:. '-m in ai R lira li $w i pip s m W fi PPP .ffa. -- --- --- - - '" ' 1 -- ? i t.- .-uiun.i JLu J 'nXVt.UVn ! If paid in advance 6rv Two Dollars a'PiI Cents at the. expiration of thesabscripUon Vear.l ! Advertisements not exceedio a square wi!lbi; Inserted at Onf l)oixAn the" first insertion, and 23 Cents for every succeeding one., .Longer onesa , that rate per square.. Coart Orders aa4 Judicial From Raleigh to .Rocky Mount.S50 will be necessary. Full particulars THE subscriber has taken the contract (or carrying the mail from Raleigh to Rocky, Mount, and will place. on the lino comfortable stages, good, horses anti care ful drivers, and will run it , to connect with 4 the cars on-the : Wiimlngton; Rail Road, and with his stage. line from, Rocky Mount to Washington he will lied uce I he Fare as follows: From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, 4" $1 00 I t V, l ft Wakefield; . 1 50 Stanhope, ' 2 50 iNashville, . 3 50 . Rock?. Mount, - 4 50 Trunks, of ordinary site and weight, $1 50 part of the way in proportion small packages, 25 cents boxes and bundles agreeably to size and iveignt. Trunksj packages, &c." must be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid; or the subscriber will not be responsible for their safety. .. f-r - i r For scatfc, Reapply to E. Yarbrough, Raleigh T. R. Debnam, JEaIc Rock- A. J. Foster. WakeGeld D.. S. . Crenshaw, Stanhope B. H. Freeman, Nashville W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount, GEO HOIVJIRD. Tarhoro', April 11, 1849. . ,r. Valuable Land FOR SALE; J i SEVEN HUNDRED ACRES FMi ing Creek Land for sale, lying on the cast side of the public road leading from En field to Tarboro'G miles from Enfield, 17 miles to Tarboroi. A bargain can be goi in said Land terms to suit the purchaser, and possession given immediately. J. uK firENDEIt. 14 May, 1S49. 20-9 "orli Carolina In slit mi on For the Deaf & Dumb. . .... THE next session of this Institution will commence on Monday. IQth day of July. Having moved into the new Build ing, a few more, pupils .can be received. As pupils will be admitted in their order of application, it is important that applica tion should be made without delay. , Any information on the subject will be given by VM. D. COOKE, Principal. , Raleigh, May 30, 1649. . . . Jlbysslnian Mixture. Vow GoNORRijffiA, Gleet, Fluor Al dus, Gravel, &c. " , X-eller from Dr. James R. Callum dated Milton, N.fC. August 14, 1847. Dr. J. Kuh IDear Sir; , i Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture specially, is highly approved of, it has never fail to cure in every case It sells hkeot.cakes. - ...v.. .uu vuvu-ii suppiy ine demands ou will picas? send me ' a large ghpplv of it as oon as you arrive at hornet Yours, Tegpectfully; ; :.'S" p; callum, I yj 'ifv .MtltoA DumgSiaref Agents -G 70. IIOTVMD, Tarboro'; F. S. Marshall, Halifax; James Simmons, Weldon; C. c rusluQastor F (JooktWarrcntpn; eii- ry tioodIoe,.Warrenton; P C.UrpwBjbpuisnBTg; John H. Brodie,Frankrin; Iiouis H. Kittle Hem h?r8on: Hi lit MitcheltiOxford. " " fVlay tf ' A GOOD SQ-tawoVVrfjfer'Vw, but lit tle worn,- can ilic aci bri reasana ble termsj on application1 loV Vli -- Oeo4 ffffeTarbdrbV V Tarpro' May28lh, 1849,' se to Gw Wtmee to chat Jrtm tv 1 ; AGENTS wanteciynevery 7wn and Countv throKkbWfiPf Tiimn tn nrnxuri Subscn'bcTs to "Scars9 Pictorial and II ItiVlraled Famitu xMadzine f " ami id 'Vtorks universaflv apkrtriivlfidirpd io fin 3 ; the best and cheapest ever published t1ey certainly are the most Saleable Any' active igent may etear 500 t)r -glOO ! Tfycar.5- A cash capitarof at least 2501 J - : . ol the principles and profits of the Agency will lie given on application,' either - per sonally or lvy,: letter. 