"if j? J V timmit ftfttfffft rcr I Si 3-1 tr Oiiii V liininil Unniiif Ililinlliiiiliiiiiiilililii 1 1 n- "i i ? eilr v. v -... TT WAoteM 1205. Tarborouglu Edgecombe County, V. V. Saturdays Szhtehiber 2D; 1 ;- uutiil .?j UJHIlllJ "mi1"! Uiiltnii mini ffiiniimininnnr I iiliiiln mm" 'r'V'itf li "'liiilijl L'M tilt-' LJ Lri '?Ttk: tlililli lllMllnimilllllrm iiiiliilllliiiliiilii BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. - " Js published Weekly at Two Dollars per year; If paid in.advahce-or, Two Doli-a rs and FifTirj Cents at the expiration of the subscription Veaf Adyertisement8 not exceeding a square Will be : AGENTS wanted irt every Tbvn and inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 County throughout the Union, to procure Cents for every succeeding one Longer ones a1 Subscribers to "Sears' Pictorial and II that rale per square.' , Court Orders ind Judicia lustra led Family Magazine?9 and to aJvertiemehts 25 percent, higher. J se Sears' Nsw and Popular Pictorial Pi'OXtl Raleigh to Rocky HlOIXllt Fare Reduced THE subscriber has taken the contract for carrying the mail from Raleigh to Rocky Mount, and will place on the line comfortable stages, good horses and care Ail drivers, and will run it to contieet with the cars on the Wilmington Rail Road, and with his stage line from Rocky Mount to Washington he will . Reduce the Fare as follows: From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, $1 00 if Wakefield, 1 50 Stanhope, 2 50 Nashville, 3 50 Rocky Mount, 4 50 Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, $1 50 part of the way in proportion small packages,25 cents boxes and bundles agreeably to size and weight. Trunks, packages, &c. must be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid, orMhe subscriber will not be responsible" for their safety. - For seats, &c. apply to E. Yarbrough, Itajeifch TR. Deb'nam, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw Stanhope B. H. Freeman, Nashville W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', April 11, 1849. Sugar. p hhds of Cuba and Porto Rico, T(T bb!s. refined and crushed,- -5 boxes loaf--for sale by W. H. WILLARD Washington, July 24, 1S49. Coffee. 1 9 bgs Rio and Laguayra, part of strictly prime quality, just re ceived, fer sale by W. H. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. July 24, 1840. Jorth Carolina Institution For the Deaf & Dumb. TME next session of this Institution will commence on Monday, 6fh day of July. Having moved into the new Build ing, a few more pupils can be received. As pupils will be admitted in their order of application, it is important that applica tion should be made without delay. Any information on the subject will be given by IVM. D COOKE, Principal. Raleigh, May 30,1849. Dr. KOirS Abyssinian Mixture. Foe Gonorriuka, Gleet, Fluor Al bus, Gravel, &c. . Letter from Dr. James R. CallumV dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847.'. Dr. J. Kuhl-Dear Sir: - - Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country i the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail ed to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. I have never had enough to supply, th8 demand. You will. please send me a large supply of it as oon as you arrive at home. Yours, respectfully, J. P. CALLUM, . . Milton Drng Store. Agents CTO. IIOjkMD, Tarboro'; F. S. Marshall, Halifax; James Simmons, VVeldon; C. E. Cook, vVarrenton; Hen- fjfoodlo, Warrenton; r u: urown, L.ooiaourg; M, ft. rodic. Franklin; Louis H Kittle, Hen derson; R. U fcjjtchell, Oxford. May 16 , Notice. A GOOD iJO.favv Cotton Gin, but 111 worn, can be bad on reasonable terms, n application to ' ; Geo. Howard 9 Tarboro' Tatkpry May 2Sth; 1319. Please to read this. 1 & Good Chance to clear from $&0Q to r $1000 a 1M?. Works universally acknowledged to be ! the best and cheavest ever published, as they certainly are the xa