TA 11 BOKO UGH : SATURDAY, MARC Ii" 2, 1850. Edgecombe County, The February Term f Edgecombe County Court was held Ibis week. We are indebted to John Torfleet Esq. the able and efficient Clerk of the Court, for the following' transcript of part of the pro cecdings. , On Ttaesd ay, (a majority of the Justices being present) the Court proceeded to levy the County, Poor "and Patrol Taxes for 1850, as follows; For County purposes, 113 cts.. on land and 351 cts. on each poll. For the poor, 5 cts. on land and 14 cts. on each poll. 4 - it - . For the Patrol, 25 cts. on each taxable slave. Rohl. H. Austin was unanimously re elected -County trustee. The fallowing Justices were elected as the Special Court for the next 12 Mouths, viz: Jno F. Speight,' Henry T. Clark, John S. Dancy, Jesse C Knight and Harman Ward. The following persons qualified as Con- - stables for the next 12 Months. For the town of Tarboro'', Richard A Savage. For DiVt.No. 1 2 4 5 7 8 11 13 16 17 Joshua Killebrew. Redding S Petway. Henry Dixon. Joseph Farmer. James Wiggins. James Is. Eason. Richard Johnson. Ilonrv Relcher. A. J. M. Whitehead. Irvin Thigpen. Andrew J. Knight. Henry Odom. Jacob Bjrum. The following persons were elected Wardens of the Poor for the next three years, viz: Joshua L. Horn, Benjamin Bywum, Charles Mabry, Joshua L. Lyon. Robert Ricks, Baker Staton and Jno. A. Vines and the Court appointed Tuesday .Dth day ot April next for them to meet at the Court House and organise by taking the necessary oath of office The following resolution was adopted by the Court. Resolved by the Conrt, that from and after this Term, no application for license! have heard of Messrs. Newsom, Wil to retail Sniritm.lmn,.. :ii i ! liam R. Poole, Richard Smith, Geo. YY. ed hvtfap rnnrt .i L j iv, uiu application oc made on the first day of the Term. FOR THE TARBORO PRESS. Southern Meeting Preliminary. A Meeting of the people of Edgecombe ... ...-.' m ,,n . without party distinction, was held at the Court House on Wednesday 27th ult. . James S. Battle was called to preside. In taking the. chair Mr, B. said, that if bc understood the purpose for which the meeting had been galled? it was intended i $ .. . . . j. . . ' held. Great confusion (rt was known) of conflicting publications as to the day , on which it would be held It was fo re- concile this conflict, and to upon some , .4.. 1 J - ..uducu. tvir. u. urged llic necessity of action prompt and effi ient" action the counties were moving aijd he hoped that Edge combe would not be backward but would talte a position worthy of her ancient ' re nown. v Col. Clark moved that a Committee of Twenty be appointed to prepare and re- port Resolutions for the actinn vr ingto beheld onTuesdnv ,u,ft.L : nrinnt, . V , j oumu runyersauon licrc ensued be- Iwcen Messrs. Baker, Pittmao and Clark in reference to the manner in which the Committee should be selected. Col. Clark moved that the Chair point. V ; . ap- ; Mr. Baker, moved that the Chair .op oint three pcrsons to aidhim in the selec tion adopted, . . The Chair appointed Messrs. Wm. Nor fleet, Wm. F.-U.incy and Moses Baker-, who reported to the meeting the following committee, to wit: . -James 1. Philips; P. S;:Sugg,J;o.:Lawi rence, Baker Staton, Jno: Lawrence, Da vid Barlow, John L; Bridgers, Red. Pitt man, Jo! J Pippen, L. R. Cheiry, J. , F. Speight, John S. Dancy, Jesse C. Knight, Harman Ward, William Barnes, (Tosnot) James S Battle, Chas. Harrison, Benj. Batts, Wm S. Baker, S. L. Hart On motion of Col. Clark the Committee of three was added to the Committee of twenty - v On motion of Mr. Pittman the Secretary was requested to give noticethat a public meeting to consider I lie question of Southern Rights would he held at the Court House in Tarboroon Tuesday the 12 th March at I o'cloik. The meeting then adjourned. WM. F. DANCY, See'y. - Congress Both Houses arc still, principally cnga ged with subjects connected with the sla very question. . Burnt to Death. Mrs. Knowlcs, the" mother of the Hon. A, Vcnablo was burn ed to death at Washington City on the 4th inst. by her clothes taking