.4- Building illAVING associated with me Mr. Jno; " . Saunders, of Petersburg, Va., an expe rienced workman :iti ih e various styles of 4 .Architecture, I would" announce to the ; iibiif, that we are prepared to contract I ir the building of plain or ornamental cottages, public buildings churches, &c. Cic. in a style and finish to defy competi tion. We will cither contract by hejob cr by the day. : THOMAS O BERRY. Tarboro'. Dcc.gl.lP49. Carpentering. THE undersigned respectfully informs the public, that he is prepared to execute all kinds of - ? " ' . Carpenter's work, jeh as building houses, bridges. &c. ard .will contract to do the sameJjy the job or by the day. I will warrant my work to f;ive satisfaction, and that it shall be done expeditiously. v GREEN OBERRY. ITarboroVJan. 14. 1S50. 3 ! Watch and t "lock j ttepairiug, &c. THE undersigned announces to Hie citizens of Edgecombe and adjacent coun ties, that he has commenced business 'on Ins own hook," and may be found at all times at his shop, east side of Main street, j next door to Dr. Lawrence's drug store. Watches, Clocks audJewclry paired at the shortest notice hcsolicits the public patronage. CHJIS. G MEYER Tarboro', Jan. 3, 1850. 'r THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgecombe and surround, ing counties, that he has commenced the business of making ' 7 Boots and Shoes, i INTARBORO On the corner, opposite Malhcwson $ NorJlceVs Store. And has in his employ one of the best workmen in the State. He expects to lieep constantly on hand a good supply cf 1 ; Ready made Boots from $5 lo $S, Footing boots. $4 50; also, Shoes of vari ous qualities, fron the coarsest to the ilnest; and. a good stock of materials fori rfianufacturing them to order. I will war-j ,rsnt my fine work to. be equal to Miles & on's, of Philadelphia. Call and see. i THOMAS C. HUSSBY. ? Tarboro Dec. 2S, 1S49. 1 Jo-eph f Stewart j 3'wt aud SIjoo mnkcr, INFOR MS the citizens of 'Edgecombe ' gOtiil 'Jfiarl h(l9 j :crid the counties adjacent thereto, that 'he! which Js t0 any in the Slate. lt is V7ill continue the above business in the 50 yards in wWth and.4 of a mile in length,; ehop recently occupied by J M. Ilursey, great deal of the mai l is accessible at i in Tarboro :anv time of the year, varyinglVom 2 to c And solicits a portion of their patronage fceVin depth. There is 'also a great deal ! tt ' ,;ii .nnnt i :'.'i,"i i i t 4 - . , - . - lie will warrant his work to be equal to of swamp and creek mud extending the Cnv done in this section of COUntrv. , m J Hoots from $5 lo $71 Footers, $-1 to $5. Ilcpairing done neatly and cxnediiiousl v. J Tarboro', ,lan. 1, 1S50. - . - " IIocky MoiisiL cpt. StJi, Cotton Factory tip Mills. -d3S5Se95- - FllflE undersigned, successors to Baltic 4' Brother in the above property, Lave associated themselves together under the title of JS.ITT&E ' CO. j They have been at great expense in en- Targing the operations of this establishment;,. whieh .; b&I(J 400 ' barrels each; and in the purchase . of new machinery, nd feel warranted in saying, that the :an now ztf&easgood an article of , Colton Yarn can be manufactured any where in the U. Stales, and arc determined to sell at as All they desire, in order to secure ' he trade of merchants and dealers in this ;art of the country, is, that they examine quality of their Yarns,and their liber- Herms, before purchasing elsewhere. ?vc do only a quarterly . business; but "fill make the liberal discount of 2 per ujorasii. n 7). BATTLE. JAS M-BATTLE, I fVM. S BATTLE, L. IIORNE. Casfi Advaiices, THE undersigned will advance in Cash, Ihrec-foiirlhs (i) of the market value here of Corn", Cotton,7andNavaI Stores', deposited with .him for 