wm unium mm ITTRT 4 till Infnim 3 Ann ?fflr ffp? "3 ?. .Vo 131 1: Tarborough, Edgecombe tounSyY. . Haluiuiir January I850 f , Jl'JL Vi . v. i 1 Ji THE TAUBOItO' JESS ; BY GEORGE HOWARD. JR. Ts published weekly at "ARs per year s if paid in advance-or, Two DotLAits Ab Fifty Cents at the expiration of the aubatrlpiion year. . Advertisements not exceeding a square Will ba Inserted at Ost Dollar thw first insertion, and 23 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones al that rate per square, uoun uraers anu juuiuiai advertisements 25 per cent, higher. mirvuTEsi Of the Kckukee Baptist Association, held at Morattoch m. h. Washington County, N. C, commencing Saturday before the 1st Sunday in October, A. D. 1849. Saturday, 6th October, 1849. 1. The Introductory Sermon was pred ,ched by Elder Blount Cooper, from 1st John, 5 chap, anil 12 verse: "He that hath ; when Elder William flyman was chosen Moderator, brother Joseph D. Biggs clerk, and Elder C. B. Hassell assisistant clerk. 3. Brethren in the ministry, and dele gates from sister Associations, were invi ted to seats, when Elders James Osbourn from Baltimore, John Stadler and James Griffin, and brother Jesse C. Knight seat ed themselves. Elder James Griffin and bro. Robert D. to day. 4. Letters from 35 churches were hand Names df churches and counties where .fiituated. MINISTERS AND DELE-GATES. if. 1 Baregrass, Martin 2 Belhlel ;em, IPyrrcfi V ; t Wakefield, 1 60 Stanhope, 2 50 Nashviile, 3 50 Ilocky Mount, 4 50 i ! A 'I ?, 1 t f Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, $1 50 part of the way in proportion small packages, 5 cents boxes and bundles agreeably to 6ize aivd weight. Trunks, packages, &c. must be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid, or the "subscriber will not be responsible ' for ihcir'safcty. For scats, &c. apply to E. Yarbroih, Raleigh T. R. Debnam, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw, Stanhope B. H. Freeman, Nashville AY. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', April 11, ISIS. 4 A 1 h i Wm hitaker, Abraham Peal' 3 Bethlehem, Haquotank ISasiukl Tatum, W'm Forhe,.- i 4 lilount s Urk, 'Beau to-1 Martin iJoss, Is.rtah live I ,'Glocnt toopER, .John Hryav ; on UfWve Sawyer. Stephen liir.rsi 7 Conetnp fidgtcoiidie JJohn H. Daniel, VunThiirnen I 8 UoweiijocK. UurriiKCfc jArinur tiids, AheHPaimer 9 Oros Uoau8 L.tc be A ji iivman, ibovereiirn Purvis 10 Uedar Inland, Carteret I I Deep Creek, Halifax 12 Falls Tar iiivcr. iW 13 Flat Swniivp, Pilt j 14 Flatty Cr'k, Fuquotanlr 15 Fishinc: Creek. Halif.ix 16 Gum Qci?Tirrfl David i,-ahoon 17 Great iwanp, I'M Bet.j Fleming, liavifl Ilou-sfl 18 Goose Creek, litaujort KlijahW Lewis, it phen Mrnerv 19 JoMier's, Nartlnmptuti ; MHUip-r 20 Kehukee, ialfox t Ml)iCKEN,GetieralYouug. I, 21 LHwretw's, jbMgccombefVuxtier bas, Charles Mabf v 22 Little Allig itor, Yry! i3 ;..raitock, U uJii:rtunX Grav, Vt!sou W Mizell 3? l' 21 the Son hath life and he that hath not the j Hart were requested to preach at the stage Son h&th not life.J ' 2. The delegates from the several chur ches then assembled, and the Association J ed forward and read, the names of the del 'was nnpnprl ivith nrrpf m P.lrlpr VVil- eirates enrolled. &c. as stated in the table From Kalcighlo .otky Mount. JUm and l0 business.;f oi,u,ch(S. THE subscriber has taken the contract; for carrying the mail from Raleigh to ; Rocky Mount, and will place on the line comfortable stages, good horses and care-! ful drivers, and will. run it Ao connect with te cars on' 4be Wilmington Rail Road, and vvith his stage line from Rocky j 3 Conoho, Martin TV1,..it rt VVocMn-rtrtM K I -6 Concord, JfWiN m w wa t J t 11 uttii vti a t im Reduce the Fare as follows: From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, $1 00 ward a letter to the While Oak Associa tion, which was read and received. F.lder John H. Daniel handed in a letter to the Contentnea Association, which was read and received. 