est aleable. Any active agent may clear $500 or 1000 a year. A cash capital of at least 3525 or iS50 will fee necessary. Fill! particulars of the principles aud profits of the Agency will be given on application, " either per sonally or by letter, i The postage' mult in all cases be paid. Please to address, ROBERT S E.IRS, Publbfer, ' K No. 128 Nassau street, New York, A scientific Medicine GREAT experience and judgment are requixed. to make a valuable, and at the same time, inno cent purgative. This is possessed only by few. The great majority of the remedies advertised of this class are m amifclured by persons who have noid-ca if the relative or individual powers of the-drugs they use. 1 1 ia this cause1, m ;rft than any oilwr, whicli occasions the inertness and often injurious 1'flVcts, produced hyadrerti&ed remedies. An 1 henc tlie general prejn tee which prevails against them. Sow there is a gnnt dilfrerKte in this respect, with icgarxl to the p;IIs mad Uy Dr. B, HranJrelh, and conscquentty, their superior claims upon the public. Ivach of the articles composing the Biandreth Pills . . i Are prepared in that way which will secure their beneficial t(fccts to the system in tlw safest and easiest manner. Tor instance, some ingredient have to be prepared in the vacuo; that is, the air is exhausted in the utensil, end remains so until a combination is effected with other ingredients, which afterwards prevents the air from acting in- juriouslv umo the medicine. A'iin, the i ronor- tion of each ingredient depends im.m its multiply-! ing power upon other ingrrdii-i,u For the p.oxwr ! of difTerent vegetable pirgatives rpi.w each other is governed by similar liws that govern the powc: oi ngures ty multiivucauon: Mne 4Mcu to iit' make eighteen: but niac iicj aiue arc cih:y- onei .So it is with some vegetable purgatives. By adding nine parts of ouv. ingredient, ami nitie parts of another ingredient together, the power is tncreafed, not to eighteen, but to eightynne. Vvr examj le, either of the articles to produce any purgative effect, would have to be used to the ex tent of eighty-one grains; by combining them,! only eighteen grains have to be used, A;aln,a nother ingredient is found to multtp.'y thie power again, which in a proportion of two grains, would havenoefFect upon the animal economy, hut which, added to eighteen prains of a compound ot two parts of nine grain?, each or two ingredients, will again multiply the power which they lytve gained of eighty-one, to one hundred and sixty two. ooatrain, me ntixiuren: twenty grains can j he apain multiplied by an addition of two grains, to the power of three hundred and twenty-four grains of the original power of the two first ingrrv dients, Here we have twenty-two irrains, which as a purgative, contain the power equal to three hundred and twenty-four grains of either of the articles alone; nevertheless, also so powerful after being thus combined, are safe in any quantity always having a beneficial effect, aud in no case capable of doing injury, of which thousands bear ample witness Let Aoc in any way out of health use th:$e Pills, They will find it much to their advantage, for sale hy Geo. Howard Boxvel complaints Colics rc. l POSITIVELY CURED BV Jaync's Carminative Balsam. Chicago, III., March 21, 1945. Dr. D. JaVNe Dear sir, .Yon, ask me what proofs I meet with of the efficacy of your Carmi alive. I can safely say that 1 never prescribed a medicine for Bowel complaints that has given me so much satisfaction, and. my patients so speedy and perfect relief as this. Whenever introduced jnto a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, which I think a pretty good proof of iU efficacy and usefulness. In the summer complaint of chil dren, it has frequently appeared tb snatch the lit tle victims, as it were, from the graven , It saved the life of my child,' and of such and such a child," 1 