, - 5 ifj ii I IBO v:-.gJn IpiM yj Hififctt numili Jl'y ill IS y iif m m b! I Jfe ; ' Wliolc .Vo U308. Tarborough; Edgecombe County, M il Saturday. October 30, 1 4L9. BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR.. . Ts published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance or, Two Dollars and Fjftv Cents at the expiration of the subscription 'year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 County throughout the Union, to jjrocuTf Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones a1 Subscribers to "Sears' Pictorhl and II that rate per square.' Court Orders and Judicia lusira ted Family Magazine and to advertisements 25 per cent, higher. sell Sears' Netv and Popular Pictorial , 1 V is Froill Raleigh to Hbcky lYIOIlllt. Fare Hcduced. TME subscriber has taken flic contract for carrying the mail from Raleigh to liocky Mount, and will place on the line comfortable stages, good horses and care ful drivers, and will run it to connect with the cars on the Wilmington Rail Road, and with his stage line from Rocky Mount to Washington he will Reduce the Fare as follows: From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, $1 00 ! 1 Wakefield, 1 50 Stanhope, 2 50 Nashville, 3 50 Rocky Mount, 4 50 Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, 1 50 part of the way in proportion small packages, 05 cents boxes and bundles agreeably to size arid weight. . , Trunks, packages, &c. must bo deposit ed aU-he above places and the freight paid, or the subscriber will not be responsible for tliear safety. For scats, &c. apply lo.E. Yarbrough, Raleigh T. R. Debnatn, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield I). S. Crenshaw, Stanhope H. H. Freeman, Nashville W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. GEO IlOfVJIRD. Tarboro', April 11, 1819. - , Misrar. 1 bhds of Cuba and Porfb Rico, 10 bbls refined and crushed, 5 boxes loaf--for sale by " " W. II. WILLARD. Washington, July 24; , IS40. Coffee. HOH) h&S Rio an(1 Ljguayra part of strictly prime quality, just re ceived, for Sale by W. II. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. July 24, 1S49. orth Carolina Institution For the Deaf & Dumb. - THE next session of this Institution will commence on Manday. 16th day of July. Having moved into the'new Build ing, a few more - pupils can he ' received. As pupils will be admitted, in their order Of application, it is i-;p01.lant that applica ,on L.ioutd be made without delay. Any information on the nubject will be given by tVM. IX COOKE, Principal. Raleigh, May 30, 1849. Dr.KVHL'S- Jlhyssiniaii Mixture. For Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Fluor Al - bus, Gravel, &c .j. Letter frorn Dr James R. Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. Dr. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail rd to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. T have never had enough to supply the demand. You will please send me a large supply of it as soon as you arrive at-home Yours, respectfully, n, ( yh,,J. P. .CALLUM, Milton Drug Store. Agents G EO. jtlOTFAlW, Tarboro; P. S Marshall, Halifax; James Simmons, VVeldon; C. C. Puh, Gastoiv V E. Cook, Warrenton; Hen ry fioodloe, Warrenton. qBrdnvtduisburg John 11. Urodte, Franklin; Louis Ih Kitue, Men derson; R. U Mitchclf, Oxtdrd. vrt 4 May 10 JYoticc. 5' A GOOD 60 saw Cotton Gin, but lit tle worn, can b had on reasonable terms, pn application Jo , t ,v ; M . (jeo. Ilowar ft, Tarbovo'. Tarboro' May 2St1t, lS4f. ' Please- to read 1 h is. tf Good Chatice to clear jrom 500 to J$iOOO a year. m8 9 9'"' A G E N TS wa n ted i n e v'e r y 7o v n and j the and cheapest ever published, as j they certainly are the most saleable. Any j active agent-may clear $500 or $1000 a i vcar. " A cash eanifal of nt Ip.ist 25 or $50 will be necessary. Full particulars f the principles and profits of the Agency vill be given on application, cither per sonally or by letter. 