imi snmrji fh-i - 5. Rffl Hfmrnn mnr mi! Tarboraugh, Etlgecombc tount;, Vf.-t. SsUurdityt'tijirU 27 1 850. an M 2 111 lijj II! oj f Oj Imflrai THE TARBOiUV PRESS, BY GEORGE HOWARD, jR. nnblishcd weekly at Two Dollars per year 'd in advance ur, a w iullak nu i ku , al expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square, will be . . n.v Dollar the first insertion, and 25 inserted ai w, lor every succeeding one Longer ones at rtR ier square. Court Orders and Judicial Uia . , . , ,cnlpnt5 per l From Raleigh to Rocky Mount Fare Rctlucctl. THE subscriber has taken the contract tho mail from Ralcich to Kocky Mount, and will place on the line J comfortable stages, good horses and carev ful drivers, and will run it to connect, with (he cars on Ihe Wilmington Hail Road, and with his stage line from Rocky Mount to Washington he will Reduce the Fare as follows: From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, $1 00 Wakefield, Stanhope, Nashville, 1 50 2 50 3 50 4 50 ft Rocky Mount, Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, $1 50 part of the way in proportion mall tkages, 25 cents-boxes and brudl idnily to size and weight. - Trunks, package. V must-be deposit ed at the above placet ml the freight paid, or the subscriber will not be responsible for their safety. For scats, &c. apply" to E. Yarbrough, Raleigh T. R. Debnam, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw,; Stanhope 13. M. Freeman, Nashville ! W.L. Quails, Rocky Mount. GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', April 11, 1849. THIS excellent compound which has gained such notoriety in the cure of Fever and Ague, and other bilous a (Tec lions, may be found at the Store of Geo. Howard, Tarboro, ini3 medicine was prepared by a rcgu-, lar physician, and the result of an exten- sive practice of several years in a bilious climate, fiiose who have used it them selves, or seen its salutary effects upon others, need no farther evidence of -its great value. A small Treatise on the "causes, treatment and cure of fever and agueand other diseases of biliousclimatcs,,, may be had gratis of the above agent. May 2, 1849. Ir.KUSII Abyssinian- Mixture. For Gonorrhoea, Glet, Fluor Al bus, Gravel, &c. Lcltcr from Dr. James R, Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, IS 17. Dr. i. Kuh Dear Sir: Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved oUthas never fail 4 to cure in every case. It sells like Jiot .cakes. We never had enough to supply the demand, Yo will please send me a largo supply of it as oon as you arriVe at homei Yours, respectfully, J. P. CAELUM, Milton Drug Store. Ams GEO: HOWARD, Tarboro'; F. S. Marshall, Halifax; James Simmons, Weldon; C. C- Pugh, Gaston, F E. Cook, Warrenton; flen- Goodloe, Warrenton; P. C. Brown, Louisburg; Jc-nn H. Brodie, Franklin; Louis II. Kittle, Hen derson; R, Hi Mitchell, Oxford. May 1G JYoticc- A GOOD GO saw Cotton Gin, but lit tle worn, can be had on reasonable terms, On application to" . . Geo. Howard Tarboro'. Jarboro May 38th, lS49f TAKE this method of informing their Country friends and the Public" in gene ral, that-they have made ' . . Large purchases of Goods At the - North, And are anxious to do a jobbing business in the true sense of the word they go for Smsitt profits and quick sales. They most respectfully solicit a call from .any person visiting Petersburg bu vino- uoous to sell airain. as thev fc n n iv 1 li nun ifTV .K 1 - -1 . . wuui ouch muueements as . to secure .customers from going elsewhere, i Terms, Cash only. DAVIS $ II Y MAN, Corner of Sycamore and Rank St. Petersburg, Va. Aug. 29, 1849. SG Godey's Lady's Book, Fr Shall sut pass that for 1819, and exceed all Magazines past, present, j una io come. TEH MS CASH TS ADVANCE, POSTAGE PAID tbscribcrs to a Club, or sinsrle Sab ccribers may choose differ - tut Engravings. One copy i year J, with any wa of. the Dcat ,-bcd of the Rev John WcUy ; "U eslcy ,n the Gwennp Am- pluthealie, Amem-a guided by Wis- rr,. I 1 ri.t 7 t . : . ... . J . "Likeness ol the Rev John Wesley, "Do. of his co-laborer. Rev. John Flet- chcr," the last two, though separate, engravings, we count iirily as one pre- i mium. . ! Two copies tor S5, and anT two of'lhe a-! hove prints to each subscriber. ; Five copies for $10, and an cxtia copy of the Book, and any two of the engra vings to the person sending the club. Eleven copies for $20, and an extra copy of the Rook, and any three of the above engravings to the person sending the club