have repeatedly heard said. In dysen teric affections of adults,. I have time and, agajn seen H act like a charm, and give permanent re lief in a few hours, I may say in a few minutes. In fine it is a valuable medicine, and no family should be without it. I Respectfully, M. L. Kwafp, M. D,; Professor of Materia Medica in the Laporte University, Indiana. : I Prepared only by. Dr. D. Javni, Phila4elphia, and 8QTdrongenoyby -GEO; ROtf'ARfci ' TarboTo', Feb 14, 1819a is mm m mm mm. ipee4Sj LutASuKiUUli Only S3 cents per bpx,i , . , FO R the curie of Headache, G iddlness Salt Rheum', Rheumatism, Piles,; Heart burn, Worms, Dyspepslr, Choler Morbus, Pains in the Back and Limbs; Liver com plaint, Rising in the throat, Fevers of all kinds, colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Com plaints, Nervous complaints, ami. all other diseases arising from impurities of the blood, and morbid secretions of'tho liver and Stomach. 1 As n ' a, : ;v - ; . , Every disease to which ihc human frame is subject, originates from impurities of 4he blood or derangement of digestive organs. Df'. Gordon's Family Pills,4 being com pounded exclusively of such ingredients as tiatcrre intended should operate on " the impurilics'of itac Human System. Strike at the root of the disease, removing all im purities frorrithe body, opening the pores externally and internally, separating all foreign and obnoxious particles from the chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the origin, must be thoroughly purp and ne cessarily '.securing a free and vigorous action to the .Heart, Lungs, Liver and Stomich, thereby restoring health, by opening the pores, cleansing the veins am! arteries, iiutinpeding.all the " natural veins and purifying, the 'blood; tiuy render the system not only thoroughly, found, butal o impervious to dieae, even when all other means. have failed. t Within the last twelve' months, .more than one hundred casus of the tnof ig gracaled forms of Dyspepsia live been cured by the medicine, where rigid diet ing, tin? Blue Pill, and airnost every other; mcum had hewn nnrted to witliuiit . iiivi. witJuMjt aiT j benclit, and u hen dt-ath stared Jls mise.; vt dly in t !c face. If Dr. Gor rfou V Pills were nut adantttl to the cuieof jatiy but thi l.ouid uia.V.y, thlr UI)i- i,rm success iu ti-.is disease alqitc would e siithViunl to 'waft ou to fame thy name lllieir tuvetiiur, as a ucnciacioroi nis 5imj-. This medicine never fails to cure the;1'' - worst cases of piles in one week! Fui sale iu Varboro' hy A. II. Macmir & GEO. HOWARD. February 8, IS 19. ' 1 1 Dr. liuhPs ilKiysMtnialt lixttis tv. " From the Milton Chronicle. Laurel Grove, (near Milton) Jan. 15,1348 Dr. Huh I Dear Sir: e have now been about seven years. Agents nations to be when fit. I, flowing and perfect, the for the salo of your Restorer of the Olood, and oth- neatest ornament, and when tni perfect or wanting r Medicine, and are happy to !tate tlipy have the greatest disadvantage to the persona! appear iven in all cases general satisfaction, paiticuhtr "nnce "finale or female. That it i3 a duty to pre ly the Myitiiun Mixture has jjivwi nuiversa! serve and beautify it, all will admit. This article atisfar.tion, so that every 'one, who has oseil it- , as been for more than 20 years used extensively, has received that relief that you guaranteed in li has the testimony ; of nrany of the most respect your dirertio'is. Mr. James M. Vernon, in whom able citizens in this country, who certify to the you recommended your Jromntic Extract, for fdCt that the Rheumatism, bought a bottle of it at 50 Cents, "OALBI OF. 