16. The committee of finance reported, that there was in the hands of the Treasu rer at the close of last Association the sum of $75 65 Paid for printing last year's Minutes, $50 Paid the Clerk for services, 10 40 C3- SSji 12 I ft. U Applewhite, Knton Cooper I fcJ.I.CHAXULER,JSBd te, ItSoreyl Wm K Fhiipi 7 hvMi i'ae! AndtvrsonMPahnex, lilijuli Mead: -ll '21 Nor Ui Creek, licuujmt H PurOt, Murtih 21 Powell's Poiut, Martin 27 Pung". fJe 'ufori 23 Kooky .waiop, Ju'u-x 23 SapjM oy, i ,:.h 30 Sr-upprnior , trn?i 31 So. Malta;!. n.keet,cfe 32 Sandy Grove, A,.' 33 Skewarkey, Martin 31 iSawyefs Creek; Camden 35 So. Qiiav,Va?o7 , 1 Vr, 3G Nmiih wtck'sCf'k Martin 37 Spring Green, Mviiln 38 Tarbort ngb, KogecvmL- 39 vYasihiinnon. Jintif'-i t 7-1 r 40 White Plains, uiuufor; J 1 V V j ) J i a m a . tjt cct -ji I' i: MiLiisKvi'KiTT, V mItos.tu 'aii, CMoim:e,?SB Williams. V B Perry! Henry L D.wis. Aqtiilla Davis 1 r- 1 ! nomas liariis, rtam'jei Jvogers Cto W L'aukowan, HMGtore. ii igusr CB Has: ci.r., I jro:as Ul os, J i) Joseph J Law rei:oe. ;.A m G;y liilhai Legeti, Diivid .Singleton .':; Ji. ihi-iU. A A iutrew JGriiliu 1) Land, It i) iIakt, i? llamaon : rr.co!) ;viudle,-f'Levui N iiilaco I Vallaci, AW at:.p,5v J 11 ahurn vViiii it,Mai!," Win iiiilops i I I i 4! 1 2 W ft. ?1 ' 1 g 1 li I 1 II i 4' le3 21 i 4 5 3 i ! 11 2' i tl 2' i 23 9 47: 41, 24! 25! 25! 23, i l?i C7 to; 15! 53 21 Yearly meeting, Saturday before Received from the churches at this time, 35 65 4tt i 1 1 1 45 1 00.3iinAugt 75 on: 50 3rd in Mar 00 IsuSepl'r 00 4thSept'r 00 3nlSeptV 50 3rJM-dr'ii 2nd Sop'r 50 2nd SepV 0() 2 001 1 00'lst.SepPr 1 CG!2iiiXov'r 00 iihSept'r 50 .'iriiSt pi'r OOrdSt-jit'r OOardSeptV 75 3rd Ang'i 50 ilu Ang't I 1 1 94 21 20 3 a; 2: . 2'i 1 9 50 NO TK. Ordained ministers in small cXnt.v'LS t.ot present. 75 I 50 3 M Aug't 3 1 00 1th ug't 20 1 00 lstSepi'r I 2iidJan'y 12 50 -indAun'l 57 1 00.2udAu't 19 1 00:2nd Aug't J0 2 50!itSejrr 21 75 2 til Oct' r 43 1 50-tlAug,i ; t no.'llUAvt Tt 2 00 tsi.Janty 17 75 4iHAtfgt 33 .1 0o4ttiSi'c 4 J50 i Aug'i 1 X)0 A'i I (foSrdAujj'i 23 m 20 7' 13 12,40 00 Licentiates i ilulix'silc marked thus were 5. A petitionary litter for membership from Bethlehem church in Pasquotank county, (lately constituted) was banded affreeJ to induhro thr so liltwdir annllir.-1 . - . a. v attwbttvt (J J -1 n c year. 12. The following delegates v. and two others by Elder Green Carrowan, who took the pastoral care of said church. Brother Potter had his ups and., downs vvith the church until Saturday before tho 3d Sunday in Sept. 1S43 (Elder George W. Carrowan removed his pastoral care of the church at or about tins time,) and feel ing himself called to the work of the min istry, he straitway commenced in the work (though quite limited at first.) lie preached not himself, but Christ Jesus and him crucified; and grew in the spirit and continued exercising until Saturday befo ro th e 3d Lord's day, in December, 1846, when he applied to the conference for lib erty to preach the gospel of Christ, and contend for the faith once delivered to the saints, which was granted, and his doctrine was highly esteemed. And on Saturday before the 3d Sunday in March, 1S4S, the church agreed to set apart tho Saturday before the 3rd Sunday, in Juno of the same year for the purpose of his or dination; but it not being the Lord's time, we were not able to get ministers together for the purpose of oidination. His minis try was highly approved by his brethren where he was known; previous to his call to the ministry, he was chosen hy his church to the office of deacon, which high station he filled with honor to himself and satisfaction to his brethren, and purchased to himself a good degree and great bold nesaTin the faith which is in Christ Jesus, lie was opposed to the schemes of the day, and in his short ministry he exposed erroC with all the power the Lord gave him. , Bro. Potter was married twice, and at the time of his death he had no wife to inourn his loss; but left seven children; to lament his death, five sons and two daughters, and two of them quite small. For several years before His death he was afilicted with St. Anthony's fire in his leg and ancle, also with sick head ache; but 4aCs,CA .i1iaU Anilnrl t a 41C t ", f 4 V, . r . t i Uli; U OUdSC Wlllll. ti.iutu .usuujn vu y a liny !,....,.