mm ft lit ? i 1 r m LTU innflltintffn 3 . Xmxi 1 1 rttmttH itauini flffflH flir 2 H l!iilllMIPlfllWJllPlOIIPlll(llIlilI1, iBil Itiiir iiifl IM w mb ra www - , ' ill -A n -numi ginrgr"' r rn' ; 11 1 1 1 the ta uisortiv press ; BY GEORGE HOWARDiR. published weekly at Two DoLlaus per year If paid in advance-or, Two Dou ias and I iftv Cents at the espir1'00 of the subscription ypar. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted. ei Oxs Dollar the first insertioh, end 25 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at that rate per square." Court Orders and Judicial adveitiomeuts 25 per cent, higher. From Raleigh to Rocky Mount. Fare ReducaL -:.- THE subscriber Ins taken tire -contract for carrying the mail from Raleigh to Rocky Mounf and will place on the line comfortable stages, good horses and care ful drivers, and will run it to connect with. Ihc cars on the Wilmington Rail Road, and with his stage line from Rocky Mount to Washington lie will Reduce the Fare as follows: From Ilvi'rigli to Eagle Rock, St 00 Wakefield, Stanhope, Nashviile, Rocky Mount, 1 00 2 50 3 50 4 50 ft Trunks, of ordinary size and weight. $1 50 part of the way in proportion small packages, 25 cents boxes and bundles agreeably to size und weiffht. Trunks, packages, Sec. must be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid, or the subscriber will not be responsible for their safety. For seats, &c. apply to E. Yarbrough, Raleigh T. R. Debnarn, EniIc Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield I). S. Crenshaw,', Stanhope 13. II. Freeman, Nashville W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', April 11, 1S19. THIS excellent compound, which has gained such notoriety in the cure of Fever and Ague, and other bilous affections, may be found at the Store of jcu. uoiuura, larooro , T.. r. ,u 1 his medicine was nrennretl hv a roo-n- rt . .j rrf.-r he physician, and the result ofan exten- sive practice of several years in a bilious climate. Those who have used it them-i selves, or seen its salutary effects upon ! others, need no farther evidence of its great value. A small Treatise on the "causes, trbatmen and cure of fever and ague and other diseases ofbilious climates," may be had raij of the above agent. May 2, 1849. Jlhyssiniah' Mixtiirc. Foil Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Fluor Al; ,: bus, Gravel, &c. ; ' Letter from Dr. James R. Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, 1S47. ; I Dr. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: ;V ! Your medicines have fiiven entire satisfaction ' in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved oi. it has never fail ed to cure in every case. It sells likVhot cakes. t I have never had enough to supply the. demand, i Von will please send me a large suppfy-of ft as 5oa as you arrive at home. Yours, respectfully, 1 : : JP. CALLUM, . Milton 'Drug Store. Agent GEO. IIOlVAIlDy Tarboro'; F. S. Marshall, lhvifax: James Simmons, Weldon; C. C' Pu?'' Gastor, F E. Cook, Warrenton; Hen ry Goodloc, Warrenton; p. C. Brown; Louisburg:' Jonn.II. Brodie, Franklin; Louis h Kittle, Hen derson; R, H.mchell, Oxford. May 1 , .. .. A GOOD po saw Cotton Gin, but lit tle worn, canbe had on reasonable terms, on application to , , ,. I Geo. Howard, Tarboro'. Tarboro' AJay asth, S 19. r f undersigned anhounCes to the citjzens of .Edgecombe and adiacent court ties, that he has commenced business uon Ji s ovn hbokVa n d m ay - be (ou n d ', at all times at his shop; east side