'The postage" must in all cases be paid. Please to address, ' norinnr snris, published " No. 12S Nassau "stieet, Nevv'Vork. A scientific iTle(Iicic, ; GHlAT experience and judgment are required to make a valnabio, and at the same time, inno rnt nnrrrtivA 'IJiio IC! nAOCAccul n I it 1 at kiir The great' majority of tW ! advertised of this class are manufactured by person who haV Vio ide powers oi ine orugs iny use. f ii is tins cause, m re ttian n' 14 ttiilo hv B. ilrandreth, Ami "'consequently? their s-n-ehor wny oilier, wt.ich (xxnions ike 'numss and often ! abfion to the Heart, Lungsjl Li ver ami injurious eflVcts, p rod u&S by advert i sod remedies, j Stoma cli", thereby restoring 'ficalth, by An J hence the general preju ire which prevails .i i ' i " ' i , 1 J ' iopenm ' the pores, cleansing the veins and against them,- Now there is a great difference in ! . - r v . . . .. .... . arteries, uuimpedins; all the 'natural veins this resnect. With ifMrardln IliP n il-. ma.U Tlr . ..... i ii ----- r - claims upon the "public. im h uf the articles ' s'cm l ooly thoroughly sound; hilt al composing lhe - ! so impervious to disease, even when all : , Di andrcth Pills ; other mcns have failed , Are prepared. in that way which will secure their : Within the last twelve months, more beneficial effects to the system iti the safest and easiest manner. For instance, sou.e ingredients ; have to be r parct2 in the vacuo; that is, th air is exliausted in the utch?il,Tcnd 'remains so uMiit a combination ' effected with othr ingr fienls, i which afterward prevent the air fromcth ul ' jtiriously upon the medicine., Ag iin, lh topor . 1 . n t 1. i: . i i . . . . uu..u.r...grr..ri..urpeii.j uh.il jnuii.jMy. inn rwerrpon other inoredn nu-lur the p-,vu r qf different vegetable rurga.iveS MP:, each o.hei is governed by similar laws that govern the power of figures by multiplication. Nine added in re make "no one. bo it 19 with some rentable purgative. pans of another ingre.lien. .iU ,h increased, not to pir,iWn,hnt toHirhiv-one Kl nolher ingredient is found to multiply thi? jMiwvif; again, which in n proportion of twn"gratrfli, would hav no effect nhon the iihhnnt ivrmoitiVv hnt! which, added to eightren prains of a compound of' two narts ofniue crryiiM. ewch of two hirrlieias. I will again multiply ti.u power which, tbry have; gained of eirhty-ono, to one huad'ed and sixty two. So again, Ihe.mixliirH of twenty grains-an hi. a'pain multiplied by nn addition of two grains', toihrower of three hundred -and IWenty-four cr-ains of ihe ori.jinal rower oi the two firt intrre- ' . .... uienis tiere we nave twen:v-two 'rrainR. which as a purgative, contain the power eijnal to tliree hundred and twenly-foiir grafns of. ether of the articles alone; nevertheless, also so 4 powerful lter being thns combined, are safe in any'nSiantiiy always having a-beneficial e fleet, and in no cae capable of doing injury, of w hich thousands "hear arnplo witnessi Let thoe in any way out ofJitatth iiscthise Pills They will Jind it, mucfi to their advantage,., . for sale by : j c . ; Crco. Joicttrd Bonel cqinpluinl8.J'6ltcs9 &c. -'i' fOSITIVELV CUnED BV ? - - Jayiic' CarnruialiveBalsaiii. ? 5 Chicago, III.; March 2771815. ' : Df. D. jAYNfc-Dear sir, You ask me what proofs I n eet with of the eflicacy of your Carrai stive. 