!-- ..IV Ttirborougli IMgccombc County, , C. Saturday '.March 2 , 1 830. I Sllil iiiJiM IHiililil' THE TAKBOttO' PRESS, BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. ; - ': Js published weekly at Two Dollars per year paid in advance-or. Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the. subscription year. 'Advertisements not exceeding 'a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at lhat rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher.- . From Ualeigh to Rocky Mount. ' . Fare Rcelucal. THE subscriber has taken the contract 4 for carrying the mail from Raleigh to . Rocky Mount and will place on the line comfortable stages, good horses and care- ful drivers, and will run it to connec .'with the cars on the Wilmington Rail Road, and with his stage line from Rocky V. Mount to Washington he will i Reduce the Fare as' follows: V From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, l 00 t Wakefield, 1 50 Stanhope, - 2 50 Nashville,", 3 50 Rocky Mount, 4 50 it Trunks, of ordinary size and weight. $1 50 part of the way in proportion small packages, '25 I cents -boxes and bundles agreeably to size and I weight. Trunks, packages, &c. must be deposit- cd at the above places and the freight paid, or the subscriber will not be responsible for their safety. For seats, &c. apply to E. Yarbrough,' Raleigh T. R. Debnam, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw, j Stanhope B. H. Freeman, Nashville -f W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. GEO HOWARD, i Tarboro', April 11, 1840, THIS excellent compound, which has 1 gained such notoriety in the cure of Fever shall also endeavor to keep a strict eye on any other Churn, making it and gathering! feuou) nf tfie Royal College of Physi : and Ague, and other biloiisafleclions, may the movements of the Sons of Tempciancc from sweet milk in fromthrecto eight! rians and Uccntiatc oflhe Rovall 'uciuumiauuuoiure ui ? . " Geo. Howard Tarboro", 1 his medicine was prepared by a rcgu- Ia u "'ft 1,1 ""'"ft UL same amouniot nniK or eiuam, in.m mu i mo Rivrad. ticui aim tuutuc ling ana orotcnei-worK, Willi sixty-seven lar physician, and the result of an cxten- Constitutional and equal rights, and sh ill dinary method, as it docs its' work in a ; idea of the nature of the distinctive symp- engravings illustrative of the various sive practice of several years in a bilious denounce and expose their plans and op- moro thorough and scientific manlier. j tbmsof the premonitory signs of diseases, stitches in those useful andlashionable em climate Those who have used it them- erations fearlessly. The most prominent 3, It is the cheapest and most conveni-j of their predisposing causes, and the ployments; making orie fine ofume of i selves, or seen its salutnrv offeris nnon acts ol Congress, the election returns, and Cnt Churn ever invented, involving the methods ot their treatment recommended one hundred and sixtv-eitrht oaffts. nrin- others, need no farther evidence of its generally in our Union, as vvcll as true philosophical principles of butter ma- j by the most distinguished physicians. ted on the finest white paper," neatly, done great value. A small Treatise on the foreign, will also find a place in itscolumns. k jnjr.. The best modes of employing the med- up in paper covers Price 50 cents; r:or "causes treatment and cure of. fever and In fact, no pains will.be i-pated to make it 4'ih.; New mjik, after being churned, isficincs in general use are faithfully describ- handsomely bound in crimsonclolh, gilt, acueand other diseases of biliousclimatcs,,, may be hadgratis of the above agent. May 2, 1849. Ibyssiman Mixture. FOR GoNORIUiaSA, GLEET, FLUOR Al- ceived. Six copirs for $5, and so on in proppr BUS, GRAVEL, &c. lion, advertisements in-ertcd one-fouilh lower Letter from Dr. James R. Callum, dated f iMiIlon, N. C. August 14, 1847. Dr. J. "Kohl Dear Sir: I Your medicines have given entire satisfaction I In this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixiure especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail "I ed to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes, I 1 tiave never had enough to supply the demand. I You wijl please send me a large supply of it as 00n as you arrive at hom yours, respectfully, J. P. CAhkDM, ,V ' ' Milton Drug Store. Agents-GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro'; F. S. i Marshall, Halifax; .lames Simmons', Weldon; C. I C. Pugb, Uasto F E, Cook. Warrentori: Hen- ry Goodlofj, Warrenton; P, c. Brown, Louisburg; Jonn II. Brodie, Franklin; Louis H. Kittle, Hen derson; Ri Hi Mitchell, Oxford. May lf JYoti cc A GOOD 60 saw Cotton Gin, but lit tle worn, .Mu be had on reasonable tenV. pa appHcalion