'The postage must in all cases be paid. Please to address, ROBERT SE.1RS, Publisher, No. 128 Nassau sheet, JSew York. A scsciaUiscitlcdif'tiie. CHEAT experior.ee and judgment ore required to make a valuable, and at the same time, iiiuo cent purgative. This is possessed only by few. The great majority of the remedies advertised of this r.lass are manufactured by t-ersons who have no idea of the-relative or individual ; owers ' ungin, tiiusl he thoroughly pure and ne of the drugs ih y use. It is this cause, in .re than j cessarily 'securing a tree and vigorous any other, which occasions the inertness and ofiiMi j action to the Heart, l.ungs, 'Liver ami i.,j'iriouscitVcts, produced l.y advertised remedies,; Sumach, thereby restoring health, by . , " , ' J. ' ' against them. Now there is a rrat ditiVreiuv in this respect, with regard to the p !is made by Dr. , Hrandrc-tli, and coueatly . their r.i perior j claims upon the punlic Kueh of t!, artu :-!es ' composii'.g tlie Rianifrcth Pith ro prepared in that way winch will secure th ir ' beneficial eflW-ts i the system iu the safest and; eastoi manner, r or instance, some ingredient.! have to be r pared iu tlte vacui; that is, the air is exhausted in t.'ie utensil, cm! rrm.iii.s so until a combination is eilectco1 with other iogrt-diruts, which a!mrvur!s j rr vetits do; air from acting in juriously upon the iiK-rtii ioo. .-V tit:, ti e j rop,.; lion of each iiigredieuldrprtitis i.p.n its ;;.a!ii j-lv-in! powrr epcu ether iiiredieol" -- Tor jp.vx , r of diflVrt-nt vegetable urt;.niv, -6 n.u i-.a-ii ilur is guven.cd by similar Saws tij.ir .r iv-.-r j: i!i'e nwcr of figures by muliiplieaiion. N i : ; f make cigliteen: hot nine- i'i.-m's n':: :;ded to iiK.t. , i. ei onei So U is will; some vej-etabio "s;:r .U .. p.. - h: . : .. . . uuumg uuie pans ,.t os:o ;;i--t Jieut, -uk parts of aa.Aher iagrcuicr.t i..vt!.i r, thi p.wer increased, not to . ijrhfeen, but to cil.ty-oae. Fr cxamj le, either uf die anicles to pri'due.e. any pnrgativn ellect, would !.ave l be useii to th' ex tent cf eighty-one j raiiis; by combiniuir dem, only eibtt''ii jrtifs hav; to bn use.!. .Anin.a noiher ingredient is frmra! to umJi ip!y tbi.-i pnwtr airain, which in a properiion ct i wo 'r.iii!s, would have no eflVct upon the animal ec momy, but which, added to eiiThieeiiorain of a compound rl , two parts ofnism grains, erh of two iiiredie? ts. will anain multiply the power which they haw; rained of eighty-one, to one hmsd-ed and siiv- f-'r 'be sale of ym.tr Restorer of the Blood, and oth- two. So again, the mixture if twenty grains ran r .Medici-v. and are h.ipey to state they have UK again multiplied by an addition of two grains, 1 given iu alt r.ises general sa'ii.Kietion, perlieular todu" power of three hundred and twenty-four ly 'be J.hiiofi Mixture has 'given universal fair.f die original poweroithe two first ingre-1 s..ti.f u tiou, so that every MVcv who has osv.l it- dients. Vre wc have twenty-two grains, which : has reeeived thai re!ii-( that ymt. jrunranterd in as a purgatiw-contain the power tqal to three jymjr directions. Mr .tauies M..Vyri'on, to whoiri hundred twtity-four grains of cither of the', V-'" reeouu.oi.t'e.i mt -Jronuitic tixtrtitt for articles alone; neVv rthefess, also so pfrv rfal aftr i beinr thus ccmbine.!, are safe iu any quantity i ilways having a bentHcial effect, and in no case , capable of doing injury, ot Which tbousat:ds bear iiiiple v itnessi Ltl Iho't in any way out if health use ih :st Pills, Tiny will find it much to their advantage, for paie by. Geo. Howard. Bon :el complaints. Colics, &c. POSITIVELY CURED BV Jaync's Carminative BaBsawi. - Chicago, III., March 27, IS 15. Dr. D. Javne Dear .sir You ask me what proofs I meet with oY the" efficacy of your Carrni ative. 