J 1 Groceries, M6 bbls New Orleans Molasses part a Very superior quality for family use. t g5 hhds new crop French" Islands dit to; strictly prime, T nl a Sugar of various grades. o baas Coffee ditto. L bbls. Whiskey "El Dorado" j v .... 25 " Gin. Rum. - - - New lorii wnai nour. Nails 4s to 20s in UIU5I 50 boxes Vroom & Fowlers No. 1 Soap, 25 u Candles equal to Hull & Son's, 200 bags Shot assorted, ' : 25 kegs Powder, 30 boxes Tobacco 5s and 8s, - . o5 bbls. Snuff, salt and Fresh," ; 10 " Copperas, - !0 " Mess rone, 100 reams Wrapping Paper, 10 m "Justo Sanz" Principe S ipe Scgars, 30 bbls Crackers. Indigo Camphor Epsom Salts-Glau-kr Salts Blank Book Fools Cap and Letter Paper French Brandy Holland Gin Malaga and Madeira Wine, with many other articles usually sold in a coun try store for sale by W. II: WILLARD. Washington N. C. 25lh February 1850. The Subscribers HAVE formed a Copartnership under the style and firm of Pittman & Cuthbcrl. For the purpose of conducting a general GROCERY dud Commission JB ashless They are now receiving from the North crn cities a general and well selected as-1 Bortrnent of GOODS in their line, which having been purchased by their agents! there for Cash; they will bcenablcd to f,M fhe orders of their friends unon tlc - j - very best terms. They ofFer their services to the Farmers and others of North Carolina in the sale of their produce pledging in advance their best exerttqns to render entire satisfaction. They, will be prepared at all times to j make liberal advancements on produce VflJClJ IClfUIIUU. BLAKE PITTMAN, CHARLES H. CUTIJBERT. Petersburg, Jan'y 1, 1850. fjpBr I.ttman, will as formerly attend, the Courts of Edgecombe county . To Pensioners. " f5!0- THE Subscriber continues to act as tfgcntforJ9eiisioriers, At Fayetteville, Nortii Carolina; Charges moderately for his services; fur nishes all desired information, and sup plies all necessary Blanks without charge. JOHN MACRAE. January 23, 1S50. Building. HAVING associated with me Mr. Jno. W. Saunders, of Petersburg, Va., an expe rienced workman in the vacious styles of, Architecture, I would announce to the publie.lhat we are prepared lo contract I lor llm l,.;i,i: r , cottar nM!- u..:m: -u..x ---)-, puuiiv UUIIUUI, VJUUICUlJt, VX.U &c. in a style and finish to defy competi tion. We will either contract by the job or by the day. THOMAS OB ERR V. Tarboro', Dec. 21, 1849. THE PATKW' MEDICATED INDIA RUBBER Porous Plaster FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, GOUT, &C. all cases where it is thought advisable to keep up permanent stimulant impressions !on near the organ diseased, these plasters wil l be found highly valuablei In fact, all the benefit that can accrue from a continuous Counter-irritant, "1 be produced in the most efficient manner by them. As in rheumatism, gout, enlargement ot the joints, chronic disease of the liver, spleen, lungs or other internal organs, in short, in all er cases where warming or strengthening plas ms are beneficial, these will be found to be supe ttor to any now i n use. For sale by February 1 6. Geo. Howard. Gracfcnbcrg medicines. JUST. RECEIVED, the Graefenberg Sarsaparilla Compound the celebrated hi! (ren's Panacea the Eye Lotion the health Bitters the Fever 'and Ague Pills the Vegetable Pills, and the .Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment. March 2Q. GEO. IIQTr&RD. Cash Advances. THE undersigned Will advance in Cashj three-fourth () of the market value here of Corn, Cotton, and Naval Stores, deposited with him (or shipment to his friend J. G. Williams, Esq., New York. W. H. WILLARD Washington, N.C. 17th Nov. 1849. . FareRecluced "IP HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to $5 or, From Kocky Mount to Tarboro 1 50 2 00 2 50 " " Sparta " -Falkland Greenville " " . Pactolus ' " VVashingon Tarboro to Sparta V . Falkland 3 00 4 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 . Greenville For scats, &c. apply to H. Wiswall, Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to Geo. Howard, Tarboro9. - February 1, 184 S. Di'.Ktihi's Abyssinian Ulixtiiic, From the Milton Chronicle. . Laurel Grove, (near Milton) Jan. 15,1S48. Dr. Kuhl Dear Sir: .'