- , f . .. . i is unknown by any. flic left home on the (acter as the subject of its contents, having J , i 01". C ' 0l 1T i 4 n,nn Mount; Hit r 1 in all the relatipng oflife so sustained him . . b .... , .-f if i l i . 1 smcss in a cjnoe with his son, and wjvlo. v sell as to command the respect and secure , . , . ,v . . . ,. .u -i ec 1 . son his way his son discovered him settling ; the esteem 01 a witle circle oi lrienus and1 . ; ?: . ' ; 0 acquamtanre; and when wc add to this,! , , , , , . . . ,, 1, 1 . y . and exclaimed, son, be hot alarmed go on. his upright walk and practical piety as a T. . ,v 1 . , Ar 1 1 c. ! Mis son pushed immediately homeward, man ot God,wehave no hesitation in say , . . ,. . . , , 1,:. 1 1 1 tit ; and reached ramphco Point Iiiiht house ing his name deserves and should bei ., v . ... , i-i.i 1 . . ! two miles distant: after which he never 6575 65 Report received and committee dis charged. 1". A majority of the churches having reported unfavorably to sectional meetings, it is agreed that we decline adopting them. . 18. Resolved, that the Clerk prepare these Minutes for the Press, have S00 cop ies printed, distribute them to the several churches and Associations vvith which we correspond, record one copyr on our rec ord, and that he be allowed $10 for his service j. The Association then adjourned to the lime and place appointed. WILLIAM HYMAN, Moderator. Jos. D. Biggs, Clerk. SHORT B10GHAPUY OP ISrofihcr S--iiics Potter. 'Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. 37 Psalm and 37 verse. In submitting to the public the follow ling narrative, we do so with a concious Incss that few men have lived and died were ap- spoke again in this world, and departed cconiing to record, brother Potter! . , , , , , , . , . . . trtumnhs of faith no doubt. 1 hus etulcd as norn n in. i., ucaulort Lountv. and;. . . 1 . . t Ji gained such and Ague, and other bilous affections, may be found at the Store of Geo. lloivard, Tarboro", This medicine was prepared by a res$u- forward and read, and she was received a! pointed to sister Associations, viz. toi:.4 a n , rt., his days on 20th Nov. 1848. A faithful . e 1 , ui Liuwcr uuosu orttu, npru loin. ' ,.,.v....v. w. u; ,,,v. i'iwitirtiui unv jaw nMJciaiiou, jiuier Diuuni . j near wficre he lived at the dav Gf. ui mc uiuss anu itsaiuus umn!'c;i u. giving the delegate the right hand of fel-Cooper and brethren John Bryan, Charles j jlis dalj IIis parent5 were William and the 0SPeI' greatly lamented by his breth 'lowship. Mabry, Turner Bass, and Archibald Sta- unnnnu ntt. -..,.,ki j ren and friends the church areatly suffers 6. Letters of correspondence, and cor -: ton; to Contentnea Association, brethren ! tiicd while Dr0lici. potter was Lte 1 lh2 loss, though we hope our loss is his responding delegates from sister Associa- j Robert D. Hart, R. M. G. Moore and Wii- j vnilnfT ,; h- witK tU,.'a ntUu:i- great gain. ' I 1 . r. ,, , . J uu"hl lbu' I'H ' "IIIIUIII.K UIIH.I Villi" lions were called Jor; when a letter from ham Thicncn: to Countrv Line Associa- i - i. i . r i i i i i .... . i it! , 10 ouruiy 1 ,-me .ssocia (jren a s and t daughters, to the mcr- 0 happy soul, who safely passed Mho I.i Kivrr A niii inn win hnufol 1 flJ- 1 1 1 II i i . 3 - O t irJ J r : -- ' .mu.v,...... iiuiiviv.i i I iuiif umur itmuui ij. Bunnell aiui uro.i-,,. (. 