1 can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for Bowel complaints that has given me so much satisfaction, and my patients so speedy and perfect relief as this. Whenever introduced into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, which I think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and usefulness. In the summer comp'aint of chil dren, it has frequently appeared tp snatch the lit tle victims, as it were, from the gravci lt saved the life of my child, and of such and such a child," 1 have repeatedly heard said. In dysen teric affections of adults, I have time and again seen Tt act like a charm, and give permanent re lief in a few hours, I may say in a few minutes. In fine it is a valuable medicine, and no family should be without it. Respectfully, M L. Knapp, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica in the Laporte University, Indianai i : Prepared only by Dr. D.'. I ayne, Philadelphia and sold on agency by GEO. MOIVJllD. Tarboro, Feb. 14, IS 10i Only 23 cent per hox3 - FOR the cure of Headache, Giddiness Salt Rheum, Rheumatism; Piles, Heart burn, Worms; Dyspepsii, Cholera Morbus, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Liver com plaint, Rising in the throat, Fevers of all kinds, colds, Gout Gravel, Female - Com plaints, Nervous complaints,and all-other diseases arising from impurities xf the blood, and morbid secretions of the liver and Stomach. . ... i Every disease to which the human frame is subject, originates from impurities of the blood or derangement of digestive-organs. Dr. Gordon V Family Pills, being com pounded exclusively' of 'such ingredients as nature intended should operate on the impurities of the Human System. Strike at the root of the disease, removing all im purities from the body, opening the pores externally and internally, separating all foreign and obnoxious particles from the chyle, so that t he blood, of which it is the opettinj; the t)ores, cleansitio; the veins and arteries, unimpedinir, all the . natural veins 1 i,u," l! inc moou; iney reiuu r me u-m nut onb' thoroughly sound, but al- m impervious to disease, evn-' wheti all otlser means have failed.' W 1 1 hin the last twelve months, more than one hundred cases of the moI ag- v-ravated for.ns of Dvspepsia have been: t cured by the medicine, where rigid diet ing the Blue Pill, and almost evrry other moan had lu-iu resorted to witliout. any: hesie!):, am! n hvi( death starcl its misera- b!e i ioi ftiilv in lite face. If Dr. Gor- mi j ' i : s v.t ic iini ai' M'ci to tne cute or ae.y but this horril. malady, their uni- foi ;n pucress in this disease', alone would ITi'ieni lo 'waft on lo iatne tho name us a benefactor of his spc- 1 T!. ...t;,.;., ,,r.vo,. r.;ic in tho a utsl cases of jdles iti one week! ; F.r!sale iit Varh'trJi in A. IL Ala'chair Si GEO. UOnwllilh Februarys, tSi'f). y From I he Milton Chronicle. Laurel Grove, (near iMiUon Jan. 15, IS 18 Dr. K-.b! Dear Sir: V tia n..w hern :ih'out erVe'fi veafs, Ants liieumatism. !. uhi a boitte of it at 50 Cents, and two embrocations cured him entirely,-and the disease has m-ver returned Yours, respectfully, KlivDY k ANDMRSON t)V Geo. Howard. or MJC THIS excellent compound, yhich has gained "such notorietv inllie cUre, of Fever and Ague, and other bilo Us a fleet i on 3 may be found aTthe Store oftl Vri 1 Geo. lioivard, Tarboro, t This medicine vyas prepared by a" fefiu har physician, and thresult of an exten: sive practice of several years in a bilious climate. Those: who have used , it, them selves, or seen its salutary: effects Upon others, need no -farther evidence of its g,reat value., A small. Treatise on - the causes, treatment and cure of lever and igueand other diseases of bilious climates,,, may be hadriVof the above agent. ' May .2, 1819. io ns tables 1 Ml auks Jon sale, AT THIS OFFICE, 5'.