'shipment to his friend J. G. Williams, Esq New York. W. H. WILLARD. Washington, N.C. 17th Nov, 1849. Fare Reduced. rfP 51 E Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to S5--of, From Rockyv Mount to Tarboro " Sparta " Falkland Greenville " " " Paclolus " " " Washingon " Tarborfc to Span a " " Falkland " " Greenville For scats, &c. apply to II. Wiswall, Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to Geo. Howard Tarboro?. February 1,1 843.. , From the Jliton Chronicle. Laurel Grove, (ncaHMilton) Jan. 15, 1S4S. Dr.Kuhl-Dear Sir: , .We have now been about seven vars, Ajrents for the pale of your Restorer of iht lilorul, and olb- ; er Medicines, and are happy to state the v have given in all cases general satisfaction, particular- ly the Abyssintitn Mixture has giveu universal ', satisfaction, so that every one, w bo has used it,' has received that relief that you guaranteed in your direetions. Mr. James M. Vernon, to whom Iltieumalism, houht a bottle of it ai 50 Cinis, ind two embrocations cured him entirely, and the disease has never returnedi Yours, respectfully, For sale by Geo. I 'a curd. Flour! Flour!! FLOUR, of an excellent quality,by the barrel or retail, For sals by Geo. Howard. Nov, 12th, IS49. Valuable Farm FOR SALE. ON said Farm can be made two bun- i dred balca of Cotton an ! one thousand bar. - - "- . ! . . ''greatest ornament, and wheu ininerleet or wanting ;relsofCorn. All of the Farms above ; M disail vnnlagft l0 th; pt,rsonsll ai(C;lr: : high water mark. There is timber sufil-; am.;f male ornMnale. That it is a to pre - jcient to keep a good fence around iaid serve and beautify it. all will ad.uit. This article ! Farm close and convenient. Il has on it : has been for more than J0 v;trs used extensively. whnlp Irnrth nf llm Farm, anil several " taSVv m -w F , swamp and riclges of good land to clear. ' A ,Me arm 18 cas lo cultivate. There - . 1 !!. I I .. is on it a large anil comfortable IP witling Mouse s together w'ith all neccssarjvotit houses, tsuch as kitchen, smoke liouse, dairy, work house or weaving house, cotton or wool house, milk house, brandy .house, &c. &c. &c an excellent gin house' and rotton screw, ten small corn cribs which will hnld 1 .'if) to 1 7.5 hnrrols nf enrn . fnti r ro- also, six large fodder shelters, with a great many good negro houses, and a good over seer's house many other things entirely unnecessary to mention. ' The said Farm is situated in a pleasant and healthy neigh borhood, ten miles north west of Tarboro' on the road leading to JGnfield. eight miles south of ihc Wilmington and Roanoke Rail Road. .1 will take much pleasure in showing this Farm to any one who wish es to purchase. A credit of six years wilj be given to the" purchaser. ; HUGH B. BRYAN. December 22nd, IS 19. JUST RECEIVED, the Graefenberg Sarsaparilla Compound the celebrated Children's Panaceathe Eye Lotion the health Bitters- the Fever and Ague Pills the Vegelable Pills, and the" Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment. r v,, March 26.' GE0. HO IV ARD - Molasses. : ' , - . IL 1CS new "crap French 1 Island Molasses just received, for sale.by W, II. WILLARD. Washington, 17th Nov. 1819. Dry Goods&e. " Suitable for 1hc: Country Trfttlc. H0 Yd'sNekerseys X 50 Pieces Dlcachcd Shirtings and sheet ings, ' .- s . A - X-V, r( ; ' 1 200 " Brown do do: 100 " Drills, . -.V 100 - low priced Prints, 20 Bales Battle & Co., Cotton Yarn, 300 Doz. Spool Cotton, inn C.,.,fr ltnvAo " z 2 00i ALSO, Needles Hooks and eyes- 2 go i Buttons of all kinds Ivory. Tuck and side 3, 00 i combs Suspenders--Percussion ' Caps 4 00 Hardware and Crockery Patent Medi- 5 00! cincs Camphor Indigo Blacking Li- 0 50nen Threads-Cotton HdkPs &c. &c. &c. 1 00 for sale by WM. II. WILLARD. wasnington, in. u...)in iviarcn, it'll). Powder, Shot, &c. 0U nags Mioi, 15 to os. 100 reams wpg Paper, 2i boxes assorted Candy, 15 bbls Lonllard's and Outcalt!s Snuff, . 