'COLUMBIA' nd two embrocations cuted him entirely, and the - ' a case3 gt 9 lhp hair falling out or disease nuS never returned, l ours, respecituiiy, i KIR BY & ANDHRSON. For sale by Geo. Howard. .. ; - 15:-' ... ... THIS excellent compound, which has gained such notoriety in the cure of Fever and Ague, andother bilous affections may be found at the Store of Geo. Howard, Tar boro, ; This medidine was prepared by a regu lar physician' and the result of an exten sivfe practice of several years in a bilious Climate. ; Those who have used it them selves or seeh 'iiV salutary effects upon QtKersticed ho; farther "evidence of -its great value. A small Treatise on the 'causesj treatment knd cure of fever and ague and other diseases of bilious climates,'' may be had gratis oi tne aoove agent, v Constables', planks for saUyL i AT THIS oyjICB. e.i i ... JVorth Carolina THE subscriber" bas ' been 'IndacedbV many solicitations from his friends- and patrons, to decline the long and "tedious journey to California, and Twain inthe old "State5 of Edgecombe;, arid through liberal patronage of ,the citizens of ,Edke combe, and adjacent counties. , - , which has been secured ? to htm by the lib eral patron pf fhdme f ccdusir& has tndu j i t .... i . . c6d him to conltmitf the maoufactoy of CABIflET' FURNITURE. At the ' satfSe - oldsthnd, where majr.be found, on- hand a Jplendid assortment of Furniture nof his own. manufacture also, a splendid assortment may be seen at' his Furniture ware room. down town, in the second story of . L. C:' Pender's store, at V. the sign of Pcnder-&-Brothet seo adver tisement in another column; ! : The subscriber doe not hesitate to;sa, that he h5 as good workmen and can fin ish his work in as good style as cheap and as durable as can ; he made in. any Cabinet establivshment for the same price. i Fun, it it re repaired a l the shortest no tice, Call and examine before buying dsewhere, F. L. BOND. Tarlnm)', 4th July, 1849.. , . ? in unequalled Remedy "J 1 ST, for colds and feverish feelings and jirt" v.e r evcra. znn. ror asiuu.71. ..vuu.u I- I I 1! Pahit a.nd lds atTecUons. , 3d. rer diarrhoea, nssin females and males. "5th. For stomach af f dvsnPD8;a and niles. The trreat poinU .arit is ,loi bad to lake, never gives pain, and ! imr kata one aUvel For all these things it is warranted unequalled, and all who da not find ii uwj.iciMiiui ") " - n,is meu uicine 13 LUaiviL)ISx S Western Indian Panacea. We assert there is no family medicine of half its virtues, and none that will so delight the users of itf and to convince all that thue are ac, we offer as aove. Try it without price, if you are not charmed hy its effects. Fuller descriptions and an Almanac for ld-18 gratis,- with the agents for the county. (See below.) ' The Unman Hair Is admitted by Ttvllixed as'wel! as barbarous ., lnnnci. if rAl-anA in all cases if lost hjmuipo lilt. "- - . ,. off dandruff and scurf on 'infants 2nd,ndultsT Second, perfumes the hair MJ Jf OiVI"lo-'J and preserves it to old age from turning, gray. .Should ajvvays he used at toilette. Third, gives rcat vigor and rapid growth to the hair, and cau ees it to feurt beautifully. Lastly, prevents all fdih or its mfccqitfnce on children's , heads, and e5ed8 ';alfohe:.article8'for the hair in quality, quantity: and cheapness. Many articles have been started on the reputation of this, and are without merit tlwuffn uie. nave ocen ana are soia uou Llo th prices of this balm, -.f - - "f'.-l': f- ' f. v .. , .. The piles," alt sores, rheumatism, Cfc. Ilayis' Liniment Is an article inore justly celebrated as a cure for the above, than any or "alt' others. ' The cases-of cure are almost innumerable, and it is only neces sary to let those who know the article ancl have used it with such great success, know that it is to be had true arid genuineX for there are counter fciters) of Dr. Lucius Comstock, 21 Cortlandt st. New York,, and so of the rest of the articles here named. To the halt and lame Dr. Hewes nerve and bond liniment is the most effectual cure for rheu matism1 and contracted cords and muscles. For tawm Kolmstock8 Vermifiige-.no Fuk nestack'sT-mW eradicate and cure a children and