. We have now been about" seven years. Agents for the sale of your Restorer of th Blood, and ot! er Medicines, and aie. happy to state they have given in all cases general sati.-f.ction, particular ly the Abyssinian Mixture has given universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it, has received that relief that vou guaranteed in your directions. Mr. James Mi Vernon, to whom you recommended your Aromatic Extract for 'Rheumatism, bought a bottle of it at 50 Cents, and two embrocations cured him entirely, and the disease has never returned. Yours, respectfully, KIR BY & ANDERSON. Geo. Howard. For sale by Flour! Flour!! FLOUR, of an excellent quality, by the barIel ore.lai, For sals by Geo. Howard. Nov, 12th, 1849. Valuable Farm FOlt SALE. ON said Farm can be made two hun dred balesof Cotton and one tbousand bar rels of Corn. Allof the Farm is above U- 'IWrU .imhor nfG. There is timber suffi rient to keen a cood fence around taid : Farm close and convenient. It has on it i t - &onu. ffMatr wt, winch is equal 10 any .n u .ou . . " It is 50 yards in width and iota mile in iengin.acrc . , gwam hml; Terms a grcai ueai ui muu.a.. . uV. anv 'ime of the year, varying from 2 to 6 feet in depth. There is also a great deal of swamp and creek mud extending the whole length of the Farm, and several I I .' C j-t . I lnn.l in .Inn. : ...t ..tw .uoiinernrniB; - is on it a large and comlortablc Dwelling Mouse, together .with all necessary out houses, such as kitcnen, smoKe houm.-, udiry,u. that process balh issued -against the defeh house or weaving house, cotton or wool danl w E j shallington in the manner house, milk house, brandy house, &C &c. prescribed by lhe Act of Assembly and &c an excellent gin house and rotton lhat he, is not to be found in the. county screw, ten small corn cribs which will; proclamaliori is thereupon made at the hold 150 to 175 barrels of corn, four r i Court House door, for the said Sballing barns which will hold 400 barrels each; tQn to appear and answer as commandc( also, six large fodder shelters, with a great by said subpocnai and thereupon'the said 1- - I .I-' . lr I many good negro nouses, ana a go.m uvc- I . mm 4 It at-mra a rt f 1 rO 1 XT seer s nousc nian umui uuu- m..j unnecessary to mention. . The said Farm is situated in a pleasant and healthy neigh borhood, ten miles north west of Tarboro' on the road leading to Enfield! eight miles south of the Wilmington and Roanoke Rail Road. Twill take much pleasure in showing this Farm to any one who wish es to purchase. A credit of six years will be given to the purchaser. HUGH B. BRYAN. December 22nd, 1849. Jiist received, TownsciicPs Sarsaparilla, sun, d's Tndut 'hoi zngne . Dr. JVistar' 3 Balsam of Wild Cherry. For sale by . Geo. Howard. Dry Goods, r: Suitable for the Country Trade. 5 (Q) (0) Yd'8 Negro Kersey K- H 50 Pieces'BIcached Shirtingsand sheet ings, '-- T:yr:z ; 200 " Brown do " -do ' 100 " Drills, IOO " low priced prints, 20 Bales Battle & Co., Cotton Yarn, 300 Doz. Spool Cotton, ibo'SiiuiT Boxes.. ALSO, Needles Hooks ind eyes Buttons of all kinds IvoryTuck and side combs Suspenders Percussion Caps Hardware and Crockery Patent Medi cines Camphor Indigo Blacking Li nen Thread Cotton Hdkfs &c. &c. &c. for sale by WM. H. WILLAHD. Washington, N. C. 5th March; 1S49.' - Notice. THE firm of II. King & Co. will be dissolved, by mutual consent, the first day of March next. ; AJ1 persons indebted to. said firm, are requested to call and settle at or before F-ebruaiy Court next. . The business" hereaftcr will be conduc ted by Jo. S Pender, who will give it his personal attention. Owing to sickness, our former work man became incapacitated for any busi ness, consequent!) there has been consid erable delay and disappointment to our customers; having procured another work man, I shall be able to execute all kinds of Watch, Clock md Jiicctry t . .. 