to Geo. Ilowarfl, Tarboro'. Tarboro' May 28th, 184D, . PROPOSALS , For publishing in I he Ciiy nf Raleigh a semi-monthly Pajier,. to be called J The .alirrzA Advocate It is well known to a great many of our readers that the religionists with whom we have to contend, have so blen ded the religion they profess with poli tics, that it has become almost impossible to expose the plans they have gotten up to obtain money. and law power, Without digressing from the established rule by which the Primitive has been and is to be published. The primitive is designed to advocate Primitive doctrine and usages found in the Bible, and not to bleiid. them with politics. But it has become notori ous that there are two sets of people among us whose actions are striking at our Constitutional and equal -rights, and tjshould they succeed, they, in my judg ment, will be both ready at the same time to strike the fatal blow at our liber ty. . You, -my brethren, are the salt oi l he earth. and for the elect sake those davs' were shortened; and who knows that, by a united exertion on oin part in prayer,; and in endeavoring to lay the approaching evils before the people, God may yet leave us. national protection.'- Were we M to take latitude and blend politics with the Primitive to show the evils that are set on foot to infringe on our rights, and to en deavor to make them appear as plain as we ever saw the sun, it would be almos' entirely among ourselves; consequently our labors would not hive but very little effect on tfic community. From the above considerations, t pro pose to publish a paper devoted to the best interest?! of the South. It is time that the Southern people should begin to see their ; position, and free themselves from the . worst kind of servitude. While the .North is alking so much about abolishing j colored "slavery in the South, let us devise j ways and means to abo'ish white slavery tin the South from the North, without dis solving this blessed Union, in :s ?mich as the South has every facility, if thev will use and apply them, t -i K- K'nt Of which 1 expect to peak more at large in tj,e proprietors, feeling confidence in its my opening addtcs. lis columns will K' capabilities, do not hesitate-to" pronounce open to show the corruption uu infringe- the best churn ever offered to the public. : ment upon our libertio by a few c ipital The public arc invited to call and ex lists to tax the whole Slate with direct unine the i machine, and see its utility tes . taxation; and will be opposed -to Internal jC(h li combines the following valuable . Improvements by the State, but will fa- nullities: vor the same bv individual stock. We jandali oilier Focieics ciotneu wnn -me r garb of benevolence, for the purpose of evcry thinR an independent sheet should be. It will take sides with no party, but will attack all when considered wrong. ! terms. ; The Southern Advocate will be published (ti e same size of the Primitive) twice a month at St per annum, payable when the first number is re- than the usual rates v v ' All those who "nay favor such a publication are respectfully solicited to make an early effort to ob tain subscribers and to send them to the subscri ber by the first of March, a we have it in contem- plation to -commence its publication about that; time, or sooner, if a sufficierit number of subscri bers can be obtained. BUflWELL TEMPLE. i Raleigh, December 2$, 18 tV Migar. J (J) nnts uoa ant Prt0 Rico, - 10 bbls refined and crushed, 5 boxes loaffor sale by W H. WILLARD. Washington, July 24," 1849. JYotice. -'.-- For coughs and lung complaints nsie Dr. Bar tholomew's Pink Expectorant syrup. v VoV hend ache though constitutional ot incidt n is cured by Dr.Spohn's head lache remedy, . : Li V hrrtm of China, for the cure, of all diseast -)Mi require external application.v 'The !rny haired will find the Indian Hair Py pcrject and effectuah , . For sale bv - rGco. Howard. THE undersigned return' their, sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. They will as hereto fore give prompt, and energetic attention to the sales of Cotton, and other country. Produce We have for sale . .' . t Ji general and well selected , Vsortiiiesit of CSllOClRiUES, N. M. MAR TIN $ DONNAXS. Petersburg, Va., :14th Sept. 1S49. , - Cotton Bagging fnf EJal' Elopv. P,eces German Bagging, 43 inches wide and weighing l lbs to the yard, Coils bale Rope for sale in lots to suit purchasers. N. M. MARTINA M O NNANS Petersburg, Va., Sept. 14th, 1S19. Cut Nails 4fh kegs, 4s to 12s inclusive for sale bv W. 11. WILLARD. Washington, July 21, 1S4I. SUGAR, nolasses, coffee, Apple and French Brandy- whiskey, Madeit t and Malaga wine, Lorillard'si and Outcalt's Snuff, Candles brown and fancy Soaps, Ground pepper and spice ginger,- , Starch, indigo, ink anil ink priw dor,' Cap and letter paper, ruled and uniulcd. Steel pens and pen. holders, S:c.'