To the Public The Subscribers , TAKE this method of, informing their Country friends and the : Public in-general, that they have' made' Imgc purchases of inoocls At the North; And are anxious to do a jobbing business in the true sense of the word they go for . Smttll profits and quirk sales. They roost respectfully solicit a call from any person visiting Petersburg, buying Goods to sell again, as they know they can offer such inducements as to secure customers from going elsewhere. Terms, Cash only. DAVIS- $ I1YMAN, Corner of Sycamore and Hank St. Petersburg, Va. Aug. 29, 1S49. 8G THfiVffi IHE Work-table Book, A Book every Lady should possess CONTAINING clear and practical in- structions in all kinds of Plain and lancy . , , ' , , iy , , TV n i r u i t xt i irte the best, lor the least moncv, i have JNeedle-work, Embroidery, Knilting, Net-1 r. . , T. i : i n . v ; laid .in Irom the markets ol Philadelphia, ling and Crotchet-work, with sixty-seven r , ... 1 , engravings illustrative of the vaHou J w ork and Boston the very best stock Pitches in those useftil and fashionable em-!0fm i,Cnals aml SCCI1'1 ,he bcst St',e of ploy merits; making one fine volume oT ant.qne am! modern furniture. cue Kuruhed and sixty-eight pages, prin-! lhro"Sh Urn medium I return my sin ted on the finest white paper, neatly done erC t!':'nks !o w-v l 1 ; , i rrx . i the public that ihc articles below named up in paper covers. Price 50 cents: or' . ' , , .. , ii- , ... 1 will be mannhietuiXNl and kept constantly handsomely bound in crimson cloth, giJLi , . , , . 1 . . Price 75! cents. , on hand, and sold nt the lowest prices for "This is one of the most useful ami in- J The Style of Furniture : t structiv'e books for a lady ever published, ! Marble ami Mahogany r joj hloloari!.-5 , and one that should be in the hands of ev-l hdmsjany iinH'&tuiiiiMi w o.l Wai.irubes, cry family in the land. Send by nil ! 'V,arKlc af l tn!,,r,',u. means, and have it at once." Vow a Re- l)lv Uom-.he. view of the Work. mi i , 1 . , . ... . Maii'igany anl nwil. ,!. Ocnirff Tables. uy jiciauii m uirs country can 4Wtvc a copy of the above work sent them by re- turn'of mail, on remitting the amount for it to the publisher, in a letter, post paid. Published and for sale by j yr 25 p gyp ftgO ) -.i i. . . .. No. 3S Chesiuit street Phi adcltdi a. : (fyEditors of Newspapers throughout the country, copying the above three s times, including this notice, and scndni" a copy of their paper, marked, to the pub- lisher, shall havea complete copy of the - a I... r I work sent them by return of mail. prospectus op Wilmington, North Cakolina, uNullius addkllis hirare in verba sUirL Quo me cunqnerapit tempcstasy ' defe- rar hospes. -:5: The subscriber designs to commence shout the Kt of Nov. next, in tle town of Wilmington, North Carolina, the publica tion of a Scmi ivecKly Newspaper, to be( called the Aurora, j His aim is to create a paper worthy of the growing fortunes of that entcrpi ising community. The plan differs materially from that of any now published there, or even in the Stale. First: It will be more literary in its character. Secondly: j Owing no allegiance to any parly or sect; of politicians, its political discussions will be impartial and candid. The subscriber ventures to presume' that his political opinions are sufficiently, known to render any declarat ion of them ! unnecessary. Having advocated the elec-; Washington