4 r i I In amanncr to give entire satisfaction both. as to promptness anil style of execution. JO S PENDER. Tarboro'?Jan 30, 1S50. staves. THE Subscriber will pay Fifteen Dol-J lars per thousai.d for as many as sixty thousand white oak barrefstaves, length J',,,,cn"''li m wmtn,.io i men ihick,; RE TURNS his grateful acknowledg with the bark taken o(T and sap on, "nd , mcnls fQ tje puljlk. for lhe very ,ibera otberwLse merchantable, (hLvered in patrona c which has been extended to vaMi.ngion eiore me isi -ciay oi .May, 1850 and .will pay reduced prices for nar row st a vcs. a . MORGAN. . Washington, N. C, Oct. 24, IS 19. Land for Sale. vr. THE subscribe! beinir desirous to re- on whirh ln re? ides. 21 miles from Tar- "um U,L ,X,J " IUUU -,u i .i i i ti.i:p... .if mj,t'S ,rm "lC P,'lCC' COIIiainillg about 500 Acres, on which there arc two comfortable dwelling houses, out, houses, ; aj q anolycr trnct a,out two miles. from (he ab0ve, containing about 200 will be made nrcommodatine. TIEXRY APPLEWHITE. C7 Pincdum, Halifax Co. xMarch S, 1S50. ; Slate of North Carolina. NASH COUNTV. Superior Court of Equity, MARCH TERM, 1850. Sarah Shallington vs. Win. E. J. Shalling ton and others, Petition for Divorce and Alimony. IN this case, it appearing 16 'the Court jdefendant not appearing It is ordered by the Court, lhat notice of this suit be given in the Tarborougb Press and RalcgTi Re gister for the space of three months, re quiring the defendant.Shallington to ap pear at the next term of our Superior Court of Equity, to be held in and for the County of Nash, at the Court Hous( in Nashville, on the third Monday in Sep tember next, then md there to answer the charges and allegations set forth in the plaintiff's petition. Witness, B. H. Blount, Clerk and Mas ter of our said Court, at office in Nash vilie, the third Monday of March, 1850. . B. H. BLOUNT, C. M E. Price adv glO. Printing verily executed, v j AT,vfHlS OFFICE. ' ...THE iatc.firm otMcIlipaine 4; Brown ley having" been dissolved, (Mr. William Brownley retiring from business,) we have this day entered ihtb partnership, and will continue the ! - " GROCERY & COMMISSION BUSINESS In the same manner as heretofore, under ' the firm and style of iflclluainc, Brownley & Co. We hope by constant and faithful atten tion to the interests of our friends, to mer it a continuance of that patronage, so long and so liberally extended-to our predeces sors. . Our Stock of Groceries Will - be largo and commanding, embra cing a general assortment of Goods in our linc (intoxicating liquors excepted.) V Wei fhall give strict attention .to the , . SALE OF PRODUCE ON COMMISSION, And will beat all limes prepared to make liberal advances when desirable. A. G sMcIlwainc, Vm S. Brownley y Jlo.r D. Mcllwaine, fio. Jj. Martin, Joseph B. Dunn, Petersburg, .Ian. 1, 1850. SSritlse SnildiHg. JPEUS0NS desirous of having bridges built, either on the .plan of driving tlip posts or by mud sills, are informed that they can be accommodated, on mod erate terms, by apply :ng. to the subscri- ber, who ' has Under his direction negro . , .. .. b . ELI, who has had considerable experi ence in that business, and is fully prepared to undertake such jobs. COFFIELD KING. Tarboro', N. C Dec. 1, 1S4S. Raleigh Book Billdcry. J . -v3. j JOHN II. BE CARTERET, hi , sncctfull v announces that hot still continues the business of Book - Hind jinir.in all its forms, in the Citv of Ralriirh j where it is conducted, as heretofore, over . ' j n ; The North .? nrolina ttoak io'f where every material and instrument ne- ingall who may favor him with a call, cessai y for binding, re-binding, or repair- tnat none shall go away dissatisfied. Cut ing, will he kept constantly on hand, and tng done at the shortest notice, all work entrusted to him will be prompt-- N. B. Always on hand a few select lv and - fiilhfullv exno.ntpd. in n sn!i- i .j. .l.k: -f u: , - unonas reasonable terms- as it mii Up. . ' (Inneanv wherft. J He will aNo execute to order, all kindsof 23J1lPZ2t bound in plainer fine style, to suit pur- chasers, winch cannot be surnasscd bv the Northern work, viz: Ledgers, Journals, Day Hooks, Record Hooks, Invoice, Cash, ; Letter Hoolcs, &c. &c. All orders will be executed with neat t - - - ness an(' despatch; and the patronage of : ; Hlc Pl,bllc 'respectfully solicited. A liberal discount for cash. - Raleigh, August 15th, jJpHooks, &.C sent to, or left with, Geo. Howard, of' Tarboro', will be for warded with despatch! Rocky illount, Sciit.8tU. 1 818. . . . npiIE undersigned, successors tc Battle . 