1 Physician, and the result of an cxtcn j fm, ,,, rM1, wilh , fl, , ,,in,M i " .," "T T "" ?, V unlncndly world, consequently, . " wt. aav AM VW. jl & w J f I I. M. I I d I I . Ill Iff- WV I 11 I MM .Willi . I w- . , .. . . . r . . ! . . ? vurotner l'olter had little - r I 11? ...... " " . . v . " ...... ,.. ...ii, hpA hmi Inx l,r..l H , .,h n -k i . sive nraciip.e oi snvera vp.nrs in .i nuiniis. w ..... . t . . . ui""iv,i x unti uiu iniiv: ui uv vuujuiiuu. i ii t , , , . . t-iuer Jonn atauier nanoed lorward a hie church, Caswe count v. commonc ne Sat-, i M 4 , . . . . climate. Those who have used t them-; nC iU a i:,i, rt( f. rn , t- . i u r LILO" 1 "3 com m uc ,n a 1 ! and could not read the scriptures distinct-' If i . . 1 l'-e Minutes ol tae Country Line, sel-'urday before the 3d Sund.iv in August i i i ti 11 I r . i fi i selves, or seen its sal'Harv effects upon .- r 4i i , , , IDJ ,ul,u,v ,u il,SU5l ly. Brother Potter like the rest of l ie I ' , r , ; ' . ting forth his appointment as a delecale;! 1850; to L it e R vcr Association. Elders i t . others, need no farther evidence of ts ,J 0 fi. r ' Vtntnm r tU n , in. . r- ' UK 1VI , rf ,s so,' , mQr human family, conceived in sin, shapenj I , . ,. r . , also, a tile ot the Minutes of the Content- Blount Cooper and John H. Daniel, and ! it ul r .i I I creat va ue. A sma TreaNse on the . ... . , , , , , I. . , 1 I n- iauu.ani d brought forth in imquity, grew! r s i t fi ;in.iiii.iu inn iidiiiir.u mi v rii u t ii ri u r'i .i :i iiikv a m i i i it rinnrr l f J - - ' - " - J --' "-w v u kr C V W W UtIVI A I. IS i'l. I , anrt "causes, treatment and cure of ever ague and other dicoscs of bilious climates," may be had gratis of the above agent. May 2, 18 19. if 1 Ml . Dr.KUBIIS Abyssinian Mixture. For GoNonnno-A, Gleet, Fluor Al bus, Grave?,, &c. XfCtler from Dr. James R. Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. Dr. J. Kohl Dear Sir: Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture ! Elder James Griflin and brother Jesse C. ! Knight their delegates; also, files of Min utes of the Abbott'.H Creek Union and White Oak Associations were handed in. 7. The following committees were ap pointed, viz: Brethren Robert D. Hart and William Thigpen on Finance. Elder Blount Cooper to write a letter of eorres- Mart. to be held with the church at Union, i in vice and immorality, that happens toj mon in a' staff-nf nnfiirf nr mncl nf tliom ! Johnston county, commencing on Friday J unli, it pl!a,c(1 le Lorj of life antl , before il,c Us. Sunday .., Sc,,t. 1859. , or ,bouf ,ho ,0th VMf of hjs h 0 1 3. Resolved that our Clerk he direct- j reveaI hiinself ,; wl)iIe ,)e WM in lhe ed to fonvard 25 copies to each of the As.;SMte of s9Uth Carolina, where he had! WCI.HOL8 w.h which tve corre-j.oml ,ofjstraye(lrromh;suncIewhomhcformcrl j the present Minutes j lived with. And while there he became! Ihe Association then adjourned till j,i!sirp..i i,.,i hi.r..i., ni tn.J ponder.ee to the While fl.k Association.j Monday next, 9J o'clock, A. M. and wor- j Jog ruy lh(J . of hi, lroub, fa fc I Works of the law for justification, he went to work with all his might, and thus added All to re- to the Contentnea Association. port on Monday next. 8 Elder C. B. Hassell handed in a Bi ographical Sketch of the life of brother Joshua Robertson, dee'd, which was read, especially, i highly approved of, it has never fail accepted, and ordered to be attached to cd to cure ii overv cas. It rHU liLlint cakes. iour Minutes. i I have nerelhad enough to supply the demand You will pMase 9end me a large supply of it a9 lopn as you HYP 3t honiRi Yours, respectfully, J. P. CALLUM, Milton Drugstore. A Biography of brother James Potter was handed foi ward, read, and ordered to be attached to our Minutes. 9 Resolved, that our next Association be held with the church at Lawrence's m AnENTsriEO. ffOTPJRD, Tarboro'; F. S.jh, Edgerombe county, commencing on x-iarsnau, iAlfaX; James Simmons, VVcldon; .'Saturday before the first Sunday in Octo C.P0gh,GaW, F E. Cook, Warrenton; Ben-! b A v 185 gnfj that Eder c fi 7oiTBntiF ?