-' journey to California, land remain in the old "State of Edgecombe;" and through this medium he begs leave to say; that he has declined going to California and 're turns his sincere thajiks for. the kind' and liberal patronage of the citizens of Edge combe and adjacent counties. r ''- '' The Gold IWiiic" wlrich has been secured to him by, the lib eral patrons of homo industry, has indu ced him to continue the manufactory, of CABINET FURNITURE. At the same old stand, where may be found on hand a splendid assortment of Furniture of his own manufacture also, a splendid assortment may. be seen at his Furniture ware room down town, in the second story of L. C. Pender's store, at the sign of Pender & Brother see adver tisement iti another column. The subscriber docv not hesitate to say, that he has as good workmen and can fin ish his work in as good style as cheap and as durable as can be made in any Cabinet establishment for the same price. Furt Jtnrc repaired at the shortest no licc Calt and examine before buying elsewhere, ' F. L. BOND. Taiboro', 4th Jul v, 1849. An unequalled Remedy "::" ST, lor colds and feverish feelings and ph" vt.ilh Fevers. -2nd Kor aMlirna, liver com- plaint ami hit'ou-s itffeciions. 3d. For diarrhoea, . ! indi"vstioi and A f appttiit. 4th. r or Costive-- noss in females and malf;s. fnh. For stomach af-: . . . : i ii. are it is "not bad to take, never gives pain, and :cvcr r3res r,nc costive.' f For nil these thiaes it 'Is warriuted unequalled, and all who do not find j it so may return the bottle and get theif-money back. Fids medicina is LON(LE,Y b Ye assert thero is ho family medicine of half its ! VirillOS, clIlU IlUIiti Uldk oJ vicisgiifc urn io yi it and to convinxt all IhtU thtte are facls We offer .asaiove. Try U wt tfiout price, it you are net barmd by its effects. Fuller descriptions and . mi Aim ano for 1818 gratis Willi the agents for ! the county (.See below.) , The Unman tint? " '' i Is admitted by civilized as well as barbarous nations to be when fu.l, flawing and perfect, Ufe rcaU;st ornameru'i' and when hn perfect or wanting i;e greatest disadvantage to llio persbrtAi apjieati ante of male or female. That it is a duly to pre- trve and beautify it, all will admit. 1 his artiple ,as t.een for more than $U years Ued extensively, Ii ha the testimony of many df the most reSpeCt- able ciuiens in this country, i who certify to-the fact thvil the I5ALM Oi eotUMBtA Irst, in all cases stops the hair falling mlt or j re?ore.s it in moVt if fallOn, arid tn all cases if lost j by sickness; and keeps off dandruff and scurf on infants and adults. Second, perfumes the liair land preserves it to old age from turning gray. Should always be used at toilette- Ihlrd, gives great vigor and rapid growth to the hair, and Cau ses it to curt beauiimuy. liasuy, preyenis an fiUh or its consequence on childretv heads,;and exceeds alL other articie3 for the hair in quality, (juantity and cheapness. Many articles have been ii i . 4i started on the reputation ot tins, anu are wunoui merit though they have been and are sold atdou ble the prices of this balm. The piles, all sores, rheumatism, &6i E2 ay fsMj in i nicnt Is an article more justly celebrated 'to a xsiife for the above, than any oir all others. The cases of cure are almost innumerablej and it is only neces sary to let those Whb know the article and haVe used it with sttch great Success, know that it is to be had true and genuine, (for there are Counter feiters) of Dr. Lucius Comst0ck, .2l Cortlaltdt it. New York and so of the rest of the articles here named. "v.'' : "t " fH . To the hall .dridi lame-T)i. Hewes nerve and bone liniment is the most effectual cure for iiieu malism and contraOted cords and muscles. t , Par Morrt.