fUIffl i Tqrboroiigh) ililgecomM (UnUj, V. &aiur day, January 20, 1 830, - - nnmnr fini iiS 1 III HI titf ifia Mm Br TTiiitnt t 0 r , i. THE TAHBOKO PRESS, f .BY GEORGE HOWARD. JR;- -' 4 Js published weekly at Two Dollars per year : paid in advancer-or. Two Dollars and Firry Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be ' inserted a1 One Dollar tht first insertion, and 25 t Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher . ' From Raleigh to Rocky illount. " f : Fare IZcduced. TFIE subscribjer has taken the contract for carrying the mail from. R:ilcigh to Rocky Mount, and will place on the line comfortable stages, good horses and care-1 :fui drivers, and . willVun it to connect f with the cars on the Wilmington Rail t Road, and with his stage line from Ro.cky , Mount to Washington he will ; Reduce the Fare as follows:'- From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, $1 00 . Wakefield, Stanhope, Nashville, Rocky Mount, 1 50 2 50 3 50 '4 50 Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, $1 50 part of the way in proportion small packages, 25 ' - cents boxes and bundles agreeably to size and . weight. - Trunks, packages, &c. must be deposit ed at the above places and the freight paid, ..or the subscriber will not be responsible ffor their safety. For seats, &c. apply to E. Yarbrough, TRaleigh T. R. Dcbnain, Eagle Rock A. "J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw, 'Stanhope B. II. Freeman, Nashville W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. I GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', April 11, 1649. THIS excellent compound, which has gained such notoriety in the cure of Fever and Ague, and other bilous affections, may be found at the Store of Geo. lloivard, Tarboro, This medicine was prepared by a regu- lar physician, and the result of an cxtcn- sive practice of several years in a bilious i .'climate. Those 'who have used it them-I selves, or seen its salutary effects upon j ' others, need no farther evidence of its great value. A small Treatise on the. causes, treatment and, cure of fever and agucand other diseases of bilious climates' may be had gratis of the above agent. May 2, 1849. -Abyssinian-Mixture. Foit "GoNORiuiasA, .Glet, Fluor Al r uus, Gravel, &c. j .: - (-: ; ' : . Letter from Dr. James. R. Callum, dated Milton, N. C; August 14,' 1847. - 7 Dr. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: ; . Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail ; ed to cure in every case. It sells like-hot cakes. . I hav never had enough to supply the demand i Ynn ..rill l i ' , . le 1 i jMease sena me ..a large suppiy oi s .uds-you arrive athomei Yours, respectfully, J. P. CALLUM, ; 7 - Milton Drug Store. Aoents Geo. HOWARD; Tarboro'; F. Si Marshall, Halifax; james Simmons: Weldon: C. C. Pugh, Castor, F Et Co6k,'Varrenton; Hen rj Goodloe, V arrenton; P, c. Brown, Louisburg: Jonn H. Urodie, Franklin; Louis 11, Kittle, Hen onrson; Ki Mitchell, Oxforj. 16 ce A GOOD 60 saw Cotton Gin, but lit tle worn, can be had on. reasonable terms, on application to - Geo., Howard, Tarboro'. Tarboxt)' May 28th, 1849. Watch ? ah d uClo ck V . Repairing, &c. v - .'':. '7-. 7- -THE-undersigned announces to the citizens of Edgecombe and adjacent coun tie's, that he has commenced business ,dn his own hook," and irnay be found at all times at his shop, east side of Main street; next door to Dr. Lawrence's drug store. Watches, Clocks ami Jewel rv Repaired at the sliortest notice-he solicits the public ';patronageVf;:v --''S: ' v ;;.- ' ? f -CHAS. G: MEYER. . Tarboro', Jan. 3, 1850. " - JYoticc. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgecombe and surround, ing counties, that he has commenced the business of making . - r ; Boots and Shoes, IN TA KBORO . On f he' corner opposite Mitt kewson Norjlcct's Store, And has in his employ one of the best workmen in the State, lie expects to j keep constantly on hand a good supply cf ) Ready made Boot from. $5 to $S, Footing boots, $4 50; also, Shoes of vari ous qualities, fro 'it the. coarsest to the finest; and a good stock of materials for manufacturing them to order. 