sole TarbormtgU, Edgecombe Count kVV. Saturday i tlarch tlO 1830. .- 1 -1 Id. A'XTV. i. IS. THE TARBORO' PRESS, BY GEORGE HOVVARO. JR. - r Js published weekly at Two, Dollars per year paid in advance or. Two 1)ollaksaWd Fiftv Cerrs at the expiration of the subscription year, j j Advertisements not exceeding a square will be; r -M.ort.wt at Ove Dollar the first insertion! and 251 Cjnts for every succeeding one. Longer ones at iat rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Vv..v Ti'OXll Raleigh t( Rocky HoiIllt.: any person visiting Petersburg, buying ; Fare Reduced Goods to sell again, as they know they , . jean offer such inducements as to secure ; THE subscriber has taken the contract : for. carr vine the mail from Raleish to I IJpcky Mount, and will place on the line comfortable stages, good horses and care ful drivers, and will run it to connect with the cars on the Wilmington Rail .uoau, ana wiin nis stage line irom uocuy 5Iount to Washington he will ; , Reduce the Fare as follows: . From Itaieigh to Eagle Rock, $1 00 V " " Wakefield, 1 50 r " Stanhope, '2 50 'i M Nashville, 3 50 't . " . " Rocky jVlount, 4 50 trunks, of ordinary size and weight, .$1 50! part of the way in proportionsmall packages, j5 cenis ooxes anu uunuies ajjreeaoiy 10 size ana i - . 1 1 I tll..": J ''Trunks, packages, &c. must be deposit-j cdatihe above places and the freight paid, ! cr the subscriber will not be responsible far their safety. ; For scats, &c. apply to E. Yarbrough, naleigh7 R. Debnatn, Eagle Rock A. J., Foster, Wakefield-- D. S. t.renshaw, Ltanhope B. II. Freeman, Nashville y. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. T GEO UO WARD. f Tarboro', April 1 1, 1849. THIS excellent compound, which has fiined such notoriety in the cure of Fever End Ague, and other bilous aUecttons, may . I j found at the Store of . . v Geo- Howard, Tarboro,... This medicine was prepared by a rcgu- dve practice of several years in a tiilious, c.imaie. 1 nose wnonaveusca it tnem-.a Lives, or seen us saiuiary euecis upon- t ? rr . clhers, need no r.her evidence of it, - reat value, a small . ireaNse on the '-'causes, treatmen. and cure of fever .and r-ueand other diseases of biliousclimates,,, L;ay be had gratis of the above agent. May 2, 1849 Dr.KUIIf8 'Jlbyss'miari Mixture. I?or GoKOSRnasA, Gleet, Fluor Al , bus, Gravel, &c. - ..-i - -:v - Litter from Dr. James R.. Galium, dated - Milton, N. C. August 14, 1847. ,r t. .1. Kuhl -Dear Sir: Your medicines have given entire satisfaction tthis section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture . pccially, is highly approved of, it ha9 never fail j to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. :ave never had enough to supply, the demand. will please send me a large supply of tt as -x as vou arrive at hornet Yours, respectfully, 1 f - J. P. CAuLUM, V Milton Drugstore. Igekts GEO, HOWARD, Tarboro'; F. Si 'ushall, Halifax; James Simmons, VVeldon; C. Pugh, Gaston, F E. Cook, Warrentdn; Hen Goodloe, VVarrenton; P. C. Brown, Louisburg; nn II. Brodie, Franklin; Louis H Kittle, Hen JTson; Jit Hi Mitchell, Oxford. May 16 f', . '-.jfrnXd hit' tkiLirwTiP l f JYbticc i . - -- ' ' ' ' A GOOD 60 saw Cot ton Gin, but lit c worn, can be had on reasonable teriis. n application to . v - Geo. Howard, Tarboro. Tarboro, May 28th, 1849. To the Public. - Tjie Subscribers ' , 'V 1 A IT 17 . K! . I l r r . ! . i . mis iiieuiuu or iniorminc meir Country friends and the Public in gene i L u.. i i. ,ai, tutu iiic y ija.vt iiiuue i arse pwi chao ofCoods At the North, . And are anxious , to do a Jobbing business in the true sense of the word -they go fpr Smull profits and quick