of ( Main, streei, next door to Dr. Laiv'rtncS 'd rttg-storel Watches, Clocks aiidJcwcliv. Kepaired at. the shortest noiiceho solicits the pubjic.patronage. ,. cims. g. -Meyer, Tarboro', Jau -S, 1850. r THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgecombe and surround. ing counties, that he Iws commenced the business of making . , Boots and Shoes, On the corner opposite Mathewson NorjleeCs Storey And has in his employ one . of the best workmen in the State. He expects to keep constantly on hand a jood supply cf, Ready made Roots from $5 to SS, Footing boots, S4 50; also, Shoes of vari ous qualities, fro-n the coarsest to the! I finest; and a good stock of materials forf manufacturing them to order. 1 will war! rsnt my fine work to be equal to Miles & Son's, of Philadelphia. Call and see. ; tiojms c. ii usm: r: Tarhoro', Dec, 28, IS If). j Joseph f Stewart, 3? rot and SIsoe Bi;r:Iiir, INFORMS the citizens of Ivlgeroml e and the counties adjacent thet tlo. lhai c will continue the above business in the shop recently occupied by J M. llurscy "tit 'rviThfrr: And solicits a portion of their patronage.:' ! ii v l I til 1 all b Ilia IiV J IJvT VI JU ill IU 1 any done in this section country. .&oots fro?h$5'lo$7 Roofers, $ I to $5. ! r i . i i uepainnguononeaiiyanucxpeu.l.ously, : Tarboro Jan. 1,1 S50. Music! Music!! lo the younsr Radns ana 'Gentlemen F & rn . , . v larboru and viciattu. J ' - Xj. -F WEiitakcr, Teacher of Instrumental and Vocal TAKES this method ol making known i 'his intention of opening A SCHOOL in ' . ' - each f lh"P branches of refinement ; .j 1,1 K'rboro, on Thursday & Thursday, evening, 21 lh Dec, j.. He has, for the last twelve months, had charge of class in music in Greenville, ad he can say, that he has rendered, satisfaction to which fact he can exhibii ccrUlicates. It is one ol his rules in teach- ling, mat wncre ample satisiaction is not Piano and Guitar, each, $6 per quarter. Vocal Music, 2 for 15 lessons. Dec. G, M9. r v" ' j? r Lit0 Remaining in theTost Office at Tafb6ro, lhe lsi of Jan. 1850, which If got taken out before the 1st of April next, witl be sent tr the Geneva) U dead letters. . : : ,; . Andrews Wallace ; Liddoti Thos L ... . , .. : ByrUm John Bryan John Battle TV iNIiss J3ul(JCk Qrren J3rasvclf Ricliard Liddon Rebecca Mason John R , ,:, ..Mceks Joshua, . tMcPherSon .Edward Bradley S B Gotten Raildolph 2 Cameron John A Pender JJB . Pender'liRMiss Peele John Ponds F!fl win Du2gan John S 'Frcemaft Sarah Mrs Savage Pne'ribe Mrs Fly Thomas Simmons Joseph D ,. GardneJohn " Taylor Mary L Miss Hprne J L( l tatpp .nK HarrisonEllzAMrs nfcWmiamsM'Mfs Harvey Nancy Mrs Wiggins Wright s arrison Ridhard f'Wald6 & Sherrod l i ales Nancy1 Miss 'WilHard 'Jas A ; ' arris Henry Windham Iva' H 5 Watch and Olocls I Jenkins W A Winbnri.c K tl LoudRV a A U.V,AAW li 3 "j:?S. M. REDMOND, Pi? Mi ' J - - r j OFFERS her services to the Ladies of I .Edzecombe and ad iacent Counties v. 1 i f And respectfully informs theni. that experience of more' than; 10 years Jn -this lusiness, she is prepared to . make 1 a u': ; t ' any style ol dress that, may be oflered to her. ,She wl'i;ke'ep" herself "supplied with The latest Fashions ) And her work will'notonly be fashiona-i blo-nrifl npnf. hilt will lio miAn o nKumi 1.0' w.w ui.v. ..... tiiuuc uc Lnvnji uo can be made elsewhere. ' - - ' ; Satisfactory reference in Tarboro' and country can be given. ; Tarboro', Nov 28, 1849. A CAliI. THE undersigned return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. They will as" hereto fore give prompt, and energetic attention to the sales of Cotton, and other country Produce We have for snle ' . fl general and well selected N JL1R TIX b DONXANS. Petersburg, Va., 1-Rh Scpt.TS4.0. Cotton Bagging n;i State liopp. 