines, and .are happy to state they have : ffiven in all cases general satisfaction, panicular. ! ly the -Abyssinian Mixture has given universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it- has received that relief that you guaranteed in joar directions. Mr James MirVernon, to whom you recommended your Jtromaltc extract, tor Rheumatism, bought 5 a bottle of it at 50 Cents, and two embrocations cured him entirely, and the disease has never returned. Yours, respectfully, KIR BY & ANDERSON For sale by Geo. Howard. KiSsr (ft ft) (it I fft &At& THIS excellent compound, whiqh has gained such notoriety in the cure of Fever and Ague, and other bilous affections, may be found at the Store of : 'Geo: 11 otvard; Tarboro', This medicine was prepared by a regu lar physician, and the result of an 'exten sive practice of several years In a bilious climate. f Those who have used " it them-i selves, or seen its salutary effects upon: others, heed no farther evidence of , its great value., A small Treatise on th "causes, treatment and cure of fever an ague and other diseases of bilious climates,' ' may be had gratis of the above agent. .jjgBi., AT THIS OFFICE. , ORAIVO OF GoIi in Edgecombe Co. ,..u: ji)rth Carolina- i v . : -s-. ... .... ,; THE subscriber has been induced, by many solicitations from his friends and patrons, to decline the long and tedious journey to California, and remain in the old "State of Edgecombe;" and through this medium he begs leave to say, that he has declined going to California and re turns his sincere. thanks for the kind and liberal patronage of the citizens of Edge combe and adjacent counties. , "V ! The Gold Uline j which has been secured to him by the lib eral patrons of home industry, has indur ced him to continue the manufactory of ; CABINET FURNITURE. : At the same old stand, ' where may be found on hand a splendid assortment of Furniture of his own manufacture also, a splendid assortment may be seen at his Furniture ware room down town, in the second story of L. C. Pender's store, at the sign of Pender & Brother -see adver tisement in another column. ' The subscriber doe? not hesitate to say, that he has as good workmen and can fin ish his work in as good style as cheap and as durable as can be made in any Cabinet establishment for the same price. FuriAture repaired at the shortest no lice, Call and examine before buying elsewhere, .. F. L. BOND. . Tarboro', 4th July, 1849. An unequalled Remedy Tf ST, for colds and fevvrish feelings .and prt" SL venting Fevers. 2nd. For asthma, liver com- plaint and bilious affections 3d. Far diarrhcea,: indigestion and loss of appetite. 4th. For costive ness in females and males. 5th. For stomach af- fection8$ dyspepsia and piles. The great points a ' ;. u nnt haH to tako nCTr i, nVm. and never leaves one costive!' For all these things it is warranted unequalled, and all who do not find it so may return the bottle and get tneir money im.;., m;;no i i.nvr.i.RV's 1 "-"- .-. . n t ;an;i a We assert there is no family medicine of half its virtues, and none that will so delight the users of it$ and to convince all that, tht.se are facts, we offer . as aove. Try it without-price, u vou are not charmed by its effects. Fuller descriptions and ! an Almanac for 1848 gratis, with the agents for the county. (See below;) v ' The Unman Hair ,,Is admitted by civilized as well as barbarous ; nations to be when fu.i, flowing and perfect, the greatest ornameni, ana wnen imperieui or wnug the greatest disadvantage to tne personal appear- ance of male or female. That it 13 a duty to pre serve and beautify it, all will admit. This article has been for more than vjo years ueu extensively, It has the testimony of many of the most respect- able citizens in this country, who certify to the fact that the BALJtf OF COL.UMBIA First, in all cases stops the hair falling out or restores it in most if fallen, and in all cases if lost by sick ness; and keeps off dandruff and scurf on infants and adults. Second; perfumes the hair and preserves it to old age from turning gray. Should always be used at toilette. Third; gives great vigor and rapid growth to the hair, and cau ses it to curl beautituliv. ,L.astiy, prevents an . . ... . ii " . . merit though they have been and are sold atdou ble'ihe prices of this balm. I 1 The piles, all sores, rheumatism, Uc. 1 ; IlaVsViiiiiiijeiit ;5 j Is aa article more justly celebrated as a cure for the above, than any or all others. The cases' of cure are almost innumerable, and it is only neces sary to let those who know the article and have