saUs. They most respectfully solicit a call from customers from going elsewhere. lcrms, "bash only. DJiVISjb fir MAN, Corner of Sycamore and Rank St. Petersburg, Va. Aug. 29, 1849. $6 Go (ley's Lady's Book, For isio, Shall suipass thai I for 1819. and exceed all Magazines past, present, and to rnnie. TEUMS CASH IDVANCKj POSTAGE PAID. ; Subscribeis to a Club, or single Sub- scribers.'jn'ty choose tiffr ei,t Kngravings. ' . m , , . . . Jne copy 1 year 3, with any two of the following splendid prennu.n pliieM , Death bed of the Rev. John VVtslcy,, ! ... . .... Ji -Lesley prcaclung in the .wenap Am-LSapchf indj,0. ink ami. puweier, plulh.atre." America guided by Wis-fc aml ,cUcr pape'ruk-cl and unruled, dom ' 'Uen. Taylor and Old Winley ,.! pens and pen holders. &c. &,. -Likeness of the Rev John Wesley,'' ; Forsa!e)V GEO. HOWARD -Do ol his eo-laborei,Rcv. John Flet-, November 21, 1849 cher,''- the last two, though separate! : ' engravings, wc count only as one pre-j iCs lor S5, ;ad..ny . o! the j bove prints to 'cach.ubscriher. j. Five copies for. S 10, and an cxha copy of the Rook, and any two of ihe cngra ( vings to the person sending H.eclub j Eleven copies for $.20, and an exira copy ol the liuuk, anu any Cfirce ot the above engravings to the person sending ti;e club Any person sending 55 in advance, sub : sciiption ibr 1850 and '51,. will be cnti- ( tied toany.tmrof the above engravings.; . t ' . MOBF AND MOS LIBERAL OFFERS, For S20 in advance, ten copies of the La dy's Book will be sent, and a copy of either of the above magnificent piints, sent to each subscriber They can, intauJ Ul,u-' l,u,,, 11 6J,"v,,,,s . ... . . , wq Qn copics of lhe Dookand thirty copies of any of the above engravings. 1 rhc above arc alRC s:2e( parlor prims. .iiu.i, i,.i iv-i,. ..lo;.,- a nit Lfkani uv.u ji i v. jr t uiiiaiiij ti'u hn,,roiu. WMln .hm,, irr ih Xm" contains hundreds of HS- , T at. rner ca guiucu uy isuum is a very large i.uv :: h - . -'r' .. : v is one 01 the largest 01 the ljncral layior . . " , - ' - i prints, and is engraved from an original r . . . . . 'Uaintine. 'at a cost ol . a 1000. Iheheaus, 01 Wesley and Fletcher are ol a good size for framing. Premiums are only sent when. the sub scriptions are remitted direct to the Pub lisher:. - . : Hie Lady's Book for 1850 will contain several hundred good engravings. Premiums to the towns sending the lar gesr number of.Subscribers. -A d d ress L A.GODEY, 11 3 Chesnxtt Street, Philadelphia. JJ (Q) hhds of Cuba and Porto Rico, 10 bbls refined and crushed, -5 boxes loafr-for sale by ; , ,W. 1. WILL ARD. Washington, July 24, 1849. Mtice. For coughs and, lung complaints use Dr. Bar iholomew'e Pink Expectorant syirup. ' ; Side head ache, though constitutional or inciden j tnl, is cured by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy. Lin balm of China j for the cure of all disease that require external application. ? ; - 7'Af erav haired will find the Indian ,nau vy IB. THE undersigned return their sincere thanks for the libera 'patronage heretofore extended to them. They will as hereto fore give prompt, and energetic attention to the sales of Cotton, and other country Produce. VVe have for sale A general and well selected Assortment .'of itOCiIES, Nl M. MAR TIN DONNA NS Petersburg, Va., 14th Sept. IS 19. Cotton Bagging And Bate Rope. SCP yws. f Gcrmn Dagging,-43 mcn(- wine ana we.gniiig i I os to the yard, J Coils bale Rope for. sale in lots to suit purchasers A: M. MAR Tixir DON NANS. Petersburg, Va., Sept 14th, 18 19. Cut Niiils eSs s to 12s inclusive for sale iy VV. II. W1LI ARP Washington, July 24, lS lO. (Jrot cries Sj C. SUGAR, molasses, coffee, Apple