--Kolm stock's-Vermifuge not Fah nestocks will eradicate and cure a children and adults who hate wdrrris Caution. Beware of all ttniess the name is spelled ICalmstocks, the old nnfii n-Vmp. nflhft inventor. Sold wholesale by Coitistock & Coi 21 Con land t st. New YorUbf Geo. Ilaivafd. Tarboro -M.Wes3on, Gaston Fi Si 'Marshall,1 Halifax Bennett ' & Hymah, Hamilton'. W. Moore. Villiamstonaft(f byone-pcrsoa in every rvillage in the United States and Caealafrt Nor, 9. - IS; BAi. DISCOVERY OF. .;. Gold in Edgecombe Co- JVorth Carolina ' . . . ' - THE subscriber has been induced by manyi solicitations from his" friends and palrons, fo decline the long and - tedious Gates, S ted man k .inipan-r; - 116 Nassau Street. Neto York. ARE NOWPUELISHING . 1 : OF MODERN DOMESTIC MEDICINE, ; . " yBY KEITH IMRA Y, M. D. Fellow of , the Royal College, of ghysi cians ands Licentiate of the Royal , College of Surgeons Edintiurg. , Til IS work gi ves a clear antCconclie idea of the" nature1 of tKedislinctivc sy to'ms, oH the premonitory signs of diseases of their predisposing causes '"and t.hci methods of their . treatment . recommended by the most distinguished, physicians. . The best modes of employing the med icines in general use are faithfully describ ed; as are also the diet and regimen neces sary under various diseases," and, during convalescence; Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature, Bath ing, Climate, Cloning and Exercises are) specially treated upon , The publishers of the American Ediliorv prefix to Dr. Imray's work, short illustra ted, and very valuable Treaties upon A natomy, Physiology and ' Surgery; alsol Directions for the Treatment of the Sick Management of the Sick Room, Prepara tion of Food for the Sick, &lc. &c. Many, valuable articles liave been fur nished by the courtesy of medical gentle men of the United States. ' " The entire volume," with its full Index Tables of Doses. &c., wri 11 prove, it is con fidently .believed, a most valuable book for Family use.. . The work will be completed in twelve) , ! weekly numbers, forming one . large SvO, voht me of about 1000 pages. ?s k Gentlemen of respectability and good n,ijrij ttrfiniPA .VpanvawPM fnrthnnhnvft , . . , .... . . . J T vjmu:u oiaica- ttUUICM JUSl Jaiu' Gxfl TESy STEDAMN'&CO: 1 16 Nassau st. for coil gh Em d lung corn plaints-ruse Dr. Bar tholomew's Pink Expectorant sym. . Sick head athe, though constitutional or inciden tal, is cured by Dr. Spohns head ache remedy! eV of China h for thB cure of all diseases dial require external application The gray haired will find the Indian HaU t)ye pei feet and effectual - For sale by -. Geo Upward. v April 17, ; . : Ciiacreiibcis; Medicines. .- r y htJST? RECEIVED, the Graefenberg Sa rsa pari Ha C o m pou n d t h eel e b ra ted Cliihlren Panacea- the.Eye Lotion the Ileallh Bitters the Fever and Ague Pills the Vegetable Pijls, and the Greeii Mountain Vegetable Ointment. March 20. GEO. IIOWJIRI). The FrCssj Types and Fixtures , - .tiiB.;: (:;: WurrenUm (W VyU);povl:,a ' .1 OFFICE FOit SALE.: HAVING determined Oh iqUittihg th& I'i'inhnir 1'iiici noco - ut n t w hrnnhtP fcrl la .... ing our Printing Press, Types and Fix trjres, at a very low price for cash, orptt a short credit forepart of-the purchase rn0d vvith bond and approved Security. The Press and a part of the 2Tpe &0 Considerably worn, but will do prettyjfatr Work for tvVo-'Or three years tovcome. ! Tho. Job and Advertising 7V)Vare m condition; and will last many years. - The : ; Cases, Stands and other fixtures areety good. There is a sufficiency ; of stype tof all kinds fpr a village QStablishihent.rar- i-enton ista desirable place to reside irV be ing remarkably healthy and nas; a'j good ' society as any village in' the 8t??te; VVo have' been 'engaged in lhe,J)UtHcation of the Reporter for 21 years ahdi -have been tolerably well pustained.-. We , will sell at a price so low, that any Otiq, wishing lo.eo gage in the business vvoulri do well to call and see us or address the Editor,-post paid, Warrenton. N. C 1 j -' RIWVE RE LL Editor Prop. ' April 21, 1S4&. - 5 lAfc Vilis and iiciiix KsUcrsw For sale by Geo Howard. - 1 ' T I i' 1 1 It' i i I I r f i "J

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