umnnm in Ik1 f I f ii! I nj iniilliliini i if "J ' V. f.H2 "5 ? " IV holer ZVov&ift. Tarborough W2dgecom&exConnty&iV& October 18, I 9. r l il hi jty flfflj Mm uuiim t urn iiirililfillil BIS miiin iin tm nit fiiiiiifftftmimifTTn il i til tilllltlllll Mill tllllil III vzn i I - FT I I " t 1 I . . t i ' 5 : i I I ! ; . ! .v I 0 FTm 1-4 f hut liitnnn M 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIJ t M . i "i i ----- r1- ' - f' ' ' ? Oe mvpavousl.Wtm "Tleasc to reaa tli is. ; r . , i PV TiCrtDPC unuron -'ID-. : l LU. 1 . v,: ' : : . . Good Chance lear rvm $500 t& if paid in advanced Two Dollars A nU Frt T ,fHJ" . 10001 CE5T8 at the cxpiratton of thff8nbscrtptiDn-yearr ; uwis. v r f Advertisements fot exceeding atscfuarf will be ! AGENTS'VVaritet! tri?t!ry7t)rl-; &ti(i inserted at "One" Dollar th. first iiisertion, and 25,;Couhty 'throughout llifc Union, 16 pf&tut e Cents or every succjeedipg ;o'ne.;i,Xongericiaes,al Subscribers to '-"Sears' Pietorialtind f' that rate per square, Court Orders andJudicia lusiratcd Famihi Magazine," -arul tb auveruseraents per cent, fiigriier.' 5 oti Ar. :. ...v -nxtAil Wr Sr- -,s Works universally acknowledged id be V.v j the -o and cheapest ever' published, a jWsf' 1'. 'itheyi'ertainly are llVe most saleable. :A'ny ?&e& active-agent may-clear 500 or j&tuuu a year. A cash capital of at least25t; dr From Italeih to Rocky jfimiMf. particulars mm-. ., t . Jsonaljv or hy letter. The. postage s must TH E subscriber has taken the contact a,j as- ,fc paic( .,leasc , ' for carrying the mail from i Raleigh- to;- r-- rV. ,.,. '; ' r-t- f nn hrA 1 -r.. ,No.,, 1 2S, Nassau sti cct, Nc,vv .York. ; Rocky Mount, and will place on the line comfortable stages, gobd horses and care ful drivers, ami will' run it to 'connect with the cars' on the Wilmington Rail Hoad,!and with his stage line from1 Uocky Mount to Wa$hington-he will ;J Red u c't the ': Fare ds follows: From Raleigh to Kagle Rock, $1 00 vvaKeueiu, , , i tu Stanhope', ' ''" " $ 50 Nashville,' y; ' 3 50 ; RockvM wnl. "4 50 Trunks, of ordinary size and . Weight$1 50 part of the wayin proportion small packages, cents boxes and bundles agreeably to size arid weijjht. i ; Trunks, packages j'&c. must 'be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid, or the subscriber will not be responsible for their; safety. - ' t ,f , For seats apply to E Yarbrough, Raleigh T. R. Debnain, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, VVakcfield D. S. ? Crenshaw, Stanhope H. Freeman, Jashvillc W. L. Quails, Rrjcky JNIoant., TarboroVApril 11, IS49 geo Hpiruir: ' M - 1 - W - lrm - M t o hhds of Cuba and Porto Rico, -10 bbls refined and crushed,: 5 boxes loafr-for sale . by, . ., : . W. II. WILLARI). Washington,'. July 24, IS49. ; 5Coffee. U) Ijgs Rio and Ldguayra, part of . : si riff lir" Hrtrrin' rtiifilJtv 'ti't'cf ' ceived, for. sale1 by' - : r ,,v V: 'ilr WILLARD. Washington,' N.