and French Brandy whiskey, Madeira and Malaga wine, I .nrillard'g and Outcnll's Snuff. rani!ifi. !irfnSn ami f:inr v Suans. n i i ' dround nepner nnu since cmftiir, . BfairtjtitW. AnthoUy $ ElliCrsOltrt VaivH (I bl r . ' il. I'Oldt if n :r B 1 1? " ' 5 U IX PECULIARLY adapted to W?rrm Cli mates, as it produces butter as'eusdy Iron .sweet milk as Irom cream. In !:injiim, this eflTectual and simple churn Hitw use, the proprietors, feeling confidence iiL-its capabilities, do not hesitate to pronounce it the best churn ever offered to the public, The public are invited to call, and e . ' ,. . .. . .... amine the machine, and see its" utility te: led. It combines the following valuable qmdilics: 1st. It produces bolter in less time than jt from SWnet milk in from three to eight niinutc and from cream in much less t unc. 2l1 It produces more butter Horn thi !s?mc amouutof milk or cream, tiian the or- dmarv method, as it docs its -work in a more thorough'and scientific manner. 3d.' It is the cheapest and most conveni ent Churn ever invented, involving the 'rne prmc.pls. ol butter n,a 1 i ri tr 4th. New milk, after, being churned, is sweet and suitable for family misc.; ' A. instead of feeding the calf .witMsary under various diseases, and dunng milk direct from the r cowchurncd ... ... sweet milk will answer cvr-v purpo.-e - ' n Rv this means the buLtcr is all nrout. -. . . 1 For sale by Geo. Howard . Lion el complaint. Colics, ?c POSITIVELY CURED BVv Jay nc' s Car iu i n at i vc B a I sasn Chicago, III., March 7, 1813. Dr. D. Javni Dear sir:-You ask mo what proofs I meet with of the efficacy of your Carmi- ative. ' 1 can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for Dowel complaints that has given me so much satisfaction, and my pattenU so speedy and perfect re Kef as this.' Whenever, introduced into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, which i ininK a pretty good prooi oi us eincacy and nseluiness. in ine summer campaim oi emi ureil, ll Has iicuucuuy auucareu iu Miaicii mc 7 . - - . tie victims; as it were, from the sravei It saved v - . ?. . . . . . ill a nifl ni mv ennu. ana nr .snrn. and sncu a child." 1 have repeatedly heard said. In dysen- teric affections of adults, I have time and a2ain oonn it flft til-p a charm, and frivA nprninent re- ' 1 Jief in a few hours, I may say in. a few minutest In fine it is a valuable medicine, and no family! should be without it. , - - ' - Respectfully, - M. L. Knapp, M. D. ; ' Professor of Materia Medicain the ,: 4 - .Laj)orte.University,4ndianai Prepared onlyby Dr. D.Ja.ynk, Philadelphia, vc,:,, Coifec. .71.. : 1(Q) an guayra, part ot - strictly prime quality, Just re ceived, for sale by : ; ; S J 5 t; W. II. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. July 24, 1S49. , : - ' A. GILBERT'S ;'; fl nli. bit ion 8 Fa mill) tills. Composed of Medicinal Proper ties pbs sesscd by ' various vegetable ... -v. substances. ' CTING specifically on .the! Liver anO other secreting organs, promoting d iges- tion, purifying .the. blood, cleansing the frlamls. in short, revivinn- the nroslratprl ;systcm, and diOusirig health and vigoi Hhroifffhoutthe human frame. rgh The following aie presented out of mam CERTIFICATES. . Cornwall, Orange county, N,Yi May 19, '47. ' Dr. At Gilci'rt. Dear Sir: buffering for some time with severe bilious affection and liver con plaint, I was recommended to try your ''anti-bilious family pills; and 1 am pleased in being able to say, that after using a few doses I found great ai permanent reliefs To all those afflicted in a simi lar wav. f nnnnt rifr.iin fmm" lima nnliiintv r commending them, as 1 consider them a