-B7L-n:iUitrg;.a1 Pch the Introductory Sermon, John ll. Uropb. rranklin; Louis II. Kittle, Hen . . person; It, H.MifchcM.Ovf m in i and Elder S.T. Chandler his alternate; A GOOD Notice vv jrship to commence at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. 10 Elders James Osbourn and John Stadler were elected (by private ballot) . I . .nnU z-.. lm mt.mv txrrtrsliin tr. fnm 10 saw Cotton Cm, but t-!lu F111"" luo tie worn, cart be had on reasonable terms,! mence at 10 0 clock' A Ml , , on APnlicatinl t - , I 1 1 Statements were made as to the low Pea,. IIowar4frhm condition f the churches at Sappony and Twboro' L'rr oftih i 40 i Sawyer's Creek; and" the Association o'clock, A. M. Sunday, 7th Oct. 1849. Elder John Stadler opened the services to hU lroublejiUI it became visible to the oi me uay, anu preacned irom at. John, o chap, and part of the 65th verse: 'No man can come unto me, excent it were eiven unto him of my Father. Elder James Osbourn followed and preached from Hebrews, 9 cb3p. and lat ter clause of the 26 verse: 'But now once, in the end of the world, hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of him self." A large congregation attended and pa tiently heard the Word. Monday, 8th Oct. 1849. The Association assembled and was opened with prayer by brother Robert D. Hart, and proceeded to business. 14. On motion, the names of the dele gates were called over, and those absent marked in the table of churches. Elder John Stadler was requested to preach at the stage to-day. " 15. Elder Jllpunt CooP handed-for: family Where he resided. Yel finding himself no belter, he resolved to return to his native State and court y, which he ac cordingly ditf in the fall amongst his relations and friends, still believing that he could work himself into the favor of God by the law; but finding that by the deeds of the law no flesh could be justi net! before God, he gave up all for loss, till sometime in the year 1823. when the Lord applied these words to his mind, "ni grace is sufficient for thee;" which he believed to be the very voice of God. It came, with such power, that it relieved him of his trouble and made him able to cry out and say, that it is through grace, by faith are ye saved and that not of our selves, it is the gift of God. He united himself with the old predestinarian church at Goose Creek, at the time of her consti tution, on the 20th Sept. J823, and was "baptised the day "following with his wife Thy weary warfare here; Arrived at Jesus' feet at last And ended all thy care. No more shall sickness break thy rest Nor pain create thy smart; No more shall doubts disturb thy rest, Nor sin afflict thine heart. No more the world on thee shall frown"; No longer satan roar; t Thy man of sin is broken down, And shall torment no more Adieu! vain world, the spirit cries, My tears are wiped away; For Jesus fills my cup with joys, r And fills it every day, , r. Blessed are the dead hat die in the Lord for henceforth, yea sayeth the Spin', for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them ." i BtOGRArlir OP Brother Joshua Robertson. Brother Robertson was the son of Joshua and Mary Robertson, of Martin county, N. C. He was born m the year of our Lord 1 794. Wis parents were bofh members of the Baptist church at Smith wick's Creek in said county. They resi ded in the neighborhood, and their hettso was well'known for many years as the home of ministers and brethren, as. well as a place of general hospitality. Brother Robertson lived with his parents till near ly free, and then went to Tennesiee where he remained about two years,' bud returned to ithis State. In December. 1821, he was married to Margaret Hy- .i i l' i 1 .-it n i man, wun vynom ne uvea im reruary 1837, when she died, leaving him" eight children three sons and five daughters i

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