1 will war rsrit my fine work to be equal to Miles & Son's, of Philadelphia; Call and see. THOMAS C. HUSSEY. Tarboro', Dec. 28, 1849. Joseph C Stewart , ISoot and Shoe maker, INFORMS the citizens of Edgecombe i and the counties adjacent thereto, that he will continue the above business in the shop recently occupied bj' J M. Ilut sey, fin Tarbori. . ' " Arid solicits a portion of their patronage, lie will warrant his work to be equal to f any done in this section of country. Boots from $5 to$7lFoolcrs,$i to $5. Repairing done neatly and expeditiously, Tarboro', Jan. 1, 1S50. Music! Music!! To the yoimz Ladies and Gentlemen of Tarboro" and vicitity. L.'F. Wliitakcr,' .Teacher of Instrumental and Vocal TAKES this method of makins known; his intention of opening A SCHOOL in k r l. f. l r i iti. " ui rei.nement In Tarboro, on Thursday Thursday evening 27M Dec. He has, for the last twelve months, had charge of a class in music in Greenville, ond hn can say, that he has rendered entire satisfaction -to which fact he can exhibit certificates. ' It is one of his rules in teach ing, that where ample satisfaction is not rendered, tio charge is made.- TERMS. - ' Piano and Guitar, each, $10 per quarter. Vocal Music, $2 for 15 lessons. Dec. 649. i JLdist of EicttcrSj- Itemainiog in the Post Office at Tarboro, the 1st of Jan. 1850, which if not taken out before the 1st of April next, will be sent to the Genera) Post Office as dead lettersi Andrews Wallace Liddon Thos L -Byrum John - Liddon Rebecca Bryan John Battle T A Miss Bulluck Orrcn . Mason John'R Meeks Joshua McPherson Edward Braswcll Richard Nelsou James 7 Pender J J B Cotten" Randolph 2 Pender L R Miss v Cameron John A" Peele John " -Duggah-John S Ponds Edwin , -Freeman Sarah Mrs Savage Pheribe Mrs Fly Thomas Simmons Joseph D ' Gardner John 7: Taylor Mary L Miss Home J L, Staton W D HarrisonElizAMrs McWilliams M Mrs Harvey Nancy Mis Wiggins Wright . Harrison Richard Waldo & Sherrod ales Nancy Miss' Williard Jas A arils Henry Windham Iva Jenkins W A Winborne ' R H Loud Jos R 5 - 77-; - 43 JAS. M. REDMOND, P. M. Ul' FEUS - her serv.ices to the Jautes or Edgejcombe and adjacent Counties liiOress making, And respectfully informs them, that from an experience Of more than 10 years in this - rusiness, she. is c prepared to make any style of dress fliat may .be offered to her. She will keep herself supplied with The latest Fashions And her: work will riot only be. fashiona ble and heat,, but.will be made as cheap as can be made elsewhere. Satisfactory reference -in Tarboro' and country can be given - - - c Tarboro', Nov '28, 1849, " f i i A-GAlKILI). THE undersigned return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. They will as hereto fore give prompt, and energetic attention to the sales of Cotton, and other country Produce. We have for sale Jl general and well selected Assortment of UOC IJUT, 1 N. M. MARTIN nONNJlNS, Petersburg, Va. 14th Sept. 1849. CottoiV Bagging jiV Bate Hope. pieces of German Bagging, 43 - incites wide and weighing 1 lbs to the yard, i H (TDtfl) Coii:S ba,c Rope for sale in -lots to suit purchasers. Ar. M. MAN TIN $ DOW. IKS. Petersburg, Va., Sept. 11th, 1.819. Cut Nails. kegs, 4s to 12s inclusive for sale 80 bv W.H. WILL A RD. Washington, July 24, 184 0. - SUGAR, mo... sses, coffee, - . Apple and French Rrandy whiskey,: Madcir and Malaga wine, Lorillard's and Outcalt's Snuff, Candles brown and fancy Soaps, (i mn ml nrnnrr ntul snirti mrer. St:irc indi ink am, ink ptkr, Cap and letter 'paper, ruled and uniuled, Steel pens and pen holders, Sic. &?. For sale by ' GEO. HO WARD. November 21, IS49. . To Strmbrs aul Itnirymen. . Jlnthony Emerson's Viilenl double acting rotary. ' CHMM, : PECULIARLY adapted to Warm Cli mates," as it produces butter as easily from 'sweet milk as from cream. this effectuj Hie proprietors," feeling confidence in its bv ? mo? st.nguishccl physicians.. : nanusomely. bound m crimson cloth, gilt, capabilities, do not hesitate to pronounce! -T,?e;,besl modes employing the mcd-' Price 75 cents. iv it the best churn ever offered to the public, j ,c,nes ln general use arc faithfully describ-r -This is one of the most useful and in The nublic'arc invited to call and cx-icd' as are als0 lhe iet;and regimen neces-.'structive books for a lady ever published, amine the machine, arid see its utility tcs ted. It combines the following Valuable qualities: 1st. It tiroduces butter in less time than anv other Churn, makinir it and ffatherJim ; it from sweet milk in fro J . ' Z . C C7 C om three to eight ! in much less timeJ minutes and from cream 2d. It produces more butter from the! same amount of milk or creamy than the or- dinary. method, as it does its work in i,: more thorough and scientific manner. j 3d. It is the cheapest and most conveni-' ent Churn eer invented, involving' the- true philosophical principles of butter ma- kini? - . .. 