ValuaTJiHfe"-" : iii Wb' fsafis'tif '-iiiiei'' ingreidieln'Cabd' fiiiid medicine to possess, especially in the countr; where persons are remved from the opportunii of receivi 01 medical advice. - Yours, truly. Sinned. Wr, the undersigned, dealers - medicine:-' iraving for two years past old At Gilbert's an; bilious family pills, take great pleasure in tatin. that s-o far as wc know,, the medicine has give universal satisfaction; and we be.lievc it, from tin several expressions made to us, to be the best at: U-biiiotis medicine now in usei Sinned. Aaun A. VVmo, M. D. Peter llANLorK, A. A. Marti.v, Jas. Nollnkr, Mill Norfolk, Va. May 20, '44. ' LMr. A. (iilljerti lear sir, pleasesend mefou ross ot your .pills by the very hrst packet, as am nearly out of them. The. demand for. them .- a . . very much increased, which can only be attribu led to theij beioir reconi Tiended by those whrkartic1es alone. neverthejess als0 so powerfulaftdr have been henefiued by tb use of them.. ' Yoj can draw on me ai smniior me amount as usual. ' signed. lit J. New Orleans, March 7, '45. ''.:..: For sale by GEO; HOWARD. (jJatCN Slclm:ill aii8 CoilipailV, Nassau Street New York ARE NOW PUBLISHING J OF M DERN 'DOMESTIC MEDICINE, BY KEITH JM RAY, M D. fellow oj trie ixoy at college oj rtiysi- cians and Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeonsy Edinburg. THIS work gives a clear and .concise i'wg and Crolchet-tvork; with sirtyrseyea idea of the nature of the distinctive symp- engravings illustrative of the vvariduy" toms, of the premonitory signs of diseases, stitches in those useful and fashionable em of their nrcdisDOsi nc causes, and the nlnvmenls; niakinc one'fiiif; vnlnmn nf t - ; ' methods of their treat ment recommended by the most distinguished physicians. . The best modes of; employing the med icines in. general, use are faithfully describ qd; as are also the diet and regimen neccs conva.escence 1 Diet, Atmosphere, temperature,. Path- ing, Climate, Clothing and Exercises are specially treated upon: - The publishers of the American Edition prefix to Dr. I m ray's work, short illustra- ted, and very valuable trealies ; upon A- natomy, rnysioiogy and .purgery; aiso Directions - for the treatment of the Sick, Management of the Sick Room, Prepara-- lion of .Food for the Sick, &c. &c. . . Many valuable articles have'been fur? ni shed by, the courtesy of medical gentle men of the United States. The entire volume, with" its full Index, I tables of Doses, &ic., will prove, it isupn fidently believed, almost, valuable book for i Parnily use. . - 1 The workwill be .Completed in twelve I r 1 ' r -.1 I ivod lr 1 tr ,i ii m horj Inrminff nno loriro Run . , ' - - i - r vo ume ol About 1000 naes. , , . . t uenuemen oi fespeeiap 1 yr anu goon address wanted as canvassers tor the; a oove work in everv.lown ?and a. vilJoee in the 1 : ' , - I..;; ; - v . . r, .-'j- - United States. Addresai,(ppst; paid,; GA TES STEDMAN $ 'CO. -f .ji;v 13, f Jay he's M edici in s. ,; -l-i;! t ";r l' " ALSO, .- Si ::''' 1 ' ': G R EAT experience and juJ grnen t: a re4 je'jn t . ' , to makea .yaluable, and at' thesaroe '.ttrne;' ini cent purgative. This is posseased 6nty by few' s A The great imajority of; the remedies ad yertiged of this ; class are n anqfactured by person who. havenoidea of the relative or individual powrra of the drugs they use.' It is this caused rnore thaOi any other.'ivhiclt occasiohMhe inertrse'ss and often injorioiisE efTtitSr. produced by advertised remedies An J hence the general prejudice which prevails against them. Now there is a great difference la UaTespeWitnt Dr. B. U'rahdretb, and cor.squehtly, their superlCr claims., upn