-O. July 241 S49; A seU'iiftlicIcdieiiic. ywii!iii IRK AT expprience and judgment. are required to make a valuiib!e,.and at the same tim-, inno I he wreat maiornv of the remedies adi'ertised " 1 : . Only 25 cents per lox, . FOlLthe cure.ofIJcadachejj Guldiness Sajt 4lheum , ..Jt bcuxnat ismpi les ; Jieart, h ur nj Worms, D y pepsi .i , CJio Je ra Alp rbus, Painsin the Rack and, Limbs, Liver com plaint,, Rising in the throat. Fevers of ajl. kinds, colds, GoutGravel, .Female Com plaints, Nervous cojdi plaintsy and all Qther (jiseasejjarising : .from tmpuriic3 of. the !jl(o,d,;and mqi bit seacrctjions of-. the' and Stomacb, : f J)fi;i'. .?r ul I, very 4caselQ.whiclr tjie humarr fi amq is sbbject, originates frouf-impuritiesQf tjxe blood or derangementsofftligcstive organs. Dr. Gordon's FarriilyPilU, being com pounded exclusively of-such ingredients as nature intended sKoutuV operate on the imj.ui ities of lhc?iltjman 'System. Strike at t he rfjot of the lise,as(., removing all im purities from the body, opening the pores externally and; - inlcrnally,f , separat ing ajl ! f UltAm DISCOYERYQF , Gald in Edgccdmbe 0, sTHE, subscriber has, beeininduced by many , solicit alions from?f his. . friendsand patrons, to -declin e. . t h e lo n g . a n d , - led i o u s journey. loifCalifornia aiulremain: in the old State;. of IJdgecomb;", anditlirough this medium he begs. leave to say, tluiL he hay declined, going, to California and re turns his sincere thanks for the kind and 1 lieralpatronDge.ofthe citizens of t Edge combe, and. adjacent counties.. ,. in 1 I 1 i "' fc now1 Ptrkistfitf- OF MJDERN..DOMESTIC JylEDlClNE, Fellow I he Roy a I College, of FhvsU cians and Licentiate ftt the Royal College of Surgeons , EdtnMrg. f THIS work gives a- idea nf thertnature of the distinctive svmni. ' . T -r,-ji , to n)S, of t h e p r e m 0 n i to r y s j gn s o f d iseases, 01 ineirr preuisposinc f causes, anu( .uiu me'tnoBs.of their treatment recommended v by the niosf disttngursiietC physicians. 1, The1 -besf modes of rnployjng the. mbd- ieHies'iivderferfll'USearefaithfull v dnscrih-; .. n --:, . ,. ed; as are also the dietrand regimen neces sary unvlcr various :4 diseases, jjand-uring.f convalescence. ... j 1 Diet, Atmosphere, 1 cmperature, liath- ing, vuuiaie, Cloning specially treated upon rhe publishers of the Americ'anEitlori vvb fell" h ;i s "bctfrV sect red" t o h i m Iby lb e 1 i b 'eral patrons of ' home indiistry Uts indu ced Him to'libritihut? the naaiiu factory of , CABINET FURNITURE. s. r V j At the same old stand, where may be I 1 1 1 i nil li- ""'e rTr rS 1 1 1 n'ca A Jt rv A r t r f iuuiivi uii iiuiui u "iiivik.iiu iioaui (.infill ji , . ' - , ;J. ri t T - ,k -T w i . w , Ijnc, Climate.'Ctonina and Lxercises area lHirmturc ot ms own manutacture-aiso, at . .. A . .--7 , .. pfeiidid assort in cht" may he seen" at his r uimiuiu wiin; luuui llvI luvv il , I II ' lilt; 1 5 ,,r , r , 1 1 .;u -v .( f T.. - T- - 1 1J1 CUa III ' J I 1 till O V ' O IVUtttj UUU second stbryj of LC. render s slore,;at ; ,, r 4. , - .o , . . I tetl,!and vjry valuable :1 reatics upotv A, the sign of Pender &. Hi other see hdver- fn- i 0 . . , . . . ... .,. . . . - . natomy.vPhysiolog: and burgerv; als:X tisement in another column. ! J : . ? c- vt ' r, ,, , . Directions for the' I reatmcnt: of :uie-Sick,l i he subscriber doep;tiot hesttafeto snv, c , u-u ' t t . . , . . . ..." Management of the SiCK'Room,o:rrepara that he his as cood workmen and cairfin- :. 7 T, , A, - A. , p 0 V re . , . . , r.x- ...! , , lion of.Food tor the Sickv&c. &o.;. .