1 can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for,Bpwel complaints that has given me so rnuchatisfacliqn, and ray patients so speedy and perfect relief as this.,; Whenever introduced into a family it becomes a standing remedy for in,ose,anmenis, anu caueu tor again ana again, Vhich I Ihin'k a pretty good proof of " its' 'frtcacy and usefulness! In tha summer complaint of chil dren,' it has frequently appeared to natclii tKe lit-tle-victims, as it vere from the gravet !f saved tlie life of- my hifd, .and of such and such; a tshi Id,! ,L have, repeatedly, heard, said ; Jn dysen- tejic afTections of adu)tsl b1ay--.nie..,and;again aen it atjile a cfcrm, and give permanent re lif in a few hours, Trbay say in a few minutes. Iij finer it is a raluahle niedicine,'nd ht) family should bo. without? it,. "U ., . Reapectfulty LKwArpMrD. n j . . PofcssfOJ -of Materia Med ica j n, lht prepared qpTy by Dr;D.JA atd sold on fgfenty Glf0. hOWARD. " Tarboio', Pebi 14, 1810i exami.le. either of thn-ariir.tRA t. nr.l... nr.v 7n J JS) TlL -3 7? T2 i virtues, and none Ihftt will so ueliglit tlie.users ot . l;. irv 1 -wmKS. m y-r.' r wm . m. . ., s. - . . r ? v ! . i n-"'f iJulK ha! Ill itt CUina IOT lOB CUtft 01 I OlSeaSeS P,g,iv0 ..ffoc. wo,,,,, have , he ,o ., pbwiv S, ,g . , y . , . , - . - ' tIlS q, e4ai apStio ' ' ' ' 1 ;l)lt tfi! life Oaly cent s.iVetf Jiaxr cure of Headache, Giddiness SaltjRhiim-RKeufWatismV PiIeSj HeaTt btirny Wofms, Dyspepsii; Cholera Morbus, Pains Vi the Back and LimbLiver cdm plaint, UisiniTTtirenhrrjrat; Fevers of all kinds, 'C3lds,.2out, gravel, Female3, Com plaints, Nervous complaints, and all other diseases arising from impoTilieSdfthe blood, and morbid secretioW-of the -liver und Stomach. . ; r ; Every disease to ivhich tWhuman frame is subject, originates front impurities: of the blood or derangement of digestive organs. ;Br? Gdrtrojs i Family Piii 'tfeihg Cm pdu n d etl cxr hi si vel V of x su'cfi 'i n gretl ten is as latufe inietKretl shoulU operate on tlic wiptiritics of the "Hyrtian System. Strike at the foot1' of the disease, removing all jm pOrities from the body, opening t lie pores externally hnd inlernafly, ' fceparaling all j01" 'OXiOfis pnrt.cles. irdm the J so thai the blood, of which it IS the j origin, must he thoroiihly pure aiid he- 4cssaniy securing a 1 1 and orous ;"ia ,u ,M- UK" ,MUT,; ,,KV rn,ucr,,,1! than one hundred .cases ofjl mo I if g grava'lc'J. forms of Dyspepsia have beer )ecn curedjiv 'he. medicine, hererigid diet ing thf Blue PiU, and almost &'t;rv otlu-r r mPa,)' 1,ad.,K'eV rcso:lc! Jp.ithoul- anyi i : p, . , i , ,i 1 . ncitrht, anil vvJirn diuith stared its misera- lV victim fullv in i he face, ff Dr. Gor- -v . , .don 1 ills wvre not aclapted.tf the ciiie oh ,nny but ihi. horrid malady, their univ ' r)rn, C:uit Ms lolVc Would; ; Jjp y,vnl to w aft on to famV thc-namc .y-.oflhcil in ven,or. as a bcneflcior of hi spe .. . r ., . ' one ncctt . -roisalt! 10 arbovo' 1)V.V. II. AiaCnnir.X i.t.. "' .From I he Milton Chnon tele laurel Grove, (near IVI ilton) Jan. 15, 134 Dr.Jviihl - lear Sir. - . Wh have now ben abbti't even years. Agents: 'f,r the saipof yhr Jlelorer of lh.!. lllooda and olh - IMS (SMIilrtliJ vig er Medicim-s, and are happy to statethpy have.he grealost disadvantage leinopcrsondi ."f given in nil cases general satisfaction, particular "artce of male or female. That it U a rfjr to pfe- 'V the rthgtenfimn Mi1ntt has giv&u uniYrritai satisfaction, so thai eVefy one, Who has ust.d if , : iJ.'.. nas receiveu inai renei mm you vuarauieeu in yottr dlrectirtns. AlrnmesMv Vernonf to whom you , recunutei.dcd yout Jibmalic Extract, XoX Rheumatism, h ujrht a bottle of it at OO. Cenls, and tvvo embrocations enwd .him f ntifely andhc . lisoase iius never relumed., Your r?eci fully, k IKlUUY & ANDlilllN Fo r ,sa 1 c by , . G eo.4 fawu rd, ... WW . .THISi excellent compound, which has gained such notoriety in the. cure df tlevej and Ague, and otherbilous affections, may be found at the-Store of ; t .