51 IS pieces of. German Ragging, 13 inches wide, and weighing U lbs to the yard, 5 Coils bah' Rope Un sale in lots lo suit purchasers. Ar. M. MJlRTIiVSr DOXiWlNS Petersburg. Va., Sopt. 14th. 1R10. Cut Sails 42 kegs. 4s lo 12s inclu-sive for salt by V. II. WILLARD. Wahington, July C4, 1840. i f r 4 lx Critic JC. ' ot. , , "' SUbAH. 'molasses, coliee, Appleaml Krench lJrsndvwliisk-rV,"' Mj(lciri nn(l Mtih xxu , . Lorillard's and Outcalt's SnufT, Tandles brown and fancy Soaps, Ground pepper and spice ginger, i i- i ! i March, indigo, ink and in! jj(nner r, it,.'. . i i . i i. ap :i nil letter paper, rub u and ti'.iiu.edi Steel pens and pen holders. &c. &.e: ' j Fors:ib,.by GEO UOlVJlRD i Novcmler 2f, ?P4) To F.'trmrrs ttati :U;air&MW , ... 4. -g AntflOHU lV UtiHCrSOH S J J , Vaicm nibble aclhi: VbKlVtJ wTmr v , U BJ ;HilM j . . . PECULIARLY adapted to Warm Cli-! mates, as it produces butter as easily .from sweet milk as from cream : In bringing this effectual and simple churn into use, the proprietors, teehng conbdence in itsl'V I'nguisneu pnvsiuans. capauimies, ao not nesnaie to prnounce i it the best churn ever offered to the public. ! The public are invited lo.eall and ex amine the machine, and see its .utility tcs-i !ted. It combines the Allowing valuable qualities: . : ... ,i ; 2d It produces more butter from the same amountof milk or cream, than the or- dinary method, as it - does its -wor k in a er ' : more thorough and scientific manner I 1st. It produces butter in less time thani V,,mai,e. om,n8 f!...f eicisc?. are; view QjJht lJork-,t. ? r . - t any other Churn5 making it and gathering . sPciany ueateu upon. . tiK,:t Any. .person in tjiis' country can haVQ,a it from sweet milk in from three tonight ! T llu!,!is!iers V1, A111 " 'p0 of. the above 'Wprk, ithem'. byY , minutes and from cream in much less time ;Prefix l(? ,1In,1 W'?. fytfc, :?JAsi"rP" "n f'jwail, tori., Vc'i t t.iVie ther,amoi2n Iqit""! !3d; It is the cheapest and most convenI4tion of,f0O(1 or llie Sick.; c.;c. ' erit Churn ever invented, involving Ihef true philosophical -principles of butter ma - king.-: - O , . 4thJ New miUcfter.: being churned, is sweet and soitableforTamily? use. ' t J5th Instead of feeding the calf ' withU,;jen,y dVe'5 mo.svaluableppk for milk v rWft from llin rnrhnrnr-rl sweet milk will nsxver-every purpose, By this means the butter la all piiit. : For sale by ' Geo. Howard. ! :. " -1 .J . : J -ll) a j Ic cC?c Hcdiciiies. H l jum v-nL,-'. :tn;e Uraelenberg :vu:Jn eery ana , village tnA uit Sarsaparillau Com pound the cblebrated'.nKtate4 Address (post VafJ. 1 1 Children's Panacea the Eye Lotion the - ,' . (xll TES S TEDMAN & CO , health - Bitters the Fever and AguePills, "7." 'f i,6,:Nassau t. tiy' Lhe? Vegetable Pills, and- the reenyri JZ'ST.' 'S' Z'Za-' Mbuntain.Vcgetable Ointment; rfl.s .o;;i;i 2U - 'GEOrHGW&RD Coffee. ? t , it f v - bgS Rio- and Laguajra ,partpl ' , " " ' W 1 1 . V I L LA R D . A. GILBKItT's - iq ft -JinfcbUitfjs VnmUyji'illSii i Composed ' of MlicinaVermpoJ " sessed by various vegetable ' ni ' -' i'1- ii'J ' 'i'5 subsltinces? ! A CTING snecificallv onlhe Liver ann : oliieV secretini or iannromotcli jlion, purifying the blood, cleansing the ! glands, in short, reviving , the prostrated system, and diffusing health and vigor i 'throughout the framp. The following aie presented oul.ofmany CERTIFICATES. . .