&e. For sale bv 'GEO. IIOIVARD November 21. 1 S.4f). n'en ! :r i ft : vnlnnj - PECULIAHLY adapted lu Wnrm Cli mates, as it pro'.iut'os butter a,--' easily lVm swett milk as from creairu hi bringing t his cffern.iai and simple churn into use. 1st. It nroditccs butter In less time than i minutes and from cream in much less time, j 2d. It produces more butter from the i SVvcct and suitable for family use 5(1) Instead of feeding the calf with '"milk direct from the sweet milk will answer cow churned evr-v pnrpdfe. By this means the butter is all profit. For sale bv Geo. Howard. lui-.v ei complain I . Colics, &c POSIT1VKLV CURED BY Jaync's Cariiijsi.-UivcRalsam. ChicagOy III., March 7, 1845. Dr, D. Jayns. -Dear sir: You ask me what proofs I n.eet with of the efficacy of your Carmi- ativp. 1 can safplv snv that T npvpr nrescribed a ' ' r medicine for Bowel comt.lainus that has given rae so much satisfaction, and my patients so speedy and perfect relief as this. Whenever iniroduced into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, whiclul think a pretty, good proof 1 its ethcacy and usenness. Inthetummer comprint of chil- dren, it has requently appeared to snatch the lit. . ... J rr . , . t. . tie Yictims, as it were, from the gravei 4t saved .he life of my. child, and. of such and such child," 1 have repeatedly heard said. In dyen teric affections of adults, I have J time and again aoon it aft likp a r.harm' nnl VrirA nArnianpnt r - tief in a few hours, I may say tn a few m In fine it is,a valuable .medicine and no family should be without it.1 -Z ' ".Tt . Respectfully. ; . M. L. Knafp, M. D, j" . 'f ' " Professor of Materia Med iea in the fti u P?1"1 University, Indiana . Prepared only Jay Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by . TarboioVFebiHi GEO. HOWARD. JL 9 R'10 ani Laguayra, part ol r strictly prime quality, just re ceived, for sale by . ; W. II. WILLARD. , Washington, N. C. July 24, 1849 : : " ' A, GILBERT'S Jinil bilious i i unity Vills. Composed of Medicinal Proper I ids pos sessed by various vegetable - substances, CTING specifically on the Liver ano other secreting organs, promoting diges tion, purifying the blood, cleansing the glands, in short, reviving the prostrated system, and dtUusing health and vigo( throughout the human frame. The following axe presented outof man; CERTIFICATES. p ..J Cornwall, Orange county, Ni Y ' May 10, M7. Dr. At Gilbert. Dear Sift Suffering for some time with severe bilious affection and liver com plaint, I was recommended to try your anti-biliouf family pills; and 1 am pleased in being able tt say, that after using a few doses I tound great an' permanent reliefi To all those afflicted, in a simi lar way, I cannot refrain from thus publicly re commending them, as 1 consider them a valuabl medicine to possess, especially in the countr where persons are removed from the opportunit of receiving medical advice. Yours, truly. ' Signed. ; GEORGE BROWN. ; Wf, the undersignetl, dealers. medicines having for two years past sold A Gilbert's ami ;i!ious family pills, take great pleasure in statint ihat so far as vvc know, the medicine has givei; universal s;itisfaciion;-and we believe it, from th several expressions made to us, to be the best ar i-lilious medicine now in use Signed. Aaron A. Wino, i)t, Pkter Hanlock, A.A.Martin.. . Jas. Nollner, Mi I' Norfolk, Ya. May 29, Ml. - Mr. A. Gilberti Dear sir, please send me fok gross of your pills by the very first packet, as t am nearly out of them. The demand for them ' CTy. inju h increased, which can only be attnbu ted to their. being recommended- by those whe tiave been beneftited hy the use of ihem . Yor can dra'.v on me at sihifor the amount as usual. Signed. Gi j. N'evv Orleans, March 7, M5. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. &aUk$, .meclm:iifi anil Coiispany, 11G Nassau Street, New York, ARE NOW rUELISlilNG . OF MuDERN DOMESTIC MEDICINE, BY KEITH IMRAY. M. D. College oj Surgeons y Edinbu rr ed; as arc, also the diet and regimen neces- ; sary under various diseases, and during conva.escence. . . l, Diet, Atmosphere, temperature, Bath mg, Climate, Clothing and Exercises are Crj family in the' land Send by all--specially treated upon' - means, and have it at once.,,--Fro7l u Re- The publishers of the Americati Edition 'view of the Work. . - - ? 