- Geo. ttotonrdi&aridrfr' t Wis hiedicirie wasYfejpared by a fttf la?pfiyscia;ilnd'fhe;' result of an etteh- Isjve pfitctfcejbfeverar years in a' bilious Climate. I uusc ihw naicuu itlUlll selves, or seen its salujtaryenVctsupbn ot hef9," ft cell ti o ' fart her evidence2 o f H is j . w ka:-. t a r . - . . neat t Value? Alshiair TVeaioh the ''a useirl reat men t and c u re of- fever4 J fiH afeiilandther diseases of bil ions'cl imates y rnaye'Kad gralist ot the aboveVgerit: 5 f t May I AT THIS 'OFFICE. GRAIVD DlSCOVEniT..OF.1 ! , JV&rth Carolina- : " THEuhscribeT becrt Vdufiy mariy" soliCitaUons-from' his' fr ienas ncl patrons, todecline the long and tedious journey tb California; 4 and Vemaih irt lfie old1 Slatef Eaconib anlhroUgK ttlis medium h6 begs'Ieave lo'say'r thaf he lias dCctinCd jgblhg to tJalrfbrnia jin(liTrei turns his sincere thanks forMhe1 kintl and liberal patronage of the citizens of Edge combe and adjacent counties;" which has becrv secured to him-by. the lib eral patrons Of home industry, Kas indu- ced hi n,taA continue the manufactory, of At tlie same old stand, where maybe found oiv hand a splendid assortment of Furniture of his own manufacturealso, a splendid - assortment may be seen at his Furniture ware ,room down. town, in the second story of ; L.- C Pender's store, at the sign of Pender $t Brother see adver? lisement in.anolher, column. ;i -v The subscribeiMloes jiot hesitate to sav thathetias astgood workmen and can fin ish his work in as good style as cheap and as durable as ca iv be made in any Cabinet estahftshmcnl Ibr-the same price, r, - ! t FuriJ tnre repaired, at (he hottest tier? fief Call and, examine -before buying elsewhere, I . , K L; BOND Taihoro', 4th. July-,1840; c H y An unequalled Remedy 1 1ST, for colds and feverish feelings and pre trtiflmr Fevers. 2nd. For asthma, liver com- idninl and 'hHioiis affectionst 3d. V&t diarrhoea, )- . , , . . . n " - indiffesiion and wtof appetite 4th. For costive ncS8 j Temalcs aidmales4 ? 5th. For stomach af. tJy3pep8i!1 and piles. The reat joints u u llol ba44akc, new gives pain, and .,au Uuc, t alitt!! For ell these things it is warranlc.l tinrqualled, and all who do not find itso mayWiu.n the t,ol fee their ,.1, iv inplicine is LONCLfi YS " " s HCrft JMtltM Pailfttea. Ve assert theteisntt family, mraicine otuatjiti the countv .Sets below.) -s- The Human Hafv Is admlUrL by clviliatedjiS well as barbarous nations to he when fti.i,. flowing and ji feet, the grcatesl. namentai wrien imprfect or wanting" serve and neaotiiy It, an win aamiu ims inii. i ills niviuc has lajen tor morft than SO years Used ewenstveiy. . ...: t rn,i m,tvW.m bJe citisens id ihie country, twho, certify .thoKMountain Vegetable Ointment uas uie iissiiuiwiy r - , fdlt thai thte-: 3 '-. 4 'C HALM OF COLUMBIA- t'irsl, iii all A.ie8tnp tlie; haft falling t)Mt ot 1,, .icknessl Hd l:eels.olt'lanatiltand.s(mt ,Qal and preserves it to old ago frmn tUtnutg grajr. restores it in mosi 11 iiien, aniriiT u.uo hou d always nn usea ai voi;eiwj., j "vB' Ja nih in hi ha and can Jit'to currbeautiluliy; Lastly, evenallrintngI3usness, wo n 0v propose 11 tilth or its c6,,seqintiJtS childreVs head and "ing our.Trinllng-TiN 'ynes-and Fix exceeds" ait bthef articles fot the haJf4n rualitjr tureSi at a very lov price Ibrashj or on a- f 1 quantity and cheapness. Many articles have been started do theTeputation 01 luiSi ana axe 11111 meritthough they liave been amiare sold, at doir- hie, the prices of this balm. . r; w,.r - TAepj(pi.mwrwmaumvc Hays liliiimcnt ff Uari article uofe justly celebrated as a earefof the abofe, than any or tlKothefs .TKa caseaiof cure afe almost inriumeibje,andritisot.ly steces- sary to jet. those jwho Jtnow jtho article, a have used it wUh sttch great siiwcssknow ihaitU to behad' trufi and gnWe (fbrre ve cQuuter feitertj