-..f.w Cornwall, Oraoge county, Ji;Yi,3 j May 19, l':g Dr. A. Gilbert. Dear Sir: Suffering f. r sonu tune with severe bilious alTecUon and liver con -plaint, I was recouimended to try your and-biliou? family pills; and 1 am pleased in 'beihg able'td say, that after using a few doses I lound reat an permanent reliefi s To all those afUicted in a simi lar way, I cannot refrain from thqa publjcly re : com mend ing them, as 1 consider them a valuahh. niedici:iB to possess, rspecially in the country where persons are removed from the opportunjt' of receiving medical advice. Yours, truly. Si lined. UK OKU K 13UOWN We, the undersigned, dealers ; medicines havinjr for two years past sold A Gilbert's anti bilious family pills, take great pleasure in stating that so ftir as we know, the medicine has givet universal satisfaction; and wo believe it, from tht several expressions mailt; to US, to be the best ap li-hilioas medicihp 'now in usei Signed. AaroX'A. Wing, M. D. Petkr IIAnlock, A. A. Mm riN, Jas. Nollser, Mi l.t Norfolk, Va.-May 29, '44.- " ' Mr. A. Gilberti, , Dear sir, please send mefoi-d gross of your pills, by the very first packet, as.l am nearly out of them. The demand for them i.c can driivr on me at sihtfor the afnount as usual: '.Signed, u v, A , rjjj'ii Nuv (trieans, March 7, 15 For sale by GEO. HOIVARD. lie lYassaii Street, New York OF MODERN BOMESTIC MEDlCINEi'- 1 1) Y KEITH IMRJI Y9 M D. ' ' Rclloio of the' Royal College of Ptiysv cuius and iJicenttats of the Royal college oj surgeons, mainour g. anttd . ' ; T- ZZu,' i Illb work gives a clear and concise ldea ( t he nature of the distinctive sy hi p- om& OI llie premonuory signs ol ctiscascsy 01 l'cir,. PJisposing caqscs, ,and t . the j melh0lJsbr lhdr .l,.m'ef!!' ?ommentled j , fr- " -y ' .".i ; wft are laumuiiy uescno-; ed)as aft iIso llt flict a'ndVegimen. neces-;. very Him-i nicreHseo, wnicii cwnoniy oe auriDU.; aruciesaionc; nevertheless, also so powertul alter led 'to 'their" being recommended by those w)ir jbeihgHhus combinedare safe inLany qnantity--have been benefitted by the use of them. Yoi'1 always; hiwin a beneficial effeci, and in-rro cai - 5arv, Undei; .XarjpP9 diseases; ; ahd 'during .arid '6We hat should "be'ln the hands of' ev-: j convalescence.'' ' ... ,;cry family'' in the land.: Send ' bv all- ,;cl. .im.osRn.,Er?. , 9mPc.r.a.t.r?. a111 t, very valuable Ireatics upon A - 4,dlu,iV' A "ysioiogy anu aurgery;. also P'T1"! 9T. l!ie TrcaVmentof the Sick, iMahagemqnt of the ' Sick' Room, Prepora- . ' va i uaoie. a riicies s iiay3 f oeenury , ,I,ai,eu 3T ine cour eaiy. oi meuica gentle ;;men of the United Stated ' . L , ' U The entire Volume, wiihjta fcirindei, r. ,U1 l.Isep c7. vl1 ! .OTye; it is con- I'amilV USe. Tic woi k will be pmplQted jniwelyc u'ek,3r',,he vo,ljm UUPP V Z gentlemen of 'respectability ' and .good. - adrfress Wahte(Iasc& tlaVIie'S XYieaiCineK.' p;Fprdcjbr "to inmQtoHoioard.rr. A selentlifitc IflciTiJinc. , GREAT experience arnl iiJnionl arp rPnnirAt Wmaka ValuableV and at iheiWe 'tuh irinV cent purgative; Tliis is possessed th'ljby feW srTfc great rrtajority of ,the- remedies advertised of f i? vJclass?are "anutactur by rer?ons wbo nave no idea' of the relative or individual powers orthedrug they ise;n H is thi auseVmlrt Vhri any other, whlclr)ccaipns the jnertnes and often j injurious eilects, produced by