7 4th TVTpw mtllr nftpv hpmfr Pbtimnrl. i Sweetrandsuitble7foFiamilv use. - 5th; Instead of feeding the calf with milk direct , v from the cow-churned sweet milk will a'hswer every purpose. ! By this means the butter is all profit. ? Forale:bv U Geo. Howard: : j ; " ' ; - ; ' ". ; - ; . Graereiiberg Medicines. J JUST RECEIVED, the Graefenberei Sarsaparilla ' Compound the celebrated Children's Panacea the Eye Lotion the' health Bitters the Fever and Ague Pills the Vegetable - Pills, and the Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment. - March 26. GEO. HOWARD. Coffbc; EdD1 I -bgs Rid: fittd L guay ra Part o 1 stnetly prime quality, just re ceived, for sale by C f'T;. : r ? ' ; W. H. WILLARD. AVashingtonVNC. ; July ?4l840r Z': A; GILBERT'S - ' : Jlntibilioni Family Ml- : : Composed of. Medicina I Proper I ies po? . sessed- by ' various vegetable , . . - 'substdnces. ', , . CTlNG rspecifically on the Liver am othersecrctirtgorgans, nromotingdiges- tJon, -purify ine . th b'.ccd, cleansing the giands, m , short, reviving . the prostrated j system, and- diffusing health and vigc throughout the human frame. - . The following aie presented out of mam V Coenwall, Orange county, N Y " - . May 19, '47. v Dr. At GiLBEnt. fiear Slri Suffering for some time with severe bilious affection and liver com plaint, I was recommended" to try your anti-biliou family pills; and 1 am pleased in beingable to ay that after using a few doses I iound greatan permanent relief To all those afflicted in a simi lar way, I cannot refrain from. thus! publicly re commending them, as 1 consider them a valuable, medicine to possess, especially in" the i country where persons are removed from the opportunity of receiving medical advice. Yours, truly. Signed. GK 0ROE "BROWN the undersigned, dealers. mcdieines having for two years past sold A Gilbert's anti' bilious family pills, take great pleasure in statin? that so far as we know, the medicine has given: universal satisfaction; and we believe it, from the several expressions made to us", to be the best anti-bilious medicine now in use- Sijrned. AAftox A. Wind, M. Di Peter Hanlock, A. A. MartiitI- '" Jas. NoLLNKttj MiD. , Norfolk, Va. May 2D,' M4. Mr. A. Gilberti Dear sir, please send me fou gross of -your pills by the very first packet, as 1 1 asa purgative, contain the power equal to three am nearly but of them. The demand for them i j hundred and twenty-four grains of either cf the very much increased, which can only le aUribu-; articles alone; nevertheless, also so" powerfuLafter ted to their being recommended, by those wh j being thus combined, are Bate in any quantity have been benefitted by the use of them. . Yc always having a beneficial effect, and in no casn can draw on ine at sight for the amount as usual Jcapable of doing injury, of which thousands beaj Siffned. Gi J. ' Temple vvitness New ; Orleans, March 7, M5. : ; -For sale hy V GEO. HO WARD. Gates, 8 ted man & Company, 110 Nassau Street,' New York, . ARE KOW-PUBLISHING . OF MODERN DOMESTIC MEDICINE,. B Y KEITH I MR A Y, M. D. . lellow of the Royal College of - . .. cians and Licentiate oj the Royal j Needle-work, Embroidery, Knitting'. Net College of Surgeons, Edinburgh . ting and Crotchet-tyork, with sixty-sqvea-7 ' ; engravings illustrative of 'the various THIS work gives a, clear and concise stitches in those useful and fashionable em idca of the nature of the distinctive symp- ploymcntsj making one fine volume of toms, of the premonitory signs of diseases, ) one hundred and sixty-eight pages, prin-' of their predisposing causes, arid the ted on the. fincsUvhite paperjieatly done cs!sary unuer various uiseases, anu- uunngtauu one mat snouid oe jn the hands of ev- convalcscence. 