Gdold H.oyt, Greeivviltc tion of General Taylor to the Presidency,' or to GEO. IIOIVARD, Tarboro9. he is disposed to give to his adminis tration a fair trial; commending when he can, but censuring when he must. The commercial department of the Aurora will be attended to by some gen tleman morc competent in that line than the subscriber. The'Aurora will be printed with a press and types entirely new, and in the neatest manner. Its size will be about that of the Daily New York Herald. - Terms: Four Dollars a year, or two dollars for six months. Subscriptions will be due one month after the issue oT the first number. Postmasters sending eight subscribers, whose responsibility they will guarantee, will receive the Aurora one year gratis. All communications should be addres sed to the subscriber at Pactolus Post Of fice, Pitt county, North Carolina, until the first of October next: after that date at Wilmington. HENRY I. TOOLE. May 23, 184 9. Printing neatly executed, j THIS OFFICE. , Jim -! A Glorious Victory, Achieved triumphantly over all oppo sition to HOME IXDUSTRY. P ROM the IMMENSE SALES that I have made for the last season, I am compelled to believe that my patrons are satisfied that they can buy CABINET FURNITUIIE As chenp and as fashionable from a Home Manufactory ,; as ca'n!-;e bought at any of 1 ...... ..... ... uy- Rnsjl IinJ C:ltl0 WSil cuaIKS, m, aTU OH mst UcUas. f-olis,, lrrssifiir ihiroaus, all patterns, Portable v. riii j)) sk?. Malmy ami p ul r Chairs, Malinjrany -liliititr tid Jt a I'ai!r9, Iulio' work Tables timl tJu.vo.s, i rfl!. , l.miKV sovinr Chans, Srcn tariffs, I5.! ca-rs, ?n wri-ir Desks, Whi8it :huinjr ami ire.-.kiV,t IV-Wex, Ft),H ,, Isu-.uls, CHb Craclles' a!,d biMnM.N CM urS Marble top wadi stands and ii-r Tables. M;ltir:tVatV rniLinrr fV'-Jf-r ...I. I LSOkBe;l,es.'p!VraX Any article of Furniture manufactured j tat t if: Mortest notice. 'iiiiuIulc ui lie naekeil snfrlv fr.r tMnsnnrWinti. Thf I wz-'a,,0VR may "' at the sum .OldStand. EI lo'-oro', Sept. 2.0, ISIS. HO SI) Fare Reduced. GT5- fjplIE Stage Fare from IX o nk y Mount to Washington is reduced. to 5 or, r rom 1C( cki' IN.otint t l .irbnro $ fr Sp.irta ralkliind (Jrenvilie P-iMolu W;ishin(rion "" ; f on 44 on i4 (4 44 44 on Tarboro to Span a Falkland ' GrcenvlJlo 0 :o 1 n) 2 00 For seats, &c. apply to II. Wi.sual, February 1, ISIS. 25 Reward. RANAiVAY from my farm, one mile south of Raleigh, about the 1st June my man SIMON, about 23 years of age, black com plected, weighing about ISO pounds, thick lips,and very knock-kneed, one leg morc than the other, as well as recollected. He is a man of great muscu lar power he is believed to beJin Edge combe county, where he was brought from when quite young by Mr. Jones, who married in the Ricks family, near the Falls of Tar iiver. He is believed to have a pass with him, (pwged.) I will give the above reward for his delivery to me, or Fifteen Dollars if -confined in : jail so that 1 get him-again. . ' ' - ' WM. F. COLLINS. Raleigh, Sept.' 5,1 S48. ' ' Jay n e?s M fell i ci n es. For sale by G EO. HO WARD. Petersburg, Vi. : , r HAVE on hand a large ani well assorted Biadi of Groceries Suited to the trade, and for the supply of Planters and families it consists hi part of 1500 bags GofTee,all qualities, 300 hhds and bbls brovyn Sugars, 200 packages loaf, crush'd, and pow dered Sugars, 3500 sacks L'pool fine and ground Salt, 2500 sides oak & hemlock sale