-"jV :sn hi work in as "good style1 as CTreap" arid ... . . , . . , m - ! JManv T'akiah e artielesUiave beenilur of this' class, are mantctun d by , rsons u ho j i.lva biood. of vhieh-it.ithe. have no idea ofthe relative or jiwlividuil powers 41"' A' l! "st bp!:lboro.ughIy pure-aud ue- of l he drugs thy tie. It is this rouse, m in; than j eesarily srairjug ,;a lVcu aiul vigorous anjixher. which oceanons the inertress and ofteapciioii-to the 5 J e.irtt,1Lur,gs,,;rLiver and injurious elects, produce! by advertised reiiiedieSjJStoriiachtlHcbyW;! healliu -bv, An I hence Uie geueral prrju ice whiH, prewiUj,, ,?nit U( clcarising. thcvei,S ynd afjauist them Sow there is a .? i IT retire in i 1 .. ,, , 4 , , . ., . , , ti i if U'litis, nisunnedini; all t lie ? natural veins this respect; with regard to the pl!s KirtJt by i)r. i , . 1 ,V B. Hrandrelh, and conseijuenlty. their ' superior i-,n-M PHt7frl!c 1'M.I; they muler iil claims upon the; 'public. Kach of the ariK-lest s-vs?rm thoroughly. scmnd. but al- composing the , impervious lo disease, even when all J3t andrelh Pills j other means have. failed. Are prepared in that way which will secure thiir! Within.! ho l:st twelve months, ;more beneficial elects to the system in the a(est ami thnn one hundred rases of tlie ilii)l ag easiest manner., ... If 'r instance, seme Mr'-''ii-$gravaled tonus of Dyspepsia have been havetobe f P paredin vheacup; that is. ih- 'ir is ; C',MV ,,v ?(. nUHrlc.ine wlcre HguJ tliot. exhausted in Vut utensil, end rei!: :i is o until a -t ... ,.. u-,, , ;.. - i -m st for .nM nA fvirisb fiilincirs antl ore Ji .f Atf n'rl . - i H! UlC 4 iM." I lii, ;illU ililllUM eVUT V - UlliCI n " - i ucilUCtucnui m i(,viauini h.jh fc,Y"-v. j combination is eticct;i with ota.-r !''rn t'.ieuts. : ... .... JL ,.., l,- o.wt 1.r ncthma. livArrtom. - - . r . i " . ... c , . . . - . . me.ins had t)een resorteii to without any ; . .'""s -. ; aaaress wanteu as caqvasscrs 4or me anovcn in.iv" ai.Mi.u.c.tiuno ua Ji ni" ; , . . . .. . 1 .i lit an, iiiliouA allfct loiisi oQ. r or Ur.irrnoja, i , . : 5.i 1 1 ' aK 'durable1 as can be made in any Cabinet .1 - i , . , .-. - . f i : , . nrshei! bv thecourtesv of medical. gentlc-l . l-ur,:,tnrc rnnnrrt at Ihc shortest no- r ei,,, .vVi.Uiiw fuIKIndc,-, Call atid examine" 'before' tbuvtng'V,, . ar ,v .v: . w,:ir-.k'-: ; , . . ' . s , : -. . A: ' i ablts of uoscsi &c, willprovent is con.-ta Tarboro', 4th July, 184.0 tin u ncqulillcd Remedy ft : tly b Faitiily usc x h .TbOAi'pr'k.'wUl beccanppleled in twelve i i- . i . ... ; . i . o u . - ' " vvccKiy uumers,r iormnig oueaigo qvu, 1 1 , sr iVolttme of about dtJOO pdges.;, benefit, and u hen death stared its misera- jurtously upon the mi di:i:ie.i Ai;in, the i rop.n- lion of e-arh iniTrifilipiil (li' r n.,n ita n.i!ii..U. : b-e victiill hlllV'in the.hlCC ...... ...p.. , , inn power of different If Dr. Gor-i ! indigestion and lots nf rppetile. ncss in ft-males ami males;j-; is govern ;r other ie-r, J;mu.-- i'or ilu , r , .d...n Pills mionul adr.pled to the cuie of f. ,cljlinSt yypPpSia and piles. ; The ; nt vegetable purgatives up-t. e-:eh my but !.!;i.- iiOiii,; ii alady, their uni- ar it is ,nol bad to take, never giv td hysimi! ir lavvlhai - VviM i;.r ,v fj,i.s disejsc alone would ,urir leaves unc cottUe!! For all thes - 1 ! il." . 4th. torcosuve- T. .. . - ' - V . V tn. r or siomaen ai-r - . ' , rrreat Wints ' 'j Gs2TESSSTtiDxMN&CO : gives pain, vand these things, u of fibres by WiUitiplieatiorK Nine'do.. t. ..i,'..