Any person sending $5 in advance, sub scription for 1850 and '51, will be enti- tied to any four of the above engravings. MORF AND MOS: LIBERAL OFFERS, For tf20 in advancn. ten ennii of the La- , , dy's Rook will be sent, and a cojy of either of the above magnificent prints, sent to each subscriber They can, in all cases, select which they please. For 530, we will send ten conies of the ! Hook, and thirty copk's of any of the above engravings, Single number of the Lady's Rook, 25 cis. Th nhnvp nr1 iaTTP.s;-Pli n.irnr nrints. C7 1 The "Death bed of Wesley" contains ma ny portraits; " Wesley preaching in the Amphitheatre" contains hundreds of fig urns, and rost J1500 to enerrave it.' A- mcrica guided by Wisdom" is a very large line engraving, and cost S1S00 to engia c. Geti. Taylor und Old Whitey" is one of the largest of the General Taylor prints, and is engraved from an original painting, at a cost of jSlOOO. The heads oi Wesley and Fletcher are oi a good size for framing. Premiums are only sent when the sub scriptions are remitted direct to the Pub lisher. . ' The Lady's Book for 1850 will contain several hundred good engravings. ? Premiums to the towns sending the lar gest number of Subscribers. - . T- Address A. Cr (J IJr'J i , 113 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. Sugar. hlfds of Cuba and Porto Rico, 10 bbls refined and crushed, 1 5 boxes loaf for sale by W. H. WILL ARD. Washington, July 24, 1849. ; For coughs and. lung complaints use Dr. Bar tholomew's Pink Expectorant syrup. Sick head ache, though constitutional or inciden tal, is cured by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy. Lin's balm of China, for the cure of all disease that require external application. The gray haired will find the Indian Hair Dye nerfect and effectual. " : For sale, by.' Gc Uoward. A CAI4B. THE undersigned return their sincere thanks Tor the liberal patronage' heretofore extended to them. They will as hereto fore give prompt, and energetic attention to the sales of Cotton, and other country Produce. We have fqr sale A general and well selected ' Assortment of GROCRftlES, N. M. MAR TIN $ D ON NANS. Petersburg, Va., 14th Sept. 1849. Coltoii Bagging find BSale Elope. $B5 P.'eces of German Ragging, 43 inches wide and weighing if lbs to the yard, lots to suit purchasers. N M. MARTIN 8? DONNANS. Petersburg, Va., Sept. 14lh,lS49. Cut Nails kegs, 4s to 112s inclusive for sale by W. I L WILL ARD. Washington, July 24, 1S4P. (jrrot cries, fyc. SUGAR, 'molasses, cofTee, Apple and French Brandy whiskey, 1 Mnl nn j nninnii'-Sm.ff llillll I 1 fl 11 1IIU UL'il lllllLi 0,.oum, am icei icr, SUrch lldi illU am, ink pmvici.( c lnf nM am, umu,ed( ii- Steel pens and nen holders, &c. &c. pens anu pe For sale h v . G CO. IO IV ARD November 21, 184 9. rToirmcrs trad Mfairgintu. Inlhonv IZmcr&ori Vati Ui d mhlc actin ; votary ciruiiN, " PECULIARLY adapted to Warm Cli- mates, as it produces butler as easily from sweet milk as from cream. In '.bunging this effectual and simple churn into use, the proprietors, feeling confidence in its capabilities, do not hesitate to pronounce it the best churn ever offered to t lie public, The public are invited to call and cx- amine the machine, and see its utility tcs letl- It combines the following Valuable (lua,,l,es: lst- It produces butter in less time than ay olher Churn' m,akm& 11 and gathering, il from sweet mi,k ,n ftom lhree to nnnuiea anu irom citam .u umci .e ...m. 2d. It produces more butter from the same amount of milk or cream, than the or- dinary method, as it does its work in a : iuea oi trie nature oi me aisiincuve symp- engravings illustrative ot the various more thorough and scientific manner. toms, of the premonitory signs odiseases, stitches in those useful and fashionable em 3d. It is the cheapest and most conveni-j of their predisposing causes, and the ployments; making one fine volume of ent Churn evor invented, involving the methodsof their treatment recommended one hundred and sixty-eight pagts, prin true philosophical principles of butler ma- by the most distinguished physicians. led on the finest white paper, neatly done king. The best modes of employing the med Up in paper covers. Price 50 cents; or 4th. New milk, after being churned, is sweet and suitable for family use. 5th. Instead of feeding the calf with milk direct- from the sweet milk will answer cow- churned evf -y purpose:! By this. means the butter is all profit. For sale by Geo. Howard. Bowel