Leather, 25,00a yaYds cotton Bagging, Dundee; German, ami Gu n n y,x 20,000 lbs bale Rope, jute and hemp, 2500 lbs baling twine, 1000 casks cut Nails aud llrads, 200 bales Osnaburgs,, Whirlings, &c. Together with every olherarticle in the trade, (intoxicating liquors always except ed,) which they will sell. low for Cash, or to punctual customers on the usual time. Orders from the country are respectful ly solicited. - Produce on consignment, will, as usual, meet their personal amriaithful attn ion. Petersburg, Sept. 1, 18 19. Dry GockIs; &c. Suitable far the Country Trade. Yd's Ncri-o Kersey's, 50 IieCes Bleached Shii tjngs and shect- 200 Urown do I. do 100 " Drills, 100 u low priced Prints. 20 linos Hat tie & Co., Co!tor Yarn, 300 Doz. Sj.jooI Cotton, 100 Simii" Doxes. ALSO, Needles? Hooks and ryes Muttons of all kinds 1 vory.Tuck mid siile' coir.hs Snpenders Percussion. Caps j U -irdware and rrnckery Patent Medi-j yines Camphor Indigo Slacking Li nen M'!road Cotton lldkfs &c. &e S:o. ICirs-ilehv W.M. U. WILLAKl). i Va,.shingJon. N. C. 5ih March, 119. j i.OUOit l Uvtnry lfiU(S 3z&l ' ! ' ! S. v. ;.. ,jw. ..h.v-r. Iimit,riv . . I ,..,. i,.f. . . wr ;.. i have ' vor tiiemci e logetner uuuci Li lie of 11 ATT I? V iO. . TluV h'P lOPIl at TPM 1 P. XnClW. I n, 11- ' ta5,.'.:,o mKmliii: of .LU eM.blhci.t pun hase of wcU machinery, 1,11 w.u.i.... mji, "': can HO IV make M good ;rn article ot teal! , . v . i is can he manulaeturedny where in the U. Sluice ;r.d ave deler.iin.elrto sell at aa nV Iftf.- . . i AM il.ov iti-siro i'i nrir lo 'mwro .1 itiey (it. m 1 1., la ouu r jrt ntenre the tiadeof.meichaut.4and dealers in this ! part of the country, h,Tha. they examine the quality of their Yarns.amt iheh liber- ' i. r. 'ill til 1 1 1 r , iri:iii. i m i t 11 ii tui u uv.iL, 1 - We .h, uiiu a rp.arterly business; hilt will ,nkc t!c liberal .li.mnt of 25 ptrj 11 " "" c"r''r cl. Cash. J! l, IhlV'f'LfS, :Cllt Cl""n ;-r invet.le, , .nvolvu.g ll,e JAS. M. BATTLE JVM. S BATTLE, J. L. JJOUXE. Powder, Shot, &c. kegs coarse and fine Powder, CO bags Shot, JVlo 5s. 100 reams wpg Paper, 2i boxes assorted Candy,. 15 bbls Lorillard's and Outcalt's Snuff, 10 kegs do do 20 boxes No. 1. Soap . - ) v - 20 do tall jv 'Candles-, equal to Hull & 20 do and half do 5i and Ss Sons, Tobacco, Raisins, Pepper, Pi niento for sale by W. II. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. July 24, 1849. MplassesSJr -. ' M lhds good retailing Molasses, Jbr -sale "by W. H: WILLARd! Washington, July 24, 1819. Cut Nails. iTb :e8 to nclusie for sale by W. H. WILLARD . Washington, July 24,1S49. ; , n II li ' - T L L - ' - ' J Townsend59 Sarsaparilla. Dr. Wis tar's Balsa m of Wi ld Cherry For sale by Geo. Howard; Tarboro'. tM.ln'.MhlM 7 bbls Whiskey, Hum, and Gin, : 1 half pipe Brandy; ( 33 bbls Gencssee Flour for sale by VV. H. WILLARD. ' Washington, July 24, 1S49. Mess Pork & Herrings. bbls mess Pork, 40 do Cut Herrings, put up by Chas. Crawford, Esq. each bbl said to can tain 1000 for sale by W. II, WILLARD. Washington, July 21, 1819. ' : 1 : : ; 'I. t Thomas L. Liddon, BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER, . IfNFORMS the Public that he at he is now; ii fully prepared to execute all jobs in his! i? e i .. . At i . i. i .i t Mne oi ousmess, mat may ue eiuruMcu iut executed expeditiously and in a workman like manner. liefprences. Jfrm. Norjleet, Tarboro Baker St a ton Edgecombe Co., Goold Hoy