advertised remQlie.s. rtuu Mcm;e crucial prrju1 ict? wiucn prevails against litem. Now ther6 is a greai dirTerenceiu thU respect with regard to the pills made by. Br. Bi IJrandreibi and, .consequently, thcrr superior claims upon" the" public. "Each of the article? composing trM'1 oi::' ji andrcth Pills r - .Arc prepared iu that way which will secure their beneficial, effects to the system in the safest and easiest manner, r or instance, some ingredients have to be prepared In thcvacuo; that is, the air is exhausted in the pjensilifcod relaains so until combination is effected with other ingredients which afterwards prevents tire 'air from acting in uriously upon themedicineTAgain, the propor tion of each ingrediejpldepends upon its multiply n8 Rower unon Ptber ingr;edient8--For the power of different vegetable purgatives upon each other is governed bysimllar laws that govern the power of. figures by.nittitiplicationi i Nine added to nine make eighteen: but nine times, nine , are . eighty oftd SjO it is with some vegetable nurcrativps. By Adding nine parts of ! one IngVediVutJ VnU ninei paru of another ingredient together,5 he power -K increased, not to eighteen, but to eiahty-onev iFort example, either of the , articles to produce anrf purgative effect, would have" to1 be used to ihe ex tent of eighty-one grains; by combiuing them only eighteen grahis have to be usedi Again, a , nother ingredient isfound to multiply this power again, which iri a proportion1 of two grains, vould have no effect', ujon tbe animal economy, but: which, added to eighteen gniins of a compound of tyvo parts ofnine grains, each of two ingredients, will again multlply the power" which they haW! gained of eighty onej id one huodred and sixty two. oagain, Uieiiiixture of iw.enty grains can, be again multiplied by an addition, of two grains, to die power ' of three hundred arid twenty-four grains of the original power of the two first ;ingm dients Here wehave-twenty-two grains, which jas a purgative, contain the ppwpr equal (o three 1 hundred and twenty-four grains of either cf Uio capable, of doing injury, of which thousands bear . ample witness r Let those in any way out health use thzst Pillu ' They will find it much to their advantage , J : .. o for sale by ..,.t 7 QeQ.Moward.T . .TarbprQ, Nov. 749.t Work-tal)Iclii)okf CONTAINING clear and practical in-' structions in all kinds of Plain and -FancJ-' , Needle-work,'Embroidey, Knittinir.'Neto j ting ana urotchet-work, with sixtseven WPY, ustrativ.e of the; various." stitches in those useful and fashionable em-. ploy mentsj 'making one 'fine volume of one lmnUred and sixty-eight 'pages,1 prih-1 ted-on theTinestwhitfe papernelilly done'-1 .. p in paper covers.Price Oncents or i gilt !if,ur: ", fit,!..,., .,! i. -r . j one ol tne?most useful and in- strucje oooUs for a lady 5 ever pubiished.''' ! means,Iatid havtMfat-onceWVomo i?e ? jit to the puljlisher, jn a letter, postpaid. published and for sale by v v t ;7! R. PETERSON., No; 38 Chesnut; street Philadelphia.. : 1 Ton?, "fo '.'(i; hi k. . MJuvwilii vrjLisiil UUCP Q J i- : rect from New Yhfi; ' K7: ; i r : .. .. -rw, . : ' " 1 1 ? : ' . ........ -i agen and browr.d w SrH .Pr lion of lq--rnlrrrh, c-nnA nn, r.i- an; 4u.,.W8,HO, ajoerv. barberrv. ftsickUtoM T'Iien; seal poplar bark, slippei, elai, hemlock, I ugh jWdp;rt;-cobgH-iyw; Woa8 fxteodff p-pinea of varlousites; Now &c, ' "0t'" ,hich he IsienaWed to sell at greatly rZ" GEO. HOWARD. . . A - TatboroVaoe 23, 3 m i :: -nr.