...... ...... . . , f , . . ....... . 4 ' 1 1 I If! jiJ M mm li m 0. j 1 SI 1 .1 15 11 I . 'IIIIHIIIIWIIPSiI Hi r in . ,, i.m hi"". 111.11 ' " '' 'inn.ir v, mrigrr -. , , , , y - 1 - - . - . - : - -----y.... BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Ts .published weekly at Two Dollars per year If paid in advance or,! Two Dollars and Fifty j Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. ; Aavertisementsnot exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one that rate per square. ' Court Or ?. Longer ones a1 advertisements 25 per cent, higher From Ualeigh to ISocky i71oiiilt Fare Reduced a THE subscriber has taken the contract M . xl e n , . . A lor carrying the mail trom Raleigh to Rockv Mount, and will niace on the line! comfortable stages, good horses and care ful drivers, and will run it to connect with the cars on the Wilmington Rail Road, and with his stage line from Rocky 7 1 Mount to Washington he will lirJuce the Fare as follows? From iiaieigh to Eagle Hock, $1 00 I n Wakefield, 1 50 Stanhope, 2 50 Nashville, 3 50 Kockv M')int, 4 50 Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, $1 50 part of the way in propoTtioa small packages, 25 cent -boxes and bundles agreeably to size and Weigh 1. Tni'ikjs, packages, &c. must be deposit ed :.L the above places and the freight panilJ or the subscriber will not be. responsible for their safety. For seats, &c. apply to E. Yarbrotigh, Raleigh T. R". Debnam, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw, Stanhope H. II Freeman, Nashville V. L. Quails, Rockv Mount. . GEO HOWARD. Tarhoro', April 11, 1849. 3J) bhds of Cuba and Porto Rico, 10 bbls reined and crushed, 5 boxes loaf for sale by W. H. WILLARD. Washington, July 24, 1849. Coffee. H 's iio a" guaya, part of sincuy prime quality, just re ceived, for sale by ,W. H. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. July 24, 1S49. TOrirt Carolina Inst it ntion For the Deaf & Dumb. THE next session of this Institution will commence on Monday 16th day of July. Having moved into the new.Build- ing, a few more pupils can be received. As pupils will be admitted in their order of application, !t is important that applica tion should be made without delay. Any intormation on the subject will be given by fVM. D. COOKE, Principal. Raleigh, May 30, 1849. Abyssinian Mixture. Foe GoNORRnffiA, Gleet, Fluor Al bus, Gravel, &c. i Lptter from: Dr. James R.'Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. Dr. J. Kuhl -Dear Sir:, '7 f Your medicines have given entire satisfaction In this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail ed to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. 1 have never had enough' to supply the demand. You will please send me" a '-large supply of it as toon as you arrive at homei Yours, respectfully, h P.'CALLUM, . Milton Drug Store. Agents GEO; HOW.TRD, Tarboro'; F,- $ JMarshall, Halifax; James Simmons, Weldon; C. Ct Pugh, Gaston, F IS Cook," Warrenton; Hen dry Goodloe, Warrenton; P C. Brown, Louisburg; Jotifl H. Brodie, Franklin; Louis Hi Kittle, Hen idersorv; Jli Hi Mitchell, Oxford. May 16 ? JYoticc. " ' i i . . - -t A GOOD 60 saw Colion Gin, but lit tie vvofhxan be had on reasonable terms, on Application to., , Geo. Howard, TarboroJ. Tarboro' May 2Sth, 1849. Please to read this. ' A Good Chance to clear Jrom " $500 , to $1000 a year. r r AGENTS wanted in every To vn and County. throughout the ' Union, to procure Subscribers to " Sears Pictorial ind It- lustrated Fumilv Af(ipazine" and to - , -w' ' ff I ntf. WorA universally racknowleded co be :they and cheapest ever j)iibli$hed,az they certainly are the most saleable. Any j active agent may clear 500 or 1000 a yean casli capit aI;bTot tcast 25' or $50 will be necessary. Full. ; particulars of the princinles ud profits of the- Agency vilj be given on Application jeither per- tonally or .by letter. The postage must in all eases be paid.. Please to address, n ' ' ROB Eli T, SE2RS Publisher, "No. 128 Nassau street, ev York. A scicisi iltc JfZcdkiiic. GREAT experience and judgmeit -arc required to make a valuable, and at tte sane time, inno rent purgative. Tins is possessed only by few. The great mnjorily of tho rotndlos advertised of this lass are mjipnfaclirrd t y persons v hn have floiden of ihe relative hr individual pownrA of (he drugs vhy It is ta -i cjrusty m. re than any other, which occasion tie inertness and bfien injurious eflVcts, produced. hyadyeriis.cd .remedies'. An.l hem'e 4je nnteral prejudice which prevails against them. Now ttu re laa ;rc:it e-ifMit,5:f?e-iii . 