complaint, Colics, a?c POSITIVELY CUBBfD BV JayncVCarmiiiative Balsam. Chicago, III., March 7, 1843. Dr. D. Jayne Dear sir: You ask me wlia proofs I meet with of the efficacy of your Carmi- ative. I can safely say that. I never prescribed a medicine for Bowel complaints that has given me uch satisfaction, and my patients so speedy so m and perfect relief as this. "Whenever introduced into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again ani again, which I think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and usefulnessi In the summer complaint of chil dren, it has frequently appeared to. snatch the lit. tie victims, as it were, from the gravei ' 'It saved the life of my child, and of such and such a child," I have repeatedly heard said. In dysen teric affections of adults, 1 have time and again seen it act like a charm, and give permanent re lief in a few hours, I may say in a few minutes. In fine it is a valuable medicine, and no family should be without it. Respectfully, Mi L. Knapp, Mt D. . -Professor of Materia Medica in the Laporte University, Indianai Prepared only by Dr. D. Jatne, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. TaiboioFebiI4r , ; ' ; Coffee. JLd) gs Ii an( LagUayra, part ol strictly prime quality, just re: ccived, for sale by : ; : W. H. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. July S4, 1349. . " ---A.' GILBERT'S -" Anlubilions Family Pills. - - - " . Composed of Medicinal Properties pos sessed by various vegetable substances. , .' . CTING specifically on the Liver and other secreting organs, promoting diges tion, purifying "the blood, cleansing the glandsin short, reviving' the prostrated system, and diffusing' health and vigor throughout the human frame. The following aic presented out of mam' CERTIFICATES. Cornwall, Orange county, Ni Y May 19, '47. Dr. Ai Gilekht. Dear Sir: Suffering far some lime with severe bilious affection and liver con -plaint, I was recommended to try your anli-bilioufc family pills; and 1 am pleased in being able tc say, that after using a few doses I lound great am permanent rcliefi To all those afflicted in a simi lar way, 1 cannot refrain from 'thus publicly re commending them, as 1 consider them a valuablt medicine to possess, especially in the country where persons are removed from the opportunity of receiving medical advice. " Yours, truly. .Signed. GEOltUE BROWN, Wf, the undersigned, dealer3 medicinefe having for two years past sold A. Gilbert's anti biliousTamily pills, take great pleasure in stating that so far -as we know, the medicine has giver universal satisfaction; and we believe it, from tin several expressions maderto us, to be the best at li-biiious uiedicino now in usei Signed. A a kon A. Wing, M. Di -Peter Hanlock, A.A.Martin, Jas. Nollner, Mil' Norfolk, V. May 29, Hi. Mr. 'A. Gilberts . Dear sir, please send me fotz gross of your pills by the very first packet, as 1 am nearly out of them. , The demand for them h very ninth increased, 'which can only be attribu ted to their being recommended by those wh have been benefitted by the use of therm Yo can draw on me at sijjhtfor the amount as usual .Signed. . Gi J. New Orleans, March 7, ' 15 . For sale by GEO. HOWARD. CnloN, tediitaii and oiu:uiy, 110 Nassau Street, New York, are pw TUBLIsniNO iEfit popular &ilQptptu9 OF MODERN DOMESTIC MEDICINE, BY KEITH iilRAY, M. D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physi cians and licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg. TI1IS work' gives a clear and concise lcines in general use are laithiully dcscrih- I ed; as are also the diet and regimen- neces- sary under various diseases, and during, ' convalescence. Diet, Atmosphere, temperature, Bath - ing, Climate Clpthing and Exercises are specially treated upon The publishers of the American Edition prefix to Dr. Imray's work, short illustra - ted, and very valuable treaties upon A- natomy,. Physiology and Surgery; also Directions for the treatment of the Sick, Management of the Sick Room, Prepara tion of Food for the Sick, &c. &c. Many valuable articles have been fur nished by the courtesy of medical gentle- j men of the , United States. The entire volume, with its full Index, tables of Doses, &c, will prove, it is con fidently believed, a most valuable book for Family use. v The work will be completed in twelve weekly numbers, forming one large Svo, volume of about 1000 pages. Gentlemen of respectability and good address wanted as canvassers for the above