10 kegs .. . ' . ' do do -20 boxes No. 1 Soap, ' ( 20 do tall jw Candles, rqu.nl lo Hull & 20 do and half do 5s and Ss Sons, obacco, Laihins I epptr, I imcnlo lor sale by W. 11. WILLARD. . Washington, N. C. July 2 I, 1S-19. U U 110(11! il J ICl! U C 111 CU V m -m m-. i it ST, for coid ui Icvi'rUh fi-elinjjs nrnl p rr- rcfifhi; Vwers. 2ml Por asthun, li ver com plaint and hilioi: a(Tfclions. ,'M. For diairhoM, n,,li.r,.ctinii nnd fu.s.s a' tmrr! ftf. Jtli. !-V,r rrsti v :v Ji are, it is not hv- in take, never giv3 pain, and mrirliacetonctubtU-c.'! F'r all .t!ee rttin4$ it is warranted unequal h J, iiud ;!! indu not find it so m-y return the hoitle and in 1 1 ; r " mojiej back. 1'l.is utt .l iMtii' i !.J).'i!!4-S cs:cr-i ZAU:tti 2:naca. We assnt ilit-ro isi.o umiiy nir '-rier r.fhMf i! virtues, and none that will so drlih- )w 4trr f i5 and to conduct all Ihul tlast m f-'we oTer as n'vove. Try it without prirr. if v : are not charmed hy its c (Tec is. Fuller dcsciijiiiuns and an Almanac for 1818 gratis, with the agents for ihc county. (See below.) Che 'nm mi Uttir Is admitted by rivilizod as well as Uaharoiis : noli.Mic ! I.i l.r. n Pii I iiAninrr '.mil iui li-cl. lln It has the testimony of manyuf ih most respect - leei.izens in this country, who certify to i lie l,,al lhe HALM OF COLUMBIA -FirM, in all .5W stops the hair tallnu or ",orM ilin mos! if fdlen, and in all easeA if lost hysicknps; and kevj"' ofTdandiuiT atid scurf n . , . - , . , . . ' infants and adults. Second, perfumes the h.ir. and preserves it to old aire from turniiisi srrav. ; tOMitJ aways, i,e used at toieire. Third, gives rreat vijnrand rapid growth to the hair, and cau- ses it to curl hcautifully. Lastly, prevents' all Clli It or its consequence on children's heads, and exceeds all other ardcles fnr the hair in quality, quantity and cheapness. Many articles have heea stalled an the reputation of this, and are without merit though they have been and are sold atdou - hie the prices of this balm. - The piles all sores, rheumatism " Hays' Iillillteist Is arr article more justly celebrated as a cure for the above than an v or all others. The cases of cure are almost innumerable and it i3only neces sary to. let those who know the article and have used it with such great success know that it is to be had true and genuine, (for thero are counter feiters) of Dr. Lucins Comstock 21 Corda'tnil st. New York and so of llie rest of the "articles here named. , . To the hull and lame -Dr. II ewes' nerve and bone liniment is the mo st effectual cure -for ihea matisrn and contracted cords and muscles. -' For wo-wKolmstock's Vermifuge not Fa h ncslock's will eradicate and cure a children arid adults who have worms. Caution. Beware of all unless the name is spelled Kolm3locks the old Dutch name of the inventor. ' " Sold, wholesale by Comstock & Co 1 Cort landt st. New York, by Geo. Howard. Tarboro', and by one person in every village in' 'the Unite?! States and Carafas - ," Nov. 0 A FRESH SUPPLY OP Toxvnsciitl's Sarsaparilla, Dr. IVislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. f Jmjue',8 Fills cc. ? : For sale by t Geo! Howard. Css in females and males. &ih. For biouiBcl. f-TeCssary for binding, re-binding, or repair- r,Hion, dysr,r,ia ami i-iies. The g-rt ?oi,.t4 s he lnt consfantlv on hand, and bbls Whiskey, Riim, and Gin, 1 half pipe Brandy; 2 i t r 33 bbls Genessce Flour for sale by . - 1 W. II. WILLARD. y Washington, July 24, 1S49. . . . i ' ' Thomas L. Liddou, BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER, 1TNFORMS the Public that he is now . fully prepared to execute all jobs in his line of business, that may be entrusted to him.: lie has competent workmen in his employ, and. can give satisfactory assuran ces, that all work entrusted to him will be executed expeditiously and in a workman like manner. References - ' IVm. Nbrjlecti Tarboro, - Baker Siatoiiy Edgecombe Co., JiA Goold Hoyty Greenville. v? Tarboro Oct. 12, 1S17. 