1 this respetft, with regard to tSe pill made by Dr. ui iMiHiurr.ui, ami conseqiaiuv, micir superior j clainis" tipon the public, Xadi of xhe ariiclcsW O 1) . I I. 1 . . i . -- . i ; eomjoiug tl fiiandrcJt Pills Are prepared in that way tdich will seenre their beneficial effects to the system in the safest and easiest manner. For inst;in:e, noriie ingiedienls! have to be s pared in the vMuo; that is, the air i ' rxmtw&ifu ii me uitiiMi, 'iu ctvwnns so unni t l . :i i combinalion iSi ececld with other, in!ir'dint whieh afterwards pre vents the air from actii junously von the 'rdieine. Ag.'.iw, tlw? wjj tionof each irtgredieiitdpendsHt;tin its uuihi in power upon onMher ingreiieni- l'or iliej..,ACr gei able urgaSves opon veo oih y 8i 'Hilar laws that g .vrii the pow or ' of ditfereflt vcjiei is governed 4jy ot hgures by mult.phcatn. Mne added lo nine make eighteen; but nine times nine are eig!'y- onci bo it s with some vegetable purgatives, rii; : , e r i Oy adding nine parts of one ingredient, and mim parts of another ingredient together, the power is increased, notto eighteen, bt:t to eighty-one. F r example, either of the articles to produce auy purgative effect, would have l he nsed lo the ex tont cf eighty-one grains; iiy c;inhiBing. tht m, only eighteen grains have to he. usod. Again, a noiher ingredient is found to multiply this power again, which in a proportion l two grains, would have no effect upon the animal economv. hut which, added to eighteen crains of a comtonr,d'il ' two oarts of nine crr;ins. each of two ifirrodier ts. will again multiply the power uhich they J.avei gained of eighty-one, to" or.o hiudred and sixty- two. So again, the mixture of twenty, grains ran be. again. multiplied by an addition . of two grams, io,ihe power of thiee hundred and twenty-four arains of the or'minaT rower of the two first inirre- 7. - . . . . dients liere we have twenty-two trains, which i as a purgative, contain the power equal to (Inee : hundred and twenty-four grains of e'lher of the I articles alone; nevertlieless, also so powerful after ; being thus com Lined v are safe in any quantity always havipga benrfici fficial effect, and tn no case capable of doing injury, "of which thousands bear ample wilnessi : Let those in am uwy out of health xtsc thisc PilU They will find it .u'uch iu their vdvutitigc, i for sale by' Geo. award., . hoivel complaints Colics, L?c. POStTIVEtY CURED BY ."..' Jay lie's Carni ina I ye On 1 sa ni. ir i" i -; ''-Chicago," lit, 3farcJi Q7d 845. Dr. D. Jayne Dear, sir, You ask me what proofs r rf.ee t with of the efficacy of your Carmi ative. lean safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for Bowel complaints that has given me so much satisfaction, and my patients so speedy and perfect relief as this. Whenever introduced. into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, which I think a pretty good' proof of its efficacy and usefulness In ihe summer complaint of chil dren, it has frequently appeared to snatch the lit tie victims, as it were, from the graved A,Il saved the life of ray child, and of such and such a child," I have repeatedly heard said. t ; In dysen teric affections of adults, 1 have time and again seen it act like a charm, and give permanent re lief in a few hours, 7I may say in a few, minutes. In fine it is a valuable medicine, and. no family should be without it. ' ' Respectfully, " ' M. L Knapp,M. D Professor of 'Materia Medica in the , Laporte