o( bV.uciua ComsADck, 21 Coftlandt it. NevrYorK, ;1aitd "sot the rest of the articles lierenamed. . ., . .. t- . ! To tU hatfitnd fameDt: ttewea nerve and bone liniment is the. mftSjt effectual cure for rlia niatisra VrXclmiTacted c)rdsa'nd'muscleV.; I -PodrMf--KQlrostocks VermlfugiEi not Fah tmioek- mil fadicata and; mte a" children and d altwlio have worms! v CautJon. .Beware of al t linlwlkei Jiaiae' ia ppeUedtKm3tQct's theld; . l)aicb liaise pf the inventor.. c-, , i I dennetr Hyiaan; HarltonV1 W.' itt the United States and Caaadaji Not. 9. laadt st ewcrr-jby Cfp. mWt ?TOrf,-) !d. Wesaon, Oaston P Si Marshall, Halifax-- Fellow of I he Roval'doileW I H vy Cfille&t of Sureeonsi Euinburit. v ..; TIUS.workeives a clear, and concise idea of the nature of.the distinctive symn toms, of the premonitory signs oidiseases, ef their predisposing causes 'and ithe methods of . thetf freatmcni recommended byfthe'mdstistlnguisheil physicians. $ The best modes of emjiloy tng.ll)e rne ieines in general use orefaithfullyldescxib- ed; as are al,so the diet, and regipenrneCes sary under, various diseases, and during coW51&4ncew - Diet, Atmosphere', .Temperature Bath ing, Climate, Clohin g and ? Exercises ara specially treatediupOn, f .1, ?..r'V The publishers of the American Edition. ' prefix to Dr. Imray's work, short illustra tedj ano! very valua'bie ' TreatieV ' ijpbn A. natomy, Physioldgt and ; SOrgery rals8 Directions for the Treatment? of the Sick, Management of the Sick:loom, Preparar liondf Food fpr the Sick, ,&c. &c . . -.,,f Many valuable articles have been fur? nished by the courtesy of medical gentle men of the UnHed States. "" ' r'TH,ent1rerrvdlume7s "wilH its full Index, Tables of Doses, c ;viirprovefit?t con fidently , believed, a taoft valuable1 'bobk foe Eamily use, . ;,; ...,t? Jem ,.To work willbe completed jn ,welyg weekly number, forming one',large 8vo volume of about 1000 pages. Gentlemen of r9spectability and good address wanted'as canvassers for the above . . i work in every town. and - village?. -irV'lha United Slates. Address (post paid,) - --1 GATES, STEDMJ1N CO: '' 'J-n a'KK, Nassau:stf ' mi i mi ii i i pi ( .... f - i tJ ; i j JYbtiee. ifitrtoaghtt and luh comphrints -use Dr.fBaw: ihotomew's Pink Expectorant ?yrup v ?b ffe& Ac, thwgh ciristiti;dqnal or incideo. For sate by " ' ApriWT ; Geoi Howard; Xi)iact'cnfcr2 Kledicines. .ttTT RRnFJVKT):4 the Graefenber JSaHapa fitla ' 'Compound Ule"rCJlbffelted' fjjg anacea-the Efe LbtidnthiJ5 , , - w. if f.ll!v rtiito.kr :?j4r!int AVlfAPllli j ,--rt. . -Hie vcgeiauie rins, anu uie -vrteeu MarcIrsUv XlEOHOtVUB. TUC HPressj fypes and Fixtures f fVftrTehUm -fl-J KfKiriCJ""'" ? vrfl ' . ' " ti-A VTATlfri. An irith4Kft f HAVING determined on quitting the jsnort credit for a part of 'thejpurchase lneri, - ,1 ondnd approved security. .! ThV Press artd'a part of ? the Type are. considetibl'y vbrti, but!ilVdo-pretty lair? work' for tWb orthr'ycaVs to'come.- -M f Job and Advertising ypo a1rWit fetter? itonditfori, and will last tijatniycat.-M-Tlilf pase5, Stands' and other fixturei' ard "ver( i?ood. There is a sufficiency or type bf a kinds tori village establishmetit. Vaxv renton is a desirableJplace to reside ih be4 jng remarkablyhealthy, arkWias as good society any village; in the rStatefT We have: been etigagedVinthet publicatitMi oi the Iteporlertfoit. ai years andhave bem Jolefably;weU sustained. . Ve??wiH sell afc a price soiow;4hat any. one? Washing to eri gagein the business would do; weU to calf arjdce; iitof address Ah& JEditoiw post pid?iWairentOnW. C ' Jr i O f J?Vit VEfrEhlEMtoWPvopt April 21, 1549, '5r v t'iL"y?- .0 t-V&Uiii.fiO I fbrtwleby Qe.0,. Howard.

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