- .....fiii i.. vafi on to fume' the name is warranted uncqtvalhul and all .whoo not fmd make eiy-litirn: hut nhtc li.acs nine nre !ei'!iv-'' r., . . . . r i :. ... mi..n. ih hniil twt ret their mon'ev " ii i nen tii vcmioi , as a ueneiacior 01 ins. jpi;- . Mjr ... . !.. .' one. c it is with vegetable inr:itivi-s. O I by .adding nine ot 01 so ingr.'ili.i;t, mui fiini; parts of another irijjretlieui i il.v.r, the power is rhismedieino.never fails to cure ibe'baek. fhis medicine is LOCLGY'S eases of -lih.s in -one week! Western Indian Panacea increased, not tu cihi'-eii hut 10 ei hi v-one. lYr Fui sale-in yarboru' by A. II. Macnair & We assert there is no family medicine of half its "3cJ : 1 ........ GEO. UOIWIRI). a:- i Fomcouglisi and lung cexnplaints . usei ;DrBar4 dioidmew'sf rnkaExpeepaot syjup. f-., Aea-acheihou gh-cojost itiJUona4 cid e' 1 ! 1 G, Nbssaf6 st; -(1 -A virtues, and none it. and to convince one that will so.delighvW useTMf x WShHV e5?feTO 'Hl nnce alUhat lu,e are jU, w . offer t balrn f .H? rv it xvillwat prut, if vo?,vare bff arepire fxlal appltcatt4.-; ' ' ; - Jrfi Ciiroltii a Institution For the Deif & Diimb. THE next .session of. this Institution, will com. mencefoi Monday l6lh day of .ty. Having moved into4he new. Build? ing, a few (more pupils can Jbe received. As pupils will beadinitte(lr Jnf thejr order orapplication, it is important that applica tioti should be made without.delay. . -Any iniormation on t(ie subject vyill be "given by ' l' tyil D. CfjjpXE,, principal. Raleigh, May 30,1&19. . exainj le, either of the -.iriiclos t pn ihu'e any n 11 r'it litit ..iV.w.t if..l ! .. I v .. .,..1 - .1 . ! . - . '"im:"RU' Vvnuu "aUl" "' o.rcx- t..!)n,arv 5, IS III. IV ; ... . . ' ' vT.K rnuirp external anDlicatiotir " r : 1 . 1 1 . .,1. ...... 'tn it ii,if,itttr nnrp. ir vnu ik.r nnt f rr j . lenio. eianiyone grains; ny iuinuu Miu, ' " i-'r"; - . v "r'L . -M tKTInn m?TlV unlycixhlccn grains have t, U, use.!, ain.a-; 2t. KllSlps AllVillisUl IfliXdllC. : ll!ieiIwts-. tons ana l.v .f- fvi,t.eW an Ai.ounaclor ilo graus, whh ultJ lor r . , . . . , a. r or sate uy vv " 7 ' Lrco. tiowaru. ...... . . . 1 -. . ; , the county. (See below.) From Ike Milton Chronicle. J, , noiher in'jjredieiit isfouiul to niniiip y ttiis power ajrain, which in a proportion of 1 wo 'jrrains, would have no effect uion the animal eeonoinv. htii which, added to eighteen nrains of a comprint! -i C.rove, (near Milton) Jaii. 1 5, 1 S IS j 7 he Uiuu a nl7fi n it- " Aprtl'l'T: racreaiherirrMecliciiicsi - . . m . a two part's pfnine grains, ech of two i.Mr. di. i Dr. Knhl-Dear Sit: ' ' ' ' 1 . " ' Is admitted by 'ClvtHXeU as -welt a.8.narn?rous will again ittuliipfy the'ower' ' which ilu-y havi- hav now lioHir about reven years, Ajrens ' natio:iSfto be when fti.l, .flawing aiuL pjjrtecJl.tbe sv si; fe?fO.:r v ; ;if:' p.) t,--s .4 7i gained of eighly-onerto one h'ii"iil-ed and sixty.' f'r die sale of y.-urdJtorer of tluUSlood, and oth-realest prnaiueiii, and u ;lieii imperfect wng JTJST REGEI VED, the G racfepbergj S Uwo. . Ko attain; the mixture of tweniv rrratus ean' er ..K', ami . ar tiapoy .lo state.! hey -nave the ur:alf.&t uisau vauwgK Vi4"" uQ A.. 1 .