University, Indiana, .'I. . ' ,v i : ; Prepared only by Dr." D. Jaynk, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by , GEO. JiOJVJlliP Tarboio', Febi 14, 1819i ' Only 25 3cnts per box, FOR the cure of Headache, Giddiness Salt Rheum, Rheumatism," Piles, Heart burn, Worries, Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Liver com plaint, ftisrog Jn the throat, Fevers of all kinds, jctxlds, Gout, Gravel, Female Com plaints, TsTervtOs cpjnpfaint-s, anil all other diseases --arising from ini pud iieUif' J he blood, and .morbid secretions of the liver and Stomach. : . V. k .Evcrv'discase to which the 'human frame is subject, oricinates from irnnnNtiesof the! blood ordcraiicementof.dstiveorKaas.!eral- P-oiia of home industry, has indu- Dr. Gordon Family Pips, heing com pounded exclusively of sCch ingredients as'iralttre intended should perate on 4Ja1 impurities erf -tle ii -tttnan System. Strike at the root of the disease, renovinall im purities from the body, opering the pores externally n:id internally' separating all foreign and obnoxious particles from the chyle, eo that the blood, of nhiclrit is the originmust be thoroughly j pure and ne- cc warily si-.rurir.g a iVcc and vij;orou- action to' the Heart,' Lun Liver ant I Stomach, thereby rcslorurr health, by open in ' t he pores, chansin the veins and i ! I . .nil..' nisi rvi r rt t i.rttn I ! t I ; r i ii n 1 11 ri'l I'omc . ' '. . 1 i u:iii jjurjiy ing iut? inpuuj i my ri'iiui r iih; 1 . r r. ; f -. i twi O"1!01'' Wnd, but al so iiDpervioiis'clisca-se'', ev evc when all other. means have failed . WiHini tho last twelve months, niort 1 than one hundrc-l ca.ei of the mox:t (t:r- lirravated forms f Dyspepsia have hetu , , - int.,i(.:n, n here ri-id Ticl- V i r tuV !il!s wi re no! adapted to the core of. n:.y hut this horrid tnahuly, their' uni : f,.rm success In this disease alone would ' licient to 'waft on to fame' the name of ifaeir i vctor. a , hcnUaclor of his spe- i . . ... .... . ', :cios. I us mti heme nrver .ii s loeure I he i , . ... worst rases ci piics in one weeu: For sale in 7Uboi o hv A. H. Macnii'r 5i- rfi )fOIlr47?n T, , 0 , ' , I Ur.Kuhl' AbysMiPiiiSi Mixtures From the A ill on Chronicle. I-aw'cl Grove, (near Milton) Jan. 15,184S- Or. Kuhl Dear Sir: . Ve have now been about seven years, Agents ; for the sale of your Ile.storeV of th.i Blood, and oth- r Medicires, and are happy to state they have given in all ras s general salifiaciion, particular, j 'y the Mytsimari- Mixfure has given universal satisfaction, so that.fvery one, who has used it- !. , , , . .. , . . . .. tias recervea tnai reuet - thai von guaranteed in your directions, s Mr James M, Vrernon, to whom y recorinn'erded your s Aromatic Extract for' Rheumatism, bought a bottle cf it at 50 Cents, and ttvo embrocations cuied him entirely, and the jliseac has never returned. Yours, respectfully,- KinUY J?: AN DICKSON , For sale 'by. foirnrd. THIS excellent compound, which has . ...- 't . . . . - . j, ."i- gained such notoriety in the cure ofFever and Ague, and other bilous affections, may be found at the Store of ; , - ; ! . w Geo; 6i6ard,iTarl)oror, & 'z r. Tliis: medicine was' prepared by a Yen lar physicianand the result of an exten sive practice of several years in a bilious climate: Tliose i who have usedwfrherr selves, or seen4 its salutary ' effects upon others, need no farther tevidence of its great value. A small Treatise on the "causes, treatment and, cure of " fever f and ague and other diseases of biouscimates,', may,be hadram ot the above agent. I Vbn'8lable8 Wan k -for 'sale, f AT THIS " OFFICE, a! in? I ho Nine Pill, aiitl nimr.v! mwv oll.rr U bT, for colds and fevertsh feelings and pre i r. - - j . Ki . . .. . i ! . . . . '. . . ! wirf.'.nf 1Vph. '2twl Kor aailima. liver com- t i.mcms i:ia hci'ii Nsor H ivi hciit anv ....... . - , : au uresis r. ' ' .i i ' . - .!idait and bilions alTections. 