42. Elridgc IS nil (I tit TOERS0NS desirous of having bridges; built, cither on the plan of driving! the posts or by mud sills, arc informed j that they can l.c accommodated, on mod- i . . . j-. - i eratc terms, by applyng to fte subscr. I 1 1 .1? 4T., nnr. wiiii i is iintit.i in tiiii:ciiuii iiumu. negro ELI, who has had considerable experi ence in that busine . ,and is fully prepared to undertake sucr obs. . OFF I ELD KING, Trboro', N. 6.. Dec. I, 1S4S. Raleig t Book Bindery. JOilN II. tE CARTE RIT, RE TURNS Ins grateful acknowlcdg- mcnis to the public for the very liberal vcounties that he carries on the patronage which has been extended to; Ts t EZIWU . mm, ana rcspccuuuy announces inai nc Slili continues the business of Dook-Brnd- ing, in all its forms, in the City of Raleigh,; wiiLlU it la luuuuctuu. aa uuiciviuit) uu.i rir .Vi?i-'i (tvolhui Hank lorc where every material and instrument nc- ... . j . . - an win u .viui iimwi iu mm win ue prompt - lv iml iai.hfullv c-xeeu.cI. in 3S Sub - ii i. . - .... ..'iii . r',ascleant a slyle, and solicits a continuance of thesame, assur b!c terriis, as it can beiin8a11 who may favor him witiva call, stantial a manner, unon n. rcasona done any where. Ile will mIso execute ro order, all klndsof bound in -plain or fine style tor suit pur chase; t w hich cannot be surpassed by the : Northern work, viz: Ledgers, Journals, I)ay Hooks, Record Hooks, Invoice, Cash, Letter Hooks, &c. Slc. All onlcrs will be executed with neat ncss nnj despatch; and the patronage of il I " ' .. '.r. .11-- I ' . I " V"'' pec,iu.y suueueu. A' !iiiiril .lUrmmi fnr ; . A ' h . 1 r K ;4Uh A"',?t lolh' 1849' 1 DHooUs, &c.-sent to, or left with, (eo. Howard, of Tarboro will be for- , warded iih despatch. rp , . : """""" t O I UrpPUllllC 3JaliCrS. ! .E vvh to engage 500 barrels Flake bcrape ; urppntioc, for winch a liberal puce will be jiivrn. ? 1 : JUUi JI iJ'sJib &UJ. Washington, N. C. 2 1 Oct. 1S4.9. Stages. THE Subscriber will pay Fifteen Dol lars per thousand for as many as sixty thousand while oak barrel staves, length i 33 inches, 4 in width, 3 to I inch thick, j with the bark taken off and sap on, and otherwise merchantable, delivered in Washington before the 1st dayi of May, lS50 nntI wHJ pay reduced prices for par , row staves. A. MUKUAiN. Washington, N. C, Oct. 24, 134D. To the Public The Subscribers TAKE this method of informing their Country friends and .the Public, in gene ral, that they have made -Largc purchases offioods At thc North, And are anxious to do a jobbing business in the true sense of the word they, go for Small profits anct quiclc sales. They most respectfully solicit a call from any person visiting Petersburg, buying ipoods to sell again, :as they know they" can offer such inducements as to secure customers from going elsewhere. Terms, Cash only. f DAVIS Sr HYMANs lid Corner of Sycamore and Bank St.X ' Petersburg, Va. Aug. 9, 1849. SC ;4 AT PRICES. UESPECTFU LL Y i ny ite the , public to call and examine iheir ' " .Vcw spring m a sumit&r Oocfl, Purchased exclusively for, cash;: at;U'npi -' cedentcd Low Prices, and, will be sold ..tr a small bdvance for CASH, or on a liticiai credit. ; . April 15th, 1818. 