7 - Diet, Atmosphere,: Temperature,. Bath-! ing,-Climate, Clohing and Exercises, are! specially .treated upon. The Pub,'shera pf the American Edition c Pref,x lo Dr' Imray's work, short illustra-t y vaiuauie i reaues upon a- om Physiology and Surgery; also directions for the Treatment of the Sick, Management of the Sick Room, Prepara- uo" v 1 ooa ,or ine ick etc. c Manv valuable articles bayc- been fur- nisneo y nc courtesy oi meuicai gentle men of the United States ' ; ; The entire volume, with its Ail! Index, Tables of Doses, &c, will prove, it is con lcnt,y believcd.a most valuable: book lor -t amiiy use. Thcwb wU1 b completed In twelve iwniiug uuc large ovo, volume of about 1000 pages. ; , Gentlemen. of respectability and good address wanted as canvassers for the above work in every town and village in tht uitcu states. Address (post paia,; GATES, STEDMAN CO. 116, Nassau sU Jay ie's Medicines. For said, by fQ to. Howard. A nienlifli Medicine. .nd Judgment are r GUb AT expw ...... VMm lonor to make r!nable; snx. w. cent purgative. This is'pwT fr Jhe great majority of. the rcme aavertiaed of .this class are "wartufacfon.'d'bY have no idga ot the relative or indivichmi pov7 of the drugs they 'useV -. It is this cauf e, m re 4Kan any Other, which'occasfons the inertness and ofteu injurious effects, produced by 'advertised jemediec. An J hence the general preju- iee which .prevails against them. . Now there is a grcs&t-difference in this respect, with regard to thep"Us i ac by Dr. BY ttrandreth,and consequently,-their superior claims upon the public - Each of the afticlea . composing tke ; X : j Btandreth Pills Are prepared in that Vay which will eeure .their beneficial effects to the system In the safest and easiest manner. For ln-&Sce,' sonie iritfedienU ihavp (Ste prepared in the vacuo J that l;, ,ke ;aff 13 exhausted in the utenaili crid rerrialns so until a comhinatiou is ejected with other ingredients, which alWwards prevents the air from acting in- uriously upon th9 di"ne" Agin.the ,r- : lion of each ingredieotdepends "npJT '"lpijt ing-power upon other ingredients Por tltowe ; f of different vegetable purgatives upon each Mhe f is governed by similar laws that govern the pow ef of figures byanultipiicaiion. Nine added o n1 ,no make eighteen: but nine times nine are ei-My onei So it is with soae vegetab pargatrs By adding nine parish one inredienU unU z parts of another ingredient together; he power it increased, not to eighteen, but to eighty-one; For example, either of the articles to produce ah)i purgative effect, wouJd have to be nseJ to uie ex tent of. eighty-one grains; by combining them only eighteen grains have to be used, Again, a nothr ingredient is found to multiply thi3 power again, which in a proportion of two grains, would have no effect upon the animal economy, but which, added to eighteen prains of a compound of two parts of nine grains, each of two ingredients, will again multiply the power which ; they . have gained of eighty-one, to one hundred and sixty two. So again, the mixture f twenty grains can be again multiplied by ah addition of two grains,', to the powder of three hundred and t wen ty-four " grains of the original power of the two first 4ngrc- dietas. Here we have twenty-two grains, which Lei tu3 in any way out of health we th xePittsi They wilt find it much to their advantage, . for sale by - Geo. Howard. Tarboro', Nov. 7, 1849. - THE IVABIES' . Work-table Book, A Boole evert Lady should possess. -o - ' , CONTAINING clear and practical ir Piy.yi-;atructibns in all kinds of Plain and Fancy cry family . j j in iuwt jdnu. c7c:iju ay all n iKn ImmVI .1 1 '11 means, and have it at once."- Vow a Be view of thefVork Any person in this country can have a copy of the above work sent theni by re turn of mail, on remitting the amount for it to the publisher, in a letter, post-paid. Published and for sale by C " , 71 B PETERSON " No. 38 Chesnuf street Philadephia.J notanicJMcdii rect from New York, A OEWERAl. AS? v Tiiomsonr oaritENT or - ail iffff!Iintfk ara- 'Position, bayberry, barberrv .ni-hiii' yJ uyenne DCDner. nnnrf liiw: en seal, poplar bark, slippery elra hemlock, iwe powder, nerre oiMment, Wtler root. - : rough powders, cough syrup, worWeTirtena, singoa of Tarious sizes, No, 6, &c. '; v . ; vhich he is enabied to sell at greatly rt duced prices.: - GEO. UQWAK& ' lTtrbt?ro Jans is. 7f