3d. For diarrho3a,; , . ..u. ' le vsrsnr. UiVv in Jlie Tarn. If Dr. tier- . . . ... ... L r Uniteu i . . . . .... . ' I mi i vm .it rju onvi i"w " v.. -- - . . . v : . - . - ----- ? npss n leWAiles ao males, out. r or siomacu ai- $11 AN ) DWJOTKKY OP Gold inliacombeC JYorth CtrGlina- THE subscriber m been induced by many- solicitations torn his friends and patrons, to decline te lone and tedious journey to" Califoriw, and remain' m the uiu -oiaie 01 jagqomoe; - ana mrougn this medium he begheave to say, that he has declined going jo. California and re tnrn'8 his sincere tlanks for the kind and li-b.er.il pntrbitae ofVve citizens of Edge) conibe ai)Ufjacent coupes. ' ( V The Gold KUne whSrl has cn secured to hm by theTtb A ced him to continue the manufactory of CABINET FURNITURES At live same old stand, where tnay be found on hand a splendid assortment of Furniture of his own manufacture also, a splendid assortment may be seen at. his Furniture Ware room down town, in the second story of 1. C. Pender's store, at he -sign of Pender &Prolher sec axlver-ti-scrnent in another column. ', The subscriber doeiiol hesitate to say, lint . he has as good werkmen anrf cart fin is!i his work in as good style as cheap and as dura bio as an be made in any Cabinet establishment for the same price. Fu rti it nre repaired at the shortest no ticc Call and examine before buying t be where, IFrL. BOND. rarboro', 4ih July, 1819. Ail unequalled Remedy (W.tio,j:Si dyjepsia and piles. The great points arc a ls not W to take,,never gives pain, and ,ulr u-arcs one coUlvt!! For all these things it 'is warranted unequalled and all who do not find it so may return the boile an4 get their money K-k- Tbj medicine it LONGLEY'S ' hacR- l nib tneaicine ii lvivudi o - fct ctcM mm a We assert there is nolamily medicine of half its virtues, and itonc tliat will so delight the users of j t 'and to convince alt thit time are fuels, we offer ias al'ove. Pry it Wt'fhiur price, if yoti "are riot charmed by its effects Fuller descriptions and air Ahunnac for 1818 .gratis, with the agents for the ci.unty. (See heloV.) . ? , The ihanan Ihiiv .i i Is admitted by - civlizcd as well a8 barbarous nations to be when fat, Cowing ana peneci., me greatest ornament, and ivhen imperfect'or wanting the greatest disadvantaVe. to the personal appear- ance "I male ortemaie. l nai u is "'.v y serve and beautify ltau will admit. I ins an ic le j has been for more than 20 years used extensively. ... :. .. . ..r.w' . it has luo lesiirnony ot many 01 mu iuuw ly i able citizens in this country, who , cemfy . to the fact that the - , ,v - i 15AL3I OF COL.UMUIA , First, in all cases i?lops the hair falling out or 'restores it in most if fallen, and in all cases if lost by sickness; and keep3 off dandruff and scurf on i n fants and adults. Second, perfumes the hair and preserves it to old age from turning gray. Should al ways lie used at toilette': Third, gives r reat Vi ror and 'rapid growth to the hairrand can- I uiiu mwu g... ... -- ' .. . . -n ses it to curl beautituiiy. L.3uy, prevents an ; e V r r. trr-t -r-'-f -j-'i5 filth or its i-ouencc on children's headaand;; ing our. Printing; Press, ipes and Fix exceeds all other articles for the hair in quality, : tu res, at a, very low price for. cash, jjr on a quantity and cheapness. Many articles have, ' short credit for a part of the purchase mcn started on the reputation oi tnis, ana arek wunom j merit mougn iuuy-iiaw& dccb oa urvwiu iuuu- hie the prices, of this, balm n : : .Thdpilei all sores, rheumatism, &c, Hays' Ijininicnt i - Is an article ihore? justly celebrated as a cure for the aoove, man any or aiioinera ine caws u : . ' . ... . . tl L ll . , rrL 1 -e i cure are almost innamerable,.and it iaonly neces- sary to let those vrho know the article and have used it'with such great'successr know that it is to he bad true and genuine (for there are counter leiters) oi4 Dri Lydusj Comstockt 21 .Cortlandt st. New. York, .and so. of .the rest of the articles here named. -s . ,.; ,s- T .; . , ; ; . i .To the halt and aW Dr.' 