't : Notice y-:. npHE subscriber having abandoned all . idea of moving to the west, has asso ciated with him in business his brother, Malt hew TJddell, arid will continue bu siness at his old stand under the firm of - J. & M WcddeiU He avails himself of this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal pat-: S ronage he has hitherto received,-and p'edg- BS -r ." . lneine "rra- ' . . , Tho mdebted toO.e subscr.ber by ac count, will nlease call and close the samo P"'' UV Wail Ul UUIC, KJ. ww Tarboro,' March 6th, 1848v Lime. (fh CASKS of Thornaston Rock Jjimc, in goou oruer, iur very low by IV. H. WILLARD. Washington, N; C. June 26th, 1849. Ifg E15PECTFULLY informs the citn zens of Edeecombe and adioiuing . i .11 O i l . A.. 4 n ikfi Pnafr whCre will be found a choice assort nr t nn riifi ijiiii ill' n I iiiiiii I u li iv .w. ment of . (amJ aU articles in n.s nne oi uub.ness,; which 1,0 13 prepared to make up, at the t . I I 1 1 ' ' snoricsi noiieu uuu uu . a ; !TI,3nkfu,. for tK?.fvor? a.lready j that none snail go away uissausiieu. vuj- , ling-dono at the shortest notice. . t V , JN. li. Always, orr nana a lew seiecc . articles of ready-made clothing of his owa manufacture. JAS. MEHEGANC Tarborough January 1,- 1S4S. JfllTCMEJL&'S 7r i lit llC. f51 HE concurrent testimony of men of integrity and worth is the best evidence we can have) of any fact o which we have no cognizance our- : selves The great ad antages possessed by thin article, over every other, are its certaintv, safe ty, convenience and EcoNOMV. All ph sicians admit that great danger is to be apprehended from drugging the eye when in an inflamed and unheal- thy state. In the use of this salve this objection is entirely removed, as no harm can possibly re suit from its use: it being in all cases applied to the external portions of the eye, thereby avoid-" . ing all the inconvenience, pain and danger, whicli necessarily attend the introduction of any pnngent , article into the eyet Its activity in subduing in (latnmation is so great that but fewjeases reqoiro , the use of mare than one bottle to . effect a perfect cure One physician remarked to us, after hay- , ing witnessed its effects in several instances, that it was a "perfect fire killer.V We might ..4. multiply reasons why this salve should be prefer t red above every thing else in the treatment of diss- - -eases 61 the eye, but we prefer it should stand- on. ; its own merits. All we ask is that its virtues bo thoroughly tested, and that the directions be strict ly followed. '"'-; ' Kvery bottle of the genuine salve has the name ::; -. " Mitchell's eye salve. blown in the sides of the botile, and the written signature of the proprietor, D. Iitchei.l, on the outside wrapper. D, TM1TCIIELL, . Perry, Wyoming county, NiY. ALSO, Dr. Gordon's vegetable anti bilious " farrily pills, and Dr. Tyler's ague & fever pills, For sale by GEO. HOJVARD. v ' " the r vn i MEDICATED INDIA RUBBER -Porous Plaster FOR RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO, GOUT, &c . U all cases where it is thought advisable to keep up permanent stimulant impressions on or near the organ diseased, these plasters will b found highly vaTuablei In fact, all the benefit that can accrue from a continuous counter-irritant, - 5, ' will be produced in the most efficient manner by them.. s in rheumatism, gout, . enlargement, of the joints, chronic 'disease of the liver, spleen, tungiC or other internal organs, in short, in all other cases wherewarming or strengthening plas ters are beneficial, these will be found to be sup ripr to any now in use. r or saie oy , . , . February -:" Gcq TJotrrrl ... - ft ' 'V t I '"

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