'i'S prefix to Dr: Imray's work short illustra-( Any person in this country cn nave a " ; ted, and very valuable treaties upon A- copy of the above work sent them by'-re-natomy, Physiology and Surgery; also turn of mail, on remitting the amouiilflbr Directions for the treatment of the Sick, Management of the Sick Room, Prepara tion of Food for the Sick, &c. &c. Many valuable articles have been fur r! i i. : ' r i; l u,8I,eu me euuriesy. oi meuicai ;pu- men of the United States. - The entire volume, with its full Index, tables of DosesT&c., will nrovc. it is con- fidently believed, a most valuable book for Family use. Thft x ' wU : cameled in" twelve . . . - r . t weekly numbers, forming one large 8vo, , . ' : . . . a : vo,ume 01 aDOUl IUUU pages. ; - . ueniiemen oi. respeciaomiy anu guu , address wanted as canvassers lor the above Wnrk in fiVPfV town and village in the (post paid,) GATES, STEpMANt-CO, j 16 -'Nassau St.. nes .U.. iv..jkLSO,, ; -r.; For sale by V- ' v f OHaard( A scientific Medicine. V A GREAT experience and judgment are reqnirrd to make a valuable, and at the same time, inno cent purgative. This is "possessed only by few The great majority of the remedies, advertised of this, class are ar-ufactured by persons who have no idea of the relative or individual powers, of the drugs they use. It is thU cause, m .n than any other, which oecasion-' thejnerttfess and often injurious effects, "produced by advertised remedies. An J hence the general preju-i e which prevails against them Now there is a greatMirTerence in this respect, with jegard to the p, lff ?nade oy Dr. Bi Brandreth, and' ronsequently ,-jhcir'' superior claims upon the public Kach ff the article composing the V ' 5 : Bi andreth Pills Are prepared Ju that way which will, secure, their beneficial effect to the system in the "safest and easiest manner. .For instance, some ingredients have to be rr pared in the vacuo; that is, ihe rir ia exhausted in the utensil, end remains so until a combination is eflecied with other ingreiient8 which afterwards prevents the air from acting in uriously upon the medicine. ' Again, the propor tion of each ingredient depends upon its multiply, ing power upon other ingredients For the power of different vegetable purgatives upon each .ther is governed by similar lawsthaijrove'u Ve ;ower of figures by multiplication. Nine added to nioe make eighteen: but nine times nine are eighty onei So it is with some vegetable-., purgatives. By adding nine parts of otie ingredient, anC nine pans ot another ingredient together, he power is increased, not to eighteen, but to eighty-one For example, either of-the articles to produce any purgative effect, would have to.be used to th ex tent of eighty-one grains; by combining ibem only eighteen grains have to be use.'. Aj.'iina nother ingredient is found to multiply this power again, which in a proportion f two grains. x' uld havenoeffect upon the animal ect'iioiiiv, but which, added to eighteen grain of a compound of two parts of nine grains, each of two ingrfilier.ts, will agaiii multiply the power , which ihey have gained of eighty-one, to one bund ed and sixty two. So again, thft mixture of twenty giaius ran be again multiplied by an addition of two gr tins, to the power o( three hundred ano twenty-four grains of the origiflal power ot the two tirst ingre dients Here we have twenty-two grains, wiiich 'a8a nuro-ative. contain tiie nower equdl it ifnee j . ... ; hundred and twenty-four grains of eahr '. I' '.ho articles alone; nevert heless, also so powerful alter being thus combinedare safe in any quantity: always having a beneficial effect, ami in n. dse capable of doing injury, of which thousamlf-.-iear ample witnessi Let those in any way out of htalth use th :$c Pillii They will find it much to their advantage , . . for sale by Geo. Howard. Tarboro', Nov. 7, 1849. - - Work-tab5e Book, A Book every Lady should possess. CONTAINING clear and pracHea! in structions in all kinds of Plain anct ''Fancy Needle-work, Embroidery, Knitting. Net- Price 75 cents. , "This is one of the most useful anil in- structive books foi a lady ever published, and one that should be in the hantlf of r-v- it to the publisher, in a letter, post paid.' Published and for sale by f. B PETERSON. No. 38 Chesnut street Philaaelphia. IJtkamic Medicines. rJ! HE subscriber, has just received, di rect from New Ybrkj ' : A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OV Tlioiiioniaii Medicines Lobelia, green aad brown -2nd and 3rd Prepara tion of domyrrh, cayenne pepper, pond lily, Composition, bay berry, barberry, spice bitters , Golden seal, poplar bark, slippery eJm, hemlock, Nerve powder, nerve ointment, bitter root, Cough powders, cough syrup, woman's frteadf ; Svriiige.s of various sizes, No. 6, &c. &c. which he is enabled to sell at greatly re duced prices. GEO. HOWARD. . Tarboro Junft 4 i. -t i . - V'

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