adults who have worms. Caution. Beware of all unless the name is spelled Klmstock'8, the old Dutch name of the. inventor. r , , I Spid wholesale by CorjQstocks& CbV 21 Cort landt st.Nework by Geo." J7ciwi,Tarbo ';e6n7i?astonF Halifax- Bennett ';' Hyman, Hamilton F. W, Moore, Wiliiamston ahdby one persorf its eVery village i Mlq United States 'and Caabas i Not. 9 this medium he begs leave to say, that he has declined going la California, Vtjdre turns his sincere thanks for the kind arid 1... - X -fc ? ates; meclmapgjonijijin H0 Nassau Street, New Yogp$ ,u r?AHE NOtV-PUBLISHINO tie; pouuiaciop . fiJflQDERN DOMESTIC IE:D1C! HV- if. B KEITH JMRJlYt MrfJ(Ul Iellourof-the Royttl-Gollege of Physi cianPand Licentiate of the Royal College of Sur$etins, Edihburg. !TliIS work givesfa'elear and concise , ea of the'ha'ture df -the? d ist i n ct ve; jy r j eip.c?oriiory signs iseases, Jlheir, predisposing causes, Kind . thb methods or their treatment rccommenuea -by the most d isti n gusHgdlbiy si clinSi , 1 The best m oSSm int ploy t ri e Hi e med . . eilfas are also the diet ihdrcgfmea neces3 convalescence. ; . , V,;J Diet, Atmosphere,, Temperature, path--ing, Climate, Globing aud Exercises ar6 specially; treated upon r , The publishcrstjf the American 41110 prefix to Dr. Imrays work, short illustn led, and very valuable Treaties '.upon An natomy, Physiology ! and Surgery ;T als directions for the Treatment of the Siclci Management of the Sick Room, Prepara- tion b'f Fobdfor the "Sick. &cl &c. ' 4ot Many valuable articles have been furn hished by-the' courtesy of medical gentle-. men of the United States. ; Li.f. The, entire volume, with its full Index, Tables of Doses, &c, will proved it is con-,4 fidently believed, a most valuable book fot J Family use. ;'!rt I The work will be completed in Uvelvfifo weekly numbers7 forming one large 8vo, volume of about 1000 pages. 1 : Gentlemen of respectability i andigflodT address wanted as canvasscrs for, the ahove in ery town and vilage in . ther United States. Address (post paid,) GA TES, STEDMJIN S CQ. 1 1G, Nassau st.' JYotice. For coughs and lung complaints ifse Dr.-Bar thelomew's. Pink Expectorant syrup. ' Sick head ache, though constitutional or incidea til, is cured by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy. r I LtrC halm of China for the cure of all diseasea" (ha reqqire external application. The gray Paired will find the Indian Hair Dyoc peifect and effectnah ' ' lor sale-by t ' Geo. Howard. ! April-I7. 5f t i!L ' OracftMiUerg oHqdiciues. JUST RECEIVED the Graefenbergj Sarsaparilla ! Compound-rtlVc, celebrated i Children's Panacea! the Eye Lotion the Health Bitters the Fever apd Ague. Pills. the Vegetable; Pills, and tt)e.: Green , Mountaia. Vegetable Ointment.- " t March 26J GEO. HOfPARD.-i i The Press, Types and Fixtures ? IVarrenlon JV V ) Reporter ri OFFICE FOR SALE. H A VFNG determined dhc quitting. tho ' , rrinung uusiness, wo now propoe sen-' ( ing our Printing Press, Tpes and t Fit j tures, at a very low price for cash, or on a 'short credit for a part of the purchase mod- ey, with bond and approved security. r sv The Press and a part of the 7ype are considerably worn, but wiHdc pretty fair work fdr two or three years to come. Thfi: Job and Advertising -Type are in better condition and will last many years. - T tie' Cases Stands and other fixtures ari very, good. ' There is a sufficiency type5' Of all kinds for a village establishnent. Wari renton is a desirable place rt reside in, be jng remarkably healthy and has as ood society as any village "In the State. Ve hive been engaged -in the publication, of the Reporter for 1 years, and; ha?V feen tolerably well st3Stained-.Ve wiHscll it a price so tow, that 'any one v UhJ ng to eni gage in the business would da well to cal" iand see us, Or address 'the JJditor,'- doaC paid, Warrenton, N. ; ' f R N: VEREll, Sditor April s if I", f