fire. From the fVilminglon Journal. Presidential Visit. President Taylor visited Richmond. Va , on the 23d ult. the anniversary of Washington's birth diy, lor the purpose ot being present up on the occasion of laving the Coi ner Stone of the Monument, to ihc memory o? Washington, which is to be erected bv the State of Virginia. Gen. Taylor received by the Virginia House of Dele gates in Scssiort, and a welcome extend : by ihc Speaker, 10 the President and to George Washington Paik Cost is, the nem living relative of Wellington, and tin guests responded in an appropriutc man ner. The ceremonies of laying the Cornei Stone were very impressive. The pro cession was fully a mile long. From tlx Raleigh Standard. Cotton Factory. We arc gratified to state that arrangements are now u.ak-ingto - . I erect a Cotton Factory in this County, up- on a mill seat and lands owncd-fcy James .IV W.nm "Pert t'nnuMi nc ihf Falls of '7 J- Ncuse," some twelve or thirteen miles ' 4 V ! kJ J Ills Jfl . from this place. The Company is to con- sist of some 5is or seven, and among them Haywood, and Alfred ; Jones. The Fac tory, wc learn, is to cost sonic 30,000. From the Fayeltcmllc Carolinian. Bigamy -Wo published a few weeks i gothe marriage, in Goldsboro',of J J..Iohn - "eck; U. S. A., d artillery, Mary Andcr-. Yesterday's Vi J . . . : J , to -Miss ilminnton t'ommcrcial contains "n rnrl MallhcWsl stalins lhat sM Hcd; jag a wifo and children now in East Florida. If so, the army must be. purged of such a wretch. ,,, ... - - Frem the Gotdsboro9 PatrioL Qjo burglars, calling themselves ton iii1 l.. ..y . recen arrested on the Wilmington rars U PP084 lhat thpy are the persons lhefWalch and 1 ,Qf llie Messrs. Bowers in Wilmington. -i ue value ol the property stolen, is about 8200; of which about 700 worth has been recovered. . v- From the Petersburg Republican. Maryland. k bill has been passed by the House of Delegates of Mary land, wit h a ,arSe majority, forbidding the anthori- liPS r,ne tate to borrow 'money, on State's account, for yorks of Internal Im provement, or.any other purpose. This 18 ,n consequence oi the immense public debt which Maryland has incurred for improvements. Killed Himself Many will recollect j the celebrated irerb of Navy Island, 5enr erai Van Renssalacr,; who, with a few mad followers, took posscssicm of that Is land, belonging to the British . govern. mcnt on the Niagara fidhtictV and ncaijy involved us in war. ThaUaflair Jed to the. burning ofahc Caroline, and the trial of McLeod.V General Van Uenssa lacr, on New Year's day, in Syracuse closed his chamber, and, inhaling, the fumrs of charcoal, terminated his life. He was of a Iviglrty respectable f amily,1iurof ail i eccentric; character, and u as the cause of great trouble and great expense tolhc country. iv. r.star. - v- - .; I From the Faycitcvitle Carolinian. ; Singular Freak of Nature. The fa ble of I phis and Ianthe, which forms one of the most striking talcs in Ovid's Metamorphoses, was probably true after all. -Just such a thing has happened in the State of Massachusetts A petition was on Friday presented to the Legisla ture of that Stale on the part of an indi vidual in the town of Chilmark, stating that he has a child, fifteen years old which was born afemalc (apparently) and chris tened Rebecca,' but that recently it has manifested itself to be of the male se x lie therefore petitions that the name nf U'tis androgynous offspring may be chang ..d to Willi im. TJie Courier is informed '.Udl this account is perfectly correct, and that the instance presents one of the most curious cases in physiology. Truth is stranger than fiction. . . Emigration or Liberia. The steam er Robert Collins Capt. Taylor, anived yesterday from Hawkinsyillc, having oh board 135 of thfrivejyrjDC belonging to-the otatc of Maj. Jacob Wood, lateof Mcin tosh, and uhicli by his will he emancipa ted. We understand ( vera! of them ex pressed 451 rat dis;iti.vfuction on being in formed that the y were to lie removed to Liberia, and ranaway Savannah News iln abseondent Minister The Rich mond ttcpi.b!i-ri, of