work in every town and village in the United States. Address (post paid,) GA TES, STEDMAN $ CO. ', 11G, Nassau sL Jayne's Medicines, ALSO," ' Sapping ton's Pills, For sale by Geo. ' Howard. : A scientific riflcclicinc. GREAT experience and judgment are requir t to make a valuable.'and at thesame time, inn -cent purgative. ; This is possessed only by few. , The great majority of the remedies advertise'd of this; class are manufactured by persons who have no idea of the relative or individual powers of the drugs they usei . It is this cause, m ;re than any other, which occasions the inertness and oftea injurious effects", produced by advertised remedies. An J hence the general preju? ice which prevails against them. Now there is a great difference in this respect, with regard to the pills made by Dr. B. Brandrelh, and consequently, their superior claims upon the public Each of the articles composing the ' - " B) andreth Pills Are prepared in that way which will secure their beneficial effects "to the system iu the safest and easiest manner. For instance, some ingredients have to be prepared in the vacuo; that is, the air is exhausted in the utensil, end remains so until a combination is effected with other ingredients, which afterwards prevents the air from acting in uriously upon the medicine. Again, the ) ropor tion of each ingredient depends upon its multiply ing power upon other ingredients For the power of different vegetable purgatives upon each, other is governed by similar laws that govern the power of figures by multiplication. Nine addea'to nine make.eighteen: but nine times nine are eighty onei So it is with some vegetable purgatives By adding nine parts of one ingredient, and nine parts of another ingredient together, he power is increased, not to eighteen, but to eighty-one. For example, either of the articles to produce any purgative effect, would have to be used to the ex-, tent of eighty-one grains; by combining them only eighteen grains have to be usedi Again, a nother ingredient is found to multiply this power again, which in a proportion of two grains, would have no effect upon the animal economy, but which, added to eighteen grains of a compound of two parts of nine grains, each of two ingredients, will again multiply the power which - they have gained of eighty-one, to one hundred and sixty two. So again, the mixture of twenty grains can be again multiplied by an addition of two-grains, to the power of three hundred and twenty-four grains of the original power of the two first, in gre- j dients. Here we have twenty-two grains, which as a purgative, contain the power equal to three j hundred and twenty-four grains of either cf the articles alone; nevertheless, also so powerful alter j being thus combined, are safe in any quantiiy i always having a beneficial effect, and in no case ! capable of doing injury, of which thousands beat ample witnessi Let those in any way out of health use th ise Pillsi ' They willjind it much to their advantage. for sale by Geo. Howard. Tarboro', Nov. 7, 1849. THE. JL'tfIfiM' Work-table Book, A Book every Lady should possess. CONTAINING clear and practical in structioris in all kinds of Plain and Fancy Needle-work, Embroidery. Knitting, Net- ting and Crotchet-work, with sixty-seven handsomely bound in crimson cloth, gilt, priCe 75 cents. " ! "This is one of the most useful and m Istructive books for a lady ever published, ! and one that. should be in the handsof ey cry family in the land. Send by all means, and have it at once." FromaRe view of the Work. i Any person in this country can fiave.a , copy of the above work sent thenr by re- turn of mail, on remitting the amount for jit to the publisher, in a letter, 7?Offf-t?afc?. Published and for sale by T B PETERSON. No. 3S Chesnut street Philadelphia. Tiotanic. Medicines. HE subscriber has just received, di rect from New York, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Thoiiisoiiiaa illcdicines Lobelia, green and brown 2nd. and 3rd Prepara tion of domyrrh, cayenne peppeT, pond lilyf Composition, bayberry, barberry, spice bitters, Golden seal, poplar bark, slippery elm, hemlock Nerve powdernerve ointment bitter root, Cough powders, cough syrup, woman's friend. Syringes of various sizes. No. 6, &c. &c. which he is enabled to sell at greqtly r& duced prices., GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', June '1 '. f i ' I X- i 1 i - :' i 1 i. r. 4'

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