-Okm An n't-&hi1fTrfrf pH ! .. ... . i " ii 1 1 1 M'U.ii i ia of u tn ririi f ' Jaam ruultipllfU Uy an ad.lilion - el twn oriux, i tltveu in an easps ei.t ri s;uim aeuon, jiHnieuiar anc? o.maior lemdie. , ?f" 5 - ! .lChili(ren?S nacealheVEvd LotioilUien 10 on; power 01 tnree !niia;rei ami iweiuy-iour gru.ins.of ihe original power of the two first ingre- is a mirt'ative. contain the nower ru.ial 10 ihren ! vur direeiTonC' Mr M. Veri.on, to whom "aide citizens tn tTns CofiftWAvno certify 10. te iuouhwh. vSCMlu4B,u..iuu. 4 hundred and twenty-four grains of either of the ye recoimnei.ded your Jlrtunnlic ' Extrt.ct for fact 'that the- -;' ; J irticles alone; nevertheless, also so powerful aftVr ', UheuinalisnrVtight'-O bottle of l at Gu dents, j Vv-4 y Tt'itP (POf .ITTHf A- being thus comhinetl, are safe in any quantity j and two toton -ctiird him eutire)y;ratid the j alf dasestifps htr -nab falling efttoT P I'CSS, TypCS a ltd ll.lirQli iiven in all eas,s cent ral, sali.faeiion, particular, ancu of maor female. I..'t f, PlCbilitren anaeealhr; ly the Jl'ifsstnttttt Mixture has tji; en serve.aud lieaulify it, all avim admit. litis article -i'. u .atisfu iion, svi .hat every one, who has used ii ,as !,een tcr mor UiaV) ydafused Iras received that relief ih it you .niar;.iitee'r in h has 'ihc testimony of many of thfr rabst' respect th 'Veget a bfe PtWs FeTtsrndAgtie Pillj atkl Ihe jrcem. always having a beneficial, effect, atul in no case ; disease capable of doing it jury, of which thousands hear j ; jdv. Kinis ": Jlbysstiiian Mixture. For GoNORRTifEA', Gleet, Fluor Al r v: bus G rave L, &cJ V - '5 ."'. - irVvT ' - ' Lctter,tfrom Dr. James R. Callum, dated 'M'iiton,.N."C,"A'ugqst 14, 1847.'.' Dr. J. Kuhl Dear.Sir: , Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this sectioh'of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especiallys'nighiy appr6v6d of, it Tins 'never fail ;d to cure'in i eUry case It sells lik'e hot cakes: 1 have never had enongh to supply the derriantt; t J- w'11 Pase e'end me a large supply of ir'as fcobn u? ywCire athomeiYfiurs, respectfully,? ,--t.MHon;prg,tQiTe- Agents M are ha 1 h 1 1 aJ if ax; Jam et Si cQita os, W'eld on; p . C. Pugh, Gaston ff Cpok,rrerforiIend ry Goodloe, Warreptont-ft Vt.JwWWD.Uonjs.ptiirs?4 John II. Urodie,franlitln; touis II. Kittle, Ilea tletson; Ibdh Mitchell," Oxford. , May 16 ample witness. Let tfune in arty wtry trtt of health utefh :e Villi, They will find ' il much to their advantage : for sale hv 3 Gcol Hoiwrd. '- liotvel complaints ( olics, &c. . -. i ' - .' .. POSITIVELY' CX'REI) BY Jaync's CarniiiialivelSalsrtiii - Chicago, III., March-27, 18 13. Dr. D. Jaynb Dear sir, You ask me what proofs I meet with of the efTicacy of your Carmi ative. I can safely say,that I never prespribetl a medicine fpr 3 owe corn plaints that bas given me so much satisfaction,. and my patieots so speedy and perfect relief as this. VtheVever irttro,duced into a family, it becomes a standing remedy those ailments, and is called for again and again, which I think a pretty. good proof of its efficacy andt usefulness. In the supimer comp'atni of eh i dren, it hasfreattnlly apjwareto-.satcnttflif' tie yjcdmsas U were, froia the gravet r 'Ii saved the life of my child, and of siich Vanif aurt, a w .. . . - has never mornedj A jurs, respectfully, j ..rj . jri m0,l1f f4ne,Tmt flf aU caes ifdosi .fKIil0Y.