the 5;h instant says: It was cuirently reported through the rity. on Sunday last, that, 1?ie .Rtv. Joelj W. .tones, who officiated at the Methodist) chapel, on Oregon Hill, had left 1 he .city ! for "pu ts unknown," in consequence ofj rrtain disclosures compromising, his in-; rgrity. The fort of Ihc case, as wc mi-; dorstand them , ;woth it,o,vinj. to certain yiMC.use, New York, (where nsmru s frim Sy bo formerly resided,)-the Methodic min ; isters of this city applied to him for his credentials. Having none, he couhl not; of course pioduce them, and on Saturday List he suddetily took his departure, leav- i his boarding and oilier bills unpaid, j Thc report thai he hal taken with him il - P I . ..f ll.n .l.nnr.1 .. . . . - ' . me iunn u u.u .n, u,..e mhum... untrue. lie wa.i ongiRcd to be mar- ried to a lady of hi congregitjon, and it is d tint he already has two wives in the I Stale of New Y..rk. From the Raleigh Star. Swumy in Horses: Jno. Wliitc, in' the Southern "Cultivator." giv-s .the fol- lowing plan of curing horses of the swin- ny: I lake bout a quart of water, boil it,. and add salt as long as it will dissolve nuvi-llMJw i&kc a niece of blanket and dir; it in water whil-hot. bathe the horse's shoulder well for ine morning in sue- cession; miss a few mornings: if the cure not effected, bathe Again for nine '.dars. I have cured a groit many horses in this. . . . way. Anoilurnpply common rail fal- urn salt is preferable) to. the naft affected, and rub up and down the;shouldcr with a brick, as haid as the horse can bear. iFovetsti. k Tlie steamfliip America has arrived at loston, with Liveqiool. dates- to the 9tii ult. The cotton market is depressed. Flour is not much inquired for, and prices ha ve fallen from Is to Is 6d per bbl. on good brands. i: To cotikidevfthe question of Southern fttJ t7V the Court Home inTavboro x i 4 i o'clock. V : : MARRIED. v '. At Vine Hill, "on -Tuesday, the'20tlr of February, by Wm. It. Smith,. lu$c -;M r Isaac Cushing, of this County, lo-iUiss Marsaret S. Whiiehcad, of Scotland ISecK. DIED. In this place, on Sunday last ngrd about 1 7 years, Mrs. Elizabeth ObcrV-, wife of Mr. Green Oherrv. Groceries, &c 123 "bk'New Orleans Molasses part a ? very superior quality for family use. v ' . 25 hhds new crop French Islands "dit to; strictly prime. 21 Sugar of various grades. M) bags Codec ditto. 300 bbls. Whiske) -'El Dosado. 99 25 Gin. 25 " Rum. 75 " New York Canal -Flour. 150 Ucgs Nails 4s to 20s inclusive, 50 boxes Vrooni & Fowlers No. 1 Soip, 2a 4i Cnndles equal to Hull & Son's, 200 big? Shot assorted, 25 kegs Powder, 30 boxes Tobacco 5s and 8s, 25 bbls. Snuff, salt and Fresh, 10 " Copperas, 50 4t Mess Pork, 100 reams Wrapping Paper, 10 m Jwsto Sanz,? Principe Segars, SO bbls Crackers. Indigo Camphor Epsom Salts-GIau- her Salts Hlank Book Fools Cap and letter P.iper Tiuilhu the' iilh.of Mcncli d i French llrandv lloHaiifll;srtmcnt of GOODS in their line, which Gin Malaga and Madeira Wine, Aviili many other articles .usually solj in"a.coun - trv store for sale by 'f. WILLARO. Washington N. C 55. h February 1S50. JYoticcs LOST, a few days since-, near the Epis- 1 I , I. I I I 1 I . . t , copai i.nurcn, goui oracciei ine nnuer will be suitably rewarded "by returning it to this office. . " . A! arch 1. 185fV Pianos ! Pianos ! ! The undersigned respectfully calls the attention of the publie to the splendid, highly finished New Scale ' Itosewood and .IWahogttHy fXtt tif&3L . .-JMjli V slrh (iJi entire cxst iuon framit, hand-jt's clay entered into parfix-rship, and finely carved and gilt this iron frame i11 continue the comoiHss the entire instrument, prevents; finflCERY & nflMMISSinM ll from warping and getting., out of.tunc.l i,or wlleen years have they been tried mi n. -..i.. .... i i " n. . 