'Hewes nerve and bone liniment js.the most effectual cure for thea natism and contracted cord s and muscles. ! For worms Kolra stock's Vermifuge not Fah-nWoeA;-wiHeradicateand cdie a m children and jtdults who haYe worms r Caution. - Beware of all pnless the name ipelled-Klflistocks, the old Dutch name, of the Inventor.' uV")l v"" f SoldWhohssalby Comstock & Cpi 21 Cort landt 8t. New TYork hyfieo. Jfowixd, TPar,boriC M. Wesson, Gastonr Stf Marsha I, Halifax--BeaneU Hyman MamiUon-y-F, W, "toort, Wiiiiamstohabd by onl person in every village ilre?UnittatctuiA f'NoT'.:is 4 ' ' ARE NOW PUBLISHIKG' ' sot otin OF MuOERN DOMESTIC MEDICINE, j r i - K KEITUUMRfi r, M J)Ji Fellow of the Royal College of :$hyst cians and Licentiate, oftherRpyal , , College of Surgeons, Edinburg. THIS work gives a clear' and concise iaea oi me nature oi ine instinctive symij toms, of the" femoriitofy signs 6f diseased, of their predisposing caueand vthe methods of their treatment rcconvsnended by the most distinguished physicians. The best modes of employing the ned icines in general use are faithfully describ ed; as are also the diet arid regimen neces sary under various diseases, anduluring convalescence.- ' ; r.-lLi y ; Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature,-Bah mg, Clm)ate,,Clohing and Exercises ar specially treated upon 4 , The publishers of the Americao-Edilioa prefix to Dr. Imray's work, short iltustra ted, and very valuable, Treaties ;upon A! natomy, Physiology and SurgervJ also Directions for the Treatment of . Kelck, Management of the Sick Room, Preparaj lion of Food for the Sick, '&c. &c. Many valuable articles have been fur wished by the courtesy of medical gentle men of the United States. r The entire volume, with its full Index; Tables of Doses, &c, will prove, it is' con fidently believed, most valuable book for Family use. ' ! The work will be .completed in twelve .weekly number, forming one large Svo, volume of about 1000 pages. Gentlemen of respectability and good wanted as canvassers for the above every town and village" -in the States. Address (post pant,) GATES, STE DMAS S? CO. -i , i iQf Nassau st. JYdtice. Foramghs and lung complaints nse Dr. Bar diclomews Pink Expectorant syrup; t Sick head ache, though constitutional or inciden tal, it? cured by Dr. Spohn's head aphe rem dyt Lin's balm of China, for. the cure of all diseases, (hat reqpire external application. ,v r The gray haired will find the Indian Hair Dy perfect arid effectual. For sale by Geo. Howard ' . y . , .- " j - f .; , , -.'5 April 17. , . ;: ; : " ' ' ' " ' ' -' ' ' G aac fenberg Medicines. panacealthe E VC- Lotion th Hittersthe Fever arid 'A uePillS , t ? . ... j!.;8 - .i the Vegetable Pills, and the ureen o . ' Mountain VegQtable Ointment. March 26. GEO. HOWARD. 4 Tlie Press, Types and Fixtures ' ' ' 1 r OP TlIE?lS Ml ,,i H:"-!'r) 7 IVarrenlq(Jf VJ Reporter ' OFFICE FOR SALE.' ; . i;:i HAVING determined on quitting the - ......... , Prmtinir Himnpss. wn nnw nronose sen Qy Vjiih bond and approved security. n . The Press and a part of , the, Type arc considerabhworn, but will do, pretty, fair work for two or three years to come. I ho Job and Advertising Type are in better t cbnditioh, and will last many years. The ' . ... r. ' uases, Stands ana otner fixtures are very good. ' There is a 'sufficiency, of y pe of all kinds'fof a village establishment: War renton is a desirable place to reside in, i)e irig remarkably healthy, and has 'as good society as any vilfajge m the " State.' ' We have been engaged in the" publication of the Reporter for 2 1 years,' and have been tolerably well sustained.' We . will sell at a price sbfiovv;iIthat afiy'brte wishing to en gage in the business would do well to call and see us, or 'address1 the Editor, post paid, VV arrenton, N. t-. Rl'iN. rERELK Editor Prop. ; April 21, 1349. Llifi? l!il!s and FIieiiixBiUcrsr Formic b;yV kV..H. lfrfA" ' litj "iVimSw Street, Neiorfe i . -t - ....... . . 'I '"i 4 & f x,. I 9 & it! ill" : h . ft? 1 1 i Hi Ss'tl 1 1 II to t it I I tit I'll i ? i 1 ! 1 i 's 11': ,! i ft i:i ?i J".t i ; H f i.'i I -;