&, A-NpKKSO. ; fclttni and keeps off dandruff ahdseurf on For sale by"' xde6.rHoichrtL i ."lit Vrftce. A1 GOODCO Saw CbttoGint fcutj1il- tle'wornV'cSn be5 had on fcasbh'able terms, on applicatibhfJ- Tarboro' MajrSSih, IS49. cbild," 1 hlvrepeatklyearcf aii. froysei teridlniiredti ons of adults, 1 have time and aftaln seen it act Ifkeva armraniditrtepernfanent re- Itef in a few hours, I may say in a lew minutes. In fine it is a vluabfelfieicihand-no family suimld dm jtftSit it-iu nuu;Vl nitlif.iv)' J Respectfully, Jl. L. Knapp, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica in th llifiaprte UniverfetyVlndiana. ;Prepared.ontyrby Dr, D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and so Id on anency by, &0.H0 tKilfr Tarboio, Feb. M, 1919 - ft- " ' i :i T1 5 ? FiW-.;5:- a fat i-J R' t '.-cSS ,..r iniauts and adults, Second perfMineSf ibe ,bai.f and preserves it o. old. age jftotu .turning gray. Should always be use'id at tojf tie. r Third, . gives jrreaLvigor and rapid growth to the. hair, andcau- j HAVING limned olftitting M THIS cxcellent&mpourirl, which has gained such nptoriet y flrr the'enre of Fever and Ague, and -jot her jlus atiect ions, may be found at the Storc of - v r 5 ' Ge6V liotedrdJ Tarboroi ll I ThisSbedictneSvas prepared by a rejii- lapttylfi extern ve praciice oi several' years in -a nnious elfmalle. ITiopwKb'naWdse ittheW iVebseenit sdWar yI&tsiiti Attierl &mbiffief "evillcncertHi reat value. A r small TrcaN'seon the 'pauses 1 reafmen! a'nlf cu reoT ' fever ' and ajgueanu uineruiaeaaca ui uiiiuusciimates. lliay Ub lieu , wio w iiiv uuwvu U111. May 2, 1S49. i; r ' V- quantity WcKeaYhessV'Man statted on the reputation ot this, ami are wjinont; ey j bond and approved unty.' - merit thouh the vbavebeea and are sold at lou fil xSm ?:;i ;te; blethe prices of this balm." u--r..;- : -v ( ' d? Vhc piks; all sores, rieumaliiTdf&c. r.j r '' IIaysVIiiiiiiiieiit' - -f ' Is an article fiofe justly celeb rated as-acttre' for the a1bve,4han any or 'all bthe'Si '-'lHie bases' cure are almos4t innumerab!e,and it iscmlyneces4 sary to let those wbo knawthe artjcJe. ad JhvjJ usedit with such; gteaf success,-kftarvVj that jl is 40 bc had trnq and enaiQefo.r .there are. counter? feiters") xf -Dr.. JLacius .Comstock, Cortlandt st New i orlt, and so , pt vthe rest of the arlicfee AT THIS OFFICE. here named. , , -fo the Aatl and ifcebYiex?&? neW 'nd roatism a' n3 'oif trateff'eords tfnd tn'nscles. 1 rris&iKetfiVStok? VermifngnojFiA? twocV-s-will eradicate and -curcva -children ind adults wbd have wjamvs. ;4Cantipn; BewaroQaU unless Jlhf name ijpeliBtocji's ibe old J t Sold.volesae bv Com stock & Co. 21 ,Cort fanttt strGw'York-bVlGrCO. Huuihrd. TstthoTo-l .ill'WeitonGaWApFi' fifAfiShail, Halifax Dennett Irlynianr1 tlamiiioniW.M6er Villiam$tonand by 6u;4pfs6V-tnverjr jrtn' in tho United States and Cacaiast Nov. 9. " The Press and a.1 par t '6"f Htfe Vpe ! atcr crdeVaWf woMfbur work for tWobr lireeyears'td cotrie Tbel Jofj 1 alnd ''dvfeftlsifti i7VpVare- in 1 bcttei5 M cbhdtttbri. arid wilMast mahjryears. TKt? C a self Stand I 'an3 1 h er fixture are very5 gl.Hefe ilOuffifcfencyf of typeof alt M$$ Cot ' a' Ullage esDlisirienWar rento'n ii ei' ihgfemarkaDljIieaVtb' lists as1, 'good sofietf alay fiatf'thS vefc'We Hebeeeageff llie Rertefosi uyearsa1nrl have beer? tbratilll sstafried.We1 will seira ind see us, or-address the" Editoi, post paid, WaVmriirSnN. 'W R. N. VEREIX $W A. 3ldCat tl7Ti W'ir. 1' iiU .fit ! r i rur.ileny wsk ftvtffiiFti. t

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