used it with such great success, know that it is to be had true and genuine, (Tr there are counter feiters) ' of Dr. Lucius- Comstock, 21 Cdrtlandt sU.New York, and so -of; the; rest of the articles here named. . ... - r, To the hall and .lamt-Dr, Hewes nerve and bone liniment is the most effectual cure for rheu matism and contracted 'cords and muscles. ' ; For worms ICol mstock'a Vermifuge not Fah7 ntsiock's will eradicate arid cure a children and idults who have worms, i Caution.? Beware of al) unless the name' is spelled Kolmstock's, the old Dutch, name of the.inTentor .1 ;'!;'' i Soldi wholesaly CoisVlpo 21 Cort j andt s VNew YotKbTUeo. Jiowurd, Tarboro I" liiiamsion auu uy uuc uersuu everv filth or its consequence on children's heads, and ; ing our rrinung rress, ypea iiuu exceeds all other articlesor the, hair intualitytu'res, at a very 16wtprice for cash, or iqna quantity and cheapness. Many articles have been short credit for a part of the purchase mpn started pn the reputation of this, and are withou j eyvit.h bond and approved security .rff Ui yyesson, uasionr-r oi Aiarsriau, yaiuax Bennett & Hy roan,. Hamilton F. W. Moore in the United States and Canadasi 4 - j JN0V. V. Gates, 8tedman Sl Cdipna 116 Nassau Street, New' Yorfc, . I j ABE NOW-PrBLISHINO w ; 1 :0F MUDERN DONlESTlCiMEOIClNE.i t BY, KEITH r IMRAXrM Fellow of the Royal College, of Phy$ cians and Licentiate of tfte Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg. THIS work gives a clear" and .'concise idea of the nature of the distinctive symp toms, of the premonitory signs of diseases, of, their predisposing causes, and .too methods of their treatment recommended by the most distinguished physicians.' " The best modes of employing the med icines in general use are faithfully desc'ril)' ' ed:as are also the diet and regimen neces' sary under various diseases, 'and during convalescence. , , . Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature. Bath. ing, Climate, Clohina and Exercises ar$ specially treated upon " n m The publishers of the American Editi&V prefix to Dr. Imray's work, short illuslrA ted, and very valuable Treaties upon A natomy, Physiologr. and Surgery; alsa, Directions for the Treatment of tthe Sick, t iianagement ot;thepic& Koom, rrepara lion of Food for.the Sick, &c. &c. " Manv valuble,articles have been fur nished by the courtesy of med ical gentle men of the United States .A . . ' . The entire volume, , with its full Index. Tables of Doses, &c, will prove, it is con fidentlv believed, a most valuable book for Family use. , : .. . . The work will be completed in twelve weekly numbers, forming one large 8vo, volume of about 1000 pages.., , ; , Gentlemen of respectability arid good address wanted as canvassers for the above work in every town and yillage , iti the j United States. Address (post paid.) GrfTES, STEDMrfXSf CO t . ; ; t 116, Nassau st. : v ; tj---r--- For coughs and lung complaints use Dr Bar tholomew's Pink Expectorant syrup. ' Sick head ache, though constitutional or incideo tal, is cured by Drl Sphh's head ncheremedyi . Lin's halm of China, for the cure of all diseased that require external application. ' j ?; v- : : . The gray haired will find the Indian Hair Dy perfect and effectual. For sale by , April 17. .-; tGeo, Howard. (y Oracfeubcrg: EfleUicIucs. , JUST, RECEIVED,! the Gfaefenberg "j Sarsaparilla jCompqundrthe, p?lcbfated Children s Panacea the Eye Lotionr-tlo Health iBitters ,the Fever: and, Ague pills -the .Vegetable, Pills; and Grgfo Mountaini Vegetable pintrnenk ik . March 26,, G.BOm LH.91V4MI ul The Press; Types and .Fixtures c ffarrcnton ( K. C ) Qtportevds il " ' ' OFFICE FOR SALE.' 'HAVING determined on quitting tho ' Prmfirtnf lluinp vvp nnw v nrnnnsft cReH- . r. r-- . t n m . .1 i," : The Press and a part oD.the .Type afe considerably vvorn, but will do pretty fair work for two oc three y ers to come. Tho Job and Advertising . 2jfpe are in better condition, and wiiriast many years. rJThe CasesStands and other fixtures are1 very goo3: ! There is a suiEciency of tyrie" all kinds for a village establish mentl War ren tonis a 'desirable place to residpiri; be ing remarkably' healthy, aiiff has jasr'-edod society as any .village the1 State. We have VeerS'hy eecf1'!!!1 the 'publicalioh ?of the Reporter for 2 1 yearsi' arid 1 have been iolerablySvefl a price so low; that any one wishing to en gae in the ' KslnessmaTd 'do4 -"wel I to cill 3di Ifedl. t?nfijgjtfco:bfl iife, Pills apd.FIienix Bilte. For ?nlc by uco. HoicW& V- .

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