1 cmiVWdm marjiauu anu Virginia, ant sonMJ '9 oiistaut use .in-Institutions, nf Professors, 'and .private families, and hare given entire satisfaction; the climate or change of weather have little or no ef feet on iho Instrumcntstiie tcme ispow-j and so liberal I3' extended to our predeccs crful, brilliant and sweet. Principals of ! sors. r C.'"': -:; V, ipals Academies, professors ami tnerchants will find it to their interest to purchase these Pianos. All- instruments are. warranted. Orders and letters will be promp'ly an swered and attended fo. Respectfully Address, : KUMN &.CO. No 1 85 Norih Green St., Bait. . ; . ;;--'list ot rnrcEs. . r-y'- Pianos with metallic plate in I Rose wood or mahogany cases, 6 octave, from ISO to S2S0. With iron frame, 225 to S00. 6 octave, 250 to 350. 63y 275 to 35Q.i 7 octave, 300 to 500. 7 octave. Grand Pia nosr very .powerful and bi illiant, from 500 to S 1 OOOV Harps lrom 550 to COO. Z The-above named Pianos are constantly manufactured with all' the litest improve ments, and will be sold on the most accom modating ierms. . ' Any person wishing to purchafe a Pia"- no !L,eas otriythe subscriber,' and a Piano 'will be sent here by A. K& Co. anA lne f instrument or price do not please, they 'yill be at no charge qj ex- pense for transportation of said Piano. - r Geo. IfowaTarboro'S $50 Reward. ; Lost, in Tar.bbro', on Thursday, 7 February in!: ?' J; . ' s ; A wallet PcLct licI;, Containing 3260 in bank notes,. the pijn cipal part of which wfere wSlo bills on u, State Bank, and a Tew on the" Con.n crciai Bank at Wilmington -there were ahon it, four or five '$20 bills on the Sta Bank', and some papers of no use to anv person but myself, I will give a reward of FIF TV Dollars for thc recovery nf the pocket book and contents, and any ,. formation respecting either will be thank, fully received. JOHN II. DANIEL. TarboroVFeb-S 1850. . 6 THE firm of H King &'Co. will bo dissolved, by mutual consent, the first dav of March next. v All persons indebted to said firm, are requested to call and settle at or before February Court next. The busincss"hcrcaftcr will be coudv, ted by Jo. S. Pender, who will. give ithis personal attention. '. Owing to sickness, our former work man became incapacitated for any busU ness, consequently there has been consid erablc delay and disappointment, to our customers; having procured another work man, I shall be able to execute all kinds of Watch) Clock and Jewelry fn a manner to give entire satisfaction both as 10 promptness and style of execution. JO. S. PENDER. Tarboro', Jan 30. 1S50. v The Subscribers HAVE formed a Copartnership under the style and firm of Pittman & Cut liberty For the purpose of conducting a general Jtttrt Co at mission tlSusfncss They arc now receiving from the North ern cities a general and well selected as- having been "purchased by their agents ero - for Cash, they will he enabled to fill the orders of their friends upon the very best terms. They offer their services to the Farmers and others of North Carolina in thesaleot their produce pledging in advance their best exertions to render entire satisfaction. They wail he prepared at all, times to make liberal advancements on produce when required. - E LAKE J? ITT MA Ar, ' C IJARLES IE C V TUBER T. Petersburg, Jan'y J, 1S50. 03 B . P i 1 1 ma n , w i 11 a s fo r m e rly a 1 1 e n d, the Courts of Edgecombe coujit'. New -o-partnership. THE late firm of Mcllwaine Brown ley having been dissolved; (Mr. William Brownley retiring from business,) we have , ( t In ihc sarrc manner as heretofore, under the firm and sty a of We hope by constant and faithful atten tion to the i nterests of our friends, to mer it a continuance of that oatronane. so lonar . sors. Our Stock of Groceries Will hc( large andxommanding, cmbra- eing a general assortment of Goods in out line, (intoxicating liquors excepted.) We fhall give strict attention to the SAiE OF PRODUCE ON COMMISSION, And w;ill beat all times prepared to make liberal advances when desirable. : A. G Mcllioame, fVmS.rBrownley Ro. D. Mclltvqine, Ro; A. Martin Joseph Ji. Dunn, Petersburg, Jan. 1 !B50.4t - To Pensioners. 'V'": - ; 0 ; . r: THE Subscriber continues to act as freitf for Pensioners FATETTfeviLLEVNonTa Carolina; Charges moderately for his services; fur- Inishes all desired information, and sup plies all necessary Blanks without charge. . 'January 231830, ' - r f, 1 v'3if