I, Greenville. . Tarboro,' Oct. 12, 1847. " 42r-v Bridge Building. ERS0NS desirous of having bridges built, cither on the plan of driving; the posts or by mud sills, arc informed! that, they can be accommodated, on mod-: crate torms, by applying to the subscri-j : her, who has under his direction negro! iKLI. who bus had rtinsidrrable exneri- enuc- inth.H business, and is fully prepared to undertake such jobs. CO F FIELD KING. Tarboro', N. C. Dec. t, ISIS. To Farmers and IZairmm h. jltiihony Emerson x I'uient double ailing rphinj PEriH-I ARJ-Y Maptcd to Warm Cli riy, as it produbutjers e.isily from svveet milk as from cream. In bringing in, u he proprietors, feeling efidence in it: rap !)ililies, do not hesitate to pronounce ' r, it ine iesi ciuim ever ouetcu o me puoiic. i nis isiiurn is on exmuuion ai me .gcncy, io.4j5, Jaltft slrcct, ' SCC0,,J s!l,r'' cor"cr of ""H ov cl' . po n in j tons and sitisfy ihd.cirrious, at TWELVE i O'CLOCK DAILY) S ehuriihsg trill be made Tin public are invited to call and ex- Jinint; the machine, and see its utility tes - -lie has competent workmen ,m h.8j j Ie avails himself of thwppriSity; employ, and can give satisfactory aSsuran-t . ' r , i-i i 1 , , u i returning thanks for the very liberal pat- ccs, thatall work entrusted to him will bej .v . r . , f - . , - , . . leu. i; combines inc ionowtng vaiuauie : selves, .tpe greai aaaniAgHs possessed tfjruufr" hk wlicle ome oiW,in ctaintv, sArEr ; u prmluCcV )Utter'in Jess time thankv, -cokvcnienck-and Woij !xrt,.u,fl,vn',mli,wr ii n,l ,r,t ' diri" that gffcat danger is to be apprehended, frofift. ted. . , - r . . it Irom sweet mtik in trom three to eignt 4 . nH.uHes aou trom cream u. mun 'ts ume, 2,,: n P"tticcs more Duller irom tne me an.ouut of milk o, cream, than the or. dinarv method, as it does its work uj a . . .i .. i. - : : r. a. morc """"K" anu Pciu.i.i . .........:. true pJiiiosopnicai principles oi uuiier ina king: 4th. New milk, after being cfiOrncd, is sweet and suitable for family use. 5th. Instead of feeding the with lrtilk direct from the eovv churned sweet milk will answer every purpose. I5y this means the butter ts all profit We offer it upon the following terms: If the Churn does not prove as recommend ed, it may be returned and the money, will be refunded. Exclusive .county rights to manufacture and sell in the States of North and Squth Carolina, Georgia and Florida, for sale at about the rate of one hundred dollars for each 10,000 inhabitants. We have constantly on hand and for sale, six different sizes, S3, 4, So, $G. $D, and Sl2,: capable of churning at one time 13, 31,' 5, 10, 15, and 20 gallonsof milk or cream. Also, churns of any size made to order. . Tcrmsr, Cash. A discount of 25 per cent, allowed to the trade. ' All orders, p stage paid, addressed to the subscriber, will be promptly attended to. ';v. T. DOUGLASS, Agent, No. 2 John street, corner, of Broadway. "thv n. y. . .. h Beware of . Counterfeits! the safest course istobuyof the regularagents only. J For salo by Geo. Howard. mew; -goous; ' AT LOW. PRICES. w JJESPECTF-Utl: iffi riie: pablic to call and examine their Vew spring p. ml s umtm r Goods t Purchased exclusively, for cash, at unpre cedented Low Prices, and will be sold at a small advance for CASH, or on a liberal credit. ' v " April I. 5th, 1S4S. ' Notice. 