ihe, public Each of the articles composing the " ' . - b'' Hmaildret&Pitfr : ' " Are prepared in that way which will secure' thell beneficial effects to thef system in the . safest and easiest manner., For instance, some ingredienta have to be prepared in the vacuo; that is, the air la , ' 'i1 xv, -' f -uiT exhausted in the utensil, end remains so until a combination is effected -with other irigrrdienWj which afterwards prevents the air from acting in uriously upon the medicine. Again, ihe 'pjopofj tion of each ingredient depends upon .its multiply ing 'power; upon other, ingredients For the powe( of different vegetable purgatives upon each Othje is governed Jy supjlar laws that govern the powe : s ol tigures by multiplication. Nine added to nine mrtivo eijuieen; pui nine limes nine are eigniy- one it is wiin burnt; vtsgtsuiuiu purgatives parts of another ingredient together ' he powet ii increased, not to eighteen,'but to eighty-one3 v Fcrt exaaij leeiiher'of the .artifvtes-i 4o .? Ipr.oducer aR2f purgative effect, would. have ;to Jbpsd (t;o ..the jex tent -of eiglityrone ramSjj hy,iCombuifn hfJt only eighteen grains have, to be, se.d Agiin; noiher ingredient is found to multiply this power again, which in a proportion of wo'grains";vo'uTdt have no effect upon the -ahinia'f ' "'ecotomy ; but which, added to eighteen grains ;6fa compbunrdr two parts of nine grain.veachof"two ingre.Jier;ts, will again multiply the powers which they have gained of eighty-one, to one ; hundred and sppty two. So again, the mixture of twenty grains can be again multiplied by an addition of two'grainsV to ihe power of three f hundred and twentj-four grains of the original power of the two first ingre I fdients . Here we have twenty-two grains, which iia3 a nurn-ative. contain the;' no weir eouaiio 'th'ree hundred and twenty-rod r grains of either - f the' Jbeing thus combklrafe-al-in any quantity uiir9e i.-awJn., Knofi.;-,! ofrt -ua in Ma capable.of doirg injury,, of which thousands hpaj ample witness - ' u Let those in any way out of health ust th-elPitu$ They will find it much to their advanjagt ' for sale by 1 GcoV Howard." Tarboro', Nov. 7, 1849. : ;-' Workable1 Book, A Boolijevery Lady should possess. CONTAINING clear, andpractical ic7 struclions in all kinds of Plain and Fancy Needle-work, Embroidery, Knitting, :Netr 1 j o ----- w one hundred and sixty-eight pages, prin. ted on the finest white paper, neatly done Up in paper covers Price 50 cents; . or handsomely bound in crimson cloth,giit, Price 75 cents.. "This is one of the xnost u?fiful and, in- 1 slructive book 3. for. a lady ever published, ;ari(l one that should be in the.hands.of ey- ery family in the land. . Send by , all ' means, and have it orxcc."r-f From a Rc- vlew of the Work. . " ii ' : Any, person in this country can have.a copy of the above work sent them turn of mail, on remitting the amount for it to the publisher, ip a letter. Published and for sale by , - T. B iPETERSON. ". No: 38 Chesnut street Philadelphia. Btjtdnic MedidncSi njIIE subscriber Has just received; di- rect'from New York; 1 ; - a general assortment of ' TllQitiKOiiian Ulcclicincs . LobeItat green, and brown 2nd and 3rd Prepara tion of do---myrrh, cayenne pepper, pondliljr, Composition, bayberryi barberry, spice bitters. Golden seal, poplar bark slippery elm, hemlock tferve powderV'nerve ointment, bitter root,' Cough powders; cough yrup,! woman's frtend. Syringes of various sizes No. 6.' &Ci &c. ; .1 which he is enabled to sell at greatly r-ntices- GEO. HOWARD: uerfect nd effectuaU T For sale by i f and sold on agency by - , ' , GEO. 110 JVJtRD. GcdH&wazcLi For sale by ' eo. ffowara; I.