4 Brother, in the above property, have associated themselves together under the title of . . ' DATTIjE CO. They have been at great expense in en larging the operations of this establishment and in tlie purchase of new machinery, and feel warranted in saying, that they can now make as good an article of - Cotton Yarn as can be manufactured any, where in the U. Stales, and are determined to sell at as All they desire, in order to secure the trade of merchants and dealers in this part of the country, U, that they examine the quality, of thcir Yarns, and their liber al terms, before purchasing elsewhere. We do only a quarterly business; but will make the liberal discount of 2 per t. for Cash. B D. BATTLE, JAS M. BATTLE, WM. S. BATTLE, J. L. horne: Erceinan; KEEP cbnstAintiy6nhan:a 'StocIT . CofTee, Sugar, Molasses Flour, Pork, Sal., . Foreign and domestic Liquors and Wines; Nails. Paints, Glass, Lime, and a variety of other articles -suitable for plantat ion; use and tlie retail trade, which lhe will dispose of in lots to suit dealers xr con sumers on reasonable terms lor Cash, or in exrhange for Naval Stores or other: Produce. The senior pattner, D C. Freeman, ia located in the city of New York, for the transaction of Commission Business, and, if desired, Freeman & Houston will make advances in Washington on consign :T, inents made to him. . They have ample room for storage . and wharfage, and nnu Goods entrusted to their care will beprop-. erly attended to. - v ' : Washington, N. C. April, 1S50. s.R Ford, WILl!iIIGTOi, N.C. DEALER in Marble Monuments; Head and Foot Stones; Paint Stones; Im posing do.; and in short, any article called for of either. Italian, Egyptian, or Ameri can Marble; and work warranted to please ; or no sale; and if damaged before deli ve-,. i , ii is ui ins CAjieuat:. ("Orders left with Geo. Howard, Tarboro', will be attended to forthwith. March 15, 1849. ' IfP ESPECTFULLY informs the citi- zens of Edgecombe and .adjoining counties that he carries on the r at the old Stand next door to the Post. Office, where will be found a choice assort i ment of . - Kan(1 a11 articIes ,n h,s Ime of busie.s) J wnicn hc is prepared to maktvup, at the . shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Thankful for the favors already received, i he solicits a continuance ot the same,, assure- redur",uc l,uim8 UI ,,,s uw t-u....k t.. i .uu uu6..,ua,jr Pianos! Pianos!! . V, " -f3(SSS3- Tie undersigned respectfully calls tho ' r i i-i'-. ; highly' finished New Scale Rosewood ami Mahogany wilh an entire cait iron, frame, frand- somely carved and gilt this iron frame combines the entire instrument, prevents it from warping and getting out of tune. For fifteen years have they been trud in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, and some in constant use in Institutions, hJ fy Ple 1?mi,i-! a"a 'have given entire satisfaction; the climate or change of weather have little or no ef fect on the Instruments the torn- is pow erful, brilliant and sweet. -Principals of; Academics, professors and merchants will find it to their interest to purchase Uicso Pianos. All instruments are warranled, Orders and letters will be promptly anT swerednd attended to. Respectfully,, Address, A. KUHN & CO. - No. 75 Noirih Green St., Bait. Piano Manufactory, 75 BaTtimore st. . LIST OF PRICES. Pianos with metallic plate in Rosewood or mahogany cases, 6 octave, from ISO to S250 With iron frame, 225 to S00. CJ octave, 250 to 350. 61, ,275 to 350. 7 octave, 300 to 500. 7 octave. Grand Pia nos, very powerful and bi illiant, from 500 to SlOOO; Harps from 350 to 600 The above named Pianos are constantly manufactured with all the litest improve ments, and will be sold on the most accom modating terms. A ny person wishing to purchase a Pia no will please notify the subscriber, and a Piano will be sent here by A. K & Co. and if the instrument or price dow not please, they will ba at no charge or ex nense for transportation of said Piano. Geo. Howard. Tarboro .

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