'JpiIE subscriber having abandoned all idea of moving to the west, has asso ciated with him in business " his brother, jfamicw Wcddell, and will continue ha- j ness at his old stand under Yfte' firm of , .til.;"'. . t t A-. tl WIliI5. I Iot. (1 tiutj ill vw vi e v.vwa v v) u es himself to merit a continuance-' of the same to the new firm. Those indebted to the subscriber by ac count, will please call and close the same by cash or note. JJIS, WEDDELL. lvTarboro,,..March'5th,184S.''' ' : .": J , Lime; CASKS of Thomaston Rock Lime, in good orle; for ?a!5 very low by Jr. IL WILLARD. Washington. N. C. June 26th, 1S49. , ESPECTFULLV informs the. citi- zens oi iitdsecomoe anei aatoiuinE counties that he carrics.on the . TSE,0$Z5rG .. BfJ&lJSrsy. at the old .Stand next- door to tlie Post Office, where wiil he found a choice assort ment of -1 V (and all ortides in his line of business,) whic'i he is prepared to make up, at 'the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Thankful foi the favors already received , he solicits a continuance of the same, assur- in- dl Wl' may favor him withacal, that none shall go away dissatisfied. Cut- tmg donc at the shortest notice. , . , "'""j3 VM ui iwu-uuiiu vn.m hyu ! manufacture. JAS. ME U EG AN; Tarborough January 1, 1S4S. METCHEJLJL S i'o Hi aiilic. . rglHE concurrent testimony of ioen of integrity and worth u the best evidence we can hava lrjf any fact o which we hare no cognizance our druffjiinjf the -eye when in ?.n innand and unheal- v j " ; thy state, in the use of this salve this "hjertiou i is en!ifely removed ag no harm n (),ssih,y' re. suit from its use: it being in all cass appliej to the ExTfctiNAL portions of the eye, thereby avoid inw all the inconvenience, pain and danger, which necessarily attend the introduction of any ponpnt article into the ey Its activity in subduing in flamniation Is so gleat that but few oases' reqniro the use of more than one1)otlle to effect a perfec cure One physician temarked to-us, after ha.; ing witnessed its effectsfln several instances, that it was a "rent ect niis killer. We might multiply reasons why this salve should be prefer t red above every thing else in the treatment of di?, eases of the eye, but we prefer il Should stand on its own merits. All we ask is that its virtues be thoroughly tested and that the directions be strict ly followed. Every bottle of the genuine salve has the namo MITCHEU'S EYE SALVE, hlown in the fides of .. the botde, and the written signaiure of the proprietor, D. Mitchell, on the outside wrapper. D. MITCIIELLM Perry, Wyoming county, Ni I V j ALSO, Dr. Gordon's vegetable , anti bilioas fandly pills, and Dr. Tylers ague& fever pills, 1- For sale by GEO. IIOJFABD : THE T U K T MEDICATED IMOI A RUBBSn Porous Plaster ; c FOR RHEUMATISM, LlJMBfcGO, ''XOUTife TN all cases where it 19 thc.ught ndvteible le keep up permanent stimulant impressfwis on or near the organ diseased, piaster' will be found highly 'valuable In fact, - at) the . benefit that can accrue from a eontiutou3 countef-irritdiit, will be produced in the most efficient manner by them. As in rheuraatism, gout, eiklargeroefit of the joints, chronic disease cf .Ui liver, spleen, lungs, or other internal organs, in short, in all other cases where warming or strewgthen'ing dar ters are beneficial, 'these will be found to be supe fior 'ito any 'now in use. For salby ' : February I G, Geo. Howard I V-r K iiV V A ft LA k. Ill VUVI IV 1 V W V V V UIU1 U'WM W

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